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Flesherton Advance, 5 Jan 1949, p. 1

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'.â- \ â-  ♦ â-  « *^ * « « * Ik • »> A » • ft * r » t » * 4 • • t *^ *. i^hje #ksl)^rhm %0tiance« VOL. 68; NO. 32 FLESHERTON, ONT.. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 5. 1949 K. J. Thurston, Publisher Dr. Frank Martin Died At Dundalk Home Friday BELL SERVICE IN FLESHERTON GROWS FLESHERTON WON FROM DUNDALK 14-7 NEW YEAR CAME IN WITH BLIZZARD We Need Renewals To Keep Business Going OSPREY ELECTION TO BE HELD SATURDAY , Dr. Fi-ank Martin, widely known pbysieian of -Dunuatk, died at his home on Friday nomiDg in his 86tb years. H« had practised uia profes- sion in Dundalic for the past 52 year" «nd was widely known throughout the district. The late Dr. Martin was born in Garafraxa Township, near Fergus, and was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Peter Martin. He received his High School education in Fergus and attended Uoiveretty of Toi-onto and . , , ^ in 1864 graduated in Applied Science.' ^''^ <^«'~^"'* ^'"' telephones Telephone service in Flesherton; The opening of the Central On- increased By 4tt during- the pasti tario HocJtey League took place in year, according to M. Reed, Bell Tel- Dunduik Monday mghi, wnen the It. that same year he went west, where he served as inspector of gcv- eminent surveys. In 1885 when the Noi-th-West Rebellion broke out. Dr. Martin was attached to the North- West Mounted Police as scout. He graduated in medicine in the Univ- versity in l8^ and went to Dundalk in 1894. It is estimatd that during the years he has- served as a doctor he ha-s brought J,500 bebies into the world. The late Dr. Martin is survived by three daingbters: Miss Dot Cornett Jlartin of Preston High School teach- ing staff, Mr. John Dawson of Dun- dalk and Miss Betty Martin of the staff of Sunnybrook Hospital at Toronto. The funeral service was held on Sunday. Jan. 2nd, lt)49, with service in Dundalk United Church at 2:30 p.m., interment being made in the Dundalk Cemetery. <- - Future Events S15EG,8l^^S«WON- 1>.^NCE Dance in Haanmill's Hall*. Sing- humpton, on Friday rtight,'^J*|i. 7th, 194;». Dancing from 9 to 1. Ad- »q^ss!on 50c. ephone manager here. This com- pares with a net incrsase of 52 tel- ephones repoited here for 1947 and brings the total to 392- telephones operating locally, more than evei previously connected in this com- munity. During the year steady progress was made in clearing deferred ap- plications for telephone service, but was so eat that there a*e still 11 unfilled orders for service on file in the com- pany's local oflfice. "The pufclic demand for telephone service is continuing at a high level," Mr. Reed pointed out today. "More telephones were added during 1948 in Bell Telephone territory in Ontario and Quebec than ever be- fore. Our present level of construc- tion expenditures will have to be maintained, and perhaps even in- creased if of meeting promptly all reqwests for telephone service. "With limited earnin'gs^'aud a continuing need for tremendous amcunts of new plant and^ equip- ment, the cost of our^fipaiSsion pro- gram can be met only *Hh dollars supplied by investors who consider the telephone. lw»inees a ?ood risk for their savings" Earnings must lie sufficient to meet operating ex- penses â€" wasres. taxes, upkeep and wi»r and tear â€" as well as a i-eas- onable return to investors." Tiie worst blizzard we have had j The honor of being the first to ^ in years strucs this district Friday ! pay their subscriptions in 1949 falls I the New Y afternoon of last week and that on Mr. John Dand of ICingsville and ; roads, the O during the next few*s^'» we are to achieve our • c^iective F'esherton squad made an impress- ive showing when they defeated the Btavers 14-7 in a fast game for so early in the season. To make mat- ters worse from a Dundalk angle, was the great work done on defence by Russell Acheson for Flesherton, who was a discai-d of the Dundalk team nvo years ago, as he was con- sidered too slow for such a goc team. They would no doui>t like to have him back as the Dundalk de fence was not operating Monday night. They were also weak in goal. Bill Lawrence of Kiniberley, the last two years with Markdale, played on right wing with • Boyd and Gordon Chard, the latter also from Kim- berlay, and he has given added strength to the team.' both offens- ively and defenisvely, as he took a shift On the defence as well. The line of Bob Turney, Doug. Cairns and Roy Be.-t was great, this line scoring half the goals. A new line 4s being developetl of Jack Milne and Bruce Thurston from last year's Semi-Pro. team and Ken Chaid of 1 Kimberley, who brings e.xperience to the line, as he has been a member atterni>' evening highways were plugged so full of snow that traffic was at ;> standstill. Scores of cars were marooned in the country and many faiTH homes gave travellers a warm bed and meals in their difficulty. The busses from^ Toronto became lodged in the drifts a mile north of Dundalk comer and were not releas- ed until the plows came from Or- angeville Saturday afternoon. The of Mrs. T. A. Hughes ^. ._â„¢ ^ B.C., the former Ellen Thistlethwaite. , We were pleased hear from these • good friends again. -At this time of tlw year a great many suljscriptions become due and] We would be greatly pleaded to have our sut>scribers renew promptly, as i* takes plenty of cash to run a bus- iness and live the^e days. Our bills come due each month and they have Due to the heavy snow storm at Year, causing b]ockc.d sprey electToE tc have Vancouver.'; bit^u heid last Monday, has been postponed a.'id will take place this Saturday, January 8th, according to Cleik Chester N. Long of Osprey. The main roads were not (^ened until Tuesday and it would have be«n impossible fo. the voters to reach the polling places on Monday. plows arrived in Flesherton atboul I to be paid, so we need the cash to four o'clock, but the road south was by no means passable. The county road to Kimberley was opened by Sunday eveninj; ton road was Tuesday afternoon, when the county snow blower " completed the job. The village streets were also full of snow, drifts seven feet high tilled ontt-side of CoUintrwood street. The Turvey plow was working n. jv the 4th line on the Portlaw sideroad and in the swirling snow went otf the road and could not be released until Monday and arrived in town Tues- day morning, when the village roads were opened to motor traffic. fulfill that duty. If your subscrip- tion has expiered let us hear from you as soon as possible. The label' but the Sins;hamp- will give you the expiry date. not passable until [ Doner - Whiteoak I >.;^^m>.>^;.{.>^;m(.<>^.^>^<m.>;>.>.X>.X»;*<~><>-><-: One youngster tells us he got a zero the other day when he told his teacher the world revolved on its taxes. Bnt we're wondering if may- be the kid doesn't have the right idea at that? of the team for the past two years on the line with his brother, Gordon, i «/• . i-« in mm i and Geo. Boyd. The teaan is short ^"=*".<^P'»«'! f^«**" one defence player and it is hope. Eugenia Orange Lodge to remedy this defect, so as to leave 1 ' â€" Lawrence, who played defence with I The loliowiiig officers were elected -A charmingly arranged house wedding- took place on Monday af- ternoon. Dec. 7th. 1'948. at the homej oi" the bride's parents, when Helen Mae, younger 'laughter o'' Mrs. Har- ! ! old --V. Co.x of Colling%vo'-'ii and the \ • late Robt. J. Whiteoak of Fever- j bham l>ecame the bride of Roy Car- I mun Dcnar. elder son of Mr. and Mi.-. Martin Doner of CoUingivood. Rev. J. R. Greig of First Presbyter- iui; Church hoard the marriage vows V a candle-light setting of tall stan- dards of pink and white 'mums, â-  I flanked by ferns and arranged before | Political Situatioif ' Interesting To Observers .As the new year opens the poiiti- cal topics w'nich hold the interest of observers are more numei-ous and varied than, perhaps, at any other time in the history xj£ Canjtda. Th« effectiveness of the United Nations e.gaaization. the possibilities of th» -Atlantic pact and the aggressive de- signs of Communist Russia, are the high spots in the discussions on our (..xternal relations, but Canadian af- fairs still dominate in most circles. With the opening date of Parlia- ment set for January 2tjth, even the most hardened and cj-nica! are look- ing forward to it with lively antici- pation One prominent press maa claims it is because of "a belief that they are about to witness the open- ing tableau in a brand new political pageant." There are a nuiiwjer cvf reasons for this feeling, including the idta that The Home of Tasty Baking Specials This Week^ BANANA CAKE SUGAR DO-NUTS BOiSTON CREAM PIES ( By order onlv) PIES I Raspberry (fresh frozen) ^ Cherry (fresh frozen) Apple Raisin Date CREAM PUFFS I I I COOKIES Special This Week 2 doz. 35c CREAM BUNS JELLY ROLLS Flesherton Bakery •J t t t I I I I I i I I ••:«<»<K«<^<~><^"><~><'^*<''>^*<*"J**»~>^'»~5'*>*^«'*2*"**5^""»**»*<*^''5'*^^*~^^ Our Chapel is at the disposal of our clientele without txtta chargt. It contains well-appointed family reception rooms, including organ and organist. Bates and Maddocks fUMRAL CHAPEL 124Av(Miuu Rd Kl 4344 Markdale, on the- forward line wher. iie formerly played. Tiv«n Russel! Andrews had his eagle eye woik; to perfection and made many mir- aculous stops. Dundalk has lost several of their players of last year and ar« in the midst of rebuilding their, team. bringing in four players from Bad- jeros: M. and K. Hannon, R. Gibson and C. Moore. Pat Dales is a new man, foi-merly with Grand Valley, The new players should come along arid we will hear from Dundalk yet. Geo. Bradley. 17, went in the nets in the last period and while live went past him he was plenty busy on other shots and will improve with e.xiperience. The Flesherton players went right after Dundalk from the start and backed Dundalk into their own end for minutes at a time and had com- mand of the play most of the time. although with the score against them 9-3 going into the last period, they came back strong at the star; and scored three goals in the tirst four minutes of play, but they had shot their bolt and when Flesherton j began to click again it was only a j matter of how high the score would I go. The final result was a big dis- i appointment to the Dundalk fans , and a real surprise for the locals. j us the home club had consideiably I more practice this season than ha<l I Flesherton. Flesherton â€" lloal, A;jdre\vs; de- I fence: R. .-Vchn-Dn and H. Bet. 1 centre: Boyd: wiigs: G. ihard .I'l-i . W. Lawrenc . "Ilernat-'s Cairns, i Turney not; K. 'i.'st: I'hur-'.on, K. Chard f.rd Alilno. D'unnalkâ€" Goal. Ha:di;; defence Phillip-. .Moore: csn;r.'. Spriii^ti-ay; wings, Campbetl, Stad'orl: ti'ler- ;â-  tf.-;: D:iles. B.\n'!<.'y, Haw, G:l/sr-n. Scilley Hannon. f^oh'--;!, G. Ilrrjdlsy. First Period 1 Flesherton R. Be^t 'Tuiiioy) !.t)3 :• Fl.'shi -ton H. i?..\n iC.xi.ivu :,.06 t Dundalk Bradloy i>Imw1 .... tj.lO 4 Fieshorton .\^•he^â- ;)•l (Thufj'.on. Milne) 8.32 .1 Flesherton Boyd (.\cheson) I" :!0 Penalties: Boy*!. Jloore. Second Period f- Flo.-herton Cairns 2.15 7 Flesherton Cairns (.\cheson) 'iX^ > r.ind:i!k Gibsin by the members of Eugenia L.O.L. j Ills at a recent meeting: W.M. â€" Victor ..Canipbeil. ' D.M. â€" Douglas Cairns. Chaplain â€" Duncan Williams, Rec. Sec. â€" Fred Duckett. Treasurer â€" Earl Gordon. Marshall â€" Elward Campbell. 1st Lect. â€" Wilfred .Magee. 2nd Lect. â€" Ted Campbell. Tyler â€" Henry Tudor. Committee â€" John Campbell. Breadner. Heni-y Tudor. Geo. coner. Sick Com. â€" Duncan Williams. Stanley Campbell, Henry Tudor. a fireplace. Mrs. Wm. Ribble played the wedd- j it might be the last session before a ing music and Miss Peggy Wootton ' ^.-neral election. But the principal of Orillia, during the signing of the | reason i^ new faces "new and dyn- legister. sang "Thi-cugh The Years."! amic personalities in new places." Given in marriage by her step- i First interest is centred in the ne^ Ed. Fal- HOCKEY JOTTINGS Flesherton goes to Erin this Sat- urday ni.ght for their second game and test of strength. Due to the 'oiocked roads Saturday afternoon the Grand Valley game scheduled here for that afternoon, was post- poned and was supposed to have been played this Wedne.-day night. but the niild weather has cauesd a postponement. jAccording to the Jatest advices Mai'kdale will have a te»m in the Central C)ntario League, and will play out their jcheviule. Reports to the contrary came out of Mark- ilale, but we are glad to know they vill keep going, even if their team will not take the chitmpicnship. Bring in the . younger players and build up another team, is .good ad- vice at an.v time. The "Semi-Pro. League opens \\\ Flesherton this Thur.'iday night wit_h a double-header, as will all the ga-mes on Flesherton ice, as Proton Bears and Fevei-sham. are using the ice, along with the local entry. Pro- ton and Feversham hitch in the first gtinie. with Markdale and Flesherton in the >eccnd. Friday night Flesh- erton play< Miiybnrne at Dundalk and Puiui.ilk at Markdale. father, Mr. Harold A. Co.\, the biiJi. wore a becoming street-length dress , i" powder blue moire, with which :iie wore a halo of blue ostrich fi-<:thers, and carried dream roses and white 'mums. Mrs. John Brack of Hanover was her sister'* matron of honor and was. in viccrian wine bengaline. Her small h'»t was n matching velvet and feathers and she carried bronz 'mums, Mr. .John Brack stov>d with the bridegroom as best man, .A.t the reception which followed the ceremony. Mrs. Cox and Mrs. Doner assisted the bridal party in receiving the guests. Mrs. Cox was wearing a black gown with bead trim and a corsage of premier roses, while Mrs. Doner chose loganberry wine with corsage of T;Uis4iian roses. For theii' wedding trip to Sarnia. London and Toronto, the bride donn- ed a black coat with a corsage of pinochio roses. Guests were present from Toronto, Orillia. Barric and Stayner. CARDS OF THANKS Norm Scarrow had his n\idgets out for a work-out Monday evenin.g :â- â€¢â- â- ' *^h-.'r;' :â- : good f>lent for future teams. Norm did'*:* good job with the kids last winter an<l is to be conimendeii en the time and enersv (M- Hannon* ."l.Jt>! he puts forth to bring ihein aloiiif. t> Flesherton Turney (R. Best S.57 j 10 Flesherton Lawrence lO.OOi 11 Dundalk Haw (Bradley) ....13.47 1 2 Fioshei ton Turney (Cairns) 15,24 Penalties; Thurston, Third Period | i:; Dundalk Canhpbell (Stafford, MtK>i-e) 54 able to ice ,t pretty fair team 11 Dundalk Staffoid (Campibell. Sprinsiay) .... 2.46 '.â- ^ Dund'.^k Stafford (Pinring'y) 3.55 IS Flesherton Boyd husband w.hs working in th (G. Chartl. Lawrence) 6.35 | vavd. ham'neving nails into 17 Flesherton Lawrence (Boyd) (>.54 boards. Presently a rcighiw.' in We, the family of the late Mary .Vr.n Tyson, wish to thank all our uiends and neighi)or,5 for their ki'id deeds and actions during our ber- iuv^'nu-nt. We especially lention those who helped dig the grave, assiijted in thi- home and those wh'> took lars to tlje i emetery, also tv P.eiAe Hale. Who so kindly saw to it thst the road was opened. Th:m'; y-'i, ic all helped ;« any w.ny t.) make it ea>ier for us. â€" The Fa'n'l,- \Ve - wish to thank the m-iny friends and neighbors who were so kir.d iiunng our stay in Markd.ile Hospital and for treats, tknver . cards, visits and eHquiries. â€"Mr. and Mrs. Jake H-It , 1 wish to express my appro 'i:!- tion to St. John's United Church for so kindly remembering me with treats at Christmas. Prime .Ministr. Right Hon. Louis St. Laurent. Chosen as leader of the Liberal parly at its national conven- tion in -August, after seven years as .1 Minister of the government, all (aiiada will watch his leadership). It is^ not only the government side that has taken on a "new look." The otficial opposition has in Mr. George Drew a new and dynaflnie. leader who will stir renewed interest in the battle of the House of Com- mons. Mr. L)rew goes to the House after a successful term as premier of Ontario for several years. St- John's United Church Rev. .\. G. Macpherson Minister Services of Worship on Sun<iay, Jan. 9, as follows: ll a.m. Eugenia :! p.m. Inistioge, 7:30 p.m. at Fiesh- e-rton. Please note the change of hour. Sunday School at Eut:«'i'«-i will be l'^ noon and at Fleshcitin 11 a.m. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be o bserved. Every- one is urged to attend. St. John's choir practice on Wed- nesday. Jan. 5th, at ?:15 p.m. The lesday. Jan. 5th, :it 8:15 ; The â- ^ ouag People '.s Union are holding their Tuesday meetings at 7:30 p.m. sharp iw order to accommodate the skaters. It's a fresh egg that gets slaspped in the pan. .A hen is the only creature on earth that can sit still and prodwe divi- dends. â€"Mrs. Sam McM.:l!.n , i wish to thank all my friends who h;iv;" contributed to my recovery by , gifts, cards and their kind wishes I an.d thoughts. Wishing you all a : Happy New Year. j â€" Mary Macmillan IS Fie.ohcrton Cairns 11.14 1!) PlesheKon Cairns (Turney) ll,40 ni Flesherton R. Best (Boyd) 1'' ' 21 DundaVk Springgay (Campbell) 17 2! Penaltiels: Milno, Phillies. Moore "sherton's first h'Tiio game wi!! be%layed next Monday night, when Markdale will be on hand to o|ven the proce«>«lii)gs. It is reiported that they will Ivave four players from C!hatswiMth to bol-tar thei'.' team, so Dr, C.arefoot and company should bo I â€" \ 1 Vvish to e.vpress my thanks and i . â€" [ appreciation for the lovely box which Mr. Jone.<s was spending a day in [ St. John's Church kindly sent me bed with a severe cough, and her \ at Christmas. b.-<cV â€" Mrs, R. H, Henderson. some (••\me G'.'^i'ge (nervously): "I'd like the best in the world, Kitty, to marry over to the yard, "How's your wife?" ho asked. "Not very well." said .^one.i. "ts that her oonghin'?" "No," replied J.ncs, "'lit's a chick- en house," you: pose. but 1 don't knorw how to pro- Kitty (promptly and practical'-,): 'That all right, George. You've fin- i i»hed with me; now go to father." Home is a place where man is free to say 3n\'thing he pleases, because n.' ci^e will pay the slightest atten- tion to him. C. O. H. L. HOCKEY =n the FLKSHEK'roN AREN.\ Mon V )an. 10 MARKDALE FLESHERTON These two teams always put up a 'eal battle, so don't fail to be- out, and also see the improve- ment's to the arena. Admission: (eserved 35c and 20i; .seats extra -V'- .N^ ;:.(5.-:.i \

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