5. ''4 Wednesday, December 29, 1948 / THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE rr^ The making of ice is now in pro- ! , gress und it is hoped that Purilngt' will commence shoi-Uy. ADDITIONAL LOCALS A French girl is sevii feet. l;.ll .md still grwvimg'. If she'a dcpreaned now, she may be in for a circus la- ter on. Small Ads For sale â€" Hockey sl(ute outfit size 11; ski-is 7-foot aid -ki polls. , Can be seen at The AiK'.iu.^e oiViee RANTED â€" Anuuai* raftabie foj mink and fox <e«d.â€" Bert Uclntoftt Eugeni*. phone Ferer«h»-i 6r26 FOR SALE â€" Pair of lady's white skatin^utfite esize 7. Phone Fle- .sherton 57w. 3fjo] FOR SALE â€" 36 Yorkshire pigs, G weeks old.â€" Ted Wade, R.R. No. 1 Ceylon, pjhone 40wl2 Flesherton. NOTICE â€" Jiist wrecking a â€" ^-i^n.-fc â- .Durant. â€" Fied ~ ^ „ _ 1929 - Fled Boyce, Eugenia, U9J1. 30c2 FOR SALE â€" Rayo hanging lamp, coal oil. Can be seen at the Co- operative store. , 29p2 FOR SALE â€" S'ev.art-Warner bat- tery radio, real. uJ^A working order. â€" Ranald P.irions, Fufrenia, phone Feversham 3erl5. JiOpZ FOR SALE â€" Man's overcoat, size 38, navy blue, in good condition. Can be seen at .Advance olfice. Messrs. David Thain and Bob Hep- burn of London, formeily of Dun- dee, Scotland, are visiting Mr. and Mi's. Eniur.son Thomson. Christmas Day friends at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Betts were: Mr. and Mrs. L. Wlvitehuad of Cey- lon, Mr. and Mrs. .N'orval Betts of Eugenia and Mr. and Mrs. Isiuic .Siiell and Audrey. â- The following teachers are holi- dayiiiK at their hoaies: Alice Heard of Wingham, Kate MacMillan, Lauia l!<'yd and Eve'j-n MacTavish of To- ronto, .Anne .\kins of Rouge Hill, Margaret Turney of Port Colbome and Marion Stautfei of Wellandport. Christmas visitors at the home of Mr. Geo. Banks were: Mr. and Mis. Thos. Banks of Dorval, .Que., Mr. and Mrs. Joe Banks of Toronto, Bab of Fort Brie, Ted of Ayr and Don of Pickerins', also .Miss Mary Haxton of Toronto. Mrs. Ernie McKillop has had real sucess in growing roses in her home and this Christmas has enjoyed a lovely red tea rose to brighten he; front window. The rose plant wa? started from a clipping- which she had presented to her. I The Impotance Of Organic Matter In The Soil FOR SALE â€" IVi h.p. International gas engine and Beatty pump jack. â€" Wilbert Fisher, Maxwell, phone 121w2 Flesherton. 29p2 FOR SALE â€" Sugar kettle, cu'.iei l-obe, 5 bu. of potatoes. â€" Mm. (Jil- bert, Pricevillo, piione Fles-herton No. WJ;;. 3(»c2 In Memoriam BURNETTâ€" In loving memory of a dear mother, who passed awav on Dec. 22na., io.4«, -«rT«j~Tr dear rdtlier, who pas.sed away Dee. 17th, 1944. Peacefully sleeping resting at last. Their weary trials and troubles arc past. In .silence they suffered. In patience they bore, Till God called them home to suffer no more. â€" Lovingly i-emembered by daugh- ter, Mary, and gTanddaug-hters, Agnes and Ethel. There are many factors which in- fluence soil productivity, such a.s fertilization, drainage, cultural prac- tices, climate and organic matter, says K. VV. Ouellette, Dominion Ex- perimentiil Fawn, Lennoxville, Que. Tile principle effects of organic matter on soils are; 1. it is a very important source of nitrogen for crops; nitrogen and or- ganic aie closely related, and a min- eral soil high in organic matter is usually a productive soil. 2. It improves the physical condi- ' tions iif the soil. The poiosity ol soils low in organic matter is very poor and much of the rain that nor- mally shoud be retained by the soil runs off, doing untold damage by ero.sion which carries away plant nu- trients. On light soils, it binds thij, soil particles together giving m«"' cohesion and\ better consistency. .S. Soils -of low organic matter con- tent lack the property af high wtter holding capacity, that is so impor- tant to plants during dry summei periods. <•• 4. It is the principal source of nu- tnents and energy for soil miero- f i-ganisTOS. There are many ways to maintain cr increase the quantity of organiV iiif.tter in the aoiu, a«»oii« twom jri-eefi manuring, farm manure and use of crop wastes. Crops considered as green manure are buckwheat, oats, peas and vetch mixtures, -millet, etc., which have ob- tained sufficient growth for plough- inqr down, aftermath the has not been harvested and pastures that have not been close grazed. Local aod rersonal FOR SALE â€" Yorkshire boar, 10 months old, good bacon type. Ap- ply to Russell Broeklebank, Lot 28, Con. 14, Eugenia P.O. 3lc2 FOR SALE â€" Quantity of wood, ebn and maple mixed, 4-foot lengths, cut any length desired. â€" Wallace Hamilton, phone 71) Flesherton. SKATES â€" Several pairs of good ^•kat'ng and boot outfits, sizes 4, 'li, 7. 8 and a new pair eof size 11. See them at The .Advance office. A convict learned to play seven musical instruments -while serving a sentence. We wonder if he was sent to prison to keep him out of a i-acket? ate al' Swope: "That chicken I just was hatched in an incubator right." "How could you tell, sir?" Swnpe: "No chicken that ever knew a mother's love could grow up to be as tough as that." FARM FOU S.ALE -- 170 acres in i Artemesia, lots 1.31-1.'J.3, 2nd range W.T.&S.R. About 100 acres lear- ed; 30 acres good bush, 20 acres swamp; balance ^pasture. Running trout stream. 9- room brick house small barn. Apply to W. L. Doug- las. Babcaygeon. .70r2 jfc'OR SALE â€" 2 pair buy's tube d»tc*, sizea « and 4, in rood con- dition; 1 pair ladies' skates, size 5: boy's dress overcoat, size 10 years, like new, plaid lining, dark grey mixture. â€" Mrs. J. W. Cook, phono 02w Flesherton. 29c2 FARM FOR SALE â€" 100 acre farm Ix>ts 166-167, 1 S.W., Artemesia, 2 miles south of Flesherton on No. 10 Highway.â€" L. R. Thistlethwaite 38 Roosevelt Rd., Toronto. 5t.f. Tenders Wanted Tenders for caietaker for the Flesherton Skating Rink will be re- ceive<i by the secretary, F. M. Dun- can, up until 8 o'clock p.m., Friday, Dec. 31. -it, 1048. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. » Tenders Wanted Tenders will be received by the imdersigned secietary of S. S. No. 17, (Rock Mills), up to Wedne.s<lay, .Jan. 12th. 1949, for supplying 15 coids (if Itl inch hardwood, maple or bety'h. Lowest or nny tender not necessarily accepted. â€" W!ES SMITH, R. R. 1, Fleshertir HARRIS & DUNLOP BARUTSTKRS. SOLK ITOKS. Etc ••hone 3S M.MJKDALE Mr Dunlop will be in- C. J. Bellamy's office every Sat- - . ur'toy fi>oi^ 6 to 8:30 p.m DR. T. D. PARK IMIVSKIAN & SURGEON OT«dukt« of Toronto Univemity Office: Kennedv Block Pho.ie 77 Flesherton CHARLES J. BELLAMY MUNICll»AL CLERK iMuer of Marriage Licensea CONVEYANCER Wilis Mortgages, etc. Deeds Agreement* A commissianer for takinfc affidavits -Office, Toronto Street, Fleaherton NOTICE â€" FARMERS 24 Hour Service WK PAY AS HIGH AS $10.00 FOR DEAD OR CRIPPLED HORSES and COWS According to size and condition â€" Small animals removed free. We do the loading. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR OLD HORSES â- Phone Dundalk 146 â€" Reverse Charges NICK PECONI, OWNER ~»'? •.••-••.♦♦>*i*»i*v*r**i»*i*v»i'»*r»«r'**i**i**i**i**.*%*v Greetings We desire to exi)ress our appreciation to you. our Cu.stomers and Friends, with whom we have had the pleasure of doing business. We are glad if we have been able to help or be of service to you. In the Spirit of the Season with its Good-will and Good-fellowship, we extend to you the compliments of the season. May yotir New Year be rich in true happiness, as well a.^ abundant. W. E. BETTS Farm Machinery FLESHERTON ? X ♦ t Y •? Y. Mr. and Mrs. Alex, .-^berdein and funiiy spent Christmas at Durham. Miss Janet Betts is visitin.^ < week in Toronto. Miss Jean Duncan of Toronto is visiting at her home this week. Mr. and Mrs. John McKee spent a couple "Of days last week at Hamilton. Mis.< Ruth Rusivll of Toronto holi- dajed at her parental home in town. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Thistlethwaite of Toronto holidayed with Mr. and Mrs, Russell Park. Mrs. R. Bentham is visiting for a few weeks with members of her fam- ily in Tox;onto and Hamilton. M'r. and Mrs. Wm. Kaitting are visiting this week with their son, Mr. Gayord Kaitting, at Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Turney .'»nd Lynn oi' Tojonto holidayed with his parents, OAr. and Mrs. W, Turney. Mrs. W. Scracfc of Todmorden wm; home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Cairns, on the week end. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Johnston are holida>Tng this week at the former's parental home at Midland. I Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Taylor and Mrs. Bideout of Toionto spent the week end at the home of K. Andrews. Mr.e Emevaott Thomson ia holiday- inge -wUh his family, after spending 1 the .summer at Amos, Que. .\lr. and Mrs. Lome Fawcett and daughter of Aldershot are spending thi- week with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pedlar. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Crossley and John of Toronto spent Christmas with Mrs. W. Boyd. John remained to visit a week with his grandmother. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Kennedy and I family of Brantford spent Christmas I with Mrs. Kennedy's parents, Mr. I and Mrs. W. 1. Henry. Mr. and Mr. Ben Bellamy and littl* daughter of Owen Sound spent the Christmas holiday with his parents, .Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Bellamy. Mr. and Mrs. Merv Johnston of Pickering and Mrs. J. McCowell of Toronto spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johnson. Mr. Mark Wilson spent Christmas in Detroit with his daughter, Mrs. | Thibaudeau and was accompanied '. Mr. Jim Wilson_ of Owen Sound and Evison Wilson of Kitchener. Mr. J. H. Thurston and Miss Venia Young of Toronto and Mr. Earle Tliurhton of Canupbollford spent the Christmas holiday with Mi-, and Mrs. F. J. Thurston. Miss Mai-jorie Thistlewaite of To-^ ronto is holidaying this week with her parents, Mr. and Mr.=. John Thistlewaite. Cecil Thistlewaite was home from Shelhurne for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barnes of To- ronto spent Christmas with the lat- ter"s parents,, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Williams. Mrs. Barnes remained to visit for a week. Mrs. T.' J. Fisher suffered a sliight stroke at her home on Sunday and we are pleased to know that she is holding her own. She will be foi-ced to remain in bed for some "time. Christmas visitors with Mr. and Jtrs. John McKee: Mr. and Mrs. Ker. McKee, Ruth and June, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Phillips of Port Dover, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jack- son and Betty of PortUnv, also Mr. and Mrs. Doug Reid and family and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sparks. .. .Among the holiday vii^itors in toww ! were: Peter Dow of Weston, Ho-.va;- ' | Teeter of Hanover, Harry Fellow of Hanover, Stan Teeter of Kimberley, Athol McKillop of Toronto, Dave .Mierdein of Burlington, Cecil Chard 01 Hamilton. Elect Dobson TOWNSHIP OF OSPREY iTo the Electors of Osprey Ladies and Gentlemen: I have been requested to allow my name to come be- fore the electors for the pos- ition of Councillor, and I sol- icit your full support at the polls on Monday. I will g-ive my time and ability to your interests in To\vn.ship affairs. Wishing you all a happy and prosperous New Year. Yours truly, â€"GEO. DOBSON Elect Morrison TOWNSHIP OF OSPREY iTo the Electors of Osprey Ladies and Gentlemen : I have been nominated for the office of Councillor for ths Town.ship of Osprey at the ele<;tion on Monday and I solicite your support and influence. I will g-ive my best in the interests of the To\vn- ship at all times... May you all have a hai)]>y and prosper- ous New Year. â€"GEO. MORRISON •»*. Treasurer's Sale of Lands in Arrears for Taxes Municipality of the TownJA* »' Artemesia BY VIRTUE OF A \VARBANT issued by the Reeve under the seal • Corpo"***"" o* *'^^ Township r Artemesia, to me directed, having the d»t« -of the 13th day of August, 1948, commanding me to levy upon and sell the land mentioned in the following list for arrears of taxes with costs due thereon, I hereby give notice that unless such arrears of taxes and costs are sooner paid I shall proceed to sell by public auction the said lands, or as much thereof as may be necessary for the payment of the said taxes and costs, at the Council Chamber in the Village of Flesherton on Monday the 4th day of Mai-ch, 1949, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Any lands not sold on the above date will be sold at the adjourned tax sale at the same place and hour on Monday, the 28-tfe day of March, 1949. '' AND NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GEVEN that it is the intention of the Municipality of the Township of Artemesia to purchase such lands which fail to bring the full amount of arrears and costs. â€"AUBREY FOSTER, , Treasurer, Municipality of Artemesia Assessed Owner Alex. McFadyen Estate Watson Bi-os. Thos. and .\lvin Rae Mrs. Minnie Whittaker Lot Concession .-\rrears Costs Total Pt. Lot 151, ,'5 S.W.TjS.R. 8 23.07 $6j58 $ 29.6& Pt. Lot 1, N.D.R. I Acre 14.46 6.35 20.81 Lot 29, Con. 14 208.3« 11.20 219.58 Lot 29, .James Priceville 38.24 7.00 C.O.H.L. HOCKEY FLESHERTON ARENA Saturd ' y, Jan. 1 GRAND VALLEY vs FLESHERTON Game to commence at 3 p.ni. This is the first g^ame of the season in our rink since the ice surface has been lengthened and the fine addition added to th^ building. LET'S ALL BE PRESENT AT THIS GAME General Admission: 35c and 15c XI ROUND TRIP TAX INCLUDED New York $23.75 Chicago i $23.85 St. Louis $30.65 Detroit $15.85 (Subiect to Change) Boden's Service Station z i i . t I 9. k •? I t r Y Y Y Y i X I* k Happy New Year •This i.s tlic liiiu' when wo forget ourselves and think of others. It hrinji;-s us to the realization ». that it is the friendships of life that make life worth-while, therefore, to feel that there is a spirit of friendship underlying- our hu.sine.ss rekitions with our customers. \\c manifest our appreciation of our friends by a word of good cheer â€" a cordial greeting -^ and wish to extend to you our sincere good wishes as an expression of our genuine appre- iation of _\our gqod will. F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. Phone 7 Markdale i I I I i <.<-^<"^<><^x♦♦♦<>♦♦*<^x•♦<•<-^♦♦<"^♦<"^<~^<•<"^^ ^-