Wednesday, December 22, 1048 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ^i > > > > Small Ads FOR SA1£ â€" Hockey sUte outfit size il; ski-is 7-foot a-id -ki polls. Can be seen at The Advance oflfioe MANTES) â€" AsHMia nt\ab\% foi mink and fox iaed. â€" Bert Mclntoafe Eu««m», ^oa« Fwrvrriw-n itSS WANTED â€" Ladies; Skates, 6>i 7, white preferred. â€" Mrs. J. Mc- Donald, phone Feversham 5r41. FOR SALE â€" Purebred Hereford bull, 17 mos. old. â€" Percy Semple, Eugenia, phone Feversham 20r43 FOR SALE â€" Pair of lady's white skating otitfit, size 5. P^one Fle- sherton 57w. 30el FOR iSALEâ€" Bronze turkey gobbler, â€" Jim Adams, Flesherton phone 102^4. 28c2 FOR SALE â€" 36 Yorkshire pigs, 6 weeks old.â€" Ted Wade, R.R. No. 1 Ceylon, pjhone 40wl2 Flesherton. FOR SALEâ€" Horse-hide robe, large size; can be seen at Oscar Phillips' shop, Flesherton. 28pfi NOTICE â€" Just -wrecking a 1929 Durpnt. â€" Fred Boyce, Eugenia, iphone Flesherton llOJl, 30c2 FURS WANTED â€" Highest prices apjd for good ra"W furs. â€" Lawson White, Flesherton. 25c2 FOR SALE â€" Rayo hanging lamp, coal oil. Can be seen at the Co- operative store. 29p2 FOR SALE â€" Stewart- Warner bat- teiy radio, real p^.,i workin;? crdei-. â€" Ranald P.u--o«';, Kugenia, phone Feversham 30rl5. 30p2 FOR SALE â€" Man's overcoat, size ;{8, navy blue, in good condition. Can be seen at Advance office. WANTED â€" 2 pairs of girls' .skates sizes 1 and 3. â€" Mrs. Frank Eagles, phone 41J3 48c2 FOR SALE â€" Skate and boot out- fit.? 5 and 7 sizes, good condition. Can be seen at The Advance office. FOR SALE â€" Brand new 2-furrow 12-inch Ford tractor plow. Owner mu.*t sell. Apply at The Advance ort'ice for infonnation. 28c2 FOR S.A.LE â€" \V2 h.p. International gas engine and Beatty pump jack. â€" Wilbert Fisher, Maxwell, phone 121w2 Flesherton. 29p2 FOR SALE â€" Sugar kettle, cuttei robe, 5 bu. of potatoes.^Mrs. Gil- bert, Priceville, nhone Flesherton No. MJ3. :;0c-2 FOR .SALE â€" Extension dining roo-n table; 2 doors, inside and outside; softwater force pump. â€" Mis. W. Boyd, phone 43J Flesherton. ' 28p2 FOR S.ALE â€" 12 tords .stove wood, maple and beech, $4.50 per cord at bush. â€" Gordon McMullen, R.R. 1, Ceylon, phone 44J3 Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Quantity of wood, elm and maple mixed, 4-foot lengths, cut any lenirth desired. â€" Wallace Hamilton, phone 79 Flesherton. FARM FOR SALE â€" 170 acres in Ai-temesia, lots 131-133, 2nd range W.T.&S.p. About UK) acres lear ed; 30 acres good bush, 20 acres swamp; balance pasture. Running trout stream. 9-room brick house .smaU barn. Apply to W. L. Doug la.s, Babcaygeon. .".Oci Local and Personal Miss Annie Howard was a recent visitor with her brother, Mr. W. J. Howard, at Markdale. Mr. Harold Fisher of Toronto was a week end visitor with his mother, Mrs. l&A. Fisher. Mrs. K, Taylor of Alton is visit- in(r this week with her daujrhter, Mrs. Russell Andrews. Miss Genevieve Milne of Toronto University is spending her Christ- ma.e vacation at her home. FOR SALE â€" 2 pair boy's tube â- lutes, sizes 9 and 4, in eood eon- ditioii; 1 pair ladies' skates, size 5: boy's dress overcoat, size 10 years, like new, plaid lining, dark Krey mixture. â€" Mrs. .1, W. Cook, nhone 62w Flesherton. 29c2 FARM FOR SALE â€" lOO acre farm Lots 166-167, 1 S.W.. Artemesia, 2 miles south of Flesherton on No. 10 Highway.â€" L. R. Thistlethwaite 38 Roosevelt Rd., Toronto.- 5t.f. CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S SPECIAL LOW RAIL FARES Between all points in ^Canada and to all United States border points. FARE AND ONE-HALF For the Round Trip Go: any time from Tuesday, Dec. 21 to 12 Hoon Saturday, Jan. 1 RETURN: leave destination not later than midnight Monday, Jan. 3rd. MINIMUM SPECIAL FARE Adults or iChUdren .... 30c Full particulars from any agent Buy tickets early â€" .^void congestion NEW YEAR'S SPECIAL LOW RAIL FARES Between all points in Canada and to all United Stales border points FARE AND ONE-HALF for the round trip Good going daily until 12 noon Saturday, Jan. 1st Return: leave destination not later than midnight, Monday, Jan. 3, ]9<)9 MINIMUM SPECIAL FARE Adults or Children ..... 30c Full particulars from any agent Buy tickets earlv â€" avoid congestion CANADIAN PACIFIC HARRIS & DUNLOP BARRTSTRRS. SOLICITORS, El« Phone .18 MARKHALE Mr- Dunlop will be in C. J. Bellamy's office every Sat- urday from to 8:80 p.m DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICIAN & SURGEON GTaduate of Toronto UniTenity Office: Kennedv Block Phone 77 Fleshertoi CHARLES J. BELLAMY MUNICIPAL CLERK iMuer of MarriaKC Lie«nes CONVEYANCER Wills Mortgages, etc. Deeds Agffeemsnts A commissioner for taking affid«Tit8 Office, Toronto Street, Flesherton TekpliMM 1^ One of the country's liest alarm clocks, is ham and eggs cookiner on the kitchen stove. NOMINATION AND ELECTION TOWNSHIP OF O.SPREY Notice is hereby given that a meet- ing of the electors of the Township of Osprey will be held in MAXWELL ORANGE HALL MONDAY, DECEMBER 27TH, 1948 at the hour of 1 to 2 o'eloek p.m. for the nomination of candidates for the office of Reeve and four Councillor.s If more than the required number of candidates are nominated and do not withdraw, accor^ms: to Statute polls will bo opened throughout the Township on MONDAY, JANUARY 3RD, lpl9 at i) o'clock am. and remain open until 5 o'clock i.m. for the election of .such officers, at the following polling places: Poll No. 1 â€" S. Lepard's House at Lots 11-12, Con. ]. N.D.R. Poll No. 2 â€" Orange Hall, MaxweH Pol) iNo. ;? â€" Orange Hall, Fever- .•ibaTii Poll No. 4 â€" Orange Hall, Sing- hannptoii Poll No. â€" D. A. McLean's House Alclntyre Poll No. (! â€" Orange aHll, Rob Roy Poll No. 7 â€" Comnuinity Hall, Bad- iero.s Poll No. 8 ^- Orange Hall, Hathpr ton Poll No. â€" School House, S. S No. fi, Con. in -C. N. LONG, Clerk Town-hin of Osprc^ Dated this 20th day of Dec, 10-F.. Playing Schedule of Central Ontario Hockey League A meeting of the executive of th( Central Ontario Hockey League was held in Shelburne when two m're teams were received into the League â€" Stayner and Camp Bordeu RCAF These two team.-; along wi-h Allistcn \/ill farm a g;;'Oup and will meat the winners of the local grou^j /ii the play i.ffs. The schedule of games was drawn up, with Fle.heiton en- tertain'ng Grand Valley to open the sea;30r on New Year' Day. The fol- lowing is the schedule as drawn up for the local group: Jan. 1â€" Grand Valley at Flesherton Jan. 3 â€" ^Flesherton at Dundalk. Jan. -3 â€" Markdale at Grand Valley Jan, 4 â€" Shelburne at^Erin Jan, 5 â€" ^Dundalk at Tvlarkdale Jan. 7-HSh»lburne at Grand Valley Jan. 8 â€" Flesherton at Erin Jan. II) â€" 'Erin at Dundalk Jan. 10â€" '.Markdale at Flesherton Jan. 12â€" 'Shellburne at Markdale Jan. 14â€" Dundalk at Grand Valley Jan. 15 â€" Erin at Flesherton Jan. 18â€" Dundalk. at Sheii>urne Jan. 18 â€" Grand Valley at Erin Jan. 19â€" 'Markdale at Dundalk Jan. 21 â€" Efin at Shelburne Jan. 21â€" (Flesherton at G. Valley Jan. 25 â€" G. Valley at Shelburne Jan. 26 â€" 'Dundalk at Markdale Jan, 28â€" ^Flesherton at Shelburne Jan. 28 â€" Dundalk at Erin Feb. 2 â€" ^Shelburne at Flesherton Feb. 2 â€" Erin at Markdale. Feb. 4 â€" Erin at Grand Valley Feb. 4 â€" Mai^dale at Shelburne Feto. 5 â€" iDundalk at Flesherton Feb. 7 â€" Shelburne at Dundalk Feb. 7 â€" Flesherton at Markdale Feb. 10â€" Grand Valley at Markdale • • • WESTERN CANADA YOU'LL iNJOY GOING iY BUS • FAIES AIE LOW â- OHND TUP TAX INClUili WINNIPEG $50.05 REGINA 61-30 CALGARY 81.35 VANCOUVER 92.05 (Soltieet to OMOge) Tickets and InfomAion at Boden's Service Station ^^ Rock Mills Mission Circle The December meeting of Rock Mills Mission Circle was held at the home of M'rs. Ned Croft, with a fair attendance. Mrs. W. Akitt, presi- dent,, was in the chair and called on Mrs. W. Plantt, program leader who opened the meeting with a Christmas Carol. Mrs. Ait Porteous read the Scripture lesson and Mrs. Plantt led in prayer and also gave a reading. The devotional period was taken by Mis. Lewis Fisher and Mis. .\kitt gave the topic "Conditions in Bolivia." Mrs. J. .Allen, Missionary treasur- er, reportod that the Circle had ex- ceeded their allotment for mission in the past year. The current ex- ))en?e treasure!', Mrs. Ned Croft gave a srond financial report and the roll call was answered by a Christ- mas verse. Circle meetings will be discontinued for the winter months Refre-hments wore sei-ved by th: hostess and helpers"at the close. CARDS OF THANKS At thi's time I wish to express my appreciation for the splendid vote accorded m ; at tht recent Arceme- sia election and to wish al! the com-' nlinif.r.ts of the season, (or a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. â€"Donald Whyte. I wish to my appreciation and gratitude to friends who have visited me during mv recent illness and for cards, letters and treats. â€" Annie Howard. Any mirror will show you who's te blaime for most of your troubles. COOK'S RADK) & SOUND INSTALS CHARGER Cook's Radio and Sound have installed up-to-date Battery Chargini; Equipment. Spepial attention given to G-velt and 2-volt Radio Batteries. For specialized service ' on your batteries, give us a try. JOHN COOK Phone 62w Flesherton Why is it that the dentist, after gagging a man aliwayts has some important question to ask? We can tell you now that Christ- mas won't be lacking in color. The tiemakers have seen lo that. COAL A carload of stove size anthracite coal will ari-ive aibout December 26. Please phone your order and receive delivery off car. D. MacTAVISH & SONS Phone 9 Flesherton Joy Be With You at Christmas and throug-hout all the days . of the New Year to come. Jack & Ann MacLean Park Hotel FLESHERtON Born ARCHIBALD â€" At the Nuhn Nur- in,g Home, Flesherton, on Wednesday, Dec. 15th, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Archibald, a daughter. AGNEW â€" At the Nuhn Nursing Home, Flesherton, on Friday, Dec. 17, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Herb Agnew of Dundalk, a son, Beverley Wayne. MAXWELL â€" Xt the Nuhn Nu,s- ing Home, Flesherton, on Saturday, Dec. 18th, 1948. to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Maxwell of Feversham, a son. Died BURN SIDE â€" Suddenly at his home in Markdale, on Monday, Dec 20, 1948, Wilfred Nicholas Burnside beloved huslband of Ethel Hill anc dear father of Verna (Mrs. G.'oreo Colgan), Hillis, Harry, Milton an'! Gwendolyn. Resting at his late res- idence. Service in Aniiesley Unitel Church on Thur.-;<lay, Dec. 2ord, al 2:30 p.m. Interment in Markdale Cemetery. MAXWELL â€" In Flesherton on Sunday, Dec. 19th, 1948, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Maxwci! SEASON'S SK.VTING TICKETS A Gift that will last all winter Family $10 Adult $5 Child S3 See MACK DUNCAN Secty. Flesherton Service Club Peace and Good-Will \\\- w isli ((I lake the oppurtuiiily of expres.s- m^ our ai)preciation to our cu.stomer.s lor their .s])leii(lid patronage during- the year comiii*;- to a We appreciated doinij business with }i'ii and hojje hope we have warranted your coniidence. We extend to all the compliments of the .season, wishing you A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR " K. G. BETTS Groceries FLESHERTON 1 - i ONTARIO Ji;- TRAFFIC DEATH TOLL SERIOUS SpecM koii^ay Caution urgek To all MOTORISTS and PEDESTRIANS This is an urgent appeal to all citizens, motorists and pedestrians alike to co-operate earnestly in keeping down the death and accident toll on Ontario streets and highways. Care and caution in driving and walking are necessary at all times â€" but particularly so in the holiday season. December is a dangerous month, with more hours of darkness and changeable weather conditions. Preoccupied shoppers, young and old, are abroad in great numbers. In the excitement of Christmas time, people sometimes tend to forget their customary caution. As the end of 1948 approaches, let us all join together in determining that for the whole Province we will make it a safe as well as a happy Christmas and New Year. WHETHER WALKING OR DRIVING Be Courteous Be Alert Be Careful TAKE IT EASY-DON'T TAKE CHANCES DiPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS OEo. H. Doucen MmiSTCK pme CAHfouy am aÂ¥0I9 AccmtHTs ^