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Flesherton Advance, 25 Aug 1948, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday,'ust 25, 1948 4 5r a* 4 .4 *, « A. > •* â- * « > â-º r •^ ' * a A ^ »â- Â»Â»â€¢ STEPHEN'S CORNERS Our sincere sympathy goes out to Mr. and Mrs. Otto Mills in the death of their little daughter, Eleanor. Miss MaJale Fenwick, Re^.N., left â- on Sunday for Peterboro, where she has accepted a position as Health Nurse in Peterboro Civic Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stephenson of Sheliburne and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wrijsfht of Berkeley visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Wright. Miss Hazel Fenwick has returned honie from Toronto, where she took a summer school for teachers. Mrs. Joe Porteous and Mrs. Laiw- 8on White of Flesiherton spent Thursday in Toronto. Miss Hazel Fenwick underwent a tonsil operation in Markdale Hos- pital On T>ie3day of last week and is progressing favorably, People who don't know when they're licked can't be. It takes a long time to coime back after yoa co^me ^tack from your vacation. A man downtown in a city must feel just like a woman without her powder poiff. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC REFUSE DUMPING ON ROADS IN ARTEMESIA TOWNSHIP All per-ons are hereby notified to cease dumping tin cans, rubbish â-  anything on the roadsides in Arte- m-esia Toivmship, under penalty of prosecution. â€"By Order of the Road Supt. CAMERAS ^«>UGHT AND SOLD EXCHANGED OR REPAIRED REG. BODEN B-A Station FLESHERTON EUGENIA PIANOS All makes, some refinished, with benches. If interested phone 196w2 Dundalk. W. BLAKEY PROTON STATION Mr. W. Pinkerton is holidaying In Brantford with her sister and other friends. Miss Marge Martin is spending a few days with her friend, Mrs. Ron Palmer, In Sirocoe. Misses Winneta and CSanu«Ile Mar- tin of Toronto spent the week end at their parental home. "They returned to Toronto on Si^ndair with their brother, who has spent a week's vacation here. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred McNally and family of Wareham and Mr. and Mrs. E. Partridge and Wayne Mc- Master were visitors Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Williams. Miss June Purvis and lady friend of Toronto sipent the week end at the Purvis cottage. Master Walter Stewart is holiday- ing in Toronto and will attend the Exhibition. Mr. and Mrs. George Stewart of Dundas and Gordon Stewart of To- ronto were week end "isitors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Stewart. "George's wife remained for a few holidays, while George ia Caking a course with the H.E.P.C. in Toronto. Miss Annie Tudor was home from Heathcote over the week end. She was accompanied by little Master Arthur King. Mts. Thos. Crowe and daughter, Hilda, of Peterboro are spending a few holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Williams. Miss June Martin of Toronto also spent Bhe week end at the Williams homie with her friend, Hilda Crowe. Mrs. Stewart Elkins, Donald, Mar- ion and Anne, of Niagara Falls are holidaying with the former's mother, Mrs. J. A. Cairns, and sister, Shirley, who returned with them from a vacation at ^Tiagara Falls. The Woman's Association held the .August mepting at tiie home of Mrs. Bvelena Graham oii August 18th. Plans were made for a bazaar to be held at a later date. Misses Isabel and Mary McKee and Mr. F. McCarthy of Toronto were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McKee. Mr. and Mrs. Bates Fawcett left on Friday for Vancouver, B.C., where they will reside for a time. VANDELEUR rma Some fellows don't know when they're licked. Tlie rest are married. Heaven must be a place where you can wear a suit of clothes as long as the vest lasts. I Shingling f I NOW is the lime to look after your roofs and { to apply asbestos siding. CaU Kayf Roofing & Shingling Corp., Ltd. Local Agent: G. B. Welton, Flesherton Litter Carrier WATER BOWLS HEATTY PEDLAR OTACO Yes, Folk, we can supply you with Pedlar or Beatty Litter Carrier Outfits that will have you a lot of hard work, also many an inconvenience, when the yard is wet and muddy. A b«y. thei|f can clean the stables as quickly as two men! We instal if desirea BEATTY PUMPS. Prfcsure Systems, shallow well $125.00 Deep Well Systems, installed $275.00 and up WA.SHING MACHINES RANGETTBS RANGES Beatty. Easy and Gilson Washers Sunshine, McClary and Graham Rangettes 1 Practically new McCiary Rangette $45.00 WI'NIDOW SCREENS C0MBINA1ION and SCREJHN DOORS STOVES HEATERS CIRCULATORS Clare, Jewel, Empire, Good Cheer and Harriston Ranges, Heaters Coleman Oil Space Heaters $72.95 - $114.50 We have a good supply in stock. We believe it will pay you to call on us. M.VSSEY-HARRIS MACHINERY Good 13' disc Drill with Fertilizer Attachment, cannplete $136.00 New 16 tooth Ti-actor Cultivator 2 New 2~furrow Heavy Duty Walking Plows, that will save you a lot <Tf time and atfort. 2 New Single Furrow Walkin« Plows Cheap used Binder $46.00 Cheap used Binder J. M. STAFFORD Dealer in Modern Farm Machinerv Phone 4r22 FEVERSHAM The W. I. meetingf was held in the Community Hall on Thursday even- ing witlh the president, Mrs. Lome Ormsby, presiding for the business meeting. The roll call was answared by a favorite vegetable. Mbs. Prank Davis, agricultural converer, was in charge of the program and explained the motto "Life is a garden, what are you planting?*" Miss Evelyn McGee read the scripture and Mr. T. Stewart Cooper gave a series of slides on home beautification, show- ing methods best suited, etc. Lunch was served by the mennibers with Mrs. Newton Hutchinson as hostess. The 42nd a«nual rally of Grey County Women'.-i Institutes was held at -Ayton on Friday, Aug. 20th, and thie branch was well represened. Those attending were: Mrs. Hrusseil Freeman, who is the County Presi- dent, and Mesdaimes W. G. Bowles, Ethel Hutchinson, H^ I. Graham, G. McGee, H. Hutchinson, G. Wyville, B. Hutchinson, M. Buchanan and L. Douglas. They had an interesting, well planned, and ably condi^tied program and also tnjoyed a sight- seeing tour to farms in the district. Mr. Geo. H«<igkinson and boys of Meaford wei'e recent visitor.^ with Mr. and Mrs. L. Ormsby. PRICEVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Murray Nichol of Ottawa are spending a couple of weeks with relatives here. Miss Mariorie Meuser of Owen Sound is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Archie MacCuaig. Mrs. Clitford Hincks underwent an operation Monday night in Palni- erston hcspital for appendicitis. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knox and son, ' Jackie, of Swinton Park visited on • Sunday at the Ja.s. Sturrock home. I 'Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Simpson { returned to Toronto, after spending several days at the Manse. Mrs. A. .1. Simpson accompjanied' them to Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Whyte of De- troit spent the weelc and with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Whyte. His mother returned home, after holidaying in Detroit. Mrs. Royden Burnett o€ Durham .spent Thursday \vith her mother, Mrs. A. B. Mc.\rthur. St. .\ndrew'3 Sunday School pic- nic was held Thursday afternoon in Durham Park, when nearly 60 were present. Games and races were held for all sizes and ages. Liberal prizes were given to the winners. A game of ball was also held. Lunch and orangeade were served to all 8TH LINE. OSPREY MiBses Marion ad Dorothy Fen- wick are holidaying this week with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Hert>ert Poole, at their lodge at Wa- saga Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stuart of Toronto were week end gniests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lawler. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Somers and ttumily, Mr. Pete Somers and Mr. Rosa Abbey of Eanks were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Si>mers. Mi.s3 Bernice Stuart of Toronto returned honxe Sunday after visiting the past week with the Lawler girls. I Messs. Wilfred, Anthony, Nicholas I and Johnny and Misses Liza and Catherine Haley visited with their si.ster, Mary at Waterdown Sunday. Mr. Pete Somers spent a"coaple of I days at Rockf ord the past week. I Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Otteweli, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stephen'^ and family vieited Sunday with Mr. ^and Mrs. â- Joseph Armstrong a Thombury. Mt. Wallace Stuart of Toronto is visiting this week wrth his cousin, Gerald Lawler. Mrs. Frances Foster of Vaodelwr spent the week end with her ^nuid- daughter, Sirs Lloyd Stephena. Mrs. Jas. Otteweli ia uuxaing At the home of Mr. Joe Hawkins at EXigenia. Mrs. F*rg. Sotne« and Mary spent a few days at the Haley home and returned home witih Mr. Somers on Sunday. Low Raii Fares to the TORONTO EXHBITION AUG. 27 -SEPT. 11 $3.90 Coach Good going Thursday Auig. 26th to Saturda/y, Sept. 11, inclusive Return Limit - Sept. 15 Full information from any agent- Ga^tiu£utM. &cui^ Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Graham and | ^nd everybody had plenty of every- Ruth attended the decoration serv- , t^ing, including ice cream. A very ice at Badjeros cemetery on Sunday enjoyable afternoon with the child- and also visited with friends at Hovmitigs Mills. Miss Pauline Hutchinson of Lon- don spent a week with Mrs. E. Hutchinson and Miss M. Fawcett. VICTORIA CORNERS M^ss Hizel Speurs returned to Toronto on Sunday morning to rejoin meniibeo-s of her family, after spend- ing the past thirteen months in the home of Mr. Milton Bannon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nicholls, Botby, Mary and Doris, and Mis? Irene Duncan motored to Water- down on Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Dave Talbot and Shirley. Mary and Irene remained for a week's holiday with Shirley. Mr. and ^Mrs. Robt. Ludlow and son, Jim, of Royal Oak, Mich., ar- rivBfl on Tuesday to visit a week with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ludlow. We are sorry to report Mrs. Geo. Ludlow ill and under her doctor's care. Mr. Reg Stevens and son. Ken. of Detroit are visiting a few days with relatives here. On their return they will be accompanied by Mrs. Stev- en.i and other meombers of the family who have been visiting here the past two weeks. DT*ing the week a numiber of the lad'ials of tl>e community attended the trousseau and wedding gift dis- play of Mre. Jack McKechnie, in the' home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Stevens. Thursday evening the friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mc- Kechnie assembled in the Dundalk town hall. At an opportune hour Mrs. Renfred Acheson read an ad- dress of best wishes and the presen- tation of a sum of money was made b.y Robt. Nidholls. Both Jack and Marjorie graciously thanked their friends. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Copeland and family, Salem, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Stewart. Mrs. Wm. Armstrong, Miss Doris Bannon, Masters Tomumy Bannon and Russell Waller, Toronto, were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bannon, August 13-15. Mrs. A-pmstrong remained for a longer visit. The ladies of Inistioge W.A. join- ed the ladies of the Proton and Fle- sherton Societies as guests of the Proton Station W.A. in their church on Tuesday afternoon. j Born - On Monday, Aug. 23rd. Miss Lulu Cooke, Toronto, spent 194^^ ^^ ^r. and Mrs. .Joe Hawkins ren and parents was enjoyed. Miss Glenora West of Angus is visiting with Mrs. Laura Neubauer and Mrs. Sproatt. Mrs. Whittaker, Snr., ia visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wes, at Angua. Mrs. Cummifngs of Oshawa is spending a week with Mrs. .Aldcom and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Sima visited Sunday with their daughter at Fergus. Mr. Gordon Nichol of Stratford spent the week end end at his par- ental home. Mrs. Pearl Hopkins of Pohtiac, Mich., is spending a couple of weeks among the MacCuaig families. Viisitors last week at the A. L. Hincks home were: Mr. and Mi's. Neil MacCannell of Proton Station; Mr. Arthur M;.cCannell and daugh- ter, Sandra, of Toronto; Mr. and .Mrs. Robt. McPherson and daughter. Eleanor, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mc- Leod, .VIr. Keith McLeod and Miss .Audrey Meredith, all of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. \. L. Hincks, Ken and Elvin, visited the first of the v.'eek at the home of John Calder, Holstein. Glen returned with them after spending the past week at Holstein. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Page and babe of Niagara Falls were week end vi.sitors at the D. L. McArthia- 1 home. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was administered Sunday in St. An- drew's church, with a very good congregation. The August meeting of the Will- ing Helpers was held Tuesday after- noon at the home of Mrs. .•V. L. Hinoks, with a fair attendance of , members and visitors. Miss Kathleen McLean presided and Mrs. J. A. I Nichol read the scripture lesson. It j was decided to secure more dishes and silver for the church. Miss Isa- bel Karstedt gave a lovely piano solo and Mrs. Malcolm vIcLean and Miss Margaret Brown gave interest- ing papers. Mrs. Wm. Sayers pre- sided over the W.M.S. meeting. Mrs. Dan Campbell read the scripture and Miss Kathleen McLean gave a read- ing. .All were pleased to meet Mrs. Jack McFarlane of Toronto, a for- mer member, and Miss Marjorie Meuser Owen Sound, at the meeting. ROCK MILLS the week end with her sister, Mrs Walter Acheson, and Mr. Acheson. In thflbbsence of our pastor. Rev A. G. wircpheTson, while on holidays, the ladies of the W..\. conducted the service at Inistioge Sunday after- noon. It was agreed upon that an- niversary services will be held on Thanksgiving Sunday, Oct. lOth, with Rev. W. W. Patterson, a for- mer minister, as guest speaker. Mrs. Merritt Nicholls and niece. Miss Doris Summers of Toronto, visited Shelburne relatives two days last week. the gift of a son; both doinig fine. Congratulations to Mr. Ted Croft and Miss Muriel Shaw, who were married on Saturday afternoon. 21st, in Flesherton. K reception was held at the bride's home at Ceylon. Mr. Ed. White of Toronto is spend- ing a couple of weeks here. We are sorry to report Mrs. Dick Clark not feeling so well again and has been confined to bed for a few days. We trust she will soon be feeling better. Mr. Stewart Newell of I>urham ^ . , „ , ., , , , visited at the week end at the home Little Sandra Forbes had the cast , ^j j^j^ y„^,^_ ^^ ^.^^. j-^^^^jj removed from her arm on Saturday q^^j^^ ^ „„^,b^ f,„„, ,,^^g ^^^^^^_ after a six weeks duration. i tu r- 1 n- 1 . ed the Gospel Workers camp meet- iikg at Clarksburg on Sumlay. Miss Ethel Truenian of Detroit was renewing old acquaintances last wesjj and called on Misses Edith aad Mabel Betts. SPIRELLA FOUNDATION GARMEJPTS For Health. Style and Comfort, wear an indjvidualfy designed Spir- 1 ella fouiiwi-ition garment; measure- ' inetTts taken over patented modelling ; garment eliminates all guess-work ! The orrei'! support makes yon feel ; better, as well as look bett»r. â-  • | MRS. A. E. BELLAMY i Corsetiere j FIi"«herton, Ontario I LAST CHANCE Mayl)e the weak will inherit the i^aith. bat right now, who wants it? I'nivoesal brotherhood isn't the nn»wer. We've known a lot of j brothers who eouldn't tolerate one I another. Bulk Honey Bring you own containers Miller^s Stors Phone 38J4 CEYLON There is No Substitute for GOOD COAL BUY NOW FOR COMFORT NEXT WINTER Coal cars will be short again this season. Go not be caught short this year. Order and take delivery of your coal when available. D. MacTavish & Sons Phone No. 9 FLESHERTON Supplies !n Stock Deep and Shallow Well Systems, P'oinvpa, Piping, Water Bowls, Windmills A complete lien of Stable Equipment FLEURY-BISSEL IMPLEMENTS Renfrew Separators and Stoves. Be sure to see th» new Electric Cream Separator ROOFING ND SIDING A good supply of Roofing and Siding on liand at all timea. 3 in 1 Winlock and Arrowlook 125 lbs. Rolibric Si.ling INSULBRIC SlDtlNG â€" Red with white mortar lime Jasper with white mortar line. EDGAR BETTS Phone 46J FLESHERTON, ONT. MEN WANTED Age 23-35 Years Large progressive Textile Compamy has sev- eral openings for men willing jto work shifts. Good starting rate paid, plus shift premium. Higher future earnings depending on ability. This is a real opportuniky and only those seeking permanent employment need apply. Apply or Writ^ Dominion Woollens & Worsteds, Ltd. HESPELER, ONT.

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