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Flesherton Advance, 25 Aug 1948, p. 1

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I! *â-  '\* t m 1^ « VOL. 68; NO. 13 FLESHERTON, ONT., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1948 W. H. Thurston & Son, Publishcrsn t ROCK MILLS GIRLS WINS PRIZE IN AMATEUR CONTEST Miss Lois Heknkay of Rock Mills won first prize in Russell Hill's jiin- ior amateur contest Friday night at Markdale. Lois sang "My Mother," taking first prize of flO.OO. Getting nowhere makes a person sick of letting -well enough alone. Future Events OPTICAL Parents, if in doubt about your boys' and girls' eyesight, why not have them' checked over by I) Caimpbell, Optometrist, at the Park House, next Tuesday, August 31st, from 1 :30 to p-m. Can duplicate any broken lens. FEVERSHAM PRESBYTERIAN SERVICES Rev. Louis Shein of Woodvdlle will preach in I'eftrersham Presbyterian Ohiurch this Sunday, Aug. 29th, at 8 pjm. Dedication of new communion table. Mr. Shein was a former stu- dent minister at Feversham. Proton Postmaster Retires After 40 Years Service PIPE BAND AT KliMBERLEY Collingwood Pipe Band will play in Kim/berley this Saturday night, Aug. aSth, from 8:30 to 10:30. Come out and hear the fine Highland Scot- tish music. Post master at Proton Station for forty years, Neil McCannell has re- linquished the duties to a younger man and a war veteran. He is Joe Little, who, with his brother, Lloyd, also a war veteran, recently took over the general Stfcre at Proton Sattion. Both are sons of Mr. Gil- bert Littlo of Proton Station. Originally a public school teacher, Mr. McCannell was first named as postmaster in 1901, and attended the duties as a sideline in his general .store. For a period of seven years, while James Corbett served as post- master, Mr. McCannell farmed, re- sumed the position in 1922 and served faithfully up until the pre- sent time. He was 85 years of age ill January and is enjoying perfect health. "I know I'll be nearly lost without my former duties to attend to," Mr. McCannell declared. The new postmaster Joe Little, served five and a half years in the Canadian Army, serving two and a half years with the II C.A.R. Imper- i.i! Tank Corps. His brother, Lloyd, sworn in as assistant poetmaster, sei-ved three and a half years on the minesweeper Chii^pewa in the Royal Canadian Navy. Joe is married to Doris Magee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Magee, Eugenia. Trio Caught Near Victoria Comers; Stole Gasoline Flesherton Orange Lodge Resumes Active Work Ralph Harris, age 22 of Oshawa pleaded guilty in police court at OwcTi Sound Monday morning to a charge of theft of gasoline, valued at $4, from Russell Linton of Victoria Corners and was sentenced to a month in jail by Magisrate E. C. Spereman. Two companions, Minnie Warren, aged 18, and James Brayley aged 22, both of Whitby, pleaded not guilty to charges of vagrancy and were remanded for a week. .411 three are wanteti at Osthawa On a charge of theft of a car, wreck- ed in an incident Saturday as a re- sult of which they were arrested. It is alleged that the trio drove into the Linton service station at Vicoria Corners five miles south of Flesherton, and ordered Mr. Linton to "fill 'er UJP." and ten gallons were poured into the tank, when Harris is then said to have driven away quickly without pajnng. .\ THanjuris 'truck from Owen Sound came along New Money Orders In Use At Local Post Office Everette Blackburn was elected as Master of Flesherton L.O.L. No. 2855 at the re-organization meeting held in the Lodge i-ooms on Monday evening of this week. There was a splendid attendance of former mem- bers and visitors at the meeting and the election of officers was heid with County Master Geo. Long presiding. The f(dlowing officers were elected and installed: VV..M. â€" Everette Blackburn D. M. â€" William Iiwin Rec. St'c. â€" Jas. A. Stewart Fin. Sec. â€" Geo. .A. Banks Treasurer â€" F. W. Duncan Marshall â€" John W. Cook 1st Lect. â€" George H. Cairns 2nd Let. â€" Chas. J. Bellamy 1st Com. â€" W. G. Watson. Among those assisting in the Lodge work were County Master George H. Lung of Ma.vwell, District Master Emerson McCullough of Markdale, .John McKee, Past County Master. DANCE AT MAXWELL Dance in the Orange Hall, Max- well, on Friday, Aug. 27th, under ausipices of Canadian Order oi For- esters. Good music. Admission: 35c TORONTO HERE SATURDAY PLAY EUGENIA Ball game on Flesherton ball park Saturday night, Aug. 2Sth, the To- ronto Post Office Industrial Champs vs Eugenia Trout Kings. Game call- ed at 6:30 sharp. Admission: 25c. In Memoriam MAGEE â€" In loving memory of our dear wife and mother, Mrs. Wm. Magee, who passed away on .\ugust 24th, 1989. Call not back the dear departed, .Anchored safe where stoi-ms are o'er On the borderland we left her. Soon to meet and part no more. AATien we leave this world of changes When we leave this world of care, We shall find our missing loved one In our Father's Mansion fair. â€" -Lovingly remembered by Hus- band and Family. The Home of . . Tasty Baking PIES CHERRY DATE RAISIN FRESH APPLE COOKIES OATMEAL SUGAR CAKES LIGHT CHOCOLATE a moment lated and Linton asked : '"tliur Jackson, Noimian Jack.son, him to give rhase. At Gott's Corners, - ^^''"- Stedd^irt and N. Stoddart. two and a half niles south, the pur- sued car tried to swing onto a side- Car Deftiolishetf At road, but struck a telephone pole i Cairns Railway Crossing and was severely damaged. , I Chief of Police Chas. Murcar of ' Patrons of the local post office who have had occajiion lately to pur- chase a money order, must liave been surprised at the new fomi of Canadian Postal Money Orders. In- stead of the former oblong piece of paiier. with i|uitc a lot of printing iin it, the new orders are on cai-d- l)OHrd. alxiut half the size of the for- mer ones and with less printing. The new form is expected to save ihe Post Office Department thous- ands of dollars each year. No longer ;ire there separate foi-ms printed for each post office. Instead at Ottawa they find out the i)roper office by looking at the millions of orders thioufrh whicli holes have been punched and are sorted by mechani- cal sorting machinc^s. Within a few minutes literally thousands of orders oan be readily and accurately sorted. Your new oixler has these sorting holts |)ij«ched in it. and these are the actual inist office identification. Endorsement is made on the back in the usual manner when you cash one of these orders. The sender still get his usual receipt for his reoords. The new orders make little differ- ence at the local office, but the big Cherry - Whyte i (By Priceville Report«r) White bows mai-ked the guest pews, and basikets and bouquets of pretty summer flowers were uaed profusely to make a pretty setting ir. St. .Andrew's Presbyterian church, Priceville, Saturday, August 21st, at 3 p.m., for the marriage of Kathleen Jeanette, daughter of Mi-, and Mrs. Sterling Whyte, to Jamee Arthur .M. Cherry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cherry of Nobleton, Ont. Rev. A. J. Simpson performe<l the ceremony. Miss .•^da Whyte at the piano, ao^ companied by her brother, I. B. Whyte, with the violin, played th* \\«edding music while the register was being signed. The Ijride was given in marriago by her father and looked charming' in a gown of wihite duchess satltt with long sleeves and beaded neek" line. Her embroidered net veil was held with a <!oronet of orange blos- soms and she carried a corsage boo> quet of white gladioli with red roses. Her sister, Mrs. Lorne Hiltz, was maid of honor and Misses Joyce Dsy and Eleanor Peel were bridesmaids, each wearing a blue taffeta dress with puff sleeves and pink streameiB on the sides of their dresses. Ejadl _ . .,. , ., carrity a nose-gay of pink rosea. Their car stailmg on the- railway saving in time will be at the central Her sister, ShtrW Whyte, was the Dundalk and County Constable Bert i crossing on the west backline in : office in Ottawa. . r\ â-  i j i i i i i • ,,.,,, â-  , , , . i , . , ., , .„ ^ . I i""ie uit.i«ii. , flower jrirl. and lookwi lovely m a Middaugh arrived on the scene, but , front of the farm of Wim. Cairns, [ the three occupants of the car had \ David Ra-wn and his housekeeper, diaappeared infto Wim., Crockford's bush. A search party was organized and finally the fugitives were sighted in a field. They failed to halt when Constable Middaugh fired warn- ing shots, but were cornered by Constables Murcar and Middaugh, assisted by Jos. Little and Jack Haw of proton Station. Provincial Con- stable Harold Black of Flesherton had been summoned by Linton by telephone and 't was he who, scour- ing the bush, drove the trio out into the open where they were appre- hended by he other searchers. Minnie Warren -was in a dazed condition as the result of a scaip wound suffered in the accident, Har- ris had minor cuts, while Brayley had his tongue cut and a tooth broken. ITiey were grf-ven medical treatment and then were taken to Owen Sound by Provincial Constable Harold Black. When arrested the trio are said to have had no money. The car in wkich they were driving had allegedly been stolen at Oshawa. K T M B E R L E Y Mrs. Shell, of Collingwood escaped ; Puneral of Little Eleftnor injury when the vehicle was demol- ished by the Saturday night C.P.R. train. Seeing the train coming they managed to jump clear just in time and the car was completely dem- olished. Rawn did not report the 1 1'""^'' "''l daughter of Mr. and Mrs. accklent to Provincial Constable H. Mills Largely Attended (ByStephen's Corners Reporter) The funeral of Eleanor Mills, 20 Black of Flesherton, but to Provin- cial Constable .4yres of Collingwood. Flesherton Lost Third Game To Srfiomberg Flesherton- lost the third and de- ciding playoff game to Schomberg at Oi-angeville on Monday night 12-11, ' made in Otto Mills -.vas held on Monday afternoon, August 16th, and was largely attended by friends and neighbors. Mr. Southcott student ministser of St. Mary's .Anglican church at Ma.x:well. ha<i charge of the service at the house and cemetery, and brought words of comfort to the l>ereaved parents. Interment was St. Paul's Cemetery. after a most interesting series. The ; The pallbearers were : Delbert Specials This Week CAKES â€" Golden Cocoanut; Date an Orange also Apple Sauce Turnovers Date Turnovers' Date Squares Cocoanut Squares Scarrow's Bakery Phone 60 FLESHERTON .1 â- Mr. and Mrs. H. Fawcett, Mr. and Mrs. C. Ward, Mr. and Mrs. R. Hutchinson visited on Saturday at Fergus. Mr. and Mrs. G. Patterson and Donna, Betty and Eileen Ellis, of J Rocklyn -visited the week with jMr. and Mrs. Frank Weber, Mrs. Wayne Weber and children are visiting Mr. and Mrs. at Kearney. Mr. and Mrs. Art Wardman of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Weber. iMr. Basil McConnell- and' Mrs. .J.. A. McConnell of Meaford spent Sun- day with Mr. and' Mrs. H, Fa-wcett. -Mr. and Mrs. George Cornfield called Sunday evening. Mr. Cairns and the children had a j splendid meeting Friday evening, | when 26 were present. They will i have their meeting at the Park tb's ! Friday evening and picnic at Coll- ingwood On Saturday. I Our Chapel is «t tht disposal of our clientslt without extra charge. It contaitis well-appointed family reception rooms, including organ and organist. Bates and Maddocks FUNEf^AL CHAPEL l24AvrnuE U KI.4344 local entry in the Rural Ontario Softl)a]l League had won handily 08-3) from Schomberg in Flesherton on Friday night, with Rtiss .Andrews pitching the entire game. South Line went out the same -way as Flesherton by being defeated on Saturday^ night 15-5 by Blooming- dale in the "B" series It was their second straight loss. As South Line could not' use their ace pitcher, Howard Duxibury, Tom Bemrose took over the pitching duties and walked five in a row in the second inning and Doug. Cairns, who relieved him f;ave three walks, something of a record for a straight line of walks in one inning.' Tom cane back again and pitched well from there on. He has been suffering from an infected hand and. had not pitched a ball for (!ver a iiiftnth. They make a gallant come-batk by scoring five runs but tile damage had been done. The play-^offs in the local Softball league will g-et going again, with Eugenia meeting Dundalk, the win- ner to take on Flesherton in the finals,, they having defeated South T-inis, in' the semi-final ga-mes. pink georgette dress with jacket and ci.rried a nose-gay of gladioli and j yellow roses. Mr. Joe Whyte, bro- ther of the bride, and Mr. Raymood Day were ushers. The bride's bra> ther, Mr. Jim Whyte, of Toronto mw groomsman. .\ wedding supper was served to about seveny guests in the basement ot the church. The room was taste> fully dicorate<l with pink stTeamam and white bells. The bride's tafcle* Vv-as centred with the bride's cake» surmounted with a miniature bride rfind groom. Pink streamers, flow ers, and pink and white candles KWt also used. The assistants for esrv- ing the supper were: Betty and Joyce Tucker, Betty and Shirley Hincks. Martgaret Niehol, Mrs. Robt. McJntyre and Mrs. Elwood Kinsman. In the evening a reception -was Winters. Lyle Lewis, Vernon Long and Ivan Davidson. Among the many beautiful floral ] held in the hall, when a large crowd tributes from the parents and many ! was present. The evening was spent friends was a spray from neighbors. [ in dancing, music being supplied by â€" I Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McDougall, Ada "Another sweet flower has withered, | Why/te and BMl McKdchnie. ThiBJ A gem from the casket set free, j bride and groom were recipients ot A lamb in the fold of the Shephei-d \ many beautiful and uscrful gifta. Who said: "Let them come unto ; Both Mr. and Mrs. Cherrj- voiced iMt.'' I their appreciation to all. All joined ind sang "For they are jolly good Boro BALL â€" In St. Joseph's Hospital. Toronto, on Sunday, August 15th, ]1148, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ball (Mina Douglas) the gift of a son. fellows" Lunch was serve<l and the K'l-oom and bride passed around the wedding cake. The happy couple left to spend their honeymoon in Northern Ont- ario. On their return they will x^ siiie in Toronto. NOTICE TO DOG OW.NBRS VILLAGE OJT FLESHERTON "'wners of dogs in the Villae of Flesherton will take notice that the Miss Lois McConnell is spending ' c'og tax is due and must be paid by a week holidaying %vith her aunt, Saturday, Sept. 4th, 1948, to Mr. Mrs. H. Fawcett. ".Vm. Kaitting, â€" C. J. CARDS OF THANKS BELLAMY. Celrk SH' LBIRNK FROLIC In pppreciation of the many lovely cards and gifts received during my recent illness. â€" (Mrs. Reg. Londry Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kerton desire to thank their neighbors and other friends for their many acts of kind- ness during their lecent trouble. They were greatly appreciated. LADIES: READ THIS! Unwanted hair removed instantly from face arms, legs, with Flash Hair Remover. Hari.->les8 â€" leaves skin soft and smooth. You can't lose. Money promptly i.efunded if hair grows back aifter third appli- cation with no questions asked. Coan- plete tre«utment $2 postpaid. (CO. D.'s â€" Postage extra) . KAPEX PRODUCTS (Dept 335) Box 22, Station B, Montreal, Que. Fun for All at Shelburne Rotary Cl'.if Fi :iic, 'Vednes(iay and Thurs- :!ay, S'.!;it. 1-2. Wednesday after- noon (at 1) â€" Baseball Tournament for Duiferin County Chaimpionship -nd trophy; draw for calf; Wednes- day Night: Beautj' contest, for cash prizes of $100. $50, $2,"), open to Indies IS and over, resident in Canada, ad- dress entries to John Brett, SheJ- burne. Giant Bingo both nights. Thursday Night (at 6) â€" Softball Classis: KI-Y Runnyme<Ie vs Cooks- town All Stars, this game will bring a real pitching .battle between the old Army rivals: Runnymede's Cecil Bi'own and Cookstown's Harry Couse. -Also the "Fourteen" Draw for elec- tric Ironer and ^3 other splendid prizes. Midway of Games, Wednes- day afternoon and night and Thurs- day night. Admission to Ball Games: Adults 36c, Children under 18, 10c. ffSS/MPtE AS AB€/ WE CAN i GIVE YOUR {\ STEEL-WHEELED (^ TRACTOR % MORE PULL m CHANGEOVER MOW TO good/Vear urei^ TRACTOR TIRES The Goodyear change-over method makes it easy to switch from sluggish steel wheels to hard-working, comfortable riding Sure-Grips. With Sure-Grips your tractor will do more work ... in less time ... on less fuel. Sure- Grips pu]l"»t>etter in any soil . . . give super- traction. Call us today ... or drop in and ask about the time-saving Goodyear change-over plan. D. MacTavish & Sons Flenherton, Ont. AUTHORIZED GOODiFVEAR DEALER

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