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Flesherton Advance, 11 Aug 1948, p. 1

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9. f 1 'El)je fkB\)txim %^mncc. VOL. 68; NO. 11 FLESHERTON, ONT., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11. 1948 W. H. Thurston & Son, Publishers^ 9 Hi Deer Poked Its Head Into Open Car Window (Bq Vandeleur Reporter) Mr. and Mrs. Howard Graham vis- ited Mr. Xorman Stewart of Redick- vllle and other friends recently. They had a novel experience with a deei on the way home. Seeing the animal standing in a field near the road, they stopped the car and backed up â- to get a better look, and the deer had no objection to their actions. It came over to the fence which it eas- ify jumped, walked up to the car and put its, head in an open window. It was entirely without fear and quite friendly. Mr. and" Mrs. Graham got out and petted the animal for some time. The deer was a buck and its new set of antlers vere just in the velvet -cover«^d .sta? :. TIk- ucir fol- lowed for -ome distancM. t "ir.a- learned latei- that h pet deer resides in that part of Melanclhon. Died GAUDIN â€" In Transcona, Man.,! on Saturday, July 31, 1948, Rev. S. } D. Gaudin, D.D., in his 87th year, j The late Dr. Gaudin was a brother! of Mrs. W. H. Thurston of Flesher-j ton and Mr. H. V. Gaudin, Toronto, i REUNION HELD AT KIMBERLEY SCHOOL LORNE TURVEY, 47, Artemesia CouncU KILLED IN GRAVEL PIT Tax Rates Set By CARDS OF THANKS \ A New York grandmother cooked dinner for 48 on her 97th birthday. How old do you have to be to earn a little rest? Future Events DINDALK LEGION FROLIC Thursday. August 19th, in the I'aik and Arena. Championship softball at 7:30 and 9:00, Shelburne. Flesher- ton and Dundalk Legion teams. Bingo and other games. Lucky draw for 6 prizes. Dancing. Fun for old and young. One nt the most pleasant events ir many years took place on Thursdday when the reunion of old school boys and girls took place. All the teach- ers and scholars who could be con- contacted gathered at 9 a.m. The bell wa.^ rung by Mrs. Clara Stewart (Hurd) and Mr. Geo. Pentland ot ! Hanover presided over the 60 who Mrs. Lome Turvey and family wish j ,vere present and called the roll and express their sincere thanks to ! opened the school. Some gave vei y interesting remarks when each was requested to give some item of inter- est or a poem, some of which were funny, and al! were fine. An old- time spelling match was held and ende<i with a sing-song. In memory of tho^e who passed on, a two-minute silence was hold. Pictures of tht group were ta.k€n by a Meaford pho- totii iphej-. A committee -was ap- ' pointeii tr. r-v'tnge for future gath- i erings, with Eriue Proctor ae presi- 1 dent, )ther members beinj; Mrs. .'V to their friends and neighbors for theii great help in their tragic bereave- ment and for the beautiful flora! tributes. Mrs. W. D. Campbell wishes to express her deep appreciation to the •r.-r.r.y ncishuvis and other friends ! lor tneir k'n<i exr're.ssions of sym- pathy i'.nd assistance tendered " Plan' is-3 .'s, am also to the .Vlasons, the Legion and Hydro employees. The family of .Mrs. J. K. McLeod wish to take this epportunity of per- sonally thanking all the friends foi their many acts of kindness tendered i in many ways at the time of their ' bereavement. Mrs. Wm. Davidson and family wish to extend sincere thanks and appreciation for the many kindhess- es meicUges of ciinifoit and under- standing and beautiful floral offer- ings, from relative^ and friends, ex- tended during the long illness and subsequent death oi a dear husband and father. Lornt Turvey of Fleshenon was instantly killed in a gravel pit near Corbetton, Melancthon Township, on Thu!-sday morning last, while he was operating a bulldozer a few yaniir from the edge of the pit. The bank gave way and the heavy machine plunged about fifteen feet, following Mr. Turvey, who had fallen from the machine. ilr. Turvey's two" sons, William and Jack, were work ing with their father in the pit and saw the accident. The machine had fallen on the unfortunate man and a considerable time elapsed be- fore the body could be taken from underneath the bulldozer and life w-as 'hen extinct. Dr. Lindsay ot Dundalk w9s called to the scene o± the accident and later Coroner W. J. McLean of Shell>urne arrived. A jury was empanelled ar-i a- Jnquesl j was held Monday afternoon in Shel- j burne and death was found to have LaAnvnce, Mi* Barbara Curry, Mrs.; been accidental with no blame as- R. Chard. Elmer and Russell Ellis. \ tached to anyone. Those who attended school were:. Mr. Geo. Pentland, Hanover; Sherwinl Bradlbury, Meaford; Bert Carter and i -Artemesia Township Council met in regular session 'n -August 9th with all members present. Commun- ications were r«ad as i-eceived dur- ing the past month and dealt with by Council. The following accounts were ord- ered paid: Whillier & Co.. supplies for Clerk ^1..54; County of Gr.'y. hospital account $18.75; A. F. Ped- lar, sheep claim -$6 and J- Canvpbell. valuator $1.50: Wm. Henry, .ent fo'. stoi-age of oil and gupplies for main- tainer $7; P. Hem^)lull. relief aceoun" for July $34J2S; Coainmittt'e work, J A. Davis $6, f. Cer:? $.2. Rates were svV, io.-- :he 1948 tax roll as follows: County Rate lO.J miHs Township Fate 11 mills General School 5.4 mills Secomiary Schools 2.8 mills High School 5 mills Due to increased costs of lahoi and supplies and the policy oi pay as- we go, taxes for 1&48 for both Municipal and School neede will be increased coHsidei-ably. MONSTER AMATEUR SHOW AND CONTEST Friday, .â- Xu^'. 20. in Markdale arm- ories, sponsored by Freedom Chap- Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Whyte of Priceville announce the engagement of their elder dauirhtex-, Kathleen ter, OE.S. New amateurs from Jeanette, to Mr. James .-Xrthur M. other shows; plenty of prizes. Send your entry to RusserhHill, Markdale a.« early as possi-ble. Old-time fid- dler's contest. Dance after show: round and square dancing. Cherry, son of Mr. and 3^rs. James Cherry" of Nobleton, the marriage to take place on Saturday, Aug. 21st, in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Priceville, at 3 o'clock pjn. The Home of . . Tasty Baking PIES CHERRY DATE RAISIN FRESH APPLE COOKIES OATMEAL SUGAR CAKES LIGHT CHOCOLATE Sp CAKES ecials This Week Crushed Orange; Fresh Banana aiso Apple Sauce Turnovers Date Turnovers Date Squares Cocoanut Squares Scarrow^s Bakery Phone 60 FLESHERTON A'era Carter. Markdale; Ernie Proc tor, Jack Taylor. Pearl Taylor. Verda (Taylor) Jackson. Leslie Lawrence Laurie and Arnold Lawrence, Elda (Lawrence) Dillon, Lutlier Rear. Blanche and .A.nn Rear, Ebner Ellis. Howard and Ora Milward. Rutledge and Myrtle Stafford, John Abercrom- bie, Russell Ellis, Geo. Burritt. .-Vgnes Burritt, Lila Baker. Minola Baker Hazel -Myks. Lulu Chard, Lorn Curry. Lillie Greenery, Annie Cook, Barbara Curry, Clara Stetwart. Euia WiUifjn Frances Banks, ..^nnie Griesbach j Vera (Magee) Carter, V'erna (Wal- lace) McCallum. Edna (Wallace^ Ma.\:\vell, M. (W'allace) Proctor; Pearl (Lawrence) Taylor, Justina (Ellis) McMullen. Sadie (Plewis) Graham, Enna (Burritt) Graham, Ann Rear; Maud (Fawcett) Law- rence. Blanche (Smith) Rear, Mrs. A. E. Myles and Ruth, Selena Mor- wbod, Mary Lawson, .-^nnie Weber Wilda Weber. Opel (Weber) .\le.x- ander, Jlyrtle (Fawcett) Hutchinson- Ethel Fawcett, Irene Gilray, Mary Lawrence, Maggie Burritt, Stanley Baker, Jasper Stuart. Lizzie Soul. Vera Mc.\usland, Edna Maxwell and Minnie Proctor. Old Residents Return To The Scenes of Their Youth Mr. John Mud; and Mr. and Mrs Sault Ste. Marie, li of Poit Artiiur . Wallie Madill .>t Ont., have return- News of the death of Mr. Turvey was a grea* shock to tho residents of the \-illage, as he wa.s highly re- garded by all who knew him. He came to Flesherton about ten years ago from Bruwels and operated a gravel crushing outfit and did week for the surroi^nding municipalities and had b«en working in the Corbet- ton disti-ict for a couple of weeks. He was born in Huron Counts,-, near BIythe. Besides his sorrowing wife. Carnithers. and nieces, Mrs. James the former Florence Hopkins, he is Russell and Mrs. Chas. Park. They survived by thiee sons and one enjoyed meeting many old friends daughter: William of Flesherton. j and school mates, as they attended •Jack, Jimmy and Annette at home. \ Eu^renia public school. Jo-hn Madill i He also leavds ^ne brother. Jim j learned the blacksmithing trade with Tui-vey. and one sister, Mrs. Wallace ! the late Daniel MacTavish and also Agar, both of Bluevale. He was a \ worked with Jake WiUia-ms at Eu- menvber of St. J«hn's United church | ;a:enia for a time. Since going to and the Flesherton Service Club. | Port Arthur in 1904. he has worked The funeral was held Satuh-day j as daughtsman and machinist with afternoon with service in St. John's ; the John "Whale Boat Co. He saiv Unie^i Church, which w-as filled with | many chanjjres in town and surround- symipathizing friends and relatives, ing country and missed many old Rev. .\. G. Macpherson conducted I friends who have passed on. the service. Interment was :nade in ' W'allie Madill haa been with the Flesherton Cemetery. ' AlgO'ma Steel Corponition, Sault The pallbearers were: Messrs. 'â-  ^'^'-'- '"'"^ ^°^ '^'^^ ^" yeai*s and is Percy White. Bob Vause, Steve Sut- \ ^"-'â- eman in the open hearth dept.- ton. Bill Batchelor, Reg. Boyd and ^^'â- ^- ^**'*- P*i* '^^^ daughter Inistioge's Marjories And Maudes Are Married (By Victoria Corners Reporter) Inistioge Churdi, one of the oldest pioneer churches of the district erect- ed in 1871, did not have a wedding within its doors until September, 1934, when Marjorie .•Vcheson became the bride of Rev. Gordon Prosser. In .^ugTist. 1941. her sister, Mau^e, ckose Inistioge as her location to man? .Art Blair. Nov. 19^, was the setting of the marriage of their coa- sin. Maude Acheson, to George Mo«re and on Saturday, -Aug. 7. 19-iS, waa the wedding day of their niece. Mar- jorie Stevens, and John McKechnie oi Durham, whi^-h also took place i» '..".f: o'd ^(I'Arch. irtrs. PiuA-ser ,i;'.d lir... t;..,;r art daughtei-s of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. .A-ch- eson (the latters maiden name being Emm.a Moore). Marjorie 'Stevens' McKechnie is their granddaijghtP?, and 5Irs. Geo. Moore a "great' niece. Maude .Acheson and Geo Moore's marriage marked the second occasioa of these pioneer f*' -..les being united through the lourse of Lhree genera- tions. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. .Acheson, although not married in the church, going as a bridal couple to the '.Acheson' homestead and Mir. and Mrs. G«o. Moore, as bride and groom, settling on the 'Moore' home- stead. Thus, all f«ur marriages in- clude descendants of the pioneet families of the late Wm. .Acheson ed to their homes after a short visit j and George Moore, all members ar with the former's sister, Mrs. .Ale-K. L aiHierents of Inistioge United Church throughout its 7T years. To the 'ast of these couple to be married â€" ^Mar- jorie and Jack â€" we extend our very bests wishes and heartiest congrat- ulatior.s. CARS COLLIDE ON COUNr\ ROAD XT TE.MPLE HILL G'Wen, accompanied them to Sault Ste. Marie and Barn Burned In Osprey As Threshing In Progress by motot will visit j her brothers and oflier relatves fo! a short time. Flesherton Enters The Final Softball Series Our Chapel is at the disposal of our clientele without extr« charge. It contains well-appointed family reception rooms, including organ and organist. Bates and Maddocks FUNfRAL CHAPEL 124 Avenue Rd KI.4344 Lloyd McCullousrh The flower bearers were: C. Mc- Kechnie. Bob Long, G. .Armstrong, H. Milligan, G. Boyd. .A. Aberdein, M. Phillips. W. Kaitiing. H. Rich- ardson, E. Langdon. W. Littlejobns Fire broke out in the large barn \ ^^^ ^- Beatty. ow^l€d by Thos. Hawes on the third ' -Among thuse who attended the ; line of Osprey about 9:310 Tuesday ! funeral were: Mrs. F bt. McClean. ; Playing to the four-hit pitching morning and destroyetl the barn ^^i"- ''nd Mrs. Cecil McClean, Mr. and ' of Norntie Genoe. FesRerton took the along virith the season's crop of hay | Mrs. Clifford .Jackson and Mrs. D. ' fifth and last game from South Line and .wheat, which was being thresh- [ Bloomfield. all of Owen Sound: .Mr. j on Monday nigrht U-1. South Line and Mrs. R. Sparliinr. Mr. and .Mr-=. I had won the fourth game Thursday P:iul .AbercTonubie, .Mr. and Mis. C. I «3-3'. to even the games four each. Reid, Mrs. 'John Yea«iell. Mrs. Hei-b 1 "Phe lai'gjest crowd of the seeison McKenzie, Mrs. Ab. Hivpkinjs. Wm. ; watched the final .?ame Tuesday Yeadell. al> of Meaford; Mr. and I evening. Flesherton will now meet Mrs. Wm. Clark, Detroit; Mr. and | the winner of the Dundalk-Eupenia -Mrs. Ray Flynn, Toronto; Mrs. Wm. series wliich hae been held up McCiillough and Mrs. .M. C- Tyman, Coilingwood; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith and B«n Homan. Go<lerich: -A c;ir accident near remLpIe Hill Monday evening resulted in injuires Mrs. Bibby and confined her to the Markdale hospital suffering frooi sh<H:k :ir.d bruises. The car was dri- ven by Hugh Bibhy and besides Mrs. BilMjy. there were in the car Mrs. E. McKillop, H;izel and Sheila. The Bilnby car ws»s turned over into the ditch and was almost a complete wreck. Why more severe injuries were not received by all in the ear is a mystery. The cause of the col- lision is not known. Hawton Reunion Held ed. The separator was also burned and was owned by Frank Seeley of Maxwell. Besides the barn, a hen house was also lost, but no livestock was lost in the flames. The fire started about an hour after thresh- irg had commenceil. This is the third threshing separator, that Mi-. Seeley has ibeen so unfortunate as to lose in the past few years. Wilkinson Silver Wedding Mr. and Mrs. .Albert Wilkiilson of Rock Mills celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on Friday, July 23Td, with over one hundred attend- ing. Relatives were present from Bognor, Owen Sound, Walter; Falls. Heathccte and many neighbors and fr-ends. The home was tastefully deccrated for the occasion with a prcfusjcn of cut flowers. The din- in^rccfli taible. laid with a white linen doth, held the thvee-tiere<l anniversai-y cake. Mrs. Edna Rus- j-ell received the gi.iests assisted by Mrs. C. H. Parkin. Miss Dolores Breadner havi charge of the iT'Jes' I book and Mi-ss Floi-ence Wilkinson unwrapped the gifts. Man.v lovely, .gifts in silverware and other useful articles were received fro^n neigh- bors and friends, including a daven- port from the family and Mr. John Wilkinson and family. The oveninjr was spent in social i chat, singing and music over Mr. Cook's loud speaker. .A mock mar-* riagv was performed, which cause^i much merriment. Dainty refresh- ments were served by six young I couple. The fifth annual Hawton rL-uuion wa,<: held at Sunset Point. Coiling^ wood, on .August st, with !;>'(> in attendance. MV. and Mrs. John Hawton were remembered of their golden weddin,g whidi was on March 'l'^vC\ of this year, also Mr. ani! Mrs. Fred Hawton who were married 53 years on Maix-h 27th of this year .A gift was presented to the youngest girl and youngest boy present. Bonnie .Ann EMwards, daughter of Mr. and 'â-  Mrs. Francis Edwards, and Larry I Brownridge. son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugenia took the second game J"" Brownridge. from the Dundalk Be:\ivers 4-2 on ^he election of officers for l!)-49 Friday evening and the count nowt'^'-'s held, n-sulting as follows: Hon. Mr." and Mrs. Tony C.TOvko and Joh». j stands at one win each. The third P'"**'***'''**' J'^'^" Hawton, Fred H:iw- Whalen, Corbetton: Mr, and Mrs. I Beatty. Streetsville: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. .Agar. Stratford; .Mr. and Mrs Walter Cornish. Se;'.forth: Ch :j Clinton: Miss Shirley .Ag-ar, Kitch- ener; Mr. and Ross Turvey, Elmei Sellars, Roy TuiTey. John Under- woo<i and Fra-ser Mustard, all i>t Bluo\-ale; Jlr. and Mrs. M. Shaw, Brussels; Maurice Sosman. Belgrave; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tur\'ey. Mrs. Harold B;id<len. Mrs. Borden fook and Uo.vd Turvey, all of BIythe. iranie wjis supposeti to have been , **'" '^^^ Mrs. Florence Bristo^v; plaVd Monday evening, hut Eugenia President, Mrs. Florence M-cArthur; did not wish to play under the flood light.< and the League meeting \vas held Tuesday evening to settle the i^sue. The game was ordered played Frittey nig+it at 7 p.m., but Dundalk hiis intimate<i that they will i^t contiiuie in the play-<lowns. so Flesh- erton will noiw (meet Eugenia, but the! * <^^***^'- I dates for the finals have not been set. | ! Flesherton plays their first game I ill the Ontario Rural Softball «League Vice-President, Clarence Brownridge; Secretary. Miss Dorothy Stevenson. The day was lovely and everyone enjoyed a good time. Following a bounteous supper, a hymn was sung "What a Friend we hiive tn Jesus," and the g-athoring -.vas brouirht t« Among the beautiful flowers were' at Schomburg Monday nisht in the tokens of sympathy from Neig-hWoi-s , "'.A" series and the i-eturn irame will Mvlancthon Township Council, the' be pia.ved in Flesherton on Friday, I. and the Flesherton .August 20th. South Line has been Fle-herton W Service CUfb. BALL GAME, FRIDAY Conscience is celestial fire. your little spark ot 'Hie Owen Sound Sun-Timies soft- Kill team will play the local club here on Friday. Aug. 13th. at 7 pjn. This should -be a snappy game, 90 don't fail to attend. The entire pro- ceeils wnll go toward the payiiunt of in their championship tiie lumber in the bleachers. Tho ad- I mission is the same; 25c. entered in the "B" series, but we have not the date &u- their games. We hope the boys on both teams will go along far grumes. \Wi\^A Church Notes Rev. A. G. Macpherswn Minister JSKRVICKS, Sl'NDAY. AIG. 15 11 a.m.â€" Flesiherton: the W.M.S. 8 p mâ€" Proton Station: thr Y.P.U. "i j: mâ€" Emeenia: th< W. A. UNINSURED ACCIDENTS ARE COSTLY PILOT INSURANCE * Ae«id«ntt happen in • flash. If yon ar« not i» snred, repnymenl m(T cost yon toot home, your savingii or months oi income. Let us explain Pilot Automobile insurance to yon. It costs so Iittl«i> We write Pilot Insnrance to cover selected risks in Aatomobile, Fire, Personal Property Floater, Burglary, Plate Class, Public Liability and oUmt general insurance. ^ H. W. KERNAHAN Flesherton, Ont. COMPANY

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