mmm mmmmmmmmm wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm « « « « ^l)je /ksli^rUm ^irtiancA VOL. 68; NO. 10 FLESHERTON, ONT., WEDNESDAY, AC(-,L'ST 4, 1948 W. H, Thurston & Son, Publishers,, 4 * Future Events BALL GAME IN FLESHERTON ON THURSDAY South Line and Flesheiixin play the fourth game of their series in Flesherton this Thursday evening, Aug. 5th. G'aime called at 7 p-m. Don't m'ss this game as the teams are playing good ball. OPTICAL D. Campbell, the optonietrist, will be at the Park House next Tuesday, AugTist 10th, from 1:30 to 4 p.m. Eyes tesed and glasses su^piplied Can duplicate any broken lens. CAN YOU GIVE A CHILD A HOLIDAY? If you can let the Neighborhood Worker' Assoc, of Toronto know tha' you win take a boy or giri for two weeks this summer. For further in- formation see your minicter. This is the only escape for hundreds ot children from the hot city streets The need is urgent. Genoe Family Feted On Leaving Eugenia Home (By Eugenia Reporter) Monday evening, July 2Gtk, the many friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mis. Ray Genoe and family met in their honor at the hall to spend a few social hours with them before their departure to their new homo at Bracebridge. During the course of the eveniiig an address was read to the family by Mrs. E. Breadner, while a presentation of a coffee per- colator and an electric tea kettle was made by Misses Eleaner Proctor and Alice Tudor, on behalf of the coon- munity. Both Mr. . and Mrs. Genoe made neat replies, thanking all for the gifts, which they greatly appre- ciated, Mr. and Mrs. Geiwe and Diane left Wednosday for their hew home. They will be greatly missed in this locality. Yvonne remained for awhile with her sister, Mrs. Jack McDonald, at Flesherton. It's more pleasant when the low- down on people is high praise. HONEY "NATURE'S PURE ENERGY FOOD" It's ready, Folk â€" That new fine-flavored Honey For your convenience our plant will be open each day from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. to se*ve you. Parkview Apiary p. K. Howell, Prop. Phone 94J FLESHERTON The Home of Tasty Baking PIES CHERRY DATE RAISIN FRESH APPLE COOKIES OATMEAL SUGAR CAKES LIGHT CHOCOLATE Specials This Week CAKES â€" Golden Cocoanut and Maple Walnut also Apple Sauce Turnovers Date Turnovers Date Squares Cocoanut Squares Scarrow's Bakery Phone 60 FLESHERTON Our Chapel is at the disposal of our clientelt without extra charge. It contains well-appointed family reception roOlHs, including organ and organist. Bates and Maddocks fUNERat CHAPEL i24AvBnuE Rd KI.4344 Mr. And Ms. Isaac Smith Observe 55th Anniversary Another milestone in life has been enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Smith of town, when they celebrated then 55th wedding' anniversary with all membei's of the family at kome. with the e.xception of Edwin of London. The g;athering took the form of a Large Crowds Attended The Priceville Celebration On Civic Holiday. (By Priceville Reporter) A large crowd asserahled around the '.'nclaph on Sunday last, w';i're a very invpressive ni:.*moriai service was held, honoring thj i?allant sold- iers of the disti'ict who sacrificed picnic in Che Hydro Park, Eugenia, their lives during- the two last wars. Both Mr. and Mrs. Smith are enjoy- ing excellent health at present. Mlrs. Smith is able to do her own house- work and Mr. Smith is only awaiting the time when he can get out again next winter with his hounds and take after the elusive fox. Our congrat- ulations ai'e extended to this worthy couple. Rev. A. J. Simpson of Sf:. Andrew's Presbyterian Church pre-'idi\l for the sen'ice which commenced at 2:30. The joint choirs of St. Andrew's and St. Columba churches led tlie sing- ing. Hon. F. R. Oliver delivered a splendid address and Mr. John L. McKinnon cif Saskatoon, Sask., read the names of the iUlen. Mrs. .Jim Sturrock and Mrs. Garry Whyte placed the wreaths on the memorial, while Mrs. Hector McDonald of Dur- ham raised the flaifr and Mr. Cooper The semi-final games of the South of Durham sounded the Last Post, Grey Softball League have been in followed by a two-niiinute silence. progress during the past week, with j Pi-evious to the sei-vice the Durham Flesherton Leads South Line In League Playoffs Flesheiton playing South Line and Dundalk playing Euigenia. Flesher- ton leads ag-ainst South Line, having Pipe Band paraded w4th the veterans from down town to the cenotaph. A .*plendi<i celebration was held lost the fiist game 8-5, and winning j "" Monday and reunion of the Old the next ^aimes 7-3 and ftA. The B.loys and girls, bringing a iarge next game will be in Flesherton on | crowd to the events. A calithttmpian Thursday evening. Dundalk won the ' P^^'^de was held in the forenoon aii-i first game from Eugenia lit-ll in created much fun, follmved by water , the only game played so far. Dun- 1 sports at the river, Ranald MacMil- j dalk plays in another league and has ; '*»" of Flesherton took first prize in ' diificulty in arranging ga«ies. j ^^'^ swimming race, Gl(in McLean of j Facilities for spectators to see thej ^omnto secon,i and Norman Pierson j ball games in Flesherton haive been I »* Durham third. Lloyd Wilton of greatly improved by the rection of | Durham won the tub contest. Jas, two sections of bleachers along thej S'""''^*^°" «* Toronto won the diving third base line. Many more specta- with Bob McMaster second and Glen tors can now be accommodated. Meads - MacLachian A quiet but petty wedding'; was soleann.'zed by Rev. Law'rence Mould at 2:30 o'clock p.m., on Saturday, July 31st, at the home of the bi'ide near Pricevill*. when Marybelle Christena, daughter of Mrs, Mary MacLachian and the late; Angus MacLachian, and Kenneth Ray. son of iMr, and Mrs, W, K- Meads, were united in marriage. The livingroom was ibeautifuliy decorated with pink aiid white streamers, pink hows, white and silver ibells and cut flowers. The ibride, given in marriage by her uncle, Mr. Donald Black, looked McLean third. In walki»ig the gieasy pole contest Rinald MacM'illan took first. Carman Whyte second and Glen McLean third. The aft'^rnoon program at the school grounds was presided over by Mr. Archie MacCuaig and was very interesting. With him on the plat- form were several pioneers: Mr«. Pinkertos 97 past, N»ii McLeod 99, Sandy Campbell 99, Mrs. Mary Fer- guson of Swiiiton Park 86, Robt. Knox of Swinton Park, Jas. McLean, Mr. Weir, Mrs. Meyers, all over 80. Mrs. Pinkerton and Neil M«Leod cut the ribbon over the welcome sign. The former was presented with a plaid rug and the latter with a white .shirt and plaid tie. All the pioneers over 80 were presented with a f i . native to Priceville. Durham Pipe Band gave stirring I Visited Former Home First iTime In 35 Years; In West Mr, and .Mrs, Archie MacDonald and daughteis, Mary and Alice, of Froude, Sask,, have been visiting Mrs. M/acDonald's sister, Mrs. Jas, Jamieson, and other relatives in this disti-ict, Mrs, MacDonalj was the former .Alice Gordon of Eugenia, It is 35 years since Mr. MacDonald last vi.sit^d in this district and .sees many changes, most of which have been for the better. He also misses many of the old faimiliar faces of that time. It was a pleasure for the l)ebter. It was a pleasuie to have a talk with Mr. MacDonald. They have taken The Advance ever since tkey went West over forty years ago and i-eeard it as their weekly letter from home. Mr. Mac- Donald is a violin player of ability and his music found great favor at the dances held in his ditrict years ago. He again took up his old place in a dance at Eugenia last week, which brought back many pleasant me.morios to him. Their friends wish Mi\ and Mrs, MacDonald and family a pli'aant trip back to their home. Mr. And Mrs. D. W. Clinton Are Married 50 Years j i'lie home of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Clinton, Toronto, wtix the scene of a festive occasion^ when tliey cele- nrated their golden vvedding anniv- ersary on Tuesday, Jiriy i;>'t)h. The hapny couple were at home to their many friends and relatives during the aftei'noon and evening. Mrs. Clinton was the formei: Agnes I Gamey of Maxwell. The fiunily of I two sons, De:in and Kendal, and two ! daug>hter, Irene (Mis. J. Bi-otlierton ) and Eugenia (Mrs. P, Woodward) of Port Arthur, were all present, as were the three grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton were aible to attend the Old Home Week a year ago. The Advance editor offers his contgratulations to this highly re- garded couple, -along with their many friends in this district. Margaret Macpherson Wins Dr. Jamieson Gold Medal Miss .Margaret Macphei-soii <rf Flesherton Public School has been declared the winner of the Jamieaoo Gold Medsil, which is awarded annu- ally to the Higli School Entr.ince candidate obtaining the highest marks in the Departmental examin- ations in South Grey. Margaret is the eldest daughter of Rev. and Mr*. K- G. Macpherson and a pupil of Miss Emma Olivei-. principal of the vchool. Si.xteen pupils were in the Enti-ance class, 12 of them reeciving honors and four pass credits, a very fine record for both teacher and pupils. This is the first time that thi' Jamieson Medal has been won by a Flesherton pupil. The Jamieson Medal is awarded annually by Dr. D. G, Jamieson of Durham, in memory of his late father, who first made the award many years ago. Mr. and Mrs. R. Hutchinson Observe Silver Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Ran Huchinson of Kimberley celebrated theii- 36th ivedding aimiversary on Saturday, July nth, when about 30 guests sat (^lown to a buffet luncheon. In the evening they were greeted by about guests from Owen Sound. Hopeville, Meaford, Markdale, Priceville, Ftock Mills, Thombury, Huntsville and Camf) Borden. Five pipers were also present to provide stirring music. A dance was held in the Kimberley Community Hall. The li»ide and groom of 25 years ago -eceived some very lieaut'ful silverware. lovely in a floor-length gown oi white corded silk with gold trim,! Highland tunes several times during pearls adorning a sweetheart neck- the afternoon. Miss Anna McVicar line. She wore a finger-tip veil held danced the Highland Fling and sword by an apple blossom headdress, white | dance in her usual capable manner, lace gloves and white sandals. She \ as also did Miss Marion McLeod of carried a crescent with sweet peas in '• London, daug'hter of Mr. and Mrs. garlands and gladioli flowerettes. : Earl McLeod. Short speeches were i The bridesmaid, tMiss Emima Meads, sister of the groom, wore a floor- length gown of rose corded silk with matching shoulder-length veil. She wore pearls, i-ose gloves, white sandals, and carried a powder puff bouquet of oi'chid asters. The groom was attended iby Allan MacLachian, brother of the bride. The reception was held at the the home of the bride, with the bride's mother receiving, wearing a m»uve printed jersey dress with a corsage of sweet ipeas, and was assisted by the gi-oom's mother, who wore a hlaok crepe di'css with sweet pea corsage. The taible was centred with a three-tiered wedding cake, made iby /the ibride's mother, and de- corated with a miniature bride and gix)om. .Assisting at the tables were Misses Catherine and Alfreda Mac- Lachian. June Meads and Mrs, J. C, MacLachian, Aimi<J sihowers oif confetti and best wishes the young couple left for their wedding trip t« Nia^gara «nd other points, (he bride travelling in a gold printed .silk dress, blue top- coat and ibrown acces^^o ies. Friends were present fi-om Strat- ford, Coboconk, OriUia, Toronto. Nobleton, Swinton Park, Hanovpr JOHNSOX-.STOXE WEDDING IN TORONTO AU(irST 4 B ojrn WON BOWING GAMES Messrs. G, A, MacTavish, H, W, Kernahan and H. K. McCauley have been having considerable success in howling the past week or so. At the Elora Scotch dou/bles, with 60 rinks competing, they won third prize and a nest of tables. Howard McCauley. teamed with Cliff Henry of Durham, took the prize f .r ninth place. In a trebles competition at H«nover the three bowlers teanned uip and took Rn(srlish wool blankets as second prize. At the district play-tlow Howard and George won again s Walkei-ton and will meet Mt. Forest at Durham, this Fi'diay nrg'ht. given by Agnes Macphail, Martin McLeod of Tilbury, Wm. McBride of Palgave, Geo, Banks of Flesherton, John L. McKinnon of Saskatoon, Mrs, Malcolm McLean conveyed greetings from the W,I, Step dances were enjoyed, given by Snowden Mc- Leod, John McGraw, John McEtonald of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McDougall gave ioliii and piano numhers. Mr. and Mrs, Bob Sutherland were requested to come to the platform .md Mrs. Sutherland, who recently came out from Scotland, was given a welcome. Neil McLeod also sangi a Gaelic song. Horseshoe pitching | and meeting old friends keipt every- one busy. . .^T'softball gam« was played be- tween Fergus and South Line, the latter winning 6-2. The booths were well patronized, .A dance was held in the hall in the evening to music b Sharpens 6- piece orchestra. A ' sihort program ,v;'s g:ve!i with step danciii-jr by John L, -MicDonald of Ottawa a»d his sis- ter, Mi-s, .\lex, McLean, of Swinton Park, John McGraw, Robt, Mclntyre The hall was packed to the doors, A very enjoyable day was spent togethor. The president, Mr. .Archie MacCuaig desi'ivos mucli credit for all the work and time he spent to make the event successful, and also the committee, which worked so well and faithfully and did their work so will. Thanks to all. BOYDâ€" In Meaford Cottiige Hos- pital on Wednesday, July 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Boyd, Rocklyn, a son. Garry Elwin. BRODERICK â€" At Mrs. Nuhn's Nursing Home, Fleshei-ton, Thurs,, July loth, 1948, to Mr, and Mrs. Morris Broderick (Gertrude Little) Wareham. a daughter, Sharon Marie. PUNSTONâ€" At Mrs Nuhn's Nur- sing Home. Flesherton, to Mr. and Mi-s. Haiwey Funston (Velma And- erson) of Corbetton a son, Robert William. GENO.E â€" .At Mrs. Nuhn's Nurs- ing Home, on Friday, July Mth, to ift-. and Mrs. Laurie Genoe of Flesh- erton, a son. HALE â€" At Mrs, Nuhn's Nursing Home, Flesherton, on Saturday, July 24, to Mr, and Mrs, James Hale (Wilda Sayers) of Feversham a son, .Arthur Francis, KBLLAR â€" Lil and Ken are happy to announce the birth of their daugh- ter, Ganiele Nargene, at Markdale Hospital on Thursday, July 16, 1948, SMITH â€" In Hamilton Hospital on Sunday, Aug. 1, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Percy Smith of Hamilton, a daughter. A wedding of local interest \i tak- ing place in the Emmanuel CoUegs Chapel. Toronto, this Wednesday, .Aug. 4th, when Miss Daire«« Louiae Stone, daughter of Mr. and MiS. D'Eyncourt Stone, Toronto, will be- come the bride of William Robert Johnston, son of Dr. and Mrs. Thos. .'. Johiist(m. Midland. The bride and groom are graduates of tlie L^niver- sity of Toronto and taught in the Flesherton High School last year They will reside in Flesherton where the groom has been re-engaged to teach in the high .school. There is nothing more tiresome than someone who is trying to be interesting instead of interested. Hitch-hikers are jailed or fined in a western town. It's thumhs do-vvn On thumbs up. Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Elmo C. Stevens of Proton Station announce the engage- ment of their only daughter. Mar- jorie Evelyn, to Mr. John C. Mc- Kechnie. son of Mr. and Mlrs. John McKechnie of Durham. The mar- riage will take place in Inisti«ge United Church, Saturday, Augst 7.- at 2 o'clock p.m. Mrs, Elsie Shaw of Ceylon aa- nounces the engagement of her only daughter, Muriel Jean, to Edward George Croft, second son of Mr. and Mrs, Ned Croft of Rock Mills, the wedding to take place the latter part of August. <h Bulk Honey Best in years. Bring your own cans MILLER'S STORE CEYLON United Church Notes Rev. .A. G. -Macpherson Minister SERVICES. SUNDAY, AUG. 8 ll a.m. â€" Flesherton; the Minister. 3 p.m.â€" ilnistioge: the Y.P.U, 8 iJ.m. â€" Eugenia: the Y.P.U, SERVICES. SUNDAY. AUG. 1,5 Uâ€"Flesherbon: the W.M.S. 3 pmâ€" Pix)ton Station: the Y.P.U. •• f. m. â€" Eugenia: the W. .A. % \ I Rock Mills Baptist Church \ \ ANNIVERSARY SERVICES I I SUNDAY, AUGUST 8th X t Worshii) at 11 a.m. and 7:.^0 p.m. % I SPECIAL SI^K.\KER | I Tie Rev. J. P. Pry.'^e. M..\.. P..Mtis.. Pastor of Tus X carora lUiptist Clnirch, Ohswcken, Ont. I Service will not be held in Cedarside P)aptist Church (in 8th .Xiic^ust ^ The Rev. Wm. Alton WKite, E.D., Pastor X i