WednescUiv, Tune 30, 1948 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Small Ads WANTED â€" Several young calvt's C. Hindlc, phone Fleshtrton 90wl. FOR SALE â€" Quantity of No. 2 potatoes. â€" Geo. Armstrong. KIMBERLEY STRAYED â€" On or about lust week of May, bJack yearling steer with stub horns. â€" C-ecU Young, Maxwell FOH SALE â€" 18 younp pigti and kitchen skove. â€" Jothn Oliver, Price- ville, iihone Plesertoii i"yJ5. 5c2 FOR SALE â€" Massey-Hajrris side delivery rake. â€" Chester X. Long, phone Fei\fershani 3rl3'. 1,3 'WANTED â€" Used sewing machine ' in good cv-ndition, tJeclric preferr- e«l. Apj>iy ',11 The Advance office. JTANTFD â€" AJiun»U luitable fo; mink i.nd fox teed. â€" Bert Mclnto&b Eugeni», phon« Fe'^rsh* i 5r5iB FOR SALE ~ Dodfie VJSS ton truok in good condition. AO().y to 'he FleshertoH Crcainoy. -102 FOR SALE â€" Qirantiiy of hay in fields to Jet on .shares. â€" Robt. Oorl«-y, FSeshei-ton, phone 23w. (Intended for Laist Week) We are glad to know that Mrs. Geo. Proctor is much iniipi-ove<l in health. Mr. and Mrs. N. Burritl, Mrs. S. S. Burritt and Mr. John Abercrom- i)ie attended the funeral of the late MrH. Taylor Abercrombie, held at Cedai-ville on Wwlnvsday last. A nuinlwr from here attended She funeml (if_the late Mr. Abe. Knott at Meaford on Satur<lay afternoon. We are pleased to know that Mrs. F. JolIe~v 16 able to be back at school this week after her illness. FOR SALE â€" Renfrew cook stove in good condition, nftw trratc.-, Wm., Kimberky. 4p2 FOR S.\LE. â€" AxBunstcr rug 0x9, in good condition, sell cheap. â€" Wil- fred Best, He.-herton. FOR S.A^LE â€" Gendron baby car- riage, convertible, blue, almost new. .^pply at The Advance office. P'OR S.'^LE â€" G-piece dinette suite, natural, nearly new. â€" W. J. McMarter, phone 41 Flesherton. FOR S.ALE â€" Cement and nails: â€"'2'* to 6 inch spikes. â€" Harold RichaixlBOn, phone J'SwS Flesherton LOST â€" Re^ bathing suit with white fitripe, in front of Best's Grill. Please return to Garnet Hamilton, Fleehcrtn. OTpl: LIME i:(>R SALE â€" Kiln of fresh buiTie<i, rt-ady by June 25. â€" Barl FonwicJc, Eugenia, phone 23r43 Fever?hani. 3c3 FOR SALE â€" 50 mink peiis, readj to use, also M.-H; cultivator, 13- tooth. â€" Robt. Plester, " Ceylon, phone 44w'l ne.sherton. 4i>2 FOR SALE â€" 2 cows, one due lat? in July, other with calf. â€" F. T. Bills, R. R. 4 Flesherton, phone 048rl 1 Thornburj-. FOR S.ALE â€" Some nice (fuilts, some patched, others appliqued, took 1st and iir.d at two fairs in VMG. â€" IMi-s. Walter Rus-ell, phone 75w5 Flesherton. .5c2 FOR SALE â€" 1 HC FaiTOMH (A) Tractor on rubber, .\1 shape; also new 2-funo\v tractor jilow on rub- ber. â€" Alex. Duncan, (Ceylon, phone Flesherton 4oJ4. ,'5,p2 FOR SALE- Hown c«lU*psable baby pmni with chrome handle, in good condition, priced for quick sal". â€" Mrs. Lewis Fisher, R.R. ;} Flesh- erton, iihone 4i2J.'i. 5p2 FARM FOR SALE â€" 1 00 acre farm Lots 166-KJ7, 1 S.W., Artemesia, 2 milt-*- .south of Flesherton on No. 10 Highway.â€" L. R. Thtstlethwaite 38 Roosevelt Rd., Toronto. 5t.f. United Church Notes Rev. A. G. MacphersoB Minister The Sacrament of the I>ord's Sup- per will be obsei-ved on Sunday, July 4th, at Flesherton, Proton and Eu- cenia. St. John's W. A. meets on Tuesday, July 6th, at 8 p.m. in the church basement. Si«ter societies from other congregations are being entertained to a program and a 25c tea. St. John's Sunday School picnic is being bold Thursday, July 8itih, at Harrisivn's Park, Owen Sound. De- tail? will be announced on Sunday. STALLION FOR SERVICE Premium Black Percheron Stal- lion ''Don's Emblem," enrolment No. 2401 for sei-vice at the stable on Lot IGO, 2 N.E., Artemesia. ROSS STEVENS Phone 32J2 Flesherton NOTICE Te) THE P»BLIG REFUSE DUMPING ON ROADS IN ARTEMESIA TOWNSHIP All persons are hei-eby notified to ceaee dumping tin cans, rubbish ' anything on the i-oadsidns in .Arlc- ini'sia Tfv.viiship, under penalty of prosecutioK. â€" By Order of the Road Supt. HARRIS & DUNLOP BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, Etc Phone 38 MAHKDALE .Mr- Dunlop will be in G. J. Bellamy's effice every Sat- urday from C to 8:30 p.m- DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Giaduate of Toronto University Office: Kennedr Blcck Phone 77 Flesherton CHARLES J. BELLAMY MtJNICIPAL CLERK Issuer of Marriage Licenses CONVEYANCER Wills Mortgages, etc. Deeds Agreements A commissioner for taking affidavits Office, Toronto Street, Flesherton CEMENT BAG OR CARLOAD CB.MHNT BLOCKSâ€" ANY SIZE Plain or Rook Paced McDonald Cement (Products Local and Personal -MVs. Archie Stewart visited with friends at Caledon on Sunday. Mr. Harry Fellow of Toront was a visit/ir in town the past week. Mr. Ben Wilson Jr. of Wallace- I burg .spent the first of the week with Mr. *id Mrs. C. J. Bellamy. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Gates of Ham- ilton spent the past week with their daughter, .M'rs. Reg. Boden. Mr. and Mrs. Alt)ert Andrew and two •liildren were gue.sts of Mr. and .Mrs. A. E. Bellamy on Sunday. Dr. Willard Henry of Ft. William formerly i)f Flesherton, called on friends in town this week. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Smith of Scar- i)oro Jet. were guests of Mr. and M'rs. Russell Park on the week end. «VIr. and Mrs. W. McMastej- of To- ronto spent the week end with the lattcr's mother, Mrs. S. McMullen. Mr. and Mrs. Don Helson of To- ronto holidayed on the week end with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. McCracken. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Davis of Gilford and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Squires of Pitt«burg visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Adams. Mrs. E. Wolfe, Lavenie and Joanne I Wuod of Hamilton spent the wecife end vvit'h the former's mother, Mrs. R. Bentham. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Caushier and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Faustz of Hag- erstown. Md., visited last week with Mrs. R. Alexander and other district relatives. Miss Genevieve Milne of Malton an<l friend, MHss Mydia Rodriguez of Porto Rico, spent the week end with the fornver's parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Milne. Mrs. F. G. Eibach, Mr. and Miw. Ernie Efbach and Mrs. Borden Boyd. all of Detroit, spent the past week with *1ie for«U'r's sister, Mrs. Robt. Alexander. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Wilcock of Buffalo are visiting with Mr. and .Mrs. (Jeo. Cairns this wecli and re- mwini;" old a"<iuaint«nces. We were pleased to again meet Bob. Mr. and Mrs. Roy ThistUthwaite and Bernard, Mrs, L. Browm ami Miss Beatrice Thistlethwaite, all of Toronto visited in town over the week end. Mr. an<f : Irs. W. E. Betts and Norma, accomjianied by Mr. a!'d Mrs. L. Whitehead, attended the wedding last \V('e4i of Miss Alma .\tkinson and John .\. Purdon in St. .Andrew'.-^ Presbterian Church, Kitchener. Brivce Thurston left this Wednes- day morning fov a two week course of leadership training at the Ont- aria Athletic Comnnission camp near Longfoixl, on Liike Couchichfng. The course is sponsored by the Ontario Department of Education. Mr. and Mss. Will Carruthers of Toronto were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Geiioe, and nc- â- companied them in attending the anHual 'Turner" reunion held on Saturday at Harrison's Park, Owen Sound. Mrs. "Geo. Hutchinson, accompan- ie<| by Mr. and Mrs. Haddon Hutch- inson and Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Hut- chinson and baby, Linda, of Price- ville, motored to Mt. Albert and vis- ited with the former's d'aug^hter, Mrs. E. W. Foster. Miss Catherine Fos- ter returned with them ami is visit- ing her grandmother. VISIT THE MARITJMES YOU'LL EKJOY GOING BY BUS ^Sg^j^ FARES ARE LOW ROUND TRIP TAX INCLUDED HALIFAX ST. JOHN $59.65 SYDNEY , , ^^^•'"^ (Subject To Charge) Tickets and Infoi-matioti at BODEN'S SERVICE STATION $67.75 Who'll Speak Against Taxation Problem? Box 2nH niRHAM Customer: "Oine mouse trap, in a hurry â€" I haive to caitdh a bus." Clerk: "Sorry, sir, our traps don't come that big." The injustice of the cnishing tax burden in thi.s country should be driven home in every newspaper and from every broadcasting station. It has become vicious, taking at least dollar out of every three that an average family earns. Unfortunately, radio is unlikely to take up the cudgels on the tax- payers' behalf. The CBC althoug-h it claims to belong to those who pay taxes, is actually operated by the government, which collects them. Further, it. is itself dependent â- on a .?2.5() yearly listeniRig tax for its ex- istence. That leaves the newspapers, which are not dependen'' , taxes (only in pa'i' ' are entirely free '-;.. n.. ...ow' 'their minds o» the .siiibjeet. But for how long? Authorities claim that fhe present .system of distributing news- ptpers may soon be entirely replaced by a facsimile â€" the printing of newspapers in the home via radio wave. Such a process will automat- ically conne under jurisdiction of th»" broadcasting to the puldic of Canada CBC. which controls all wirele'^s. Unless existing radio laws arv changed, it will mean the end of freedom of the press. And unless soAiething is done about relievinig the ta.xpayers' bur- den befiore tbat happens, there is precious little chance of anything l>eing done after. (EDARSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Wm. Alton White. E.D. Sunday. 4th July. 1048 â€" Worship at 11 a.m., subject "Tender Deal- ingrs." Text Hosea 2:14-15. Chm-ch School at 12 noon. Midweek Prayer and praise service a S:SO p.m. every Wednesday. ROCK MILLS â€" Worship at 7:30 p.m. Sxibject "Prrcrastination." Text Acts 22:16. Sunday 4th Judy, 1948. The Ordinance of Baptism at the close of the service. Teacher: "Junior, what is the first thinig your farbet says on com- ing to the table?" J\inior: "He says, 'Go slow on the butter, kids! I don't know where the next pounid is coming from.' " F. T. HILL & CO., Limited See Our Grand Showing of Misses' and Women's SUMMER DRESSES Washable spiiiis; .sizes \4 to -14 $4.95 Our new iittinj; rooms and rciiKidelling' makes shopping a pleasure in the T.adies' Ready-to-Wear Dept. Men^s Sport Shirts Semi-dress, lonpf sleeves, sizes for all Priced from $2.95 to $5.95 Our New Foundation Dept. Features «GOSSARD» All Sizes; All ,Stypes; All Prices Come in and have a correct fittinuc F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. Phone 7 Markdale CM< 0IV[ XO^ miAORl MILEAGE V»inH THE MEW »rAP«OVfo good/Vear • It's the most economical tire you can buy. Millions of test miles have proven that the DeLuxe averages 34 % more mile- age than the big-mileageGoodyear it replaces. A wider, flatter tread gives super- traction. It's Canada's most popular tire ! jbuAyZ im^iodouj^l D. MacTavish & Sons FLESHERTON AUTHORIZED GOODifM^EAR DEALER NEGLECT CAN STEAL YOUR BUSINESS * No fansineM can afford to face risk* which sboald b« covered by insnr- â- noe. Let us analyse yonr needs, explain kow insurance can protect yoor basiness from Ipu in many ways and arrange plan* Bed Pilot policies to coyer all evenmalities. We- write Pilot Insiuance to cover sel- ected risks in Automobile, Fire, Personal Property Floater, Burglary, Cargo, Eleva- tor, Teams, Plate Class, General and Pub- lic Liability, Fidelity and Surety Bonds. H. W. KERNAHAN FLESHERTON Representing i!jirhii.'iiii!?.V!i COMPANY . A oivo'-ce court Judge says too many iriiOs love a man just for the time being. Another way of saying just f«v the present. Someone was showing a picture of Ghandi in that glorified ^^diwper'Tie wore. "You vvouldri't Tielieve it," he said, "but Ghendi was once a lawyer." Said a man in the g*>up: "He looks more ae if he had been a lawyer's client." 5 ^^ M BW TheN 1949 FORD Kv See it and you'll agree, the '49 Ford is completely new, from the ground up! New "Mid Ship" Ride... with new "Hydra-Coil" Front Springs and new "Para-Flex" paral- lel Rear Springs. New longer, lower lines â€"combined with new "Piaure Window" Visibilhyâ€" in a $9% more rigid "Life- guard" Body. New, 57% roomier "Deep Deck" Luggage Locker. New, "Magic Action" King. Size Brakes. New, 100 Hp. V-8 Engine that saves up to 10% on gaso- line. It all adds up n> the finest Ford eier , . . • with an overall new design that makes it "The Car of the Year"' BOYD BROS. Ford and Monarch Dealers Phone 20J FLESHERTON