j^Mc' 4 -< : 1 4k •4 4 M 0- ' * T « 4 * P, A. »- '? -♦ r Jll •* J*. W'ednesday, May 26, 19^8 THE F-LKSHERTON ADVANQC It helps a lot in these mighty bard and trying times to have every- body ti-yinfi: mighty hard. And now it is up to the opposition parties at Ottawa to decide whether opposition to national liealth is g'ood for their own political health. A card ghaiT)er should make a good dispenser of turtle soup. He is accostomed to deal at the bottom. CEYLON An Ohio policeman, arrested a man for helping himself at a fruit stand. What does the officer want, a mon- oply? I 5! I i ? T Y 5: To The Electors of South Grey The figures g-iven below indicate the Grants made to certain Municipalities of South Grey in 1947, by the Drew Government. iTo appreciate the increasing measure of financial assistance given, compare the 1947 grants with the grants of sim- ilar nature given in 1943, when Mr. Oliver was Deputy Prime Minister. The actual mill rate sav- ings in your tax bill is also shown. The following figures represent grants for Education and Roads only, and take no account of the increased bene- fits to Old Age Pensioners, Under Mothers' Allow- ances, the bonusing of rural hydro construction and other services, which have been increased in similar proportion. Grant Grant Mill Rate Muaicipality 1942-43 1947-4« Savings Artemesia and Flesherton $12,952 $44,086 Bentinck 9.379 25.077 10.3 Chatsvvorth 1.436 6.873 30.5 Dundalk 3,394 13,293 30.4 Egremont 11.033 31,963 13.5 Euphrasia 14.008 i7.0S3 16.1 Glenelg 9.885 23,993 14.4 Holland 11.009 32,516 19.3 Markdale 3.453 15,588 26.8 Normanbv 11.489 36.470 12.4 Osprev 13,503 35.080 17.9 Proton 9,958 Zb.hhii 12.2 In the lO Alunicipalities uf South Grc>', the'' Provincial Grants were $271,166.00 greater in 1947-48 than in 1942-43. tor- education and high- ways only. The above shows a record of achievement and not (if i)i'(>inisC's. MorenvtT, e\ery cent of llie in- creased beuelits, as well as all other expenditures have been paid in cash by the Drew Government, throughout its 5 years in ofi'ice. .\t the same time, the Provincial debt was reduced by more than S27 millions of dollars. During the 9 years immediately preceding the Drew regime, the Government of which Mr. Oliver was a member added $140 millions to the debt of the Province. Now, Mr. Oliver promises to remove 3c from the gasoline tax, and reduce or remove amusement taxes. If he hopes at the same time to maintain the present standard of service to the electors of this Province, how many more millions of debt will 'he place on the shoulders of the ratepayers? On June 7tli, express your pre- ference for the Cash and Carry system of the Drew Government to a mounting debt, inherent in the promises of Mr. Oliver. Fo,r achievement and not promises; for action and not words, X'ote on June 7th, for Howard A.lMcCauley, Progressive Conservative Candidate IT'S TIME FOR A CHANGE IN SOUTH GREY LISTEN TO CKNX CFOS May 31st â€" 12.55 to I p.m. May 3lst â€" '5.45 to 6 p.m. June 3rd â€" 2.55 to 3 p.m- June 3rd â€" 3.4'5 to 6 p.m. May 28th â€" 2.30 to 2.35 p.m. .lune 3rd â€" 1 to 1.05 p.m. .June 4th â€" 1.15 to 1.30 p.m. .lune 1th â€" 2.30 to 2.35 p.m. 5 I X y â- I i I CFRB â€" June 1 St â€" 1.15 to 1.30 p.m. Presenting issuer in favour of HOWARD A. McCAULEY ; Progressive Coii'-orvatix e. South (itey '.;..>.><.<.;<.<..:. <..^<..:.<..;..^.^.>.^.:..>«.^.^<.^.^.>.^.>.:..^•x•%~:"^•^•^•:•♦♦•:•♦♦•^♦?^»•x• I i I % I I I t I I .'I I ! Messrs. Wm. and Joe Hemphill, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Irish aaid Nor- man of Toronto spent the week end at the home of Mr. S. HempWll. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Goessel, Keith and Marg-ot .-Vnne visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Forrester at Kin-* cardine on Sunday. Mr. and Airs. Glareiitu Cook, Ron- ald and Dorrance, and Mr. FramJk Bruce of Colbecli visited on Sunday at the home of Robt. Plester. Mrs, Bruce returned with them after a week's visit. iMr. and Mrs. Austin spent the week end in Toi-onto. Misses Hilda and Helen Duckett, Mr. Irvin Ward of Toronto and Mr. Walter Shoupe of Brantfoixi spent the week eiul at the home of Luther Duckett. Visitors over the week -end with Ml', and Mrs. Jas. McMulen were Jean McMuUen and Joyce Gence oi Oiwen Sound, Miss Mary McMullen of Toronto and Miss Jean McCrack- en of Flesherton. Mrs. R. Campbell,- Dorothy and Eric, spent the holiday at HopeviUe. Mrs. .A.nna MacMillan spent the week end with friends in Toronto. - Mr. and Mrs. Willis Wright and Marianne of Leaside visited Monday witih Mr. and Mi-s. P. HeniphUl. Miss Dorothy Snell of Islington. Mr. Joe Snell and Shirley of Weston spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Isaac SneLl. Mr. and Mrs. Don Meads, Miss Marie .Meads, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. John McDougall and family of Meaford were week end and holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Meads, O.D.R. Mr. and Mrs. Rdbt. Watson amd fa/niily of Toronto spent the week end with Mrs. Geo. Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Plester, Mr. Delbert Plester and lady friend, Miss Beatrice Doner, aJl of Toronto, were week end and holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Jaynes. Holiday visitors with Mr. and Mps. Robt. RLitlcdgc' were: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Edmunds, Chatswortih, Miss Barbara Brawley. Holland Centre, Mr. Dalton Rutledge, Walde- niar, Mrs. Howai-d EllTott and Mr. Ray McFadden, Toromto. Murary and Fred Marshall of Forks of Credit holidayed with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marshall. Miss M. E. Aitken spent the week end at her home at Holstein. PRICEVILLE (Intended for Last Week) Mr. Keith Goessel of Bala spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Goessel. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Whittaker of Toronto spent the week enid with friends here. Miss .Matharine Stewart, Reg.N.. of Owfii Sound spoilt the week end with Mr. and Mir^. Mel Hogarth. •Mr. Fi-ed Irish of Toronto spent the week end at the honn' of Mr. S. He-niphill. Mr. Delbert Plester and friend. Miss Beatrice Donner, of Toronto visited on Suiielay with Mrs. John Plester. Ml-, aiiid Mrs. T. \V. Matson and Mr. and Mrs. Archie White, all of Toronto were Sunday visitors with Mrs. -Uary Irwin. Mr. and Mrs. Goldie McMullen of Toronto vsited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mie.Mulltin. Mr. and Mrs. .lack Stoneouse, Jes- sie and Rosemary, of N'ottawa vis- ited on Sundiay with Mr. and Mrs. J"C' Stauble. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Nichols aaid Shiili^v, Mr. and Mis. Frank Bruce, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Bruce, Shirley and Ross, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Plester. Mrs. Hazel Murdock of aCledon East is visitjiig- this week with Mrs. Mary Irwin. Ml-, and Mrs. Harry Snail of Buf- falo. N.Y., and d-auKlvtor, Sandra Lee' visited oVe rthe week end with Mrs. Fred Sproatt artd Mrs. Neubauer. Mrs. Snail is a granddaughter of Mrs. Sproatt. (Intended for Last Week) A Trustee meetiimg was held at the home of the secretary, Mrs. Boice. .-^ plot of ground was pur- chased from Mr. Robt. Parslow on which will he erected the new school. Mr. Ed. Dingwall returned home last week from Markdate Hosptal. Mr. and -Mrs. Archie Whyte, To- ronto spent Suiiulay with his bro- ther, Mr. Jack Whyte. Mi's. All:e Muir returned home, after spending tiie winter in Toronto -Miss Maiy Muir, Toronto, spent the wec-:< ef.d at the home of her brother, Mi: A. S. Muir. Mr. and Mrs. Colin McLean, who spent the winter in Toronto, return- ed home and were accompanied by their son, Alex. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. S. Boice were: Mr. and Mrs H. Noble and Mr. and Mrs. Tuckfield of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Single- ton, Barbara and Virginia, Toronto. Mr. Emerson Meads motored to Niagara Falls on Saturday to at- tend the wedding of a friend, Mr. Bill Mears and acted as best man. His mother accompainied him to Burlington and visited with her sistei- there. A cow owned by Mr. Edgar Pat- terson is the proud mother of twin calves. Mr. Oswald Potter, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Patterson, Marilyn and Gale of Mono Mills were visitors at the home of Exlgar Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Patterson attghded the funeral of bis aunt, Mrs. Mai-garet Clayburn, at Caledon last week. Mrs. Clayburn died at her home at Whitby. The Y.P. met Tuesady night in St. .Andrew's church, and after the usual opening e.xercises Mrs. Sims, Mrs. CanTipbell and Mrs. Sturrock each gave readings, and Mrs. Campbell conducted a contest. The meeting j closed with a hymn and the Mizpah benediction. SOFTBALL STANDING Won Lost Pt3. Flesherton ..'. 3 6 South Line 2 4 Eugenia 1 1 2 .Markdale I 1 2 Dundalk 2 Fevershani 3 Gainies Played This Week yFlesheiTon IL Eugenia 5 Flesherton 17, Fevershani 7 Markdale defeated Feversham on Tuesday evening. Games This Week May 20 â€" Eugenia at South Line May 28 â€" -Eugenia at Feversham May 31 â€" South Line at Dundalk Flesherton at Feversham June 1 â€" Markdala et Flesherton mm Mti m m itm . " BOWL EUGENIA (Intended for Last Week) Mrs. Bert Magee has returned to her home from Markdale Hospital,] whei'e she had her tonsils removed, i The Hawthorne family of Brant- ford are now occupying their cot- tage on the Sth line. Mr. Thos. Stewart has retuniied from Toronto where he has been cm- ployed with the Hydro. Mrs. W. Honer of South Porcupine visited with Mrs. Mlargarot Jamie- son recently. Mrs. Heaney and diaughter, Judy, of Toronto are visiting with her pareiiiits, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Burton. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Bui-ton and two children of Toronto spent a few days recently at tlie former's par- ental home. Mr. and Mrs. Crawford and little son., David, and friends of Phila- delphia spent a few di\ys here. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Court Smith were; Mr. Percy Smith and son, Billic, of Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Boyd of Rocklyn and Mrs. .Alma Lang of Toronto. Mr. W. Pinkerton was lucky in catching a 5 pound German Brown trout in the Eugenia lake a few da.vs ago. There have been s(»veral good sized fi.sh caught here durii)(Bf the fnxst couple of weeks. Mo<lern (?«ting habits nve p.'irtly rc^pmnsible for crime, said a phy- sic' -n. Was he thinking of the soup soloist? HYDRO ^â- NOMinoNonun Hello homemakersl The asparagus shoots springing from the earth look so good we could eat them raw. It has been a long time since we tossed our garden greens together into a salad Ixiwl. However, one thing we can do is cook and chill the aspar- agus tips to serve marinated, witb potato salad Or jellied vegetables. To "marinate" leave the cooked veget- able (in this ease) for ajn hour in French diessing or seasoned vinegar and .salad oil. JELLIED ASP.VRAGUS SAL.U) 2 tbsps. gelatine, 'a cup cold water, ''2 cup vinegar, 2 cups boiling water, V.-s cup sugar, 1 t.sp. salt, 1 pound fresh cooked asparagus, V-x cup sliced olives, lettuce, celery curls. Soak gelatine in cold water for 5 minutes. .Add vinegar, boiling water sugar and slightly thickened. Pour a .small amount into moistened or oiled mould or indiiviilual moulds. Chill until firm. .-Vrrange asparattus tips in the mould attractively with sliced olives. Pour in remaining ucei- atine mi.xture and chill thoroughly until firm. Unmold to serve on crisp lettuce. Gaiinisih with watercress and celery curls. Serve with may- onnaise. Yield: (J servings. CREAM OF ASPARAGUS SOL P 2 bunches fresih green aspara- gus or 2 cups canned asparagus, '4 cup chopped celery, '2 cup cream, 6 cups chicken stock, i tbsps. flour, salt, peppei-, paprika. Lf fresh asparagus Is used, wash and cook standing upright In a deep saucepan or bottom or top boiler, covered with upper i>art or deep saucepan, so that .stalks of asparagus are thoroughly cooked while tips aii' steamed until teiuler. Remove tips and reserve them. Place asparagus stalks, onion and celery in ohicke<n stock and simmer for ''i hour. Rub through a sieve. Combine buttei', iloar. seasonings and cream as in Basic Recipe for Making Cream Soups. Add asparsigus stock. Heat in a dowble boiler. When hot add rho asparagus tips. Yield: (i serv- ings. .. CHEIiSE .VSPARAGUS .. Dip asparagus tips or stalks in Thick White Sauce, then in grated cheesa. roll in bread crumbs, dip in beaten egg and them in bread crumbs. B;ike in electric oven at M't degrees until golden brown. TAKE A Til' 1. .A.dd asiMiragus to cream sauce rather than sauce to asparagus to prevent cui-dling. 2. To prevent lumps forming in a cream siiuce mi,\ tih<.' flour with enough cohi milk to make a smooth l)aste and stir hot milk constantly while you aild the thin paste slowly. 3. Crisp the trackers for soup. Place thejn on a baking sheet anil heat until lightly browned. 4. Croutons are lavmirite accompani- ments for soup. Cut stale bread in half-inch slices, then cube. PlaCe in a baking pan a'ld brown in ' hot el?:tric ovi-:i. Every day we discover a new woixi, says a distionary authority. .And She baby discovers several. Over 5,000,000 pairs of are old evey year â€" just to help our good looks. Hurry up and get your story io before all of the big fish have gotten away. PAINTING PAPER HANGING Interior and* e.^erior painting, and paper hanging. Let me give you an estimate. J. A. CARSON Phnn.i 2r2 Flesherton Priceville ,>.x~:.<KKK~H~:~:~w~:~:~:-XK"W~:~x~:~>*MK~:"K~:":~w~xKK-<~XK~:^^^ Shingling I % NOW is the time to look after your roofs and 4* ••• . . *'* % to apply 2isbestos siding. .<. I Call I Kay Roofing & Shingling Corp., Ltd. % Local Agent: G. B. Welton, Flesherton ••?•;••;";♦•;♦•>;♦♦:♦•:♦•:••:••;••;- ! LEAVE FLESHERTON (Daylight Saving Time) TO OWEN SOUND To TORONTO â- ' d 12.05 p.m. g 4.05 p.m. 9.05 a.m. d 7.-k) p.m: i 8.40p.m. d -Sunday and Holiday only i - Daily except Sat. ^ - Saturday only. Bus Connections at Brampton for London fend at Toronto for Montreal. Ottawa and North Bay [ FARES ARE LOW Rounut Trip - Tax Included - $59.65 WINNIPEG 29.60 REGINA 46.70 CALGARY CHARTERED BUSES FOR PRIVATE PARTIES AT LOW RATES TICKETS AND INFORM.'VTION AT FIRESIDE LUNCH - R. BODEN Phone 63 Flesherton, v^nt. QUEBEC HALIFAX ST. JOHN $50.05 61.30 81.35 Don't Use An Old Cream Separator THAT TURNS HARD AND LOSES CREAM If you need a new Cream Separator, let me dem- onstrate in your own dairy a smooth, easy- turn- ing Renfrew that gets every last drop of cream. Increase your cream seques and help increase the butter production. Give us a call at any time.