4 W^ V- ^Ijje /k6i)^rU*n \i>tiance* ^ \'0L. 67; NO. 52 FLESHERTOX, ONT.. WEDNESElW, :. 194S \V. H. Thurston & Son, Publiahers„ Eugenia W.A. Meeting The May meeting of Eugenia W. A. was held last week at the home â- >i" Mrs. Jas. Otcewell, w-ich ilrs. S. Campbell presiding. Roll aali was answered by paynierjt »f member- ship fees. Two ci«te6t,s weie coa- dueted and the '.vinners were Mrs. A. G. Macpherson and Mrs. J. Campbell, Mrs. MacphersoE tieing the second one. Mrs. T. Stewart ff^ve a reading, after which a dainty hiiKh was served. The June .^eet- :ng will be held in the church. -AiR CHiiio judge contends that mos» people can be trusted. But folks would prefer that they pay cash. Fixed bayonets held back strikers at a Chicago meat plant, k would please many housewives rf the prices, rather than the bayonets, werfe fixed. Future Events PLAY AT .MAXWELL The W„A.. of tibe Unit<;d Church wiM hold a play entitled '"Keep It Under Your Hat," presented by Owen Sound Uilent, on Monday, .May 31 St. -Admission: 35c. ; Mrs. Pinkerton Again Heads St. Mary's Guild The Ladies' G«ild of St. Mary's -AngliacTj Church, Maxwell, held their annual meeting at the ho«ni« »l Mrs. Vim. Pinkerton, »th ILie. Foilowing the ot>ening of the meewig the an- nual repoi-ts were read aiid oihei basines<a coHipleted. .Ac :ke eiecti'On of otficers. Mrs. Wm. Pinkerton was re-elected president, with Mrs. Hani> as vice-president, Mrs. Geo. Lin^, as secretary and Mrs. A. Grcsmmett the treasurer. Mrs. G. Seeiey was elected convener ctf the sick com- mittee, and Mrs. Londrr and Mrs. G. Seeiey were appcint^d auditors. At the concltiaion '>i the meeting the h-ostess served a daintv lunch. [Life Begins Again For Ruth McKee Of Toronto Fevershaun Fail Fair Dates Set For September 29-30 Mrs. Thos. Irwin Parses A story with a happy ending h^ The dates iof the Ospfey Agri«ul (By Pviceviiie Rep'-.-...- A wide circle of frienos aa<i neign- Locai Shorthom Breeder Ships Cattle To U.S-.\. Grey County Shordaoni breedei* tthat of Ruth MeKee, pat.ent of Dr. ; turai Scceity fail fair at Feversham btrs leai-oed wixh deep regret of cue; nave been selling cattle to 'Gordon Murray, wiio has just under- j were aet for Sept. 2S and iU at a; passing o-i ilrs. Thomas trwin. Tat asers from th« Uoiied States aad gone a su-cessfol operation for con- ! meeting o<f the Bt>ard on Wednesday; funeral was held at her Uite resid- quite a numiber of choice irjamim genital he-art disease. j evening of last week. Caniva»s«r», <fn«:e Thdrs<iay aiterni>on atfid was i haive be<jn secured for export- AM Ruth is a daughter *i Mr. and iirs i were selected to solicit contributions ' I'argeiy attended, by ir.eiids aad aaimals are pedigreed. The fir^t ol Kenneth McKee of Harvie St.. To- jas in the past. The Societiy appre- : neighbci-s w4to came to pay their the week Mr. Roy W. Piper of Cey- The Late Archie McArthur SHELBIRXE R.\CE MEETI Shelburne Rae Meet on .Jane 3th. $750 in purses. Three classes: 2:*&. 2.22 and Free-for-All. Bradley and Gregg starting gate to be used. First race at 1:30 p.m. .Admission tJOc. DANCE .\T FEVERSHA.M Dance at Robinson's Hall. Fever- sham, on .Thursday, June 3rd, music by Grove's Orchestra, under auspices of the .Athletic and Improvement -Assoc, .Admission: 50c. SHORTHOR-N SALE Grey County Short horn Breeders' consignment sale in the skating rink. Chatsworth, on Wednesday. June 2nd-m2 males, 15 females. Catalogue o" request. T. Stewart Cooper. Secretary. Markdale. PLAYS L\ FLESHERTOX 2 Short plays "CTtizy to Reduce" and "Have You Had Your Opera- tion?" will be presenteti by Coll- ing\\-ood United Chua-h W.A. in the Flesherton Town Hall. Fridtiy, May 2Sth, at 8:00 pju., under auspices of Sil, John's W. A. .Admission: Hoe and 25c. ( By Priceville Reporter) The funeral af the late .Arc'aie Mc-Arthur was held Friday aitemoon in St. .A.''dreror"s Pi-esbyterian Church when many friends and neighbours were present. The service was conducted by .A. J. Simpson who delivered a fine message, while Miss Eileen Harriso" sang a solo. . The pall-bearers, neighbours of deceased, were: James Sturrock. XeO Black, Eimer Xeun, Wally Weliwood D-o.r.alQ Black, and .Archie MsKech- nic. Many beautiful iloral aributes surrounded the casket, w'nieh bore silent messages of love. The fl;:'wer bearers were Mary belle McLiichlan. Alan Mk-Lachlan, Jim- mie Weliwood. June Bender and Mil- dred Meyers. Fi-iends from a distance attendang were: Mr. and Mrs. James Well- wood, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Maycook, Wally Weliwood, Donalii and Buster, ail of Dundalk. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Scott and son and William Scott, all of Egremont: Mrs. Mary Bender: June Bender: Dorothy Meyers, Mr. and Mrs. John Meyers. Mr. and Mrs. Jirc Hicks, all of >wen Sound. Mrs. Gerald ,Magee and son, E^Jgenia. Intei-ment w-jis made in McNeill's Cemeti"v. -I . ronto, and is a granddaughter of Mr. i cirrtes «he support accorded she fair and Mirs. John McKee and Mr. and i and would again welcome tile loyal Mrs. J. J. Boyce •f the itk Line. .Art"! sapport of %L1 approached. Consid eHiesia Township. i erable discussioD ai-os* over placing "She was i.-niy in. kindergarten six i 'he fair g-'0'an<4s under the Munici- oi'jnths when she was sent h-ome for I pai Hali .Act, and as a result a gen- good," Mi-s. McKee toid The Tele- ! «-ai meeting of the .Association ha gram. "Our doctor diaignosed her case as being the stoppa^ge oi one oi the heart valves." From then one Rush's life was one <y£ i-e*t jitA quiet. She took bottles and bottles of iron medicine to nour- ish her failing heart, sipent hours i.". bed. never cirmibed stairs, and â€" worst of all â€" never weicjc back to school. However, Ruth was a bright Uttle I ^^^nv sportsmen "were out tr\ing gu-l. She would not give up hope. I ,^1^^^ ],^^'^ at fish:nii. To keep her .^lind occupie«, home in- 1 -Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clark of To- •structors. sent by the Yo.rk Township' ^,,^.^ ..vere week end visitors at thei 'ua^i respects to aae wh-o was held , [oc. shipped ten tine head of '-attle, in the iiighest es.teem by ail who j whiich had been purchased last wwk kne-w her. i by Mr. J. H. Rose o-f Kinsnaan. OMtL Rev. -A. G. Macpherson, St. John's! Mr. Rose 'aad been pcrciasintg reg^ Uaked Church Flesiherton, gave a ' isxer»Hi Shorthorn, cattle around To- m'Ost comiorting message to tne Der- . ronto and he stated diat the qaallty eaved family and fnenos an<i niaas j which h*; was 'ouying Ici Grey Coonty been called for Friday evening, Juaie oeautifui floral txiiautes piud silent j was equal to any he 'aad yet secttred. ith. at S pjn- in the Orange Hail, testiamjoy to the respect in wiii.:h j This .speaJcs well for Grey County Fevershaim, at wti»ih all m.em''oers > the deceased was held. | farmers, who are contincally trying are expected to attend. 'â- Deceases leaves to mourn three i to improve their herds. j sons, Jonn of Regma. Bert at hom.e ROCK MILLS The weathei- was dull and cold over the week end and holiday, but t'.-omer s norae nere. ; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Xewell spent; the wtek end with Dui-ha;n friends. ; Miisses Ruby and Eunice Dobson ] of O^'en Soumd spent the week end '. aad holiday at their home. Mr. Glen Croft, who is now em ployed at Stayner. spent the end' at his parental home. Congi-atulations to Mr. aix-d -Ardiur Ba:iev og the arrival Mrs. of a j Board of Education, called Iwice a i week to give her lessons at home. -Ac-' I cording to her present teachei-. Miss ! Maiiia Post. Ruth is (jualilied to pass ' r.er tiiitrance this year without trying j e-xaminations. I .A-nd the operation'.' That was thej most wonderful part. "We took Ruth to Dr. Murray," 'ner a;other s-ays, "and he said she had patent ductus aiteriosus." (.Ruth j catis it Tjoconductus".) Within two ^on on >lay ITth. j weeks he performed the delicate; Mr. and Mrs. -M. LonsiA-dy of To- heart cpetation which has given Ruth ; ^-onto were visitors with Mr and ' - a<^''^' '<^as<? on life. ! Mi-s. Walter Russell. -The day ;iiter the operation. Ruth \ Mr. and Mrs. Kei-, Walker and son, j celebrated her fourteenth birthday, 'â- D-^r.ald. of Gait were 'nolidtiy visit- Ruth is stUl palid, and under.veight : ors with her pa.n?nts. Mr. and Mrs. and h«s been told to ""take things j El wood Partridge. easy" for a year. .After that, there! wiii be r.o limit to what she can do. : ilnteaied for Last Week) Srys Mi-s. McKee: "She will be aWe â- This locality had a heavy rain and to go to high schcxxi like other girls, , n.all storm Sunday afternoon, but ride a 'oike. do anything." and Bradey living near &> and three grandsons. The paii-ibearers were, Cecil Fawcett, Edlgar Patterson, Wiliuim Beaton, Donn-e VVhite. I. B. VVh:t- taker and Russel Purdy. Friends fro^m a distance who at- tended the funeral were Mr. -and Mrs. Wikner ANDY CLARK PASSES The death occurred at his >n Toronto.Late Wednesday 'tasi w«di, \xf -A.idy Clai-ke. former news man and well kn-J'wn radio m;entator. He was known to tiM»- McCauley, Holland n^*--^*^, through his Sun-iay -»sjBm Centre; Mr. and Mrs. Dave McCau- ' ^•-'**--asc oi -Neignbocr-y N**** ley, Owen So'und; Mr. and Mrs. Ira ' Lrieaned -rom weekly paipers. He was Scheli: Mrs. McCanneii and McCauley, Holland Centre : Bill Haiisert, fiiliis and Echna; Mr , and Mrs. Hugh Johnston and Reg- [ I maid; Mrs- Richardson. Wallace. â- Graham. Jean Bradley. Mr. aajd ilrs. ' ; iHanley Richardson. Mr. and Mrs. ; Wesley Bradey, Mr. and iLrs, ken Hill. Mi-s. Walker, all oi Markdale: Mr. and -Vlrs. John Faii-baiirtv and Ralph. Holstein: Mrs. Herbert Irwin, Dundlaik; Russell Furdy. Toronto. The dower oearers were: Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hill. Mrs. Haibert, Ethna Haibert, Mr. and Mrs. Mairiiey Rich- i ardson, Jean Bradey, Waiisice Gra- '' ham, Mrs. Coanv.'li, Nonma McCauley. . Reg. »'ohnston. Ralph Farbaim u,r.''. I HiUis Haibert. Intermei'jt was mac-. In Marsda.. Cemetery. No "-ma i *'-"li'^'ulied to make thiis broadcaaS w I frijim Tbc.imbury. qg May .i^-X in 'i necrior w'rh "Blossom Wees'. Card of Thanks We wish to expi'ess our s:ncer« thanks and appraciatiioini to our many frientfe atui neighbors for their acts '.'•f 'nindness. exrpres^ions ci symipathy and for the m«Dr.iy 'oeauti- fu! floral tributes, e^ctende1i to th during the illness and loss of oar dear naother. the law Mrs. Ihoa. Irwir. especially uhankinig Rev. Ms. Ma<"Dhe'-?r.rj for his coinsoUns wonb. â€" The Irwin Family. In Memoriam ^\ HITE â€" In tovir-.g memory of LMarJorie, who passed awav on Mav â- 2i"th. li)44. Xot dead to us who loved her, Xot los^, but gone before, â€" Sa<fly misses! 't>y Mother, Dad . and Sisters. Like Home Baking PIES CHERRY DATE RAISIN FRESH APPLE COOKIES OATMEAL SUGAR CAKES LIGHT CHOCOLATE Specials This Week DATE AND ORANGE CAKE DUTCH CREAM CAKE also Apple Sauce Turnovers Date Turnovers Date Squaers Cocoanut Squares Cream Puffs Scarrow*s Bakery Phone 60 FLESHERTON VICTORIA CORMERS Mrs, -Ai'oert Stevens, Meiancthou township, spent Thursday with "net son, Elwood, aod famuiy, also in the no damage was done, although the Ruth plans to keep on with her i hail stones were cjuite large, music â€" she loves the piano â€" and j Our sinere syniipathy is e.xtended take up dress designing. i to Mrs. -Arthur IV'rteous In her ber- Adding to the thrill of her hospital : eavement 'cy the passing of her disohiirge was a letter Ruth received ^ mother at Maxwell. The funeral from Mrs. Gibscr., oif SutTolk. Eng- • was held Monday afternoon. land. At the time of Princess Eliza- Mr. R. Armstrong of Paisley and ; Ed. Stmscu borne waitiiig word from beth's wedding last Xov ember, when. Mrs. Margaret Whitroore of Durham; jj^r daughter. Vwlec, .Mrs- Wm. C<ui- school children all over the city con- j were \-istors over Sumiay at the treii. Tronto, who underwent a surg- h-cime of Chas. Xewell. | i<.al operation that mormnig. Fnends Ma-. Bill McMaster moved his fam- | here are glad ti know :hac"Mrs. Cau- liy to Flesherton where he purch- 1 creil is maJiing a good recovery. ased a borne. The Betts house is still vacant. tributed to Toronto wedding gift of food for hungry Britons, Ruth gave her teacher a 'txisket of groceries for distrihution. She had forgotten about it until the arrival of the letter from Mrs. Gibson, widewed mother of six child- ren, i-anging in age from two to fourtee:' years. So :o*jched was she by the "thank you" letter, that Ruth is planning to do all she can for the 1 faimily, and women oi Mrs. McKee's ohuivh group are combining to sw'.d clothes for the six children. For Ruth this is some repa\T!'.tn: of her dei>t o-f gratitude for u nev ' life. â€" Toronto Teles:ruai!. The Late Mrs. M. G uv The death occurred x.>-i Sunday, May ItJth. of Mrs, Susan -Aiin Guy at her residence in -Haxwell, in her S'Ist year. She had been 'pedfast for three weeks previous to her death. Friday evening Mr, and Mrs. El- wood Stevens. Wiima and Doiielda, entertained die Inistioge Y-P.U. The telephone work crew, while engaged on the lines in this district. bave been b»'urdiitg in the Ed. Srin- son home. Mr. Ernie Stowart has the sym- pathy of the coniimunity in the loss tyx nis sister, Susie, Mrs. Xormsin __ , ,, I Stewart, Maple Valley, w-faose deach The late Mrs. Guy. whose maiden , ovvurred a,t her late h^xme Friday. mime «-as j-tisan Ann Gorley, was | Mr. and Mrs. Stewart attended the c>ora in L .>:brtdge and at the age ol i Engagement Young asd ' were ijlessed vvtch seven in all, .i::d Mrs. Fred Bix-wn of i .n:a,mely: Eiizabeth. the late Mrs. e .Valley wish to annoimce th- ( Wm. Parker; Robert, of Ma.wv^ll: engigrr-ment of their eldest daiigh- 1 Susan, .Mrs. Wm. Biakev. of Port- ter. IXnvthy Mai-guerite. to Mr. ; law; George, of the '*ir*l 'line; Jessie- Walkve Rice, only si>n of Mr. and j Mrs. Jas. Winters, of Maxwell; -Mrs. E. Rice of Collingwood. The' M-ibcl, the late Mrs, W. .M. McQuay- take -olace fne â- acr-r '; Bertie. Mrs. Arthur K>rte«us, Rocij , ., , , funei-al Sunday afternoon, with ser- ^ .wenty-tour years move-d to l>sprey^«..^ ^^ .^^ j^^^,, ^^d interment in ;with her ^ husband, the l^te Hugh i s^jjVt.os Cemeterv. ic their three (."hildren: they y,. q Wiic<hiie Mr. Oi-ans t marria.ge w u' JXJI!" .1- Pictures ho vv : Mills; 33 graadchildren. o«.> great I grand children and l;i great great i grand children. She spent her life ; on the farm two iyid a half miles : south of Ma.xwell, Mrs. J. D. Wilt- j share and thiree girls, 'lioipeville., vis- ' ited on Sundlay with Mr. siod Mrs. Waiter -Acheson. Miss Lulu Cooke. Toronto was a week end and holiday guest in the same ho.me and with , her niece. Mis. Geo. Moore. i Mr. 3r«d Mrs. Mel Hawes, -Mary aind Kenneth, of Blight spent the holiday week en^l with Mrs. Hawes' mother. Mrs. -Albert Stinson. ami re" ( newtd ac\;.ia.intances in. the d^stri*."t. Mr. and Mrs. Les. Brooiis of To- Ti^ht land of foftune' •Accther weicome traveller is Protection, and -A-ict! Wvt'ial Benet^c coverage ;: ^^ - â- » •A^th you. It heips hospiral e.tperses -md ^ '."^•s 01* incon'e while yc%" jr« r .-I ;!â- . the .ji:acp.:U -- i-'on &nii U-arn how you may be "Pro- tected tor ^'j-st =1 f-ew -.vnfs y .*ay. HiALlH ond ACC'S.HT ASSOOATiON >_„ IX THK FK V1FR\ vl H Al I. I FLESHERTON I TUESDAY, JUNE 1st i KOY RtHiEKS The King of the C^>«bovs "MY PAL TRIGGER" i "SONGS OF THK IKiSH" [ -Musical Novelty j TWO SHOWS: " a-d i' P.M. i Admission; Adults ii'c. Ch-idren -» [ Wo <ho.v in Markdale Wednesday ' .lig'bts and in Duniialk Satunvy ;jnd Monday nights now occupied by , j.^^^^^, visited Suiidav with Mr and ner son, George, xvihere they raised ;Mnj. Ed. Stinson and Mr. ami Mr^. ..hetr tamily. Later ,n years shej jj,j.„j, ^Hnnon. Other Sunday guesi^- f."'''r:f^ to .\Ia->c^;eII and was married [;„ ,^., b^,^„ ^.mie were ' ..> -VSr. .Vlcdiar Guy, who previeceased - by some years. of th« Presbtyeran Church i ^ The funeral tiwk place on JKvnday, 1 M;:y 17th. with service at the hi.iinie v»f her daughter. Mrs, Jas. Wjt?ters, . 'oe-'n« conducted by Rev. Hohiies tU" ; .Max\w{l Untttd Ghuivh. wha deUv- t'r;>.l a mo.«t comforting message. I hUertnent was nwde in the Presiby- i teriau Cemetery at Ma-\weli. Mr. and . Mrs. Art Robinson. Etoibicoke. Mr. i 5>he was a mem- 1 .^j^^j j^^^ j^j^^ Lehnvan and Jim and '[ Dori* Banner, Toronto, who spent chf week end with their parents. .\ ' pleassant hflghSigbt oa" the evemng '.VMS ;i telephone call at i' pan. from the-r daughter. Kaye. fr<Jm Winni- peg, wno had the pleasure of speak- . ing tc eaoh ntember of the family, i (Ren^aineder of news next weekV I u 'tvlNG ST. FAST TORONTO CENTRAL LOCATI JH Our convenient acccBsiblt by the mobilt and ttrtet location is readily city's leading auto- car thoroughfares. Bates and Maddocks fUNERAl CHAPEl l?4Avt'iiuv:Rd KI.4344 The pr.Rbeiirers were: Messrs. Frett Y'oung. .Alvin Young. Emerson Par- ktr, Lome McQuay, Bci> Biakey and 'â- '"esley Youttg. Among the beautiful Soral tributes â- ver-e a spiay from Maxwell L.O.F : A., anii a sor-iy from the Mis*ior; "vie. Reck Mil's. Among the large :>untbev who at- . :erv;ed the funeral were friends from Kive:n>a, CoIl'v.ewotHl. Dundalk and Flesherton. I Flower bearei-s were: .Marl- White. I Utverne Wickens. Henry Blakey, j Mrs. John McLean, Beverley Young ; and Jim Monag4mn. \LLEX - -At Markdale Hospital , Siitunlay. Jifjij- 22nd. U>4S. to .Vi. j and Mrs, CHfford .Allen, a son. John I Richard. I EVANS B>sl Gweral 11 > .il,' tVivnto, Wednesday. M.iy '.: '^. to .Mr. and Mrs. Llovd Kva- - . vKuby .Akitt) 433 Ownn- I Toronto, « son. • Faraier« drive cars lea* thaDi cirr people and jtvt low rmte* froai But fanoen do <iriv« â€" one unin- cured accident could wipe oat TOUT home or your •avincs. But tikr fall protection of Pilot .AutooiobiXe Insurance now. H, W. KERNAHAN Flesherton. Ont. Reprfsenlinj!: ^Mm We write insurance to rover selevtetl ri»ks in .'iutooMitile, Fire, Pevaoaal Propcrt; FUmIct, BuryUr;, Plato Glass, aad