k. A X CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING »• V 4 A A. â- 4 \^ ^ And They're All Vacant, Too â€" Looks like a fairly nice housing development, doesn't it? And you could move in almost any timeâ€" that is, if you happened to be an apple. For actually it's Boxville, built entirely of huge stacks of boxes in a great apple-growmg territory, and later on they will be used in shipping the tremendous crop expected. Meanwhile, the boxes are stacked like this, with roofs* to protect them from bad weather. Sports- And One Thing 01 Anothei By Frank Mann Harris ^^â€" ' ^â€" The story of Babe Ruth's life, "My Hits and My Errors," has now completed its serial run and if probably already out in book ilorm. Taken on the whole The Bab« and his literary battery-mate, Bob Considine have done a pretty fair job, and written a tale that is ntensely readable. * * * Most autobiographers are in- clined to give themselves quite a DJt the bc9t of it at all times â€" to point up the high-lights and tone iown the shadows of their careers. Here it is different: and especially in the earlier portions of the tale The Babe talks about his errors off the diamond almost as frankly M he does regarding the hits he made on it. It is only toward t'e end that Itie reader detects a rather sour Bote of self pity, when the co- •uthors speak of The Babe's bitter disappointment over being turned 4o\tn, time after time, in his quest lor a major-league managemint job. Perhaps baseball did owe â- great deal to Ruth; but, on the Other hand, Ruth owed a good deat to baseball, which paid him a lot more money and got him a lot more feme than he'd ever have secured In any other pursuit. * * * / But as for the ingratitude of tht owners, who refused to make Bab* t manager, that's quite a different matter. It's all very well to honor t private who by reckless daring Und foolhardy bravery wins the Victoria Cross; but that doesn't say We immediately promote him to General and put him in charge of • Division. And although Ruth was undoubtedly a very great long-dis- tance slugger, there were plenty of other things in his record to make a major league owner vey chaiy •bout putting him at the head of •n organization worth possibly se- veral million dollars. * * * However, as we said before, it's a highly interesting yarn and, as Such, a decided contrast to the ma- jority of books dealing with sports figures. The Babe's selections for his All-time All-star team are liable to cause considerable controversy among the experts, especially his picking Herb Pennock as his south- paw Hurler, Ray Sclialk as the greatest catcher, and Larry Lajoie for the keystone-sack chore. But that's hardly to be criticized, as in all probability nobody ever did or will pick one of those All-star out- fits which would meet with the un- qualified approval of anybody but the picker. * * « ^Vhen we read that, and had fi- nished brushing the tears from our eyes, somehow or other we were Irresistibly reminded of the ancient tale abi t the colored lady who went into a store to buy a mourn- ing outfit. After selecting proper outer apparel, she asked to be shown some all-black lingerie. The saleswoman tried to dissuade her, telling her that it wasn't necessary to go so far, or so :p, seeing that the color of such intimate rai- ment would nc be noticed. * * * "Lady.* said the shopper very sternly, "hush your talk. Any time I sets out to r u'n for a lost hus- band, I really does mou'n." And the thought came to us, as it often has in the past, that any time an athlete or sports-writer sets out to s'o^ rv-r, he really does slop over. However, perhaps we should be than' ful that Messrs. Ruth and Co- ' "ne didn't try and persuade Us t: rt the great sport cf baseball ca e c-rect from Heaven, without any human ! .t 'rvehtion whatever. â- ^ 'I'Ik Xcihcil ikIs Kast Indies ^ IsMud of Banska provided tliree- " fifths of the Indie' tin output be- -* fore the Second World War. What Goes On In The World By Norman Blair Great Britain The decisive defeat of the Com- munists in Italy was generally hail- ed throughout Great Britain as wel- come news, and has led to the be- lief that now the Marshall Plan may have a far better chance to get into effective operation. But although the outlook in Bri- tain is somewhat more hopeful than it was a year ago, there is still a great deal of anxiety over the world situation; and although the word "war" is seldom mentioned, the fear of a new war suddenly breaking out is ever in the back of most people's minds. Anxiety over Pales- tine and concern regarding the Rus- sian attempts to squeeze the West- ern Allies out of Berlin and Vienna is widely expressed. As a solace, perhaps, the British are turning to the pageantry of cen- turies-old splendor â€" such as the cele- bration of the founding of the Order of the Garter 600 years ago. The silver wedding anniversary of the King and Queen also aroused much enthusiasm. ^nd the abolition of the death penalty in Britain has brought up the question of what's going to hap- pen to Albert Pierrepont, the of- ficial hangman. Albert used to get something like $40 for each execu- tion â€" now he's out of a job. How- ever, the matter of unemployment shouldn't worry him too greatly as he runs a successful "pub" at Man- chester, called "Help the Poor Struggler". Poland Real relief was felt in Warsaw, and' throughout Poland, over the fact that the Italians got through their recent elections without a wholesale outbreak of fighting and bloodshed. Many Poles believed that post- election fighting in Italy would be the signal for the outbreak of world hostilities. Now, although the ex- treme danger of another war is still thoroughly realized, there is a feeling that Russia will probably proceed a little more warily as a result of the Italian setback â€" and that, for a while at least, the pos- sibility of a "shooting" war replac- ing the "cold" one has been mini- mized. Russia One of the occasions which the Russians really celebrate â€" May Day â€" was observed with more en- thusiasm than in many years past. Possibly the fact that both vodka and wine were 20 per cent cheaper than 12 months ago had something to do w' this extra enthusiasm. The biggest day of the Russian Orthodox Church â€" Easter Sun- day â€" followed linmediately after May Day, and there was plenty of ancient pageantry. The United States and the Marshall Plan have not come in for such intense criti- cism in recent weeks; but possibly this is because â€" with the Soviet football and horse-racing seasons opening â€" the people's attention is distracted from world events. Norway In Xorway there is a strong feel- ing that Russia's next European move may be along the line of taking over control â€" under some pretext or another â€" of that country. At the end of World War Two the Russians took charge not only of a lot of the latest Nazi subma- rines, but also of many leading Ger- man underwater technicians. Now there is a growing belief that the Soviets possess by far the greatest submarine fleet in the world, and have developed craft with terrific speed, extra-strong striking power, and special insulation which makes detection by normal methods almost impossible. But Russia has comparatively few effective bases for submarines. The entrance to the Baltic Sea can be completely shut by means of mine fields, and the same applies to Black Sea ports. Norway, however, is different â€" with 1500 miles of coastline, in- dented with countless deep fjords, which would provide ideal sites for hard-to-locate, hard-to-bomb baaes, almost impossible to close off by mining. That's one reason why many Nor- wegians look on what happened In Finland with feelings of gloom â€" and are wondering it their turn will come next. Get Our Prices ON ADDING MACHINES AND CALCULATORS WE HAVE THE HARD TO GET MACHINES THOMAS AND CORNEY TYPEWRITERS LTD. M Adelaide St. West Toronto IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ADelaidtt 8991 ISSUE 19 â€" 1948 AOKNTS WANTED OILS, GREASES, TIRES. iDMCtlclde*. electric Fenc* Contrallers, ftnd Bam Paint. Roof Co&tlnss. etc. era wanted. Write Warco Qreaa* k OU ted. Toronto. BABT CBICK8 BABI CHICKS __L Monef. That'i *what manir Vf'"^ poultn-keepera will make â€" reAIlalni llkalir •harp abortagea In essa and tMUltry. So look ahead. Plenty ctalcka. and itarted. Bray Hatcbary. 130 John N.. Hamilton. â€"V/3 â€" Heavy Breed Cockerel*â€" «câ€" Suaaax. Suaaaz x New Hamp, New Hampe, prompt delivery: 6c. After April lOth: 5%c. May lat to May 10th: «c. Rhode Island Reds 4^c. Rock X Lethom and Suaaex X Leshom 2o. L«Bhorna Ic. Fast Fettthennj Rocka and Rock K New Hamps to May 8Ih 8c. May 1-lOth: 7c. To receive these apeclals enclose thia ad with order. All prices subject to change without notice. HTRONDALE CHICK HATCHERY. London. Ont. FREEl 100 HEAVY-BREED COCKERELS with every order of 100 pullets, Larse Type White Leehorn pullets JiS.SO. New Hamps. J28.O0. To receive this special enclose this ad with your ordt;r. HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY. LONDON, ONT. UAKE bigser meat and effs profita with HoUywood leghorna. They are as lat-ga as moat heavy breeds. These Real big, iov combed beauties ars backed by 80 years breeding for every quality you need for top poultry profita -~ Championship llvablUty to cut chick and layer losses. Guaranteed egg breedins for big, white, premium effSH. Really a big leghorn for more meat. Fast Uniform growth for quickest of all broilers. Raise these biff profit makers once and you will raise thera always. Write for prlcellst and free calendar Big Rock Farm, UlUa Roches, Ontario. STARTED chick bargains for imm»(U&ta de- livery. 2-week-old pullets: White I.«ghom, WUita Leghorn x Barred Rock. Light Sussex X White Leghorns 34.95. Black Utnorca x White Leghorns 36. d&. New H&xnpshires, White Rocks, Light Sussex 33. B&. Barred Rocks. New Hampshirea x Barred Rocks, Light Sussex x Barred Rocks 31.ȣ. non- sexdd 20.45, cockerels 10.45. Assorted breeds 1. 00 per hundred leas. 6-week-old pullets, Barred Rocka 48.95. 5-week-old â€" White Rock, Black Auatralorps. Barred" Rocks: New Hampshires, White Wyandottea. New Hamp- shires x Barred Rock. Light Sussex x Barred Rock pullets 47.95, cockerels 24.95. White Leghorn. Black Minorca x White Leghorn, Barred Rock i White Leghorn pullets 49.96. Day-old cockerel bargains: Barred Rock x White Leghorn 1.50. White Leghorn. Black Minorca x White Leghorn 1. 00. Also heavy breed cockerels at bargain prices. Prompt delivery. Free catalogue. Top Notch Chick Sales, Guelph. Ontario. lai/ic â€" HurondaU Chicki â€" W/%c All Breeders double-bloodtested and banded, backed by high pedigreed foundation stock. Uany customers report "Beat chicks I ever had, and prices so reasonable". "The chicks I had from you have done splendidly" reports James Wright. Owen Sound. Pure Sussex mixed: 14c: Sussex x New Hamp, Rock X New Hamp, Barred Rock and New Hamp mixed: llilsc: pullets: 24c. Rock x Leghorn, tiusaex x Leghorn, New Hamp z Leghorn to May 20th: mixed: 14c. pulIeU: STc. cockerels: £c. After May 20th. Mixed 12 ^c Pullets 24c. Large type White Leghorn Pullets 24c. mixed 1 2 '.-c. Fast Feathering Rock and Rock x New Hamp cockerels 6c to May lat: .Sussex x New Hamp and Broad Breasted New Hump corkerela to May Ist : 5>ac. May 1 • lOih: 6c. Assorted Mixed nhicks lie. assorted pullets: 2'i\:. Assorted heavy cockerels, 5c when available. All prices subject to change without notice. 100% Live Delivery to your Station. $1.00 per 100 deposit, balance C.O.D. Order from and enclose thia ad. HURONDALE CHICK H.VTCHERY. LONDON. Ontario. FOB HAIJB MACHINERT NOW IN STOCK. Beatty deep S-nd f^^Mv? well pressure systems, deep wall Hand PuinA and Pump Jacks. Xlr Compressors, all •las both stationary and iwrtable. Complete lfl|^ of woodworking machinery. Blectrlo Hci all sizes In 26 and 60 cycle. Portable Bl»_, Welders. 100 amp. oapaclly. Write for prii and deacrtptlve literature to: Mllgroro Electric Limited 79 King Street West Hamilton, Ontario GET READY for higlier egg pni t-s. We'll Ku out on the llnib (we've done it before) and make a prediction that egg and poultry prices will be quite a bit hicher next fall. 11 stands to reason people are working and when they work they eat. We've got to feed Europe and what with? There'll be fewer birds laying next fall ami fewer corkerela, but the amart people will fill their laying pens and cash in un a real keen demand. Tweddle chicks are a good bet. They have been paying off. giving satiafaction lor the paat 25 years. ' Thal'a why we call them Tweddle time- tested chicks. We can give prompt de- livery on day old. started, two- and ibree- week-old. also older pulleta. eieht w^eks to laying. Send for free catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited. Fergus. Ontario. DÂ¥E1NG A.ND CLEANING HAVE 70n anything needs dyeing or clean> Ingt Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your questions Department H, Parker's Dj'e Works Limited 791 Tonge Street, Toronto. Ontario FOB H AI.ir HARLEY DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Parts and Service. Bert K. tConiicdy k Son. «1« College St., Toronto. BREEDER HATCHERY CHICKS OVER lO.OOO BREEDERS IN LAKEVIEW FARMS All double blood tested, banded and Inspected. Many customers have had yeara of continuous success, with Lakevlew chicks. You can too. From John Coles, Gravenhurst, Ontarioâ€" "Many thanks for fine shipment, I have 100% llvabillty." "Wonderful success. 75 to 80% production with j'our Sussex.'* reports .\rthur Arj'ere, Oegoode, Ontario. EGG SHORTAGE Total chick hatchings down 50% from year ago. Feed prices wil be lower and egg prices higher. POULTRY MEAT SHORTAGE Reports show cockerels started to date down 70 to 80% from year ago. S-4 lb. broilers are selling for 35 to 40c lb live weight. The margin of profit Is greater than ever. PROMPT DELIVERY 50,000 Lakevlew chicks weekly. Wo can give prompt delivery In moat breeds. Give 2nd choice of breed, If possible. Breeds avallahlf> Sussex. Sussex x K. Hamps., B. Rock x Hamps. , Barred Rocks. N. Hamps. , Rhode Mand Reds, Laree typo W. Leghorns, Rock K Leghorn. Sussex x Leghorn, N. Hamp. x Leghorn. STARTED PULLETS i wkc.-a4 wks. Get a head start with started puUsts or book order for future delivery S weeks to ready to lay. It looks like It will be Impossibla to buy wall-started pullets later on. All older pallets raised on free range under Ideal conditions. HEAVY BREED COCKERELS Thousands available weekly. Send for special low prices on largo orders. CAPONS 4 WEEKS READY MADE There Is good money in raising Capons. Sell for as much per lb. as tu.'-keys. 85 to 40c par lb. alive now, Send for large illustrated catalogue and man- agement book and weekly special list of day old, started pullets and capons. LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM AND HATCHERY CATCH up with these started chicks, while they last. 2-week-old: Barred Rooks, New Hampshire x Barred Rocks. New Hampshire X Light Sussex, Light Sussex x Barred Rock non-aexed 20.96 pullets 32.95. cockerels 10.46. New Harapahlies. Rhode Island Reda: Non- sexed 20.95. pulleta 84.95, cockereU B.45. White Leghorns. Barred Rock x White Ldg- Uorna. White Leghorn x Barred Rocka, Auetra Whitea. White Wyandottes. Black Austra- torp pullets 35.96. Black Minorca x White Leghorns pulleta 36.96. Assorted Breeds 1.00 par hundred leas. Three week old add S.OO per hundred. Four week old add 13.00 per hun- dred. 6 week old pulleta: Barred Rocka 49.95. 9 week old pulleta: White Rocka, Barred Hocks, Black Auatralorps, New Hampshlrea, New Hampshire x Barred Rook pullets 48. 9S. cookerels 14.96. 6 week old pullets: White Leghorns. Black Minorcas, Black Minorca x White LrSghorns. White Leghorn z Barred Rooks: Pullets 60.96. Day old oookerela: Whits Leghorn x Barred Rocks 1.60. White Legboms, Black MInoroa x White Leghorns 1.00. Alao heavy breed oookerels at bargain prices. Prompt dettvary. Free catalogue. Tweddls Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. ALSO AVAMANI M 7§ 90WND VMS' BROAD-BREASTED BRONZE TURKEY POULTS Mao SM.1LL WHITES and BRUAO- BREASTED BBQ>'Z£ X SMALL WHITES aiii SHALL B.B.B.'S THIS looka the year to make real money In turkeys. Send for our Turkey Guide and let- tar to get all the details. There Is a sood ^tnerlcsm market and deiQand. The duty la down S ceiifi per lb. ?eed prices 9ff goyia down. Quotations for May dellrary for fffCm 0X9 down 113.00 to 117.00 per ton. Amerl. c'an Bre^r ftocks are down tO-60 per oent. Poult proJuctToft wm be ilWaJ doWn. It Is ;tad that Qanadlan poulta will be shipped .8. A. By May or before at sood prices. Plan to raise poultsl This Is the yearl Book your order now! Big discounts for April delivery. Send for Turkey Management Guide and circular which tells all about proflu. prevention of diseaae. and rearing methods. LAKEVIEW TURKEY RANCH EXETER ONTARIO ROOFING â€" SIDING Bargain â€" Mill Ends â€" Factory BeoatfB 210 lb Asphalt Shingles 14. 7C i^ 125 lb. Auphait Shingles t.9% Sc Colours â€" (jteen. Red, Blue. Black. Qraai Blend. Red Blend. %" thick Brick Aiding, Red or Red Ble«A <H.d5 Su. Smooth Rolled Roofing 45 lb. $1.65. ft6 Ifeu IZ.IO. Ruck faced 90 lb. Roofing $2.ff5 OC Red. Green & Black. F.O.B. Hamilton. The-se are real vjiues at tha above prlosfl. Order .N'nw. Stock limited. ROBERT JONES LUMBER CO. HAMILTON ONTARIQ ART HALLIWELL AUTO WRECKERS ALL PARTS Thoroughly guaranteed, wrecked and catalogv* ed. Shy>ped with no nitsiakes anywhere. Mall orders a (specialty. All correspondence aa- awered daily. No part too hard to get. T^# our faat and accurate 8er\*ice. We clean. rs> pair, or recore any make of radiator. Glass installed while you wait. Lakeaide 4433. 140ft Bloor St. W.. Toronto. Ontario. Write Wire Phons WHITK Separator. :;sx46. roller bearinCB throughout. Macliine practirally new. doss no cuatoin threshing. J. W. Richardaon, St. Marya. R.R. 4. WHIZZER motor to put on your own bi- cycle $160.00. Whizzer. complete wiUi Chieftain hea^Y duty bicycle, with heary duty Urea, heavy duty spokee ond heary dntir spring forka, $27^.00. Corgi parairoopsrp folding motorcycle, $285.00. Francis Bamett power-bike, $287.00. Francis Barnett *'MerllB** motorcycle (made in England). $450.00. W# pay shipping charges. Rae J. Watson, Wt Weltington St.. London, Ont. Official cyds headMuariera for Western Ontario. Early Kellogg Premier Slrawberneo. &•( plants $6.00 1.000 $10.00. Elgin late, (Z.M 100. C. E. Smith. Scotland. Ontario. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Buy Superior Quality. Extra Profit, day-old chicks and ducks. Our chicks are purebred and healthy. Coming from flocks Inspected, approved or certified blood-tested breeders. The reproducers are R.O.P. or descending from R.O.P. cockerels, assuring at the saraa time healthy and vigorous chicks, well known (or layiiur large eggs from 24 to 82 ounces per dozen. Tou can always depend upon a full egg basket when you order your chicks from us. Ask for our price list. For Immediate or future delivery. Wilfrid Lefebvre, tOtfi Amherst St,. Monireal. Zi. baSgain! stock reducinq sale .S'KW pot-type Queen Oil Burning Broodsr stoves, now J20.00 or 121.00 delivered to your station. Act aulckly, while they last. Subject to ohanga without notice. To receive this bamlo price enclose this ad with your order. Also ROOM REATER3 as low as ISZ.Ot and N'sw Pot-Tj-pe QUEEN RA^'QB OIL BURN- ERS. J4O.00 while they laatl LAKEVIEW HATCHERY AND SUPPLY COMPANY EXETER ONTARIO SARD? S-yoar Latham Raspberry oanea. 15.00 per hundred. Premier Strawberries 12.00 per hundred. A. Crowls, R.R. 1, Istlnc- ton. Ont. PEAS â€" Government Registered No. 1 Chancel- lor and OAC 181. Limited supply. Sealed hi two bushel bags. $4.50 bu. W. A. Price, it 3t. Thoroas St.. Toronto. Randolph 8141. B^Mja ONft AnB TWO-ROW HORSE .\ND TRACTOR-DRAWN T0B.\CCO AND TOM- ATO. BTC, TR.A.NSPLANTER3 AV.^ILABLK NOW. SEE TOUR LOCAL DEALER OR W. F. McItKNZIE CO.. DISTRIBI'TORS SINCE 1865. PHONE 28, LE.VIIIXGTON. ONTARIO. 1 B.D. CLKTRAC Overhead Shovel and Angla- dozer. used S months. New condition. Barnden * King, Contractors, Grafton. Ont. Phone 37. BUILDERS' Supplies avnilahle Immedlataly. Nails â€" Cast-iron aoll-plpe and FittlnHa. Pumblng fixtures and electrical appllanoas. Send itanip tor circular. Economy Distribu- tors, Kingston, Ontario. BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, guaranteed main. 8 week* old. C.O.D. 113. Canary singer*, carefully chosen for color and song. 118. C.O.D. Qroora Pet Supplies, 999 Bloor W.. Toronto. Ont. m-POWERED RIHes â€" Write for descriptive folders and prices. SCOPE S.VI.ES CO.. 328 Queen St.. Ottawa, Ont. WISCONSIN AIR COULEO GASOLINE ENGINES Delivery from etock. 2 - so h.p. REPAIRS AND P.\KT3 Distribution required In certain torrltorlea. CONSOLIDATED ENGINES « MACIII.NERT COMP.,\_NY New Toronto Ontario LATHAM raspberry canos. $1.00 per hundr«d. Gordon Biiilgman. R.R. 2. Pusllnch, Ont. SENATOR Dunlop strawberry plants, well rooted, heaviest producers, hundred $1.80. tliousand $8, Order early. Percy Yarrow. Souta 8. Trenton, Ont. BAT HONEY, Nature's finest sweet, we will supply a case of 1$ four-pound cans of de- Uuluus flp* flavored clover honey for only $10.00. Order today while this bargain price IM^. BUT ftock Farm, Mllle Rochee. Ont. ^^BD oontrol with chemicals Is ansy. quick affeotlve and economical with uae of Han- son sprayers and ohemloals. Write for In- formation to George Whits k Sons Company tiU>'lt>4i ItOndon. Ontario. n HIGH PRICES â€" USED BAQS Minimum quantity 200 bags. Write WESTERN BAG 4 BURLAP COMP.^.VY S7 Front .sti-ei''t E.iat Tov.tiilo. Ont KHUIT Farms for Sale on Lal^e Shore Rd.. near Niagara, bus service. For all parti* culars. W. W. James. Real Estate. Nla«ar»- on-ihH-Lake. Ont. SELLING 1 M.H. 6 feet Pi>tulu dieter wlt^ picker hitch. 1 G. 4 3. piitato picker uaa4 one year- F. J. Flach. R. 2. Newmarket. Qnt^ FOR S.\LE â€" One I.E.L. model "F" 5 b.». chain paw, veneer cheese-box mill, complete. All ^rs In Al conditiuu. A. Dick. R.R. 1 Douglas. Ontario. ALL-CAN.\DIA.N .Milking Shorthorn Breeder'a Sale held at Alderiea Farm, Hamilton. HaF 27th. 40 cUoice tsiijales, $ ou tstanding bull«. For cafaldWrt *nt6 Alart AlderRS. Rte. 4. Hamilton. Plan io attend. ^ BAlBQBKSgrNO LEARN Halrdressing the Robertson metboC Informatltm on request regarding claassa. Robertson's Halrdressing Academy. 1S7 Av» nue Road. Toronto, H.URDRESSERS start a business of yo^ own giving Arle Cold Waves In ths Homsa. Arle Cold Wave Co.. 10« Adelaide St. W., Toronto. IUKUIC4X DON'T Delayl Every sufferer of Rheuraatt* Pains or Neuritis should try DIZOQ^ Remedy, Munro'a Drug Store, 335 BUttQ. Ottawa. Postpaid $l.'>u. Thoasandft Biijoy New Vigor FER-BEK TONIC T.\BLETS contain ingredients npccasary for a feelloff «^ "wellbelng" and for vigorous Good HakltC lS-d*rs supply, postpaid U.ttO. BEK HEALTH PRODUCTS B«a ii. Station K. Toronte. PROVEN Remedyâ€" Every sufferer of Rheusd. tic Pains or Neuritis should try OUcaa'fe Remedy, Munro's Drug Stors. >3t Blcta. Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. ^»â€" ^ OPPOBTCNITIBS rOR WOMEN BB A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING 8CHOOI. Great Opportunity Lsara Balrdresslng Pleasant dlgnlSsd profession, good thousands successful Marvel rri Amsrlca's greatest system, niustrat logus tros. Writs or call MARVEL HAIRDRBSSINO SCHOOLS $58 Bloor St. W,, Toronto Branches: 44 King St.. Hamilton. k T4 Rideau Street. Ottawa, fA' ttofts FETHEHSTONaUGH & Company. P« Solicitors. Established 1S90. 14 King W Toronto, Booklet of information on rwro PHUTOORAFHI KTO«<t SEND your films to our new plant tor unguis passed quality. Our sparkling glossy piinlp will please you. 8 or 8 exposure rolls IM postpaid, reprints 03c aa. 35 for $1. OamoM Photo Centre. Box 71. Chapleau, Ontario, FREE enlargement with roll SOo, or 10 reprints SBc, Includs this ad. Photo, Box 17». Station B. Montreal. ^ WA>'T«D Wanted: Muakrii are In sood demand. VSt top prices and prompt returns ship your r»1r furs to: Alan Jamep, Lindsay Ont, HKLP WANTED w.vnted Four (4) General duty nurses. Also nIsM supervisor (11-7). Attrnctive salary wltJl l»- crease after one year's service. Full inal%- tenancs provided. Apply the Director (>( Nursing, Welland County General Rospltal. Welland. Ontario. PROTESTANT teachers wanted for Town»hl» School Area of Kennet>*c Stats quollflo^ tlons, name ot last Inspector and salanr expected. DUTIES to commence Sept, 1, 1948, AdpIv J, E, Hughes, Ser-Treas,. Arden. Ont, ROOFERS, CARPENTERS. Etc. The fJiBicBt. e.'iBh'st and clipapt^at way to iiiiiku a profitable biisini'si) is In (jiir new lypi- INSULATION Every conimiiiuty should have an ap- pltcRtiir We train you. W« have xhm mnohliu'ry. Wrlt^ anil set full Inform- fttion. to C. A. HURLBUT 159 Cow,in .\v^. Torimto, Ont. Pal-O-Pak ManufactuririK Co. of Canada. POPâ€" HotSluff By J. MILLAR WATT r%M/«!r I* YOU a ^•POP HE/^LTH r ^: \ :i^ IMMM W n. S« mnMm». tmt.t I IO-IB--4S AMi^^