? X' I '•f ®J)je /tei)^tU*n ^^i>i«ittc^* VOL.67; NO. 49 FLESHERTON, ONT., WEDNESDAY, MAY 5, 1948 W. H. Thurston & Son, Publishers, Ficisherton Pastoral Charge Is Unchanged Contrary to expectatiuns, Grey Presbytery of the United Ohureli has decided to leave the church bound- aries in Flesherton district unchang- ed, for the time being: ai least. This means that the Flesherton chax'ge will gontinue to include Eugenia, Inistioge, and Proton Station, with 300 families under pastoral care. Mr. ^eo. H. Cairns told Rreabytery at its •Hjeetiiig that the decisipji was disappointing _ and that the question would have to be re-opened later. A woman's final uecision seldom tallies with the one immediately fol- lowing it. Future Events PLAY '"Tempest will be presented by St. .A.ndrew Presbyterian Y.F.S., Owen Sound, in the Markdale Anmory Friday, May 7th, under auspices of Lady Sproule L.O.B.A., at 8:30 p.m. sharp. Ad- mission: 45c and 25c. t eversham Public School Gradee 3 â€" Wai-ren Haimah 84, .Marion Fenwiok 8.3, Joan Davidson' 54, RtdfTe Tyler 47. Gi-ade 7 â€" Paul Hudson 57, Nor- ris .Moore 54. Mterle McMuHen 50. Grade 6 â€" Dorothy Fenwick 72, Melville Wright t>l, John Stewart 61, Stanley Wright liO, Gerald Teeter 48. Sadie Stewart 25. Grade 5 â€" Stephen Eby 72, John Pedlar *«, Shirley Wi-ight 53. Grade 4 â€" Cheryl Light 77, Shir- ley Saanraons 76. Evelyn Pedlar 75, Veldia Teeter 70, Clare Blackburn 50 Gratie 3 â€" Joan Parker 75, Gene .McMulli-n 74, Joan Short 72, John S^ed TO, Robert Jackson. 00, Irwin Stewart 65, Edward Smith 51. Grade 2 â€" Eleanor Sled 72, Dou- gla.s Moore 71. Hai-vey Sammons 05, Jiick Teeter 04. No. on roll 34; av. attendance 32.3 ' â€" Mrs. F. J. Seeley, Teacher AT MARKDALE and Sunshine," ^a^3.act y^jj^j Church NoteS Rev. A. G. Macpherson Minister Mother's Day is Fasnily Day at Church. Special services are being held at all four appointments on the pastoral charge. Be sure and attend. Parents wishing to dedicate child- ren in the Sacrament of Baptism will pleasi; notify the minister. The second annual Parents' Night is being held on Monday, May 10, at 8:15 in the church school room. All parents are urged to come and enjoy an ove.iing of feljowshii) and discus- sion together, please bring light lunch. NOTICE The annual meeting of Holdfast Club will be held at the home ol Mrs. Neubauer, Wednesday. Mlay 12. A good attendance of members is requested. â€" Olive H. Irwin. Sec. MOTOR BiKE Enjoy Life Outdoors Americo's thrift ie»t power transporta- tion.- You'll go 125 mile* on a gallon of 90s! It's a transportation treat that's hard to beat. Whizzer Motor with oil necessary attachments $169.00 Complete Standard Motor Bike - $249.00 Semi Deluxe with spring fork - $269.00 Remit with order â€" or send 10% deposit, balance CO D- PEERLESS BICYCLE WORKS 19S Dundai St. W. Toronto EUGENIA AGAIN LEADS Thos. Harrison Passes WITH LARGE TROUT ,„ , , 111 for the past several months, Thos. Harrison of Priceville passed away at his home on Friday morning last at the age of 60 years. He was born in Clenelg townshi-p, son ol Edwaril Harrison and Sarah Tiiclier, and for 30 years fanned in Egre- mont township, coming to Pricevilli' ten years ago to op6'rate a .siiwmill in the village with his son, Elmer. The late Mr. Harrison mnn-ied the former Sarah Louisw Hooi)t'r 40 years ago, who survives with two children, Edna .M'ls. Wilfred Frook, of Price- ville, and Elmer. One sister, Levina Mrs. Harry Falconer, Eugenia, and four brothers, Ben of Dui'ham, Jos- eph of Priceville, and lieiib and Hardy of Egromont, also sui^vive. A brother Harry, predeceased him l)y .38 years, and one sister died in in fancy. The funeral wa.s lield Mon- day afternoon. Eugenia Hydro pond again led the field in the number of fish winning in the Slater Fishing Contest which each year marks the opening of the speckled trout tiishing- in Grey and Bruce Counties. Mr. Ernie Proctoi of Eugenia was winner of first prize and the c'oimplete camiping outfit. W. Pinkerton of the »th line, Arteniesia took second prize and a fly rod with a fish three pounds one ounce, three ounces smaller than tlie winner, D. Bovell of Meaford took third, Mr. Garhailt of Clarkson, foui-th, (all the above fish were caught at Eu- genia), and Norman Hartley, Mark- 1 dale_ fifth caught in Williams Lake. In the junior competition, three of the four prize winners svere taken at Eugenia, the fourth prize going t.s Eai'l Mcintosh of Eugenia. Earl's father won first prize and the fly rod a few years ago and his sister, Al- berta, took a prize last year. The fiishing derby was a greal success, judged by the numiber ol fisherman who camie in from distant- points for the two days of fishing. It was estimated that 1,500 fisher- men were in Grey County for the week end, as all hotels, cabins etc., were filled to capacity, some havimg to go to Thornbury to receive ac- conimo<lation. The bridge at the »th line and parts of the fill and the top of tlie dam, at Eugenia were lined with ardent fisherman who braved the cold and discum.t'ort in an ert'urt to bring the largest finny members from the deptlis of the pond. During daylight hours fisher- men spread out all through the area The Grey Presbiterial of the W.M. ' ^"'' " ''-'^ "'^ l'''^' st''«^"i'i '" ":i elfort S. meets, this Friday, May 7th, at Durham. For transportation see Miss Kate Macmillan or Mrs. A. G. Macpherson. ' Ui; sure to see the 3-act comedy â- ••Safety First" siponsored by the C.G. I.T., Friday evening, May 7th, in Flesherton town hall. See advt. in The Advance for details. Card of Thanks -Vlrs. Win. Turvey wishes to thank the Jriends who sent cai-ds and treats and to those who visited her while she was in the Markdale Hospital. Like Home Baking PIES CHERRY DATE RAISIN FRESH APPLE COOKIES OATMEAL SUGAR ICE-BOX CAKES LIGHT CHOCOLATE to take home some evidence of their fishing trip. Thus a lai-ge number ')f small fish would be taken from tile streams. The weather w,as not ideal for fishing, with a raw noi'tli wind blowing f,he entire week end and frost was in evidence Saturday morning. Many fishermen, however did 'hot laky ill tile derby a-s they like quiet when they fish, and the week ends from- now on will be fisherman en- joying their suonimei- sport and com- muning with nature (especially with the mosijuitoes present). Flesherton Tennis Club Organizes For Tre Season iFlesherton Tennis Club iield an enthusiastic meeting at the Munshaw H(.u.-;e Tuesday evening of last week when the ekiction of officers result- ed as follows:' President â€" Rev. A. G. Macplierson Vice-President â€" Ar* Proctor. Secretary â€" Jean MctJacken Treasurer â€" Florence Welton Grounds Coin. ^ Geo. .-Armstrong, chairman. Jack Milne, Fred Gorrel, Eldon Fawcott, Reg. Budin. Barry Thurston. .Membership Com. â€" Mrs. R. Bodcn chairman. R. Stoddart, Joan Tuiney The fees for the coming year are as follows; Adults 15 and over $2; children 14 and under $1; Man and wife So; thildcrn of members 5l)e. Junior members are to free courts after p.ni., if adult members are waiting, also on Thursday. Visit- SOFTBALL Muv May May May j ors staying two weeks and under ^2 LEAGUE SCHEUl.'LE | The Club decided to puriiiasc a new I net. A representative of the high school wa.-i present to see the pus- sibility oi' having tennis in their re- creation period. The Club is verj' anxious to .see all young people learning to play and a representa- tive was appointed to look after this matter. Everyone wishing to join, get in touch with the member- ship coimm^ttee at once. A good season is promised. The grounds cumniittee would likr to re-surface the front court. If you wish to piay or not, the Club would welcome you as a member. Dona- tions toward this worthy cause 10 â€" P'lesherton at IJuinialk South Line at Fevershaaii 14 â€" Eugenia at .Mhrkdale Dundalk at South Line 17 â€" Dundalk at Markdale Feversham at Flesherton 21 â€" Feveisha.m at Dundalk Eugenia at South Line May 25 â€" Flesherton at Eugenia Feversham at Markdale May 28 â€" ,'iiug('nia at Feversham May al â€" South Line at Dundalk Flesherton at Feversiiam June 1 â€" Markdala et Flesherton June 4 â€" Flesherton at Markdale Feversham at Eugenia June 7 â€" Dundalk at Eugenia Markale at South Line June 11 â€" South Line at Eugenia Markdale at Dundalk June 14 â€" South Line at Flesherton Markdale at Eugenia June 15 â€" Feversham at South Line June 18 â€" Markdale at Feversham Eugenia at Flesherton June 21 â€" Flesherton at South Line Eugenia at Dundalk June 25 â€" Dundalk at Feversham S<iuth Line al Markdale June 28 â€" Dundalk at Flesherton Uimpires will be supplied by the home team for schedule games. The Forgotten Voters With a provincial election schectal. ed in June, Hanover citizens will now prol)ably get glunpses of theil member of the legislature ai-td a'ly opposing candidates. Hanover )a certainly the forgotten municipality as far as Doiminion or Provincial politicians are concerned. We reiicl about the fine grants for hospital, highway, bridge, community cMrtve and what have you, other municip«J- iiies have received from the provinc* but to date, we haven't noticed much drifting into Hanover, oh the wisgs of any project, although we hare paid our share of the taxes itr others' benefits. Ht>wever, peaiple get pretty Mtwb what they go after, so it's our OWB fault â€" or is it? The greatest threat to d&oaoeiuft today in Hanover and in Ontario is public apathy. Half of our pop»l«- tion seems politically umnfi^nted, immature, irresponsible and indif- feren. Let us all take this comiag elec- tion seriously, as thinking in*iTid- uals concerned in the government of the finest pi^ovince, in the finest country in the world. If every one would do so, we could provide ourselves with the best gov- ei-nment in the world. â€" H«novcr ferent. would be gladly accepted. MAXWELL Specials This Week Tropical Spice Cake Dutch Cream Cake al.so Apple Sauce Turnovers Date Turnovers Date Squaers Cocoanut Squares Cream PufFs Sugar Do-Nuts FOR MOTHER'S PAY Have us ice a Special Cake for Mother's Day. Phone your order early, call 60 ScarrowS Bakery Phone 60 FLESHERTON ENGAGEMENT Mr. iiiid Mrs. Cephus Hindle wish to announce the engagement of theij (laughter, Shirley Ileen, to Mr. Frederick Elmer Batchelor, young- est son of Mr. and Mrs. Saimuel Batchelor, all of Saugeen Junction. The man'iage will take place early in May. Speaking of skirts â€" just think of the length to which some women will go to keeip in style. School should be given credit for original ideas, says a teacher. Ex- cept when they concern spelling. Picture Show In Town Hall FLESHERTON TUESDAY, MAY lltb Judy Canova ancS Bob Crosby and His Band in SIS HOPKINS Fishing Thrills The World of Sport TWO SHOWS; 7 and 9 P.M. Admission: Adults 40c, Children 2fc Prevention The Best Of Fire-Fighters Because of the many difficulties oi providirtg adequate fire pi-v-tection to i-ural districts, fire prevention on farms is important. Most famii fires occur ill the more L'-'fpeilsive ')uild- ings, the dwelling or barns which often represent 50 per cent of the total investment. Defective chimneys, flues and heating, defective roofs and defective electrical installations, and gas and kerosene »toves, cause iwany of the fires involving fann homes. Most of the fires arising from these causes are preventaible by peiiodic inspection, and replacMnent of faulty equipment. Spontaneous combustion lightning, defective electrical installations, and faulty storm lamiips are among the greatest hazards in barns. Barns can bo male relatively safe with effi- cient lightning protection, and spon- taneous combustion can be reduced to a minimum by not mowing hay or storing grain which is loo damp. (Intended f<>r Last Week) We extend our sympathy to Mrs. Elmer Meredith, whose father pass- ed awg-ay on Sunday at Ravenna. Mr. aiW Mr.s. Wm. Milman of Owen Sound visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chester Cameron. Mr. and .Mrs. Norman Brown oi Ravenna visited on Sunday with Mr. Jesse Grummett and Mrs. 'Jertrude Seeley. Mrs. R. J. .Miorrison of Walkerton is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Angus Morrison. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kerton and Carol of CoUingwood visited Sunday with Mr. a'l'l Mrs. Louis Kerton. DIED CARTER â€" Suddenly on Tues- day, .April 20th, 1948. .Alfred Carter i beloved husband of Mary Murphy, ; father "of -Alfred Geo. of Montreal j Que., and Mrs. G. P. Davis (Mar- j garet). Sarvice was held in the Funeral Chapel of .A. W. Miles, 30 St. Clair .Ave., W., Toronto, Friday afternoon, April 23, at 2 o'clock. In- terment was made in Mount Pleas- ant Cemetery. .Ask who is the eldest, if you want to silence a group of women. Why is it so many .speedy driv«rs always follow the middle of the road policy? In Memoriam PARTRIDGE â€" In loving memory of our father and mother, who de parted this earth, .Alfred on January 24, 1945, and Mary Elizabeth on May 7th, 1942. Calm and peaceful, they are sleeping. Sweetest rest that follows pain; We who loved them, sadly miss them But trust in God to meet ogain. â€" Sadly missed by their Family. PHILLIPS â€" CROFT CENTRAL LOCATION Our eonvcnient location is readily Mcewiible bjr the city's leading auto- mobile and ftreet car thoroughfaret. Bates and MaddDcks L'4Av .Rd KI.4B44 -A quiet but pretty weddding took place in the vestry of St. James, Baptist Church, Hamilton, on April 24th, at 2:30 p.m., when Edna May, youngest daughter of Mrs. Harry Patton and the late Roibt. J. Croft^ Flesherton, became the bride of Gor don Douglas, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Fiederick F. Phillips, ol Douglastown, N.B. Rev. P. P. W. Ziemian officiated at the ceremony. The bride looked clmrming in a lirown gabardine suit with sheer blouse, ' brown hat, with matching accessories. She wore a string of pearls, the gift of the groom. Miss E<dna Bennett, friend of the bride was bridesmaid. She wore a grey suit, grey hat with touches of pink, and her corsage wo."' pink carnations. Mr. Wes Henderson of Hamilton was best man. A wedding diniver was sei-\'e<l at the "Gi'ange" for the bride and groom and their attendants. Aiftcr a short honeymoon to Lon- don, the happy couple will make their home in Hamilton. ' What you don't know hurts you most when you try to tell it. .An advance tip: The proper time to change seats in a canoe is before you get in. *^^\*^fJ'^^''^^''^''^^if^p^fJ'f^^fffi**f^^^^f^f**^^J't^fJ'^^*^,p*^^C^^^f*^f*^^^ "•X-*- f X .5. % ? % ? \ y t •f *»• Y 'i •f t t •f X •f V Y S I \ Y Y I I To The Electors of South Grey \X a recent convention held in Durham, I was endorsed as the Progres.sive Con.servative Candi- date to conte.st the Riding o\ South Grey in the forthcoming Provincial election in June of this year. During the intervening weeks, I hope to have the opportunity of discussing with you, the many issues of current interest, not only as they apply to the Province as a whole, but to this Riding of South Grey in particular. In this cainj)aign we have in common, a heahhy respect for the eflficient and business-like administration of the Drew Government, and it is My firm conviction that our mutual interests will be best .served by giving tliis Government our v\hole-hearted support. HOWARD A. McCAULEY, Progressive Conservative Candidate : •x••^•>•M"^•K-^♦:~:-x-^•x~>♦:♦♦♦':":->•^♦•x-:~^-^•^•>•x~:~^•X"K~K":••:••:->♦<x-»♦