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Flesherton Advance, 21 Apr 1948, p. 8

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Wednesday, April 21, 1948 THE KLESHERTON ADVANCE Small Ads FOR SALE â€" Clyde mare, 9 years old, sound.â€" M. S. McLeod, phone 41J1 Plesherton. 47c2 nrink and fox f««d. â€" Beit McIstoaA £uc«ni*i phoo* F«T«nfa»-i (xW yOK SALEâ€" M.-H. manure spread- er in good condition. â€" Joe Port- eous, Marwell. 47p2 FOR a.A.LEâ€" Disc seed drill, 12-run â€" MeivjTi Mullin, phone 10r4 Pevcrfihani. 4fip2 FX>R SALE â€" Quantity of clovei hay in tl»c bam. â€" Mrs. Chris. Thomson, phone SU' Flesherton. W.VNTEl) â€" Party to go shares in garden lot on Alice St. in Flesher- ton, across from the hish school. 12TH LINE, OSPREY Mi-s. Wes Brown at Clarksburg visited with her sister, Mrs. John Izard. In her girlhood days she re- sided on this Line. Mr. Alex. Maxwell has r«'t*irned from GoUingwood Hospital m-uoh im- proved, but is still confined to bed. Alex, thinks the hospital is the real plaoe to go. Well, working on the land is the order of the day. If we could get some wai^i rains we would be away to a good start.. Hay is scarce and grain has sky-rocketed, but aitei' the election things may be different. Mr. Cyrus Short oi Barrie is on the line looking over thos* baby beeves in \*liich he took a great in- terest. He has Mr. Jim Hale look- ing after thew, while he counts the cash in the Barrie cafe. Mr. Earl Ma,x,well journeyed over to Thornbury to try his luck at some mullet catching, but his luck had run out. Better luck next time. Mr. Merel Roberts of Toronto was home over the week end. He is employed at the Swift plant. VANDELEUR Local aod Personal OAR FOR SALE â€" 1926 Star coach in fair condition, fair tires. â€" J. S. JtcDermid, Cvylon, phone 102 wl. PUP'S â€" 2 CoUie pups, good healers. â€" KeM MclCechnie, Priceville phone t2w2 Flesherton. 46c2 FOR S-'^LE â€" Good general-purpose hoi-se, makes good work horse or driTer. â€" Geo, Armstrong, STACK OF HAY â€" Stack of mixed timothy a"d alfalfa hay. â€" h\x-d \V. Brown, phone 33iJ4 Flesherton. FOR S.ALE â€" Heiutzman piano, small size, with bench, in perfect condition. â€" Willard Blakey, Proton Station, phone VMhv'l Dundiilk. FOR S.-\LK â€" Girl's tweed coat, 14- 16 size; girl's navy blue two-piece suit, both in good condition. May he seen at The Advance office. FOR S.\LE â€" Centennial Case tractoj- plow,' 3-furrow, good as new. â€" Leslie Hawton, phone 23r3 Fev- ersham. 46p2 PASTURE â€" 100 acres to rent foi pastmre for summer season. Apply to L. R. Thistlethwaite, 38 Roose- velt Rd., Toronto 6. 4et.f. FOR S.ALE â€" Good kitchi'ii range, medium size; a'so jfood rubber tire buggy. â€" Laurie G. not, i)hone 5lwl Flesheiton. 46p2 (Intended for Last Week) 12th Line neighboi-s received a sudden surprise, when it became known that Mr. .Alex. Max^vell had gone to Colling-wood Hospital for X- rays, the trouble proving to be ul- cers of the stomach. We wish him a quick and convplete recovery. .Miss Leona Short, who was raised un this line and has been working in Toronto, was married last Saturday to Jlr. Frank Irwin of Toionto. The marriage took place at St. Michael's R.C. Church, Toronto. We wish them a bon voyage through life. Tlie -Mlaxwell family visi*ed Mr. .MaxAVell at the hospital and report that he is somewhat improvei! Mr. and Mrs. Neil McKenzie and boys of Cc'llingwoo:! were visitoi-s with -Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Dohson and family, Ravenna. Wood cutting is over; the snow blanket gone; the weather is very good. We will have to roll up our sleeves and don our straw hats and face the summer months again, which we all enjoy. We welcome Mr. an<l 3Irs. Jas. Hale to our neighliorhhud, as they .â- irc residing in the home of Cyrus Short on this line. Mr. and Mis. Victor McKenzie and Barry were visitors witli Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bargeruw, Singhanipton .Mi-. Ernie Seraple of Toronto call- ed On his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Semple. Mr. Semple has been ill for some time, but reports are that he is recovering. (Intended for Last Wt'ek) A I'eforestation plot ig to be start- ed in, Vandeleur according to our latest infonnation. The movement started about a year ago, when the Viwrn Fonim went on record as being in favor of a reforestation policy, which would also provide a wind- break along loads where snow drift- ing was bad, and petitioned Arte- mesia Township Council to do some- thing about it. The matter came to a head last week when the Council offered to buy a strip of land from Mrs. Ethel Hutchinson, running southward from Vandeleur school srcund, facing the Meaford Road. The Council also offered to provide the fence, and .Mrs. Hutchinson agreed to sell and final arrangements were made at Oiuncil meeting on Monday. We understand that Mr. John Jackson of Owen S(Jund, Zone Forester, will supewise the tree planting. Vandeleur .school, which was re- cently wired for electricity, was passed by the Hydro inspector this week and" it is expected that the cur- rei>t will be turned on shortly. Inspector Wm. G. Rae made his semi-annual visit to Vandeleur school on .Monday, April 12th. .At Vandeleur Church on Sunday afternoon the pastor. Rev. W.M. Lee, delivered a vei'y inspiring address and also administered the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Mr. and .Mrs. H. 1. Graham and Ruth visited with Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Stewart, Redickville, recently The April meeting of the W. .A. was held at the home of -Mrs. Foster on Wednesday afternoon, -April 7th, and a very interi'sting i)rogram was provided. WANTED â€" Second-hand cook stove with good fire box, write stating price; also 12-gauge short gun. â€" Bruce Young, Eugenia, P.O. •14tf FOR SALE â€" Quarter-cut oak hall seat with large bevel-edge mirror to match, in good condition.â€" J. F. Collinson. Ceylon, phone 10,?,] 1. FOR SALEâ€"Roan Shorthorn bull, Si months old, eligible for registi'a- tion. â€" J. F. Collinson, Ceylon, phone Flesherton ID.Wl. 47c2 FOR SALE â€" Red Clover, Timothy, .small ([uantity of alfalfa, Curlier and Ajax oats and .No-barb barley. â€" ^Harold Fentwick, phone Fever- sham 9r2l. 40c2 FX)R SALE - Team of work horses. Bet t«am harness, long-straw 23 in. horse collar, (3ockshutt seed drill. M.-H. cultivator, set of discs, wa- gon, M.-H. cream separator, good as new. â€" Joe Porteous, Maxwell. FXJR SALE - M.-H. seed drill, price $40; Cockshiitt Kang- aroo 2-furrow jilow, both nearly new; 2-section spring tooth har- rows. â€" Dick Carson, Ceylon, phone 2241.3 Flesherton. l(k;2 WANTEDâ€" Relialble man as Dealer in Grey (>)unty. Experience not necessary. A fine opiJortunity to step into old profitable business where Rawleigh Products have been sold for years. Big profits. Pro- dticts furnished on credit. Write Hawlei^h Dept. ML-)-6-206-'«3, Montreal, Que. 45c4 FOR SALEâ€" Seed peas. â€" Ben -AUv Kenzie, phone 104.11 Flesherton. FOR S.ALE â€" Three-quarter wagon. -Archie .McKechiiie, I'riceville. tel- ephone Klesiierlon il2vvJ. 47pl LAUIKS: READ THIS I Unwanted Itair removed instantly from fate, arms, legs, with Flash Hair Remover. â-  Harmless â€" leaves ski soft and smooth. You can't lose. Money promptly i-efunded if hair grows b;ick after third application with no (luestions asked. Complete treatment .$2 postpaid. (C.O.D.'s â€" Postage extra). KAPH.\ I'RODL'CTS (Dept. 33,5) Box 22, Station B, .Montreal, Quo. ilUtllON bALt S1()(K, I rii.MTl KK. ETC. w.ll FOR SALE -N(*-barl) barley.â€" Geo. I5oyce, Collingwood gravel, .5 mile,-: east of Flesherton, phone ilfiJi. FOR SALE â€" 7 head of yearling rattle, heifers and steers. â€" Roy -Vle.Mullen, -Maxwell, U.K. . iTiU FOR sale; â€" General Purpose horse, will work anywhere; road cart in tirst class condition; 500 capacity electric brooder, like new. â€" Geo. .Arm.strong, Flesherton. FOR SALE -- Wild Goose wheat, lieu/vy yielder; quantity No-kirb bailey. Kendal Hawkins, jihone Keveisha.m ;j0r42 at lujon or at 6 o'clock p.m. 47c2 COTTAGE FOR SALE â€" Situated on Etigenia Lake, near the dam, :> looms and furnished §12(lil.U0; also gi/od building lots. - Harold liest, I'lesherton. 47p2 HARRIS A. DUNLOP BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, B(c> Phone S8 MARKDALE Mr. Dunlop will be in C. J, Bellamy's office every Sat- urday from 6 to 8;80 p.m. DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICIAN A SUROBON Oraduate of Toronto Unirersity Office: Kennedy Block Phone 77 FleshertOB CHARLES J. BELLAMY MUNICIPAL (:i,KRK Issuer of Marriage I.irenseg CONVEYANCER Wills Mortgages, etc. Deeds Agreements A eomimissionor for taking affidavits Oatce, Toronto Street, Fieaherton WA.NTEl) TO BUY â€" Number aged fat or blemish horses. Good prices foi- hor.sus over 1500 lbs. â€" L. L. Thibaudeau, jihone 1)4 Markdale. LOST â€" On 4lh Line, -Artumesia, on -Monday. April 10, cross piece for top of stove. Finder please notify Mirs. Wallace Fisher, phone 121J2 or leave at The .Advance office. K()l{ .SALE â€" Cream separator in good working order; churn, butter dish and ladle; hny rack; seed diill; will sell reasonable. â€" Mrs. -Archie Stewart, Fle-sherton. 4»p2 LOST â€" Bi-own and tan Blue Tick hound, answers to name of Joe. one ear short; lost about April 7 Find- er please notify W. I'inkeiton, phone Feversham 5r6. 4Cp2 PUPS SALE SuAIiEâ€" Collie pups, « weeks old, also one coUie female, 8 months old, goo<l watch dog and heeler. â€" A. S. Wliyte. Priceville, phone 00,14 Flesherton. 4(>p2 FOR SALE â€" Quantity good mixed hay, few bu. goose wheat; "Wash-. Well' washing machine used short time with m-w wringer; summer kitchen nnige. â€" Fred Russell, R.R, 2 Flesherton, phone Markdale 30H ( OWS FOR SALE --Ihirham cow, 5 years old, duc about June 1 ; Here- ford cow. 7 years old, with calf 3 months old; Bic>('!e, good as new, •'Royal Flier", balloon tiros. â€" Dor- laml Campbell, Eugenia, phone 74J11^ Flesherton. 46p3 W.M. IIYSLOP II bv public auction in FLESHERTON FRIDAY. APRIL 231iD, 1!»48 tile t'ol lowing at l::!ti; CATTLE â€" Red Polled Cow, U yrs. old, due in -May; Durham Cow, 4 yrs old, supposed due 1st week of June; HrindU t!uw, 11 years old, fresh; .Ayrshire Cow, 10 years okl, due timo of sale; 11 Head of Young Cattle. PIGS, CHICK |':NS S Chunks of I'igs; lOOll .Mixe.l Chicks, (i weeks old; 125 Black Auslralorp Pullets. .1(1 weeks old. EUHNITURE. Etc. â€" Chesterfield Suite, 2-ti)iece; Kitchen Cabinet; 4 White Kitchen Chairs; Kitchen Ex- tension Table; Corner Cupboard, 2 Kiteheii KaiiM'es; nifj,h Chair; Stove Pipes; 3 Tables; 2 Brown Beds, Mat- tresses and Siirings; 2 Baby Carriag- es; 2 Lawn Mowers, new; Kitchen (.'oucli; Hot Plate; Coai Oil Slovi- Dishes; Electric Heater; 2 luh.-;: lleat (iiiaril; Stove Board, -MLSCELLANEOUS Feltol Rug i;.\l.»; Electric Brootler; Separator; Milk Pails; Chicken Founts and Feeders; 10 liallons Barn Paint; Bag uf Ferlilizei'; Electric Punvp Jack new; Foi'ks; Shovels; 2 Oil Dnnns; S) Square Insul Brick and Corners; 2 .Square VVinloe Shingles, and num- erous oilier articles. THE PROPERTY, consisting i.l good franiy house, good barn and hen li uise, and 2(1 acres more of less ol land, will be olVered for sale, subjeel to reserve bid. TERMS: Cash. â€"GEO. E. Dl'-NCAN, Auctioneer liKEDIT AUCTION SAU SI'OCK, IMPLE.MENTS. ETC. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Pedlar, Guelph, spent the week" end in town. We still have a few work boots at the old price.â€" F. H. W. Hickling. Mrs. Myrtle Shaw of Lions Head is spending a couple of weeks with her mother, Mrs. W. H. Thurston. Mr. E. D. Bentham and son, Rich- ard, of Toronto spent the week end with the former's mother. An exceptional selection of men's fine hose at poipular prices. â€" F. H W. Hickling. Misses Laura Boyd and Dell Thurston of Toronto were home over the week end. Mr. and Mfrs. Ben Wilson of St. Catharines visited a day last week wth Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Bellamy. lit it's blinds, curtains and wall- paper you want, it's F. M. W. Hick- ling for quality and price. Mrs. John Nuhn underwent an op- eration last week in the Markdale Hospital, and is improving nicely. Men's and ladies' crepe-sole shoes for comfort and long wear. â€" F. H. W. Hickling. Miss Ruth Russell of Toronto was a week end visitor with her father,! Mr. Jas. Russell. Mliss Kate Mlacmillan underwent an operation in the Owen Sound hospital the first of the week. Miss Jean Duncan of Toronto was a week end visitor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Duncan. B-H "English" paint, the paint that covers and lasts. Sold by F. H. W. Hickling. Mrs. Ethel Sargent of Winnipeg, and Miss Marion Sargent of Owen Sound, visited the former's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Smith. Mrs. Royden McDonald and son. Donald, of Ear Falls arrived Satur- day to spend several weeks with rel- atives in this district. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 'Donaldson, Mrs. Bert Hannah and children of Toronto were \ieek en<l guests of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Genoe. Mrs. W. Boyd has returned to her home, after having spent the past several weeks in Toronto, part of the time being confined in hospital from the effects of Ihi- 'flu. Mr, Wilfred Phillips, Owen Sound, ti/]iip!eted his last run as engineer with the C.N.R. For the past ten years he has been on the Owen Sound to Wiartuii run. The five new street lights are this week being installed around the main corner of the village, and all will agree that they are a distinct improvement over the light cast from the old-style fixtures. Modern protection for to-day's re- quirements: Health and .Accident. .-Vuto, Fire. Casualty Insurance. Have mo check your insurance needs. - G. D. Miac.Arthur, agent, Flesherton, phone ^2J. The recent paper salvage held by the Trail Rangers i-esulted in about two and « half tons of paper beir.g gath;'re<l. Keep your |ia|ier and old magazines for another paper salvage day. Those residing out of town can deliver their bundles at Th Advance olVice for eonveiiience jiiul they will be picked up by the Trail Rangers at any time. DEPENDABILITY SERVICE .MRS. JAS. SAYERS will sell Iby public auction on LOT 7. CON. 14, OSPREY Tl KSDAY, AI'KIL 27TH, 1948 tile folilowing, namely: HORSES â€" Bl^ck .Mare, G years old; Bay Mare, 7 years old. C..ATTLE â€" Cow. ;i years old. Calf at fool; Black Cow, 5 years old. Calf at foot; Red Cow, 10 .years old; Black Cow, 7 years old, supposed due May 1 ; Blaok^Co^v. 7 years old, supposed due .April 24; Roan Co\y, 5 years okl supposi.'d due April 20; Red Cow, 8 years old, due April 21; Red Cow, 8 years old, bred in Mai-ch; 2 Heifers I isi ng 2 years; 2 Yetuling Cattle. PIGS, SHEEP. FOWL â€" 7 Pigs, nearly ready for market; ,3 Sheep; 2 Geese; Gander, Hens. IMPLFJME3NTS, Etc. â€" Set Team Harness; Single Harness; Binder; Mower; Seed Drill; ,Set of Discs; Drag Harrow; Plow; 2 Buggies; Set of 2,000-lb. ScaJes; 2 Cutters; Steel Truck Wagon; Fanning Mill; Culti- vator; Sleighs; Root Pulper; Wheel- ban-ow; Set of Slings and Hay Fork; Neokyokes; Whiffletrees; Chains; Porks; Shovels; Ra>nnond Serving Machine, drop-head; Steel Extension Couch with Mattress; Kitchen Chairs Linoleum Rugs; Quantity of Oats; Quantity of Protatoes; Number of Good Tools; Water Barrel; Cream Separator; numerous other articles. SALE AT 1:30 P.M. TERMS â€" Oats. Potatoes and all sums of llO.Ofl and under.; over that amount months' fre<lit on joint notes (iipproved by Bank of Toronto, Feverahjwn, bearing G'", interest. â€"GEO. K. DUNCAN, Auctioneer \^ MASSEY-HARRIS FARM EQUIPMENT Quality Hardware BuUders* Supplies STOCK ON HAND PONY TRACTOR â€" It's ability to pull its weight- and lugging power warrants your investigation. 2-Fnrrow Tractor Plow. 2-Furrow Horse-Drawn Plows Heavy Duty Rubber Tire Wagons 7-foot Binder.? Smoothing Harrows Walking Plows 5 ft. and 6 ft. Mowers Used Drill in good condition S25.00 Used Cultivator, 13-tooth, good as new, $6S,00 RITE-WAY MILKER â€" Save 65% of your time! The Milker the <»w likes, and the man that owns one likes the right way: the suction and massage way of milking. We instal. BUILDERS' SUPPLIES INSULBRIK and ROLBRIK SIDING EVE TROUGH ASPHALT ROOFING STEEL ROOFING PRESSURE SYSTEMS BARN TRACK and CARRIERS LITTER CARRIERS HAY FORKS apd SLINGS. W«! insta l Prepare now for he rush period; goods are still in short supply. STOVES and ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES .McClary, Clare, Jewel, Good Cheer and Elmpire Stoves Coleman 2-burner Hot Plate -Monarch 3-burner Oil Stoves Electric Irons Toasters Hot Plates Ranges and Rangettes J. M. STAFFORD Dealer in Modern Farm Machinery Phone 4r22 FEVERSHAM mm AUCTION liALL STOCK, IMPLEMENTS. ETC. WM. GIBSON will sell by public auction On No. 4 Highway, West of Ceylon .MONDAY, APRIL 26TH, 1948 the following, at 1:!50 p.m.: HORSES â€" Bay Horse, 12 years odd; Black Percheron Horse, 10 years old; Black General Purpose Mare, li years old. CATTLE â€" Grey.Cow, 5 years old. due May 1; Brindle Cow, 5 years old, due May 1; White Shortliorn Regis- tered Cow, supposed d'ue in Oct.; Red ainl White Registered Shorthorn Cow supposed due in Oct.; Roan Cow, 6 years old, supposed due in Oct.; Red and White, Oow, 6 years old, suppos- ed due May 1; Red Cow, 3 years old, si;;iposed due in Ovt.; 3 Shorthorn Steers, rising 3; 5 Yearling Steei-s and Heifers; 4 Heifers, 2 and ;^ years old; Roan Shorthorn Bull Calf, elig- ible for registration; Veal Oivlf. SOW, HEuNS â€" Sow. due May 10; 60 Barred Rock Hens. UMIPLEMENTS, EU\ â€" Cockshutt Binder, ft., nearly new; Peter Ham- ilton Mower, 5 foot cut; Steel Hay Riake, 10-foot, nearly new; Peter Hamilton Disc Seed Drill; M.-H. Disc Harrow; M.-H. Stiff Toot Cultivator; 2-Dinjm Steel Land Roller; Walking Plow; New Scuffler; 4-Sect. Smooth- ing Harrows; Sloop Sleighs; Wagon; Chatham Fanning Afill; Hay Rack; Chathaim 2,000-lb. Scales; Ha.y Fork; Root Pulper; Cream Separator; New Wlieelbarrow; No. Wagon Tongues; 3-foot Lawn Gate and Lawn Fence; Quantity of Oats and Barley; Quan- tity of Potatoes; Mixed Hay; 50 Cot- tou Grain Bags; 100 Feed Siicks; 12- Gauge Shot Gun; Set Heavy Team Harness; Set Work Harness; Brooder Stove; Electi-ic Churn; Butter Bowl and Ladle; Feeds; Water Founts. FURNITURE â€" Axminster Rug 9x12; Couch; Beds, Springs and Mat- tresses; Dressers and Wash Stands; Clhairs, and numerous other articles. TERMS â-  Hay, Grain, Potatoes and all sums of jtO.OO and under. Cash; over that rimount (\ months credit on .toinl notes npprovwl by the Canadia Bank of Commerce, Flesher- ton. bearing (>'; interest. â€"GEO. E. DUNCAN. Auctioneer' 8TH LINE, OSPREY Plenty of rain has been falling; very little sunshine and not very much growth to date. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stephens and family of Dundalk visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stephens Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ottewell and granddaughter, Mary Stephens, spent Sunday with Mrs. .Alice White and family of Collingwood. .Mr. Bei-t .Magee held a very suc- cessful auction sale Thursday of last week, when good prices were realiz- ed. 'We are sorry that Mt. Magee is not enjoying the best of health- but hope there will be a return to ^lis usual good health soon. Miss Lorcen Tempest and friend, Mr. Roy Weir, of Collingwood spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stephens. Mr. Josiah Crawford has returned home from hospital. We hope that his health will improve. Mrs. P. J. Somers, Mervin, ^'incent and Naomi of Brantford spent the week end at their hme here. We are sorry to report Mrs. M. Murphy ill in bed again, and hope for a quick recovery. FAR.M FOR SALE West half of Lot 167. 2 S.W., Art- mesia, consisting of 40 acres, 30 of which is good pasture land, balance bush and swamp. -A^ply to Harry Patton, R.R. 3, Flesherton. 47p2 FAR.M FOR SALE 150 acres. Lots 10-11, Con. 4, Art- emesia, I'j miles from village, well watered, 20 acres of bush, large solid brick house and bam with L and stone foundation. Apply to Mrs, I^ura A. Neubauer. Coylon, phone 40rl Flesherton. 445c4 FARM FOR SALE "Strike paiiiLyzes Japanese tele- phone system." Makes one believe the Japs are being democratized. Many- waters cannot quench love, but can make an awful mess of cot- tages, cellars anti gardens. Lot 178, 2 S.W., .Artemesia, near Saugeen Jet., 76 acres more or less, cement house, large L-shaped barn, drilled well, well watered. Good price for quick sale. -Apply to MRS. ETHEL BLACKBURN, Flesherton, Ont. FARM FOR SALE Lots 161-162, 1 S.W.. .Artemesia, 1*4 miles south of Flesherton on No. 10 Highway. 65 acres cleared, 35 is seeded to long-term pasture, 3 good spirng creeks crossing fann, balance bush and pa.^ture, good clay loam. For full particulars apply to Everette J. Parker, Proton Station. 46p4 F. T. HTI.L & CO., Limited STOCK UP with. these M.oney-Saving Grocery Bargains Real Pea Soup, 2S oz. tin 2 tor 19c Picklfd Bect.s. 16 oz. jars , 2 for I5c Purity Flour. 98 lb. bag $4.39 each Cream-style Corn. 20 oz. tin 19c each Choice Quality Tomatoe.s, 28 oz. tin 23c each Red Plums 30'^'' sugar, 20 oz. tin 2 for 27c Dalton's Pudding^s 7 for 25c Canned Punii)kin, 2S oz. tin 2 for 25c Heinz, Aylnier Baby Fruts, X'egetables 5c tin Cut Green Rean.s. 20 oz. tin 2 for 15c Diced Beets. 20 oz. tin 2 for 15c Plain Sweet Biscuits 25c lb. Dutch Setts 19c lb. Blended Fruit Juice. 20 oz. tin 2 for 19c .\ssorted Soups 2 for l5c Viau Soda Biscuits. 2 lb .pkgf 39c each A REAL SPECIAL FOR THRIFTY SHOPPERS Boys' Long Ti'oiuers, sizes 26 to 34 values up to $2.95 Clearing $2.95 REMEMBER We are closed Mondays, open Thursdays F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. Phone 7 Markdale A A 4 i > .1 A. A 4 * â-  » <: "^ r

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