! A. 4 t * > * ? t « * #- A 4 ♦ Jt 4. * 4 *. 4 â- * â- « Revolutionary Phonograph Plays Records Vert phonograph pictured above will completely re most novel feature is that records are played in dropped. In addition, it holds 200 selections <• find any record in the library, plays either one anyone's touching any of the recording's, pick more than 14 hours of continuoussm'usic without it playng at any time desired and ends ically â€" It is claimed that this newly developed volutionize the playing of recorded music. Its a vertical position. They are never turned or eady for instant playing and will automatically or both sides and return it to storage without up arm or mechanism. The machine furnishes ever repeating a single selection. A timer starts the program at a predetermined time. Sports - And One Thing or Another By PRANK MANN HARRIS ^= ("A Stzbit Critic") = Professional hockey players, and the newspaper writers whose task It is to report every inove of these heroes on behalf of a palpitating pub- lic, frequently have a lot of idle time to kill between games and practise sessions. This is especially the case when a team is in some strange city for several days cm ac- count of a Stanley Cup series or some such. * * * Some of them put in most of this spare time engaged in card games of a fairly mild innocuous variety. Others will wander cut to see the sights of the town â€" although this particular pastime is said not to be nearly as popular as formerly, now that a player's moral and social be- havior is of almost as great interest to his employers as his scoring abil- ity. But the chief means of time- assassination is just to sit around and talk aboutâ€" of all things ! â€" hockey. * * ♦ During such gab-fests somebody is almost bound to start picking AIJ- time All-star teams ; and some weird and wonderful combinations of past and present hockey standouts are evolved. One of those we best re- call was put together by a sports writer who sliall remain nameless, but whose most strenuous feat of personal athletic endeavor was chalk- ing a pool-cue. * * * ~n this occasion everybody present was asked to jot down on a piece of paper the names of his mythical All- Star team â€" the idt being, if we remember aright, that the one judged to have made the best selec- tion was to have the privilege of buying the next round. Of soda- pop, naturally. And Mvhen it came time to read them off it was dis- coverer that this chap had written down the following â€" Howie Mor- «nz; "Ditch" Nighbor; Fred Tay- Exi'ie Shore; Lionel Conacher â€" just the five names. "l^ey there," somebody yelled, "you've forgotten to pick out any goaltender." "Brother" was the un- ruffled reply, "with a bunch like that I'd do the goaltending myself â€" an what's more I wouldn't even bother to put on pads! * * ♦ If the Hamilton Tigers should drop out of the Big Fourâ€" as seems to b' their present intention â€" a whole lot of old-time color will be missing from that football loop, and their action ^vill be regretted, e.fpccially by those who remember them in the days of their greatness. Some of our earliest sports memories recall .'\ut- umn jaunts to the Ambitious City, and the roars of a football-crazy crowd veiling for the Tigers to "Eat 'Em Raw." « * * But we suppose it's just another case of "When little boys play with big boys it's seldom the big fellows who get hurt." Upper-bracket foot- ball is strictly a dollar-and cents proposition nowadays â€" although this is hotly denied by some of those be- hind it â€" and Hamilton just cannot hope to rake in sufficient money to put Tigers on a par with Argonauts and Alouettes in the search for tal- ent * * • Ottawa is in a slightly different position â€" as it is rumored that down there in the shade of Parliament Hill there are always nice positiont â€" " hours 12 to 1 with 60 minutes off for lunch" â€" for a hard-hitting middle •wing or <lcct-footed halfback, and that these help to make up (or com- paratively tniall box-office receipt*. * • • But of such matters we cannot speak with any authority. All we know for certain is that w^ shall be sincerely sorry to see the Hamilton Tigers pass out of the League. Nor do we mind predicting that there will come a day when the other t will regret that they weren't just a trifle more generous in help- ing ease their financial load by cut- ting them in just a trifle deeper on away-from home gates. * • • The conditioning of athletes is a business for experts nowadays, as everybody knows. Meeting our old friend Bill Kelly â€" now an official on Ontario race tracks â€" the other day brought back memories of the only time we were ever attempted in an amateur' w;iy. to assist in f uch doings. * • « .•\fter several years absence from the saddle, Kelly had been asked to ride in a certain Steeplechase ; and wishing to sweat off some of the ac- cunuilated suet he invited us to spend the night at his house, then come out with him for an early morning run. "We'll get up at four in the morning, run about five miles, then come hack and have breakfast." * * * After what seemed like about 30 minutes in the hay the alarm went off; and with many groans and much nnitual sympathy we donned sweaters and shorts and emerged into the cold grey d;iwn. Our jiath led up along toward Riverdale Park; and as we passed the fire hall the clock honged the half-hour. Looking up we saw that it was half-past three! Some- body â€" we each blamed the other â€" had set the clock for an hour earK;. * * • ' Nothing daunted we plodded on, down the steep hill leading into The Park whichâ€" 9s some of yon will no doubt recall â€" houses Toronto's Zoo. .\ller a few moments the path start- ed to lead upward, and breath seem-" ed harder to get. Cage after cage of animals we passed, but in nary a one of them could we notice a single sign of life. 4: • « Suddenly Kelley pulled to a halt, a very serious expression on his face. "Over there," he said, pointing, "are the zebr-'s. Over there a cageful of monkeys. In that cage, the lions. In that one. Heaven knows what All dumb animals â€" yet all with sense enough to be sleeping their heads off, while we're out here running ourselves to death. Doesn't seem sensible, does it?" "It certainly doesn't," we panted in rer'y. "Let's go home and get back to bed." And since then all our participation in athletic conditioning has been strictly from the sidelines â€" and after the sun was well up in the skies too. CHOICE FRUIT TREES AND SMALL FRUITS Ornamental Trees, Shrubs XT«r8;ra«ni, Ro>*a, FereimliU, Qladi A Cannat Lkrg* A Complat* Stoek ot AM IiMding Variotin â- 00 Au« vndcr OnltiTatloa Sm onr Local Aniil or Writa for I^*« 0»t«lo|a* a PlanUng Qslda 0. H. rauDBoioai * sons, ltd., SBAMSVrLLl, OntaH*. Brazil Needs Many Canadian Products 'Respite Brazil's current shortage of dollar e.xchange, that country of- fers excellent market opportunities to the Canadian e.xporter. Canada's principal sales to Brazil consist of wheat and othe'r grains, paper and paper products, and machinery. There are possibilities for expan- sion, particularly in the last group, in view of Brr-Ts great need aris- ing from increasing industrializa- tion and the nec-ssity for replace- ment of obsolete machinery, which could not be effected due to the scarcity f supplies during the war years. Perhaps Brazil's most urg- ent postwar requirements are for better transportation facilities, in- volving tile purcliase of ships, air- craft, locomotives and rolling stock, buses, trucks, passenger cars and spare parts. The latest list of essential imports, to which Brazil will give priority in tlie issue of foreign exchange, includes in ad- dition, agricultural machinery and implements, tools, metals, indus- trial chemicals, pharmaceuticals and pigments. DOES INDIGESTION WALLOP YOU BELOW THE BELT? Help Your ForgoHen "2S" For The Kind 01 Relief That Helps Make You Rarin' To G« More than half of your digestion is don« below the belt -in your 28 feet of bowels. So when indigestion strikeo, try Bomething that helps digestion in the stomach AND below the belt. What you may need is Carter's Little Liver Pills to give needed help to that "(orgottea 28 feet" of bowels. „ „ ^ , Take one CarU^r's Little Liver Fill before and one after meals. Take them according to directions. They help wake up a larger flow of the 3 main digestive juices in your stomach AND bowels â€"help you digest what you hart eaten in Nature's own way. Then most folks get the kind of relief that makes you feel better from your head to your toee. Just be sure you get the genuine Carter'i Little Liver Fills from your druggist-35«. ISSUE 17 1948 Classified Advertising AGENTS WANTED OILS, GREASES, TIRES, Cnoectlcldea. Electric F«nc* Controllers, Hou«« ajid Bam Paint. Roof Coatlnga, etc. Deal- era wanted. Write Warco Qreaaa A Oil Llmt* tad, Toronto. BABY CIHCKS FUK H.VLE BUSINESS OPPOETUNITIBH KS OFFER to avary Inventor â€" LLnt of Inven- tions and full Information aent free. The Ramaay Co. Rarlaterad Patent Attomeya. S73 Bank Street. Ottawa. BABT CHICKS THJS la the year to ralae poultry Egg an<i meat prlcea will be blsh ihim year. Be Bure and buy your obtcka from an fHtabllahec farm. All chicka from our farm rt» Irom Government approved and pullonim tested breeders. Write for prlcea and citalogue. Monkton Poultry Farms. MonUton, Ont. YOU'LL be sorry thla Fall and Winter If you haven't your laying pen filled as UMUal and your usual number of cockerels. There's likely to bfa a shortage of eges and poultry' thla Fall which means hish prices. With [jroapecta for a ffood crop with lower feed nrlces, 194S (not 1949) Ih the year to buy all the chicka you can properly handle. When your neishboura are cashing In on these soor] prices, don't you be the one wishing you hud eeiSi* and poultry to sell. The lime to make money in any endeavour la when there are not too many golnif Into the buainess. With 50% less chicka hatched to date, deiliiitely thia is the year "to cash In" In the poultrj" busi- ness. We can give prompt delivery on all popular breeds tn day olda, two and thret week old started chhka and older pullets eight weeks to laying. Be trure to send for our 1948 catalogue. TwedUle Chick Hatcheriea Limited. Fergus. Ontario. OaTCH np with aom* of tbeaa well-started chloka, two week old Pullets: Barred Rocks. New Hampshire x Barred Rocks 32.96, Asaorttd SI. 96. nun-sexed 20.96, Aeaorted IS. 46, Cockerels 10.46. AjMorted 8.45. Pul- leU: White Leghorn. Barrad Rock x White Leghorn, Auatra Whits 86.96, Black Minorca X Whits Leghorn 36.96, Aasorted 84.95. Three week old add 6.00 per hundred, 4 week old add 13.00 per hundred to above prices. Alao other breeds. Send for epeclal started prlca Hat. Aefiorted day old haavy breed cockerels 3.96 par hundred. Barred Rocks 4.46, New Hampshl rea 8.46. F ree catalogue. Twaddle Chiik Hatcheries Limited. Fergus, Ontario. YOU LOSE valuable markets with later chicks â€" you might as well catch the good ones â€" you can. especially with Bray etarted pullets and cockerels. We bare them ready to ahlp. Get special prlcea. Bray Hatchery, 130 John N.. Hamilton. Ont. DYEING AND CLEANLNO HAVE you anything needs dyeing or clei IngT Write to ua for information We are glad to answer your questions. Department H, Parker" s Dye Worka Limited T9l Tonge Street. Toronto. Ontario KOB 8A1^ HARLEY DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Parts and Service. Bert G 419 College St.. Toronto Kennedy A Son. UAKE blgeer meat and egg profits with Hollywood teghoma. They are aa large as most heavy breeds. These Real hig. lop- combed beauties are backed by 30 years breeding for every quality you need tor top poultry profits â€" Championship Uvablllty to cut chick and layer losses. Guaranteed egg breeding for big. white, premium egus. Really a big leghorn for more meat. Fast Cnlform growth for quickest of all brollera. Raise these big profit makers once and you will raise them alwaya. Write Cor oriceMat and free calendar Big Rock Farm. Mills Roches. Ontario. ST.^RTED chick bargains while they last; S week old; Pullets: Barred Rocks, Light Sussex I Barred Rocks, New Hampshire x Baired Rocks 36.95. New Hampshire 38.95. Assorted Heavies 37.95. While Leghorn. Light Sussex 1 White Leghorn, White Rock X White Leghorn 39.95. Bhick Minorca x White Leghorn 41.95. Assorted Light Breeds 38.95, 2 week old 5.00 per hundred less. Also other breetls in non-sexed, pullets and cock- erels. Day old cockerels' l^arred Rock, New Hampshireg x Barred Rocks, Light Sussex, Light ^fusaex x New Hampahires 4.45. New Hampahirea 3.45 Ajsorted H-avlea 2.95. Send for special starte<l price list. Top Notch Chick Salt-8. Guelph, Ontario. HEAVY BREED COCKERELSâ€" 4c Sussex, Susse.\ x N Hiim!>3 ;)rui;u)I delivery 4c. After April 20th. 4i^c. May lat to May 10th 5c, Rhode Island Reds 3c. Ruck x Le-g horn, and Sussex x Leghorn 2c, Leghorns Ic. Fast feathering Rocks and Ruck x New Hamp. to May lat Gc. To receive these apetlals en- close this ad with order. HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY, LONDON. ONT. HURONDALE CHICKS All breeders, double blood- tested and banded, backed by high pedigreed foundation stock Many customers report beat chicka I ever had, and prices so reasonable. "The chicks I had from you have done splendid." reports James Wright. Owen Sound. Pure Sussex mixed 14c. Sussex X New Hamp, Rock x New Hamp. mixed 12^0, pullets 24c. Rock x Leghorn. Sussex X Leghorn, New Hamp. x Leghorn to May 20 mixed 14c, pullets 27c, cockerels 2c. After May 20 mixed \2^c. pullets 24c. Large Type WTiite Leghorn pullets 24c. mixed X2Hc. Faat feathering Rock and Ruck x X. Hamp. cockerels 6c to May lat, Sussex, Suesex x N. Hamp. and Broad bfoasred New Hamp. cock- erels to May 1st 4c, after May lat 5c. Assort- ed mixed chicks lie, assorted pullets 23c. Assorted heavy cockerels Sc when available. All prices subject to change without notice. 100% live delivery to your station. Jl.OO per 100 deposit, balance C.O.D. Order from and enclose this ad. Hurondale Chick Hatchery. London, Ont. BEFORE you buy baby chicka thla year, give a little serious thought to the question of w^here to buy your baby chicka. Buying on prlca alone can very often prove a serious and costly mistake. The prico tag on the chicks has no connections with your future success and profit In the poultry business Its the chicks themselves that count and the breeding back of them, that you are buying. Top Notch have been supplying good Govern- ment Approved chicka for 14 years. Prompt shipment on all popular bi'oeds, day old, two or three \/ook old. older pullets eight weeks to laying. Free catalogue. Top Notch Clilck Sales, Guclph. Ontario. BREEDER HATCHERY CHICKS OVER 10.000 BREEDERS IN LAKEVIEW FARMS -â- Vll double i>Iood tested, band'-d and inspected. Many customers have had years of continuous succesa, with Lakevlew chicks. You can too. From John Coles, Gravenhurst, Ontario â€" "Many thanks for tine shipment. I have 100% llvabillty.'* "Wonderful succeas. T5 to 30% production with your Suasex," reports .Vrthur Aryore, Oivoode, Ontario. EGG SHORTAGE Total chick hatchinns down 5 e from year ago. Feed prices wU be lower and egg prices higher, POULTRY MEAT SHORTAGE Reports show cockerela started to date down 70 to 80 % from yeax ago. 3-4 lb. broilera are aelUng for 35 to 40c lb live wulght. The margin of profit is Kreat-^r than •â- vor. PROMPT DELIVERY 50,000 Lakevlew chicks wocUly. Wo can give prompt delivery In most brtH'-ds. Give 2nd choice of breed, If poaalble. Breeds available Susaex, Sussex x N. Hanips., B. Rock x Hamps.. Barred Rocks, N. Hanips., Rhode IsJand Rods, Large typo W. LcKliorns, Rock X Leghorn. Sussex x Leghorn, N Tlamp. x Leghorn. STARTED PULLETS 4 wks.-a4 wks. Get a head start with started pullets or book order for future delivery S weeks to ready to lay. It looks like It will be lmpofl.<tible to buy wall-started pullets later on. All older puUct<i raised on free range under Ideal conditions. HEAVY BREED COCKERELS Thousands available weekly. Send for special low prices on large orders. CAPONS 4 WEEKS READY MADE There Is good money in raising Capons. Sell for aa much per lb. aa tu rkeys. 3 5 to 4 Oc per lb. alive now. Send for large Illustrated cntalogue and man- agement book and weekly si^eclal Hat of day old, started pullets and capons. LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM AND HATCHERY FREE! 100 HEAVY-BREED COCKERELS with every order of 100 pullets, Large Type White Leghorn pullets $28.60. New Hampa, 128.00. To receive this epcclal enclose this ad with your order. HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY, LONDON. ONT. BROAD-BREASTED BRONZE TURKEY POULTS Also SMALL WHITES and BRUAO- BREASTED BRUNZE X SMALL WHITK8 and 8.MALL B.B.B.'S THIS tooka the year to make real money In turkeys. Send for our Turkey Guide and let- ter to get all the detalla. There is a good American market and demand. The duty la down 2 cents per lb Feed prices are going down. Quotations for May delivery for grain are down S13.00 to $17.00 per ton. Ameri- can Breeder flocka are down 40-50 per cent. Poult production will be away down. It la expected that Canadian poulta will be ahlpped to U 3.A by Hay or before at good prices. Plan to raise pojlts! Thip la the yearl Book your order now' Big dtacounts for April delivery Send tor Turkey Management Guide and circular which tells all about proftta. prevention ot dlaease. and rearing methoda. LAKEVIEW TURKEY J^ANCH EXETER ONTARIO CRAFT Supplies: Free Catalogue. We stora a full line in the following crafts: Shell- cralt. Leathercraft, Feltcraft, Beadcraft. Handycraft Supply Company Peterbctougb Ontario. FOR SAX.B, new D. John Deere Tractor, starter, lights, power take-off on 14" rubber. Lato model '-'8-50 white steel mill Uhersol Feeder, clover attachment. like new. 25-4! Gooi^ison Mill Clover attachment, good run- ning order. Complete set steel wheels for International Tractor. Steel rear wheels for 60 and 90 or 93 aimer Tractor. Albert Hous- ton. 60 Emma St.. Chathnm. Om. Phone 258aM. BARGAIN! STOCK REDUCING SALE NEW pot-type QU'^n Oil Burning Brooder atovfes, new JItO.OO or $2"' 00 delivered to your station. .Vet quickly, while they last. Subject to change without notice. To receive this bargain price enclose thla ad with your order. Also ROOM HEATKRS as low as iCZ.OO and New Pot-Type OL'EEN RANGE OIL BLTIN- ERS. $45.0'1 while th. y last! LAKEVIEW HATCHERY AND SUPPLY COMPANY EXETER ONTARIO YE.VR-OLD Raspberry planta. Latham and Taylor Varieties 6c each. Improved Senator Dunlop strawberry planta $2.00 hundred. Rivervlew Gardens. Kitchener. Ontario. BEAGLE Pupa from Field Trial Champion stock ready to train, also trained doga. J. J. Farmer, Suite 100. 102 Queen St.. Ottawa. Ont. ENSILAGE Harvester. McCormick Daering No. i. Hardly used, perfect condition. Riv- iere Chaude Farm. Reg'd.. Pont Rouge, Qua. OXB AND TWO ROW JOHN DEERH3 POTA- TO PLANTERS IN STOCK NOW. W. F. :dcizz::ziK co.. distributors since 1366. PHONE 26. LRAAtlNQTON, ONT. HARDY 2-year Latham Raspberry canea. $5.00 per hundred. Premier Strawberries $2.00 per hundred. A. Crowle. R.H. 1. Isling- ton. Ont, PEASâ€" Government Registered No. 1 Chancel- lor and OAC ISl. Limited supply. Sealed !u two bushel bags. $4.50 bu. W. A. Price, 13 St. Thomas St.. Toronto. R-^'v'ni--'' '.Ml BEMI3 ONE AND TWO-ROW li"i;.'i; AND TRACTOR-DRAWN TOBACCO AND TOM- ATO. ETC., TRANtfPLA:NTERS AVAIL.ABLB NOW. SEE YOTR LOCAL DEALER OR w. F. Mckenzie co., di.'^trtbt'tors SINCE 1S65. PHO.NE 26, LEAMINGTON, ONT.VRIO. 1 B.D. CL.KTRAC Overhead Shovel and Angla- dorer. used 5 months. New condition. Harnden St King, Contractors, Grafton, Ont. Phone 37. Bl'ILDKRS' Supplies available immedmtely. Natls â€" Cast-Iron soll-plpe and Ftttinga. Pumbing fixtures and electrical appliancaa. Send stamp for circular. Economy Distribu- tors. Klngfaton. Ontario. BEAUTIFUL baby budglea. guaranteed males. 6 weeka old. C.O.D. $13. Canary Hlngora, carefully chosen for color and song, $16. C.O.D. Groom Pet Suppllea, 999 Bloor W.. T.^ronto. Ont. HI-POWERED Rltlesâ€" Wnle for descnpiiva folders and prices. SCOPK 8ALBS CO., lie Queen St.. Ottawa, v>ni. WISCONSIN AIR CUULED GASOLINE ENGINES Delivery from etork. 2 - xo h.p. REPAIRS AND PARTS Olatributlon required In certain territories. CONSOLIDATED ENGINES * MACHINERY COMPANY New Toronto Ontario LATHAM raspberry cant-a, $'• 00 per hundred. Gordun Bridgman, R. R. 2. PusUnch. Ont. REGISTERED Collies priced to sell. One ElmhiM brood bitch, one St. Adrian proves stud. WMIlam Pye, Roselund. Ont. TE.N ACRES Summer resort, village on Rica Lake. Suitable for Cabtna, Store Qaraga, good cottage, ham. water, hydro, $S.OOO. Box 46. Harwood, Ont. 200 ACRES. Choice Storic and Grain Farm, 3 miles from City. 105 a-rea workable, 10 acres wood : water and hydro in house and bam. Posbesaion at once. Box S. 121 IStta Street. New Toronto. FOR SALE er Rent, nb*-ose factory with grocery store. Apply M<--d Beauparlant, St, Charles. Ont. SEN.ATOR Dunlop strawberry plants, well roote*!, heavlefft producers, hundred $1.50, thousand J&. Order eirly. Percy Yarrow, Route 6. Trenton, ont. flAlRDRCSSlNa LEARN Halrrtressine t he Robertson method, [nfurmation on re<iuesl regarding claaaas. Robertson's Hairdresaing Academy. 137 Ave- nue Road. Toronto. HEDICAl IT' 3 PROVENâ€" Every sufferer of RheumatJ* Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- edy. M'-inro'a Drug Store. 336 Elgin. Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. MONACAD fo"" Bcaema. the new mateto> less and emcacioua ointment By mall S0«. LaTrappe. North RogersvUle, N.B. SATISFY Yourself â€" Every sufferer of Rheo- matie Pains or Neuritis should try Dlxoa'a Remedy. Munm'g Drug Store. S3S Elglii, Ottawa. Poatpaid $1.00. OPPORTUNITIEh FOB WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Halrdresslng Pleasant dlgnlQed profession, good wagaa, thousanda succesaful Marvel graduates. Amerlca'a greatest system Illustrated cat»> logue free. Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSINO SCHOOLS 3SS Bloor St. W , Toronto Branchea: 44 Kmg St.. Hamilton. A 74 Rldeau .Stre«'t. Ottaw*. OPPORTCNITIES FOB MEN AND WOMEM EAJIN MONEY AT HOME SPARE or full-time money-making. Learn to make candy at home and earn aa you learn; correspondence course. National Institute of Confectionary Reg d. Deinrtraler P.O.. Bog 152, Montreal. Que. PATENTS FETHERSTO.NAL'GH A Company, Patent Solicitors. Eatablished IS90. 14 King Weat, Toronto. Booklet of information on request. PERSONAL "ELIJAJi Coming Before Chnat". wonderful book free. Heglddo Misaion. Rocheater 11. N.Y. PHUTOUBAPHY ELGIN Photos. Deveiuping and 8 prlnta SOa Reprints .03c. Jumbns .05c. Write for spe<v iaia on Films, Enlargements, Ununta. Frames. Box W116, St. Thomas. Ont. isEND your fllma to our new plant for unsur- passed quality. Our sparkling glossy prints will pU ase you. 6 or R exposure rolls 30o postpaid, reprints 02c ea. 36 for $1. Gamma Photo Centre, Box 71. Chapleau, Ontario. REPAIRS FUR COATS REMODELLED Old coats made like new by master furrier. Free Insured storage on repairs and remodela. Write for Information. Uptown Furs. 669 Yonge St., Toronto. WANTED WANTEDI $18.00 paid for Winchester 1894 and Marlln 1898 (onIy> rifles with worn-out Darreis. Ths Gun Shop, 7« Ward. Port Hope. Ontario. W^ANTKD: MuskrHt are in good demand. For top prices and prompt returns ship your raw furs to: Alan James. Lindsay Ont. CHERRY LOGS Bousbl tor caah. Wrue Boi 804. Perffufc Ont. aKLP W.\NTEI) H O U SEKEEPER WANTED Housektepcr to live :n. perinaneut po&itlon, S adults only. Apply Mrs. Bert Weir. 761 Richmond St., London. Ont. WANTED Four M) General duty nurses. Also night aupervtsor (11-7). Atiraclivs salary with In- creae>e after one year's aervtce. Full main- tenance provided. Apply the Director of Nursing, Wslland County General Hospital, Welland, Ontario. ALSO AVAILABU mHMUNDTWt MUTT AND JEFFâ€" Little Jeff Can Gel A Kick Out Of Anything HO, I Wwei.L.^.ii.TNOmUrtOLDtHisT--'*^'' [0.«!i By BUD FISHER dU6TASK-THfe KAeKSMHTHfOR LlAliN tHI TRADi.'