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Flesherton Advance, 21 Apr 1948, p. 5

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Jii. >â-  V k A 1 4 iC ^ â- â€¢ >Vednesday, April 21, 1948 »HE FLESHER'JON ADVANCE VALLEY ROAD SOUTH (Intended for Uit Week) The old Wickens farm in the Val- ky. owned by Mr. Fred Wickens of Clarksburg, has been purchased by his son,-in-law, Mr. Clifford Ward This is the first time the farm has gone out of the Wickens name. The Wiley and Gibson families of Priceville made a business trip to the Valley Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Winters of Cottinffwood ^sited with Mr. and Mrs. Murel Weber over the week end. Mr. Russell Ward of Toronto vis- ited his brother, Clifford. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Weber of Kim- berley, Mr. John Weber and daugh- ter, Edith, of Peace River, Alta., visited Mr. Will Weber and family On S^Jn^d&y. Just the right time of the year for a good feed of leeks â€" if you don't mind tbeon. iSoaiy dosn't mean everything, but we'd like to see just one thing these days that doesn't mean money. BUCKINGHAM WOOL GROWERS ORGANIZinON SHIP COLLECT TO WESTON. ONTARIO Shippers may obtain sacks and tn'ine withut charge from VIC. YOUNG, MAXWELL or by writinK direct to CAXADIAX CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITBI) 217 Bay Street, Toronto (Intended for Last Week) The .April meeting of the Xlomm- unity Chib was held at the home ol Mrs. Arnold Ralph, witli an' attend- ance of 16 memlbers and. .visitors. .After devotional exercises and short business discussion, th*i aftenioon was spent quilting and all t'nen en- joyed the excellent lunch served by the hostess. Mrs, Lloyd Hough gave her homie for the May meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Wra, McArthur of Owen Sound spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Udell. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Haw^on vis- ited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Randall Taylor of Banks. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hawton upon the arrival of a small daughter in their home. .VFr. and Mrs. Melville Douglas and Bruce entei-tained the euchre club in their home last Friday evening, when prizes were won by Mrs, -Alf. Hawton and Mrs. A. MuUin. Mr, Hartley Tupling and Mr. Arnold Ralph. Mr. and Mrs. George Smith and Misj Coi-een- McGregor of Campj Borden spent Sunday with Mr. and | Mrs. A. C. Brownridjje. Mr. and Mrs. Brace Mullin and Joanne of Nottawa spent Sunday at the fomier's home. PRICEVILLE Women still are told to remove their hats in the movies â€" when the usher recogrnizes them. One campaign song we'd like tu see adopted is the refrai a from handshaking. WELDING ELECTRIC ARC and OXY-ACETYLENE Specializing in all kinds of metals ("loveriinient approved operator Come in and give us a try: we can satisfy you. L. McCRACKEN & SON FLESHERTON ***** i ;MH i. >» i» »»| i»» » 4.».»i|i » ». n .. H i^i». | .. t . ; .».fr4i. l .».|.. H . < . »; ^. » . ; . ^ . > 4»» ** Mersco Paints We aer receiving regularly a limited quantity of % these popular pre-war low-price quality * Paints and Enamels f * House Paint, queuis $1.15; Gallons $3.95 t Red Barn Paint gallons $3.00 * Enamel quarts $1.35 5c to $1.00 Store E. J. Fisher, Prop. Flesherton, Ont. J + ^ M ^ < ^â-  ^ ♦^ ^ ^l^♦^ ^ ^♦' ^♦ ♦^^*♦ ♦< ^^ " ^♦♦♦♦♦ <">» ^>^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^^♦♦^^^^♦♦^i♦» » > »♦♦»♦ ? The Ontario ^ Progressive-Conservative Party Convention A Nominating Convention in the interests of th® People of South Grey TO NOMINATE A CANDIDATE in the coming Provincial Election will be held in Town Hall, Durham Monday, April 26 at 8:00 p.m. COME ONE, COME ALL; LADIES CORDIAALY INVITED H. A. McCanley. President, F. D. Sawyer, Secretarv, The Federated Farm Women met at the home of Mrs. Edgar Patter- son on Wednesday afternoon, with Mrs. Jas. Sturrock presiding. Th<- roll caH w^s answered by naming a tree. Considerable lousiness was transacted, after which Mrs. I. B Whittaker gave an excellent paper On birds. Mrs. Dan Campbell gave a humorous reading and Mrs. Stur- rock conducted a quizz contest. Mrs. Andrew Hinclcs gave a paper, en- titled "Marching Onward." Mrs. Cecil Fawcett donated an article on which tickets were sold and Donna \VTtyte drew the lucky ticket for Mrs. Dan Canupbell. Mrs. Edg:ar Patterson had the ladies guessin„' on how many yaixls in a baU of cord and Mrs. Donnie Whyte was the winner of the prize. The .lostess served a delicious salad plate lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Kei»h Elder and son, John, of Lisle visited on Sunday at the homes of Stanley Harrison and Mrs. Chas. Tucker. Mrs. Jack Cutsoii, Dorothy and Jimmie. .^pent the week end at the home of Art Richardson, Swinton Park. Mrs. \Vm. Meads and Wallace. Mrs. Dan Campbell, Mrs. .Andrew Hi neks. Shirley and Kenneti, spent Saturday in Toronto a"d nsited with friends. Mr. a'ld Mrs. Jack McFarlane and Colin, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Matthews and Donna of Toronto were g'uests Sunday at the Andrew Hincks home. Mr, and Mrs. J. C. McLachlaa, Bobby and Neil, oc Orillia spent the week end at the home of Mrs. Angus -McLachlair. Mr. Robt. &iodie of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ben McKenzie. Mrs. Jim Sturrock spent Saturday at Swintor. Park. Her mother, who has spent the winter at Bamtptoii, returned to her house at Swinton Park, and was brought home by Mr. and Mi-s. Gordon McLeod. ( Intended for Last Week) Mrs. Kate Runoiman has returned lionie. alter spending the winter in Toronto with her family. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sturrock spent Tuesday at Brampton and George- towii and were accompanied home by Gordon and Archie, w^ho spent the winter at Georgetown. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hill a.nd Sandy ui Fergus were recent visitois at tho home of Lachie McKinnon. Mrs. Mason (nee Jean McLaugh- lin) of Fergus was a recent visitor with Mrs. Shortreed and Anna. Mr. and Mrs. Donnie Whyte enter- tained neighbors and friends to a dance Friday night, when good I ,!iL..siv was ...ppli,.,! 'ly Mr, and Mrs. -Mf rvyn McFaddeii ' of Flesherton. Lmneh was seived and a so«ial tame spent. The proceeds were for the Farm Women's Club. Mr. and Mrs? .Alfred Odell Jr. are leaving this Wednesday, .April 14, to attend the wedding of their son ill Qui-'bec on .April ITth. Tile W. I. held a euchre party on Friday night at th home of Mr. and -Mrs. Mlalcolni McLean, when seven tables were in play. .Mrs. Thos. McDougall held the highest score for the ladies and Donald Black for the men. Thos. Harrison and Mrs. Joe Gibson received coiisoliation prizes. Lunch vf&s served, and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McDougall provided music for a couple of hours of dancing. Mr. and Mrs JJa|ph Fe<ian ami Betty of Fergus were recent visitors with her parents. Mr, and Mrs. Horcy Sims. Mr. and Mrs. Bort Sims of Bramp' ton spent the week e:Ki with the tatter's borther. Mr. Percy Sims, Mr. and Mis. Gerald Magee and family of Eugenia, .Mr. and Mrs. Donald Carson and family. Toronto. wfi-e visitors at the home of Dick Oarson on Sunday. Mis. Chas. McKinnon r<-'turiitd to Toronto, after spending a few weeks with her sister. Mrs. L. McKinnon, who is muL-h improved. Her sister Mrs. .McXaliV, is with her at present. VICTORIA CORNERS KOCK MILLS (Inteuied for Last Week) The mill commenced sawing opera- tions on Tu.-silay, with most of the old haitds hack on the job. The Dur- ham Fiu-niture Company has not nearly aS large a sto<.-k in tile yai-d as they had last year, but then- are more logs to be brought in by truck. Mr. Henry Martin of Bigwood has been engaged as sawyer at the mill. %\o are glad to repi>rt Mrs. Dick Clark feeling- nuich better now. siftej- her illness with gali bladder trouble. Miss Elva Kusstll visited for a week in Orangeville with her cou sins, the .Misoss Black, and attended the we<lding of Miss Doris Black to .Mr. A. K, E. Maboe. Tuesday. .April tit-h. Wc e.ttend conjfratulations to the young couple, as she is the daughter of former Rock Mills resi- dents. Her ntothor was formerly Lily Russell and her father was the late Thoiuiis Black, who was em- ployed here a uuntber of years with the Durham Fumiture Company. Mr. Bill Clark Has arrived hojue from Thistletowii' to run the farm for the summer. Mr. Walter Russell was laid up for few days with blood poisonizig in his hand, but is much impi-oved. Friends of Mr. Wm. Moore are Very sori-y to learn of his illness, he being bedfast in the home of his daughter. Mrs. Bert Hodgins, Pro- ton Station. Sunday, April 11th, guests with tiVr. and .Mrs. Clayton Betta were: Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sims. Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Sims a.nd little daujrh- ter. Donna, of Brampton, Mrs. Jack Haw, Proton Station, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Siuis. Priceville. • Baby Ross Gowanlock has been ill with measles, bi-others .Allan and Edwn having had them previously. Mr. and Mii. Chas. E. Moore of Toronto, visited over the week end with their son, George, and family, also renewing acquaintances in the neighborhood. . -Mr. Ferris and sister of Thistle- town, who last fall purchased the 100-acre farm from Mrs. Sam Saun- ders (the former Carl Atkinson fann), have come to make their home here. We welcome these new neigiiboi-s in our midst. .After buy- ing last fall, they resided here for a few- weeks, making e.ttensive im- provements to tiie buildings. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. Eidon Henderson, Corbet- ton, Mrs. Tracy Melenson and little son, Laurie, of Toronto, were recent Saturday evening guests of Mr. and M5rs. E. A. Stinson. Miss .Anne Stin- son of Toronto was a week end guest at her parental heme. On Tuesday Mrs. Stinson visited her sister. Mrs. -Allan Wake, Corbetton. The Stin- sons i-eceived woiri last week of tlie marriage of Mrs. Stinson's brother. Douglas Henderson, to Miss M.arion Ban-ett in Vancouver, B,C, Miss Pegg>- Ljnton has resumed Wank duties in Owen Sound, after a three weeks vacation and three days relieving last week in the Flesher- ton branch. Miss Rave Smith. Eloi-a, visited over the week end with her motiier. Mrs, Wm, Smith, in the home of Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Gallaugher, (Intended for Last Week) Evidence of Spring is in the air again, with the frogs "frozen up" three times, grass taking on a dis- tince green tinge, sap buckets home and washed up, snow fence removed along the Highway and baby chicks arriving. Thursday afternoon the W. A. meeting was held in the home of Mrs. Copeland. 16 members being present, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bannon visit- ed members of the Hannah family in Berkeley on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mi-s. Wilfred Gallaugher. Mrs. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Acheson, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Moore and Garry visited on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wiltshire, near ^oH^Str^ LEAVE FLESHERTON (Daylight Saving Time) lO OWEN SOUND To TORONTO I d 12.05 p.m. g 4.05 p.m. 9.05 a.m. d 7.40 p.m: i 8.40p.m. d -Sunday and Holiday only i - Daily except Sat. ^ - Saturday only. Bus Connections at Brampton for LondoR end at Toronto for Montreal, Oltawa auid North Bay FARES ARE LOW Rounut Trip - Tax Included - $59.65 WIXNIPEG 29.60 REGIXA 46.70 CALGARY CHARTERED BUSES FOR PRIVATE PARTIE.S AT LOW RATES TICKETS AND INFORMATION AT FIRESIDE LUNCH . R. BODEN HALIFAX :>T. JOHN $50.05 6L30 8L35 Phone 63 Flesherton. Ont. latter's sale. Others from this com- munity also attended the sale. Friday evening a few from here attended the benefit party, due tc considerable hospitalization, in honor of Mr. and M(rs. J.D, Wiltshire, when t'rwy were recipients of a substantial sum of money. The entertainment was lield in Dundalk to\\'n hall. Joice and Russell Copeland were Hooevillo. that bei;\g the day of the week end guests of their grandpar- ents, Mr. 3:'.d Mrs. Jos. Cooeland. Fishing Opens May 1 Alcock. Laiuht & Westwood fish- ing tackle and other sporting go«ds. REG. BODEN B.-.\. Station Flesherton THE FARM ACCOUNT BOOK AND INCOME TAX GUIDE SAVES FARMERS TIME, TROUBLE AND MONEY SAVES YOU TIMEâ€" Vou will find that a feu minutes a week keeps yoof Farm Account Book up-to-date. The first 1 S pages of your new Farm Account Book tell a ^tfaiJ^lU siory dboa: \sh.;i is required from farmers. Vour problems are dealt with in question and answer form and an inde.x refers vou quicklv to the section vou want The pages and columns for accounts are numbered to corrofvKid witp -he items on the Income Tax Return form itself. You can mak;.^ an accurate record of all farm dealings as you go along. If Ycu Haven't f;eceiveJ Your Copy, Get It Mow â€" FREE AT YOU.x POST C. . Cc SAVES MONEY BY SHOWiNG VOU HOW â€" tverv farmer !c'-,.Uy is en- titled to deductic>n.s for a wide variety of expenses. Your Farm Account Book has 12 pages de voted to columns for ihe>e. You are reminded of items v hich other wise you might forget. Deprecia- tion, a big factor, is covered on "^5 aauiied articles in coni'.r.on farm use. Vou are shown how to establish claims for a Basic Herd and snake a Three- Year-Average ot your re- turns. This latter gives vou the advantage ot the lowest possible tax and it may be dated back to 19 t6. These are direct money- saving advatitages entirely to your benefit. THE THREE YEAR AVERAGE ^ oil cant lose it you take advantage of this. Two things art necessi'ry to average your inc(.!ine over the three year period encimg December 31, 19-+S. First vour 194- return Ml'ST Bh FILED ON TIMF â€" thu IS. by April 30, l9'iS. Then when you file your 19 ^S return in 194S) vou may make application to average your income for 19 16-1947-1948. This averaging of income continues vearly so that in each year you are taxed only on the average of each three vear period. REMEMBER â€" HALF CULTIVATED LAND YIELDS A POOR CROP-HALF KEPT ACCOUNTS GIVE POOR RESULTS TOO Last year Canadian farmersâ€" and there are nearly a million of themâ€" produced over >2.O00.0C0.i)O0 in farm produce of all kinds. No other single industry approaches agriculture in volume ol production. And as in every other businessâ€" even the smallestâ€" every farmer must file an account of his transactions with the Department of National Revenue to qualify for the many tax exemption.^ which are allowed. DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL REVENUE (Taxation Oivision)

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