.Wednesday, April 21, 1948 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Competent You (Vdii.i* adiiiirn her ikill. Alert and |Mii::^C(l. tXw. calmly s|icf<l8 the many calls with <lcft, sure niove- mrntri. Willi switciiboardti bunier than ever hi-caiiiie of tlie many new t«'lf|ih<iii('s, tliis likill is lii-ing called on ait never before. > Morclelejdionesarebeing added ripht atoii<;. Our <-<>ii- •tant aim i» to provide more and better .*ervice . . . always at the loweHt poAitible CX>Mt ... topi \e greater value to CVfT) t<-ltj»b"iir ii.^«:r. THE IE I I COIIPAN r (ElEPHO Nf OF CANADA THE Fiesherton Advance 'ubiiahed on CoUinffwood St., ^'le»nerton, Wednesday of eacli .veek. Circulation 1,100. Priea 12.00 a year in Canada, paid in • avance; J2.50 per year in th« United States. J. THURSTON. Editcr MAXWELL CoiiKiatulations ai'e extended to Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Wiight on the gift of a son ill Markdale hospital last Thursday morning. Mrs. AJice Nicholls of Toronto spent the week end at the home of hei' parents^ Mr. and Mrs. G. lios.s. .Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Betts and -Norma of Fiesherton were visitors with Mr. and -Mrs. Huffh Fenwick on Sunday. Mr. Jas. Kerton and friend of Toronto -sisent the week end at the Fenwick home. The post office, which has been in the home of Mr. Chas. Brodie for the past three months, has been moved to the store of Mr. Chester Cameron. We wish them success in their new undertaking. JL iMUi aa4 has wi^e were caught Ctwbtng a hoirse in aB Oklahoma town. ^She prf»bal)ly tagged along t» |»i<<< Lili ;iif4,(', liim. (Intended for Last Week) Mr. Milton Bi-ownridge of Hamil- ton, grandson of ^Ir. Milton Browii- lidge. formerly of Maxwell, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lance BrowTH'idge over the week end. • We cJrtend aur deepesrt sympathy to the relabives of Mrs. Wm. Wright. who passed away i'l Toronto Sunday * Ton might be the aaxl victim of fireâ€" fire tliat mm qnickly destroy yonr homa^ jour buaineaa, yonr proi>«rt7, yonr whole life's work. Lot Pilot Inanrance accept the riskâ€" ready and qnick to pay any jnst claim. The coat hi very low. We write Pflot Inanrance to cover aelected riska la Aalomobile, Fire, Peraonal Property Floater, Burglary, Plate Glass, Pub- lic Liability and other general insarance. H. W. KERNAHAN FLESHERTON Representing: PILQIlNSyBANCE COMPANY morning. We are sorry to report Mr. Angus Moi-rison under the doctor's care at time of writing, but wish for him a speedy rccoveiT- His daughter, Mrs. Robt. .Mcldrum, of Toronto is home for a ft'w days with her mother and father. Mrs. -Vtery Priestley, Owen Sound, spent the week end with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Morrison of Walkerton and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Morrison of Toronto visited over the week end with the Morrison's. The annual meeting of the W. I. was held at the home of Mrs. George Ros.s, with a good attendance. The roll call was answered with a recipe for tarts. Arrangements were made to attend the meeting \rt Fiesherton on the 14th. It was decided to hold a dance in the near future, when full particulars will be given. The ftnan- tial report was presented by the sec- retaiy, showing a very successful year. The election of officers then followed and all were le-elected, as follows:- President, Miss Mabel Ross; Vice-President, Mrs. Wm. Seeley; Sec.-Treas., Mrs. Goldie Udell; Sun- -shiiie Coan., Mrs. Gertrude Seeley. .Mrs. Percy White, Mrs. Telford Ferris. The next meeting was ar- mnged to be ' held at the home of Mrs. T. Ferris in .May. Lunch was .served at the close of the nneeting. Mrs. M. Hawton and son, Carl, of Tofont« spent the week e«d with .Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wright. Mrs. Hawton remained for the funenil of -Mrs. Wai. Wright. KIMBERLEY Mr. and Mrs. Shire visited with Ml-, and Mrs. H. Fawcett on Sunday, also Mr. Clark McConnell. Saturday. We are sorry that -Mrs. Jolly has l)een ill for a few days. Mi's. Ellis Weber took her place teaching in the sc1k>o1. -Mr. and -Mrs. Ted MeCracken and son of Fiesherton spent the week end with .Mr. and -Mrs. R. llutcliinson Mrs. G. Proctor and Mrs. S. S. Hurritt have i^eturned to their homes after spending the winter with rela- tives out of town. M''- and Mrs. Lee Weber and child- ren spent Sunday in the village. EUGENIA Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Pui-vis. bister Mrs. Jean Linstead, also Miss Nock an<i Mr. Snowden Francis of Toronto spent Thttrsday of last week at the Purvis cottage with Mr. R. Purvis. Mrs. Lawson White of Fiesherton spent a few days with her paients, Mr. and Mrs. Bert M'agee. 'Mrs. iivelena Graham of Fiesher- ton is spending a few tlays at her home here. Mrs. Thos. Stewart and son, Wal- ter, ha(ve returned to their nome here, aifter spending the past year in St. Catharines. Visitors on Sunday with Mr. and -Mrs. Joe Williams were: Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Partridge and Shirley, Joan and Wayne McMaster of Rock Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Walker and son, Donald, Mrs. Phyllis McMaster and Miss Dorothy Bretheur, all of Gait. Mr. Will Moorehouse of Nipigon spent a f*?w days with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Josh Dobson and daughters of Feversham were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Williams. Mrs. Robt. Haney has returned to her home from Fiesherton feeling improv(Kl in health. Mr. Jas. Fawcett is able to be about again after being so seriously ' ill at his home. Mr. \'ictor Campbell, who has been a patient in Markdale hospital, is iiow recupe.rating at the home of his brother, Mr. Elward Campbell. Mr. Bert Magee had a very suc- cessful sale of farm stock and im- plements on Thursday last. .Mr. and Mrs. Jack fatterson aad little son have returned to the Jam- ieson home, after a visit with the former's mother at Petrolia. Mrs. S. J. Paul spent the past week with her daughters in Toronto. TIME TABLE CHANGES Effective SUXUAY, APRIL 2.5, 1918 Full information from .Agents G^K^u£utK ffiu^ Music Teachers and Pupils ROYAL CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC OF TORONTO MIDSUMMER EXAMINATIONS THEORY-June 10, II, and 12 PRACTICAL -As arranged Applications and fees must reach the Conservatory not later ihan MAY 1, 1948 1.^5 College Street, Toronto 2B 59 More people drive... More people want TS tliaii any other make of car A PRODUCT OF OENEHAL MOTORS Official registration figures show that more Chevrolets have been bought than an/ other make of car for the total seventeen-year period dating from 1931 to 19481 True for years â€" and truer than ever today â€" with the advent of this nevw, smarter, finer Chevrolet for 19481 Official registration figures prove that more people drive Chevrolets â€" and seven independent surveys prove that more people v/ant Chevrolets â€" than any other make of carl The reason, of course, is more value. And now Chevrolet value is made all the more outstanding by the smart new styling, brilliant new colors, and even more luxuriously appointed interiors which have been added to oil the Olhor advantages of Chevrolet's famous BIG-CAR QUALITY AT LOWEST COST. Be sure to see the new 1948 Chevrolet, and you'll know why more people drive Chevrolets than any other make I Chavrolet't world s champion Valve-in- Head ftngm** gives unflqunliifd perforni- onco with economy. It has the strongest record of performance of ony power- plant built today I Valve in Heod is found only in Chevrolet and costlier con. » You'll admir. th. tasteful new styling, the new color harm- onies, the new and richer upholstery and appointments which add to much to the enviable Big-Cor beauty of Chevrolet's Body by Fishar. Remember â€" this finest of bodies is available only on Chevrolet and mora expensive cars. The record'breaking demand for new Chevrolets prompts us to Suggest that you keep your pres- ent cor in good running condi tion. Bring it to us for skilled service, now cind at regular inter- vals. See ui for a thorough check up â€" today! You'll find there isn't any other cor in Its field that gives you the Rig Car comfort of Chevrolet for 1948 To hcive such comfort, you must have the Unitized Knee Action Gliding Ride. And this feo- ture, too, is exclusive to Chevrolet and higher-priced cars. C 4488 / CHEVROLET md ojuy Chevrolet IS FIRST! D. MacTavish & Sons, Dealers, Flesherron EASIEST WAY to paint your rooms! MiffAClf iV4££ fmSH ALL THESE ADVANTAGES Leavers all surfaces â€" 4. On* Imp. gol. daas lorg. wallpaper, painted room, walls, plywaod, brick 5. Na "iMJMty" adeur. interiors, etc. 6. A dursMa, wosAoUe SMr» ^^^ GAllON DOES A LARGE ROOM PER IMP. GXL CONCENTRATED PASTE FORM 2. One coat ttMf cavars 3. Dries in one tiour. face. 7. A pleasure to put on. KEM-rONE ROLLER-KOATER 98* AS LOW AS 20c A ROLL 4- <•- A <* X 1 4L 4 * Richards Pho«e 7«w FLESHERTON W« Deliver VW>fe»DEALER A- CEYLON Mr. .\ustin. relievino: apent at the C.P.R. station here, sii)ent the week ed at bis home at Tweed. Mr. Alf. Reabur of Durham, Mrs. Lorenz of Durham, Miss Etta Grant of Desboro, Russell Talbot and Percy Stoneouse of Durham visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Stauble. Miss E. Aitken spent the week end at her parental home at Holstein. Mr. and Mrs. Maudsley went tc Toronto the past week end. Miss Jean McMullen of Owen Sound is holidayinor at her parental and spent last week end in Toronto with friends. Mr. and Mi's. Isaac Snell and little daughter, Audrey, and Mrs. G. Snell visited Su!:d:iy with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Alexander, Springhill. - Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tracey of ^ Toronto spent the week- end with Mr, "Z. and Mrs, Will Gibso>, * Mr, and Mrs, Harold McDermid â- » and son, Cecil of McWilliam viaited » on Sunday with J, S. McDermid. 4 Mr. and Mrs, M. Reany of Palm- * erston visited on Sunday with Mrs. • R. Camipbell. f The Ladies' Aid will hold their 4 April meeting at the home of Mrs. » Roy Piper on Wed., April 28, Kindly <f i-emember the date and be present. » Spring Changeover - «. Greasing, Washing, etc. *â- B.-A. STATION • Phone 63 Fiesherton *â- THE NEW ^Ferguson System^ Grain Drill LARGE CAl'ACITY SEED BOX DRILLS THREE TO 13 ROWS CONCAVE DISC OPENERS RIGID, ONE PIECE FRAME PIVOTING -VCTIOX OF AXLE AIDS PENETRATION POSITIVE CHAIN DRIVE GRASS SEED .VTTACHJVIENT FERTILIZER ATTACHMENT MOUNTED ON RUBBER TIRES For the first time in many years, a basic imiproveme.nt for more accui'ato sei'd drilliiiu' has l)reu developed. It is the adjustable internal run feed ut' the new Dempster loxT in. Single Disc Grain..- Drill for the Ferguson System. The new feed eliminates changing of sprockets or shifting of gear ratios when you want to change seeding rate. With it. you can adjust seeding rate to meter any size of seed, from clover or alfalfa to soybeans, with amazing accuracy and. convenience. The new adjustable internal run feed provides easier change of seeding rate than with a tluted feed. It provides even greater greater accuiacy than the double internal run feed. "FEKGISON SYSTEM" Grain Drills can be delivered to yon immediately, from slock â€" NO WAITING MOTOR SALES & APPLIANCE DIVISION BEAVEU VALLEY CREAMERY Clarksburg, Ont. f M #• â- ^ a* C. V. PORCH and FLOOR Gives good hard wearing- surface $1.65 qt. C. \ . I'aint .... $5.50 gal., $L50 qt. v^un.set Enamel $L65 quart We also have on hand Bicycle Enamel Aluminum Paint Varnishes Wagon and Implement Enamel Varnish Stains Paint Brushes Brush Cleaner Paint Oil TuriK'ntini' Diy Cloaning- vSolvent Good Seelction tl SUNWORTHY WALL PAPERS We invite you to look over our samples Phone 16 H. C. EBY FEVERSHAM, Ont.