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Flesherton Advance, 7 Apr 1948, p. 1

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â- *♦. JE. It â- A 'â- A 5> ^l)je /kslj^rUm %$xiatic^* VOL. 67; XO. 45 FLESHHRTOX, OXT.. VVEDXESDAY, .Vt'RiL 7. I94,s W. H, Thurstcra & Son, Publish«ra„ Future Events DANCE AT MARKUALE Dance to the music of LewiS Mac- «>r.a'.d and His 9-piece Orchestra at :iie Markdale Armories, 3:45 p.m.. Sarturday. April li>th. DANCE AT FE\ EBSHAM Dance in Robinson's Hail, Fever- sfearr., on Thursday. April Sth, under auspices of the Athdetic & Improve- Hient Assoc. Gro-ve's Orchestra. Gentlemen $1.00. Ladies free. SL John'* W^.S. DANCE .\T SINGH.\MPTON Dance in Hamimill's Hail. SiBg- hampton, on Friday night, April 16. to music by Grove's Orchestra Dancing >j to 1. -\dmiis3ion: 3flc. PLAY AT ORANGE VWLLEY .\ 3-Act Coaiedy PLay will be given in the Ox-ange Valley L.O.L. hall on Friday, .A.pril 9th. ait 8 o'clock: pan. .Admission: :35c and 13c. The Efcitev Thanioiering meeting I of St. Jo'hn'j United W.M.S. was ieid' i n the Sundiay Sehooi ro«jim ir.d vraa • Kiuch enjoyed by all present. Mxei- the opening ivt the meetinig. the pre- sident, Miss Kate Macmdlian, weir corned the ladi«a from the Bapci*t o'jnrgreg'aticn. also many who- had been coniined to their hotnea. unit expressed Tishes for the speedy re- covery of Mrs. F. W. Duncan, the VTce-presidenit. Mrs. .A.ndrew^ fav- ored with a solo, Mrs. Hutchinson a reading Mrs. Macpiherso-n. a tali on the spending of WJI.S. and il. 4 >I. funds by the United Chujiiik of Canada. The collection araoiiruted to S*j2. The president anaoanced that two bo-xes of cioching had been seat overseas for relief, and good, deaa used clothing was still being coUeet- cd. .A.rrangtamen'ts were naade to have special service of a5iliatio<n of tiie C.G.I.T. with the WM.B. on .A.pi-ii Itkh. at S p^tn. .A. social hour was iipent and Iiunch served. Many Join Churches At Fleiherton And Proton Mr. And Mrs, W. J. Talbot €0 Years Married April 4 i Enjoyed By Week Pictxirea Large Crowd 1S.\F «a«» BY GUN CLCB AUCTION SALE | Credit auction sale, including 14 ' cows. S») young cattle, 10 sows, 20 i young pigs. 20 sheep. 300 chicks. power washing machine, implements. new ruibberxire wagon, grain, etc.. Tcescay. April 13. at Lot 26, Con. 11, Proton, 6 miles west O'f Dundalk. â€" James Fumane. Proprietor; Geo. E. I>uncan, .A.uctio«eer. PAPER SALVAGE COLLECTION Fiesherton Trail Rangers will col- lect old papers .xvA magazines on Saturday. .-Vpril lOth. at 10 a.m. Pkase tie or oos the paper securely a.nd leave on front laws. Will Give Lectiire To Local W. I. Branches DANCE .\ND CARD PARTY IN FLESH ERTON Al! citizens are urged to keep Fri., .\pril 16th. ciperj for the Olid Time l!\ince and Card Party to be held in Fraternal Hall. Flesherton. prweeds for Flesherton Service CI ah. We will t>e seein" you. There will be fun ft>r ail ages. Finnish delegates are in Russia to sign a treaty of good-will. frien<iship and mutual aid. and a-osh, how they dread it. The Caster Season was mariced at Flesheiton and Proton Station Unit- ed Chiirches by the reception Lmo full coiinimanion oif a laxge aoiaber of new ciJimiEjion'icants by prafesaion of faith. .\z St. Joiai's. Fleafaertoc, the foUcfwiag twelve youn-jj peoiple to«j-k their staad: Boh L-mg. Brace Thorstoo, Jack Turvey, Dan iLacTav- iah. Garnet Haimllitoa. Duvid .\J5er- dein. Gwen Parte, ilary Jajie ilao- Tavish. Erma -Vbenlein, Lt;.s Sparks, Elejuior- Sparks and Joan A.'^ia. In add'tion to these, Sw» otav mijmbers wcie received by certificate, naunely: ilrs. -AJex .Aberdeir. and Mrs. Jas. Jaanieson. .At Knosu Pro'ton Station, the fol- lowing were received by profession of faith: Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Lyons Mr. and Mrs. E><,^uiglas Clark. Mr. Bert Hodigins- J. C. Hi.^dle, Clsu-ence White, Kenneth Bates, Ralpih Lyons, Helen Corbect, Bert and Lin-ne Mc- CanneU, Donisa Trask. lona Hodtrins. Leonia Neilson. Maxine McCan.iell. Others received by iiertifiicaite were: Mr. and .Mrs. Cecil Trask and ilirs. Bei't Hodrins. The Sacrament oif In- fant Baptism, 'Aras a*iimiinisterttd to two yo.un)!: chiidiren of Mr. and Mrs. i Eldon Blajckburn. i The 'vst wishes and prayers of feHoiw memibers and oi:her friends The Fiesherxon Branch oi the Wo- men's Institute is sponsorirug," a lec- turer. Miss Nora Creky oif the Pro- vimcial Departm.'ent. on Wediiesday, | .\Dr:i Uch. to lecture and demon- i Personalitv and Dress"! '"^^ e-^-iided to all the a,-w com- as they begin thri great Wt. and Mrs. Wm^ i. TaJjot oib- served the lilDth auimiversary oif tlieu wedding (jwietly at oheir home on die east backiine. .irtemesia, on Scnday, .April -iBh. A nuimiber of fruenuis called to otfer aheir best to Irfiid est- imable coople. Mr. Talbot is SS years of aige aicd Mrs. Taibo-i; at. and Loi are enjoying very good health at tie p.resent Him**. JLast saraeier Mrs. Taliot ha<i the ausfoitune to 'oave a iea: amputiited tiLroogli ran^renne. bun .she couTageoasly assists Mr. Talbo* with the housewoi-k in any way .she L-ar'. She also »pea«is con- siiierable time wch hei- kni-ttimr. Mrs. Taii!<5' was fo!;merly Frances eU'izaibeth Le<iaird a.nd foliowing iie. mjarriage to Mr. Tal1»Jc. performed â- Lr? Flesherton by Rev. ./. W. Shilton. pastor of the former Methodist ChurcE. they i-esideti •:* the east line since that nnie. While Mirs. Talbot goes aibo«t her h««i« ia a wheel diair. her interest in, affairs is JTisx as keen as ever, and despite his aiiivariced years. Mr. TaJIbot is airfe to fi<) most <>f thij work in the home ' a:njd finds time to- kei^ up wiith his reaijiing. We wish ijoch Mr. and Mrs, Talbot many more years witdi as. strute a course. .Members of adj'oipiag Insti- ruites have bee-n ipvitsd and it is hopped there wiR be a good response. Ladies are asked ta bring siich cos- metics of th»?ir own as they need. Lunch wiU be served. Co^me and en- joy a good day with yO'Ur friends. Memibers who are about to join the Blue Cross Hosipitadizaition Plan and who are paying fees for the first tira-e. are asked so have these in at the .April mee'ting. .\pril ISth. Other- wise, it is noft possible to have certi- ficates returned' by June, as expected. The .\pril meetinjr will be held at the .home of Mrs. W. Hamplton on Tuesday. .A.prU l:Jth. at S pjn. Lunch cortiimittee : Cake. Mrs. .T. William* Mrs. F. J. Thu-rston and Mrs. Me- EVnald: Sa.ndwiK.'h. Mrs. M. McFad- den. Mrs. Sti.-Kii«rt and Mrs. Hass. miunieants aii^renture service. <.vjf Christian Life and Engagement People who don't p«y as they have a hard tjme wmiag back. The engaige-merit is ann' of Edna May. youn'sest dauigfiter of Mrs. Harry Patto.n and the late Bow. J. Croft cf Flesherton, to Gordon DoMiglas PhiUiip*,. youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred F. Phillips of EHsuglastuivvn. NB.. the marriage to take place the latter port of .A.pril. _\[, and Mrs. Leslie ni-iunce the eragagement dausbter. Ruth Romayne. Georse Draper, son o«f P\3oIe an- of their to -Arthur Mrs. .\rt Draper and the late Mr. .A.rt Ehmper, th-e wtf^idiinig to take place May First in Trinity V-'-M riv:^-" - '>!!- inarwood. Like Home Baking # PIES CHERRY DATE RAISIN FRESH APPLE LEMON CHOCOLATE COOKIES OATMEAL SUGAR ICE-BOX CAKES LIGHT CHOCOLATE CARDS OF THANKS I â- â- v;sn :o .i'xpi-tss .iiy apprecxition and gratitude to neigrhhors and other friends for their many acts of kind- ness, treats and '^'â- "' r<TMi'-i'-'s d i-ing rray illmess. -'.V â-  M-i.^'ef. Snr. Picu-'iS oi ^e twu Ftesiiiirto-:. . â- â-  Hom,e Week '.lelebraitixjns, la 'i.'-*'--' and li''4T, *ere showa ia the to^wc hal Frifiay oig^it hefose a larye ani: aippreciaiEi've jathenng. Ueti. .Ksra-' strcr;^ handled the projection. ma«n- the and a^c shi>wed another pictiirs of •l>kia:hoiniai VaUey", siiat depUrtai various scenes ii.thie w.<?st and other piiuces and '"'â- ^^ moex ii^cerestia;?. The moviag pictores of uhe eifects oi the b-S snx3"w storm ;a March, Li>4T, wer-: also enjiiyed. a>;iw thauc wiater is ove.' at iait. They were ts^a by Mr. .\rmstro»!ig and John W. C<;ok. on the I'aoters m«!ine oaim'era. H. A. McCauiey, president of- th': . FlesfaertOQ. Service Clnifa, presided at i the conciirt and in his aiMress urged t all viiHiage 'jrzaniaations to assist iA { the L-aisiag of funds neisd'id for com- 1 ack linunity purposes, such as irompleriag. she skating ri!ik and the bttsefailf diaunond. .\. miosical progiraaii wjis ' also enjoyed and n'Cirnibers were given I by: Eleanor %a.rfcs 'jrith a piano j solo, a vocal soio by Janet Macpher- t-son, acciwnptinied at ths pia.-uo by het sister, Margaret. Snowden McLeod I gave a Scotch acceat to the proceed- â-  injrs with several bagpiipe noiimjbers. j.r.'d'unity sinariag was led by Ho-*-ard McGee and Bert Sparks, witl- I Eleano-r Sharks a* acciaiiipanist. Wesley J. Jamieson .jf Toronto, j' The- proceeds oif ta^ e«enin«"i : wali knowT5 in this disarict. died in i tertainmerat aimounted to $40.90 ano Weifesley Evspiiral. Toronto,^ Thurs- wiE be used by the Service League j duy. March :Sth. He had bettn taken' in o^ri>mo4;i^ar T-"c-al i';tiv^t:es. to hospital the previocs Tues<iay | with a heart condition. TV. I I \i-l- The late Mr. Jaimieson was higlily i * " - '-^^^ James W h'.te regarded by ail who kniew him. for iiis excellent i.jua.Lities and Ghristian ch'ir i;*" T. He was a fairo^ite among ."he FleiihertiMi Bod and G«b ioldinsr a trap sii*3<>c at ta- jair i-iffinds thi,-: TT^t^'H- A?riil 'it*, a* a'cteck p.."- Picture Show In Towr Hajl FLE,SHERTON Tuesday, April 13tfc GENE AUTKY "DOWN MEXICO WAY* i'ios e'ery 'jca*r te. •THE OLD PIONEER" .\ Cartoc* â- BtRD l>.Xi~" :K Splendid S9«»rt.s Sab5««* TWO SHOWS: .^dmissicr. r .^dtilts 4^. W. J. Jamieson Pas^ses Specials This Week DUTCH CREAM and FRESH BANANA CAKE Chelsea and Raisin Buns Park House Rolls and Wetner Buns made on order Cream Puffs Sugar Do- Nuts Tarts, etc Scarrow^s Bakery Phone 60 FLESHERTON I \vouid like to express my sincere thanks to the Holdlfast Clob for the lovely box af fruit, also: to- my many friends and neiffhibors for treats. .•aids- lettei^^ and kind ennuii-ies dur' inig ray recent illness. These acts of kindness will .tl'ways be rermoiberied. â€" Mrs. Cecil Fawcett. children. He was bora in '.^^^i s^t Tuesday. March 30^h Artemesia. the youiiigest son oif the Jate DaTid and liiry Jamiesoe:.^ Sev- eral years ago he was married t? Olive Kerr of TorDnto. w'no- survives together with twi: sons- Gordo'n and Donald: i>ne sister Mary (Mrs. Rijbt. WcMaster>: of Brantford and one brother. Eiiward. oif Toronto. There are five gra.ndckildren. The fureniil was helki Th'Orsday froim SiJeers Funeral Chiaipel,. EVun- dais St. W.. to Park Lawn Ceaietery. The Chapei was filled with sorrow- 'iag rekitives and friends and the pro- fusiom of tf<>wer'S indicated the big'- esteem in whicii Mr. .Jamieson was held. The service was conducted by Eev. Mr. McWierson and the pall- bearers were four metnbers o,f the congregation of E^ramgei Temple, Bloor and [>un<ias Straets. ox which he wtts a faitlifixi member. He was alsQi a memib«?r of Pai-kdale L-O-L. Attendins? the funeral were: Mr. amd Mrs. LaVeme P^pec and Mary oolW. and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bc- lad of Markdale. Sympttthy -s e.xtn'nded to Mrs. ' Kobe. McMaster. sister of the d«- -eased. vrho resided in PTi.>sh'?tton fi*i- yuars. The fairerai of the late -Jas.. White, who died in St. Thocias Hospital on was held fron: the Ohvev Funeral Chapel. M"arkdad-c- on Thursday aftenioon. .\.pril Ist. the service "oeiog cotodTicted by Rev J. C. McXicho: •>£ the Gospel Work- ers* Chiuxch. Ittterm'ent was made ;r MadHcdaJe Cemetery (.''hapel. The pall'bearers were: Messrv Hargvave. J. Hatton. Ei'-vcod Bowies H.. Lever. G. Hrll and Edgar Bowles. Mr. Bten White of S:. Tho'mas and Mrs. H. Caipstick of Toronto attended the fuaierai from, a dii.staace. The late Mr. White was the eldest son of ahe late Johia and Sarah. Woite and was bom in Leeds CoiicBtjr., TB» broth'^rs predeceasing 'oi'm were: Creorge, Eea Ezi^a. Wesley and Ed. He was well knoiwn in this district, having worked foe the late Aaron Munshaw, D. MacTavish and others. A mionch previous to his deanh he had ' fallen and broken a coup-le of riil^ei and at h's adtvattced age could not throw oif the stfect.* of t.te shock. He was uamarried. * Coa't Itt£ u-nit diiMuir^aji or* w4p« •at 'je r«ini2ta »l 7«itr» j/ L« la ttidT your jcocerr'. Um pncectioa 711a aeeii. ind M RI<jt Lonirsnci! Fuiic ua pyit â-¼on idet^iraca prucectioo. Ve write Pilot Lisim=ce :a cav« «el<jcted rjki ia Xiiam^bile, F5r«, Fertonal rTyperr:7 T.jMir. Bnr^ larr. F'aci Claaa. Fubuc Liability ind cthec jeneni :niiiirxace. H. W. KERN.\HAN FLESHERTON PILOT INSURANCE COMPANY ^^ We wouid like tv> take this oppor- tunity to thank all our kind fri<ends and niigrbbors for the wonderful and useful gifts we received. â€" Dol'ores and E^-cit -.'ohnsor Mr. Jiacoib Williams wishes to e.x- press hios appneciaition to kind t'riends for the lovely cards, letters, treats and icood wishes he received while in the hospitad at'-d also while he is re- cuDeratins at the horn* of his daugh- ter, Mrs. Lehman. United ChuTch Notes Key. ,1. u. Vlicpherson M'aister â- "Hyipoorites'" wili be the subject oif the sermon' oa Suinday, .Vp-ril Hth. at , Flesherton. Inistioigre and Eiigenia. .\ meetinc to plan re-arranigemont of Flesherton, Pricevile and IXindaiii Pastor-ail Chariares will be 'n<*ld Wed,. April l-tth. at 8 p.m.. in St. .John's; Church. Fleshertoa. £t is smportaTt ! that ail co.ayre^cations affected be | well represented. ' Farmers, Attention The ^^arble t'U iraa be concroUed ir *>-<sy cactie o*iieir *ul biLs part. If Moc don* Vfore. treat your cattle do NOW and at least i>cKe more, [usi: becoce the.v aio out t» s'fa.s.s. free of ^^arbles and the Warble Fly wd] sain *> each oit^re in ome year. Cattie S.'i lbs? at I > cents IS piiiy tor Stf.75. A territiv price to c-arelessness. I .wish to e^!,>ress my thanks ti> ; friends aiwi neighboics for tr«ats. cards and letters. also> nther acts of kimiiiess diirin,? my recent illness. â€"Mrs. Etorl Talbot. OREY COINTV FEDERATION HOWARP I. '.;R.1iHAM. President. OF AGRICILTIRE WESLEY MAOWOO-D. Secretary. Use The -XJvanoe buvinisc ^â- 'r seUinjsc. Snival! .Advts. irr CENTRAL LOCATION Our convenient location is readily acct««ibl« by the city's leading auto- mobile and street car thoroughfares. Bates and Maddocks I^UNIRAL CHAPEL l24Avenk}eRd \^ KI.4344

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