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Flesherton Advance, 17 Mar 1948, p. 1

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VOL. 67; NO. 42 ® J)je /l^sl)er ti*n ^^trtiancA FLESHERTON, ONT., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 1948 W. H. Thurston & Son, Publishers,, ifc. SEWING MACHINE SERVICB All makes. Work Guaranteed. Machines Electrified Needles and Belts Call DUNCAN'S HARDWARE Phone 64 Fleshetroo 1 lb Box 90c Hunt's CHOCOLATES 2 lb Box $1.80 We are exclusive agents for all Hont's Chocolates and Candies. Order your Easter box early. BEST'S GRILL Phone 13 FLESHERTON Bom HANLEY â€" At JVlis. Nuhn's xNui-- sing Hooue, Fleahei'ton, on Monday, March 15th, 11)48, to Mr. and Mrs. Win. Haaley of Mux-well, a sen. LITTLEJOHNiSâ€" At Mrg. Nuhn's Nursimg Home, Fleshartoa, mi Mon- day, March 15th, 15^48, to Mr. and Mrs. aifford Littlejohns of Flesh- erton, a daughter. TALBOTâ€" At Mrs. Nuhn's Nurs- ing Home, Flesherton, on Thursday, March 11th, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Talbot of Maxwell, a daughter (stillborn). WILSON â€" At St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London, on Thursday, March IWb, 1948. to Mr. and Mrs. Evison Wilson oi London, a son. Police advise that you keep cool when a robber point a gun at you. Much better than growing cold. SCARROWS BAKERY m -A "A :i « ^ PIES CHERRY DATE RAISIN MINCEMEAT FRESH APPLE LEMON CHOCOLATE COOKIES OATMEAL SUGAR ICE-BOX CAKES LIGHT CHOCOLATE WEEK-END SPECIALS Fresh Chocolate Cake Hot Cross Buns Fresh Banana Cake also Cream Pu£Fs Sugar Do- Nuts Tarts, etc. Osprey Council Sets Rates Of Pay for Township Work Usprey .Viunic.pal Council met iii regular ijession on Saturday, March ^'^a, unU with the exseptioa of Mr. Thompson, who is suiU auseni uii ac- count of illness, all meniburs were present, witli Keeve Hale in the chair. A By-law to enforce tlie "Wai-ble I'ly Act'' was passed, which now make it compulsory that ail cattle within the municipality be treated. Rates for tiie use of tile main- tainer were set at $4.00 per houi' foi snow plowing and ^t ^.00 per hour for other work. 2,600 feet of snow fence and the necessary posts for sa«ie were ord- erd from the agent for Koofers' Supply Co. Wages for labor on roads was set at (jSc per hour for man with teuni and at 50c per hour for man only. The resignation of Road Supt. Mc- Ivenzii- was tendered and accepted, and the Clerk was authorized to advertise for applications for his successor. General accounts ordered paid were: Mis. J. Smith, care of E. Mil- ler for February ^0.75; F. F. Hale and L. 0. Moore $25 each as dele- gates to convention in Toronto. I General Road accounts ordeied to I be paid were: Treas. Artemesia Twp. .A.rtemesia townline work §31.44; W. L, Hamilton, work with bull- dozer $3B9.37; E. Robinson, postage and e.'teise $7; Dept. of Highways, tax $48.78; J. Schwandt, snow plow- inK' $52.50; H. Freethy, snow plow- ing $78.75; E. Neil, snow plowing $216.75; B. Sanderson, snow plowing $147.0; Geo. Sled, fuel oil $40.50; R. Balkey, maintainer operator $81.60; Geo. Ottewell. ucrouut $2.20; Pay Roll No. 3, $377.05. Council adjourned to meet Satur- day, April 3rd, at 2 p.m. Local Rink Enters School Boy Curling Bonspiel Sponsored by the Guelpli Curling Club, a two-day curling bonspiel is being held at buelph April 1 and 2 for school boys from any secondary school in Ontario. This Schoolboys' Bonspiel is the tirst in the history of Ontario. An entry from Flesher- ton High School has been entered in the bonspiel, and will b« com- posed of Jack Milne as skip, John Miligan as vice-skip, Bruce Thurston as second and Eldon Fawcett as lead. The four boys have been or are members of the Fleshevton Curl- ing Club. OwinK to limited acco- modation, only 32 I'inks will be in the competition, and already 36 rinks have sent in applications. The boys will be entertained in pri- vate homes, .ind the entei-tainment will include a banquet on the night of .A.pril 1st, at which officers of the Ontario Curling Asswiiation will be guest.s. D. E. Kennedy, a Guelph man, js president of the .Association thin year. Thi' Iwys will also be shown about tlie Ontario .Agricul- tural College. Meaford school has the only other entrj- from Grey County. Phone 60 FLESHERTON LONG TERM DEPENDABILITY IN EVERY PEDLAR BARN ROOF Dependability includes:- Weather protection, fire protection, lightning protection. You pay for these once^, you get them for a life-time! That is genuine economy. Pedlar RAINBOW RIB ROOFINGâ€" galvanized steelâ€" this is a tried and pnoven product, backed by reputations almost 100 years old. It is the permanent or life-time roofing! Easily applied, of good appearance, and most important -of all: com- pletely deppendable. We have it on hand and we suggest you get year share while it lasts. We can deliver. BEATl Y and PEDLAR Litter Carriers, Barn Track and Hay Carriers. We instal if desired. Beatty Pressure Systems. Galvanized Sap Pails 3iw: Galvanized Spiles $3.75 per 100 Syrup Tins Tou will find it a good investment to call on us. We have a full line of Hardware, Builders' Supplies and M.-H. Farm Machinery Massey-Harris Pony Tractor 2|B-plate Tractor Disc 2-furrow Horse-drawn Plows ot hand DIED -AEMSTROXG - .At bis liome at C-obalt, Ont., Ernest Frederick -Arm- strong, in his 71st year. Remadns an-iving at Flesherton on noon train Wednesdiiy, March 17th, when serv- ice will be held in St. John's United Chui-ch at 2 o'clock p.m., intei-ment in Flesherton Cemetery Chapel. MYERS â€" In Markdale Hospital on Monday, March 17th, William E. Miyers, in his 70tb year. Resting at Richards Funeral Home, where serv- ice will be held Wednesday, March ITth, at 3:30 o'clock p.m. Interment in Flesherton Cemetery Chapel. HOCKEY NOTES If you want to measure up, stick to the golden rule. J. M. STAFFORD :?" tSBS Dealer in Modern Farm Machinery Phone 4r22 FEVERSHAM Future Events OLD HOME WEEK PICTURES Plan to attend a sipecial night in the town hall. Flesherton, Friday, April 2nd, at which moving pictures of both old home weeks will be shown. Proceeds in aid of Sei'vice Club work. GOOD FRIDAY SERVUK An Easter service will be held in Ma-xiwell United Church on Friday, March 26th. at S p.m. Everyone is cordially invited. Markdale and Uundalk are having a torrid tussle in the finals of the Central Ontario Hockey League. Dundalk has ah'cady won two games from Markdale and on Monday night the %-imQ ended 4-4 with no over- time, as the players were almost e.xliausted on the watery ice. With the present mild spell the date of the next gaane has not been deoided but wUl be played in Markdale. Th( Dundalk club needs only one more win to clinch the championship ivf the leagnie. Proton Bears made the Dund'alk Semi-Pro. team hustle to win 7-5 in Flesherton Saturday night before a large crowd. Dundalk have won two games from the Bears and one more will make them champions of the Semi-Pro. League. Flesherton Midgets took Markdale into their clutches Thursday night last 4-a, making their second win of the season in two games played. -Vorm Scarrow lias done a good job as coach of the boys and they havt been eager to learn and attentive to their lessons. We will hear more of them next year. In goal they have two boys, Domald Taylor, 6 years old, and Roy Park, both of thani red-hot; defence were Clare McLean. Clifford Richai-dson and Stan McKechnie; forwards included â- lack Banks, C<ii'soii Stauffer. Jim Stoddajt, Bill .Aberdein, Bob Teerter, Milford Loucks, Ranald McMillan Royden Johnson, Ted .Stoddart and Beverley Cook. {Concession Roads i The Frrmers On The A ureal chariije is taking place in farming Failure to keep the con- cession i^oads open in the Winter is driving farmers to the main iiigh- ways aflvd unless ojinething ia done soon to give those on the back roads a break, agriculture will suffer a serious blow. Before the coming of provincial snow plows, the farmer could get into towm by sleigh or cuttei-, but now the highways are kept bare and the concession loads are snow-Mooked. In the pa»t the farmers kept the roads open by fre- quent trips to the chopping mill and hauling logs and firewood. Hydro brought the chopping mill to the farm and all logging is done durin}; the open season by trucks. Two recent farm sales in this dis- trict are indicative of what is hap- pening today. They are comparable farms as to soil and buildings. A 100-acre farm on the provincial high- v.ay sold for $8,000, while a similai- farm on the concession road brought Qnl>' $6,000. There were many ap- plications for the former property, but only one for the latter. If farm- ing is to be confined to the main highways, food production will drop shai'ply. The province and the town- ships should work out a plan to keep all roads open in this motorized ag*> The farmer on the back road is just as important to our economy as the man on the provincial highway. â€" Port Elgin Times. KIMBEULEY PLAYS SEMI-PRO TE.A.M l.N BENEFIT GAME A benetit game will be played !â-  Flesherton Ice Palace this ThuxsdBf night at «::iO between Kimberier and Fleshei-ton Semi-Pro. team, fi, which Jack Milne is a member. Jaik receivini a liroken nose a couple •< weeks ago and the entire procee* of the game will be used to hell^ defray expenses of ^n operatiiM. We hopi' there is a good crowd pre Card of Thanks Mis. Al. Duxter wishes to expreaa her appreciation to kind friemdi lar the cards and etters she rpc«*»«4 while in Markdale Hospital and itr the kind enquiries on her behalf. MARCH 22 IS DEADLINE FOR .\iOlUR VEHICLE PERMITS March 22nd has been set as dead- line date for securing 1948 motor vehicle licenses and drivers' permits, Hon. George Doucett, Minister of Highways for Ontario, announced recently. Fun is like insurance â€" the you get the more it costs. Picture Show In Town HaH FLESHERTON Wednes., March 24 Sovereign Pictures present Chester Victor MORRIS and McLAGLBN in "ROUGH, TOUGH and READY" ACTION ON THE HIGH SEAS Added Attraction •MR. WRIGHT GOES WRONG* Comedy with Stirling HoUoway "FILM VODVILL" Commencing at 8 p.m. .Admission: Adutts 36c, Ghil*e« Ms THEY RE mmmm'^msi! "-ami tabic iiistiiiiuoii lends ci'ivni to the sniiiv if nctics BAKE S.ALE Jt TK.V Watch for the announcement Eastern Star bake sale and tea. of DANCE .\T MARK DA IE Dance to the music of Lmvi-; Mac- donald and His 9-pi^?ce Orchestra at the Markdale Ariliories, 8:45 p.m., Saturday. March 20th. CENTRAL LOCATION Our convenient location is readily •ccMfliblt by th« city's leading auto- â- nobllt and street car thoroughfares. Bates and Maddocks 'UNF^Al CHAPE I 124Avcnu.. Rd KI.4344 Miracle Hearing (Windsor Daily Star- A woman we know of about 50 has been deaf for years. She had scarlet fevir and the deafness followed. For the last 20 yeais or so she could not hear without a hearing: aid. Her deaf- ness matie he,, actwe in hard-of-hear" ing groups, and she became an active woi-ker in this effort. A few months ago a doctor inter â- -sted in deafness beg'an an e.^peri- .nent. By using -^ riece of ordinary oigaret paper and coating it with glyceiine and insertiiig it i,, the ear, the doctor has restored the woman's hearing. She can now hear well with- out any artificial aid whatever, oth- er than tp spwially treated cigai-et paper. If you are deai', please don't go trying experiments oti yourself with cis^iet iwper. That is something a doctoi- should do, because everything "as to be done juht so, or it will not work, may do great ham. We mention the story because we were su.-pri.sed to learn about it^ and also because it sho^vs that there is a remedy fo,. cetain kinds of deaf- ness. f/teyarein the AfBW CA/ifAOMN Afmy/ HSfllthylTbcv .irc physically !it. ibcsc soldiers . . rhcv b.iJ to he to pass enlistment cxamina- u'^'^f,*^ and thev KEEP IH They arc well- J^V Wi.''] inine »- wife "HemTy, did you gfive your that lecture on economy?*" "You bet T did . . . and ans a re- sult I quit smoking." RASTER FLOWERS Order your Eaator LIHm. fl-wor- ing plants and cut flowers from W. A. HAWKEN 17 Flesherton uons . fed, clothed . . . given physical training iMider experts . . provided with varied recreation . . and at all times given free nieJicai .md denral care Weflltny ! Ves! The> really are ucaithy . . . m ways. Not onlv meiHcal and lieiital tare is tree for these top-tlight Canadians. Their food, clothing, recreation and training are all FREE! They have generous leaves with pay . . . they sec new places . they have security in their chosen career .\ND a pen- sion awaiting them at the end of their service WiSO'of course they arc wise! Eiich has been trained in some special skill . . . under expert instructors . . . with modern, scien- tific equipment. They are wise in another way too! They have learned that their service in Canada's New .\rmy brings with it a sense of pride in the kind of job they are doing ... a feeling that they are making a vital contribution to the welfare and future of Canada. Ij yu art ovtr seventeen and uant a carter with a plui, call al your heal recrHi'ing centre or nejrby armtury antf obtain jurther details. Canada's Future is Your Future Join the Canadian Army Active \(i^i.^flOI^!

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