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Flesherton Advance, 10 Mar 1948, p. 8

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Wednesday, March 10, 1948 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ^mall AHq i-ocal aod Personal w-^daie Tooksrie. WlllCIII flUO On of the fastest and bee FOR SALE â€" Ni.mlH-r of slightly used »ap buckets and sipilcR. â€" Oliver Turner, Eijpema. 4lp2 FOR SALE â€" Part HoUtem am, 7 years old, fif<^hen March 15. â€" Dick Clark, phono 75-\v-2. 4()ip2 .rANIfUi) â€" Aiiim»:i» iiiltable to: mink and tox feed. â€" Bert MdntoM Gu^nuk, phoM Fe<'«r&hy'i br2b Ff'R SALL,â€" BKytie in good condi- tion, also bicycle generator and light. Phone 65w Flesherton. FOR SALE Electric brooder, 500 â- i*e, in good cojidition. â€" Bob Loiig', Flesherton. 40p2 FOR SALE - (iirl'e skates, size 4, whit« boots, hardly used, "Cla«>" oxfords in t'ood condition. Can be seen at The Advance office. FOR SALE â€" KiUTi«n cabinet, por- celain top, like new, cheap. â€" Littlejohns' Garage, Flesheiton. phone 28J. 40pt2 FOR S.ALE - Lady s 2-piece suit. siae 16, brown with stripe, almost new. Can b* s»-en at The Advance office. 41<p2 FOR S-'^LE -- 7-roani brick houst, stable and garage in Markda.le; new furnace, bath; all conveniences possi-ssion immediately. Apply to Harris A: Dunlop. Markdale. FOR SALE â€" 15*31 Durant Deluxe sedan, new tires, battery, braikes, heatt-r and motor jo-b, sell or trade; well pump, like new, priced to sell. â€"Phone Flesherton 119w2. 88 SEED FOR SALE â€" Beaver Oats, grade 1, germination at 6 days 9&'7< , control sample certificate No. 47-5743. Price $1.50 per bu at Dundalk. bags extra. â€" Lloyc Ache- son. Dundalk, phone 33- 38*2 FARM FOR SALE 100-acre farm, Lot 87, Con. 9, Artemesia, 80 acres workable, 20 acres bush and pasture, good build- ings, 7-room brick house, cistern; frame bam on (rood stone founda- tion, cement stabling, hydro. â€" Mrs. Fred Jamieson, Eugenia Phone: Feversham 30r2. Farm For Sale Rev. \V. A. While is spending a few days in Toronto. Miss Laura B<>yd of Toronto was home over the week end- Mrs. Glenn Stuckey, formerly Agnes .VlacMillan, spent the week end at her parental home. Miss Jean Duncan. Toronto, spent the week end \\-ith l>ci parentii, Mr. and Mrs. F. \V. Duncan. Mrs. Russell Andrews and two sons spent the paat week visiting in Alton. Mrs. T. J. Fisher visited with her brother, Mr. U. J. Blatkbum, at Orangeville on Monday. Mesara. Jim Wilson, Oiwen Sound, and Evison Wilson, London, visited the former's father, Mr. Mark Wil- son, in town on Mooiday. Mrs. Wm. Kaittin^ returned home on W'ednesday last, after siHsnding three weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord Kaitting at DeU'oit. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hamilton have returned to town from spend- ing the past couple of months at Kearney. Miss Lavina Stevens has success- fully passed her hair dressing exam inations held in Toronto recently and is at present visiting at her home. iMr. and Mrs. Ai-thur Lawler and two sons aiid Mr. and Mrs. Murk Wilson and Marilyn of Durham vis- ited on Sumlay with the former's mother, Mrs. Geo. Lawler. It is intendtsd to have a public showing of the Old Home Week pie- turt-s and other fllans, in Fltjsherton town hall during Easter week. Watch i'or fui-tlier announcement. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Radley of New Li.'^keard, in for the winter, and Mr. Eldon iFislijfer of Toronto spent the weik end with the latter's mother, Mrs. Ed. Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Fivd Radley of Xiw Liskeard, who have been .spemiiii^; the winter in Toronto and .Mr. Eldo: Fisher of ToronU) were week end vj.Bitor.s with the lattor'." moth"!-. Mrs. Ed. Fisher. Former Inspector G. E. Pentland of Hanover wa.- a visitor in town on Thursday and was enquiring about many of the L;jys and girls who wen- attending public .school in town while- he was In.spector of Public Schools i &nd whom he knew well. On of the fastest and best games of the series was played at Mark- dale Thui-sday night, when Flesher- ti>ti Major.s went down to defeat by tho .Markdale Lumber Kings in a thrilling 7-6 overtime game. This win put Markdale into the final ser- ies of the Central Ontario League with Dundalk, who had defeated the Shelbunie, team, umlefeated in the league schedule. The first period ended 4-2 for Markdale, the Flesherton goals being scored by G. Chanl, one on an assist from Dargavel. The second period was mainly composed of close check- ing all through, with both goalies making some sensational salves, and there was no scoring. Flesherton tied up the contest at the start of the third, which was a Gairns-Iioyd agah: Hartley and McCullough put Markdale two up and with Hank Best and Fitzsim- mons serving penalties. Cairns took two nioi'e with only fO'in" seconds be- tween, Boyd having both assists. In the ten minute overtime period the local lads worked extra hai-d but a goal scored by Fitzsimmons while on his .stomach was disheartening and another by H. Wodehouse put Mark- dale two up and it looked as though this was the end but Cairns had an- other kick with the old stick and with six seconds to go added his fourth goal of the night on a nice pass from G. Chard. It was cur- tains for Flesherton. but they never gave up trying. CARDS OF THANKS I take this opportunity to ex|)ress my sinere thanks for the many let- tei's, cards and a profusion of beau- tiful flowers sent to me during my recent stay in the (ieneral and Ma)- ine Hospital. O^ven Sound- â€" F. H. W. Hickling Kenneth Magee wishes to t'xpress his sincere thanks to all his kind friends and neighbors foi' the lovely cai'ds, letters, flowers and treats, also the nurses and doctors for their are during and sinec his serious ill- ness in Markdale Hospital. These will always be i-emembered. I wish to thank all my friends and neighlbors for letter's, cards, trwits and kind inquiries while 1 haVe been sick, also for a very nice card from the Ladies' Orange 'jodge ot Maxwell. â€" (Mrs. Bert Magee HEAR iDeen's Park Report k f by PREMIER GEORGE DREW "LANDS AND FORESTS FOR TOMORROW" 160 acres. Lots 161-2-3. S.W., Axt- eauesia, good clay loam with about '00 acres under cutlivation; about 10 acres hardwood bush, balance swamp and pasture, over 70 acres meadow, 20 acres plowed; orchard; drilled well at house and spring creek in pasture. House large square brick, with cement floor in basement, cis- tcm, furnace, hot and cold water pressure system heated by electric units, electrc lights throughout, storm windows, good summer kitchen and woodshed; pump house o^er well at rear of house with electric force pump and large tank for bam; double garage and workshop; brood- er house with electric brooder. Two large bams with steel roof, driving shed, hen house and sheep pen; stock barn has cement floor, electric lights, chopper, separator, pulper, fannin;p mill, electric power, littei airrUT, new steel hay track In ham, running water throughout stable, all in good repair; in high school district and church, mail ro.ite nnd tf'lep''ifmr' i' house. Also for sale Lots 161-2, 1 S.W., l'''j milts .south of Flesherton on No. 10 Highway, fifi acres cleared, 36 seedfNi to long-term pasture, threr good spring creeks crosising farm, balance bush ^nd pasture, good clay Joam. For full particul.irs aPPly to .T. T. Parker. R. R. ?!. Proton Station. Everything is possible to the man who says, "I will!" Tenders Wanted Seale<l tenders will be recoive<i for the purchasing and removing tht- .she.^tliing and shingle- of the Priceville Community shed. The -sheathing will estimate about H()7n boani feet of lumber, more or less, the work to hi- done in a workman- like manner and to bi' oompk-ted by April 7, 1948. Tf-nders to .be in the bonds of the S<H-ret,aiy hv March 221 VMK Highest or any le,Hi,-i- not n''ccssarily accepted. -'Donald Xichol. Secty. IViceville, Ont. VANDELEUR (Intended for Last Week) Vtandeleur Farm Foi-utni met on .Monday, .March 1st, at the homo of Carl Wil.son and discussed the ques- tion "Whiit th(.' machine has done for us." The Forum felt that it was almost a necessity to mechanize the small farm, because- of the short- age of manpowt-i- and the efficiency of machinery, but heavy, expensive m.K-hinery should be co-operatively o^vned Or made avnihible to the far- mers by the government or numi- cipiltay. The president, Will Rat- cliffe. presided and two groups were foiMned with Hillie Johnston ond Mrs. Wilson as secretiiries, and Alex, (iilray and Miss Wakofield as leaders. Arrangements were made. to eonvas the .school section f'lr (he Canadian Appeal for Children, and the canvassers appointed were: Billie .Johnston, .-Mex. Gilray and Vernon Fawcelt. Plans were maile foi- the fowl supper for members, to t>e held at the close of the serii's. United Church Notes Rev. A. G. Macpherson Minister "The Meaning of the Cross to Us" the second in a series of formons, is the subject for Sunday, March 14, at Eugenia, Inistioge and Flesherton St. John's "Friendly Hour" will be held this Sunday evening after the service of worship. This will be the last for the sea.son. Everyone is welcome. Eugenia W.A. is holding then St. Patrick's concert and supper this Friday evening, March 12th, in the Eugenia Church. See The Advance for advt. of St. John'.'! Irish Supper on the 17th. SEED FAIR and Carcass Demonsration will be held undn- auspices of Prey County Crop & HoW Improve- ment Association AT MKAFORD. MARCH 23. 1948 Seed ont)-ies rcquire<I at 11 a.m. Every (Ii'oy County farmer is a wiemiljer. No fi-e i-e(iuired. Carcasses on display will be fi-om box's produced in Meaford district. ALL ARR WEI-COME .1. Alfred Lwo, T. S. Cooper, President Secrotarv FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1948 CFRB at 8 p.m. CFOS at 7:45 p.m. COLLECTIONS ..It's our long experierice handling collections that makes possible the splendid results wi effect for our clients... That is why So many business and pro- fessional men send us their lists from year to year. Send in yours, too. KELLY & AIKINS The Collectors ORANGEVILLE. Ont. HARRIS & DUNLOP BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Ete. Phone 38 MARKDALE Mr. Dunlop will be in C. J. Bellamy's office every Sat- urday from 6 to 8:80 p.m DR. T. D. PARK PRYSICIAN A SURGEON Of*duBt« of Toronto Unirerslty Office: Kennedv Block Phone 77 Flesherton C. J. BELLAMY VI'LACE CLERK "a CONVEYANCING DEBDT MORTGAGES. WII'S, Bte. OfflM: T«rmrte Street FlMkertea A CMUilMiraer for talch.K AffUavUi baecr of Marriage Uc WM. KAITTING LICENSED AT'rrrONKEB tt>r the County of Grey Farm and Stock sales our gf 'alty. Terms; reasonable. Satisfaction i« fuarantefd. Dates arranged at llic A<fvancc office or phon* 4w. Applications For Road Superintendent • Applications in sealed envelopes plainly marked '(.-Applications for Road Superintendent) will be received until 12 o'clock noon on Saturday, April 3rd, 1B4S. The successful ap- plicant will be remunerated at the rate of 60c per hour for work per- forme in compliance with Dcpaitmeiit of Highways regulations. Dated Feversham, March 10, 1948. C. N. LONG, Clerk Township of Osprey F. T. HILL & CO., Limited Pre - Inventory Sale of BBSK^.-'"" ' Outstanding Bargains SOME OF THE MONEY-SAVING GROCERY SPECIALS LISTED BELOW Australian Raisins 2 lbs. 35c Cooking White Figs 2 lbs. 25c Dried Apples 15c lb. Currants 2 lbs. 45c Dried Apricots 22c lb. Eating Figs 15c lb. Dates 19c lb. Minute Tapioca 2 lbs. 35c Diced Beets 2 tins 15c Diced Carrots 2 tins 15c Green Beans 2 tins 15c Grapefruit Juice 2 tins 19 Tomato Juice 2 tins 19c Assorted Baby Foods 5c tins F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. Phone 7 Markdale ^fr ^-' tarWtf 1. V* Avoid jIMmi|ii0 te** mis YIAK ALONI we arc •peading 14,000,000 ao that mo*« faruM will bare tclepbonec with iewer peopk on each Kne. For Ike bMt ulephone terTiee, Mimmlw ' tiM MMUr rale, "Do niiio •than •• y«n would Mke tken to do to yottâ€" an.) do it firat!" THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA you GET ALL THESE • Centinuout tmploymanl and pay. • Tachnlcal lrad*> training. • Full appaitMnMy for ori- vancomtnt. • PragrcHlv* pay incraaui. • Sporit anrf rtcraallenal faciliUai. • 30 dayt vacation with full pay. • Modical, donlal and cloth- ing (orvic* previdod. • lollramant incomo atiurad. ^f f ers eveiythiiig . a young man wants/ You'll learn about the operation of modkrn aircrofl and technical equipment. You'll make friandt . . . master a valuoble trade under the guidance of experts. And while you're still young enough to enjoy it, you'll be obte to retire on pension for the rest of your life. need no previous experience or peciol training. And you draw full pay from the start. You'll hove o hance to see Canada . . . perhaps take part in thrlllins and important exercises such OS northern transport flights or summer photo- graphic surveys. H's a job in which yew can take pleasure and pride. r - -4 O ^^- -â- >»<--- / â€" â-  M ^^ .'i riMTBai Aia rnMMaiin â- Â«â€¢*! %\.'^i-'''' TRENTON, ONTARIO Float* moH mo without oMigorHon fwU porticulart rogord- ing •nilitmont ro^ulromanlt and oponingi now ovolloMo In th* R.C.A.F. NAME MUM nwi ADDRESS I I i YOU ARi IU6IIU 10 I Amy If rou ari * ... * . ^ ♦ *- (II • C».««n cHUm t Mm tiiKMl l»k|.c) (S) ,i>r<i<.*r « IS) ktlwM* 17 aMI 4 * > *

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