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Flesherton Advance, 10 Mar 1948, p. 5

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A, « * A M â- % A- r Wednesday, March 10, 1948 THE F1,ESH£RT0\ ADVANCIC t 1 * « ♦ w f < -f » ,"WeU, I ti^nk I'll put the motion iMifore th« houae." said the cboru« ^irl as she danced out on to the jitagre. â-  Nora: "If you like hi* attentions, • why don't you man-y l?m?" Flora; "I like his attentions." VALLEY ROAD SOUTH "I declare," complained old man Higjins, "how 1 miss the glorious days of the silent motion pictures." "What was so good about them?" Mr. H. crept close to the door and reached for His hat. On the thres- hold he tamed and alyly observed, "I can still remember hiow wonder- ful it was to watch a woman's mouth l^in^ for two hours and not hear a single word." More mild winds and rain makea people think its not far from the good old sugar-making time. Messrs. Pat and Mural Weber had their wood bees last week, widi John Hill doing the job, catting 36 cords of wood in three hours. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W:ckens and family visited Mr. C. Ward recently. We ar« sorry to report that Mr. Will Weber ia not so well again. Miss I. Wickens of Thombury is able to be out again, after being ill for the past two w«eka. Mr. and Mrs. Mural Weber Tisited friends in KimOerley on Sunday. CREAM The tremendous demand for butter which was created {hiring- the war is still with us. As it now looks, there will be no interference with its mar- ket, as far as substitute- are concerned, Would it not, therefore, be wise on the part of the pro- ducer, to step up the production by adding to the dairy herd, and a little extra feeding and care. Good business on the part of the producer, and appreciated hy the Canadian consumer. Let us again stress the fact, that by stepping up the production, yow are helping to keep the mar- ket for butter only â€" not for substitutes. As usual â€" Highest Possible Price and Best Pos- sible Service â€" continues to be our motto. Extra Creamery Service On account of the highways being bare, you can phone us amd our truck will meet you at the highway to pick up your cream, eggs and poultry. The creamer>' will be closed Saturday nights until further notice. Flesherton Creamery Angus Avis, Manager Phone 68 Flesherton Ontario Springtime Soon ' -iT g^wp- ^fc*^ ''jnT ^>~ -t .\LSO House Cleaning W.\LLP.\PER We have on dUplay the most complete range of Wallpapers we have ev*r been priveleged to offer you. Your inspection is invited. PAINTS â- I'ough Enough for Ships" Neptolac Wall and Floor Enamels; Mellow Glass; Varnishes. A Paint for your every netd. FLITE Water Paint in all colors KEM-TONE. The new wonrer paint for all types of walls. Including plaster wall board or wall paper. Dries in one hour. One coat covers practically all Interior surfaces without a priming coat. Nu paint odor. KE-TONE TKI.MS. especially detiiiined to harmonize with Kem- TONE wall colors, are pasted and easy to apply. FOR YOUR SUNDRY NEEDS Paint and Wallpaper remove; Moth Crystals: Ru.t; Shampoo: Floor Wa.\es (.the fanvous,\ non-skid wax) ; purniture Poliahes: Paint Brushes and Rollers; Stair Treads. Light Bulbs: Chrome .Moulding. FOR THE WINDOWS â€" Track drape Rods (with or without puUa), Curtain Rods; Valance I*>hIs; Window Shades: Linen, Fibre and Paper; Venetian Blinds. FLOOR COVERING A limited supply of yard goods and rugs on hand AXMINSTKR RIGS We have "just recvived a few outstading iiuality English Ax< V.ACUIM ILEANEHS Treat yourself to a Vacuum Cleaner; jnake cleaning a pleasure. BEDDING Our usual I'omplete • line of Blown Cotton. Feh, Spring-filled Mattrea«e«i. Couch Pads. Springs. Beds, Coucheo, etc. Richards Phone 78w FLESHERTON We Deliver 12TH LINE, OSPREY Mrs. Melville DougUd is enjoyi!i« a holiday with hei- (Jauyhters in. To- ronto thii week end. Miss Norma ilaxweil of Toronto 13 visitin^g her paronta, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Max-well. Mr. Alex. Maxwell and Miss Nor- ma Maxwell visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Eagles at Ravenna. Mr. Royden Ma.vweU and Mr. Dick Hewgill spent a few days in North Bay visiting Mr. and Mru. Cbas. Ardell and Miss Shirley Maxwell, who is attemiing Normal School in that city. M^r. and Mrs. Wm. Semple a.ic Percy attended the funeral of the lata Mrs. John Semple of CoUing- wood. Mrs. Scrapie was formerly Flaney HoUingshead and was bom in Osprey Township SS years ago. Our sympathy goes to the bereaved. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Maxwell enter- tained their r.eighbors and friends to a euchre party, with Mrs. Melville Douglas winning the prize. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Hindle have the 3\-nipathy of ae-srhbora and friends in the d^Bth of a sister near Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. McK^nzie and three sons of Coilingwood ami Mr. and Mrs. Thoa. McKenzie and Stew- art ©f Markdale visited over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. M'cKenzie. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ma.vwel! and two sons called at ilarkdale to see Mr. and Mrs. Thos. MoKenzie. Two carloads from this line at- tended the hockey ?ame in Markdale and repi)rti?d a enod arame. PRICEVILLE KIMBERLEY Russell Chard of the 0„A..C. at Guelph was a week end visitor at his QOHie here. The W_\. of ihe UftUed Church met at the home erf Mrs. R. Chard on Tuesday, with IS members pre- sent. .\fter the business period, papers were read by Mrs. E. Mor- wood and Mrs. T. Ferguson. Lunc:-. was served by the hostess and com- mittee; Mrs. H. Lawrence, Mrs. J. Proctor, Mrs. C. Graham and Mrs. L. Morwood. Mr. and Mrs. Earl .Alexander Collingwood visittHi ors with Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Web«r. Mr. and Mrs. H. Fawcett visicc On Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Cornfitfid at Fleshertoii, it being the thirtieth weddiag anniversary of the latter couple. Irene Wickens of Clarksburg \":>-'- ited over the week end with her; sister, Mrs. C. Ward. [ Wilbur Ellis of Camp Bordei: j visited his sister and aunt, Misses, Joy and Selena Ellis. A number from here attended the Fleshertor.-Markdale hockey game on Thorsday and all report a clean, fast game, which was won by Mark- vade in 10 minutes of overtime. The W.I. meeting was held Thurs- day afternoon at the home of Mrs Jo«: Gibson, with Vi ladie-i present. Mrs. Malcolm McLean presided and the meeti:ig was opened in the usual manner. After the business period, the roU call \^is answered by ways of serving potatoes. Mrs. Neil .Aid- corn gav.- an excellent paper on the motto "iitatter giadi.ess, joy and mirth alonn the ways of eaith." Mrs. J. C. Harrison also ;jrave ,t splond (i prp-jr on the value of musiu in the home, both papers being much i enjoyed. The meeting closed with the Miz^h benediction a.".d a delic- ious dunch was then served by the hostess and assistants. Mrs. .\rt Idle and Larry of Dur- ham visited her sister ar.d attended the nieetinjr of ivui W.I. Mr. Emerson Meads of Gaelpa spent the week end at his home. Eric, Glen and Elvin H:r;<;ks have returned home, after spending a , week in Durham Hospital with ear ! trouble, after having measles. I Mr. Wallace Meads, Mrs. Dan C-ampbell. Mrs. .\. L. Hincks and' Shirley spent Saturday at Orange- villt» and were sruests of Mr. and ' Mrs. Bill Fergusor. Jlr. and Mrs. Brady Irwin and Mrs. Bert Irwin attended the funeral! of Miss Vicky Haw at Dundalk on ! Monday. She was the daugi:ter -A ! Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Haw of Swinton | Park, was in her 3i'th year and hadj been in Toronto for the past 15 years. She had been a patient in the Western Hospital f.)-- the past few montiis. Mr. Alex. McDonald visiteii last week at the homes of Stewart Muir and Henry Tucker, and intended to leave Monday for Stranraer. Sask.. after spending the pas.t ff.v months visiting friends here. (Intended for Last Week) Mr. Earl McLeod. London, spent a couple 01 days with his father, while Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Willams attend- ed the funeral of his father, held in Toronto. Mr. .A.rchie Caldej is a patient in Durham Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Magee and boy-5 of Euurenia nsited Sunday a: the home of Jack Carson. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Harrison and Jeaa of Flesherton visited Sunday at the home of Edgar Patterson. Friday night Mr. and Mrs. .-Vrchio MaeCuaig entertained, neighbors to a eiiohre :);'.rry. whjr; six tables were in play. Mrs. Minnie Smith was high for the ladies and Robt. Mcln- tyre for the men. The consolation prizes went to Bobby Smith and El- ton McLean. The big bulldozer opened up th« fourth line and 2nd concession on Thursday, but the Friday nigh: storm blockeii them again. Mr. Tur- vey of Flesherton has been busily engaged in opening them. Ed: "While we're sitting in thei moon-light. I'd like to ask you â€" '* ; Co-ed, "Yes. darling?" El: '*lf we could-n't move over. I'm sittirtg on a nail-" One of the things tliat makes hope So great is that without it life is 50 hopeless. 10 -Day Clearance Sale COMMENCING FRIDAY. MARCH 12 â- ^^'"^ 159-c OFF Men's Mackinaw Trousers, siMs ii to 42; Men's .Navy Soft Woni Serge Trouaers, «izeij 32 and 34: Men's Eeavp Tweeds, grey and brown, siiea 12 to 38; Men's Wool Sweaters. V-ne<k and button front, smaii and medium ; Windbreakers, si^ea 24-34 Boys Breeches, mackinaw, siz<:s 2b tu 34: Boys' Shirts. Sweat- ers; Windbreakers with fur-trim parka. Girls' Sweaters, various pretty colors, sizes 28 to 32 Chidren's Sweaters, wool with zipper, brush wool batioB front, sixes 1 year and up. Grummett's General Store MAXWELL I LEAVE FLESHERTON (Standard Tfane^ TO OWEN SOUND d 12.05 p.m. g 4. OS p.m. i 8.40p.m. To TORONTO 9.05 a.m. d 7.AQ p.m: d -Sunday ard Holidav oniv i - Daily except Sat. S - Saturday onlv. Bus Connections at Brampton for London and at Toronto for Montreal. Ottawa amd North Bay QUEBEC H-\LIFAX >^T. JOHN FARES ARE LOW Rounut Trip - Tax Included - $59.65 WINNIPEG 29.60 REGINA 46.70 CALGARY $50.05 61.30 81.35 TICKETS \ST> INFORM.XTTCV XT FIRESIDE LUNCH - R. BODEN Phone 63 Flesherton. ^nt. .^â- s^^ 0/10 >;^ **^'^^«;««8WSSS!SiS!!SSi*^^ bi§ Lotta Dvntpsey Of course, quite a few .tir force persMi\uel i:i't their faces smashed in craok-ups. But a giil . . . well, girls ha\e a very special t'eelin^ about their faces. And when they broiisiu ih.. udJ slender WD ci.>r- t;oral iato hospital one of the eiitht of twenty-seven left alive out Ota flisHt it-ai craslied boi\vi:vu Vancouver aud Frince Kupert - she was about the most ui\rec\>(i- aizablo .Airwoman still breathing in this couutry. They desv Helenâ€" aud Mary, au- I'thor WD with a b.idly biirne<l back to Toronto's Ohristie Street \UUt.;iry Hospital, for skin gr.ifls aiid burn tivalment. .\ Ued CrojiS worker told me she'd never forgot it. The Red Cross room is in the heart of the wartls. next door to the rooju those girls had. For weeks workers just tiptoed in and out on their rounds writing letters, supplying stamps, cigar- ettes and cnocolate bars to the patients. *.Vo Visiton' One operation followed another through the weary mouths in which doctors built a new face for Helen and treated Mary's back. Tlio girls bet-ame great friends with the Ked Cross workers. l>ut they didn't want to meet oet>ple frv»m the 'outside', right then. Evwu Rnxl Crnff ^rvicvt hichiilv: K/ihhI Transfusion, Oult»>.t( Uosi>i- tills. Iiii t*> Sit'k a'nl liiMihleti ^*?l^^ln.*. rre<ifm«'/if for ( ripftlnl Cliililrrii. .'>i ••..'•) Htlu-i \ii.'rifi,»i >Vf i ?<f ,«. Hoiiw Nursing Courses, Snimmiiin iiml H <iler^/e(y. etc. when the 'No Visitors" sign weiit down and .\ir Force boys and other vet. p-icients wheel-ohaia-d and crutch-tapped in, they wen.> still shy about seeing 'just people' The Ked Cross was ditfeiviit. Those women in the deep blue sniivks were part of their own submerged world of p;iin .tnd ill- ness, yet attached t>o the country outside. They did the little thmgs the girls neede«.i I'oniiniue bits of shopping, letters and messages, planned small celebrations. .\s the girls progres.-:(>d. lioiiig from one hospital to anoCiier fi'r trt\»t- luent. the Ke«.l Cross was4«lways there. Supplying ambulances, at drst later, escorts to hockey games, concerts, plays, Otl'ering quiet prtu'dcui assistance svhenever it was needed. I'oday Helen and Mary are learn- ing new trades. Helen can no longer leaeh physical education or model. Mary cannot continue her typing, because of permanently stiffened fingers. Hut while DV.\ prt'pares them for their new lives, the Ked Crciss still stands by as they do with all our Canadutn veterans m hospitals everywhere'. In proof that we. the people, ha\i not forgotten. 0^~--%^^ Thi* trork of morvff in»rer ihv # I.V.I f#M.v Kf;f# nG:4s ^;0.^<<is'4

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