if>ii n ii tf i ii ^ iiw III! â- « i n ii 'm . <â- â- > T t iTir issc r^rSna CCB 4. .Wednc.vl.iv, March 10, 194.S THE KLKSHERTON ADVAXCK THE fiesherton Advance i'ubliihtxi on Collinfccwood St, Klathertoii. Wednesday of each we*k. Circulation 1,100. Price 12.00 • year in Canada, paid in •dmaee; $2.50 per year in tha Unitt'il States. J. THUU.'TON, Editcr EUGENIA lb. VVni. Magei". Snr.. was taken to Markda!.' Hospital one day last «««k sulToriiiir with a foivt ailment. We wish him a speedy recovery. Miss Ila Magoe, who spent a week jsaiating Mr.^-. Percy MaROf with tlic tiok, retumiNl to Toronto an<i has â- tare developed measles and was q«tte ill with them. Mra. Jim Ottewell, 8th line, assist- •d tbfc past week at the home of Mr. P«ic> Maeee. MiM .Mice Tudor spent a few days Mrs. Gordon Wilson, Kimberley. Mr. Fred Rosa of Maxwell was a letenl vi.silor in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Magee apent the w!!ek ond at Urayton and visited the latlur's .sister, who is quite ill. (lutuiKli'ii for a.-^l Week) Mr.i. Wilfred Magee is a patient in Mftrkdale Hospital and is pro- KiosaiiiK as well as can be expected after her operation. Mr. Karl Mapce, who i? employed with the HKPC at Islington, spent the past week at homo assisting his father, Mr. Bert MaKcc-. While working in the bush. Earl cut his foot and was not ahU- to return tQ> the Hydro work thi.s vr.-ek. Messrs. Cecil Magee, Melbourne Phillips Russell Johnson, Bates Fawcett and Frt><l Boyco of Isling- ton spent the week end at their re- spective hoTOOS. Messrs. Garnet Magee and Roy MacMillan went to Owen Sound on Saturiiay night an<l were accompan- ied by Mrs. Walter McBride, Reg.N., who has been nursing at the hospital th*re. Mr. and Mrs. McBride's in" famt daug<hter has been ill, but is »n the road to recovwy. We are vei-y sorry to report our public school teacher, Mis.s Joyce Patterson, ill with tonsil troulile, the poison from tonsils going thruug'h her sy.stoni. At time of writing she is confine<l to her bed at the home of Mrs. Cecil .Magee, where she boards. Mr. John Magee, 8th Line, visited recently with his brother, Mr. Kil- burn Magee. and wife, prior to their departure from this vicinity to Vic- toria Corners. We are sorry to lose Mt. and Mrs. Magee from our district. Johnston • Betts LADIES AND GENTLEMEN â€" youR SPRING SUIT You can make no misake in placing jour order now. During the past few days a lot of very smart cloth samples have been received, which will be picked up ciuickly. TIP TOI" T.VILOR â€" 3-piece Suits for Men S42..50 TIP TOP TAILORS â€" 2-piece Suits (coat, skirt) fwr Ladies $42,150 W. R. JOHNSTON CO. .l-piece Suits for Men $37.50, $43..-.0, $49.50 W. K. JOHNSTON CO. 2 i>iece Suits for Ladies $38^0, 144.50, $49.,^0 lllete gannenta arc all cut and tailored to .vour individual measure. Fit and satisfaction guaranteed. Scarce goods, 36 in. wide, good weight, 8«ft and well napped. New patterns; all sizes â€" 9x6. 9x7".. 9x9, 9x10'/., 9x12. 9x15. 'PIONEER" CHICK STAK'll'-K IN S'J'OCK Order now and be assured of your supply. F. H. W. Hickiins cneral Merchant FLESHERTON, Ont. A quiet but pretty 'wedding took place at thi.- home of the bride's parents on Saturday, Maixrh "th, at a p.iii., wlien Mary Dolores, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Betts, Mai'kdale, bixame the bride of Vincent Brock Johnson, son of Mn'. ad Mrs. V. Johlnson of Lindsay. Rov. W. A. White performed the ceremony, and Mrs. Clayton Betts, aunt of the biide, played th» wedd- ing raliiric. Given in marriage by her father, I the bride wore a floor-length white silk jersey dress, made with a full skirt, shirred bodice and long sleovcs. Her corsage was of Talis- inon 'roses and silver ribbon, and she wore a sunburst pendant brace- let, the gift of the groom. Silver slippers completed hjer costmrae. Yvonne Bett«, younger sister of the bride, was flower girl and wore a pink and white taffeta dress and carried a basket of pink cornations. Beverley Betts, brother of the bride, was ring bearer. About thirty-five friends and rel- atives were present for the recep- tion, when the bride's mother wore a powder blue crepe dress. The rooms were prettily decorated with pink and white streamers. Mrs. White Snr., poured tea from the lace-covered toble, while the wcckl- lace-covered table, while the wedd- ing supper was served by four cous- Mrs. T. Camjpbell, loan and Janet Betts. The flower ornaments on top of the three-tiered woddiTig cake had been used on the cake at thewedd- ing of the bride's parents, as well on the wedding cake of her grand- mother, sixty years affo. i A 4. -4. THE NEW 1948 CHEVROLET announced recently by General Motors is built In nine models in three series, all of which feature a redesigned radiator grille, new color harmonies in interior upholstery. According to General Motors, a minimum of time was lost in conversion for the new models in order to produce a maximum number of automobiles to meet the demands of dealers' waiting lists. McLean • Johnstone j (l!y I'rieeville Reporter) I A quiet but pretty wedding was' solemnized Wedncsclay evening, Feb. ' 25th, at .S:^0 at the home of Mrs. | Jessie M. Koeritz, when Miss Agnes Johnstone was united in marriagej to Mr. Donald McLean of Prioeville. The bride looked chamiing in a brown dress with lace and wore corsage of ruses. Rev. W. A. White of Fiesherton performed the cere-<| mony. Mr. George Koeritz wa.s best' man and Mrs. Koeritz was matron of honor. Mr. Snowden McLeod of Fiesherton played the wedding music on the bagrpipes. After the ceremony a butfet luneh wa.' served to ^ihoux 5fi Kuests. The three-! iere<l wedding cake was cut by the bride and groom. The evening was spent in dancing to music supplied by tl'.e groom's brother, Mr. Jack McLean. Step dancing by Ch.irlei and Donald Mc- Lean was enjoyed. The Highland Fling was danced by Snnwden Mc- Leod and Mr?. Furn''s>:, the former Janet Koeritz. Outside guests were ^Ir. Jack Mc- Lean, Mrs. Archie Mtl..etvn ami fam- ily; Mrs. M:ileolm McLean an<l fam- ily; Mr. Cha.s. MeLean; .Mr?'. Irene! McLean; Rev. and Mrs. White and. Snowden McLood of Fiesherton;) Mrs. Prank Furniss and daughter. Lynda, Mrs. Ibbitson of Toronto. The bride an ; groom receivpii many beautifi;! and useful gift.-. They will reside on the groom's farm on the South Line. The bride is from Scotland and was assisting at Highland Lodge. KOCK MILLS ViClORiA CORNERS A new ciuipter ot sickness m our tammunity lias opened up witi; Mr. Wui. Duiitun bacic in bed due' to a relapse fri>ni pneumonia. Chicken pu\ lias visited Christina, Leslie, Irene and hiugar Duncan, whiie Jim Gallaugher enieitair.ed the measles. Mr. \Salter Acheson has been con- lined to bed since Wednesday w;ih a repeat of undulant 'fever, "Sandy'" Walker w^as practically confined to the house the past w^eek with 'fiu and liver trouble. For all these we wish a speedy recovery to good he;ilth. .A. welcome greeting is e.\tended to Mr. and Mrs. Kilbourne Magee of Western Canada, who commenced their duties on Monday, March 1st. of managing the farm of Mr. E. A. Stinson. Mr. and .Vlrs. K. A. Stiason. Don and Bert, visited on Saturday with Mrs. Stinson's parents, Mr. ixiid Mrs. Bert Henderson, Ct-rbetton. Recent guests in the E. A. Stin- son home were; Mr. and Mrs. Leon- ard Keast and Marilyn of Keldon. and Mr. and .Mis. .\itori Oidfield ei Corbet ton. Birthday lelobrations are the or- der of tile day lately. Miss Kath- leen Bannon, \'ancouver, celebratei.1 her bii-thdhay at her parental home here cn Sunday. Mrs. Russell Lin- ton and ber mother, Mrs. Thos. Fen- wick of H-oton Station attended a birthday party Saturday evening at the home of their sister and daugh- ter, Mrs. Clarence Biggar, Owen Sound, in honor of two celebrants, Mrs. Bigigrar and sister, Mrs. .\rchie MacMillan. Vez'y stormy weather the first ol the week, when several inches cf snow fell. We will be glad to sM the snow all go and spring arriT* in earnest. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Betts and fam- ily attended the wedding of Mks Dolores Betts to Mr, Vincent Brock Johnsuii "!'• Satui-day afternoon at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Betts of Barhead. Many friends here join in wisbiBg the young couple every happiness and prosperity through life. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Cobum of Bar- head visited recently with her par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Gark. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Seeley. Maicwell. wer^ also visitors at the Clark home. Tl>e safest place for a pedestrian is at the wheel of an auto â€" if be is o good driver. DEPENDABLE At all boubs, ih all kinds af weather, dis's «t ber post. Tea count on bcr snd she's proud of it. One girl* to another: "Of cotirse I had to tell her sl^ looked like a million â€" and I meant every vear of iti" With switchboards 1 than erer becaase *t ths â- wny more telephonsa, hsss is still "The Spirit of S«sw Tioe." More telephoaes an bang added right akiaf. Onr constant aim is t* proride more and bsttsr service . . . always at tfas lowest poMible cost , . . t* gire greater value to ersry telephone nser. Ill nil TIIIPHOHI â- A HANDS AT WORK... LEARNING TO MAKE ,TEWET,R\ OA'TVl KM00^S prodiiclH arc d-«ir<'d and purchiiHfid by pr«iple all over the world, uiid the i'ii|>a<;ity to piuilnre hucIi go<ids largely drlerniiiicrt tin- ccoiuiiuy sod welfare of every man, woman uud c^liild witliiii lit^r liord«rH, HeoauRo the itale of every article produced in Onlnrio brings vuhmlile dollarH into thi:* I'rovinee, we are all more aithurr<l t>f Job Hecurity . . . and wr and our children can have mora of thr liptlcr lhiii);H in lif<r. lint to produce Hiieh goodn iu Huflicioiil quuntitics, skilled labour it vital. 'I'iiat i» wli) every rtingle one of us HhoiUd Ite ((liui thai war veterunn arc ('(iiiBtuiitly being (rained Ir) pnivide the iiLillfil liandit hi> needed by iiidiutry. 'I'hcy receive ON THF. JOB Iruiniiig under e»|>ert instnietowi in our Ontario factories. This training, provliled (hrougli the co-operalion of tlin Drparlnicnt of Vetoraiu' Affair*, the Feder«l Departuieiil of Labour and llie Oiituriii Deparlninnt of Fldiica- tion, (tarts the vcleruii (iff mi the road to xkillcd crHlti'iiiHnfllup. .Ml tyfte* of jewelry prtMiuctR are in demand today and veteranH, laii);h( by cxiMtrta llic preeiitioo work required In the jcHi-lr\ induntry, will incrraon il« productive capacity a« they beoume Hkilled. Kvery eflort of thrir newly nkillod veterans heliM to make Oatario n finer place in which to live and coutrihuteH to tha welfare and happinniM •fall ber cili/eiit, THE BKEWIN(; INDUSTRY (ONTAKIO) 4KWKLIIY MAKINti B. J. Lacroix, 22, of ToiiMito, a veteran of M'i year*' service uilli the Uoyal ('anudiaii Air Force, i* idiowii here putting the fininhiu); touolies on a dia- mond ring, VeteruM<i learn dinniomi itetlinx, ring making ami wiilch euxe connlrnctionâ€" ON IIIK. JOH. The normal period of ap- prenticenhip in the jewelry trade iH 3 years. Employers have co-operated to reduce this to one year for veterans, at tha 8ame time KafcKuard- iug tiieir neniority. Paint Sale i^ CANADA PAINT and PREMIER PAINT Off colors â€" Quarts 50c Pints 25c Half Pints 15c J'1^0K.^.'S. TOOCLEAR Boy's Windbreakers Men's Windbreakers Mackinaw Coats Boys' Parkas All at 20% Reduction 5-Eyelet Rubbers, Men and Boys .... to clear $1.00 GROCERIES Peas 2 for' 25c Aylmer Soups 3 for 25c Robin Hood Flour 98 lb. $4.50 Robin Hood Flour 49 lb. $2.30 Robin Ho^ Flour 24 lb. $1.20 Bulk Shortening 27c Honey g lbs. $2.25 0. & A. CO-OPERATIVE Phone 8 Fiesherton. Ont. ; L