« 4 A. r 4 '4 < X ' ^^ « ^ « ♦ « ♦ ♦ A Classified Advertising Young Canadian Farmers â€" Among the 1948-49 directors of the Simcoe Junior Farmers' .vsso- cfation are, from left: John Fennell of Newton Robinson; George McCague, Alliston; Bob Brown, vice-president, Bradford; and Belle Warnica, Barrie; director and executive member. â- â- ' . P I ^â€" ' Sports - And One Thing or Another All this talk iibout widespread gambling on spc.ts events recalls an incide .t which actually happen- ed some year:, ago in a certain city which, ior rea-ons of ou, own, we shall leave nameless. A bunch of fellows were stilting around in a hotel lobby, when they were ap- proached by a stranger. "I dont know this town," he said, "and Tve got a tip on a horse running at Pimlico today. Can any of you guys tell me where I can make a bet?" * * • Thinking to play a .1 ke on the out-of-tow'i er one of the group gravely answered, "Xothing easier. Just walk along the street and ask the first poIicema"n you meet. He'll (Ij: you up.'.' Witli profuse thanks "the stranger left, and the hunch sat back, laughiMs their "head? off at the thought of what a goiiigover the poor simpleton was going to get. » * • They didn't see the stranger again till evening;, when he appeared in the lobby again. 'WfU. did you go an ' ask a copper wliere to make yonr bet. like we told you?" he was asked. "Sure thing I did, was the rcpl^. ".And did he tell you?" "Tell •mc â€" wdiy he booked the bet him- self, and what's more he paid off oti the dot after the horse won!" 4- * « And -v./ii/.' z^-c arc on tlw subjecfi, till- aititudt' of some of the "higher brass" of hocki'y into rdcnt gambling distlosiiri's rather reminds as of an- other tale â€" although zve zioii'l vouch for the T'eracity of this one. It's the story of Rasliis, â- n'ho had just been found guilty of earring a friend with a ra.z^jr, zvith fatal results. Asked by the judge if he had any- tl'ing to say for himself before sent- eit.-e zcns passed Rastus made the chssir answer â€" "Well Vour Honor, far as I'm pussoiially concerned, I'd be just as well satisfied to let the whole tr.at!e> drof'. ^' * # With tile Spring training season in fool bloom among the baseball boys the old q.iestion is being asked as to whether or not these lotig conditioning grinds are really neces- sary. I,ots of people still think that no athlete needs six to eight weeks to get Into playing shape, and that the whole thing is mostly ballyhoo â€" with the cliance of picking up a little additional revenue by means of cxhiliition game*. * .-:j m The fact i- however, tliat most baseball phiyers take things pretty easy during the winter months â€" • Not So i'unny The bo.^s returned in a good numor from hinch and called the whole staff in to listen to a couple of jokes be had picked up. Every- body but one girl laughed uproaf iously. "What'.-, tl-v matter?' grumbled the boss, "'Haven't you got a sense of humour?" "I don't have to laugh," said the girl, "I'm leaving Friday anyhow.' LIFE'S LIKE THAT 4 â- t "This is the ol' swimmin' hole I was telling you about!" By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Sa^CnticT) especially now, when their bosses look with disfavor on them playing football or hockey. Left to them- selves, they'd show up for the opening of the season overweight and slow, and spend the first month of the schedule playing themselves into shape. By that time, some team that was really in condition from the start would have a lead that could never be overhauled. With few exceptions these Spring training sessions cost the owners real money â€" and owners of base- ball teams are by no means noted for spending money unnecessarily. * « * Older readers and theatre-goers zvill no doubt remember the best- selling novel of a bygone day en- titled "The- Virginian" and the higltly successful drama that was made from ii.One of the big scenes came when the villain calls the hero a most in- sulting name â€" the sort of na)iie that zvas indicated by dashes or stars in those times, but would probably b* printed in capital letters today. Any- way, the hero, on hearing this, pidU his gat and grimly tells the viUaiH, â- When you caU me that â€" SMILE I' In the highly u>ilikety et'cnt of our ever becoming a hockey magnate, we think we'd be inclined to issue to our hired help instructions of ex- actly a reverse nature. U'e shall say to them, "Men, when you get into • fight OH the ice â€" for Heaven's sal:* DOX'T SMILE." Perhaps the camera lenses are getting better, or the prett photographers more skilled at their zvork. But we notice in the papert more and more of these action-pictures shotting players engaged in what looks like a battle-royal, but in u'hich the expressions on the faces art any- thing but grim. We knotu we've men- tioned this befort â€" but still on* does hate to have those cherished illusions all shattered to bits, day after day. * * ** To the surprise of practically no- body Jersey Joe Walcott has a«- ALSO AVAILAMil .Vr.E.NTS W.tNTKD OILS, GREASES, TIRES, (naactlcldea. Elwtric Fmim ControUeri Houm and Tl.'iiii Paint. Root Coatlnw. etc. Deitera wanted Wnip w.irco GreaiMt A OU Limited. Toronio ^ ~ iJll'Ri.Vf; YOl;R INCOMK Excepr nrnl opiwrtuniTy rur an-.bltioui* j„»r»on tu devvlup own biiHliiMit hmidltiur prttliable line. Blue Brand Produ-rji. 7r;;T Alernnilra Street. Montr'-.Tl, cepted the terms offered him for a return bout with Louis, all the talk about his intention of holding out for the "champion's cut" â€" on the grounds that he actually won the first fight â€" being so much bunk, Now Mr. Walcott is loudly pro" claiming his confidence of scoring a knockout over Louis when they meet again in June; and probably he is just as sincere in this as he was in declaring he wouldn't ac- cept any smaller percentage than his opponent. That Louis is far from being the fighter he was of old, goes without saying. As bo.xers go he's an elder- ly man, and he isn't fighting "from hunger" any longer, which removes one of the greatest of all incentives. Still, we have an idea that his sorry showing last time hurt his pride more than somewhat, and that un- less Walcott can run away and hide for fifteen straight heats, he hasn't got a chance. And Walcott discovered, at Madison Square Gar- den, that it's hard to win a Cham- pionship in reverse gear. 7« GETTING UP If nwrninf fadi Tou «JrhalfrMt«l.>tiU inii7â€" if jnur sleep b braken by fitful iMting and hirainf â€" jraur kidner* mar baiebUnM. Wh«i fMfkidDtjs get out •(•(der, jour (Imp •Milly tuflars. Te halp jrour kidaejp* lenin â- aornul cootfibon. uae Dodif* Dikwr Pilli. Dedd-i hdp Mm kidneyt |«l lid ef peisoni tnd uceea adds bi jww lyihM. Then your ynttdnMs (EuMMin â€" fM eaa enjej restful unbrakeo sl wf and awake refreshed ud reed; fer week er fhr. GeiDwM'iKidnerPSllatwIar. 147 DodifeKkliMYpilb EARN EXTRA MONEY for yourself or churrh group A«*-niii wanted to »oil our aliractive w;ndn'v sht-ives. Modem aluminum frames hoidinir - sUss bhelvfn Sell for ll.SO, i>ric<?i! far Kelnw romP'*i:'-- ItfmB. .Send $1 2S for saniple ahelf. Money refunde'l (less mailing iluirif^H' if Ktii*': re- turnoil in K"o<i order DUNDAS MANUFACTURING P.O. BOX 284 HAMILTON An old eaiahllshed chlcli hat.;lierr wlahea a«pnt8 !n aomo diatrlcta. Liberal comralB» »lon paid. Increase your Income. Writa Box No. 1. TS Adelaide St. W.. Toronto. BABY CUIC&S THfS TEAR every chirk must b« worth Us fe«d. With Bur Rock Farm chick* you CMt prfHluce MORE BOOH with l»as fe«d. MORK KOGS with tesM work. MORK EGCiS with less aquipnient. Bettoi bred Biir RtK-k Farm cli!i-ka will automatically mcreajie your eif« yield without ralsinv addltton&l ehlckji or ke«pinc more layers. Write for »ricp Hat und caleiidar Blli ROOK FAJi.M. Mule Rochca, Ont. OTEINb A>D CLE.\MNG HAVE YOL aiiytii.iiK ueeas a>e:uki or cleaA' ins? Write lo ua foi information We are Vlad to answer your Questions Uepartmeot H. Parker's Dye Works Limited ?»! Tonv* Street. Toronto. Ontario 8fiHINB8H »PPOBTCNiriK!» *N OFFtIR ti every inveatoi â€" Uiei of inven tlons and full information aent Ixtm. rbe Ramsay fo Reci«ter«i pfTt*.nt Attorneys I7» flank S<ri'»»' Oirn wa RAW FURS Mu&km anJ Braver ara In sooil deniand. For top prices anJ prompt returns ship your raw furs to Alan James, Lindaar. Ont. BAB1 CBICKb Four- Week-Old Pullets Two. three, tour week and Alder suileta February batched. SUrt with early batched cblcka and eet the hlcb prices for ecn next Summer and early Fall. Larse Type tvblte Legboms and aeven other popular bre«da. Send for price Itat. Uanacement Guide and catalogue and book your order now Lakeview Poultn.' Farm Exeter Ontario FOK HALK Tt'RKET puulta Cor aale. Broad breasted broRH turkey poults, Canadian l£atcbery approved. New '.ncubatore. Breeder* eovem- ment banded and pullorum tree. No reactors tor two years. Poulta (rom eeKM satbered on our own farms. We select tor rlKor and meat tj-po. SenJ for folders. McKlnlay k UcOoll Lambton Turkey Halcher>-. ^. n 5. Frre^i Ont. FOB 8ilLX ADJl.tjT.iBLE leatber cartrldee belts. tJ-M calibre shells, eTcelleni workmanship. XX.%%. Uarithon A«enc}-. IS4I) Gerrard East. T«l^^ onto. K.\K11 10(1 acr*« rnh clay loam. 100 acras Uar'.lvvood busli, tfood bulldlnss. With or wltboul stock and implements Jamas Stewart Uaxnetawun. Ont. THE BOOK fl»r every home. ei«hl huudrsd huuseholit helps. Two dollars, post pal4. Order CO D. or wr'te Zih-k Vertliib, End*- hart. Ont. ON'E ROLL FILM FREE S(»eclal offer during March wuh every tw» fllma oen*. to ua to lie developed and printed. FILMS DEVELOPED and printed. 35c PLR aOLL of B exiwsurcs. All pnnta made Lar;a. DOL'BLE THE SIZE Only 50c if prints of ordinary size desired. Write ua for camcr»» and suppUee. we parry a complete atock. Juat arrived. Flash Unit* for Bro«*nlf Reflex. $5.25. for Anpro Plonaar t4 '~Z. for Kodakb $7.?r.. Canada Phoio Hup- pl.v. P<). Box *So Toronto. Ont. BEST QUaliiy Dark. No. 1 paateur:;:evl honey i; tlnj 4 lb. for I11.7S The Henderson Apiaries. Box ?.6. Carleton i*!are, Ontario. \2y2c Hurpndale Chicks 1254c hX\ Breeders blood tested, tended, and tn- apected and backed by high pedigreed found- ation stock. Suaaex z Xew Hamp.. Rocli X New Hamp.. Barred Rocks. Kew Hamps mixed 12 ^c, pulleta 25o Li«bt Sussex Ulz- erf 14c. pulleta 2 7c. Largo type Leghorns mixed 12 4c. pullets Jfc. All heavy breed cockerels 4c. Medium breed 2c. tl.09 per 100 don's balance COD. Order from and encloata this ad. Hurondale Chick Hatcherv London Ontario Rock Cockerels FOR MARCH, our Barred Rooks are fast feathering and bred fur livahiUty and fast growth. H!*ne8 Pon!'ry Farm. JerM>-\'iI!e. Ont. BABY Chicks from an R,O.P. Breeding Farm Hatchery. It costs no more to buy the beat. Satisfaction guaranteed. Write for pries list. Blenheim Hatchery, Bl«nhetm. Ont. Order Your Baby Chicks Now Our Breeds are White L*«hom. Hampshire Ohriatie Htraln, Hamp x Rock. Sussex x Hamp. Rock x Leghorn. All chicks are griar- anteed and are bred from blood testeil high producing atuck. Send for prlcellst or phone now. Poole Hatchfrj". Poole, Onr. Phi»n* 87 R28. Mllverton. Lakeview Chicks for 1948 from ft real laying and breeding^ plant, over 10.000 breeders Inspected, banded and blood tested. Uany cnstomera bava had years of continuous sacceoa with LaJcerlew Chicks. ThU year It may be even more Important to buy the best. Mr. and Mrs. Norman HoUard nf Parkhill, Ontario, have had IS oonaocu- tivs years of continuous success wttb Lake* view Chicks. Wby can't rou too? 8ta.rt your ohfcks tarly. There will be a shortago of eggs next Fall and prloea are bound to be higher. Send for largo illustrated ofttalogue and Poultry Managemant Qulde with big early order dlacounta. Lakeview Poultry Farm VVein Bros. Exeter. Ont. BLACK AUSTRALORPS R. O. P. Sired. Hatching Eggs, day old chicks. DON'LEY POULTRY F.\RM ROUTE 6. LOXDOX. ONT. LNVESTIGATE Before you place your chick order. Today as nersr befors it pays to buy quality. Galn- forth's Chicks have been the choice of i>ar- tlcular poult rymen for 81 years. Send for our free catalogue and price Hat today. The earlier you start your chicks, the more pro- fits they will make for yon. We have Barred Rocks. New Hampehlres, Light Sussex. White Leghorns. L- Sussex x N. Hamp., B, Rock x M. Hamp., and N. Hamp. X B. Rock â€" all approved chicks from puUorum testad breeders. 'Write to Oaln- forth's Hatchery. Box 150W, Trenton. On- tario. Producers of good baby chicks since 1927. HARLEY DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Parts and Service Bon E K^nn'^dy h Sob 419 College St To ronto PL-\NOS SOLD â€" BUDGET PLAx\ 111% DOWN alebteen montlu to pay. Ail Dlanoi are completely factory recondltlonad, retlnlihad. tunm Ilka new. w« bars > tmt laraa aelKtlon of varioni tnalcn. Writ* tt>- <la7 tor further Information on terms and planoi la stock. Puniltnrs Sales Comcnmy. SilA Klni Street Weit, Toronto. CRAIGIELEA SVh!t« Holland Poultal Wa aell poulta thai Uva and ffrow Into flna aturxiy matura blrtla for the retailer who wonta plenty of 10 to 11 lb. drear d iemalea, and 13 to IS lb toma. whicb ara moat in Una intb prevail liw welKbi demand). This breed Is naturally heavy lay- era and less susceptible to les and Joint diseases, ^a bava bad our breedins flock Government inspected, banded and blood test- ed without n single reactor. Place your ordfi early to insure booktnff Cralfflelea Turkey Ranch. Waterdown. Ont. Broad-Breasted Bronze Turkey Poults Reser^'e ycur order for 1948. W^s turned down orders for 50.000 Poults laet season Poults al! hatched In brand new special tur- key Incubators, all turkeys (no chicks). We expect there wilt ha more money In turkeys In 1948 than 1947 as It Is likely feed prices wlli be cheaper next summer when the new crop comes along:. Send for turkey manaxo- ment guide and price list and book your order for 1D48. Lakeview Turkey Ranch Exeter Ontario GCN'S, ammunition, erpert repairing. re- blulni, high class fishing tackle. Ted Man- orek Sporting Goods. •20 Ottawa St. N.. Hamilton. B.\TTERKIPEP.-VTED Radio Set tor sale. Deforest Croaaley Corona model. 8 tubes. specially equipped with Romaco Eliminator for us with either storage battery or dry cells. .Vew cost over ISOO Make offer A tine and lasting gift Box 151. TS .Adelaide W.. Toronto. Seeds that are dependable for Garden Lorera. Market Gardeners: Write for our free cat- alogue. OntarV Seed Comparir WstM-loo. Ontario. Four Good Buys TRUCKINO BC.SIXE38 which Includes I large trucks recently overhauled with P.C.V. License for every kind of haulage. Steady work and a money maker. 10«-ACHK F.VRM. h.vdro. close to Tlllass. good buildings, bush. A bargain IS, tot. 100-ACRE r.\RM and brtck house, good buildings, hydro, bush, on highway. Price 14,500. «0-ACRB F.l-RM. close to highway, bam and drlveahed, ben hnuss, good house, Prlos 13.000. F.UIMS, all sizes, priced to sell. If Interested write: J. C. LONO, Real Estate Broker, Bruasels. Ont. THE CHICK-buying pace will be accelerated under the Impact of lower feed pricea. It won't be long before the demand for chicks will be greater than tha supply. Tour order now can be taken c«ra of on any data you desire. Wa have 10 popular pure breeda and ten hybrid croassa to chooee from. Can supply these In non-sexed. pullets or cockerels. Also older pullets sight wet>ks to Isylng. Send for free catalogue and prlc<.IIst. Top >'otrh Chick Sales. Guelpb. Ontario. BABY CHICK BUYERS Bs sure that you order the usual number of ohloks this season. We sre certain that profits will tw made br producers who grot started on ths right track. Monkton Poultry Farm Is a ffovarnmeat approved farm. Our ohloks are bealthr. vigorous, have fsst ds- volopment and the necess&rr breeding for high egg production. Write for our cata- logue and price list. Monkton Poultry Farms. Monkton. Ontario, PR0J*HJCT9 and Profits. I'm not a prophst nor a son of a prophet, but I know thsre will be profit tn chicks this year. Thers's ft guaranteed market at a reasonable price and feed, providing we get a good crop should tM conslderablr lower next fall. Cash In with good chlckfl^ nit 70ur brooders now with husky healthy chicks with a record of growth and llvablllty â€" chicks with production and profit ancestry. Ws have the following hybrid oronaes to ohoose from: Black -Minorca x White I..eg- horo. White Leghorn x Barred Rock. Barred Aook X White Leghoni. Whit* Rock x White Lagbom, Nsw Hampshire x White Leghorn. Light Sussex x White Leghorn, Black Anatra- lorp X White Leghorn, New Hampshire x Barred Rock, Barred Rock x New Hampshire. N^w Hampshirs x Light Sussex. Light Sussex X New Hampshire, Light Stmnex x Barred Rooks, also 13 hybrid pure bre<>d9. Can gl\*e prompt delivery on day old, two and three week old tn non-sex«d« pullots or cockerels. Also older pullets % weeks to laying. Froe oatalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited. Fergus, Ontaj-to, SAVfi J-UEL. feed, labor, with started chicks Bray started chicks. Immediate shipment. â-²Iso d^olds. Don't let good markstn pans to the other fellow. Qet ohloks now. and oatok them for yourself. Bray Kat'-hory. ISO John N.. Haaillton. Ont. BUILDING 28' x 42' ALUMINUM. NEVER needs painting. Erected In 10 man hours, :mmedlats delivery. In- ulre John A. Neate Sales Co.. tl Jarrls Street. Toronto. PINUPS FOR MEN ONLY If you sra 21 years of age you may obtain our unretouched superb photographs of gorgeous movie stars and young professional models at one dollar per set. Please state age. European Photo Services, 51 Adelaide St, E.. Toronto MONHY MAKING business In Vlllaga near No. 7 highway, complete water power Saw Mill. House and Garage on property. Also 100 aero farm. Vpply Harold Marshall. Lyn, Ont. ARMY FOLDING TABLES flood used condition. Offered at a price tar bslow cost, size 72" x JO" z 10". Sult- abla for parties, banauata, cluba, shipping and other iiaefu! uurposea. To oU'ar $5.00 aaoh, F.O.B. Toronto. C.O.D. or sand Money Order. Advise rail or transport wbao ordering. E. BLUESTONB, 4» Cecil Street. Toronto. .Vdelalde 8773. CHERRY LOGS Bought for cash. Write Box SO*. Fergus, BEALTllLL AiiKi.rrij !or a.ile. Kxcelleat woolers. Reasonslile. Shadie Brook Rab- bitr.v, R.ll, â- ;. Plu-lpm..,, Ont W.ATCH THEM (;RU\V new TranspanMH Elfctr.--- Ponliry £Jn»otf- 50y capacit) . V.-ry e<-«»rnim":al Writ* for descriptive lit^-ratur*. Black Electric an4 Manuafarturing. R. No. 1, Woodslrv-k, OnC riCALES. Chopi* â- Ua*^*!. Kepntrsi. St.. Ton-nto. ' i'niver Meat .S.i-.ve â€" New, The 3.'ale Shoi'. 'i!*l Bay BROAD-brfasted hrunze poulta; < . -â- i-(-riinianl banded and blood teated, pultorum-frsa atock. Humllton and Wa^n^nwheel strains. Tfie. le c/^ will ttook your order. Incubator: 2.«#f ess capacity. Used thre« seaaons. 9225. M. Stay-On Turkey Saddlea: IS o«. heuvtly-boimJ duck; hens thoroughly protected. 4'.c Ynuck'g Turkey Firm and Hatchery Bos 1. Stattsa D. Windsor. Ont. BUILD A RADIO! Siniple. easily constructed s*t costa very lli.tla. needa no battenes or . el^trtclty. We tma supply all parts. Fully iluatrate<1 Instructlo* tKK>k postpaid for 3ic cish or postal not*. Included free, details of other radios Tou caa bultd. bestnninK Tvlth smalt tube eet anJ addinff more tubes proeresalvely. Ev»ry asaiaC- ance siven to beeinnera, Taylor P.,ndlo. Bos 213. Oahswa, Ont. FOR SALE. 70 acres choice flue-cured tubace* land. 2 Inrse barns. 1 new houses If desfrei, on paved hishwa}': 1 mile to town. 126 ft. ffrer-nhouso foundation. Easy terms. A.. C. .\.iult;raan. .^traihroy, Ont. Hardy --rear Lit bam Raapt»<*rry canea. t5.0C< per hundred. Premier Strawborrlaa S-.OO per hund'-<Hl. A. Crowle. R.H. !. IMlnc^ ton. Ont. WHITE Fleralali. ais^-. Chinchiiiaa. Ped!ffr*ei atock. 13.00 to V..hO each. Mrs .I'm Arm- sironK. Blyth. Oni. REGISTER'D GREAT DANES Two ffolden-fawn. maJe puppies ten montlia old. One pup has nine weeks Obedleooa Trial traintne t>y a profftaalona! trainer. Champion Pedigrc*. John Pachereva. R.R. 1, Preston. Ont. HI-POWERED RIFLES Converted sport ins models. ExceUent condi- tion. $S5.00 each. Satisfaction Guarantaad or Money refunded. WVlte for deecHptlve folders. SCOPE SALES CO. 326 Queen St. Ottawa, Ont. H.\IRDBKSSINa USAit.N Halrdresalng the asberisun metboA Information on request regarding claassB. Robertaon'a Halrdresslni Academy. 1ST 4*» nuo Road. Toronto. HfUICAL GOOD RESULTS â€" Evirr eutlerer fnmi Rheu- matic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store. »!IB Etgla. Ottawa. Postpaid 81, i". BOWMAN'S Rub. an effective remedy for sinus trouble, flu. swollen glands, broncbltii^ weak syes, swollen throat. Address M* Queen at. W.. Toronto. Pries IS.SP. TRY ITi Svsry sufterer of Rheumatic Pains or .Neuritis should try Dixon's RamsA^. Munros Drug Store, SS6 Elgin. Ottawa. Postpsld 11 00. OPPOBTCNITIES FOB «V0ME7I BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CA.NADA'S LBADINQ SrHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages 'iiousands successful Uarrel graduates America's greatsst system, niustratod aatk- logue free. Wrtts or Call MARV-EL a.\IRDRESSINO ^_ SCHOOLS •68 Bloor St. W . Toronto Branches 44 King St.. Hamilton * 74 Rideau Street. Ottawa NEED Immediate steady IncomeT Send Nc to Oreen's, 116 Oxford, Toronto, for bosk on tested mall businesses begun on sha» string. â- A»j PATENTS FSTHBRS'TONACGH ^4 Company Patsa< Solicitors. EataK shed 1890. 14 King West. Toronto Booklet of Information n request. I'ER.>S(I,NAI "ELIJAH COMING Before Christ", wonder- ful book free Uegiddo Mlssloa. Rorhestsr 11, N.t STAMPS of all kinds bought, pay 50 oeota per 100 for used Elisabeths. Barchlns. Brantford. Ont. 137 MONET-MAKINO plans, also fonaulaa salable products. Descriptive llteratnrs FREE Elyte Company. 14i Queen Wast. Ottawa. CANVAS TARPAULINS Surplus. 8' X S' â€" brass srrommets. Uses: stack and implement covers. Drop oloths. Sun and Wind Breaks. $S.0O each, add t6c shlpDlnff charge. By-producta. 93 Ontario St., Torontu. ASTROLOQT. Palmistry. just north of Qiit^en St , 18 Mutual ates Toronto, HKLP WANTED COTTON TOWELS Bleaohed. from flour and sugar bags, ham- mad, 17" X 84" per dos. 12.40: t dosen 14.00; 5 doz. (10.00. add ado shipping charge. By-Products. 9S Ontario St.. Toronto. RECtlSTERED .\laslia, AJax, Oartler and Beaver Oats: CERTIFIED Beacon, and Beaver Oats, and Montcalm Barley: COM- MERCI.'lL No. I and No. i Cartler. AJax. Beaver. Alaska, Vlcland, Banner and vic- tory Oats: Galore, Barboff and O.A.C. 21 Barley: COMMERCIAL No. 1 O.A.C. 181 Peas. C.\NN'3 Mill Ltd.. Exeter. Ontario. •Ri CLB.VR, Sx eight-pound palls amber honey. 110. SO: 70 pounds, il4.50. Herbert Harris. Alliston. Ont. .O'KSHIRES. bulls, calves tu breeding age. from R.O.P. dnnie. G«Mirge SpiiiKt. Thom- hlll, Ontniio. COLCHESTER VILLAGE A money-iriUkMig now busineaa In Colchester Village, poolroom, gas station, pop and candy bar. 9-rooni houne. rablns, and cabin spare-. All to be sold In one ffroup, must be aeen: hydro, hot and cold runnlnur water. Waltor R Sha.v. R R 1 Harrow. Ont. REUISTEKED MR9B9 FOR GENERAL DUTYâ€" Living condition* and salary good. Hospitalisation plaa. Apply superintendent. Brome-MImlsguol Pir» kins Hospital, Sweetsburc. Que. Reliable ?lrl for small home, one ciilld. guot wagea. Mrs. P1\-nlck. 513 Qlengarrv .\ venue, Toronto. HOl'SEKEKI'ER for modem farm home neat Shakespeare, S ailults. no object fona t* small child. Good waKca to right party, .\pp1r by letter to Grant McTavieh. R.R.t. Stratfoi^ LOCAL advertisiuB r-ureaentative wanted for monthly publication with reader coveracv In your locality. Substantial commiaalon •**â- rangement on exclusive Cour^y contract. Ftill details to Ain^ley Advert'.slng Agent'les. Nln* Richmond ICaat Tornntu, sto** SCRATCHING Relieve Hch in a Jiffy ^ki/A ve Ui'iim^ duf to ecteniR, puupis^ ftthltte'i foo[...4nd miiKw ildi uuuUea. Vm cooling mciiicttrU O. O. O. Ppaeerlptlea \oriliakr« itrfnitth or ei(r« itr«esth)« Grtuelriij, itAuUrss. SootbM unl cairns mttite itchini â- juickJy. J5c itiji bottle pcavsi itâ€" or mooev hti.k. Aak rout druggtM far O.D.O. PreMriptlon. The Xutional Rille Association of B'rittin announced It will enter a team for the Olvmpic Oanies being held in London, July. 1948. COLDS. sunf ^IfKtantine' a TAMurs roM 2$* MUTT AND JEFFâ€" BUly Conn Ain't Se«n Nothln" Ytt By BUDD FISHER f