mt fl â- 4 /k. 4. * t k / A ^» ^ ' ^ :i r ».-»- â-º^ K - * 1 -*• 9 k -*• â€" < k _^, _k * ^ ^ r - * » T "* ^ ♦ 4 ^ ♦ Paints Scenes With Spray Gun â€" Fred Lawrence of Barrie is pictured with ons of his works of art, done entirely with the power spray gun he is holding. He has done scores of murals for business places in Ontario. The type of paint Lawrence uses dries almost instantly. Sports -And One Thing or Another By FRANK MANN HARRIS â- =^========^== ("A Sizbit Critic'^ â- Just who was the original inventor •f the "mass interference" play in hockey is a matter of controversy. But whoever it was. there might •o«M a. time when he bitterly regrets having done so. For with more and more of our pro. teams adopting this jlfty in tight spots, we fully expect td see a real Battle Royal break out »ome e\ening, ending up with a few fr»cv,:red skulls or even worse. « * » When playoff time rolls around, and winning or losing a game really mean? something â€" possibly a differ- ence -f a thousand dollars or so per man â€" tempers are liable to run con- liderably hotter than during a regu- lar season. Xor do we know of any- thing more liable to nuke a player "see red" than having a game, which looked to tie safely tucked away in the tag. tied up and perhaps eventu- ally ;ost In- means of such tactics. Ti.i idea of the play, of course, is basic.iUy simple. You have a faceoff in er.fiiiy territory, bendi your goal- tcndtr, and play six^men up. Five of tliese aren't supposed to pay any atteniion to the puck, but each to marV; an opponent and â€" as soon as the facfjff is made â€" to take him out of t' e play, just like ruiming inter- fertr.ce ahead of the hall-carrier in .\nKrican football. Your sixth man then â€" if everj-thing goes well â€" has the (iefctidins; goalie more or less %t his r-.ercy. % ii * From the comparative safety of a seat up among the spectators, it's a rather interesting play to watch, and productive of considerable ex- eittment. .And perhaps this is all that real'y counts, from a Promoter's itandpoint. Personally, we have just twr objections to it. For Number One, it isn't Hockey. .And for Number Two, it's likely eventually to produce fatalities. Some enraged defender will cut loose with a swing which will really connect. And if some of those same promoters will recall da\s when they went about in fear and trembling lest "Ace" Bailey shouldn't recover â€" and what that might mean to their game! â€" we think they'll probably do away with such t.nctics before it'-i too late ♦ » » <till, yi'K might tiiiagine Zi-e lOi k •.K-Ult disUJsie on everything mod- irn, -'ust htwwst- it is iien; liv miiihl break liai.n ivu! aciini! that bark in the eld days things hcift'ciH-d in HCikcy uliiih z<-en->i't strictly "oi- (ordiiig to T/ii' Book' , ami nhich yp«( don't hear ahoiil nowadays. Re- ,ei>'. /"oiiiT /'/(i.AvKf.f many f'lares ha:r- been exfcrieii.-ini/ recall a Cer- tail: Ontario toii'it -chich- -cc needn't idf.tify more ehysely than to say it vas one of the hottest hockey centres in Ire entire rriK-lnce. f * * There, zeheii the home team badly needed a score, and one of its flayers â- mas :ust takiufi dead aim on goal, it xvas rumored that the electric lights hoc. /•.•rii/iir»- habit of blinking off, then on again. This -blackout" fos- sibiy didn't last for wore than a iflitsecondâ€"juit long enonyh for the defending goal-tender to lose sight »f the puck. .Ind it «iu even sus- pected that one ,«/ the home team's efficials, ivho sat right alongside the sxiitch that conrxdied the lights of the rink, might hare had something to CO -iith this pheonomenon. CHOICE FRUIT TREES AND SMALL FRUITS Ornamental Trees, Shrub* •r»tgrceiis. Kones, VfieiinuitH, Lar(e A C'ompletd Stuck o( All I.eHilliig VnrietiH M)0 .^fMs Und»r t"«llivi>ti»n >«• our I.ocnl .^g«nf or Write for Trie C'alnlntuc * Vlantlng OniJ« tK a i<ONS LTD.. Onmrio, C H. VKinilOMMf BEAM SVl 1,1. h; But, SO far as zae remember, noth- ing -xas ever proved. Maybe, after all, it zvas no more than mere eoinci- dence. « « « Branch Rickey, of the Brooklj-n Dodgers, now contendj that his fellow-magnates attempted to "gang up" and keep dark-skinned Jackie Robinson from playing in organized baseball. They, of course, deny that anvthing of the sort ever happened. .And no matter who is right, the story got considerable space in the papers â€" which, coming right at a time when really 'live' baseball news was scarce, probably wasn't exactly distasteful to either ifr. Rickey or the others. « « * Eveo'bod}- knows there was plent>- of opposition to Robinson's being allowed to play. This wasn't because he was the first person of his race to make the grade. He was ty no means that It was rather because he frankly admitted to being a Negro â€" even took pride in it â€" instead of allowing himself to be put away as a "Cuban", a "Mexican" or even as an "Indian", at had been the quaint baseball custom in the past. « • • What actually matters is the fact that Robinson finally got his chance â€" manaced to keep his temper in spite of great provocationâ€" and made good. From now on, in baseball at least, it's going to he impossible to draw any ''color line" â€" although there might come a day, as has hap- pened in the boxing game, when white athletes will regret that it was ever wiped out. With colored boyi doing $0 well in so many lines of sport, the wonder grows why so few show enough aptitude for hockey to scale the heights! â- * f'!»-^ «-« SS.^ V .â- >. Today. •.'â- tot TWe CANAOIAM NATIONAL SporlsmenlsSIioiir THE COLISEUM • EXHIBITION GROUNDS, TORONTO Saturday, MARCH 13 to Saturday, MARCH 20 inclutiv* Yes, it's the first Canadian Nacioaat Sportsmen's Show and it meant thrills, fiia, and entertaiaoMnt for the eatir* fsmilx. There's Sharkey tfa« hunous trained seal, bad- minton-â€" log rolling â€" retrieving dogs â€" high divingâ€" At casting â€" archery and many other thrilling acts. Plus Huge exhibition of sports, travel and conservation di»- plays with the latest and bnest in sporting equipment. Everybody will cnioy the Eskimo and Indian villages, the dog show and die big cooscrvatioa displtr with live game, animals and fish. MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY _^ I T>w CoTiiw. E«Moinon v^ i • a> .^.il M* Wm9^ • oatsMW^ '"^rLii JO ' ,n«» •««««>• jSiano'x'* â- "" â- AddfcM â- J.""^'ll'â€" â€" •"•- â€"â€""""*""" '" SponiMMl in tfie p«Mk I n Nrs it by THE TORONTO ANOltRS' AND HUNHRS' ASSOOATION, MC Classified Advertising A<Uam WANTKD OILS, GREASES, TIRES, lAMOttclilM. Ctaotrl* raaaa CootroUan Hhum and Bira Paint. BMf Coatlnss, ata. Eaalan wanted. Wr'.ta Warco Greas* 4 OU LImltad. Toraato. . INCREASE YOUR INCOME Excellent opportunity for aiart. IntaUisant man u> diatiibuta tilsh Qualltr producU ta thia dutrlct. Bloa Brand ProducU. 7JST .\]exandra 6:reet. Montreal BD81MC88 urPOKTl'NlTIXS roB aai.« rvB 8AL.B TtJBXJET poulta (or aala. Broad bnaotad brauw yirkay poulta, Canadian H at ch a n r approved. Naw Incubatora. Bre«dara govern- maot banded and puUorum traa. No raactom for two yaara. Poulta from anta aaiberad on our own farma. We aaiect for visor and meat tTPa. Sand for foldara. UcKlnlay 4 UcColl. Lanjbton Turkey Hatchery. R R. i. Foraat. Ont. BEST auall-.y No. 1 paataurlxed honey. II tins 4 lb. for tll.TS. Tha Henderaon Apiaries. Box »>. Carleton Place, Ontario. a.N OFFER to every inventor â€" Lut of mvao. tlona and fail Information aent (raa. rta« Etamsay Co.. Eleslstered Paieni Attonwy* I7> Bank Street Ottawa RAW FURS UuAkrkC utU Beavar ara .n Kood demand. For top pncaa and prompt rtHurns ahlp your raw fun to Alan Jame», L:n<]aa7. Ont. BABT CHlCKa DON'T \V'orr7. food market^ -n-lU b« th«ro for what your poultry cm produca. Ton miffbt as well cat tJia beac markacj with Februarr-ilarch chicks. We'v^ itarttd and dayolda rlsht now. Bray Hatchery, 110 John N. Hamilton, Ont. HARLEY DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Partj and Senrlce Bert â- K<»nn«!? 4 ill Coiless Sc. Toronto. Four-"sVeek-OId Pullets l^wo. three, four week and older pullata February hatched. Start with early hatched chicks and set tha hish prices for ens oext Summer and early Fall. I^rvs Type White Leghorns and seven other popular breeds. Send for price ItaC ICana«e:cent Quldc and catalogue and book your order now Lakeview Poultrv Farm Exeter Ontario 12j'2C Hurondale Chicks I2^c A.U Breeders blood tested, banded, and in- spected and backed by high pedigreed found- ation stock. Susaez x Kew Hamp.. Eluck X New Hamp.. Barred Rocks, New Hampe mixed I3^c. juUeu ISc. Li^ht Sussex Ulz- ed Uc. pulli u Kc. Large type Leghorns mixed Ifr^c. wu-'letj ".ic. AU heavy breed cocken>ls 4c. \feoiuai breed 2c. tl.09 per 100 dovra balance C.O.D. Order from and enclose th:s ad. Hurondale Chick Hatchery London Ontario RAISLNO CHlOXSr Special price for Uarch. April â€" heavy breed cockerels. 4c. medium weight hyhr:d cockerels, 2c. Leghorn cock- erels. Ic. SsTesteen 7e..ra hatching chicks for satisfied customers. Live arrival guar- anteed. Oet full Information. Frank Bdwarda, Watford. Ont, Rock Cockerels FOR February and March, our Barred Rocks are fast feathering and bred for llTea- abillty and fast growth. Hanes Poultry Farm. Jerseyvilla, Ont. B.\BY Chick* from an B.O.P. Breeding Farm Hatchery. It costs no mors to buy the best. Sattsf action guaranteed. Write for price Pst. Blenheim Hatchery, Blenheim. Ont. PIANOS SOLD â€" BUDGET PLAN 10 % DOWN eighteen montlis to pay. All pianos are completely factory recond'.tloned, reCinished. tuned like new. We have a very large selection of various makes Writs to- day for fanner information on terms and pianos In atock Furniture Sales Company. S21A King ^ir^rr'- West. Toronto. ADJU'STABLfl leather cartrldxs belU, It-M calibre shaUa, excellent workmanship. fl.M. Marathon Axeney. 1S40 Oerrard East, Ter- onto REQISTISRED Alaska. Ajax. Cartler aai Braver Oat«: CERTIFIED Beaooa. aaf B<Aver Oata. and Montcalm Barley: COM* 111:;RCIAL No. 1 and No, 2 Cartler. Ajax. Beaver, AlaakA, Vi-jiand. Banner and V1^ tory Oats: Galore. Barbof f and O A.C. tl Barley; COMMERCIAL No I O A.C. l« P«as. CANN'B M:ll Ltd.. Exeter. Ontarte- FAKM 100 acrea r:ch clay loam. 100 hardwood baah, good buildlnge. With ar without stock ^d Implementa. Ja St«w»n. Macnetawan. Ont. GR.\CE LIVINGSTON HILL novels. Writs t.,r ii-vr list of TS t:t!es at tl.3t ead^ Mi>Dtreal Christian Supply House. 101 S St. Antoine Street. Montrea: 3. CRAIGIELEA White HoUand PoulUl We sell pou;'.s thai live and grow Into fine sturdy cature birds for the reta.ller who wants plenty of 10 to 1] lb. drese d females, and 15 to 13 lb tome, which art most In Uns with weight demands. This breed Is naturally Iteavy lay- ers and Less susceptible to leg anj Jotni d'.seaaea Ws have had oar breeding flock Government inspected, banded and blood teat ed w'.thout a single reactor. Place your ord^i early to insure booking Cralgleles Turkey Ranch, Waterdown, Ont. Broad-Breasted Bronze Turkey Poults Reserve your order for lf4l. Ws turned down orders for 50.000 Poalts last season. Poults all hatched tn brand new special tur> key incubatora. all turkeys (no chlckii). We expect there will be more money fn turkeys In 1941 than 1947 as it Is Ukely feed prices wll. be oheaper next summer when the new crop comeii along*. Send for turkey maaa«s- ment gu^'e and price Ust and book your order for 134S. Lakevie-.v Turkev Ranch Exeter Ontario GUNS, ammunition, sxpsrt repairing, rs- blulng. high class flshin* tackle. Ted Itas- orek Sporting Goods, IM Ottaws St. N.. Hamilton. BATTERY-OPERATED Radio Set for sals. Deforest Croesley Corona model. I tubss. specially eqt^lpped with Romaco Eliminator for ns with either storags battery or dry cella New cost over UOO Make offer A fine and lasting gift Box 131. ?] Adelaide W., Toronto Lakeview Chicks for 1948 from a real laylnr and breedlnsp pisnt, over 10.000 breeders Inspected, banded and blood tested. Many customers have had years of continuous success with Lakeview Cblcka. This year it may be even more ImportAHt to buy the best. Mr. and iirs. Norrr.ah UoUard i TRUCKING TITIKET Poulta. Broad Breasted Brooss Breeders and Hatchery onder Gov. regula- tions. Wr:te for information. Ivan Uullea. Addison. Ontario. Seeds that are dependsMs for Garden Lovara. Market Gardeners: Write for our free cat- alogue. Ontario Seed Company Waterloo. Ontarlo- Four Good Buys n{ Parkhlll. Ontario, have had 15 consecu- tiva yeara of continuous success with Lake- view Chicks. Why can" t you too? Start your chicks early. There will bo a shortage of eggs next Fall and prices are bound to be higher Send for large lU-sTated catalogue and Poultry Management G'Jlde with big early order discounts. Lakeview Poultry Farm Wein Bros. Exeter, Ont. BLACK AUSTR.\LORPS R. O. P .^ red. Hatching Esei. day old chicks. DONLEY POULTRY F.\RM ROUTE 6, LONDON, OXT. BUSINESS which IncludM I Ian. trucks recently OT«rhaaled P.C.T. LlcenM for •â-¼Â«ry kind of haa'.ss.. Steady Tvorlc and a money maker. 100-ACRB P-VHV, hydro. oloM to nUa*.. lood bul'.Jlnn. bueh. â-² bar«»;n U.IOO. 1]0-.\CR3 FAJUI ud brlok houn. lood butuilnn. hydro, bnah. am hlchway. PHe. 14.500. «0-ACRE T.K.'Ril. cIoM u hlcfairay. bars asd drlveahed, hen hoaae. rood hoaae. PHe« 12,000. F.\iUI3. all t:tei. priced M eell. If intarvtad write: J. C. LON'Q. Real Es*ata Broker, Brjuele. Ont. CtKKSHUTT No. :. j-rt. 7 m. ComhlBfc ahghtly uaed. separate motor. â- koar. clean, combination in^ln bin and bassw. wa«* i-imed In on a self-propelled. I. S. Kbr A .Son. Steveaaville. (jntario. BK.\l TIFLL QUal;t>- coilles for every buyer. br..v.l.nic. compuninn nr ItveHtock. Senntbte prices. Kelmgrove K.-..nne]0. Ormatown, Qu*. 10 U' Jolietta Chopper. 15 ' Elmlru roller ami itpeed Jack all n-.iunte.! on truck. \im» ru!jl,er-tlred bucgy, 4 new tlrea. XllmM K*J.-pfer, M'.llbank, Ont FUR .--.tLEâ€" Rei.-:»ter<.Ti No. 1 Ajal Oata. sernimat:on »Scr,^. yielded SO bu. per Ar> iaat year. Alao registered HoUtein Bull. 14 mos. old. Orval ML-o,u*re. Amberatbar», Ott illiDEL .\ John Deere Tractor In .Kl condl- tio.n complete with power lift, cnttlvatar llchtji. 11" rubber. John Deere pickup baler coed .undition. two horse apring tooth c«l- tiv:itor .A'.vln I-aramie. .\mer. Ont. F.tRMERS: Supplied wholesale .Vo. 1 Ants Trees Jl.OO Cherry. Pear. StrawberrlasL R.u*pbeir:es and all p.urserj- stock at corree- pon.l.r.K low prices. Free Catalocue. Mar- fa--m .Nurseriea. Gait. Oni. TO CLE.AR, Mx eifht-pound pails amber iouey, 110. SO: 70 pounds. J14.S0. Herbert Harris. .\.Illaton. Ont. H-UBORK-^^JilBS 1 : : 1 dozen Nesrtle cla:::;>s arl rods. new. rac- ular price 136.0*) dozen. Special t:fi M dozen. 1* dozen Duradene clamps and rods, new. refular piic* IHO 00 doxan. S doaaa for l:S.OO. B pair Nestle beaters, new. re«- ulir JIO.OO pair. Special 11400 pair. Thomas Maasfield. Distributor. (I 4J Kl^ Wlll'.ani St.. Hatnilun. Ontario O.ATS, B.\RLEY, CORN "Tdu reap what you sow. ao sow the best." Ws havs your seed reQulrementa for the IIU crop y-^ar. listing all popular varlstlea «C Oats. Barley and our own grown Caaatte Hybrid Saed Com. Choose from registsrai cert'.f'.ed or commercial No. 1 tn nearly att below varleUaa. Barlay â€" Montcalm. O.A.C tl; Oats â€" Beacon. Bearer. AJax. Erbaa: Com â€" 845, I0«. 531. 355. tTI. Our am gro^m i««d stocks ars supplemantsd by good selected eropa fulflKlng grada raqulrsmssts and our standards. G«t our prices before yov buy. Place your order confidence bat placs It now. Writs L^nmedlately for pries Hat. Aler M. Stewart A Son. A'lsa Craig. Ontario, FOP» SaL^. Immediate delivery, one asv John Dova tractor. Model D. Prlos Sl,4t«. sell for 12.150. Apply Weldsn Motar Sales. Calumat. Que. THE BOOK for every horoa. sight hundrai household halpa. Two dollars, post paid. Order CO D. or wr.te Za>k Vertlleb, Bagta- bart. Ont. HAJKDRESSINO K.VRLY L'hioks pay best b..vai:».': (l^ They get into production when egg pric-^s are highest. September. October and November. (2>They get into production when the egg- feed ratio is moat fiTorable. Statistics con- sistently ahow a favorabl-? feeding ratio In far. months get mors eggs then (S) Most Commercla' poultrymen shvays buy early hatched ol-.^oks. No mttter wl.ether yoa are raising ch:ckens for the eggs they will pro- dues or to sell as broilers or roasters on the dresead poultry markets you can make more money !f your chicks are from quick ma- turing heavy laying ancestry. Tweddle's ars. We hav« been hatching good chicks for ii years. Send for frse catalogus. Day old inJ started chicks for 'mmsd'.ate delivery. Twedtlte Chick Hatcheries'.ed. Fergus. Ontar:.' BUILDING 28' x 42' .iLUMI.NUSt. NTIVISR nsada palntln*. Bractad In 10 man hours, Immadlata dellverr. In- ulre John A. Xeats Sales Co.. 21 Jarrta Street. Toronto. PINUPS FOR MEN ONLY If rou sr« 21 years of as« you may obtain our unretouohed auparb photographs of gorgeous movta stars and young profssslonai j models at one dollar par sat. Please stata I age. European Photo Services, 51 Adelaide St E., Toronto B.VRRKD Rock pullets $;;3.00 per 100. Keds. Sussex, and cross breeds, same price. B:g Husky bloodtested chicks sired by io-SOO egg cocktrels write today for prkelist and frea calendar Bg Rock Parra. MllU Roches. Ont. IT'S HENS in tha nasts thai pay tha bills. Your suv-ie:w In the poultry business de- pends on the quality of tha chicks you buy not on the ^juanttty, Because the sons and daughters of every family are judged by their fathers and mothers. It stands to reason that good breeding and good blood Unas most be present tf chicks ara to ba- coma (lual : ty producers. Tou cannot expact high tgm liU'ing qualities in your pullets un- less you have high producing parents. It is only from a strain of layers having high egg records behind them that high producing pullets coma from. We offer you this kind of chicks. We hav? 12 popular pure braeds aiid 12 hybrid crosses to choosa from, day old. two and three \vr>ok old chicks and older pullets. Fvt>» ratalogue. Top Notch CMck Sates. Guelph t>iu.irii>. MONBT MAKING bualnsM In Vlllasa asau- No. 7 highway. complsM water power Saw IfiU. HojsB and Oara«s on property. Alaa 100 acre farm. Vpply Harold Marshall. Ljni. Ont- ARMY FOLDING TABLES Oood u»ed condition. Offarad at a price far below cost, slss 72" z BO" x 10". tuit- abta for parties. baaqvaCa. clubs, shlpptiur and other useful purpoaaa. To clear St. #4 each. F.O 3. Toronto. CCD. or aaod Money Order. Advise rail or transport wheo ordering. E. BLUESTO^aB, 4t Cecil StraaC Toronto. AdeUtd* 2771. CHERRY LOGS Boufbi for cash Ont. Write Boi lot. rersus. CANVAS TARPAULINS Su'pluy. 6' X 6' â€" brass gromnieis. Usas: stack and tniplement covara. Drop clotlia. 5uR and Wind Breaks. IS.OO aach. add tVe shipping oharce By-products. *1 t^ntarlo St.. T<iron:><. COTTON TOWELS INVESTIGATE Before >uii ;l.i.e >.).;r . 1; . â- ; .':d.^r. ToJay as never bt-i'vtre it paya to bii.v quality. Galn- forth's Chicks have been the choice of par. tlcular pouUr.vmen for 21 years. Send for our free catalostla and prlca list today. The earlier you start your chicks, the more pro- fits they will make for you. We have B.'irred Rocks. New Hanipshires, Ltsht Sussex. Whl'.e Leghorn.''. L. l^us«e.x x N. Hamp.. B. Rock x N. Hamp.. and N. Hamp. a K. R^ick â€" all appro^-ed chicks from pilllorum tested breeilers. Write to Gain- torths Hatchery Bo\ 1.10W. Trenlon. On- tario. Fro<lucers of tfo»Hl baby chrcks since lit: BlfacHcl : . ined. 17'" 7 t4 00: S do:: B>"-^roduct9. • .-t; flour and ausnr ba£s. betn- 34" per dos. $2.40: 3 doaan SIO 0^. add tSc shlpplnf chsrve. US Ontario St.. Toronlci. L£AitN tialrdreaaing tha Robartaon Information oo reqaest ravardint Koberuon's Halnlreaaloa Academy, lit 4«» nae Road. Tonoto. MEDICAL DONT WATT â€" Every sufferer of Rtaei tc Pains or Neur:tls should try Dlxoa** Remedy. Uunro's Drtis Store. ISS Uftte. Ottawa. Poetpald tl 00. BOWMAN'S Rab, an effecUTs reme<r tm sinus trouble, flu. swollen fflanda. broaehitla. weak syea. swollen throat. Addraae IM Oueen St. W.. Toronto. Prioa lt.t«. HIGHLY RI COMMENDED â€" Bvery siiifSi of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis try Dixon's Remedy. Munro'e Onv Store. i?5 Eltin. Ottawa. Postpaid H.Oo. PATENTS FETHKRSTONAL'GH i Compan; FauS S<-''citors. Bstab; seed 1190. 14 KJBM WslL Toronto Booklet of Information n reguseC. PEBSOSAl "ELU-IH CXJMINQ Before Clrtrt' ful book tree UecMdo KlaaloQ, U. .M J. ST.VMPS ot all kinds bousht. pay It esMi per 100 for used El'xabetha. Barohtai« Brentford. Ont. is: UONET-VAJCI.Na plana, alK> CormalH salable products. DescrlptlTe tlteratax* PREE Elyta Company. 14i Qneaa 'Waal. Ottawa. ASTROLOOT. Palmistry. Ti Mutual IC just north ef Queen St. Toronto. W.VNTBD. farm to machinery. Can s: l3a!n. R R T. Lachi:te. Qtie WANTED TtE stock cood references. Touna Jo.^s Toronto. RABBITS R.>ber: WANTED 111!lett Avsu, taeUf -WANTED RBOISTERED NCBSXa FOR OBNKRAL DUTT â€" Llrln* soodK and aalarr rooU. Hoapltalliatlos Apply auperlntendent. Brorae-lCIselsqnet kins Hospital. Sweetsburt. Que. ISSUE 10â€" 1948 BABY CHICK BUYERS Be iiu:e, you oinler iho usual number of chiAs ih's season. We ire certain that profits will be made by vro.lucera who get â- tarted on tha right track. .Monkion PouUry P'arni is a novernment a;>p:uved farm. Our ch:ck9 sre betilthy. vigorous, have fsst de- velopment atul the necessary breeding for high aCB proUut-iloii. Write (or our cata- logue and (>rk'a list. Monkton Poultry Farina. Monkton. i>nt;irro, OYEIXC AND Cl.KAMNG ttA VK \t.i<. iiiiytbing oeetis d>e ng or clean ing' Write lo us for lnft»rmnt'on Ws are Sisd to answer your qut'stu*ns Depsrtment H Parker's Dye* Work? t ww^.i -it r.-nr. :^[reet Tfronto. Ontario ROLL YOUR OWN BETTER CICARETTiS VilTH CKARETTE TOBACCO Quite Safe The spinster, who insisted ou calling legs, limbs, askeil her maid whether she had given the canary its morning bath. "Yes, miss," responded the girl, "you may come in now." II I I I I II A COSY HOME is cosier still when you serve Max- well House Coffee. So deli- cious it satisfies completely. Expert blending assures you coffee that^s famous for smooth, mellow flavore MUTT AND JEFFâ€" This Could Be Called Dinner A La Lustig By BUDD FISHER THE â- nwow.E IS you DON'T 8rtOW I WELL,, VtoUR. 6tRL,ENeEe J WHAT ENOOGfA r-fSHOOLD ATTENT10N7 1 1 DO"?