if .JVJ91UHJII-J..UJI .WVEKRSSf^e^ ^Sm^^hS A. V t \<)L. 67; NO. 40 FLESHERTON, ONT., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3, 1948 W. H. Thurston & Son, Publishers,, United Church Notes Rer. A. G. Macpherson, Minister "The Meaning of lUe Cro««" is the sermon theme for Sunday, Mar. 7th, at Eugenia, Proton, Fleaherton. Epecial guests. < St. John's flioir practice Thurs., March 4th, at 8:16 sbarp. Eusrenia YjP.U. meets this Fri.. March 5tl>( 8 p.m., at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Burton. All the young people of the comnnimty are invited. . Proton Young People's Union will mett Sunday eveniji^, March 7th, at 8 p.m. Inistio^e Y.P.U. will be Be a free thinker, but watch your s-peech! SCARROW'S BAKERY PIES CHERRY DATE RAISIN MINCEMEAT FRESH APPLE LEMON CHOCOLATE COOKIES OATMEAL SUGAR ICEBOX CAKES LIGHT CHOCOLATE WEEK-END SPECIALS Dutch Cream Cake Cherry Cream Cake also Cream Puffs Sugar Do-Nuts Tarts, etc. Semi-Pro. League Starts Play-off Series To-night The seini-linal play-olfs of the! Semi-Pro Hockey League get away j this Wednesday night with Proton and Fleshertor meeting in the first game. The schedule ended last week, the Feversham team defeating Markdale 4-1 and left Miarkdale tied with Flesherton for third place. The draw save Markdale third place and Flesheiton fourtiu Dundalk had only one defeat (from Flesherton) in the schedule and Proton Station ended in second place. First and third place teams meet and second and fourth, the winners to be in the finals. Proton defeated Flesherton in the two meetings they have had early in the schedule and Flesherton is out to get those back. The semi- finals are best in three and the final games best in five. It shouhl be an interesting series. CEYLON Bill Stephen Graduates In RCAF Photography L.A.C". Wm. J. Stephen of Max- well graduated last w<?ek at the RCAF School of Photography. Rock- clilfe -Airport. Ottawa. Bill flew as aircr.w during the last war, and is now at 9 Transport Group. Rock- diffe. besrinn'rg his oare'er as .Aii Force photog'rapher in ground and air work. CARDS OF THANKS Phone 60 FLESHERTON i wish to thank my neighbors and other friends for cards, letters and treats; the Holdfast Fedeiated farm Women for a lovely box, for the many kind inquiries and to those w^o visite<i me in hospital, the staff of nurses and Mr. and Mrs. Gibson for their Care o^ nie at their home ; after my return from the Markdale i Hospital. t â€" Mrs. John Meads BABY CHICKS AND POULTRY SUPPLIES We are age^its for SEILING and GILMORE HIGH QUALITY CHICKS Phone your order to us at our expense As fewer chicks are being raised, this year may be your lucky year. ELECTRIC, OIL and COAL BROODERS in various sizes and makes: $19.30 and up. It will {>ay you to call and see us before you buy. FOUNTS and FEEDERS â€" small or large. Feeders have grill t<^ ; Or spinner, whichever you prefer. RANGES & ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES IN STOCK McClary, Clare Jwel and Empire Ranges Coleman Oil Heaters Sunshine and Graham Ranges and Rangettes Hot Plates Electric Irons Steam Electric Irons To*sters Electric Clocks Westclox Watches and Clocks A good stock of STAINLESS DESSERT KNIVES A.VD FORKS IN GIl-^ BOXES Silver Creams and Sugars Butter Dishes Casseroles and Trays English Dinnerware â€" 50 and 66-piece setts $26^ STROMBERG-CARLSON and PHILCO RADIOS Battery and Electric CALL AND SEE US. J. M. STAFFORD Dealer in Modern Farm Machinery Phone 4r22 FEVERSHAM .Mrs. Almeda J. Sprout wishes to thank Dr. Milne, Rev. A. G. Mac- pherson, Snow Club, friends and relatives for the kindness and synu- pathy shown me in the loss of my husband, F. S. Sproat. We wish to express our gratitude and thanks to our neighbors and other friends for their many acts ot kindness to our wife and mother during her illness, and for the kind expressions of sympathy in word and deed in our bereavement; also to all those who supplie<l sleighs and cars ^^ the time of the fiuieral. â€" Jas. Pedler and Family March lot, ami what a wonderful day! If 'Jiily our world was in tune with the gunshine. The many friends of Mi-. S. Hemp- hill are sorry t" learn of his recent illness and hope chat he may im- prove in health shortly. Nurse Smith of Feversham is in attend- ance. Mrs. C. Irish of Toronto and Mrs. E. Wright of Feversham are with their father. Mrs. Will Cairns visited Sunday with Mrs. R. Thoi-burn, Ergenia. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Matoiieli wish to e.x.press their sincere tiianks and appreciation to their many friends of Ceylon and conimunity ior their kind expressions of symiiachy and beautiful floral tribute extended during their recent bL-ieavement and loss of a-dear mother. -Miss Mary McDonald. Holstein, Mr. Alex. Stoneouse and daughter. Jean, of Priceville were recent vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Staubl-^ and Mr- Percy Stoneouse. Miss Naiicy McWilliara. nurse-in- tr.iining at the Owen Sound Hos- pital, w'as one of tile nurse? who re- cc ved their cap at the ceremony held Friday morning. One of the tirsi stages in the training has been couipleteU. We wish them all every; success as they continue training, j Mr. aii«l ^Irs. Wallace McDermic' and children of Toronto visite<i with the former's father. Mr. J. S. Mc- Dennid. and Melville over the week end. The La<lies" Aid held their Feb- ruary .meeting last Wednesday, at the home of Mrs. Wm. Gibson, with 12 ladies present. Mrs. Jas. Sin- clair ^^"^s president of the meeting. Mrs. J. Nichol and Mrs. W. Gii)son had citarge oi the program, and conducted a contest, Mrs. D. .^dums being tht winner. A lovely lunch j was sei-ved by the hostess and hei assistants. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Adams, Mr and Mrs. Robt. Rutledge entertain- ed their friends at a eucQre party in the school with 11 taijles in play. The prizes were won by Mrs. Joe Stauble and Jack Nichol. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Goessel and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jaynes \v:U en- tertain at euchre this Friday nigtdt. Messrs. Fred and -Norman Irish of Toronto spent the week end at the home of Mr. S. Heniiphill. Mr. A. E. Goessel spent a couple of days last week in Toronto. Miss Nancy MicWilliam of Owen Sound s-P>?ni Tuesday at her par- ental ttome. Markdale And Flesherton Renew Game* Thursday The Genual Ontario League play- off games bet^veen Flesherton and Markdale will continue Thui-s<lay a: .Markdale, th* latter having the edge on the Majors, with two wins to one detfoat. Tile dispute which has lasted for almost two weeks be- ri\een was fir.a!ly left to the League to settle and the referee was chosen by tie League from oustide the area. If a fifth game is necessary it will likely be played i-i Flesher- ton Saturday night. The game was supposed to have been played Tuesday night, but due to the .--tonu was postponed to Thursday night. Dundalk and SieU>ume are hav- ing an interesting series in the semi- finals. Ehindalk won the first two games and Shelbume came back strong Monday night to wn 4-3. Large crowds are attending these 'golden WEDDING OF PRICEVILLE COUPLE \,By Piiceville Reporter) Mr. and Mrs. Colin A. MacL^am of Priceville celebi-ated their gold«« wedding at the home of their son. Alex.. \1Z Halford Ave., Toronto. The couple were married Febioary 23rd. l8iMS, at Flesherto!> by Uw Ef-v. L. W. Thorn. Tl»e aride »â- • ft) merly Margaret Maclnnis. !*• attendant-i were the groom's sister, Enuua iMrs. .â- ^. Drowley). Caigary, and the bride's brother- the lat* Malcolm Maclnnis. The couple farm- ed for thirty years and then retirei to Priceville. They have been M»- long members of the Pr^sbyteriaa Church. Priceville. The faai'.ily consisted of -Allan â-². (deceased), .A_nna Mary (Mrm. J Macf arlane i . Ales, and Innie wi Toronto. Az the reception held in - tkafc honor, over seventy friends etHwl a-ames and we under.-tand that over j ^^ extend best wishes. In additio«, $S00 has been uiken in at the door in â- ,,jany greetings were received fey the three games to date. Dundalk j telegnxm and mail from We«t«ca needs another game to entar \Y^ j Canada ai'-d the United Slates. Gr* finals and Shelbume has to ^^'in lh» I bouquets of flowers added to ti» next two. Geo. Boyd and Bob Piiil- l:ps of Flesherton were referee ax: linesman for Monday's game. Bob havinsr refereed the two previous games. I wish to thank thtose who sent cards and treats to nie while I was in Owen Sound Hospital and for the kind inquiries as to ;iiy welfare, and to Mr. and .Mrs. Whyte. who nursed me on my return. â€" -LeRoy Meads Harold and 1 wish to express our sincere thanks and ;i.ppre<-iatio;i to all our kind friends for all kind- ess, treats, eards and enqu'ries whi!i> Bobby was so ill. I would like. also, to take this opportunity Of thtmking my friends and neigh- bors for cards, treats and all kind enquiries during my r'Cent illness at home and in the hospital. â€" ^Mrs. Harold Best. ST. i'ATRICK'S SUPPER Watch for the announcement oi annual St. Patrick'.* supper in St. John's United Church. -•V bank mes.'senger was held up in a revolving door - and ii-leasrd by eops even though he'd been going ni-oiind with the rohbers. ♦ * CENTRAL LOCATION Our ««nv«ni«nt legation is readily M«M«iblt by tk« dty'i leading auto- â- MbUe and atravt car thoroughfares. ^ates and Maddocks Kt 4344 feversham Public School Grade s â€" Warren Hannah i)6, Marion Fenwick 'si, Jixir; Davidson '•5. Redge Tyler 57. Gra- : â- • ":.>oVe *i2, Paul Hudson 00. Morie McMullen 50. Grade 6 â€" Dorothy Fenwick s>o. Melville Wiight To, Stanley Wright [ 71, Sadie Stewart -tS, Gerald Teelei â- 31. John Stewart (absent). i Grade 5 â€" Stephen Eby 70. J li;. ' Pedlar 75. Sinrley Wright S'l. Grade 4 â€" Cheryl Ligbt SI, Eve- ; lyn Pedler 70. Elda Teeter 62, Shir- j ley Sanimons (absentK ^ Grade 3 â€" Joan Parker 90, Genet McMullen S4, Robert Jackson J.*!. I Jobn Sled 6*.), Irwin Stewart .Vi. 'r^d j ward Smith 52. Grade - â€" Joan Short ^5, Eleanor Sled 93, Carman Wright 7.<. Grade 1 â€" Jo'nn Teeter 62, Doug- las Moore and Harvie Sam mens absent. Numbers are percentages. Elea- nor Sled winner of sta,- prize fo; conduct and spelling; No. on roll .32. average attendance 22.6. â€" Mrs. F. J. Seeley, Teacher. loveliness of the event. The dining room wag dec«rat«4 with yellow roses and white candle* and tae table was centred witfc • prettily decorated wedding eate. Presiding at the tea table during the afternoon and evening we»». Mrs. W. Walker, Mrs. F. MacPhM- son and Mrs. H. R. MacLean. A^ sisting tile hostesses. Mrs. .\lex i MacLeiin and Mrs. John Maofailaas, I were nieces of the bride and groom: Miss Esther Maclnnis. Mrs. 0. V. ! Craig. Mrs. Allan Maclnnis aal ' Mrs. J. Kenn.-dv. brief was Mrv (Intended for Last Week) The sympathy of this community is extended to Mr. E. C. Mitchell, whose mother passed away Satur- day morning. .Mtr. and Mrs. Mitchell attended the funeral in Toronto the tirst of the week. Miss Isiibel Irish. Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Vause. Dundalk. were week end visitors with Mr. S. Hemphfill and Miss Maud. The sympathy of this coinnivmity is extended to Mrs. F. Sproat and family. Mr. Sproat passed away early Sunday morning ;»fter a illness. Mrs. Harold Clark. Toronto a recent visitor with her sister Ken Stewart. Mr. .\. Whittaker, Toronto, was a week end visitor in the village. Miss Janet Campbell of Toronto spent the week end with her mother, -Mrs. Robt. Campbell. .Master .Monty Wag-ner. Toronto, is visitina; at the home of Luthier Duckett. Mr. and .M(rs. Tom Copeiand and family of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Copeiand, Mr. and Mrs. Al Seymoui of Toronto, Mr. and .Mrs. Copel tnd, Jean and Doimie. of Victoria Corn- ei-8 visited on Sunday wnth Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sin<%tir. The many friends of Miss Hildi Du*kett are glad to know that 9lie is able to return home after her re- cent operation in a Toronto hospital. Mr. Irvin WaiMj of Toronto is also a visitor at the Duckett home. The many friends of Mr. Ken Muir are glad to kno^v he has re- turned to him hfOm« after bi^< appen- dix operation in Owen Sound. Mr. and MH. Jo*n .M.William and Mr. nnd Mrs. Joe Stmble enter- tained at a pleasant euchre Friday erening, when nine taMe< wt.? in play. Winners were: Mrs. Mrfvill- Ro^rtli and Joe G9>9on. Insui-ance statistics show that women live longer than men. We've always heard that paint was a Kood preserver. Picture Show In Town Hall FLESHERTON WedneSv March 10 DUL'BI.K HILL "GAY BLADES" (.HOCKEY) Stiirring .Mian Lane Jean Rodger* Edward Ashley THREE LITTLE SISTERS Starring Mary Lee Ruth Terry Cheryl Walker S'now to commeiiice at S;15 p.m. .admission: .\dult* 36c, Children 20e Bill SHAREHOLDERS ARE A BIG PART Of 6000 TELEPHONE SERVICE The millions of dollars ueeded to install, exten«l and constantly iui|irove your tciepboiM • ystein come from the savings of 34,439 •bareholders. They own this company. 33.013 live ua Canada. Over half are women. Their su«'taine<l faith in tbe policy of pn.>vi<l- ing "the b»*!>f telephone servi^-e at th«" lowest co»«t" has enabled us to iloitble tbe Sfojif and iniT«-a>«' the \aliie idMiur lelcpboiio. This has been aofoiiipii^lx-d in the face of rising cdsts. ^ et. up to iu»v. there has Iwf'u uo iwrtras*- in basic iel«'|tb«»ne rates for 21 veare. 14^1 '^HE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA ^MS^ Okiiw/ tuul of/ftttlrJ by (.aiHuliHUf far (Mii'iJiuat