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Flesherton Advance, 25 Feb 1948, p. 1

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m VOL. 67; NO. 38 ®hje /iesliMM %ifimncc^ VUnumTON. ONT., WEDNE^A\. FEBRUARY 25, 1948 W. H. Thurston & Son, Publishers,, Eugenia Womaii'i Amoc The Woman's Association of Ba> renia m«t in the obuich on W«d., February IMh. with « fidr AMand- a»ce. Ths aiaaiUnf itm oipenad with Mrs. C. Ma«iee in thu chair and 13ie usual opMiin«r exercises. Ridl call WAS answered by an exchaac* of Valentines. CoatriSmtiona to travelling "Hanni&h" are always aff- preeiated, as it is earrisd on from one montlis to the other, and as the WJL is plaaiUng t» h|vve sometiunf Uter. Plaas 'iW nlide to hare a gt. Patrick's iodct, ' Watoh for tar- ther particulars. The aM«tinc was closed with the Miq»h benediction. The con-ect use of "lie" and "laf" also worries a farmer tmry tkM a hen cackles. SCARROW'S BAKERY PIES CHERRY DATE RAISIN MINCEMEAT FRESH APPLE LEMON CHOCOLATE COOKIES OATMEAL SUGAR ICEBOX CAKES LIGHT CHOCOLATE WEEK-END SPECL\LS Dutch Creun Cake Cherry Cream Cake also Cream Puffs Sugar Do-Nuts Tarts, <!^c. A limited number orf Flour Bags Phone 60 FLESHERTON -â- (â-  1 4 (Ti BABY CHICKS AND POULTRY SUPPLIES We are agents for SEILIMG and GILMORE HIGH QUALITY CHICKS Phone your oi"der to us at otir expense As fewer chicks are being i-aised, this. year may be your lucky year. ELECTRIC, OIL and COAL BROODERS in various sizes and makes: $1(1.50 and up. It will pay you to call and see us before you buy. FOUNTS and FEEDERS â€" small or large. Feeders have grill top Or spinner, whichever you prefer. RANGES & ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES IN STOCK McClary, Clare Jwel and Empire Ranges Coleman Oil Heaters Sunshine and Graham Ranges and Rangettes Hot Plates " Electric Irons Steam Electric Irons To«sters Electric Clocks Westclox Watches and Clocks A good stock of STAINLESS DESSER'I- KMVES AND FORKS IN GIFT BOXES Silver Creams and Sugars Butter Di^es Casseroles and Trays English Dinnerware â€" i)© and 6H-piece setts $28.95 STROMBERG-CARLSON and PHILCO RADIOS Battery and Electric CALL AND SEE US. J. M. STAFFORD Dealer in Modern Farm Machinery Phone 4r22 FEVERSHAM Ospragr Council Sets Rate For Townshqp Purposes The Osprey Municipal Council met in regualr seaaion on Saturday, Feb. 7th, and with tAie exertion of Mr. Thomfpsoin, who was absent on account of illness, all the members were preMbt. The necwsai7 By-laws, to ^pix>- priate money for road expenditure to the amount «f ^,000.00, and for the atntoiatment of Poundkie^en, Fenceviemiers and Sheep Valuers, were read the required nombar of times and passed. The Treasurer presented his bud- get for th« year, with ejqfjenditures amountincr to faS/XTiS'.OO and reeeipts of |li5,5IS.OO, which was adoipted by the Council with only a few minor changes, and if adhered to, will mean an approximate mill-rate for Township purposes of 9.1 mills, a sli»ht increase over the 1947 rate. The Clerk-Treasurer's salary came in for considerable discussion and it vvas decided to grant him an increase of $150.00 per year. The Reeve, Mr. Hale, and Mr. Moore were appointed deh^gates to attend the convention of the Rural Municipalities' Assoc, to be held in Toronto this month. The Road Supt. presented his voucher amountinigr to $1244.00. General accounts ordered paid were:- Mrs. J. Smith, care of E. MUller (for Jantsary $64j25; C. a Middlebro, account $14; R, L. Care- foot, medical services to E. Mliller $4.50; Municipal Assoc, fees $6; Ontario Association of Rural Muni- cipalities, fee $5; Osprey Municipal Telephone,, toils $5t7S; Dept. of Health, insuJin $2.17; Association of Assessing Officers, fees $10. Council adjourned to meet Sat.. March 6th, at 2 p.m. Service Club Presents List Of Contributors To Rink Ted Gardhouse Wins Flesherton Curling Bonspiel Flesherton Curling Club held one of the most successful bonspiels in their history Monday of this week, when 24 rinks took part in th« play. Ted Gardhouse rink of Owen Sound took first place with the rink of L. Tliibaudeau of Mavkdale taking sec- ond place, the Watson rink from Grand Valley third and E. McKillop's rink from Flesherton in fourth place, One of the best games of play \vas between Gardhouse and the Sohenk rink fi-oim Walkerton, the foi-mer winning 9-7. The Flesherton rink was composed of E. McKillop skip, Wm. Welton, Doug. Cairns and Ray Richards. The consolation prizes were won l)y Watt of Graml Valley and Telford of Tara. Sorn MORGAN â€" At Calgary, Alta.. on Thursday. Feb. Iflth. 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Morgan, a son. MoORACKRNâ€" In .\Earkdalf Hos- pital on Sunday, Feb. 22nd, 1048. o Mr. and Mrs. Ted McCrrtekci (M-arie Hutchinson) of Flesherton. a son. ST. .JOHNâ€" .At Mrs! Nuhn's Nur- siaii Home, Flesherton. on Thursday, Feb. l<.)th. 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Mil- ton St. .John (Mariraret Kwnhle) of Dundalk, a daughter. . Margaret Lillian. United Church Notes Re^*. A. G. .Macpherson. Minister "A Well-Balanced Life" is the ser- mon theme foi- Sunday. Feb. 2l)th, at (Euigeinia, Ini.stioge, Flesherton. Remeniiber the "Friendly; Hour" after the evening sei-vice at St. John's. Everybody welcome. Junior choir practice in St. John's basement on Tliursitay, Feb. 26th, at .3:45 p.m. CENTRAL LOCATION Our convenient location is readily sccewiibl# by the city's leading auto- mobile and street car thoroughfares. Bates and Maddocks i', ; A.:::i:, !ul Kl. 4344 Owing to the recent illness of Mr. P. H. W. Hickling, treasui'Cr of the Club, tlie matter of publishing all donations to date has been unavoid- ably delayed. Should any ovorsigiit ihave occurred in omitting the name of any subscriber from this list, it will be appreciated if the matter is braught to the attention of the fin- ance committee. On the other hand, while it has been attempted to complete a thor- ough oanvass of the village and a partial convass of the rural com- munity, it is quite possible that some may have been overlooked. In this event, donations will be gi-atefuUy received by the treasurer or representatives of the finance committee. It is with a sense of deep gratiude and aoeomplishment that we publish the complete list of subscribers to date. It reflects a pi-evailing spirit of sincere gener- osity and convmunity interest. Ad- ditional donations will be published- periodically. Official rceeir'ts will be mailed to all contvUuitor.s 4n the early future. R. J. Boyd $50, K. Alexander. Shelibume, $50; C. O. League $2(5; A Friend $25, John Nuhn $100, Bob McCJracken $7, AJex. Henderson $10, Jack Kennedy $25, F. Eagles $26, C. S. MacTavish $50, Ken Betts $50 G. MacfTavish and Son $50, M. Piper $10, York Trading Co. $10, Owen Sound Wiholesale $15, Ross Camer- on Co. $1&, Owen Sound Sun-Times $10. Owen Sound Creamery $10; An Owen Sound Creamery $10, Flesh- erton W.I. $30, Old Home Week $860, H. Milligan, former rink funds $43.40. 0. & A. Co-operative $50, B. Holley $10. Hanover Trans- Ijort SIO, Ross Stevens $3, Fratern- al Hall Board $200; Thos. Sled $2 Laura Boyd $10, Harold Best $25, S. Sutton $60, Lome Turvey $100. Geo. Best $16.95, T. Eaton Co. .?2.i. VV. Adlam $16, Jas. McMuUen $4. Keith Parker $100, Semi-Pro Hoci; ev Club $10, Robt. Simpson Go. $25. Ihirham Furniture Co. $40.96, Wilf Lever ,?15, R. Piper $10, G. McGee S5, E. Wickens $5. F. RusseU $2, B Thompson $1. M. McKinnon SI. H. Montgomerv $5. .Aitcheson's Bakerv 51. Dundalk Creamery $10, W. E. Harris $25, Dominion Auto Supuh SIO. Wm. Taylor & Sons $25, Em. T}M)msoii $lfl.20. M. Bannon & Sons S.'iO. Grafton Co.. Ltd.. SIO. Dr. R. L. rnreJ'oot .?25, A. K. Bell $5, F. W. fluncan & Son S50. M. Hutchinson 52. F. Gorrell $25. H. A. McCauI<'^ SKIO. C. J. Bclhuiiv $10, R. Andrew 525. Wes Littleiohns i'ilO. W. Hamil- lt)n $50. J. W. Cook S25, Fi-anci; Ocnoo S25, Jean Proctor §10. Jean ^IcCracken SIO. Al. Dux'tcr .S5. C v. Richardson S2. .1. Me William $5. Ivate Macmillan SIO. Chas. Adams $6, Dr. Milne $10 K. Bellerby $2, W. E. Myers S25, i' Betts $100, Les and Art Chard S25. Elmer Best $5. J. H. Duncan §5, .A,. Hill SI, H. Milligan $25, E. MtCrack en §5, A. Avis $;!. G. B. Welton S5, Uov Best $5, 1. Henderson ^, Wes MiCracken $10, L. McCracken SIO. Knvma Oliver 8H). Jas. Oliver !?10. K. J. Thuiston $2o. S. L. Stautl'er $25. A. E. Btllamv .*25. D. .Abeidein SIO. Alex, .\iberdein $10, Mrs. W. Moore 5()c. .Mrs. .]. Brown 50c, Sta^ Teeter .S5, .Jas. .Johnson S5, Mrs. E. Xiihn S5, W. A. Hawkin S26. 0. W. Phillips $10, L. Pedlar $10, Mis. G. Lawler S5. J. H. HuLc-hison S7, T. Williams S5. R. .1. FislH'r SIO, T. J. Fishei- iB, H. Fawcelt S1.5. .VloDonald Kleetric SIO, R. Park $10. VV. .MeNichol $1. .Miss .M. Al.-icmillan si, W..\. St. John's United Chui-ch â- n")0, D. Reid §10. Hon. F. R. Oliver â- S2C, John and Elnia McKinnon SI Mrs. W. J. MacMillan $.% H. Black SIO, R. Boden $10. J. Stewart $20, H. Bibby So, ('. Thistlewaite S5, J. Thistlewaite So. W. Meredith S5. G. Gorntield §2, A. Jetfery S2, Miss E. Hemphill SI, Mrs. L. Fisher SI. J. M:,L-Donald SI. Mrs. C. Thomson $1. K. Gohee^ S,-v(l. W. R. Johnson SIO. Alt .McDonald So. Miss K. Stone SIO, Dr. Park SIO, .Miss T. Hender- siip $5, J. Bwickenbury SIO, C. J. Mt-Kechnie SIO. Mrs. "Q. Park $5, Geo. Akins $25, Mi-s. Mercer $5. F. Krackeiiibury ^'i. A. Bradsihaw & Sjns S50, F. Taylor S25, G. Cairns SIO, W. J. Chard $15, D. Williams $5, W. Keinahan $60, Manjuri.s Ltd •^li^, Snrg^-Proof Ltd. $10. Rev. A. ;. M,:uinherson $25, Walter Russell 526. R. B. Hoard $26, E. J. Fishei- .S25. Geo. Boyd S50. Bo.b Phillips $26. P. S. MacDougall $26, FleshertoT Creamery $60. J. A. Richards $25, i'^ H, \y, H'! klim- .<:100. Geo. Swan- "â- - "o â-  Sp.M-ks $15. Harold Richardson .?15. H. McGce S25, Northern Trans^ioi-t $16, Alex. Millci SI. Ray Richards $26, Rev. W. A White $5. Hockey Games Retarded On Referee Dispute nhe past week has been a hectic one in Central Ontario Hocikey Leaigue circles. It all started when Flesherton went to Harkdale Wed- nesday night of last week to play the fourth game of their play-off series, but the game was not played despite the fact that the rink was packed with spectators. The following statement has been issued by the management of the Plesjheiton team: "To our supporers: An explanation is necessary as to the reason the Flesherton team did not play their game in Harkdale on Wednesday night. It was a question of referee. The Mbrkdale Club was notified at 2 o'clock on the after- noon of the game that they would not play under Mt. Hayward of Owen iSound. Two referees were appoined by the League Secretary and were Banks and Grainger of Shelibnrne, who were present. Mlark- dale would not have them, btit had gone ahead and secured the seiTices of Hayward. Flesherton made the concession that they would play with Banks refereeing and Hiayward as linesman, but tJiis did not satisfy Markdale, stating it was Hayward or nobody, hence Flesherton did not appear on the ice." Since then an attempt has been made to have the two teams play. A League meeting Friday night ruled that Flesherton be thro<wn out of the competition and this vote was de- clared illegal by the secretary. On Monday Coach Bob Phillips received a letter Xro.a L.-o--- announcing that the game in which Haj-ward refereed the week previous would be thrown out and a sudden-death game played in Markdale this Wednesday "ight. Another League meeting was held Monday night at Dundalk and the rilling -was again changed that the best in live series would be con- tinued with the standing the same (Markdale have won 2, Flesherton 1) and League referees be used. This was not satisfactory to Markdale and they still insist on outside ref- erees. They are the only club in the Ijeague that have so far insisted on outside referees. So there the mat- ter re.sts tills Wednesday morning. It seenis to us that the appoint- m<'nt of referees for the games I should be left in the hands of the League without interference by the teams, and this is the stand taken by the Flesherton club. In the previous game at Markdale. Floshei-ton protested the use of an outside referee, but agreed to play the game, although they were dis- satisfied w'th the arrangement, and for the second game they sttick to their principles for League referees, of who«i Markdale -(vould have noth- ing to do. ;iiid so the matter rests. To call the Flesherton players and management "poor sports' as was ijoiii. that night before the facts be- came known, does not get a persoo anywhere, and while we do not con- sider that we have a monopoly on sporting instincts, we do believe tliat our sporting blood is as good as can be found anywhere. The same iniys jilaying for Flesherton were not "poor sports" when they played for Mark<lale a couple of years ago, hut now apparently are, as they are on the otherside of the "fence." If the sanies are to continue, the League will have to give a definite riiiiiiig and then enfoi-ce their de- cision. Feversham Twins Have Birthday Next Sunday Congratulations will be extended- on Sunday. Feb. 2{»th, to Messrs. John an<l James Hudson of Fever- sham who will celebrate their birtlv day. It is a rare event for twins to obsei-ve their birthday on Lea,p Year day. They have always been unfor- tunate that they could not celebrate their birthday except every fourth year. Mby these two estimable gentlemen have the privilege of ob- serving more birthdays. Osprey Agricultural Society Elects Ne"" Board of Offioen The adjowned meeting of the OS" prey Agricultural Society was at Feversham on Friday last, much enthusiasm and ioterast was apparent, and all -were agreed that something could be done to place Ula Feversham Fair on a par with tfe* bast one-day rural fair. Srvrymm fraely took part in diacussion as t» what might be done to intaraat a greater attendance and attisctioaa. A new enthusiasm and interest has been a-wakened and all cau be assur- ed the new Board resire and decMfe the confidence ©f everyone in Hkm efPort put forth to improve the Pair, having in mind, also, some construc- tive movement tovrsida oonmienior- ating the boys who fought for oar defence and liberty. A Beef CaK Club is also on the agenda for tka boys and girls between 12 aad 11> of r;bich further particulars wfli 1^ givei: later. Folio-wing the discussion, a aaw board of Diiectors was elected, as follows: Hon. Pres. â€" Geo. W. Ross. Presidentâ€" Victor Wright. 1st Vice Pres. â€" Kendal HawklaSt 2nd Vice Pres. â€" Albert Moore. Sec.-Treas. â€" Dougald StephflXM. Board of Directors â€" F. Hmmial^ C. Sprott, T^os. Stephens, J. WeU> rick, J. McLean, J. Robinson. Rusaal. Bfewton. A. Buie, R. Hudson. Lady Directors â€" Mrs. G. SpTaM^ Mrs. A. Priddle, Mrs. W. Tnkst«r» .Mrs. F. Hollin^head, Mrs. Jtm. Crawford, Miss Mable Ross, Mrs. T Ferris and Mrs. A. Buie. The Osprey Pair Board awpreciats and extend thanks to one and aD who have in any -way contributed ti the success of the Pair, and look forvvard to continued po-operatioB. Two of the girls were airinw th^eir troubles. "I'd like to get a divorce," said Vhe first . "My husband and J dont. get along." "Why don't you sue him for in- compatibility?" asked the second, sympathotically. "T would if I conld catch him at it," replied the first ADVERTISING TALKS TO HUNDREDS AT ONCE P. T. Barnum once said: "If you haV4' t<>n dollars to put to good use, nut one up for the article, and the •'ther nine for advertising. I can out* talk any man but a printer. The man who can set type and talk to several thousand people while J am talking to one is the man I'm afraid of. and I want him for my friend." If you have ever been fju'oil MilhaiiennTfiency, yow know how itiipurlant it is for parlv line "parl- n«rs'' lo give each other right-of-way on urgent calls. Plea!»e clear the line intinvtiiately. PARTY LINE COURTESY IS CATCHING... Putting it into practiee on erery call you make is your best guarantee that others will do the same for you. 1. Keep colls brief. 2. Space your collt. !• Give right-of-way to emergency calls. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA

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