VOL.67; NO. 33 W^c /ljesi)^rlM %omncjt* FUBSHERTON. ONT.. WEDNESDAY. TANTXRV U. vn^ VV. H. Thurston & Son, Publishers, ^ *.*â- ' ^' Offioers Eugenia W. A. The Eugema WA. held their Jan- uary meeting, -wl^^ch inc Juried the •nnual election of officers, at •'â- - borne of Mrs. J. Oairns, on Wednes- day, Jan. 7th. Rev. Macpherson 0|>ened the meeting with prayer and presided for the election of officers, resulting as follows^. Hon. Pres. â€" Mi-s. W. Gordon. Presidentâ€" Mrs. S. Canupbell. 1st Vice-Pres. â€" 'Mrs. C. Magee. Had Vice-Prea.â€" iMrs. E. Breadner. Secretai-y â€" iMrs. N. Betts. Asst. Secty. â€" Mrs. R. Genoe. Treasurer â€" 'Ms. B. Canvpbell. Auditors â€" (Mrs. C. Magee and Mrs. R. Genoe. â€"(Flower & Decorating Com. â€" Mrs. R. MacMillan convener, Mrs. M. Ma- gee, Mrs. F. Cairns, Mrs. C. Martin. Visiting Coan^ â€" Mrs. F. Janrieson. Mrs. W. Pinkerton, Mrs. W. Gordon, Mrs. R. Genoe, Mrs. G. Magee, Mrs. C. Magee. M. & M. Rep. â€" Mrs. J. Campbell. Buying Com. â€" The Elrecutive. Organirt â€" 'Mrs. C. Martin. The meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction and a dainty hiDch was served by the hostess. ^ HAIR-R.VISING HOPES .1^ -â- :' r A<ivertisinor wasn't always as ag- gressive and unaibashed as it is to- day. Same fifty years ago the fol- lowing ad appeared in an American nefwapaiper: "The pufclic is kindly re- quested to buy this tooth brush the 'Universal Whitener." It is neither High School ResulU For The Fall Tenn FAILL TEJRIM Figures indicate percentage of to- tal marks obtained by ipupils. Names ranked in orde of tnerit except that "unranked" denotes puipils not in the regTilar course. In Grade 13, the : numlbers in Ibraokets indicate the I namtoer of subjects taken. I GRADE 13 ! Barbara Marshall (9) 71.81, Gwen I White (9) «>9.1, Erama Meads (9) 68, Betty Tucker (5) €0.4, Bvelyn Stew- â- art (9) 5i>.7, Bruce Thurston (S) ; 50, Blanche Walker (9) 56j9, Betty t Hincks (6) 47.8. Marion Stauffer (10) 46.7. GRADE 12 Mai-jorie Bumstead 83.2. Delores Joihnston !%£., Brio Oampbell 78, Barry Thurston 77.7, Jack Milne 7aj3, Eleanor S^rks 68.2, Eleanor Proctor 66.8. Joan Turney 66.6, David McGee 64.8, Bryce Benson 62j5, Eve- lyn .â- \cheson 59.8. Irene Phillips 57, Harold Nichol 56j8. Laurie McKech- nie "i^X GRADE 11 Kaye Pickles 81.3. PhilMp MteMall- en 80.4. Ruth Smith 73.fi, Lawrence I>obson 70.3. Murray Allen 695. loan Betts 66.5. Maurice Russell 64.3. Irene Porteous 60.5. Bab Falconer 56.0, Joyce Tucker 56.3, Ruth Richardson 58.8. Don Johnston 53.6s Erma Aber- dein 52.5. Ckrman Plester 52.2, Don Smith 4.1.7. GRl\DE 10 J. Williams, Eugenia, Took Chris. Thomson Passes III On Toronto Visit : In His 8l8t Year ; Editor And Wife Were ! 25 Yeturs Married Sunday St. Andrew's Churdi Holds Annual Meeting Saturday (By Eugenia Rei>ortea-) We are very sorry to report one jf our respected citizens quite ill. FoWowing an iltaess of several : The editor and his good wiie ob- (By Priceville Reporter) months' duration, CSiristopher Thorn- i served the 25th anniversary ot their j The annual congregational meet- son, a highly inspected citizen of ' wedding: quietly at th^:. liot.i.j on ; ing of St. .\ndrew'3 Presbyterian ,n the peison of Mr. J«A.e WiUiams. ; Flesheiton, passed away at his ho«ne Sunday. In looking back to that ' Church was held Saturday after- A few days prior to Ohristmas he in the village on Monday, in his , far-off tiay. we are renunded th«,t -loon, with Mr. Matthews presiding. *ent to Toix>n.to to spend the festive | 81st year. For the past two months ! time is fleeting for us. i- :d thar i: Grant Savers was secretary for the season with his daughter, Mrs. Ra^s he was confined to his bed. | was not so lotig ago. a. if. We meetaiig. The various report.< wer« The tete Ml-. Thomson was bom \ ^^«« Pi^^ntly surprised by a purs ; read %vtth each raport showing a in Osp«-ev To^vnship a sun of rh^ '^^ ^»l^«r dollars presented to us by i favorable balane on hand, late Mr. "and Mrs. William Thomson, were pieasanUy surprise,! ami gi-eat- \ The Elders are: .Vngus Hooper, pioneers of that towi^hm, where he '>" appreciative of a purse of silver : Colin McL«in. Jos McJCee Aretae fai-med aU his life until he retired : *'»«'- ^^^^^ ^^ -^^ ^"«- We MacCua.g, J. A^N.cliol. W. J. Hinck, and n^oved to Flesherton a number , '^'^ '•-"?i'^<»«' <^ ^ i^^^ '^^ '^^^^ «- 1 -'f '^'^^''^ ^'•*- ^l Managers are of years ago. He was of a quiet '^^n^'lv «hen a married couple were Alex. Stoneouse. .Ajxhur Leith. Bob Lehman. The day following his ar- rival there he took quite ill and was taken to Che General Hospital, suf- lering with a heart attack and other iilments. On January 7th. he was baken to a nursing home. We sin- cerely hope that Mr. Williams will lajve a complete recovei"y. Mr. Williams is our village black- rniith, and one that is hard to beat. Although his health bas been im- jaired for some tiime, he worked at tiis trade and two weeks prior to ^ing to Toronto shod a couple of aorses. He is in his SOCh yeao-. He las been a memiber of the church iioir here for years and is widely mown for his wonderful bass voice, iis daughter. Mrs. W. Davis (Neah) if Winnipeg, arrived in Toronto on Saturday to be with him. .Another daughtw. Mrs. Hilda Annette, re^ sides in Toronto. nature and kindly disposition, a good neighbor in time of trouble and his kindly deeds will ever be remembered by the recipients. The late Mr. Thomson wag united in marriage :5i5 years ago to Miss Minnie Spencer, wiio survives to mourn his passing. He is also sur- moum his passing. He is also sur- '\'ived by a sister. Mrs. John Spencer of Duntroon. The funei-aJ is taking p!;::-e this Wednesilay afte.nooffi. with service â- Oi his late reside :k":. ir.te'nieit to be made in the Fleshi"-<:(v<i Com>>tory Chape!. i-eaniniacin« and tlie huslian,! said ' Mclntyre. Archie MlacCuaig. Donald •Do you know, honey, wlio I would Nichol. Da^-id McEachern, D. L. Mc- marry if I had it to do over again"" Arthur and Win. Nichol. •'\o who?" -You," was the reply. Grant Sayers is the congregational "Oh. no y,ju wouldn't.' was the \ secretary. Jos. McKee Gerk of the answer. However, we don't know Session, Grant Savers pianist. Mr*, how our little woman has pot up ^^^7 Sims choir leader. Percy Sims with i!S for Che past quarter century, was re-elected as church treasurer. but maybe jt has been good train- ing for us in order foy us to reach the end >>f the next 25 years. ANNLWL MEETING OSPREY j AGRICL LTl RAL SOCIETY McWilliam - Wettig (By Ceyion Reporter) Miss Agnes Mac{^il Spoke At Pric6vflle Institute , Alexander Hoy Dies In I Toronto From Stroke (By Priceville Reporter) The January meeting of the Wo- I men's Institute was held Thursila.-' i aft'^rnooJi, with 23 present. M:'s \ f» M. iSparks 80. M. Goessel 78.8, I. better nor cheaper than most of the ; Hodgins 75.5. G. Love 731.5, W. Hawes i-^f-''^ Macphail was guest .<peak-r others In my store . . . but I think I 73.15, iBm. .\cheson 73, C. Stauffer | a"^ ?ave a very interesting c.uk on it is just as good as »ny of them and | TS.8, J. .Akins 68.3, E. Hill 68.3, G. /'Citizenship," which was pre.-itly en- I particularly recommend it because i McGee tJ7.6, D. Cam(pbell 67.6. M \ '°y'^^ and appreciated by all. The H is made bv mv nephew, who i< a| Hincks 66A ,M. MacTlavish 66.1. Y. I "•â- "â- ' <;»" ^''"^s answered by L-vm- a verv deserving voung man and | Genoe 66.6, J. LMilligan 6&.0. s^ \i^^^^- ^^tS ^er^. ^nd yiri. -WAcor^^ Fmends in Fleshertoo and Eugenia districts learned with deeip reirrer of the «udden deati^ of .Alexander Hov.. «-hieh occurred at Sumiybrook â- ^'^''" '"'"^ ^"^'^^ J<>li" .McWUliam. second son of Mr. ami .Mrs. John I The annual meeting of the Osprey 1 Ag'icultui-ai Society will be held in I the Orange Hall. Fevershaan. on A (,uiet but pretty wedding- took Wednesday. Jan. 28th at 2 p.m. pU-e on Satuj-day, Jan. 10th. at S. „.ith general business a.id election John's United Church Paisoruge. „f olficers. Flesheru.n. ui 3 PJ"-. «-hen Rev. \. _^i members of the Society and G. -Macpherson officiated at the mar- others interested in the welfare of riage of Esther Julia, youngest the Fair are urged to attend. We daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth Wittig ^vouki appreciate your interest by aj'.d the late Mr. Wittig of Calgaiy. Military Hospital. Toronto, on Sun- day ni-srht. I>eceased had suffi?red i a stroke Saturday evening. He was [ in his 6;jrd year. 1 The late Mr. Hoy was a son of the your attendance. C. SPR£)TT. D. President. STEPHENS. Seeietiirv. . , u, â€",. , ..^r^r-, ,., .1 T- »r read tho oOth P<;n.lrp ir.il '^iv^ a late Mr. and JIi's. Richard Hov ana hopes to be married soon on tihe , Hicks 6SJ3^ El. Fawcett 61.3. F. Mc- :'^'^'*° '"e .<vcn rsa.im. .in.i ^ave a . strength of it." Born HAIiL â€" In Louise Marshal Hos- pital, Mt. Forest, to Sir. and Mrs. "Victor Hall of Htflstein on Saturday. Jan. l(>th, l»4e, the giifit of a daugh- ter. Ruth Heather Card of Thanks We wish to express our sincere thanks to neighbors and other friends for tiieir expressions of sym/pathy and many acts of kind- ness in their recent bereaveenent by the deaith of Miss Kate Bellamy. MNaUen 61. G. Morrison 60.5. P Rat- "^per well prepared by Mi<=. ^Vm. ledge 6S.6, P. Davison 57.5. I. Young Meads on the motto "The measure was born almost 66 yeors ago and spent nearly ' ai? his life in this 5i5i.8, K. McKechnie 65.4. G. Porteous !of a democracy is the mei.-iur'.' of | district. He resided at Eugenia for 5i4.6. R. "Haiâ„¢753.o. A. Bett^ 47. j*^^ freedom of "its humblest ci.i:;e„T- : a number of years and later in Fie- yt land was greatly enjoyed. Mrs. Jjs. ! sherton. moving to Toronto at the jMoKee and Mrs. J. C. Harrison ren- 1 dose of the last -war. He was a : dered a lovely duet "Flo-w Gently, i veteran of World War T and acted 1 Sweet .Afton-" -Mrs. Jessie Koeritz i as a guaixi on the E:ugenia Hydro j kindly offered her home for the Feb- i property during the last conflict. I ruarj meeting. A delicious lunch [ Deceased was twice inarT-iel. H!& â- .vus served by the hostess. ?5s sted j ftrst wife, who maiden names was by Mr. Neil .-Mdcorn. Mr. J. C Har- ! Ethel Parliament, predeceased liini rison, Mrs- D. L. McArthur. Mrs. many years ago and his second wife. a %\'hytte 46-3. L. Hobnes 46.1 Betts unrtinked. GRADE 9 Joan .Avis 68.4. Marilyn Lawler 86.8. Marie White 86. J-une Meads 84.2. Clayton Porteous 84, Elaine Cook 8:^.2. Doreen Buokton 82.4. Ruth Phillips 79. Milford Loucks 78. Don- na Trask 77.4, Sheila Foiibes 76, Betty Weatheiall 73.6, Eldon Fawcett 73.4, Jane Fawxett 73.2, Phyllis Brown 70.6. Mae Russell 6^.2. Evelyn Wea- therall 6!), Robert Betts e7J8. Isabel Croifit 65.6, Anne Chappelle 65.2, "nie Bellamy Family, j Marion Pickles 65. Gordon Helmkay 62.7. (Shirley Cairns 6I16. Leon Hill 61. Redge Dobaoti 68.8, Goldie Atkin- son 57.6, Clarence Young 56.2. Loma Bowles 55.6, George Proctor 65, Jean Boyce 48.8, Ross Loucks 48.4, Jim Adamis 47.6. Doris Lepard 47.4, Mark Wilson 48.2, Delbert Lepard 42.6, Jim Soddart 41. G«rent Hamilton 36. Moody. Mrs. W. Phillips Passes Engagement The engagement is announced of Nathalie .Vtary, younger daughter of Mr. T. H. Patton and the late Mi-s. Patton, Fleshei-ton, to Earl Melvin, only son of Mr. J««. E. Russdl and Ithe late Mrs. RusseaH, Flesherton, the marriage to take pbce quietly on Saturday, Jan. 24*. «* 3 p.m.. in Bgerton Street Biaiptistt Church in London. Ont. Saturday Night Is Hockey Night In Flesherton In Memoriam iSatui-flay nijijht of fihis week i« hockey i,igiit in Flesherton, tbe op- position being Erin, a team from the south, wiho are travelling along strong at the present. This will be a rC'al gaane. The Flesherton i.eKm is travelling wide open and t5<ose <rBNOE â€" In loving memory of iMrs. Dsvvid Genoe, who passed away January I2th', 1946. God knew that she was suffea-ing, l^hat the hills were hard to cliniib, cJd stars of yestt-ixlay are rounding: So He closed her wearj' eyelids into shape, and will dish up some And whispered "Peace be thine." ' cix)iwd-.pleasing hi-vkey. Don't for- â€" .Sadly missed by Husband and ! get Saturday night, Jan. 17tb: Len-^ Daughter, Dorcxthy. your voices h>ud and sitrong; ths team will pay you dividends. Game Suitor whose maiden nanhe was Winnie Maunder, sut^ives to mourn 'nis piissing. He is also survived by ar. adopted daughter. Mlabel. who is Mrs. Wilfred D. Phillip passed! niarried and residing in Toronto. He away on Friday morning, Jan. 9^.\ "s also sui-vived by tJvree bi-othe:? in the Owen Sound hospital, in her ' Charles and Finlay of Toronto and ei.^t year. She had been ill since last j Albert of Sc«tsgu-ard. Sask.. an 1 bj June and been in hospitiil since the! "»«â- lister. TilHe (Mrs. R. J. Phillips) day after New Y'ear's, where she was j of Toronto, moved from her home at 841 ..tbi The funeral is taking place thi.« | p„ " [ ^j^ .-Vvenue East. Owen Sound The lato Mrs. Phill'ps was born in Rondeau. Mich., and was the eldest daughter of the late John Hopps. .\s a small girl, she moved to Flesherton and made her hoane with the late Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Clark. She was married to Wilfred Phillips, a CA'.R. engineer, and they later lived in Palmer.iton and then in Hamilton, going to Owen Sound to reside about eight years ago. Thursday afternoon, interment to bo made in Toronto. McWilliam of Ceylon. i The bride looked (..banning in a floor-length .gown of ivory pink satin with fingertip veil and earned a binuuiet -of pink swt-ethean rose buds and 'muans. Miss Nancy McWillam. sister of tihe groom, was bridesmaid and wore a gown of turquoise blue sheer, carrying a bouquet of pink carnations and 'mums, Mr. Chas. McWilliajn, Toronto, brother of the gixioni. wt-as best man. -â- ^fter the ceremony, a reception was held at the ho«ne of the groom's parents jn Ceylon, w^iere the ^i-ooni's mother. Mrs. McWilLiam. wekwmed the guests, in a gwvn of black, with gold trim, and wearing a corsage of American Beauty r<>se buds. The bi-ide's table was tastefully decorated in pink and white, and centred with a three-tiered wedding cake. .Assisting in pouring tea was the groomi's gi-andmodier. Mrs Hexton. who is 85 years youiig, also Mrs. Joseph Stauble and Mrs. M. Invin. The h«ippy couple will reside in Winnipeg, wltere the gi-oom is a he RC.AF. Aii Willis - Johnson United Church Notes Rev. A. G. Macpherson, B..\. Minister On Sunday, Jan. ISth, the Siicru- nent of the Lord's Supper \vill be >bsei-ved in connection with the ser- .•ices of worship at Eugenia (U a.m.i Inistioge (3 . pju.' and Flesheitou Mrs. Phillips was a Past Matron of |(":30 p.m.). the Order of the Eastern Star in i Annual meetings of the congrega- Phlnierston and was a nien»ber of U''""* as follows: St. John's, Thurs.. the Owen Sound Chapter. t '»"• l^th. at S p.m.: Inistioge. Mw.. Surviving her are two sons and I -Jan. i;>th, at 2:30 pjn.: Pi-oton. two daugtei-s. They are .Mildred 1 \\"<^tl- -Ist- at 2:30 p.m. All mem- (Mi-s. John Faichnoyl of Burlijigton; | Ihts .m.l adherents are ur-red to be Elda (.M^s. Lloyd Castle). Torxnito: Present. Richard, of Detroit, and George, of ^St. John's choir nractice Thui-s.. Traffic. Guests from a distance at the weii- ding were: .Mr, and Mrs. Chas. M<c- William of Toronto. Mr. Geo. Math- e^vson and Miss Pauline Gilliland of Hamilton and Miss Nancy McWilliam of Owen Sound. 'Is Mary your oWc* $ia- starts at 8 p.m., with skating after j Toronto. Two sisters. Mrs. Edwin 'â- '-muary l.>tK at 7:30 p.m. sliarp in « * « « « 1 * I ter?" j the game. Kid Brother â€" "Yep." j iSuHor â€" "And who conaes arfter With the present situation r««ard- her?" â- >"K 'n'lil^ ^o confused jiibout the only Kid Brother â€" "you and two otfier ; factors in the dairy industry which g-uys." I Stafford of Berkeley and Mr.s Fred Stafl'ord of Berkeley and Mrs. Fred he church Iwsement. St. John's W.M.S. meets Friday seem contented are the co-wa. Wise Men WUl Buy Their Seed Early .\ stood cn>p of seed was pnxluced in r.MT. but the demands upon it wMi Iv e.'^eiltional. arniei-s have i leanieii the vjiluc of good seed and I its iniiportance in crop produc'I'^n. : That in itsflf has increased the i-'- I mand tremendously. Moreover, ho- I cause of price incentive and the ex :!eni|» n<v<l the production nrogr:!in i'V 1!'4S will be an all-out one and it ; will semi faraiiers hither and yon in seiirch of seed stocks. Finally, poo to mourn. There seven grandchildren. Tan. ItUh, at 3 p.m. in the church | ^j^p^ j„ ^^y areas, both east and The best pictures of health are not the h-indspainted variety. -'MM* a; :^|pi; |z: CENTRAL LOCATION Oiu" convenient location is readily accessible by the city's leading auto- mobile and ttreet car thorouehfares. Bates and Maddocks FUNERAL CHAPEL -i24Aveni!t: Rd. Kl,4344 mmm >asement. Kiigenia Young People's I'nion is to meet on Friday. Jan. Iti. at S p.m, in the h<inie of Mr. E. Pnx-tor. St. .Tohn's Young .\dults' Club is to meet Sunday evening. Jan. ISth, at S:30 p.m. in the parsonage. west, have created an unusual <• 'â- • ilition. foiving many growers to pur- chase seed for next spring, whei- ordin-irily they wouUl have enough and to si:?are. There is. likewi.se, a his demnnd for seeii across the border, espec- ially for northern grown seed .stocks, .-ind the movement is a jrt more free this year. The grower j is held, must ht> permitted to markpt Tf they are not wante<l k quiet wedding took place on December 20th. at 4 p.m., in Park- dale United Chuix-b. Toronto, when Bernice Isabellie Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Johnson, ^ring- hill, became the bride of Mer%-ille Roy Willis, son of Mrs. and the late Herib Willis of Calabogie. Out. Rev. G. K. McMillan officiated. The bride wore a street-length blue wool dress with black accessor- ies and corsage of pink roses. She also -wore the gl•o<^mâ- s gift of a stri«^ of pearls. Tlie bride was attended by Miss Lorna Willis, sister of tlie groom, and wore a blue crepe street- length dress with black accessories and corsaire »f innk iiises. The ^rtiom was attended by his friend. Hai-oid Wright, as groomsman. The groom's gift to the bridesmaid were ear rings and to the best man a lyaXA tie clip. .After the ceremony, the party di-ove to the home of Mr. and MH-s. Thos. Kelly. 178 Ralmerston .\ve., where a reception was held. The host and hoste.«s were assi.sted by Mrs. Geo. Bushey and Mrs. Mclsaac. The couple are residing at S Seaforth Ave.. Toronto. ElGENlV MEETING SATURDAY ON RINK QUESriON â- ^ meeting of the Eugenia L'nited Church Trustees will be held in the church on Saturday. Jan. I7th. at 7 P-m.. for the purpose of discussinjr the use of the she»i for rink purpos- es. .411 interested please attend. â€"J, Campbell. N. Betts ad Garnet Jfagee. Trustees. ^iiMftum The e.Hptain of the ship once wrote in his log. "Mate w«s drunk to-d.-.y," When the ^late heoame normal. ! his goods, he was terribly chas:rine<t and <»n- j by C.imd-an farmers fh.>v will be irry: he pIo:!dpd with the Capt:iin tc exiported and that movement wil! strike out the record: he declyrpd .take place rturing the winter months that he wonlrt never been dtnmk be- f -re. ,nml tluvt he wom!,{ r'nvr dr'-nk again. But the Owwtfltn snid "T" f>>'« 'i - ^-., w ,.;•.. i^,> e-'-.rr \-.-'->a " tsiij. was sober to-day." â- so the i>roduc(\rs c>f good .'eed will ntM I>e teift with mi-idiic-t on ^hoir hnnds whe-n seenlinp- ;<» done. .-.V. •>,,-• ,v-rl,? -et <o--"- :vh' -::t.'. - their pwr<#»«<!e« at an early da+e. WE ARE A NONPARTISAN NEWSPAPER...BUT,WE WILL ALW/SP/S "STOMP*! FOR ANY WORTHWHILE! COMMUNITY P^ECt) M*' XlPlSENS.^ ~^t-^ ^I-S ,»cH! Wu.*.- ««3(£ut42.i(