.'"5 ^ 7 - -4 1.. 4 A I No Dust Bowl Here â€" Most Western Canada farmers have quit plowing, instead, tiiey turn the land over shallowly with a "oneway disc" and keep the mulch at surface of the soil. The "trash" â€" straw, stubble and greenery â€" they put into the soil is good fertilizer, and also keeps it from blowing away. Sports - And One Thing or Another By FRANK MANN HARRIS == ("A Sixbit Critic") = Ontario Bees May Summer In North The people of the United States claim â€" perhaps rightly â€" to lead the world in most lines of human en- deavor. Some of those claims we might be inclined to cliallenge just a trifle. But wlicn it comes to slopping over into sickly sentimentality, we freely admit they are tops This somewhat acid thought comes to mind on reading a front-page story to the cttect that the race horse MAN O' WAR is to be embalmed, then buried in a silken-lined oak coffin â€" and that the city of Lexing- ton, Kentucky had gone into mourn- ing over his passing. * * * Now MAN 0' WAR was un- doubtedly quite a race-horse â€" al- though by no means the unbeatable ball-of-fire some of his adulators would have you believe. We saw him'run a couple of times ; and while we make no claim to be a real judge of horseflesh, we had an idea that some of his superiority was due to the fact that he didn't have so very much to beat. To us he calls to mind the ancient saying "In the country of the blind, the one-eved man is king." » * .* How,ever, he caught the public fancy; and his owners were smart enough to retire him at the peak of his lame. Whenever some sports cobbler found himself down Lexing- ton way, and short of something to write about, he would turn out a piece about "Big Red" â€" and so the horse became something of a legend during his lifetime. Still, stuff like "Man O' War did more for this com- munity than any other creature, human or animal." Silk-lined coffin! Black-ribboned floral wreaths in shop windows. Twenty gallons of embalm- ing fluid ! Maybe we're a bit too squeamish but, somehow or other, it all gives us a sickish feeling. * » ♦ 'I'hcrc are ma»-y nho hail the abandonment of price controls as a triumph for the system of free enter- prise â€" and personally ttv believe that there is just as great danger in too much governmental control as then is in too little. Still, if there were only one solitary occasion when droppimi of controls ivas followed by a drop in prices, instead of an immediate increase, it would be a rather pleasant change, and a boost for "free conipelilion" as zvett. * » « By '.in means lor the first time. Conn Sniythe has proved himself to be just about the most far-seeing operative in hockey. I'.vcrybody else connected with the game recognized the sorry plight of the Chicago Black Hawksâ€" hilt the Maple Leaf boss was the only one. apparently, who foresaw how the Hawks weak- ness might eventually prove bad for the entire league, and did something about it. For in a small group like the N.H.L. one bad team could be as dangerous as one rotten apple in a barrel of good ones. j * * » But with hockey business as good as it is. and folks fairly falling ovi r thenisehes (o get litkets, cverybotN else just sat still and let the Black Hawks St'.; (lily become more painful to walcli. , I'ut now Smythe has pro- vided ihiTi V. ilh what looks like the makings oi an entirely new team - and before too long this move should prove of real value, not only to Chicago, but to the box ofSccs of all ether five teams. « « « We wouldn't advise you to fee! too sorr}' for Smythe either. While he has done his good deed toward the Hawks, we don't figure he has done too badly for his Maple Leaf* cither. In getting Max Bentley he has made the Toronto team just about a cinch to repeat last year's triumph â€" for if Bentley could be one of the league'i outstanding performers in his Chi- cago surroundings, he should rise to real heights with the sort of support his new teammates can give him. It will be interesting, too, to watch the future career of Rookie Cy Thomas, tossed in with Bentley as part of the five for two swap. For it is just within the bounds that he might turn out to be worth more than all five Leaf* involved. We're not saying he will â€" but it could be. We have said some harsh things about Conn Smythe in the past â€" and probably will be in the future. But when it comes to evaluating the fu- ture possibilities of a hockey player, we rate him as topsâ€" and would hate to try and swap with him, even if he gave us the first three picks. * * * Riding on a bus the other morning we happened to sit next a High School teacher of our acquaintance. Thinking to cheer him up a little, we read him a few lines appearing iu that day's paper. "Next to the Church, the teaching profession is the highest calling in the land. On our teachers, to a great extent, de- pends tlie whole life and nature of Canada." .-Vfter informing him that these were the words of the Premier of Ontario, we asked him if such nice things didn't make him feel proud. "They'd make me feel a lot better." he replied, somewhat bitter- ly, "if my grocer or coal-dealer would accept them in place of cash!" ♦ * * Probably . tu've heard this one before, but if you have, you're not going to stop us anyjvay. It's about the Sunday School teacher uho was talking about different sorts of thirsts. "Some people thirst after righteousness." he said, "others thirst after learning, wealth, fame or ex- citement. Notv. just what do you boys thirst after?" From the back row piped up a small voice â€" "Right after salted peanuts." Of passing interest to those in Northwestern Ontario is new* from the Ontario .Agricultural Col- lege that in the future bee.s may come north with the birds in the spring. The district of Temiskam- ing and Cochrane have already ex- perienced the migration, several thousand colonies having been moved up there by truck this sum- mer, says the Fort William Times- Journal. It is expected that about 10,000 colonies will go north in 1948. The transference of bees is not new in the United States. From California, bees are moved thou- sands of miles each year, following the various honey crops. The first is the orange honey in the south, ending up with the clover flow in the north. The new trend in Ontario is in- dicated by the fact that the produc- tion of honey has not proven pro- fitable in several sections of South- ern Ontario. By bringing the little workers to the north, the beekeep- ers can obtain a crop from the clover during July and then move to the burned-over areas for fire- weed honey during August. Sugar is one of the purest chem- ical substances known to man. That's Different Pat: Lend me a shovel to get my friend out of the bog. Fanner: How far has he sunk down? Pat: Up to his ankles. Farmer: Can't he get out him- self? Pat: All. but he fell in head first. EXPORT CANADA'S FINEST CIGARETTE Classified Advertising ATTEM'IOM tARMERH PX^R bALE â€" Tracior T;res, made ot rubber, suUablu for boUlns on steel wbeela. ll».00 each, reai wheels: l~ &0 each, front whe«ia. When onjer'-ns atate diameter and wtdth of wheflB National Rubber Co Ltd.. t Wilt- shire Ave.. Toronto. Ont UC'81NeSi> OlU'OBTUNrflES A.N OFFER to every inventor â€" L.ist of inven- tions ar.d full Information sent free. The Ramnny Co.. Replaterprt P.Ttent Attorneys 173 BnMk S<ri*ei. Ottawa INVENTORS l-ei us htlp you sell that Invention We comae: huiidieda of f.rrns vTaitine for sooti ideas. Burntwood Agency. 268 Keewatin Ave.. Toronio BABT CU1CK& WE h.ivtf a ffW rt-.uly lo iay imlli-t/*, ask for list. If you want N"ovetnber-De-?f!nt>er rh*<-ka. order now. Bray Hatcher:'. ISO John N. Hamilton Ont. ORDKK ii.HV for 194S. pouUa. egca, br'H-Jing fltoi'h Bi-o.-id Breasted Bronze, the famous Janes Bar Strain Texas. Gov't, approved. Bloodtt-sted and banOed, Membera of hatchery approval and O.TA. Winners of ffrand champion lurkey of ihe show dressc-d at all t'jrlvvy slow. Windsor. 1?46. Brown's Poul- try Farm and Hatchery. Dut-.on. Ont SEi.TPE the pullets you need now. 15 weeks to layinc: White Leeborns, Barred Rocks. New Hampshirea. Wliiie Rocks. Light Sussex and many other popular breeds. Alto day old cb'fka. Free cataU»eue. Top N'otch ('hi*k '-*.ilr-,s. Guelph. Oritarro BABY CHICK BUYERS Bo ct^nam that you buy good. healthy chicks Uus coming aeai^on. Insure delivery date by placing your order cow. All breeders Government banded and puUorura tested. Write for our 19-lS catalogue and price list. MONKTON POULTKY FARM MtlNKTON. (»NTAR1(I Et;<,i.S ure itbcmt the bvat paymg thaig on the farm. Fill up your pt-ns wjth choice pulleta Ifi weeks to laying. Barred Rocks. New Ham!>Bhires, White Leghorns. White Rocks, Light 3':ss.-x. Alao day old chicks for im- media-" .111(1 apr:nir delivery. Free catalogue. Twp'i.iK- ClilrU ?Iatcbe::.'s Limited. F-rsrua. Ontarrti. DYEIMO A^fD CLSANtNG HAVE YOU anytli.ng ne-'ds dyeing or clean- ing? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your questions. Department H. Parker's Dye Works L!miled. T91 Tonge Street. Toronto. Ontario. OPPOKTI'MTIKS FOR WOMEN EARX MONEY AT HOME Spare or full-lime money-making! Learn to rauks cunily at home and earn as you leam. Correspoiiiit-n' e course. National Institute of Oonfeciioner>" Regd.. Delt»r:n)ier. PQ. Box IG::. Montre*]. Quf. PATBMTB I'ETHERbTONALGH & Company l^atent Solicitors. Established 1890. 14 King We«t. Toronto. Booklet of mrormation n requt^t. PKRSON AL THE key to tbf vVrt of < "on' en t ration and memor;?:HiK. Part 1 and 2 by Saralden Ph.D. $- oi>. Lagarde. Box 1474, Place D' Amies. Muntr'^al. PHOTOGKAPHY CRISTMAS CARDS FROM YOUR OWN NEGATIVES 20 FOR $1.00 The moat dittuiiciive Christmas Cards yon can get . . cards friends will treasure Send U3 your favorite negative. We'll return 20 attractive greetuig cards 6S X 4*4" with your "snap" (from one nega- tive) printed on and matchmg envelopes On :-color folder card? Jl 50 dz On fold- er cards with photos colored J.". 50 d*. Any size rol] 6 or 5 developed and printed 30c. Reprints from your negatives 4 cents. DEPT. M STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129 Post office A. Toronto WANTED WANTED tlocka to supply us with batcbiay exes fur the 1948 hatching reason. Flocks culled and btoodteiited free. Guarantea pr» nnum plus hatchabillty premium paid. Ala* wanted to purchase cockerels suitable fiar bre^-dme. For full details write Tweddle Chlcft Hatcheries. Limited, Fers iis. Ont. JOBBERS. Contract with some reliable flrOL to make small wooden furniture. Orde»« also taken for individual pieces. WHta â-². ' •. M-Carvey. Or r\'iHe. Ontario. HAY BALERS â€" 7RT OCR WO<3D LABELS for marking Bala Weights. Price <0e par M. f.o.b. here. Put up In sacks of 6. 00*. Samples sent on request. The Bale L«Im1 Co.. Malmaison. Que. WE art- interested in the purchaiie of diT lumber One. two and three inch spraoa. r(-d and white pine in number four and l»et- ter. also two and better hardwoods. When replying give full particulars of stock sad loading point, aa well as prices and quontltlea of each spi-cif'.^. D. B. STAPLETON ft CO. Centre Theatr" Bldg.. Ottawa . Ont. TLRN VOUR BAGS into cash. Wanted â€" Coi- ton and 'ised bags of every deocrlptlcau whole or torn. Highest cash prices paid, tiom- don Bag Company. London. Ont. ITCH CHECKED «or Mone/fiuBck' WANTED WANTED â€" a:1 kinds of dressed poulto' Top j prices for top bir^ls. Joseph Cooper Limited, Poultry Dept. ::0J4 Danforth .\ve.. Toronio | 6. (We do custom grading.) For qtiick relici :rom Itching caused by athlete's foot, scabies. iBmpleaand othcrlti conditions, 'i^^e pir^. i'>olip.e. medicated,' D. D. D. PRESCRirnOrC Grea»el. ttainiess. &>jt;ies. cumtons and qulckl Intense itching. Don't suticr. A?fc your today for P. O. D. f fCESCRimON. FOR SALE QL'ILT PIECESâ€" Hand size and larger all laid flat. Cotton prints and stripes. Four C4J pounds for $1.00. Guaranteed or money refunded. Free â€" 16 quilt patterns and instruc- tions. Free â€" Detailed carpet knitting insiruc- tons. Large quantity cotton, aiik. wool under- wear, towelling remnanta â€" full widths, up to 5 yds. long. For full Information write Asso- ciated Converters Tnc. 4084 St. Lawrence. Montreal. WOLF, Fox. Mink Trappers use only the best, complete Byatera. Fishers trapping course and gland scents. Full particulars. A. K. Fisher. Box 420. Calgary. Alberta. H.\RLEY DAVIDSON -MOTORCYCLES Parts and Service. Bert E Kennrtiy & Son, 419 College yt. Toronto. JOHNSON Iron Horse ensmea. H H.P. 151.46 1.34 H.P. 170. 00. Immediate delivery. Cur- rey Bulmor, Eslinton k Batliurat. Toronto. SHELLCRAFT SUPPLIES Beginner's kit â€" Contains enough materials to malto Ave complete brooch and earing seta. complete with Instructions and diagrams. J-.SCi plus Ijc postage. Complete line of shells and accessories. Free catalogue. Dun- Dee Shellcraf t Industries. Dept. S. F. . Box 3. Station K. Toronto. PLUiMBING FIXTURES Cast Iron built-in baths â€" Lavatory Basins â€" Compact toilets â€" Soil pipe â€" Septic tanks. Kitchen Sinks â€" Oil burnins ranees â€" Space heaters Everything In stock â€" Immediate delivery. Plumbing and Heating Division â€" F. T. Hill Co. Ltd. â€" Orangevllle. Ont . PURE BRED White Silkies, one blue Peafowl male. Mabel E. Love. Smith Falls. Ont. LADIES white pui)lln Snioclt aailforizid. prin- cess stylo, popular make, sizes; 14 to 20 $3.50 each postpaid. Refund guarantee. Garry Sales Co. Bo.t IK. Station o. Montreal. REalSTKIlED Black Labrador Retriever Pups. 5 months old, Ed. Cribb, Brownsburg. Que. TRAPS, and Trappers' supplies at attractive delivered prices. Write for free price list. Metro J. Sass. Bear Line, Ont. FOR S.VLK Watchman Stops Runaway Horse In Heart of School District WINS DOW AWARD ROOFI-\G â€" SIDING Xlummuni roofing and siding gives you life- time protection at the lowest prices In history. Flat, corrugatoil and rolls, prices 17.75 per lOO sq. ft. and up. Write for price Hat. Newson St Campbell Co. Hamilton. OnCa^'io. SHOB Repair & :>hoe :>hine, small stand lor two persons. Fully equipped, all new machini'ry. Good stock in leather & rubber. Situated in the business block of a city, over JlOO weekly turnover. Can bo seen till 9 p.m. $.1.1'00 or best offer. For particulars Wfite Port Colborne Shoe Repair, \\ Charlotte Street. Box 576. Port Colborne. Ont. BAlRDBSSSINa LfiAR^i HalrdresslHK the Robertson method Information on request regarding classes Robertson's Halrdreaslng Academy. 137 Are nue Road, Toronto. HKLl' W.VNTKU HOL'SlilvKEl'pR lor farm, convenient to Toronto, adults, good home. Box 149. Room 421. 73 Adelaide "W. Toronto. MBDICAL GOOD advice! Every sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Klgln, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. IT'S important: Every sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 235 Klgln. Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. OPPURTUNITIKS FUR WOMErs BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opiwrtunity Lea^n Halrdreaslng Pleiis.mt dignlrted profession, good waires thouBHnds successful Marvel graduates America's greatest system, llluftratod rata- loguo free. Write or Call M.\RVEL HAIUDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branches 44 King St.. Hamilton * 74 Rldcan Street. Ottawa ALEX RAiNVILLE of Montreal performs daring hat to prevent accident The corner of Lafoncaiae aod Letourneux streets is ia the eastern section of Montreal. There are three schools in the yicinity and around 4 o'clock of an afternoon the sidewalks are crowded with children on their way home. Alex Rainville. a night watch- man employed by Canadian Copper Refiners Ltd., immediate. ly tJiought of these children when he saw the runaway horse ... its eyes frightened and cnuy . . . galloping at a terrific speed along Letourneux street. DRAGGED 150 FEET Realizing that not a moment was to be lost, Rainrille dashed into the street just as the mad- dened animal came opposite him. Lunging fearlessly at the horse's harness he managed to grasp one of the reins and hang on grimly . . . using his full weight in an e6fort to slow the wild charge. It was only after a desperate fight . . . and after being dragged about 150 feet . . . that the gallant watchman suc- ceeded in stopping the animal. POSSIBLE TRAGEDY AVERTID Had it not been for the quick thinking and cool courage of this man, the episode might easily have ended in tragedy. We are proud to pay tribute to Alex Rainville of Montreal through the presentation of The Dow Award. THE DOW AWARD ij a citation for outstanding hero- itm and includci, M a tangibU expression of apprtciatiim, t Jioo Canada Savrngi 8on<L Winner! art selected by the DoKi Award Commirte*, * group of editors of leading Canadian iJaily newspipert. Rainville immediately thought of thi danger to the school children . . . and rushed into the street to tackl* the bolting horse. After being dragged 150 feet, th« watchman finally was able to calm the horse. A serious accident â€" possibly a tragedy had been averted. ^^«« F«CI Nothing else you can buy flLr.^ has tho «nmo Internal »c- * â- » •" 'ki' tion „ PTLTONK PILB RKMESny. This liquid (takoii by mouth) la compoundi^d from Rpecial Balsamaa. Oums. and riant-Kxtracts. It K«ta r«- ; ults becauso it soes diroctl.v to tho In- tern.Tl cailne of PiIpb. Thnfn the reason for Ita aiii'cesa on the most stubborn I'Hsev. This modern way ot treating that Internnt trouble si'tii roaulta that Imt. Ono boiila ot PYI.TONG I* anough 'it prove Ita healing power or price re- . smiled at once. That'a our guarantee no witter bow long standing your case may Your DiugKist has It; or can order .; tor .voii. MUTT AND JEFFâ€" Jeff Got a Job as Professional Radio Lauirlier So He s Saving 'Em Up By BUD FISHER .•AND AKV MCfti /V MI9TAKE6 LIKB THIS I V<W CM LOOK 1«0R Jgf F, TrtE BOSS IS IN 600D rtUMOR.' He wants us all It4 TP rifAR SOME COKES AGAIN' 60 THE WIFE SAVS,'WHVJOE, I'M ALL REAOy NOW/ 1 TrtOUSHT You WAS DRESSED AND WAITING HA HA^HA HA0eTo^lT^J^»3°p«^S?i)^ WHILE 1 Si\MBp<FaiX^?^^ AGAIN.'* r^s^ ^i^m IV -so I SAYS, 'I WAS, DEAR, BUT YOU'LL WELL, WHY AREN'T you LAUGHING? .^*S> 1 DON T HAVE TO ANYMORE.' I'M QUITIISS .PAY D/W.' '^f^S^ ^