1 j» # r k f â- * >â- ••I- p- <^ ^ * » -*• Â¥- •4 f <: < >- â- «•- % -*.•• *> .; '^ < >- A ^ « -*- ^ X • 1- % 4> â- St 4 4 â- S5» > 4» Ik 9- ^ I > « I « f I • ^ I *** I A ^ I ^ « I » ^ I '^ 4 I « 4 â- "^ TEENTOWN TOPICS BE=By BARRY MURKAR = Vince Lunny, columnist and feature writer of the Montreal Standard, in a re- rent issue, blames llie radio for crimes and atroci- li -s committed by (he youtii of our country. He men- lioncd tlie two young men con-' iiccted with a bank robbery at Pickering with whom we had the pleasure (?) of riding to court, who were sentenced to seven years in Kingston Pen. Mr. Lunny fail- ed to mention that every daily newspaper in the country splashes its front page with the most grue- some stories and pictures it can find and this too, may give the younger set some of the hair-rais- ing ideas they get. However, Mr. Lunny is a member of the Fourth Estate and naturally he has his limitations in his remarks. Free T-B Tests Great Stuff Owing to the fact that many lowns and villages throughout On- tario will receive the free T-B tests campaign that is currently on the go, we are asking for the co- operation of everyone â€" especially the teen-agersâ€" to make these cam- paigns a success. Most of the adults realize how important this free check-up is; but some of the kids, thinking they are in perfect health, just don't bother. This test may be a guarantee that you will have a future â€" be sure you heed the call when it comes. Lucky Little Ladies, You! Two lucky httle girls in the news recently were Marjorie Norman of Erindale and Judy Schopf of Owen Sound. Marjorie, who is 15, won the gate prize of a beautiful pony at the Cooksville fall fair a few weeks «go. She will call him Jo-Jo and says that she has wanted a pony of her own since she was a Httle girl. Judy defeated all contestants in a beauty contest to win the title "Miss Owen Sound". This event was held at the annual fall fair too. Runners up were Owen Sound girls, Jackie Ruck and Doreen Bye. All these girls in their teens are well known in their respective com- munities and their popularity will no doubt leap to greater heights â- with the recent awards they have 'won. Good Liitening Now that fall is well on the way, all the good winter programmes are back on the air. In case you have forgotten, you will catch Phil Har- ris Sundays at 7.30, Charlie Mc- Carthy at 8, Lux, Monday's at 9; Bob Hope and Red Skelton on Tuesday nights; Bing Crosby on Wednesday and Al Jolson, Wayne and Shuster and Abbot and Costel- lo on Thursdays. Other big-time radio shows will no doubt have made their appearance by now, so see your local paper. TEEN-TOWN REPORTERS Parry Sound â€" Audrey Harris â€" We have a Friday- Nite Club dance weekly and the majority of the Hi crowd attends . Skating, skiing and sleighing parties are planned for the winter. We had a school track and field meet in late September. The school was divided into four houses, each house with an executive, colours, cheers and cheer leaders. The idea of the house system is to increase comp- tetion and also to make for good sportsmanship. Marg Howe and George Ryder were senior champ- ions and Tsobel Klakins and Cal Nichols won the intermediate cups, â- while Betty Sheridan and Jim Dar- lington carried away junior hon- ours. Rydal Bank â€" Gail Martens and Isabel McLeod â€" We have been ap- pointed correspondents to Teen- Town Topics and will send in re- ports. We are both students of Bruce Mines Continuation School and arc interested in the activities of teen-agers in the district. Runnymede, "Village Club" - Velma Davis â€" This is the third year of operation for the \'illage Club. Last week we held a dance and accomodated 350 people, while dozens were turned away. We arc making plans for a lar.tjer building. Runnymede Dramatic Society also has big plans. Tliey recently held a social, when the student body en- joyed several plays that were stud- ent acted and student directed. Thanks a Lot, Gang Many llianks to all you kids out there wlio have been appointed as correspondents for your town for this column. The letters are starting to roll in and we are trying to an- swer them all as soon as possible. If we do not answer your requests for a few days after receiving same, please be patient and, in the mean- time, send along any news you can think of that would be of interes; to teen-age readers. He Caught It Pulling and blowing, the cadet just managed to jump into a carriage as the train left the station. The middle-aged man in the cor- ner eyed him with scorn. "When I was yonr age, my lad," he said, "1 could run a half mile catch a train by the skin of my teeth, and yet be fresh as a daisy." "Yes, sir," gasped the young fel- low, "but I missed this one at the last station." Photofirapli Ijj- your i'lil-U-Pey Pholofc-raiiher Marmora â€" A closely contested race at Marmora- Here the "ponies" are seen going into the home stretch. Sports - And One Thing or Another By FRANK MANN HARRIS ===== ("A Sixbit Critic") ==^='=== The other day a friend, who is not too athletically-minded, asked us why it is that sports stuff com- ing over the air sounds, as a rule, rather more sickening than matter appearing in print regarding the same subject. As one who has been guilty of a considerable a- mount of material that has been used in both these forms, the only honest reply we could make was that the reason is exactly the same as the one for the black cows eat- ing more than the white ones â€" there were far more of them. * * * What our friend was mainly re- ferring to was the broadcasts of the last World's Series. So we tried to explain to him that the quantity of wordage those slaves of the microphone had to turn out would, if printed,' probably fill a whole newspaper. Such being the case, it is surely only natural that the chaff would outbulk the grain by a considerable margin â€" a far greater margin than if they could boil their matter down to a column or so. * * * It seems that every sports broadcaster â€" and wc do not know of a single exception â€" is gripped with a secret fear. He fears that if he leaves even one split-second of silence, all his listeners arc liable to take a runout powder on him. And as we have said before, he also appears to be mortally a- fraid of coming right out and say- ing that a contest is downright lousy even if everybody knows it is â€" but seems to feel it his duty to try and make you feel that you are missing the thrill of your life by not being present. * » * Why these things should be you will have to ask somebody a lot older â€" or anyway wiser â€" than we are. Personally we thought that the World's Series artists did a pretty fair job, only slipping to any painful extent in their incense- spreading at the feet of High- Commissioner Chandler for his "master-mind' innovation of plac- ing the couple of spare umpires down on the foul lines, instead of leaving them on the bench or in the bull pens. However, as the same Mr. Chandler has much to say regarding who is to do the broadcasting, possibly they can be forgiven, human nature being what it is. :;' ♦ * Oiuc upon a lime there tuas a Strike Conciliator zvlw got the war- ring parlies together and addressed the in something like this. "Vott both say that you refuse to give in an inch" he said, "so let's imagine that this strike has been going on for six months. You, the workers, have lost a lot of 'ii'ages arid your families are really feeling the pineh. Yoti, the employers, are short a whole heap of sales and profits that are going to be highly embarrassing to aeeount for tvhen your stockholders are expect- ing their dividends. So nozv that you have alt tliis firmly in your minds, ivhcrc do wc go front here?" The slirkc was settled in half on hour flat; bnt -we had belter explain that this is a wholly imaginary case, such peurile tactics being far too direct and simple to be used in the upper reaches of Capital and Labor rela- tions. * » ♦ Back there a piece we made re- ference to some of the sports bal- lyhoo which comes over the air, and hinting that the perpetrators of same â€" like the dame in the old song â€" were really more to be piti- ed than censured too harshly. Now, with the hockey season bust- ing into full bloom, comes thf time when tlie sports writer wh is ninc-tciitlis press agent and on tenth veporlcr is seen at his be. â€" or worst, if you like. And, lik his erring brethren of the vr- waves, for this type of writer it is also possible to find excuses. * » * For he, too, has his bucket which must be filled whether or not bossy is brimming over with milk or rapidly running dry. Besides, possibly there are plenty of folk who revel in knowing just what color of eyes their latest hockey hero possesses, and what tinge of talcum he favors; in this busi- ness, as in many others, the cus- tomer is alwa-s right. * * * So we have hockey stars who look and dress like moving picture leading men, who know exactly which knife to eat their pie with, and who arc much more at home at a tea dance than in the back room of Hennessey's Tavern. But make no mistake about it, they still suffer for the cause. That gaudy sports shirt still covers a multitude of abrasions, and plenty ot bruises still lurk underneath that flowing, hand-painted cravat. * * * Still â€" it must be old age â€" more and more as we look over the papers we wonder whether we arc still on the sports page, or have strayed into the Hollywood jot- tings by mistake; and more and more wc find ourself yearning for tile days when lads lilce Sprague Cleghorn, Bad Joe Hall or Scotty Davidson would spit out a mouth- full of teeth and continue on their way without breaking stride, little caring how tlicir next photograph would look or wliat effect such marring of their manly beauty would have on the volume of their fan mail. Ho, hum! maybe it's the weather; for even it appears to have gone slightly haywire in this definitely screwball era. Spray Keeps Fruit Hanging on Trees Freight trains, jammed to the roof with boxes of B.C. apples are leaving the bustling Okanaga^ â- â- ' 1- ley fruit-growing centre every 15 minutes bound for the fresh fruit markets of tlie Prairies and the L^nited States. Plagued by a shortage of pickers and fearful that the apples might fall prematurely, many growers for the past few weeks have been experimenting with a hormone spraj' that may revolutionize the fr ' industry. A. T. Howe, of Vernon, B.C. re- putedly tlic owner of the largest Mclntosli orchard in the British Empire, said the spray which is scattered over the trees from a helicopter "apparently is success- ful" in making apples hang on more tenaciouslv. Voii Will lt)ii.io.v Stn.vinR at The St. Regis Hotel â- rOROXTO a Kvcr.v Kooni With Tub Butli, Shower nnd Telephone a Single, 8,1.50 nnd upâ€" Double, f 1,50 (IP 9 <load Food. Dlnlnc and DancinK NlEhlLv 8hi'rbuurne at CarUon Tel. R.\. 11.S5 Classified Advertising AVtXSTH WANTKO OILS, GREASES, TIRES, lusoctloldw, SSleotrlo Fence Controllera. Hoiu* and Bam Paint. Root Coatlnga, eta Dealer* wanted. Writ* Wares Greaae * Oil Umlted, Toronto. AGENTS: ijell Bllv-N'ot Tlei In your scare time. A fast eelUnit, repeat article. Writ* Station K, Box 118. Toronto. Ontario. SELL WATCUK8 And ffet yours free. Write for particular* and sample watch. State age and occupation. Sell- ers Brothers Jewellers, 130 Ranlelsb Ave., Toronto. Ont. AQBNTS, route men. to sell children's wear, toy*, novelties for manufacturer. Full time or side line. Attractive merchandise. Popu- larly priced. Protected territory. Star Nov- elty Mfe. Co., 172 DuluUi Enst. Montreal 18. MAKE MONEY AT HOME Dependable Company has opening for hard- workinK. dependable applicants between 26-60. part or full time basis Kicelient remunera- tions. Blue Brand Products. 722T Alexandra, Montreal. DCSINS8S OPPORTUNiflBS ATTENTION CABMERS AND PROPERT'S OWNERS Wanted for caeh purchaser, farms, acreasf or vlilave property .residential or business. Send full particulars, such aa lot, conceaslao, taxes. Iilnd of building. Also full price aaked. H. Praunell Really. 166S Danforth Avenu*. Toronto, AN OFFER to every Inventor â€" List of Inven- tions and full information sent free. The Ramsay Co., UealBtercd Patent Attorneys Jt78 Bank Street. Ottawa. AGENCY avaUable for the Scots Guard Auto- matic Fire Alarm. Designed for home pro- tection. Write for Details. Royal Scot. 6 Charles Street W.. Toronto. BARS CUICKh A FEW started chicks: prompt shipment.. Chicks fur November-December delivery uhould be ordered now. Ask for list. Bray Hatchery. 130 John N.. Hamilton, Ont. WANTED â€" Flocks to fc'upply us with hatcbint; eeea for the 11)48 hatching soaaon. Flocks culled ana bloodtested free. Guaranteed pre- mium plus hatchubllity premium paid. For full details write Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited. Fergus, Ontario. FKEE rante pullets Tij weeks to laying. Barred Uocka, New Hampelilres. While Leghorns. White Rocks, Light Sussex. Also day old chickj booked to order. Free catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries. Fergus. Ontario. FREE range rulkts 10 weeks to laying; White Leghorns, Barred Rock. New Hampshiies and many other popular breeds. Also day olii chicks booked to order. Free cululogue. Top Notch Chickeiies. Guell)h. Ontario. BAitGAlNS while they last on ai.v. seven and eight week old puUeti,: Wlnte Leghorns. White Liglmrn x Barred llock, Barred Rock x White Leghurn. Auslra Whites. Only a limited quantity. Send tor reduced price list. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited. Fergus. Ontario. PULLET bargains while they last: White Leg- horn X Barred Roik, Black Ausiralorn x Whito Leghorn. White Legiiorn, Barred Rock X White LeBhorn. 6 week 45c; 7 week 66c. eight week 65c. Assorted Light and Medium Breeds 6 weeks 40c. 7 weeks 50c. 8 week 60c. Top Noirh Chiikerles. Out '.ph. Ontario. FOB tiALg, METAL VENETIAN BLINDS QIVB your rooms a smart, modem appear- ance with Venetian Blinds. Last longer, more fashionable. Buy direct 'rom faatory and save! 24x(!4, $7.20: 26x64. 17. tO: llix64. $7.20: 80x64, $7.80: 82x64, $8.40; I4x<i $t.OO: 86x64, $e.60; 38x64, $10.20; 40l«. 110.80: 42x64, $11.40: 44x64, $12.00; 4<x««. tli.OO: 48l64, $12.80: 60x64, $18.20. Larger alues available. Blinds made to order. Very easy to install, exiiress F.O.B. Toronto Abars Venetian Blinds 130 Queen St. East Toronto 2. Ontario. PlIRE-BREU Irish Setter puppies. Full par- ...ticulars, write J. Crutchrr. Bond St., Oriliis. REGISTERED Beagles, pups and grown dogs; Reglstert-d Blueticks ready to train thi* Pall. A. Leadbeater. Enniskillen. Ont. RECORDS. Fro* catalogue of tavorlta hill- billy and dance artists. National Radel Ltd.. Dept. O, 423 Portage Ave.. Winnipeg, Man. STURDY Latham Raspberry Canes tor fall planting. $6.00 per 100. Premier Straw- berries $L.O0. A. Crowle. R.R. No. 1, 1*- llngton, Ont. TIRES Wa are overstocked In eood used Trade-in TIroa with high treads â€" all 'iuaranteed to bo in excellent shape. Special price on car Tin. ALL SIZES $4.50 BIG SAVINGS ON NEW TIRES & TUBES Guaranteed for one year 30x3% â€" $8.25 Tube $1.26. 460x21 â€" $9.96, Tube $1.90. 500x19 â€" $10.60. Tube $2.86. 600 x20 â€" $10.76. Tube $2.26. 626x18 â€" $12.60. Tube $2.66. 660x17 â€" $14.00. Tube $2.66. 600x16â€" $14.26, Tube $2.60. 660x16â€" $17.60. Tube $3.26. 32x6â€"700x20 â€" $43.75. Tube $4.76. 760 X20â€" 34x7$54.00. Tube $6.50. 816x20â€" $62.60, Tube $7.76. Also a full line of retreads, all orders ship- ped COD. Dealers wanted BEACON TIRE Cor. CJCEEN & YORK STS. HAMILTON I. ONTARIO. WOLF. Fox. Mink Trappers use only the bast, complete system. Fishers trapping course and gland scents. Full particulars. A. B Fisher. Box 420. Calgary. Alberta. HAIRDKBSSINO LKARN Halrdressing the Robertaou maltaod. Information on request regarding classes Robertson'* Halrdreaslng Academy. If? Ave- nu* Road. Toronto MKDICAL HIGHLY RECO.MMENDEDâ€" Every sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store. 216 Bllgln, Ottawa. Postpaid $1,00. DVEINO AJflJ CLBA.NINO UAVB VOU anything aeeos dyeing oi clean ing? Write tn us for Information We are rlad to answer your questions Departnieni H. Parker a Dye Igf^rks Limited. 7BI Yons. Street, Toronto. Ontario I'AKMB FUR SALE F.VRM for sale. 300 acres. 15 miles east or Parry Sound. For full particulars, write 3. J. Fisher. Parry Sound. On t,. R,R. 1. FARM FOR SALEâ€" 150 acres, good buildir.Ki,. 2 miles tioni St. Thomas on No, 4 Highway Known as D. L, Gilbert farm, ExamUio prop' erty and send offer to executor. W. L. Gilbert. [IS Yale Street. London, FOR SALE. 86 acres, 75 cleared, of nuisliy clay loam, exceptionally good buildings. Apply William M.-in'hnll. R.R. No. 1. Burke's Fall's, Ont. 150 ACRES. 2i» miles from town, line build- ings witil attractive surroundings, hedges and L'hude trees. 10 acres hardwood bush, 10 ot fall wheat, barn 74 x 60. etraw shed 50 x 40. double Bar.ige. iTOulliy hnuses: good brick house with sunroom: new furnace: this farm is ideal tractor land and a very desirable pro)ierty. Contact Fred and Chas. Nicholson, Mount Forest. Ont. 50 ACKr: farm, pari tobacco land. 2 kitns. KrecnhouHe, tobacco iniplenienta. 6- room houte, 'â- _• mile Ironi town. Also a 4-yfar lease of 4rj acres renU'd land. Apply to Frank Zajak. RH No. 2. Wrat Lornt;. Ont. PILES â€" Nothing else you can buy haa the same Internal action as Pyltone Pile Reoiedr. Thla liquid (taken by mouth) Is oorapounded from special Balsams. Gums, and Plant- Extracts. It gets results because It goes directly to the internal cause of Pile*. That's the reason for Us oucccess on the most stub- born cases. This modern way of treating that Internal trouble gets results that last One bottle of Pyllono Is enough to prov* Its healing power or price retuded at once That a our guarantee no matter how long standing your case may be. Your Druggist fas it: or ran order It for you. DON'T WAIT-Every sufferer of Rheumatic Pain* or .Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store. 335 Elgin Ot- tawa. Postpaid $1.00. UPFilBTDNITIJBa FOB »UMKN BE A HAIDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADINQ SCHCML Oreat Opportunity Learn Halrdreaslng Pleasant dignllled profession, good wwes tbousands successful. Marvel graduates America's greatest system Illustrated cats logue tree. Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRBSSINQ SCHOOLS 861 Bloor St. W , Toronto Branches 44 King St.. HaralltoB * '4 Rldeau Street. Ottawa IIIDDLE-AGBD Housekeeper tor farm home, near town: good cook. Melvin Hummel. Box 701. Cheaterville. Ont. PATKNT8 PKTHKRSTONAUGH * Company PMeal Solicitors. Eatabllstaed 1890 14 King West Toronto Booklet of Information on reauest. PHOTOnRAPHV -15 ACRES. 2 houses large barn, river, with or without stock and eiiuipment. Tweed nine miles. Joe Robinson. Actinoiite. Ont. ATTENTION rAR.MERS FOR SALEâ€" Tractor Tires, made or rubber. suitable tor bolting on steel wheels. $16,00 each, rear wbeeis; $T 50 esch. front wheel*. When ordering state diameter and width of wheels National Rubber Co Ltd.. 6 will, ahire Ave.. Toronto. Ont INTER .N A TIO ."Ta L ' T. 5 tractoFwith Bucyru^- Eria aimledozer. Recently rebuilt. Have purchaaetl larger machine, Duncan Prentice. Minden. Ont,, phone S120. FOB HALIL BREEDERS OPPORTUNITY! Young pair Cocker Sjmnk-ls Ibrettlcrat. â€" Scvonty-live Dollars the pair, resist ered, provi'ii. betl breedinu, blonile. L'ocUer Fuppifs: females lUicen dollars, papers extra. Blai'k female six months $;'.'>. 00, YorkHhire. Timniins. Ontario. BOXER PUPPIES Fawn color, pxcellPiit bloodline's, $70 antl fTS M. ychmilt, liox 5;t:{, Soulh P<»rfiM>ine. oiu. DivILL prossea complete with motor pulley. Vi capacity precision chuck, moriising at- tachment, moriisins bity. sander attachnifnt. Sell in whole or parts. Write Tool & ICn- gineerinK Co.. Box 4fi5. St. Catharini-a. Lint. FOX and deer hoiuula, bred from choice stock. K. la. Tripp. R.U. No. 3, Osha wa Ont. FOR SAL.)3 â€" l*owt.T ice cutter, ice slusher. leader and ice tools. A. Leclerc, Box .159. Chaploau. Ont. FASHJOaN RITK Ansoras. Kxcellent w-ooilers, developed from hifihest prize winninB Can- ndlan strains. Selected Seniors and Juniors. $10.00 and $6.00 each. A. (Jeherdt. Maple Drive AnKorg Ranch, Route 1. ,\ylon. Ont. GRAPE STICKS, size S' to 4" tops. Apply BoBdon & t.;ross Furn. Co. Ltd.. Wntknrton. Ont. JOHNSON Iron Horse eiiKincs. % H.P. $51.45 1.34 H.P. $70.00. Immediate delivery. Cur- rey Bulmor, Kiflinton & Buthurst. Toronto. CRISTMAS CARDS FROM YOUR OWN NEGATIVES 20 FOR $1.00 The most distinctive Christmas Cards you can set . . . cards friends wilt treasurs. Send uj your favorite neffative. We'll return 20 attractive greeting cards 6% X iM" with your "snap" (from one nega- tive) printed on and ma telling envelopes. On 2-color folder cards 11.50 Az. On fold- er cards with photos colored $3.60 ds. Any size roll 6 or H developed and printed 30c. Reprints from your negative! 4 cents. DEPT. M STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129 Post office A, Toronto WAWTKD WANTBDâ€" All klnda o( araaaea potiltnr. ID^ prlou (or top blrtU. Joaaph Coopar filmmfc Poultrr Dapt., 30t< Danforth Arm., I. (We do cuatom cradliur}. Logs Required Wn PURCHASE Hardwood and Softwood loa for oaah. Write Box HIT, Heapeler. Ontaftai, WATCH RBI'AIBB Dependable lO-day aervlce on all typea 3 watch and Jewellery repalra. All work gnaik anteed. Sellera Brolhera Jewellers. 110 Raa- lelgh Ave,. Toronto. Ont. "Higher" Mathematics "Do you know how these econom- ists figure out the cost of hving?" "Sure. They take your income â€" whatever it may beâ€" and add 10 per cent." MOUTHS WATER when the fragrance of Maxwell House fills the air. Thia wonderful blend of coffees is Radiant Roasted to develop to the full ^ its extra goodness. HEMORRHOIDS 2 Special Remedies ky the Makers of Mecca Ointmenl nlffS? ^1?., ^^'^^r No. 1 ia for Protnidim BlMdizu PUas. nnd la aold in Tube, with pinj jorintenial application. Price 7fic. Mecca Hi Ksmedy No. 2 is for External Itching Pileo. SoU o •'•'â- . »nd Is for external use onlj-. Prioa fiOa Jnur by number from your Dru^i^iat. SLOANS GOOD FOR CHEST COIDS JUST PAT IT ON! r//£>?£'S ONE THING FOR HEADACME forfAsrsufi - ^tJUJ RHi£f m Vlnstantine \^ /2 TABLETS FOR 25* y CHll- ,R oRO^ oaef* ^'UPS ISSUE 42â€"1947 For constant Smoking Pleasure ''EXPlliT' Cigarette Tobacco LATHA.M UASI'BERnY ciincn. J4.00 per 100 Premier etrawberriep :u.00 per 100. W Witney, Elora. On'