y â-º * r > t T > f ^ V Wednesday, October 8, 1947 THE FLESHEHCON ADVANCE GENERAL INSURANCE FIRE - AUTO - HOSPITALIZATION Government regulations on Automobile Insurance make this more important than Fire DO NOT WAIT UNTIL TOO LATE G. D. MacARTHUR Phone 82J FLESHERTON EUGENIA Anntveraary services will be held In the Eugenia United Church on Sunday, October ISth. The Y. U. P. wHl meet on Thursr day evening at 8 30 p.m. in the park to make plans for their weekly meet- ings. There will be a weiner roast and garmes. An adimlission of 15c will be chaxiged to help defray expenses. Mrs. F. J. Beany of Brantford and Mrs. Henry Daily, New York also M'rs. Jas. Golemian of Brantford are spending a few days with Mrs. Beany's and Mrs. Daily's sister Mrs. W. Pinkerrt»n and husband, at "Bea- ver Lodge," Slih. line. Mir. and Mrs. Clarkson MacDonald of I^iii^rton accompanied by Mrs. Otto Clipperton and Miss Maude Richardson of Toronto Sfpent the week end at the ''Eugenia Lodge" and were callers on Mrs. C. Martin on Sunday. While here the ladies, who are of artisrtic ability, sketched some scienes of Bugenia in her autuann colours. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Purvis of Toronto spent the week end at the cottage. "Shady Rest" near the lake. Mr. Will Duckett has returned THANKSGIVING m SPECIAL LOW RAIL FARES Between all points in Canada and to all United States border points. FARE AND ONE-THIRD for the Round Trip Go: any time from noon Friday, Oct. 10 until 2 p.m. Monday, Oct. 13. Return: leave destination not later than midnight Tuesday, Oct. 14. MINIMUM SPECIAL FARE Adults or Children 30c Full particulars from any agent GaMd^Uiti G^ddilc. home from Markdale hospital and is imiproving favourably. iM*. Donald Yooing has returned to Sarnia after a coonple of weeks visit at the Duickett homae. His wife and dvldren remained to spend a while longer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Duckett. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Magee were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Little and children of Dundalk, and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cameron (newly weds) of Toronto, Don is a nephew of Mrs Bert Magee. Mrs. Roy MacMiUan is visiting a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Walter McBride at Thombury. Miss Joyce Genoe of the Bell Tele- phone staff, Owen Sound visited dur- ing the week-end at her home here. Miss Mary MteKee and friend of Toronto were week end visitors at the former's home here. Miss Isabel McKee who spent a few days at her home here has returned to Toronto. It was Mrs. Gray Hay of Owen Sound who was aocoooipanied by Mrs. Pirikeirton to Kleinlbuirg instead of Mrs. Hog as stated in last weeks iitems. Mrs. Fred Duckett is a patient in Markdale hospital and is doing as well as can be expected after her recent operation. Mr. and Mrs. L. Pedlar of Flesh- erton were callers on Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Willaane. Mr. Eldridge Boyce of the H.E.P.C. COLLECTIONS ....It's our long experience handling' collections that makes possible the splendid results wt effect for our clients... That is why So many business and pro- fessional men send us their lists from year to year. Send in yours, too. KELLY & AIKINS The Collectors ORANGEVILLE, Ont. ^OH^S^ LEAVE FLESHERTON (Standard Time) TO TORONTO TO OWEN SOUND 12.05 p.m. g 4.05 p.m. 9.05 a.m. d 7.40 p.m: i 8.40p.m. d -Sunday and Holiday only i - Daily except Sat. r - Saturday only. ! Bus Coneotions at Brampton for London and at Toronto for Montreal, Ottawa and North Bay FARES ARE LOW Rounut Trip - Tax Included - $59.65 WINNIPEG 29.60 REGINA 46.70 CALGARY TICKETS .•VXD IXFORM.VTION .\T FIRESDE LUNCH - R. RODEN Phone 6.^ Fleshcrton, Ont QUEBEC HALIF.VX ST. JOHN $50.05 61.30 SI. 35 at Isilington was home over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Williams have moved from Cejion and have talaui apartments in the Martin residence 3n Inikerman St. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer of Owen Sound have purchased the Gilliland property. We welcome them to our villa^:ie. CEYLON Mr. and Mrs. Doug. Buliock of To- ronto spent the week end with the latter's grandmother, Mrs. Joseph Oliver. Mr and Mrs. Don Meads, Toironto, sipent the week end with the firoaner's parent, Mr. and Mrs. John Meads. Mrs. H. Stetpihens, Wiartou. is as- sisting in the home of Mrs. Joseph Oliver and R- C. 01iv«r. Mrs Maibt. Hunter of Brampibon spent the week end with her father, Mr. Joihn Kennedy. Miss Helen Bollantyne was a week end vi|siito(r at her parental home at Owen Sound. Mr. and i^^- Roy Piper visited on Sunday with Mt. and! Mrs. Lurther Tony, Martodate. Miss Heden Duckett, Mrs. E. Doupe, Joan and Murray and Gordon Gourley visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. Alvin Youn^T' Singhaanpton. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. L. Duckett were: Mr. and Mrs. E. Black, Dundalk, and Mr. Irvin Ward of Toronto. Miss Nancy Mc William of Owen Sound was a week end visitor at her parental home. Mr. Jack McMuJlen of Sdjreiber and Miss Jean MteMullen of Owen Sound spent tte week end at their parental home. Mrs. A. £. Goessell was a recent visitor with relatives at Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Alexander and children of Springhiil visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Snell. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cowan and little daughter, Gail, of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marshall. Miss Norma Reay of Allan Park was a recent visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Jose$>h Stauble. Recent visitors with Mrs. C. Arch- ibald were: Mr. and Mrs. Doug. Bullock and Mr. and Mrs. Don Meads of Toronto and Mr. J. Ismond of Geo rg'e town. He â€" "How long have you been en- gaged?" She â€" "This time, or all together?" ELECTRICITY Maintains Employment . . . Keeps Pay Envelopes Full PlMSf D0N7 IVASn \1\ Ueo<ric power is vital to Industry, and Ontario is 6aq>ei4enoing an era of high production, unparal- bled ia its history. Contrary to e.xpectations, the demand for electric power did not drop sharply following the war. More electric power is actually being used today for production of peacetime goods than was required at any time to forge weapons for Victory. This demand is constantly tnoreasing and, during the next six months. Hydro facilities will be strained to the utmost. New Hydro developments, planned to keep pace with Ontario's growth, were halted during the war years. They have since been hampered by shortages of men, materials and equipment. However many new stations to deliver electric power are being rushed to completion. Some are already in operation. But the need for saving electric power in your own home, ihiring the Fall and Winter months, is urgent if the needs of Industry and Agriculture are to be fully served and employment maintained at peak levels. Won't you please play your part? Remember â€" even o little bit of electricity, conserved bv hun- dreds of thousands, helps a lot. It's your Hydro. Use it wisely so that Hydro facilities can more adequately meet the demands of all consumers; THE HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO Clip out and rstain for referenc* Hera w a ttw wt]rt ym Me ELECTRICITY Turn off all miin-tfssary lighu. Don't forjirt about buraiug lifthu in empty rrKknis, hutlb, ba^emenu attic, ix>rcb ami parage. Eliminate all culored bulL.^. Keei> lamp-i. rfflertors and sbadu clean. Du^ty lixtiires wa*tr a« mucb as 25% o( your liiebt. When kettle sings turn off switcb. Stored ht-al will liniit: it to a full boii. keep kcitlf free from lime. Wlien eookine, use "Hiub" beat Utr as little time as prfci-ailde. Tliru turn to Lou"' *ii:ii um* ~iorcU heat. Use oven for cookint; complete meaU, rather ihae. tbe etM>kinK â- iurfat'c. Only une element is re^iuired for tbe oven priM-es-? while three or four fleraent?* are needed for the cookinj: surface. Use the correct ^ire of cotiking utensil on the pr(i|>er Rtxe element. ^ hen ci>okinK vcgetabl*^, use a minimum aninunt of \tater. Defrost refripprati>r,repularly, nhrn }'4 inch of front has arcumulateil on the evajHirator. Where water is electrically heated, pleaf« u«e it sparingly. .\ tirup a !^tvond from a leaking hot waltrr fap can waste as much as IT5 gal- lim.< a tnontb. Fill Ha*hinc niueliine to water line ortI> and keep lid <in tub when wassbin^:. Do iiut overU>ad. Whcrevt-r iK>-?ihle. use the wrinfjer at T^aine time as clothfs are bein^ ^va^hed in tbe tub. Please do not us<' [Mtrtable electric bealer> as ibey place a heavy strain on your Hydro System. Your tua-ter. vacuum cleaner, elec* trie iron or other cltcirical appliances should not i»e use«l any longer than 'â- ftiuire*!. 400,000 Left Feet that never push a clutch! 400,000 L*ft Fm« . . . left without a thing to dot Because Hydra-Malic Drive eliminates the clutch peilal and all clutch pushing. UH),0O<) right hand* . . . on the steering wheel where they belongi Becaiine Hydra-Matic Drive shifts gears automa- HcaUy. Oldsniubile first introduced this revolutionarjr years ago! And sinoo then, nearly 400.0<W owners of Ilydra-Matio Oldsmobiles have found a new freedom in driving. These owners have driven literally bilUona of miles â€" without ever shifting, or pushing a clutch. After these 8 years, Uydra-Matic Drive is still tht only "drive" that eliminates tlie clutch p«dal and â- tufts gears automatically tfarou^fh four forward speeds. The lowest -priced car to offer GM Hydra- Matic Drive* is the «mart new Uldsmobile. It'* ahead in |>erformance â€" automatimUy. Ahead in appearance â€" -dramaticailv. That's why people %aj~entphaticaUy . . . "It's SMART to Own an Olds!" The demand for Uldsmobile with the new GM Hytlra-Mutic Drive* is so widosuread that it still greatly nxeeeds the supply. Slake sure your present far carries you conveniently and safely through the waiting period by having it viced regularly by your Uldsmobile dealer. (y^^^^rt^^^ FIRST with HYDRA-MATIC DRIVE at coU D. MacTavish and Sons, Flesherton Ort^^-io