Wednesday, October 8, 1947 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Small Ads WOOD BUZZING done. Apply to Laurie Genoe. phone Slwl. 18p2 FOR SALE â€" 2-furKW pony disc plow, â€" Ed. Ferris, phone 4&w4. FOR SALE â€" WiJliams piano, cheap. Phone 23rl3, Feversham. iep2 JfXmED â€" AaMwIa MriltabU tm mioJi and fox iMd. â€" Beti Uclatoati Euc«a>a, vhoa« rmnrakmn kM FOR SALE>â€" 1,000 feet oif 2-inch elm plank. â€" Harry Patton, Flesherton, FOR SALEâ€" 12 Hiamp.-Sussex pull- ets, ready to lay. â€" Mrs. Walter R-us&e'il, R,R. 1 Flesherto.i lyp2 FOR SALEâ€" Hudsoii-6 sedan, 6 good tires, serial No. 61766, heaiter. â€" Ruseell Andrews, Fleaberton. FOR sale;â€" Vaidety oif tools, carp- enter, etc., and useful articles. â€" F. Hodder, Flesherton. 19c2 WANTED â€" Carpenter or general handy man for about a month. State wages. Write to Box 275 in care of The Adva«ice, Fleaherton. FOR SALEâ€" Quamtitiy oif used lum. ber and somie square tianber; also sonw fox wood, â€" Roibt. Pleeiter, Ceylooi. 19|p2 FOR SALEâ€" 2 giarls' winter outfits, coat, legsii^rs and faat> sizes 2 and 4.â€" {ihoiie ilJS Fieahentoii. I«c2 FOR SALEâ€" Small ooal heater and good steel-tire buggy. â€" Bniwll !P&rk, phone 6€J Flesfaerton. iep2 PLOWING-^Gustom i^owingâ€" Grant Sayers, R.R. 1, Pnceville, phone 608r3, Durhamw 17p4 FOR SAliEâ€" Beg. Oxfoird Dorwn ram, 8 years old.â€" Jos. Wbyte, R. R. 3, Prdceville, phone 9dwl2. Ifip2 FOR SALE â€" Kitchen cabinet with white porcelain toip; Boy's B.B, gion and giiVs gaiil and coait size 9 to 11 yrs. â€" iin. A. Avis, Flesharton. Local and Personal FOR SALEâ€" Taco rang«, good cooik- er. â€" Lloyd Talbot, phone 46wlE, Flesherton. 18c2 FOR SAL£ â€" 16 Yorkshire pigs, just wnaned. â€" R, C. Oliver, Priceville, plwne 105rw2 Flesherton. 18c2 WIANTEDâ€" Chfld'to Go-cart in good condition. â€" Mrs. Laurie Genoe, |)hone &1-W1 Flesherton. 19cl FOR SALEâ€" 80 Legliom pulleta, 5 months old; men's bicycle in good condition. â€" Geo. Boyee, CoUing- wood Gravel. Ii8c2 FOR SALE â€" ^Purebred Oacferd Down nam lamibs and eiw<ee, aleo a few yearling cattle. â€" ^Ross Stevens, RR J^D. 3, Proton Station, phone 32J2 Flesherton. 19p2 FARM FOR SALEâ€" A^pimMcinuitely 60 acres, Townsihgip o(f Artemesia, Hbe North Half of lot 86, Con. U. Good price foir cash. Apply to Bog- don & Gross Fum. Co., Walkerton. FOR SALE â€" Number Barred Rock puUets 6Vi months old'i ready to lay.-^RusaeU Phillips, phone 96w3 Flesherton. ' 17c2 FOR SALEâ€" Black Peccheron horse. 13 years old, cheap for q\iick sale. â€" Chas. Staffoird, telepihone 12w, Flesherton. 17p3 FOR SALE â€" All-enamel Beach range in excellent condition', only used a few months â€" Mrs. Thos. Beatty, Maxwell, phone 4r93, Feversham, or apply evenmgs. 18c2 FOR SALE â€" 68-piece dinner sett, Tnaroon and gold band, (30; two matcl'«d rugs 7VfeK4l^, 2-tO'ner cin- namon shade al'moet new, |26 each. â€"Phone 30w, Flesherton. 18p2 FOR SALBâ€" Oirf's snow suit, size 14, bllBi^ red trim, two pieces, in good condition. Can be seen at Tile Adivance office. i9p2 FOR sale:â€" Girl's brown tweed coat size 12 years, in good condition, cheap. â€" Mrs. J. W. Cook, phone 62lw Flesherton. 19«2 FOR SALE â€" Hian^.'Ro^ puUets, ineady to lay; also 3 year old Gen- eral Puirpose horse. â€" H. J. Ooiur- vo«ier, Feversham, phone 7r2S. FOR SALE â€" Massey^Harrts single furrow riding plow, in good condi- tion. â€" Lome Wrighft, phone 23rl3 Feversham. 19ie2 AUCTION m CATTLE, HOGS, SHEEP, ETC HENRY BROWN will sell by public auction LOT 136, 3 N.E., ARTEMESIA (2% miles North of Flesherton THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2ND, 1947 at 1 pirn., the followlingr: CATHiE, â€" iDorham Bull, l^year •an be registered; 3 Dunham Heifers, mdlldng, ^e in March; Blue Oow, due time of aaile; 2 Grade Cows, 7 years due end of Ndvembex; Red Oow. 6 yiars, dVe in Mlay; Registered Hol- stein Cow, 9 yearo, milking; 2 Reg. Holstein Cows, 6 years, due in July; (Above Cows supposed in oaU); 14 Spring Calves. PIGS, SHEIEPâ€" S Yodkshjre Biood Sows, eligible for registration; 2 Brood Sows; Yorkshire Hog, regist- ered; 26 Chunks of Pigs; li. Yo>tmg Pigs; 10 OxEoaxl Dowa EiWes. GRAINâ€" About 9 tons of Western Bailey; Quantity of Barley and Oats; Quantity of Buckwheat. IMPLEMENTS, Ete. â€" Large and Small Sap Pans'; 160 Sap Buckets an^ Spiles; Disc Drill. TERIMIS OF SALEâ€" Six (6) mos.' credit will be given by furnishing ioint notes gatisifactoiy to the Canad- ian Bank of Commerce, Flesherton, bearing 6 percent interest. â€"GEO. E. DUNCAN, Aoictioner Mr. Eldon Fisher of Toronto was home over the week end. Mr. and M'rs. Geo. B. Banks spent the week end at Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Atkinaon of Dulrham visited on Sunday with Mrs. Mrs. Ed. Fsher. Zero Weather â€" Let us help you solve your heating problem. â€" "Rich- ards Electric." Mrs. J. W. Brown oif Toronto spent the weeik end with her sister, Mirs. Ed. Fisher. Mr. and Mrs, Ben Bellamy ot Owen Sound spent the week end with the former's parents in town. Radios â€" ^A radio on display to suit any need. We invtte your inspection. â€" '"Richairds Elnctric." Walltwper â€" Gall and inspect our new 1948 wallpaper. â€" "Richairds Home FurniahingB*" Mr. and Mrs. Jack Peters and son, Adrian, and Miss Barbara Boden of Hamilton were week end gnests of Mr. and Mrs. Reg Boden. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Pallett of Ming- bon visited on Sunday with the lat- ter's parents, Miv and Mrs. G. A. MacTavish. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Edwards, and daughter, Betty, of Weston were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ted MacTavish. Mr. A. C. Douglas and Mrs. An- drew Douglas of New Liskeard visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. W. Kaitlting on Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Woodside of St. Marys visited on Monday with the lUvuTston families while on their honeymoon trip. .Qhesterfield Suites â€" We have this week a special display of cbesterfield suits, studios and davenports. Buy at a saving. â€" Richards Home Fum- hings, Flesiherton. Mr. and Mrs. <j. C. MacDonald of Is^ngton, M^ss M!aud Richardson and Mrs. Otto (aippenton of Toronto called on friends in town o<ver the we^ end. The Advance editor had a pleasant call from M<r. RoBsit Fawcett and son, Lloyd, of Toironto on Tuesday afternoon. Bob was bom at Kimber- ley, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Fawcett, and was returning from a visit to the scenes of his boy- hood, which he greatly enjoyed. The weather was perfect and his return to the "Valley' brought back many pleasant memories of tihe years past. The regular monthly meeting of tflie Women's Insititute will be held at the home of Mrs. Cornifleld a* 2:30 pan., Tuesday, Oct. Il4lth. Roll call: name a short course that each Insti- tute can apply for. 'Special program being prepared. Lunch; cake, Kait- ting, Dargaivel and Teeter; sandwich, Hamilton, Hickling and Pinkerton. FOR SALE â€" Purebred Springer Spaniel, 2 years old; will exchange for hound or Airdaie pup, preferr ed. â€" Jack Tomlinson, Eugenia phone Feversham 6r42. 18c2 HOUSE FOR SALEâ€" 7-room brick house on large double lot, Golling- wood St., Flesherton, double gar- age, etc. Will sacrifice at $280(1 cash or terms. Apply at T'.. â- .'. Vance office. 18c2 FOR SALEJâ€" 30 young pigs, 7 weeks old; Shorthorn bull about 1450 lbs.; black coaoh mare, 4 years old Shorthorn cattle, bred; mixed' cattle •-Joseph Radley, R.R. 2, I'l m ,<i«t of Fle^erton. 18c2 PAiCMERS ATTENTION â€" Wanted, large Beauty or MaiTOwfat peas, amall yellow and green smooth peas. Mail samples, state quant- ity. Phone Barrie 2273, AUiston evenings 197. â€" W. H. Hurst Grain and Cereals. HARRIS A DUNLOP BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS. Etc Phone 38 MARKDALE lUf- Dunlop will be in C. J. Bdlamy's office every Sat- urday from 6 to 8:80 p.m. DR. T. D. PARK PJIYSICIAN A SURGEON Oiaduats of Toronto Unlrenity Office: Kennedv Blpok I Phone 77 Fleahorton C. J. BELLAMY Vir.LACE CLERK A Co«9ilMl0Mr for Uktng Affidavlta bracr of Marriar* UeonsM OONVBTANCINO MUDS MORTGAGES, WIL\S. Bte. OfflMi Tanmto Stroot. F l iil i i i tâ€" NOTIICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the Estate of Charles Henry McArthur of the Township of Osprey, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of Charles Henry MIcArth- ur, late of the Township of Osprey, in the County of Grey, Farmer, de- ceased, who died no or about the 7th day oi November, 1945, are re- quired and hereby notified to send prepaid to the undersigned Solicit- ors of the Estate, on or before the Ifeth day of October, A.D. 1947, full particulars verefied by statutory de- claration. Immediately after the said 18th day of October, 1947, the Estate will be distributed among the parties en- titled thereto, having regai'd only to the claims of which the Solicitors shall then have had notice. Dated at Marikdiile this 29th day of September, AJD. 1947. â€"HARRIS & DUNLOP, Miarkdale, Ont. Solicitors for the Estate ALBERTA COAL A carload of Alberta Harp Lumip coal should arrive here October 12ibh. Phone your orders now and make certain of your winter's supply. â€" D. MacTAVISH & SONS ANNUA SALE REG. SHEEP 30 Rams and 15 Ewes Oxford, Sulolk, Shropshire. Leicester and Hampshires will be hedd at Owen Sound Agricultural Grounds SATURDAY, OCT, 11th at 1:30 p.m. Wm. F. McKay, Auctioneer Looiis Elmike, T. Steivart Cooper President Secretary SALE PUREBRED SHORTHORNS will be held at Campbell House, Chatsworth THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16TH, 1947 at 1*.S0 pjn, 15 Males «od 10 Females Won. F. McKay, Aactioneer Catalogues on request Edgar Lemon, T. Stewart Cooper, President Secxetaiy ADCnON Sillf FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS. ETC, ARNOLD HUTCHINSON will sell by puihlic aiuction on LOT 18, OON. 12, OSPREY TWP. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 15, 1947 the flollawing, namely: CAmULB-Blllack- White Cow, 6 yrg. did, due Ntov. 16; Grade Hereford Cdw, 5 yeans old, ue Feb. 26; Grade Hereford Cow, 7 yeairs old, due Maireh 1; Grade Hereford Cow, 5 years old, Mamch 3; Grade Hereford Cow. 6 yrs. olid, due March 1&; Gsade Hereford Oow, 6 years old. dfue May 24; Black Cow. 8 years old, dlue May 28; Grade Hereford Oow, 3 years old, due Feb. 29; (Above Cows supposed in calf); 4 Steers, 2 years old', weight JBbout 1000 lbs. each; 2 Grade Hereford Heifers, 2 years old; 3 YearKng Steers; 8 Calves ('baby beeves). PUGS â€" 13 Pigs, average weight 160 lbs. each; Brood Sow, due to fiarrow October 24. IMIPLEMENTS, Etc.^Peter Ham- ilton Seed Drill ;^F>rost & Wood Mtow- er, 5 ftoot cut; McConmiok-Deering Hay Rake; McCommick-DeeiSng Side DeHivery Rake; Oockshutt Manure Spreader; Cockshutt Disc Plow; No. 21 Fleury WaHking Plow; I. H. Co. Spriing-Tooth Harrows; Disc Hknow 14-plate; Mkssey-Harris Oidtivator 17-tooitb; Set Drag Harrows; Wag«n; Set of Sleighs, nearly new; Renfrew Cream Separator; Gutting Boac; Grain abopper; 2-Horse Com Scuffler; Sap Buckets and Spiles; 2 Sap Pans; 2 Sugar Kettles; Washing Mfcujhine; "'Empire" Heating Stove; Scales; Meat Hoofcs; Wheelbarrow; Child's Wagon; Remington Pump Gun. 12- gaiuge; Numerous other articles. GRAIN â€" 125 Bushels of Barley; 76 Busihels of Wheat; 1,000 Bushels of Oats and Barley. SALE AT 1 O'CLOCK P.M. Everything must be sold as owner is giving up farming. TBRiMSâ€" AH suims of |10.00 and mder, cash; over that amount Six (6) months' credit on joint notes ac- ceptable by Bank of Toronto, Fever- sham, beaning 6 per cent per annum. C. N. Long, Clerk. â€"GEO. R DUNCAN. Auctioneer • ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦••••••• ^ ♦♦♦â- •••♦•♦•♦•♦•♦♦â- ♦^ ♦ . •♦•• M l H llt ^ Asphalt Roofing/ Insulbric Siding, Insulation 3-in-l Shingles 210 lbs* Winlock and Vee-Lo4c 125 Iba. Rock Face Rolls 70 lbs.. Smooth Face 56 lbs. Biaiading Paper Rollbrick Silting Insulbric. royal red with whife) -noitKr luit. Insulating Bock Wool Batta, 2 in. and 3 in. thicks GraiMikited Rock Wood loose in bags. BEATTY BEPAIRS Galvanized Pipe Mi inch, 1 iocb, IV4 hKh, 1% ineh Pump Rod, Cylinders Hay Oars, Stael Track, Bam Door Track and fittings. % in Rop« SEPARATORS and STOVES Renfrew Electric S«parator8. »ona« reoondiMoned Separators. New Renfrew Stores Used Beatty Electric Washing Machine. ISke new WAGONS r.vSAf- ~'-<i V -/on with TimJdn bearings. Steel Tiro Wiaeon Wooden Wheel Wagon. Wheel sets for rubber tirei. W. E. BETTS Pbone 46J FLESHERTON ♦»»»< m i»«* n ii mn i>i n ti m ii M «> n i n i nn it nr 4 â- a r DOMINION OF CANADA BONDS 4% diM Odobw 15, 1952 liavtt b««n collad for poymMit Octobw 15, 1947 TImn bendi iliovid b* pmenled for Mdemptien wHk all coupoM of later dale ottadied. No (urtlMr inlerert will be paid on fM0# ooiioi qHw Nih ooto. m-ca A style comsnittee of clothiers and fiumislhers gays iiteie will be no eluuxge for awhile in men's clothing. EoDcept, of coarse, from one old suit to aniorlflier. Mze Markâ€" Oh, Johnv ^«feait wiU I do with this bad quarter? Mt. Mailk-HPue it on the colleetioa plate in chmoh. Peiibapa good eom- liany will refonn it COURT OF REVISION VILLA«E OF FLESHERTON The Court of Revision on the 1948 Assessment of the Village of Flesh- erton will be held in the town hall on Wednesday, Oct. liSth,, at 8 p.m. All apfpeals must be in the hands of the Clerk before Monday, October 18th. Appeals must be made in person or by agent. â€" C. J. BELLAMY, Clerk. WM. KAITTING LICENSED AU,CTIONBER for the County of 6rey Farm and Siook aales our sp 'alty. Terms: reasonable. Satisfaction it guaranteed. Dates arranged at !%« Advanes office or pbons 4w. *\* * * m i i iii m i n ii nm iii n i mim F. T. HILL & CO.. Limited I Our Shoe Department offers Stormy Weather Protection For the Entire Family RUBBER FOOTWEAR TO SUIT EVERY NEED Buy now while our groups «re complete We have Everything You Need in stock now in ^^m^' m hr MstieMRi THIS YIAK ALONI W« SN •pending fStSOOiOOO so tkM more famu win have telephooM with fcwer peopk M eaali iMk 1. Rmp calb briaf. S> IpoM your coh. 4» Ohm ittflrt^of-woy to MMfQMicy colb* For the beet telaphoM ( lemember tbe auMter nk^ **Do nnto odMn m ftmn^iik Uw tbam to do te doitintt** THI IILL TILIPHONI COMPANY OP CANABA -4 Cold Weather Clothing Hardware Department is shoMong ALL SIZES IN OIL SPACE HEATERS ALL SIZES IN COAL and WOOD HEATERS including Quebec Heaiters also A Colorful Shipment of HIGH QUALITY SET OF DISHES 22-piece, 66-piece and 97-piece Sets ^ OUR WINTER STORE HOURS are Open all webk, closing only Wednesday night and Thursday afternoon. Open Saturday night as usual. F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. Phone 7 Markdale \ • • » 4 A • 4. 4 « »