•« .Wednesday, September 24, 1947 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Small Ads FOR SALEâ€" Set single harness; 1 purebred Spanii-l ilog.â€" Phone 17r 13 Feversham. 17c2 FOR SALE â€" 25 Barred Rock year- old hens.â€" Ken Teeter, phone "3wl Flesherton. 16c2 Local and Personal FOR SALEâ€" Quantity o' dry cedar, 14 inch'cs. â€" Geo. Ball, Maxwell, phone 1T0J4 Dundalk. 17p2 ^'ANTEU) â€" AiiUMtla tirftable foi mink and fox teed. â€" Bert liclntofti Eu««Dia, phone Fe««r8hf-i 6r26 FOR S.'^LE â€" VVickless oil .stove, 3- burner, will sell reasonable. â€" Joe Sewell, Flesherton, phone 88w FOR SALE â€" Woo<l heating nickJe bo.x stove, in g^)od' condition.â€" -Fred Brown, phone 33J4 Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Quantity of woven fence wire, used Apply to Miss Annie Howard, Flesherton. 16p2 PLOWING â€" Custom plowingâ€" Grant Sayers, R.R. 1, Priceville, phone 608r3, Durham. 17p4 FOR SALEâ€" 1928 Whipped Six Se- dan, running condition, 5 good tires, price $100. â€" Merle Weber, Kimberley, phone 48J4. 17c2 LOST â€" Red 2-year-old steer with white spots on face, without horns. â€" Sam Fitzsiimmons, R.R. 2 Flesh- erton, phone 73w2. 16c3 FOR SALEâ€" Repristereil Boar, 1 year old; Sows carrying? 2nd litters. â€" Leslie SeelfV, R. R. 1 Flesherton, phone Feversham llr32. 17p2 FOR S.ALEâ€" 130 Light Sussex pullets 5 months old. also 2 puppies, small breed. â€" Geo. Swanton, Phone 3Sr2 Markdale. 16p2 FOR SALEâ€" Electric radio, 'J-tube Serenader, floor model, in excellent shape, cheap for quick sale. â€" Chas. K. C. Lee, phone 17r21 Feversham. FOR SALE â€" Lady's tailored suit, blue, size 18. also ladV's tailored coat, grey tweed, zippered linini;, both in good condition. Can be seen at The Advance office. lGp2 FOR SALEâ€" Eimpire range, use<l one year; DeLaval cream separator, used 1 month, 300 lb. capacity. â€" Dick 'Carson, Ceylon, telepiione Flesherton 22513. 15c2 FOR SALE â€" Chesterfield and chair, brown covering, in good shape, reasonaible; CCM gent's bicycle, re- oonditioned, new paint, good tires. â€" F. M. Duncam, telephone M at Flesherton. 15c2 FOR SALE â€" New 2-wheel trailer, stock racks, new tires and tubes; also sinjjle-furrow walking plow and set of good h-eavy team ham- ess. â€" Calvin Boyee. Eugenia, phone Flesherton llSJl. 17p2 OPPORTUNITY available with large Sales Book Manufacture)-, as a 6-ide-line or part-time basis. At- tractive commiissions. Applicant moisti be known to local trade. For personal interview, write Box 250 The Advance, Flesherton. FARMERS ATTENTION- Wante<i. Jarge Beauty or Marrowfat peas, simall yellow and green &iiiv~i.ii peas. Mail samples, state quant- ity. Phone Birrie 2273, Alliston evenings 107. â€" W. H. Hurst Grain and Cereals. Mrs. Wnj. Moore is vis'itiag friends in Toronto and Hamilton. -Mr. Rog. Boden spent a couple of days this week in Toronto. Miss Alice Heard of Wingham was home over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Jo© Baiuks of Toronto are spending this week at the form- er's parental home. Miss Vivian Long of Hanover was a visitor on Sunday with Miss Jean MeCracken. Jlr. T. J. Fisher is visiting witV- his sisters. Airs. N. Leeder and Mrs. R. McGeoch, at London. Mr. Douglas Reid of Sudbuny spent the week end with bis wife and family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Haucox of Toledo, Ohio, are Sipending a couple of weeks with Mrs. Jos. Blakeley. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Kenny of St. John's, Nfld., and Miss Tess. Kenny of Waterloo spent the week end with Mr and Mrs. Chas. Stafford. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Russell returned on Friday from a motor trip to Sault Ste. Marie, where tihey visited the latter's mother, Mrs. A. Carruthers, and other relatives. Miss Kathleen McDonald, Mr. Jack MbDonald, Mr. and Mrs. AndVew Pannihill and Mr. Joseiph, all of To- ronto, were week ei.d guests v/iit.h Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald. Mr. Andrew Grahami of Livelong, Sask., is still confined to hospital following an opei-ation which he un- derwent some five weeks ago. We trust that he will have a complete recovery. Mrs. Ed. Fisher attended the 32nd annual session of the Grand Chapte- of the O.E.S., held in Toronto last week. Mrs. Willa Brady of Toronto, a member of the local Chapter, was also in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Andrews at- tended the marriage in Toronto on Friday of the latter's brother, Mr. Leonard Taylor, to Miss Eva Rideout, ffre wedding taking place in Timothy Eaton Memorial Church. Mr. And- rews was an usher. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Abbott of Oneida, N.Y., were visitors a couple of (lays last week with Mr. and Mre. T. J. Figher. Mr. Abbott is editor of the Oneida Tribune. We were sorry to have missed him when he called at this office on Thursday. Mr. Wm. Kaitting visited on Sat- urday with his daughter, Mrs. Stan Menzies. Mr. and Mrs. Menziesvre- eenbly moved there from Feversham, Mr. Menzies having taken a partner- ship wiith Mr. Alf. Down in a Chats- worth garage. Miss Annie Howard recently sold her Toronto home and is now resid- ing at her corttage in Flesiherton. Miss Howard is a memibei- of an old Art- emesia and Fle.chei'ton family and we are pleased to welcome her back to town. ' The North Toronto Salvation army- band played in Flesherton on Satur- tilay L;fterncon. They w-ei-e over an hour late in arriving and consequent- ly had to cut short their hour of en- tertainment, as had been advertised The short progiam was greatly en- joyed. 200 Hogs From Toronto Butchered At Dundalk "It's an ill wind that blows nolwdy good." When the United Farmers Co-opeantive in Toronto bought live- stock wlhich could not be killed and processe<l in Toronto because of the dV>minion-wide strike in the packing plants, the local abattoir stepped into the picture. The management of the TCronto Sausage & Pork Packer.< (bought three carloads (200 hogs) from the Go-ioperative and had them shipped to Dundalk by C.P.R. Ra> Jackson transpored tham froan thi. clock yai-ds to the killing plant at the hig'hway corner. •'We hope to have the 201) hogs all butchered by Thursday," "Ding" C; don manager of the Dundalk plant, informe<L The Herald Wednesday evening. About 100 hogs were butch- ered on Wednesday, with a shift of five men on the jibo. A shift was also put on, Wednesday night. It is a co-incidence that same of the hogs were originally from the Dun- dalk district and were shipped back here. "It's a gootl argument for sell- ing at home in the first place,"Mr. Gordton declared. â€" Dundalk Herald. " BOWL HVBM " First T.C.A. Reservation Made By ,Car Phone 'Don't believe the old adage of there not ibeing "anytthing new under the sun." Dave Greenberg, a Montreal buisinessman, i-ecently disproved that. He was driving 'in Montreal one even- ing when he suddenly decided to go to Toronto to .nttend to some busin- ess. It just liappened that Green- ber?; had a phoTie in his car. Enroute to the airport, K' called TCA reser- vations and i-equjsted a seat on the Toronto plane. A short time later his car phone i-ang. It was the con- firmation of his reservation and Mr. Greoniborg happily continued on his way to the airprt. His call from his auto was the first such reservation made by Trans-Canada Air Lines. REV. R. J. iMcLAREN DIES ' The death of Rev. Robert John McLaren occurred on Tuesday, Sept. 16th. He was the Baptist minister of Manitowaning on the Manitoulin Island and death was due to a stroke. He was a former pastor of Cedarside Baptist Church about 33 years ago. Mr. McLaren was born in Scotland on April 15th, 1876. He is survived by his widow, two daughters. Mrs. Alfred Price of Orillia and Mrs. Els- worth Kitchen of Gait and a brother, Lew McLaren. During his ministry, Mr. McLaren served in churches on M'anitoulin Island, Eden, West Lome, Flesherton, Jerseyville and other par- sonages in Ontario. â- ^ You can get credit for being good â€" anil ca.«h for being good at what you do. FOR SALEâ€" Dresser and washstand, /lllu I lUll U/lliL iron be<l, Ash bed with bed springs. I FARM STOCK and IMPLEMENTS chemical toilet with pipes, toilet set, quantity new stove pipes, few cords majjle slab woo<l. I will be at the farm lot 35, con. 8, Arte- mesia, to sell these articles 55atur- day, Seipt. 27. at 1 p.m. â€" Edith Cameron. 17:1 HARRIS & DUNLOP BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, EU- Phone 38 MARWDALE Mr. Duoilop win be in C. J. Bellamy's office every Sat- urday from 6 to 8:30 p.m. DR. T. D. PARK PitYSICIAN 4 SURG1K)N Graduate of Toronto University Oflfice: Kennedv Block Phone 77 Flesherton C. J. BELLAMY VI.LACF (M,ERK A CommisBioner for taking AffidaTlta Moer of Marriage Licensra CONVEYAKCING DEEDS M'0RT6AGBS. WIL'.S, Etc. Office : Toronto StrMt, Fleaiiarton VBRN Mc.MULLEN Lots 1 and 2, Con. 3, N.D.R. Osprey 5 males South-East of Maxwell will offer by Public Auction on WIDNESDAY, OCTOBER Ist at 1 p.m., the following: HORSES â€" Good work Team, 12 years old. CATTLE â€" Durham Cow, 8 years old, milking, to freshen in spuing; 6 Heif frs, 2 years old. supposed in calf, t» freshen in spring; 3 two-year-old Steers; 8 Yearling Cattle; 2 Spring Calves. SWINE and SHEEPâ€" 5 Pigs about 70 lbs.; Sow; 6 Oxford Down Ewes; 5 Lambs. IMPLEMENTS â€" 13-Hoe Mawoy- Hairis Seed Drill; Horse Rake, lO-ft.; Tntprnationa! Mower, fi ft. cut; Steel Ti-uck Wagon; Wagon, % heigiht; Set of Harrows; 2 Walking Plows; Inter n itional Gasoline Engine, 1'-^ h other articles not listed. HAY ,iiid CHOPPED FEED-^ibou) 20 tons mixed Hay, mostly alfalfa; abnut 2 tons Wheat and Barley Chop No reserve, as proprietor is giving up farming. TERMS â€" Cash GEO. E. DUNCAN, Auctioneer FOR SALE â€" Number Barred Rock pullets 5^/4 months old, ready to lay. â€" Russell Phillips, phone 96w3 Flesherton. 17c2 Hello Homemiakers! Many of us are resuming the job of packin;; lunch boxes now that cooler weather is here and school routine has been re-estaiblished. When the lunch box comes down off the shelf, it is also time to take stock of suitable menus. The well-planned mid-day meal foi a growing child cannot be over em- phaiiized â€" like-wise the one for the office worker. Some schools and fact- ories serve soiijjs and beverages at moderate prices, thus eliminating the need for carrying a thermos. If this service is not avaiI.^ble or is found to be costly, it is advisable to make use of the standard lunoh box con- taining a thermos and fill it every day with a wholesome beverage or soup. SANDWICH IDEAS 1. Chopped meat and gravy: Put left- over cooked meat through a food chopper ind moisten with thick gravy. 2. Scrambled eggs with cottage cheese or tomato. Add 2 tbsips. cot- tage cheese o'" tomato (ehocpped) to 2 beaten eggs. Scramble as usual, and cool before putiting in sandwich. 3. Cottage cheese: Mix equal amounts of cottage cheese and chopped spin- ach with a little onion. 4. Chopped prunes or peaches mixed with cream cheese and moistened with skim milk. n. Chopped bacon and mashed cook- ed kidney beans â€" flavoured with a little onion. 6. Peanut butter spreads: (1) Add half quanity of diced apples. (2) .^dd 'i- mashed banana. (3) Mix with shredded carrot. CARROT AND BARLEY SOUP '/4 cup (barley, 5 cups cold Wi,ter, 1 cup diced carrots, 2 tbaps. chopped nion, salt and pepper, SVa cups milk. Soak barley in water overnight. Cook in same water for 46 mins. or until tender. Add carrots, onion and seasoning about 30 mins. before end of cooking time. Stir frequently, add more water if necessary. Add milk and when hot put in thermos. Tlhis makes three servings. LUNCH BOX MENUS Carrot and Barley Souj) Scrambled Eggs Sandwiches Gingerbread Squares Apple ni m i n i mm iiiiiiiiii m ii MM iiiiii f > < â- ii Asphalt Roofing, Insulbric Siding, Insulation 3-in-l Shingles 210 lbs, Winlock and Vee-Lok 125 lbs. Rock Face Rolls 70 lbs., Smooth Face 55 lbs. Bailding Paper RoUbrick Siding Insulbric, royal red witfi whit> nortar line. Insulating Rock Wooi Batts, 2 in. and 3 in. thick Granulated Rook Wood loose in bags. BEATTY REPAIRS Galvanized Pipe V2 inch, 1 inch, l-i^ inch, \^k inch Pump Rod, Cylinders Hay Cars, Steel Track, Barn Door Track and fittings. % in Rope SEPARATORS and STOVES Renfrew Electric Separators, some reconditioned Separators. New Renfrew Stoves Used Beatty Ele«tric Washing Machine, like new WAGONS .'â- .:> : 'â- '-• n with Timkin bearings. Steel Tire Wagon Wooden Wheel Wagon. Wheel sets for rubber tires. W. E. BETTS Phone 46J FLESHERTON ; « < *- Ousltard Cookie Hot Cocoa, THE SUGGESTION BOX Mrs. J. T. says: Taking spots off a crepe dress can be done easily if cleaner is u«ed imimediately. I found that a libte at a tione did not leave a ring, or do it in the open and so the liquid evaipoa-ates quiokely. Mrs. N. S. says: You can sharpen scissors by cutting through fine sandpaper several times. Protest over trains whistling too loud in th« city. Prdbadly the engin- eers are a bit jealous of those who are cosily tucked in bed. WM. K^nriNG LICENSED AUCTIONEER lor the County of Grey Farm and Stock sales our sp 'alt;. Terms: reasonable. Satisfaction ia (piarante?<i. Dates arranged at Tlie Advanree office or phon« km. A A. â- *. â- ,4.- > FOR SALEâ€" Black Peaxiheron horse. 13 years old, cheap for quick sale. â€" Chlas. Stafford, telephone 12w. Flesherton. 17p3 NEGLECT CAN SUM YOUR BUSINESS * No boaineH can afford to face riiki whieli ihonld lie eorered by ingac . aBea, Let «• analyie yonr need*, explain Ww imiiniiee can protect yonr bnuneH tnm leai in many way* and arrance plan- â- ad FOot polidaa to eorer all erentualkiea. â-¼e write POot Insnaance to corer mIp ••led riaka in Antomobile, Fire, Penonal hopetty Floater, Bnrglary, Cargo, Elef» tor, Thenu, Plate Glan, General and Pob* lie Liability, Fidelity and Surety Bonda. H. W. KERNAHAN Flesherton, Ont. Representing liJH.iil.'Hll!l.VH \ -* COMPANY ** * ***** * ***************************** *** *** * * * ****** Cream of Tomato Soup Chopped Meat Sandwiches Canx)t Salad. Fruit Salad Potato Salad and Celei-y Buttered Bi-own Bread SJIIf£ ^ On WHOLE HULK You will hid 200 oalleni (I,a00 Ibt. mHk) On MASUR CALF fiEDS You f*Mi only 25 gallon* (225 Ibt. milk) CANSOFMItiCi PER^CALF MASTER CALF STARTER- GROWER MARKET MORE MILK by following the Master Calf Feeding Prograln. Not only will you grow better calves, but you will raise them for less money! NO MILK REQUIRED AFTER 4th WEEK Master Calf Starter-Grower is a combination of pellets and specially ptocessed cereal grains designed to replace whole or skim milk. It is fed dry. If you prefer gruel feeding use Master Calf Meal. O. & A.>Co-orerat!ve Flesherton, Ont. i! F. T. HILL & CO., Limited il SEPTEMBER Fur Coat Sale TWO POPULAR STYLES IN MINK DYED CONEY ' for MISSES and WOMEN Outstanding Value in a Go-everywhere Coat NEW FEATURES INCLUDE Full Push-up Sleeves Flared Sleeves with windshields in cu*^s High Quality Rayon-Satin Lining Youthful Boxy Line^ New Long Length Sizes 12 to 44 Priced $135.00 Our Dress Department is now showing A grand group of Smartly Styled DRESSES for FALL All in the new length. ' F. T. Hill & Co., Ldt. i Phone 7 Markdale ********** * ****************** * ********************** ^in nHiiiii