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Flesherton Advance, 13 Aug 1947, p. 8

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4 "4 Wednesdayn^August 13, 1947 liiE FUilSHERTON ADVANCE Small Ads FOR SALE â€" 2 Uurh.ini heifers, springing. â€" J0& Radley, Flesehrtoi) FOR SALE â€" Beagle hound pups. â€" M. Dobson, phone 75J1 Fleshei-ton. FOR SALE â€" Frame barn 10x30x14. â€"Mrs. C. Aixhibald, Ceylon. FOR SALEâ€" Lime, kiln of fresh lime ready by Aug. 18th. â€" Earl Fenwick Eugenia, phone Feversham 23r4.3. STRAYED â€" From my premises a year-old red heifer. Finder notify Cecil Young, Maxwell. llp;i .VANTED â€" AJiunaia luitable foi mink and fox feed. â€" Bert Mclntot;: Eugeni»., phone Ferershf 1 Br2S PLOWUN'G â€" Cu.stom plowing and discing, â€" Grant Sayers, R. R. 1 Priceville, phone 608r3 Diu'ham. FOR SALE â€" 50 chunks of pigs; 8 fresh cows and several work horses â€"Dick Carson, phone 22J3. 9c2 FOR S.\LE â€" Breakfast suite, sun- tan and green, table and 6 chairs upholstered.â€" Mel. Buchanan or en- quire at ihe Advance office. WANTEDâ€" Either all or top only of side-wall glass cupboard or kitcn- en cabinet. Call Feversham llr.33 at once. Ilp2 IX3ST â€" Tricycle, freshly painted, red, black and grey, also name is painted on. Finder please notify Geo. Banks, phone 83 Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" House dog, well color- ed and well mannered, gentle with children. â€" Laurie Genoe, Ceylon, phone 51wl. Ilc2 CAME ASTRAY â€" To my premises red and white yearling reifer. Own- er prove property and pay expens- es. â€" \orval Betts, Eugenia. LOST â€" In Fleshei-ton on Monday, Aug. 4th, pair of rim glasses, are OT\Tied by F. J. Thurston. Kindly return if found. Reward. FOR SALE â€" ^Kitchen sink (prewar) iron with white enamel finish, com- plete with strainer, tail-piece and 33 1%. lead piping. Priced to sell quickly. â€" Mrs. F. Seeley, Maxwell. I/)OT â€" At the fair grounds Wed- nesday, Ai^. eth, ladies gold wrist watch. Finder please leave at The Advance office or notify Orville Russell, R.R. 1, Fleaherton. FOR SALE â€" Certified Raspberry plants, Write Box 754 Campibell- ford, Ont., for illustrated folder and growing "Iciow how." Don't delay. Supply limited. PRICEVILLE The August meeting of the W.I was held Thursday, Aug. 7th, at the home of Mrs. A. L. Hincks, when 30 inembei» and visitors were present. -After tMe usual opening exercises, considei-able business was dealt with. An invitation was read from Flesher- ton W.I. inviting us as their guests on Tuesady. Aug. 12bh, at the home of Mrs. John Cook. Miss .\gne3 Macphail gave an interesting talk on her trip to Mexico, while Miss Em- ma .Meads gave two delightful solos with guitar ^ccomipaniment. Mi-s. Malcolm McLean gave a humorous reading and Mrs. Alfred Hincks gavf a travalogue of her trip through the Maritimes and showed pictures of the different places. Betty and Shirley Hincks also sang with guitar and piano accompaniment. Mrs. H- B. McLean, Mrs. Wm'. Meads, Mrs. J. C. Harrison and Mrs. A. Hincks were named a committee to arrange for a program to be given over CFOS in September. The meeting closed with singing the National Anthem. Isabel and Shirley Ferguson of Mt. Forest spent the past week with their aunt, Mrs. Jim Sturrock. Miss Blain Pickles, Eugenia, spent the past week with Misses Betty and Joyce Tuoker. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McLean and family of Toronto spent a few days with friends here. iMr. and Mrs. Frank Wright and Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Harriso"-, Mr. and Mrs. Bradey Irwin spent n few days at Manitoulin Island. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McFarlane and family spent a few days in the north and in Toronto. Miss Beth Harrison of Varney is spending a week wih Marilyn Hincks. iMrs. Sutherland, Bobbie and Pris- cilla of Toronto spent a few days visiting at the home of Mrs. J. Nichol Sr., and attended the old boys and girls reunion. Mrs. Walker and Miss Mary Muir of Toronto spent the week end at the home of Mr. A. S. Muir. Friends here were very sorry to hear of the accident which befell Mr. Allan Cameron in Toronto. Hi^ many friends wish for him and quick a'ld complete recovery. .All were sorry to hear of tho great lofs suffered by Mr. and Mr?. Percy Hunt of Ceylon, when their home was destroyed by fire. Miss Nellie McLean i-eturned to Torcnto, after vacationing here for thiee weeks. SOFTBALL NEWS STRAYED â€" From lot 3, con. 4. in Collinsrwood Twp., steer with brand on left hip. Please notify George Ifcfenes, Duncan, Ont., phone 618r4 Thomburj'. 9,p8 COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF ARTEMBSIA TThe first sitting of the Court of -Revision on the li947 ABBesament Roll will be held in the Town Hall, Plesherbon, on Tuesday, August 19th, 1947, at the hour of 2 o'cook p.m. until 5.30 o'cock pjn\. All parties having business before the Court are notified to atttiid. â€"A. B. CHARD, Clerk. Tenders Wanted Tenders for fiO tons of stoker conl delivered in the bins at Flesherton High School before August 15, 1947, will be received by the Se<?retary. An- alysis of coal to be hubmitted with tenders which close on July 12, 1047. ] â€"A. B. CHARD, Secty. HARRIS & DUNLOP BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, EU- Phone .38 MARK DALE Mr- Dunlop will be in C. J. Bellamy's office every Sat- urday from 6 to 8:30 p.m. DUNDALK IN FIRST PLACE Dundalk pulled the chesnuts out of the fire Friady evening, when they won from Eugenia 12-11, to take first place in the final league standing and the rigiht to meet South Line in the playoflfs. Eugenie scored seven luns the first inning, while Doindalik put across a lone run in the third, the score then being Eugenia 7, Dmn- dalk three. " Eugenia added one in the 5th, another in the seventh and two in the eighth. Dundalk came u<p from behind fast, scored two in the fifth., one in the .sixth, four in tihe eighth and four more in the ninth, to ta/ke the lead. lit was a tough g«ime for Eugenia to lose. FLESHERTON ENTERS FINALS BY DEFEATING FINALS Flesherton won a hard-fouphit last scheduled game from Ferversham on Tuesday night, which enabled theim to enter the league play-offs, by de- feating Feversham 3^2. Flesherton 16(1 1-0 at the end of the fourth, wihen Hughson, the Feversham pitcher, hit a sizzler to centre field and then Mel Sled hit a home inin into right field. Hughson tired in the sixth and isaoied four walks. The bases were loaded when Hank Best caime to bat and he walked, scoring Banks and tieing the score. With one down Betts retired ait first, second base to first and Jack Milne scored the winning run. Tht next two men retired and Feversham could net do anything in their half of the seventh. Flesherton will now nreJJT Eugenia in the semi-final play- offs, but the dates have not yot been set by the league. *DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICIAN & SURGEON GiBduate of Toronto University Office: Kennedv Block Phone 77 FUaherton C. J. BELLAMY Vlr.LAGE CLERK A CoramlMloner for Uklni AffidaTttfl iMuer of Marrikve LIcenM* CX)NVBYANOING DIXIDS MOETGAOES. WIL'.S, Etc. Offiea: Toronto StrMt, FlMhertoa WM. KMTTING LICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County oif Grey Firm and Stock MJea our sp 'alty T»rmB: reasonable. Satigfaction is rniranie«d. Dates asran^ed at Tlw A<)nii>«e oflTlee or phon* 4w. A Texas man, an-ested for drunken driving, claimed the coipss melled hait oil. The court will decide whether he or his hair was plastered, NOTJCE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the Estate of George WilliamBon, deceased. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of George WiU- iam.son, late of the Township of Art- emisia, who died on or about the 27th day of April, 1047, are requested and heroby notified to deliver or sen^ post jjrepaid to the undersigned on or before the Ifttk day of August, 1947, full particulars of their claims d^'y verified hy .Statutory I>erl«rotio»i. Immediately after the said Iftth day of August. U)47, the assets of the estate 'will be distribul^'d amonj; the parties entitled thereto, havinc regard only to the claims that the Executrix shall thiii have had notice. â- 1"0 'aillAaaud Dated at Priceville this 25th 'ay of July, 104 7. â€"MARY "gilbert, Executrix Local and Personal Mr Earle Thurston of Severn Park spent the past week at his home. Mrs. Norman Stoddart is spending this week in Mitchell -with her hus- band, who is employed there. Mrs, Waltetr Uungey and Keitk of Alliston spent a few days in town the last of the week. Mrs. A. McRae and Hattie, Wind- sro, w-ere in town for a couple of days over the week end. Mrs. Harol Bates and Barbara o| Hamilton visited last week with her mother, Mrs. J, J. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Moore of Stayuer visited with Mr. and Mrs. W, Kaitt- ing on Wednesday last. Mr. aiid Mrs. Joe Banks of Toronto spent the past week with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. E, Banks. Miss Betty Henry of Cowansville, Que., is visiting her sister, Mts. Ted MacTavish. Mrs. Ross Thibaudeau and son' Mark, of Detroit is holidaying with her father, Mr. Mark Wilson, and re- latives at Markdale. Mr. and Mrs. S. McNally of To- ronto and Mi'.^. Mary Towel of De- troit were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Wickens. Mr. and Mrs.Unsworth, Los Ange- les, Calif., and Mrs. J. Latimer, To- rono, visited last Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Richardson, Mi's. F. G. Eibach of Detroit visit- ed her sister, Mrs. Ida Alexander, and met many old friends during the Old Home Week. • Mr. and Mrs. John W. Patton are leaving this week for Toronto asd G;.U, prior to return'<ng n'!xt week to their home at Calgary, Alta. Mr. Everette Graham of Windsor spent last week with hia aunt, Minnie Graham, at Riverside Lodge in the Valley. Mr. Will Andrew of Goderich an% Mr. and Mrs. Burton Cooper of Coll- ingwood visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bellamy. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn McPadden last week were: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mylts, Ivuth and Joan, of Owen Sound and Mr. and Mrs. A. Lemon of Markdale. Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Kimmerly, Mrs. A, C. Stoba, Mr. Ronald Kimmerly and Johnie, all of Toronto, visited the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Walker S. Sloan. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bellamy of God- erich spent the past week with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Bellamy. Mrs. Bellamy remained for another week. Messrs. Art McDonald and Cecil D. Meldruim left the first of the week on a motor trip to Gold Pines, to visit the former's son, Mr. Royden Mc- Donald, and the latter's niece, Mrs. McDonald. Master Raymond Alexander and sister, Ann, have returned to Owen Sound, after spending two weeks with their aunt, Mrs. Norman Stoddart. Ted Soddart accompanied them hoone for a week's holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Geopge ElMs, Patsy and Jimonie, accwnipanied by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kelly' of Baysville, Mus- koka, visited over tIhe week end with Mr. and Mrs. O.J. Rowe, Keith and David. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. Wickens during Old Home Week Mr. and Mrs. John Beecroft, Owen Sound; Miss Saarh Pedlar, Tornoto; Mrs. Jas. Armstrong. South Porcu- pine; C. T. Pedlar, Neepawa; Bert Smith, Winnipeg. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Flynn and son, Brian, of Brantfoixl, Mr. and Mrs. King of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Flynn and son, Carrie, of Is- lington were week end visitors with Mr. Jolin Flynn and Mrs. Foster on the Meaford Road'. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Gorley over Old Home Week were: Mr. and Mrs. Kilburn Hemphill oF Vancouver, B.C.. Miss Jean Hemphill of Toronto, Mrs. Jennie Wilcock of New Westminster, B.C., and Mr. Kil- burn Magee of Aneroid, Sask. Other callers were: Mir, Waler Hemphill of B.C., Ronnie Hemphill of Toronto, Mrs. Lome Murdook of Regina, Sask., Mr. Robt. Miller and sisters, Char- lotte, Reiperta and Dora, Shelburne. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ADDITIONAL LOCALS Mr. Jim Wilson of Owen Sound spent the past week in town. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thislethwaite of Toronto were holiday visitors in town last week, Mr. and Mti's. Jas. Laughlin and daughter of London spent the past week with his brother. Bill, and sis- ter, Mrs. Wni. McMastesr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dunoan left On Monday on a two months' motor trip to WesteiTi Canada. They intend also to visit relatives at Spokane, Wash. We wish them a good trip. Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Caushier of Hagerstown, Md., have returned to their home after spending two weeks here and in Collingwood and attend- ing the Old Home Week festivities. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Carter, Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Davies, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Cai-swell, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Duggin of Flint, Mich., and Miss Agnes Petty of To- ronto were recent visitors with Mrs. Wm. Moore and Mrs. Brown. Mrs. R. H. Mellafont (Gertie Bell- amy) of Coutts, Alta., is visiting hor sister, Mrs. Russell Park. Mrs. Mellafont took the T.C.A. plane at Lethbridge Friday morning, August 1st and by dark that night she had arrived at Flesherton. Mrs. Mella- font stated that they were told when, they had reached Owen Sound and a few moments later she had saw the pond at Flesherton. It was quite a thiiH. Mrs. Mellfaont was met at the Malton airport by Mr. and Mrs. Park and motored to Flesherton. (EUARSIDE KAl'TIST CHUKl II .Rev. W. A. White, E.D. Pastor Service next Lord's Day, Sunday Aug. 17th. Worship at 8 p.m. The Rev. W. D. Ross, the Moderator of the Owen Sound Association and pas- tor of Neustadt Baptist Church, will be the preacher. Church School will be at 2 p.m. on Sunday, Aug. 17th, because of the anniversary seivices in Rook Mills. ROCK MILLS BAPTIST CHURCH ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Sunday, Aug. 17th, the Rev. W. D. Ross, pastor of the Neustadt Baptist Church and Moderator of the Owen Sound Association will be the preach- er at both serwes at 11 a.m. and also at 7:30 p.m. The special music at the evening service will be rend- ered by Neustadt Baptist quartette. We welcome you to both services. B.Y.P.U. on Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. NOTICE Hunting, fishing or trespassing in any way on Part Lot 33 and Lot 34, Coil. 12, Arte-nesia, is strictly pro- hibited. â€" Bert Magee, Eugenia. Future Events The Richaj-dson reunion will be held at Srwinton Park hall Saturday, Aug. 23Td, at 2 p.m. Spoits and program in afternoon; dancing in the evening. Bring basket lunch. Silver collection. DANCE AT KIMBERLEY Dance in Kimberley hall Thui"sday. Aug. 14th. Music by Norm Hartley and his popular orohestra. Door prize. Booth. Admission: .^Oc. AUCTION SALE An auction sale of the furniture and household effects of the late Mrs- D. Long will be held at Fevershaam Saturday evening, AugTist 23rd, at 7:30 p.m. â€" â- George E. Duncan, Auc- tioneer. HONEY NEW EXTRACTED HONEY NOW AVAILABLE No coupons needed... Honey supplied in pails or bring your own containers... Don't delay, get, your supply early. Warehouse open Wednesday night. P. R. HOWELL, Flesherton * i F. T. HILL & CO., Limited ij We Have !n Stock Now The Gardsman PRICE $15.75 EACH The GUARDSMAN may save YOUR life by elimin- atting the danger of being trapped by fire while asleep Modern scientific engineering has made it possible to place a TIRE DETECTOR and -\L-\RM in your home to help protect against loss of life by fire. This great outstanding invention, known as The GUARDS^NL^N will ring ot'^ a loud warning for you and your family to leave the premises before it is too late. The GUARDSMAN is non-electrical, has no batter- ies, chemicals or fusible hnks, does not require any installation, just hang it on a nail You carn,^ fire insurance to protect you against loss of property, but what protection have you against loss of your LIFE and the LIVES of your loved ones in that very saine fire? This sensational life-saving device is now available at a nominl cost. Don't delay â€" don't wait â€" call on us, RIGHT NOW, for a demonstration. FOR HOMES HOTELS SCHOOLS FARM HOUSES HOSPITALS INSTITUTIONS GARAGES, etci The GUARDSMAN operates automatically. It does not depend on outside elements. With its 7 inch fire gong it will clang out a loud warning be fore the actual fire reaches it. Heat itself setts it off. The GUARDSMAN protects you 24 hours each and every day. It never sleeps â€" it never forgets, its first cost is its last cost. There is no mainten- ance cost. There is no maintenance expense â€" it does not require any attention and d'.»es not wear out. To be safe irom fire you should know when it starts â€" not when windows are the onlj' means of escape. I The GUARDSMAN helps to warn you that a fire t fire has broken out, thereby greatly I minimizing loss of life. F. T. Hill & Co., Ldt. Phone 7 Markdale ♦in I H I * * * ** **** * t u t u â-ºâ™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ t t*' iTf**** * * * C IN THE MATTER of the Estate of Martha McEachnie, Widow, dereaesd. ALL PEIRISCJNIS ihaving claims aRflinst the estate of Martha Mc- Eachnie late of the Villapre of Flesh- erton. Widow, deceased, who died on or about the Fourtih day of June. 1947, arc required and hei'eby notified to deliver or send post prepaid to the undersigned Solicitor for the Execu- tor on or before the 2;ird day of -Vug- ust, 1047, full particulars orf their clflims, duly verified by Statutory Declaration. Imimediately after, th^ said Twenty- third day of Auifust, 1947, the assets of tho estate will be distributed amonp the parties entitled bheYeto. hnvinjr re-prard only to the ch\inis thai tho Executor shall then have had notice. Dated at Dundnlli this 2.1rd day of July, lit47. â€"I. B. LUCAS, Dundalk, Ont., Solicitor for E5xecut*r. mAif^. 00 BY BUS FARES ARE LOW Round Trip . Ton Inoludwl GRA\ ICOACH MINf S X via Owen Sound (Subjec to change) FIRESIDE LUNCH Reg. Boden, Prop. Phone 63 Flesherton m Beteverton - - $ 9.15 - North Bay - . 17.95 â- -â-  X Barrie - - - 5.85 X Collingwood 4.70 0% I -p !^ 'A 'Jt 'jg 4 'Mt t •^ 'm >»' J*. * "0 1 in

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