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Flesherton Advance, 13 Aug 1947, p. 7

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s V ^ *- f ^ \ •4. A. A. Watching Their Figures â€" Pasquale D'Angeio gets into ioiue hig'r«:r r.-.-:...;...... ::^ a: tlie Can- adian National Ehibition school tor fashion show models. The young models lap up tiieir lessons with more ehthusiasni than their geometry theorems, but after all the-e CXE girls are learnin"- how to model. That makes a difference. Sports - And One Thing or Another By FRANK MANN H"ARRIS â-  ("A Sbcbit Critic") â-  We r.:l know that Father Time has I dirty habit O! sneaking up on us nhen we're not looking; but, even »o. it's difficult to realize that almost 21 yerirs have slipped by since the name "George Young" tirst crashed the headlines. For it was on Jan. 16, 19i7 that all Canada went haywire over the news that an imknov%i» Torontc kid had won the swim from Los Anjreles to Cataltna Island, for nhich Mr. Wrigley liad hung out the tidy prize of $J5,i.XX). ♦ » » For those who cannot roc:dl the fuss made over the returning young hero, we may say it was something like the recent dither regarding Bar- b.ira Ar.n Scottâ€" reracmbor hot? â€" only doubled and redoubled and with various hilarious sidelights sadly missing in the latter affair. For with that kitid of money in the orting. you may be sure there were ntany helping hands outstretched; .-\ttd before cooled down. Young was probably carved and sliced more 4vays than any watermelon that ever ripened vn a fniit-storo shelf. * « « Howc\er. directly out oi Young's feat spring the Canadian National F„\lubition Marathon Swims, to be revi\-ed once again very sliortly. We can hardly wait either, as for sheer hick of thrills and utter absence of e.\citemer.:. those long - distance water-cruwls beat ;uvythiug we have ever seen in spv^rt ; and we can w ell recall sitting in the launch irom which the swim brv'adcasts origin- ated ar.d pitying the poor oafs at the mike ir; their etTorts to nui's;c bricks without straw, ;md sound as it they weren't rnding it hard to stay a\v;\ke. * * * Yet, even though we've witnessed checker gumes that were whirlwinds of actio:', beside them, somehow or other tlie darned things gripped you; and. to; ;;ll this sniH-riority of ;ttli- tude, no doubt we shall be among that huge throng lining the F.\hibi- tion waterfront when the day avrivcs â€"and so, most likely, will you. • » ♦ S^-mt rcdio stations offer cash («.> thf list,->ur first />Ai)Ki«s; j r^^i>r( o/ (IN accitifnt or vtht-r bit i'/ tatf nf^ns. and nf knew i>»K man tt7ti> wishes tlwy tti'u.'ii'«"/. "iWy tei/e w a SHchter fiif' mi ihesi' free radit.' •.\>ntcsls. anii nftv'iiyj- ccmflainini) hecausi she iicter xvins'' ht- sitys. "And t-tu-rv time they make that i>fer Ofer thf air. t seem f,i iiiiaffiii^ her sisin^ me w/> and Kouderiii^; if its worth her nhile tif jd'i'ft the bread-knife i»t^> me. and ttieo rtis': fe the phone and r,'/>i>rf." « • « We are going to get the di\>ii on all oiu contemporaries and In- the lii.Ni lo V'-edict that, when No\eml>er rolls around, .loe Walcott will win the world's heavyweight title by •iciniug ii knockout over t.'hampiou lo,- 1a>11> » ♦ * We ;-,vc ^\Ulln,g to bet money on it â- â™¦iKiâ€"our only proviso being that our man must be allowed to cany ,-» U-iiglh of leiul-pipe. while -Mr. l.ouis has to enter the ring securely Mind- foMed, We won't insist i>» handcuiTs fkiv bonis ;i!tlu",!g!i i: might be .i liule ^„M PARTICIILAK ABOUT coffee? Then try IVlaxwell iloiiHL^. It contains choice I^tiii>Anierican coffees. Expert Blending com- liine» them all in a snperh MaxKcll Honse blend that has e.Ttra flavor. jRggMEV£ MHEsmm BY RUBBING IN ^ Brine* autck r«Uel. ireii»elc«». fiitt ilrytnc, no •trong odor. 35 < MfNAp •^ILNfTf FJyHlOX XOTE: A yonag hid itf our nay recently s<x:se his grotxn-mf sister arrayed in her first /ori'-tTd evening dress. .4sked fi>r kis y/^micut of the o^Htfit he said. "^She loots fHst like as if some soda- jerk had been trying to cram i)«i- scoop of ice-iream too many !'!.'.> the glass." The eraiaetu Bob Feller, sounding off about recent atlepipts of the basel>all magnates to curb his post- season activities, drag.-, in such tlossy and high-soundir.i; phrtises as "Isn't this a democracy" and "Didn't we tight a war for freedom?" and so forth. Personally, we would have been more inclined to go all the way with .\Ir. Feller if he hadn't added. "I'm not doing this for myself â€" but for the poor fellows who only earn five or six thousand in the regular season" f « »; Somehow v>r other -is may bo a flaw ill our early upbringingâ€" when- ever a man sounds that "not for my- self but for the other guy" note too strongly, we tt-gin to be pestered with doubts .\nd when we kK>k up the recorvls. which indicate that F'eller personally -collected a mere forty thousand year before last, fifty thousand last l-'all. from such after-season banistorraing, we won- der if Bob is really so disinterested as he sounds. If so. all he has to do is give his less-fortunate team-mates the entire takings of this year's j.-uint. It's a wonder he ne\er thought of that himself! » » » HERO ilORS'lin: .Abraham Lincoln nos one of the tfreatest men who eier Ircwi, and the opening of kis loMft-seated pritate papers a mat- ter of KOrld-zs.-ide interest. I'he fact that the chief interest seemed lo centre around ii.'helher or not those papers contained anything scandiil- o-us rejtarding either Lincoln's par- entaije or kis assassinatiott rust goes to proxe â€" Oh. anythinji yoH tike. * * t The Toronto (."dotie & M.vil has l>eeu editorially lienioaning. at some length, the p<.H>r showing Canadians make in international sp(.>rts, and comes to the conclusion that we are becoming a nation of spectators rather than ivarticip;ints. The fact that our daily pai>ers devote double or three times the sjkicc to pr\»- fessional or "si>ectator" six>rt that they do to the amateur or "turtici- pant" variety would, of course, have nothing to do with this cvMidilion. * » * iri«jti»i ChHrchilt. ivAo since his defeat in the last Hritish elections has continHcd to taik tike a good, game winner, flays the present Cov~ ernnient because it tcastes precious .hnerican e.vchange on sHck imports >r> tobaeeo. If Mr. Churcliili had con- tinned in ,*i>wcr At- t\o)tld. tsv take it. Itafe shut down »u the import of the filthy weed attoijelher. t'.vcept, pos- sibly, a limited iitimbcr of hi^jh- OHolity I ttjor.i â-  What Science Is Doing Influenza Vaccine Oi more than ordhiary moment is the announcement made to the Philadelphia Section of the Ameri- can Chemical Society that research- ers have developed a new vaccine capable of preventing influeaza epi- demics such as took 130.000.000 lives after the First World War. This encouraging word comes from an eminent authority. Dr. Wendell M. Stanley of the Rocke- feller Institute for Medical Re- search. Princeton. N-.F.. a Xobel Prize winner and a scientist most unlikely to go about makitig merely wishful I'oreeasts- .\cci->rdtug to Dr. Stanley-, the new .accine. like three others al- ready avatiaWe. has proven effec- tive in mass inoculations of 150,000 persons in a big industrial concern, but its crowning merit it that, un- like the c>thers. it causes no un- fav;>rabt-- reactions, such as chills, fevers or bodily aches. Medicine moves slowly and with caution as it should. But this looks like an important addition to the doctors" armament against disease. Panicularly- will the vaccine devel- oped under the direction of the fa- mous Dr. Stanley be of interest to laymen when the latter are told that some medical men believe there will be a recurring cycle of epidemic influenra next year. German Specialists Coming to Canada Importation of U German spe- cialists is expected to provide at least a thousand new jobs for Canadians- These (.lennans are technicijus with the special know- ledge and skill to introduce brand new processes and products into this couutrv. says the Financial Post. .-Kdmittedly these specialists re- present the very cream of the mil- lions of immigrants we could get from defeated (.iermany. Normally we couldn't hope to attracf mauy in their topuotch category. But, if we wishevt we could secure many hundreds of thous.iuds of poten- tial specialists from Cermany and other countries in Western Kurope. .\nd out of those thousands there would be a great many who, seeing opportunities here that native Can- adians have either missed, or for some reason neglected, would de- velope new industries and create new jobs. Where v>onld this comlueut be today had there been no immigrant ships to bring out the fathers and grandfathers of the Saunders, Fords, Burhanks. Kdisous, Bells, and .hundreds of others who have launched new industries or opened new territories? Certainly in Can- ada at least, we are not ,<o far de- veK>ped that we can afford to v\iss up any offers of hel-' ISSUE 33â€"1947 Learn to Relax And Live Longer One rea.soo heart disease scantJs at tiie bea4 oi the list of the sevea ^eat killers i* due ti) the increas- iog projiortiaa of oider people in •-.ur popalatixj. So says the Ro>-al Bank of Cani'la's Xearsl^ter on Heahh. The seven tillers are cot Ovctfrned to any section oi the cotmtry or to any class, but they do strike more di- rectly at people of iJvanced ysars. Heart disease aad diseiijs of the arteries represent the w earing out o£ the body. But it can wear a Viwi ttme before it becomes threailbare if a man would learn to use himself wttb the same c-itisideratioo he woold give to his machiaes. Bat many a man who woc'd not dream of putttin? too much pressore la his atitom>3bde tires, lays a cr'tistout pressure on bis heart. « « • Overwork isn't the real answer, at least if it isn't prolonged and stren- •I'lOi physical work. Doctors ':;t:es- :ion whether mectal work alone caa cause undue fatigue. !f it does sn it is more likely to be dtie to some emotional terision. The remedy lies in change rather titan rest, for the tninJ is practically iaexhaustiTue. Men don't die of overwork, and a Sad heart may do yeoman foT tcany a long year, if the facts are known and radinvatary pre- cautt'ins are take:'.. T! 9. » .\.rid the tirst caution is k't:ini» ' 'i*n the pressure. The work won't '•.'.li you. but the drive may. There- - vre. reb-x. It isn't so hard. It d^iesn't mean a long sea voyage, or months in bed urdess the pressure has been kept too h'gfa for too long. LX'Iiberately, c-orLSciousry slacken pac; several every day. Loosen your necktie and shoestrings. Put your feet on the desk. It may not be elegant, bat it is a saiegtiard. Try it two or three times a day and for two or three minutes. Try letting the wc>r!d look after itself. while you look after nothing. That is a fairly simple way to avoid a btow- Ottt. ITCH CHECKED -OP Monex Sack ou D. D. FffcscmrnoM. Oi^9d<^^»ls u»i loday fj« D« D, O, PfEESCJUmOM. The St Begis Hotel roKO-vro % Evvr? Kijujoa With Biitfi. >b«»ww SirijjI.:. *:;.3«> u,f â€" NisktlT Tct. RA. IU.5 ROOMS BE.AUTIFULLY FURNISHED 51.50 up HOTEL METROPOLE M ^f. \SA rAii,.« ore. â€" c N.K. srAVioN liotK^ CiSARETTf PAPERS Famous Pl^Wlv Cl0o<«<t« Paper HAOEIN FRANCE on «al« in Canad« BLUE COVER P0R6 ww-re AutemaNc 100 le<iv«« ZIO-ZAO OC* aOARETTt ROllER ^*^ \ Classified Advertising AGE-Vir* WA-NTtB OILS. GREASES. TIRES, UtLUt «rjL>TI» ftibi Barn P-iint. Eti»or Cwininifj. ««. 0«&larft wiaiM «rt;^» areuiu * O-I UmiUdk'! : Ptl»>a«'pa" DEIXVERT >a ;. » ^aJ (S-»e wade ; iilil iijLiT..-i va'.hf':^ Whi.* I.,^iu>nM. Vtax* Ln«aor'.« 1 aurw R.Kk. ai.-TOi awlt I Wfttt« I ' Liufloni. U'l>i'.i R.j.-'it I «!>;•:< t.,«ai)>-n. a.-urk ' .V'ji»cral*»o X WriiiC? LatfUtjrn. .c*at>rT;,^l Xv^ljtmx : •inJ l-iislJ^ bftsi. Ai*» 'tiy .>;.! o&urka IkMlud j ' rr'S** '.•;lt;l^J«â- ie Twi^Ktl* OJ,ct t£a. rttenisa ' Ltauz-^ti. F*r-s-i^. OntjLr;->. (. Llti'L ATE narwt*. ABUly t» suiKriati :,i..»t L.i-Kif. cnvkTKi. __^.^____ r-tttt«* t* ^i'imawtuz^ 'itiw. Z. s.itiry If ii* M S<aE* tmaij;^ inii t.*fauiion# .VMly Jfis. ArTiiur SiMiHoy. s« .TfrMj., t.'iron-njf-'iu- Onr. MUMCAL Li.iOK . j>»t^.Tyi^'ii}tr^ Wi* IL;AV« *-i,-< wufe •jU ifnlhi'is tie :»cam3c ihioastinr. la m*MC •iA. ThlaJt wta.1-. ite»» wu metta to yiM z fiii till nut w:nc«r. Br-a.j ilit :'a»e-f. IJi) J)ha N . H. ,rfT,;r.wr Oat. or Neurit:* a^miliii er? D^xon*^ B THlPJSE "arEKK jM »CJ.rt*a DUiitfU. WTuta- TCTiire Lrfsiaoi'ii *:!t.^. i4^f*)rt«l»J Jt^tfnim uul aulZT*ra. To9 NoC:!i '.'h-';i£ir--'3. L;u*?l'i»i]u, Oat- orrucrrt ^vrtBft nut womc^ A Br,'ifNEiJc3 q£ yutt? «wa Ear uolj ti*. £a!u:<xhjc« oar rw«tjiuj:iOiia.r3 parsate^i irouati- Bold n.(^*tfasit7'.. Wnia far tx^ f pa.riiciiU.f *. Box tt5. Ti AileLiiiii W , Turun-U. OYP>0 aJ irO CU E- VXING ' ^aV^ rue liy^it'-ac ojc-^u^. •I./'ii.ntf <ic ciiout- j ia«? Wcuit :a \xa :^;r Tnrcrraai-aa. W* at* . BE A BAIDRESSSR iutfU» trvs. Writ* or Cii!li 3a3 Bluer #t 'â- '» ^j.-mc:? Bc*ai:h«i» ** Ki&A Sx. fr? i - n i uuts rue &kUL r5rrEi:it£To-NAt.'G tt Taruatc iSi<«it;ei- or pfit>'ro«:x.uni \ fiXHi. iiJLL£, tfuijj ffru.B xal iJairy firm. IJ* ji a.rrasA.*'i: stfLI wiUi ur wt'.lhtfu^ stock atad [ rec SALE I rOR :?AlLSi â€" TriCL'.'c T;rvs. nu.O'- a£ rubber. I sttiSitbl-* ioc bolT^xziS un s£**i, wtbwi3^ 515- 'W i «a*:b. r?ar wtiiwts; Sr.j* ettch* troat nt&tM&t. ; wiljetffcs. Natiijnii R:2rii>»?r ' * XHA- BSLACTIFLU-Y aiiriyvl rk*a^U» Hy^ad* I Ct-ETTRAC eat-n?Jiajr tr-x.*ttjr wii\ i tr. bdU- lar-i. Br*i3tj.;i3. Oct. Fhaaa 3* r 11. >'c Ws.VX PbctJ itfnrc* 'i^:;p*. . - - ..â- - ..i'i:tii at ffllot* iia..aa^as. ifilaia iiftMvhto*!^ aj«* jjtiva la anai»tfiLoc :fclbui£r ZOq, &«i7riai» «£. For iwtt.3C cjuojity ami ttit«ff v^muaa) owns* at*iij yoirc Eirms to :- l W.ty PlJiMij- Swini^'' - PROMPT MAIL SEfiVICK Tira b-i. ;•-;•• '..' s' *â- * o 11'. s â-  .;:i '.* ir<>rft • AT hOWKR PRICES Vr^': - -- ; vuu; !:..:-i.t S>.'a<j f.a*f€» tt» AVI Stan K4>cx iXKVElA^irSU ami pstxrci? »* Keprizi's trum youir a-BS^r.^tn 4* WilTiTi': or Bia;!* rsra-ri-ia *t;. It purtwr* mad* from c r~a tis c ' touc a'jtfa: vv^ STAR SN.VPSHOT 3ERVICS BOX ni*. eyy<Y airicc *. tokunt* I FOR ^ALiCâ€" Bara *> T i'J. Ooo»i c:iij.?e, i lSou*f :» X SZ. M*.fi Cardiff. Et. £. j ' fiX^R SALEâ€" Ayrsii-'r- Bull. Wywjac*;- HitfA- â-  GOOD It^eairy oatfJ MiiHarr Wisuns- suicabl* ! Wcice foe piir^ciLir*. Fyrcy J. Etori;riJi59., 3i>-> FUSii Bl-itf , OttiwJi. Fv>a JiAUKâ€" Ayr^iJi-w E&tU. W>uy*t-f Hi«^ I ta:i<i Fr*Jictf. .J y<fu.r oM. Ri>bi*tt BaictLuojp- i GREAT DANE PITPPIES * eA':-:;p.:x>C4l 7w«>*l liJi«tf. Fawn v;tl* Edacft; atiiaifc*. iSJ Br'jui'iit.ta Av-joj'i. T(jr«a.tat HL". S'TfS . Ii X V. k .'SVi tl^. Out. $2a.*'>; f-males SiO.^W. WouJvrMt a-s-ir So:s \i«*«3. IH-- A. S. £tU';te. £:i:uok.Ua. Ou-V. IMFORTANT: Ti* jlU rutAilew^ A &<K>itt««»- ptfcja-it* f'JT Etw sBuAlitfr r^nlec »c » cost a*> t»ii»t a-j\.^ii:siii.ttsis asj-rr fxa afJvwil til tvj«la.v ;jr ^iU yar'::caUr3, ACCivKI^lTSD BV^INK:*.? SYs<T?r3i:>. Eajx T^i. V^itii. Out. KOtl ca:i N> j>Ma. Kor& ia« Ap triJF l>f txQ.:<» f tutpniJia. K. R. Ns?. X >Xji ioc. Out. WltSO CONTCrrW^Nl^RS 'Vfiisawisf^ COPSST #J OTTAWA iSuss-Masttff v^wi^f saiiir. * lL»k. sou, >,»!: t.:jv-rnor K'-o*. A9t>I> AutfU^w G^jw. TIRES Tir*» wiih liisi treatis â€" aU tfuajrtutc^M ti* b* ia ^xcytl-iut sitAiv ^iw^MJil y^;cv oa casr (ir>?<s, Alt stz*a â€" 45. Jt). AU orU*;r» »iiiffoed C.».XI>. fr-j'm Out:jiC"j» oaoac uio^ra'.; <e«4at^ IU5ACON t;iu: I i'ttraet (Ih^vu mod Mtuc^ $&.„ \ Htutulttm. OaCiuM. i Btt£*rr are iJ»»^ w;im..T«i :i>^ Vk tl'MA BAIRlMlES^Mi j Rc>t«rtstm'« HalfUr«*ita4 AcaJijniy. UT Av1^ UEJLT wAxrew GENERAL DUTY NURSES Fi.*r UjirkJj.1-* Fnrai* H.Mi-- I. 0.--t -o', M.^.-tt.t.i'j, Or-:, Dr. n TliOifftfttt. Altwtrtji. ;iaa PriOT â€" S-i'f Vf: Ur^ CUifyvi Mtwre. K-R. N^ i. tfcfcz^*' Cyca<?r. Sri Vnzit^â€"ili Jiti J. Luu^•&J, New 15. vrtxtf«i ^ >^H aaclk: !>?« 31oa:!». Co. t.;a3pii'. P.Q. Mrs. F. B. :?B'.i.-.b, Sui flT. 3itoiRt- Mr* Win Oin:.*. K. K N>. s. Mrs. L-MJ-writt* Baf^ Bax tlL Fi3&ir iirs. A E. CnwrtWTW*!. WltfCoorji^Jt if*-Aal A;i>ert Char^Mm-foitt Cm* J«4 Mrs. R. >£ Lauivn. R. K. >;* J. Rotfwr C?i^c*au. R.R. t. ^t. 5U.« i'Ott^^nl. C*. She(^>r'>^k:J', F si [ 0«?o- Ou-tWt. rr Ru* St-<Xivwr. Slit? Er^-fc*!:aa. JEUltlona^t ^ B. C- Ivy rw:t«r. RLX-Mort Krwltfv. Att>tfrt*. [ Sljfcry A. CrtfWth, NtvrtuflL. X«w WILSON'S FLY PADS Ts* ch-tipat. mjit ccn^initiit «jy of fcjlli.ns flits, Ns f«ss, no siiej, «Stfi^ voii us* \*'lLSON-'S FUy PADS. Bjy som* toojy tni («« *iLSON'S ay p.ADs do -j^* -o<k j h< yo«, Th«5f hivt wjtVtd tot CjruJU«j jinc« 18S0. StUi only 10c ROU YOUR own BFniK aCARfTHES CIGARETTE TOBACCO MUTT AND JEFFâ€" Jeff Has A New Gadget For High Pressure Sales mattship By BUD FISHER

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