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Flesherton Advance, 13 Aug 1947, p. 4

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an a* 4r Wednesday, August 13, 1947 '!HE Fi.ESHF.RTON ADV^r.'CH S! â-ºâ™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦Â»Â»<»»»»»<>»^»<"»<H{M><><'<"5'\HVC'»fr<fr«»«»<»»fr»»<»<»«»»»»»»»»»»» ; YOUR KIND Co-operation, Please It is essential that more «are be given cream | during the hot weather. ^ Here are several hints which Will help you and help us to maintain our high standard of qual> ity buttef: 1. Cool cream as rapidly as possible after sep- arating. This can be done by placing the | cream container in a vessel of cold water % in the basemeint. I t 2. Send cream in by trurk or ^deliver at least | twice a week. ^ 3. Keep all dairy utensils in best posi^lble i sanitary condition. Flesherton Creamery us Avis, Manager Phone 66 FLESHERTON, Ontario Become a Nursing Assistant Fifth Course Starts September 2, 1947 NOTE THESE FEATURES: • PM WHILE LEARNING • UNIFORMS PROVIDED • FREE TRANSPORTATION • CERTIFICATE ON GRADUATION • GOOD PROSPECTS OF INTERESTING EMPLOYMENT ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS Ageâ€" 18 to 40 Years • Good Health Grade VIII Education This Course consists of three months' class room instruction and six months' practical instruction in hospital. While training you rec^ve $60.00 per month less maintenance. Transportation is paid for students from their place of residence to the central school* and free uniforms are provided. On successful completion of the Course, graduates will receive an appropriate certificate from The Department of Health. Schools are centrally located. Apply immediately to the DIVISION OF NURSE REGISTRATION Parliament Buildings, Queen's Park, Toronto DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH FOR THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO DH147 THE Fleshertofl Advd^.wt .'ubiished on CoUingrwood St., Flesherton, Wednesday of each Atfek. Circulation 1,100. Price tir'.OO a year in Canada, paid in it'jvance; |2.50 per year in the United States. F. J. THURSTON. Editor Names of Old Home Week Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Bobt. A. Wilcock and Richard, Buffalo; Chas. T. Pedlar Neepawa,. Man.; Mr. and Mrs. Ediwin Smith, London; Mr. and M(rs. I. B. Hurst (Joan Smith), Toronto; Keith Smith, London; Cecil Thistleithwaiite. Shelbunie; Mr. and Mr.s W. J. Os- borne. Wilder, Idaho; Walter Os.bome Wilder, Idaho; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Croft, Tororeto; Clarence Alexander, Owen Sound; Arlene Taylor, Toronto; â- Jean Duncan, Toronto; Josie (Rich- ardson) (Latimer, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. ©elbert Smitii. Toronto; Dr. and Mrs. Ken. Boyd, Toronto; Laura M. Boyd, Bermuda; Heather Boyd, To- roreto; Mrs. Edith (Bellamy) Phillips, Toronto; Mts. Irene (Smith) iMbLean Oiwen Sound; Jos. H. Field, Toronto; Fred MacTavish, Nortih Bay; Mrs. J. B. Cummins, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Stewart, MacTavish, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Huitton, Guelph; AM. Ward- roibe and Thos. Wardrohe, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Crossley and John, Toronto. Mrs. D. J. McCoUum (Marion Shaw) Winona; Bob Meads. Toronto; Lena M. Wright, Detroit; IDr. and Mirs. Robt. Moitton, Pittsburg; Mh:. and Mrs. Burton E. Field and Bruce Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thistle- thwaite (Leona Bellamy), Toronto: Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Miller (Ella Long). Dundalk; Mrs. J. J. McGee (Em. Smith), Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Bridgeman (Mary Paton), Win- ona; Bd. Patton, Dundalk; Mrs. Ed Thompson, Kenora; Mr. and Mrs. Bert Peteh, Toronto; Mrs. W. A. Armstrong. Toronto; Wes Armstrong, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Archie Sin clair (Beatrice Hales), Dundalk; iM!i-s. S. Dezell (Bmnia Carson) Owen ' Sound; Gertie (Keefer) Van Passel, Elmhurst, N.Y.; Maud Richardson Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. E. D. (Dave) Bentham (Bess Reynolds), Richard and Janet. Toronto; Mrs. L. G. Hill (Elizabeth Bentham), Toronto; Fred H. Bellamy, Collinpwood; Vernon Stewart, Bi-aimpton; Mr. and Mrs. Dick Stewai't (Marion Miller). Dun- dalk; Rev. and Mrs. Harold E. W'ell- wood, Richmond Hill; Mrs. R. W. Shaw (.Myrtle Thurston), Lions Head, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. McDonald (Mable Boyd), Islinirton; Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Pattison, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Wlm. Colquette (Lila Alexander), Owen Sound; Lillie (Thistlethwaite) Brown, Toronto; Leonard iBrown. Toronto; 'Mtrs. Wilfred McMaster, Caledonia; Dr. and Mrs. Beatty (Hazel McLeod) Madoc; Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Stewart. Toronto; Ruby Dunibar. Blind Riv,er. Miss Nellie Ward, CoUingwood; W. N. Hemphill, Toronto; Vera (McMuU len) Buckley, Toronto; Ina (McMul- len) Hawke, Cloverd'ale, B.C.; Mrs. Tlios. Wilcock, New Westminster, B. C; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Armstrong, To- ronto; Mrs. L. (Hemphill) Murdoek. Regina; Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McDon- ald (Pearl Oairns), Midhurat; iM!r. and Mrs. C. P. Wilson, Merritton; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Patton, Calgary, Alta.; Glenn B. PetoJi, Lansing; Irene Fire in a Persian tomple has been tamiinig for over 1,000 years. Don't ba too hasty in jud^ng your fire deiMtrtment. The most dangerous work in the world from tJhe atondpoint of acci- dents, is farming. Yes, and from the standpolrkt of income, too. Additional Tra'n Service i TORONTO -OWEN SOUND ;; COMMENCING SUNDAY, AUGUST 10 Lv. OWEN SOUND Lv. FLESHERTON Ar. TORONTO 4.45 p.m. 5.46 9.15 p.m. Lv. TORONTO ....6.00 p.m. Ar. FLESHERTON 9.25 p.m. Ar. OWEN SOUND 10.«0 p.m. Usual Intermediate Stops Standard Time This convenient service will afford opiwrtunity for week-ending \ with friends and relatives hi Toronto, Owen Sound, and intermediate | points, returning home at a reasonable 'hour SUNDAY EVENINGS. < (Account Labour D«y Holirtey these trains will not run Sunday, \ \ Aug«et 31.) ASK ABOUT LOW WEEK-END FARE58. GaMAJllaM.(}cui(^ eiMiiiii<»»*>*»»»^ Wilima (Down) Poole, Collingwood: Mr.s. M. E'tiherington (May Gillespie), Itiionto; Jas. E. Field, Toronto; Belle (Gjerdruni) Aahfield, Ottawa; Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Morgan (Lillian Lever). Moorefield; Mr. and Mrs. Wes Ai^mstronig and Laura E. V. Arm- strong, Toronto; James Bowler, De- troit; Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Stafford (Maud Henderson), Detroit; Thos. Chard and Betty Chard. Toronto; Alex. M. Gibson, Toronto; Elwood Munro, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. W. F. VanDusen, Detroit; Muriel (MacTav- ish) Coleridge, Kingsville. Florene Bunt and Frank Bunt, To- ronto; Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Watson, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Pattison (Zilla McLeod), Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Poole, Owen Sound; Iva Brown, Evelyn Brown and Helen Brown, Tcronto; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Quigig (Wilda Crossley), Harriston; Percy LeGard, St. Catharines; Wm. T. Cullen, Rochester, N.Y., and Mrs. Cullen; Ida (Osborne) BoszelL Cale- donia; Mr. and Mrs. Herb LeGard, Pickering; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stew art, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. W. Mc Master (Lillian MciMullen), Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. H. White (Lide Smith), Corunna, Ont.; Mrs. J. A. Houden (Alva Petoh), Toronto; Mrs. Ben Brooks (Clara Spence), Brantford; Mrs. Burton E. Field (Ray Spence), Toronto; Mrs. Geo. L. MacKenzip (Odessa Wlalter), iOalgiary, Alta. Lt.-Col. Rev. Sydney E. Lambert, Toronto; W. J. (Bill) Wadsworth, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mad- docks (Mary Bates), Toronto; Mrs. Wm. Tracey (Jessie Phillips), and Harold Tracey, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Little (Doris Magee), Dun- dalk; Mrs. Jas. E. Armstrong (Ella Pedlar), South Porcupine; Sarah Ped- lar, Toi'onto; Ina Smith, Toronto; (M!r- and Mrs. Richard Smith. Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Down (Mandy Stewart), Owen Sound; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest McMiullen, Toronto; Peter Dow, Weston; Louise Fetch, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wilson (Jennie Hanley), St. Catharines; Mr. and Mrs. Herb Smith (Ella Stewart), Markdale; Mr. and Mrs. Wes Buskin, Toronto; Mr. and Mz"s. Harry Stew- art and Ken, Stratford; Mrs. A. Har- pell (Flo Bellamy), Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wauchope (.\llie Norris) Chatsworth; Robt. McMaster, Onon- dada; Mr. and Mrs. Les. Jamieson (Georgina Blackburn), Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clark (Ruth Black- burn), Toronto; Mamie McLou«rhry. Markdale. _ Grant Whittaker, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. X. Ross (A. Bennett), To- roto: Miss Shirley Ross, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McKinnn. Toronto; Mr. and Mi-s. Leo Patton, London; W. A. Sawtell. Wfroxeter; Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Cornfield and Ronald, Toronto; D. W. Wright, Toronto; Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Howey (Gtedys Cornfield). Meaford; Alda McGlachan, Toronto; Dr. Glen and Mrs. Davis and Nancy, Toront;o Win. Hargrave, Dundalk; Ruth Hangrave, Jerseyville; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Perkins. Markdale; Mr and Mrs. J. L. Morrison. Collingwood; Mrs. R. H. Mellafont (Gertie Bell amy), Coutts, .Mta.; Mr. and Mrs. E, Simmons (Parliament), Drayton; Mr and Mrs. Chas. Flynn. Brantford; Mr. and Mrs. JoThn Colgan, Dundalk; Mir. & Mrs. Gordon Badgerow (Win- nie Davis), Toronto; C. Mims, Lea- side; W. J. Howard, Markdale; Miss Annie Ho^vard, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lyons (Annie Johnson), Toronto; Mrs. Hawsuld (Islay How- ard), Hamilton; Mrs. Maggie (Moore- house), McKee, Toronto; Mrs. Geo. White (Tillie Lever), Aylmer; Earle Thurston, Severn Park; Wes Lawler, Severn Park. Live Poultry Wanted THINGS often overlooked in Poultry Marketing WEMJHT Selling your poultry at your farm, you avoid heavy weight shrinkage. Shipping to an outside market, you are certain to have a large weight shrinkage. DON'TS Do not sell your poultry at a quotation for the flock. Do not sell at so much per bird- That buyer is always playing safo â€" you are the loser. BUYING WE weigh and pay cash at your farm, RESULTS This is your vital interest. Our method assures you TOP CASH RETURNS. SERVICE Write or phone. Our trucks are in your district weekly. The District's Largest Live Poultry Processing Plant. Beaver Valley Creamery CLARKSBURG. ONTARIO â- A ?' ..*• • Purchased Bank Block OF REVENGE â-  Y JACKSON*COLI * The itory of the Red Cavalier~-young Michael Valdez O'Brienâ€"- who aels out to â- venge the crimes against hit own family and to bring down the leaden of the bands which were plundering and idlling the peons and eastern settlers in the desert valleys of the great Southwest. It was the outlaw trail, followed by a man of character who had grown relentless in his thirst for revenge. Read This Thrilling Story Commenc ng in This Issue D, MacTavish & Sons have pvaxh- ased the (Canadian atJc of Oonunerce bodk froim the Mitchell estate and have taiken possession. "Did you participate in many en- gagements on the continent?" as in- inquisitive old lady asked the return- ed soldier. "Only five,-" replied Ae ex-G.I. with becoming modesty. "And you came through all of them unhurt?" "Not exactly." he returned sadly. "I married the Mih." We week. Trent HAY BUYING will be buving hay next Please pohne 17 Maikdala. Dehydrated Prddncts, hUL MarkdaU. Ont. We â- gener rates, phone PhORi TRUCKING specdaJiK In aU kinds of al trucking' at reaaonabla with first-class serrioe. us ait any time and we will be ri^ht there. ELDRID6E BOYCE i 119J1 Eugenia. Ont J - s J n i i > I YOUNG MEN ONTARIO FARM SERVICE FORCE. 9 Richmond Street East, Toronto 1. Ontario. ,„„lwtion form Please send further ^^^'^'^^^ ^ '''''^'''"' for the Ontario Farm Service Forte. Same "^^ ''(le'or'ov^) ^ Address Town Available from ^*"" -A 4>. and Pick Fruit WNTARIO'S food crops are ripening fast and young people are â-  urgently needed to help harvest fruit and vege- tables for a hungry world. The season of need extends from August 15th to October 15th and pay is good for every willing worker. For four weeks spent in the out-of- doors, one way transportation will be given you free. Return transpor- tation is also yours if you remain until harvesting is completed. Share pleasure and profit with the hundreds of young people who are volunteering for this important work. â-º Fill in the attached coupon and join the Ontario Farm Service Force without delay. No mixed camps or accomodation jor families, DOMINION-PROVINCIAL COMMITTEE ON FARM LABOUR AGRICULTURE - A- ik •k •I Ik *. *. i â- Â»â-  i

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