Wednesday, August 6, 1947 Tr HE FLiJSHERTON ADVANCE K Small Ads FOR SAI^ â€" 7 acres early Alaska oats â€" Bill Hyslop, phone 4>M. FOR SALE â€" WindniiU tower, 30 iedt. â€" Win. Cania>bell, Ceylon, FOR SAliE-^Beag'le hound pups.â€" M. Dobeon, phone 75J1 Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Hound, cheap, see this one. must go this week. â€" \V. J. Pl€fwes, ^arkdale. Ocl ^ FOR SALE â€" 50 chunks of pigs; 8 4 frcssh cows and several work horses « â€" JJick Carson,' phone 22J;?. 9c2 4 J/AS>TBD â€" AuuiwLi iiiltable foi mink and fox ieed. â€" Bert Mclntost £u£«DdA, yh<Mi« Ft!tnhr-\ 6r26 FOR SALE â€" Beautiful puppies, stnall breed. â€" J. D. McDonald, phone 5r41 Feverahaim. 7c2 ' ^1 FOR SALE â€" Number cf Le^horn- Hamp .pullets, 4 months old. â€" Jas. A. Stewar • phoii; 33w4. .# FOR SALEâ€" Number of young pigs ready to go. â€" Walter Williamson, R. R. 3. Priceville. CAME ASTRAY â€" To my prendses, yeaiiiner heifer. Owner prowe" pro- perty and pay expenses. â€" Stanley Camplb"'' Eugenia. 7c3 |// LOST â€" Female fox hound, black, white and tan, please notify J. D. McD<onald, Eugenia, phone Fev«r- shaan 6r41. 9c2 FOR SALE â€" DeLaval cream separ- ator, size 600, also 3 MaBS€?y-Har- lis binder canvasses. â€" Ed. Ferris, Phone 45w4. 9p2 WANTED â€" Used linole^un squares for room 24x18, must be in fair condition. Notify C. S. MacTavish, phone 9. Fleaherton. 9p2 FOR SALEâ€" Quebec heater; Quebec style cook stove, stove pipes. Must be sold by Sat., Aug. 9. â€" E. Cle- ment, Fisher apartment. LOST â€" In Flesherton on Monday, Axitg. 4th, pair of rim gliisses, are owned by F. J. Thurston. Kindly return if found. Reward. FOR SALE â€" Certified Raspberry plants, Write Box 764 Campbell- ford, Ont., for iJlufltrated folder and growing "know how." Don't delay. Supply limited. STRAYED â€" From lot 3, con. 4, in Collingwood Twp., steer with brand on left hip- Please notify George Holmes, Duncan, Ont., phone 618r4 Thombiiry. &p8 NOTICE â€" The party is known who took skidding tongs from tSie log pile on my premises. Return at once and save furthe* trouble. â€" J. D. McDonald, Eugenia. 7c3 FOR SALE â€" In nesherton, good building lot with barn 60x54 feet, well, hydro; lumber of barn, J.OOOO feet, suitable for new construction. Ih-. J. E. Milne, phone 36 Fltth- erton. 7p!! '^ HOUSE FOR SALE â€" New frame I* house, almost completed, 26x26, n bungalow type, S rooms, good bast- ment, will sell cheap, in village of ' 1 Fevrt-sham. â€" Archie Thomson, Feversham. 9p2 Local and Personal Miss Arlene Taylor of Toronto was home last week at her parental home. Mrs. Taylor of Alton is visiting her daughter, Mrs. R. Andrews. Mr. Chas. Locit of Hamilton was visrting at the Bapist Parsonage on the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Patterson of Wallaceburg spent the week end wiith Mr. Jim Harrison. Mr. Chas. Pedlar of Neepawa Man., is visiting this week with rela- tives and friends in this district. Mr. and Mrs, John Carrington of St. Thomas were visitors in town la.^t week. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Grossley and John of Toronto, are spending a couple of weeks in town. Mir. and Mrs. E. Clement are spend- ing- this week in town. Mr. Clement will teach next year at Stevensville, Mr. and Mrs. John Wesley and son. Paul, of Willowdale, Ont., are visit- ing Mrs. Wesley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Armstrong, at their cottage in town. Rev. and Mrs. A. G. Macpherson and family are leaving Friday to hol- iday with Mrs. Macphersori's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter MacDonald, near Renfrew. The followirag boys are enjoying the Trail Rangerse' camp at Mira- machi Camp, near Port El'gin: Jack Banks, C/arson Stauffer, Claire Mc- Lean, Royden Johnson. Bev. Cook, Cook, Barry Thui-ston, Bill Aberdein and Jim Btoddart. BLEEDING THE COUNTRY OF ITS WEALTH Economists and social workers are bc«g>inning to sipot-lig<ht a rural prob lem whMh govermmentfi should no longrer ignore, namely, the flight of rural wealth to urban centres. For a century now young farmers and the purchasers of rural property have been paying off heirs and land owners who usually live in the city. Over and over again, one gemeration aftSr another, this leaching goes on and the effect of it is aipparcnt in dilapidated buildings, worn-out fences weedy farms and exhausted soOs. The money which pays for fanms comes out of the land itself, and H has been coming out of the soils of Eastern Canada for a hundred years. It has been coming out of the soil and going into city banks, into city homes and into city industries. It is under great difficulty that a young farmer can now purchase land and operate the farm. There is nc aocuimulation of rural wealth to keep the industry stable and vital. It hag become an economic and social prob- lem of major importance", affecting not only the Canadian countryside but manifestinig itself like^vise in congestetd unban crtitres and a ser- ious housing shortage. This trend is by no m^ans peculiar to Canada. The flight of wealth and capital to urban centres has been a world-wide n.overaent. In Sweden, consideration is being given to the sharing of land owned by absentees arniongst the people who remain in the country. All countries will event- ually have' to deal with this problem and Canada should not be the last. â€" Farmer's Advocate. Tenders Wanted Tend*?rs for 60 tons of stoker coel delivered in the bins at Flesherton High School before August 15, 1947, \^ will be received by the Secretary. An- alysis of coal to be hubmitted with tenders which close on July 12, 1947. â€"A. B. CHARD, Secty. H)^RIS & DUNLOP BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, EU- L! ,.,^ Phone 38 MARKDALE Mr. Dunlop will be in C. J. Bellamy's office every Sat- urday from 6 to 8:30 p.m. DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Oiaduate of Toronto University dfice: Kennedv Block Phone 77 Flesherton »* C. J. BELLAMY Vir.LAGE CLERK A CommiBiiioiier fqr taking AffidaTlta InMer of MatTiag* LIcenBea __ eOIfWDYANCING 'Wtms MORTGAGES, WIL^S, Etc. Office: Toronto Street. Flesherton WM. K4SITTING .ICBNSED AUCTIONEER for the Coonty of Grey l''arm and Stock Mies our sp 'alty. rerma: reasonable. Satislaetion U ^p>rante«d. Dates arranged at "ni* jk.&Minee office or phoiM 4w. "Did you go to tihe doctor the other day, John?" "Yes. I did." "And-ddd he find what you had?" â- "'Vei-y nearly." "What do mean â€" ivery nearly?" ''Well, I had flO and he charged me $8." " BOWl MVDM) *â- Hello Homemakers! The garden season brings us fruits and vege- tables in gloiious array. This year, with the accent on "save and send' to stay the march of death in les? fortunate lands, we make full- est use of our perishable foods . . . use them as they come, to conservf other foodstuffs in order to increase our exports, and preserve the gard«i crops for use during the rest of the year. Methods of presei-vation should be sound, and sure. Canning, the ino&t widely used method, is too big a sub- jects for our column to handle in detail By all means send at once for a de- pendable guide. WHte direct to Dep- artment of Agriculture, Parliament Bld'gs., Toi-onto, for "Canning Step by step" (or ask your agricultural representitive for a copy). The Home OaiimSnia (booklet may (be olbtainied free from Consunner Section. Dom Dept. of Agriculture, Ottawa. The pressure canning manufactuers also sulpply guiide Ibcoks for the large utensils. All instructions mnist toe followed evactly to assure best res- ults. PRESSURE CANNING When using a pressure cooker, pre- pare vegetables as for hot water bath and 'y^^''^ method and place rack in bottoim of cooker. Add hot water to level of rack (about one inch), and place filled jars in the cooker, allow- ing space between jars for cii"culatioi Adjust and tighten cover of cooker. Petcock should be left open until steam escapes for 7 niin., then close- ed. Start counting processing time when required pressure is indicated When processing time is up. remove cooker from heat! LET INDICATOR RETURN TO ZERO, Open petcock gi-adually, remove jars. Before pro- cessjjij. next load, fill cooker with water to rack level. Lb. Asparagus 30 min. 10 lbs. Snap Beans 35 min. 10 lbs. Beets ..., 25 min. 10 lbs. Peas 45 min. 10 lbs. Spinach 56 anin. 10 lbs. Com - 6^ min. 15 lbs. Pumpkin 60 imiin. 10 lbs. The above is a table for pint jars; allow 5 mins. for quarts. TAKE A TIP Successful canning depends on cer- tain rules. 1. Use the right onetihod for youi equipment apd follow directions carefully. 2. Check the jars, rings and tops. They must be in perfect condition â€" and that goes for the fruit and vegetables, too. 3. Be scrupulously clean in washing jars and fruit. 4. Be cautious to note processing time. 5. After cooling, store the jars in a cool, dry place, away from light. Broke Bone In Anlde PRICEVILLE While walking up the front steps at St. John's United Church Sunday morning, Dr. Fred Murray of Toron- to slijjijed and fell, breaking a bone in his ankle. He went irito the old- timew' choir, although s-uffering con- sideirble pain, and took his part in the service with his tenor 'voice. We hope the genial doctor will be on his feet again soon. Bom ARMSTRONG â€" Ken and Mae Anmstrong (nee Handforth) of To- ronto are happy to announce the birth of their daughter on Friday, Aug. 1st, 1947, at Grace Hospital. Toi-onto. Mother and baby fine. DORIE â€" Mr. and Mrs. Heifbert Doric (DoriD Taylor) are happy to announce the birth of their son, Bryan Herbert, in St. Mary's Private Hos pital, Toronto, on Wednesday, Jul* 30th, 1947. STBWiART â€" In Peel Memorial Hospital, Bra«vpton, on Friday, July 26th, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. Venxm Stewart of Brampton a son, Robert Vernon. SEWING MACHINE SERVICE Work guaranteed. All makes. Call DUNCAN'S HARDWARE Phone 51 Flesherton NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the Estate of George Williamson, deceased. AIJL PERSONS having claims aj,r'inst the estate of George Will- ianiw)n, late of the Township of Art- (Mticsia. who (lied on or about the 27th day of April, 1947, are requested luui hereby notified to deliver, or senn post grepaid to the undersigned on or before the 1 6th djiy of August, 1947, full paj-ticulars of their claims duly verified by .Statutory DerlaratjoTi. Immediately after the said 16th day of .August, 1947, the assets of the estate will \w distributed atmcnj? the purtius entitlod thereto, havinc regard only to the claims that the Executrix .shall tht'n have had notice. â- ^"0 'aiHAosiJJ I>a,te<l nt Priceville this 2f)th 'ay of ,Iuly, 1947. -MARY GILBERT, Rxecuiiiy HAY BUYING We will be buying hay next week. Hease pohne 17 Markdale. Trent Dehydrated Produeta, Ltd. Markdale, Ont. THE SyOGBSTION BOX Mrs. S. M. says: When canning vegetables, say, .green beans, we often have only enoug'h leflt to half fill the last jar. Try finishing that last jar with some other vegetatole, sliced car- rots, for instance. Any jar of mixed vegetables should be processed the length of time' necessary for the pro- duce requiring the longer ptrocessing period. Mrs. D. T. says: If you have v^^ o steamer for blanching, try this do- vice. Place a piece of chetsecloth over a large kettle; jnit on the IH tr hold it in place and tie a stronc cord tightly around the rim. Pour enougih water into kettle so that it barely coanes to bottoim of bag of cheese- cloth. When water boils, drop in the food to be steamed. Mrs. J. M. says: I discovered that fhe base of my pressure cooker ex- tended beyond the heat element of my prized electric range. Fearinig that the heat woiuld cause the enamel that teh heat would cause the e^nmel to scratch, I cut a protective ring of asbestos paper to fit around the element. Mrs. C. C. siays: To shell peas quickly, dip thenr in boiling water for one minute, then cool quickly on cold water and pod. Card of Thanka 1 wish to express my appi-eciation to everyone who sent cards, letters, treats and flowers and to those who visited me during my stay in Coll- ingwood Hospdtal. â€" Gordon Smith. Card of Thanks I wish to express my sincere ap- preciation to the many friends who have remembered me in various ways since my accident. My appreciation is more than words can express. â€"Mrs. Geo. Sled. Card of Thanks On behalf of my sisters, my sister- in-law and myself, I wiish to thank the neighbors and friends of Eugenia for their flowers and exipressions of sjrmipathy in our recent bereavement in the loss of our dear mother. â€" ^MilHoent G. McMullen. Future Events DUNDALK-EUGENIA GAME Dundalk arid Eugenia paly on the Flesherton diamond this Friday even- ing, Aug. 8th, in a sudden-death game to decide the league leadership. Don't miss this one. Mrs. Irene McArthur of Toronto is visiting with her son, Dan Mc- Arthur Mr. and Mrs. C. E. ftinfiks and family of HaiTiston, spent 1^ week at his brother's cottage here. Mrs. Bessie Ritchie is a ''patient in G. and M. -Hospital at Owen Sound her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mi-s. C. E- Hincks and family, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hancks, and Glen visited Tuesday at Lisle with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Elder. Misses Ena, Eretta and Rebecca Nichol, London, spent a few days last week with the Nichol families. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Pedan and Betty, of Fergus, are visiting with her parents, SHr. and Mrs. P. Sims. Mrs. Bill MIcKechnie returned home after spending several days in West- ern hospital, Toronto. Mrs. A. L. Hincks was the winner of a mantel radio at the Rotary Club Frolic, Markdale. Mr. Jim Sburrook also won a chick- en, and Jimmie MoArtihur was lucky in wirming a 10 piece Pyrex set, a $4.00 pipe and a tooth brush. Mr. Bob Meads of Toronto spent the week-end at his home. Mr, and Mrs. Ray McLean and family of Toronto, are spending a week in Priceville. Recent visitors at A. L. Hincks were, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Hincks and family of Harriston, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McKinnon of Swinton Park, Mr. and Mlrs. Jack McParlane, Mr. and Mrs. Bill MeKechnie. and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mathews and Dona of Toronto. Mrs. Mary Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McLeod of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Christie of (^yley. Alberta, visited Friday at Jim- Shurrocks. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ferguson and family of Mount Forest w«rt also visitors at the same home »nd» attended the memorial service her* on Sunday. Mr. and Mi-s. Grant Stickney ai)4 babe of Stratfoi-d spent the week- end at Mrs. McLachlans. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hill, Sandy, and Mrs. Belle McLean of Fergus visited Sunday at Mt. Lochie McKinnon's and attended the memorial service. Mrs. McLean left Monday for a visit with her sister at the coast. Now is the time for all good men to come to the a'd of their families â€" and take them on vacation. "Is the wife a cluib woman, Mike?** •'Nary he likes of that, sor. Sht uses a flaat-iron, sor." A fancy dress ball was in progresa and the conversation was between two women sitting in the comer. "Mrs. iSmythe looks rather upaetr don't you think?" said the first. "I should think she does," replied the other. "You see, she came as a Hawaiian beauity, with grass skirts and all^ â€" and they aiwarded her first prize in the humorous section as the "Old Thatched Cottage." NOTICE Hunting, fishing or trespassing in any way on Part Lot 33 and Lot 84, Con. 12, Artemesia, is strictly pro- hibated. â€" Bert Magee, Eugenia. TRUCKING We specialize in all kinds of general trucking at reasonable rates, with first-class service, phone us at any time and we will be right there. ELDRIDGE BOYCE Phone 119J1 Eugenia, Ont. "^ NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the Estate of Martlia iMcEachnie, Widow, deceaesd. ALL PEJRiSONlS having claims against the estate of Martha Mc- Bachnie late of the Village of Flesh- erton. Widow, deceased, who died on or about the Fourth day of June, 1947, are required and hereby notified to deliver or send post prepaid to the undersigned Solicitor for the Execu- tor on or before the 23rd day of .'^ug- uslt, 1947, full particulars of their claims, duly verified by Statutory Declaration, Imimediately after, th^ said Twenty- third day of Augiust, lfl47. the nsset-j, of the estate will be distributed among the parHes entitled thereto. Iwivin.u: regard only to the claims thpi the Executor sh<ill then have had notice. Dated at Dundalk this 2.3rd day of July, 1947. â€"I. B. LUCAS, Dundalk. Ont., Solicitor for E>xecutor. ♦ ♦♦â- â-º ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦******* * ' H"l ' ** ' I '»f»»*** MEN'S WEAR SPECIAimES READY-TO-WEAR SUITS GABARDINE TROUSERS SPGRiT SHIRTS SHIRTS AND SHORTS PLASTIC BELTS : PLASTOC SUSPENDERS \ SMART FANCY HOSIERY i BILTMORE FELT HATS \ NEW NECKWEAR \ SMART BLACK OXFORDS : TAN BROGUE OXFORDS " ^ MEN'S SWEATERS New PuUovers Zipper Front Sweater J. < ; ; New Pattern Pullovers. An entirely new assortment I I in a range of popular colors. ; F. H. W. HICKLING ; ; General Merchant FLESHERTON, Ont ; J »♦ ♦ <*♦♦»♦ i'i>**t »♦ * ♦♦ # ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦»♦♦•♦ # ♦♦♦♦♦ • ♦•♦♦♦♦* In Memoriam FIELD â€" In loving memory of niy dear wtfe. who passed away August 4th, 1944. In my heart your nicfniory ling'ers, Sweetly lingers, fond and true; There is 'not a day, dear Katie. That I do not think of you. â€" iJ^ovingly remembered by your hu-sbimd, J. H. Field. HOGS WANTED Hogs Wanted, also Veil Calves and Lambs. Our own track will pick up your live stock without charge to you. TORONTO SAUSAGE & PACKERS LIMITED Phone 94w4 Dundalk, Ont. moyyouRmcATm -- _._, n;iF>â€" 7**-i'.,r?ij*"'''"-«^' Maskoka's Lakeland GO BY BUS FARES ARE LOW Round Trip • tax Indudad Orillia ... $ 7.90 Bala . . . 10.65 Hunts ville . - 11.60 Bracebridge - 10.10 X via OwiMi Sound (Subjec to change) FIRESIDE LUNCH >- Res:. Boden, Prop. Phone 63 Flesherton X X X X •< id ^ .A- t â- - 1 / ^ifmmm^- â- :1i^^SiSi mimmn â-