.Wdinesday, August 6, 1947 TMB F5 leilBlt^N ATDVANCI? A I i Ik. 1 •k CEYLON FOR MOTORISTS WHO DRIVE OVER THE HOLIDAY WEEK-END ON UNSAFE TIRES GET DEPENDABLE NEW GOODFYEARS Don't let tire troubles or per- haps dangerous tire failure spoil your holiday. Ride on husky new Goodyearsâ€" the safest tire on the road. Goodyears are built better . . . to last longer . . . and give you more miles-per-dollar. This plus performance has made them Canada's first-choice tire year after year. Get extra- value Goodyears today. COMPLETE GOOD#YEAR ^ TIRE SERVICE D. MacTavish and Sons VANDELEUR (Intended for Laat WMk) The July W. I. meeting is being leld in Community Hall on Thurs. day evening, July 31st. Mrs. Frank Pavis, Agricultural convenor in charge of the program. Miss Agnes Vacphail of Ceylon as giuest speaker "Every one is welcome." The pastor Rev. W. M. Lee occupied the pulpit in the church on Sunday afternoon after his recent illness. The service on Aug. 10 will be con- ducted by Mr. Pentland of Hanover, former school inspector. Miss Hazel Oke of Toronto is â- pending her vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Lundy Johnston and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Lundy Johnston at- tended the funeral o(f Mr. Clugston in Meaford recently. Mr. and Mrs- Arthur Shephard and family of Meaford, called rec- •nlly on friends in this commonity. Your correspondent wae in con- versation receritly with a fonmer res- ident of this place. Mrs. Porter Beard <rf Flesherton, who recently returned from a seven thousand mile motor trip across Canada to the Pacific Coast and back by-m&y of Vntted States. Here are soim$ of her coananents, ''The -Rocky Mountains deify description, Yelloyrstone Park is magrnificent, and the roads in th« United States were wondereful.'The weather was wet in Manitoba and windy in E^akota where they passed througih. They caMed on many for- mer residents of this dSstrict. among themn being, Robt. M»rcer and Joe Stambuski. She also informed is that Mr. John Shannon, a former resident of this pbce had passed away a couple of y»ars ag-o. the West, visited on Tuesady last with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ottewell. A Toronto home-owner, wearing his oldest clothes, was mownng his lawn when a woman in a ritzy car stopped and asked him: "What do yon get for mowing lawns?" "The lady who lives here lets me live with her," replied the lMxm€» owner, and the lady in the car, with- out comment, drove away." The week end holiday brought many visitors to the village and sur- roundipig community, who are also attending Flesherton and Priceville 01<i Home Week. Several from the v-illage attended the ditferent serv- ices beld yesterday in the churches and the Park in Flesherton, also the afternoon service in Priceville. Wedding bells! Wedding bells! Miss Margot Ann (Soessel and Ian McWilliam spent a couple of days last week with Hopeville friends. Dt. and Mrs. R. Mtontgoanery of Toronto were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Hogarth. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Watson and two sons of Holatein visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. McDermid. Mrs. F. Marshall and daughter, Barbara, left Saturday morning on a trip to the Western provinces. Mr. and Mrs. Ross McMulIen, To- ronto, visited with Mrs. Anna Mac- MiUan and Mr. Fred Chislett over the holiday. Holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John McWilliam were: Miss Nancy McWilliam of Brampton. Mrs. Rot)t. Campbell, Dorothy and Eric of Hope- ville and Irene Campbell Toronto. Miss Janet Patterson of Markdale visited Tliursday with Mrs. Fulton. Holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Adams were: Mr. Jack Adams of Ridgetown. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Jacobs and children of Buflfalo, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Blakeley of .St. Thomas^. Mr. Ben Leavell of Owen Sound and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cope- land of .\urora. Miss Jean JEcMullen. Owen Sound, Misses Mary McMiullen and Janet, Xeilson and Mrs. Thos. Brady of To- ronto spent tRe holiday at the form- ers' parental home. Mr. Irwin Ward of Toronto spent the holiday at the home of Mr. Lu- ther Duckett. Mrs. W. Mathewson, Paris, visited a few days this past week with her friends in the village. Holiday visitors with Mr. S. Hemp- hill and Miss M. Hemphill were: Mr. Walter Hemphill, Mrs. T. Wilcock of N'ew Westminster, B.C.; Mrs. Lome Murdock, Regina, Sask.; Mr. Joe Hemphill. Mrs. Moran, Mrs. Young, Mrs. Chas. Irish and son, Norman, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Wright and children, Mrs. Wright Sr. of Feversham and Mr. Sid Rands of Shelburne. Mr. and Mirs. Alex. McDonald of Midhurst, Mrs. Craig of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Wilcock and Dick of Buffalo, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cairns. Holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Snell and Mrs. Geo. Snell were: Miss Dorothy Snell, Islington, Mr. Jos. Snell, Weston; Mrs. Gmnmingti, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Halee of Bright- on and Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Copeland of Victoria Comers spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sinclair. Mias Hazel Copeland returned to her home at Victoria Comers last week end after assisting for some time with Mrs. M. Hogarth. Mr. and Mi-s. J. Hatton. Barhead, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Whitehead. Recent visitors with Mrs. C. Arch- ibald were: Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Hunt and little daughter, Linda, of To- ronto, Mrs. Mathewson of Paris, Mr. Willard McWhinney of Gi-avenhurst and Harvey Archiljald of Lansing. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hemphill, Van- couver, B.C., and Miss Jean Hemphill of Toronto are holiday visitors with Mr. S. Hemphill and Mtiss Maud. Mr. Roy Rutledge of Lethbridge, Alta., arrived on Monday and is a visitor with his brother, Mr. Robt Rutledge and Mrs. Rutledge. Mr. and Mrs. Thcs. Findlay of Meaford and Mr. Robt. Meads of To- ronto were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Will Meads and Mr. and Mrs. John Meads. Recent visitors with Mr and Mis. John Meads were: Mr. and Mrs. Sam- son of Edgewaer, N.J.; Mrs. W. J. Meads and son, Billy and Miss Leona Ferris, Torono; Mr. and Mrs. John McDougall and Miss .A.nnabelle Kirk Patrick. Meaford; Mr. and Mrs. Gil- bert McCannefl and two sons; Mr. and Mrs. N. R. McCannell and two daughters, and Mrs. Dave McMillan of Proton Station. Ceylon Ladies' Aid held their July meeting last -^'ednesday afterncon at the home of Mrs. Lawson Whitehead when there was a good attendance despite the busy season. Mrs. Will Gibson, the president, and Sec.-Treas. Mh-s. A. E. Goessell. conducted ihe meeting. Miss Agnes Maephai! gave a very interesting talk. Mr. Willi? Muxlow of Markdale was present anc explained the situation reg^arding Dr. Carefoot's private hospital at Markdale. It is hoped that the hos- pital may still carry on. The good will and appreciation of the numer- ous patients to the doctors and nur- ses who have cared for them, are very anxious at this time that Mark- dale hospital still continue in its ser- vice to the surrounding community. Mrs. J. McWilliam conducted a con- test. The .August meeting will be in the evening at the home of Mrs. A. Sinclair. Dundalk. The hostess and her assistants served lunch. Live Poultry Wanted THINGS often overlooked in Poultry Marketing WEIGHT Selling your poultry at your farm, you avoid heavy weiglit .shrinkage. Shipping to an outside market, you are certain ta have a large weight siirinkage. DONTS Do not sell your poultry at a quotation for the flock. Do not sell at so much per bird. That buyer ia always playing safa â€" you are the loser. BUYING WE weigh and pay cash at your farm. RESULTS Tliis is your vital interest. Our method assures you TOP CASH RETURNS. SERVICE Write or phone. Our trucks are in your district weekly. The District's Largest Live Poultry Processing Plant. Beaver Valley Creamery CLARKSBURG, ONTARIO An elderly lady strolled into a barn where a draftable-looking young man w-ajs milking a cow. With a snort, she asked. "How is it that you're not at the front, young man?" "Because. Ma'am." came back the answer, "there s^i\\\ no milk at that end." Jack: "A burglar got into my house at 3 o'clock his morning while I was On my way home from the club." Bob: "Did he get anything?" Jack: -'ITe certainly did! The pooi boyrgar is in the hospital. My wife nhought it was me." 12th LINE, OSPREY Mr. and Mrs. Robert Henderson of Moose Jaw. Sask.. are holdaying with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Thomosn. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ball of Toronto were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Melville Douglas and Eruco. There was a shower last Friday night for Mr. and Mrs. Fre'l Ball (nee Mina Douglas), who were pre- sented with a beautiful floor lamp and boo-k case. Mrs. McNally of Markdale visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Semple. Mr. and Mrs. Neil McKenzie of CoUingwood and two boys were visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Maxwell. We extend our sympahy to the Parker family in the bereavement of a wife and mother. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. McKenzie of Markdale were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McKenzie. (Intended far Last Week) Mr. Bill Osborne (ff Widler, Idaho, was a very welcome visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Ottewell. he being a cousin of Mr. Ottewell. Bom in Ai-temesia. Mr. Osborne went West when a young man and after a few years to Idaho, where he has done very well. He will be at the Old Home Week in Flesherton. We wish him the best of everything. He states that they have the second crop plant- ed. Bill says that spuds were dug and sold at $2 per cwt. The sar space was then sowed with wintef lettuce. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Benson and daughter of Barrie were visitors with Mr. ^nd Mrs. Josh Dobson over the week end. We are sorry hear that Mrs. John Dobson is not so well. havir.g had an- other attack of high blood perssure. -Mrs. Jas. JtlcKenzie. Ifrs. Earl Ma.\well and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mc- Kenzie visited with Mir. and Mrs. Ralph Bate at Orillia over the week end. Mr. Allan Tuplin of Toronto viait- ed his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Loms Tuplin over the week end. .-Mian haa started railroading and we wish him the best of success. Misses Carl and Bill Hamley of Gait and Orang«TiII« and sister, Ma. of the Canadian West, were visitors . with Mr. and Mrs. Lome Tuplin over the week end. We extend our sympathy to Hm Alexander family in their bereave- ment by the loss of their husband and father. Mr. Editor, we extend Flesherton Old Boys' Reunion the best of every- thing, good weather, a big crowd and a good time. VICTORIA CORNERS Mr. and Mrs. George MacGregor and Maureen. Preston, are on two weeks' vacation in the home of Mr. and Mtrs. Jas. Batchelor. / Miss Lois Wolfe. Owen Sound, is visiting her friend. Mrs. Archie Mac- Millan. Mr. and Mrs. Gcod, Gail and Mar- lene. of Wiilowdale were Mcnday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Russ. Linton. Mr. and Mrs. Kingsley Gallaugh«r and little daughter, Anne, of Toronto were week end and holiday visitor* with Mr. and Mrs. W. Gallaughor. Ideal weather has been, and wo hope will be, in evidence for the grand old girls and beys reunion at Flesherton. Excellent programs haTf been arranged in advance and haTi i>t?en carried out in excellent fashioa. .A. large number from here have been enjoying the retmion. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. .A.che9oa <rf Proton Station and Mr. and Mrs. Azi Blair of Grand Valley are on a motor trip to the Manitoulin Island. 8TH LINE OSPREY 'Intended lor Last Wetk) Miss K'jiy Soniera of Brantford ipent a few days at her home heic. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Armstrong, M^r. and Jlrs. Carl .Annstrong and two cMldren of Thornbury were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jj>s. Ottewell. MS«s Mary and Mr. .Anthony Haley are holidaying wth their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Haley. Mias Ranp Temnest and friend. Mr. Rf*r Weiir. also Miss June (lull. ;ill of CoUingwood, were Sund.iy evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Uoyd Stephana. Congr*itulat*onfl to Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mohhnim (Kathleen Morrison) who were niaiTied on Sssitardoy. Mlt. wnd Mi-8. Gwn-ge Ottowell of Wiarton, hi« sister andt husband from Writes R. A Balmeb. General Manager jf a large Toronto I'urniture company. ' After iL-ivine piy new Oldsnjobile 8 in winter weather and over roads unusually rough. I find you >»ere very conservative . in your recoimneudations, for the *Hydra-Matic Dri>e is certainly the smoothest thing in mechaulsui that I ha>e ever experienced. I am really proud of this car, and for fe/ driving oouifurt, ease of handlino;, aud general road-worthiness. I can onl\ say I'm glad I bixight an 01dt.niobile. I made tht smart choice.'* \iid that'* just an excerpt from one ot the inanv, raan\ letter, sf ni in by Oldomobde o\tuers â€" letter* that repeat agam and asuin. "Tliere's nothing else like i in driMiig' It ». smart lookmn smart handling . . • and the ne>« *(.M Ihdra-Matic Dmc 19 the smartest way of dri> ing yet dev i»ed " Yes . . . p^Dplc who choose Oidsmobile make the smart chwoe . . . lor Ol Kiiiobilc i» the snuwt bu\ of the rear To >ou mIio are Haitin|[ for \our ne^ DltUmobileH â€" our tbauks for Tour patience . . our tribute to \our Hudoui The Jeiiiaiid for OUsiiioImIi Hith the new *CS\ M»ilra-Matii IVn. m lo wiile,»|H-ea(l that it ntill ^reatU exi'eeii.* the 4iippl\ Make .*urt voni prtvieiit lar i.arru.« ^i>ii lOu^tiiieiitU mil ..afilv thr\uifch the \sai4iiig ^^B (K rlo*l by hti\ mn it .serviced ^S^/ * reftularU b\ vour -^^ l>l()4niobile dealer OLPSMOBILE owners even^iere ^ .^w>' ^4i*i:f{ t"^ "/â- / ^<fZ too ^' illUI i s>1 "-"^-^-^ # Optional ol Mdra cost D. MacTavish & Sons, Flesherton