-* â- t r * T T > » * r 1^ -^ ^ / i? A. t ^ T â- ^ ^ THE Fi:ESHF.RTON ADV.^l'CE Wednesday, July 2, 1947 Creamery News A new cream season is at hand Production is very satisfactory â€" considerably exceed- ing last year's make. As usual we are giving the cream producer the BEST possible pos- sible service and the GREATEST possible returns. ^ Esss Recently a considerable decline in the grade of eggs has been noticeable â€" due to the warmer weather and to much grass being available to the laying hens. Cutting down on the daily grazing period of the hens, more frequent collections of eggs and rapid cooling of same is, in our opinion, the best solution for a better grade. For your convenience, the Creamery will be open Wednesday and Saturday evenings ten o'clock. i Flesherton Creamery I us Avis, Manager Phone 66 FLESHERTON, Ontario lM-e«**4H>««.K~>.>^>.:K~K~x~MK«*:~:~x~:K«<-<~x~:~j«K~x~x«.x^^ Haying Eqnipment IN STOCK BEATTY BIG LIFT CARS. PACIFIC CARS. STEEL TRACK and FIXTURES. HAY FORKS. SHORT SLINGS. LOXG SLINGS. SUNG CHAINS. END-TRIP PULLEYS. »8-inch ROPE. TRIP ROPE. HAY-LOADER ROPE- Repairs for Frost & Wood and Peter Hamilton Mowers and Rakes. 2 Used Hay Rakes. Rubber Tire Wagon. Steel Tire Wagons. Scufflers. Barn Door Track. Travellers and Brackets. Galvanized Pipe. Pumps. Pump Rod. WTRE FENCE. BARBED WIRE. STEEL POSTS. Roofing and Siding Gentry .3-in-l Shingles. Winlock Shingles, Roll Roofing 90 lbs. Rolibrick Siding. Insul Brie Siding. Light Building Paper. Paper for under rugs. Boyd - Smith The marriage of Margaret Jean Smith, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs- Court Smith, Eugenia, and Clarence Eiwin Boyd, son at Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Foyd of Hanover, took place in Eugenia United Church on Saturday, June 21st, aanidsi a floral setting of sujmmer blooms. Rev. A. G. Mac- pherson conducted the service and Mias Blanche Walker played the wed^ ding music. Mrs. Alex. Henderson of Flesherton sang "I Love You Tinily," as the register was signed. Given in marriage by her father, the bride was lovely in her long down of white brocaded satin with double net skirt, long- pointed sleeves and sweetheart neckline. Her long veil fell beyond her dress and was held in place with a satin coronet adorned with lily of the valley. She wore a two-stund ptarl necklace, the gift of the gi-oom- Her cascade bouquet was of red roses and maiden hair fern, tied with white satin ribbon and adorned with rose-buds. Miss Janette Hass was bridesmaid, gowned in pink net over taffeta, short puffed sleeves and s^veetheart neck- fine, and lace mittens; Her headdress was a pale blue calot of flowers. She carried sweet peas and forget-me- nots, tied with pale blue satin ribbon. .\lvin Boyd, brother of the groom, was groomsman and the ushers were Mac Ratcliffe, brother-in-law of the grooan, and Percy Smith, brother of the boide. LUacs a^^d snowballs Jecorated the home of the bride's parents, where the reception was held, Mrs. Smith receiving her guests wearing a flow- ered silk crepe dress with white ac- eesi^ories and a corsage of pink roses. She was ssisted by M(rs. Boyd, who wore a pussy-willow grey crepe dress with black accessories and corsage of pink roses. The bride's table had the three- tiered wedding cake, flowers and candles in silver holders. Pink ana white streamers canopied the* table and dining room. The assistants at the luncheon were: Misses Lois Will- iams. Grace Poole, Elma Talbot- Mab- el Chard. Ruby Dobson and . Jean McMullen- The gi-oom's gift to the bridesmaid was gold ear rina^. to the be^t man a brush set. to the ushers tie sets and to the soloist and organist, rose liowls. " "H Leaving on a motor trip to Musko- ksx. the bride chose a turquoise 3(V> with pink accessories and corsage of pink camr.tions. fashioned noee^gfay of Happy Day raises and carnations, tied with a pink bow and streaauers. Mac Dixon, brother of the bride, was gToomsman. ^ -\ reception was held at the home of the bride's parents, whe^ about forty guests were present. Mrs. Dix- on, wearing: a dress of black crepe with gilt trim and corsage of Talis- inan roses tied with gold rii>bon, was asaisted by the groom's mother in navy erepe and corsage of Token roses with silver i-ibbon â- ties. X buffet luncheon was sei-ved, the diningrooni being tastefully decorated with pink and white streamers and a large white wedding bell. Centreing the lace-covered table was the beaatifully decoratetd three-tiered wedding cake, ftannked by pink tapers in silver holders, and Rapture roses in silver Lud vases. Sei-ving were three of the bfide's friends, Mi-s. Wm- Bod- man, Miss Madeline Walsh and Miss Eunice Seabrook. The groom's gift to the bride was •i_ gold pendant with matching eai rings, and to the groomsman a watch bracelet. The bride's gift to tin ba-ide^naid wa3 a silver relish dish, and to the waitresses, China cake plates. For the honeymoon trip to North- ern Ontario, the bride wore a browr. suit with pale pink blouse and cors- agre of pink Token roses, brown hat and matching accessories. When leaving she threw her bouquet which was caught by Miss Eunice Seabrook. Upon their return they will reside on the groom's farm at Ceylon. Guests were present from Walters Falls, Durham, Ceylon, Owen Sound and Holland Centre. HOLDFAST CLUB MEETTING The' Holdfast Club will meet at the home of Mrs. Stun'ock on Wednesday, July 9th. at 2:30 p.m.. with Mrs. Wickens in charge of the topic. â€" Olive H. Irwin, Sectv. NOTICE There will be a meeting of Truate«8 and Ratepayei-s of School Section No. 12, Arteniesia and (^enelg, in the school at Priceville-. Wednesday, July 9th, 1947. at 8 p-in. D.S.T. The pur- poee of this meeting is to consider leasing the school grounds to the Cit- izensliip Comnuctee of Priceville for the purpose of making a permanent coin'munity park. SPIRELLA FOUND.4TION GARMENTS A Spirella Foundation Garment of whatever type required, desigr.ed in- dividually and niade from measure- mente taken by experienced corset- iere. Demonstration no obligation. â€"MRS. A. E. BE5LLAMY. fOR cooi fast, easy SUMMER COOKING mOFFflT > ^^^^ nirpffi ft A'H'U'fik OVEn& MIDDLE 3 inch Batts Insulation 2 inch Batts and Granulated Wotd Separators auid Stoves New Renfrew Cream Separators and Stoves 3 good used Separators. W. E. BETTS Phone 46J FLESHERTON * * * * * * * * t t * * * t * * * * 4> * t Genoe' - Dixon The, Ignited Church parsonage was the scene of a pretty wedding on Thursday, June 26th, at 1:30 p.m.. vhen Iva Lillian, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Dixon of 'Markdaie- be- came tho bride of Thomas Edward Genoe, son of Mr- and Mrs. W. T. Genoe of Ceylon. The marriage vow? were hoard by Rev. W. M- Lee. The bride wore a street-length flress of white silk jerspy with white !ia!o hat and veil, and w;hite access- ories. She also woi-e a gold pendant and carriod a sheaf of American Beauty roses and maiden-hair fern tied w-ith white bridal satin bows. Her bridesmaid. Miss Shirley King- ston, wove pale blue silk jersey, pink hat and gloves, with white accessor- ies and her flo^vers were an old COME IN NOW and lee fcr your- tejf how this amazing new Moffat portable meal-maker gives you the cooking convenience of a regulor kitchen â€" right in the cool comfort of your cottage, porch or terroce. â- "hondi-chef" cooks a COMPLETE MEAL all at the same time with ONE ElEMENT-thus performing TWO cooking operations at once. IT'S PRACTICAL! PORTABLE! COM- PACT! LIGHTWEIGHT! Just plugs into any standard well outlet. Cooks everything from fuil-course meal to snacks â€" easily, efFectively, economically Complete with oven and griddle â€" $ 44 95 Richard's Electric Shop FLESHERTON 'Tis the human touch in this ilfe thai counts. The touch of your hand and mine, That mean far more to the fainting heart Than shelter, or bread and wine. For shelter is gone when the night is o'er. And bread lasts only a day- But the touch of the hand and the sound of the voice Sing on in the soul alway. â€" Spencer M. Fee. M.D. SOUND RECORDING COOK'S RADIO AND SOUND SERVICE is now prepared to make instantaneous Recordings of voice or instrviment. Cail and make an appointment. Professional high-quality sound equipment will reproduce your voice in a natural, pleasing tone on ordinary phonog^raph records of all sizes from 6-inch to 16-inch. The records are of superior quality and can be played over and over on your recording machine many hundreds of times. Wouldn't you like to be able to sit down in comfort in your own easy chair at home and listen to the ones in song or speech ? SPECIAL RECORDINGS FOR KIDDIES We make the recording in our studio and play it back for you â€" you must be satisfied or there is no charge. No famly adbum is complete without at least one of our Family Recordings â€" individuaJIy or in groups. Cooks Radio & Sound Service Phone 62w FLESHERTON Owned and Operated by J. W. COOK. M.I.E.T.. Radio and Sound Engineer T^ "What's this I hear, Flight-Lieu- tenant? I'm told you we-o so dLunk last nitrht that yoit pushed a wheel- barrow tliroiigh the native location. Is that the way to keeo up our pre- Btjiige with this people?" "You ought to know, sir. You were in the ban-ow." TIRE BUY ^f^m ay: good/ YEAR OFCOl/fiSf/ Feversham Continuation i«S ev • Figured out in miles-per- dollar, Goedyear is the most economical .tire on the road todav. It's the best tire buy â€" by miles'. We have Good- N years in your siae. Come in today. ^ D. MacTAVISH & SONS Flesherton, Ont. MIDDLE SCHOOL _ _ Marie Blafcey â€" Alg. C. Physics C, Conip. 2. Fr. 2, Lit. C, Latin 2, Mlath X 2. Aâ„¢rient History 33. Bill Crawford â€" Alg.«e, Anc. Hist. C, Phv-sics 2, CAomp. 2, Lit. 2 Fr. C, Latin C. Grade X Latin 2. Bob Legateâ€" Alg. 2, .Anc. Hist. C. Physics 2, Comp. 2. Lit. 2. French 3, Latin C, Grade X Math. 1. Heilen Parker â€" Alg. 1, .\nc. Hist. 3, Phj-sics 2, Comp. 2. Lit. 3, French 2, Latin 1. Bill McKeeâ€" Can. Hist. 2, Physics 3- Comp. 3. Lit. C, Latin X 3. LO-WER SCHOOL Grade 10 to 11 Jack McKee, â€" Math. 3, Geog. 2, Can. Hist. 3. Sc. 1, C<xnip. 2, Lit. 3. Fi-. 2, Lat. 1. Grade 9 Math. 1. Audirey Sayers â€" Math. C, Creog. 2, Can. Hist. 3. Sc- 3, Comp. 2, Lit. 2, Fr. 2, Lat. C, Math. IX 1, Br. Hist. 2. Geog. IX 1. Muriel Sayers â€" Math. C, Geog. 2, Cun. Hist. 2. Sc. 2. Comp. 2, Lit. 3, Fr. 3. LaL 2. Math. IX 1. Grade 9 to 10 Beth Courvoisier â€" Math. 1, Geog. 2. Can. Hist. 2. Sc. 1, .\rt 2, Gomjp. 1, Lit. 2, French 1. Heanor Mclntyre â€" -Math. 1. Geog- Can. Hist. 2, Sc. 1. .A.rt 2. Comp. 1, Lit. 2. French 1. Ruiby McLeanâ€" Math. 2, Geog. 2, Can. Hist. 2. Sc. 1, Art C, Comp. 2. Lit. 2. French 2. Charlie Pe<Uarâ€" Math. 3. Geog. 2, Can. Hist. 2, 9e. 1, Art C. Com^). 2, Lit. 2. French 2. Miildred Pooleâ€" Math. 1, Geog. I. Can. Hist. 2, Sc. 1, Art 3, Comp. 1, Lit. 1. French 1. Vera Pooieâ€" Math. 1. Geog. 1. Can. His. 2, Sc. 2. .\rt 2. Comip. 1, Lit. 2, French 1. Eva RaiMey- Math. 1, Geog. 2. C^n. Hist. 2. Sc. 2. Art 2, C<»mip. 1. lit, 2, French 1. Doi-een WeWrick â€" Ma.th. 1, Geog. 2. Can. Hist. 3. Sc. 1. Art 2, Comp. 2, Lit. 2, French 1. C. E- Dinsmore. Princiipal. E. L. Pincomibe, .Assistant. lA^'^'y^ "Say," yelped the irate farmer, "how oome you didn't say that horSe you soW m« was blind?' "Well," shmggud teh deeler. "the man who sold it to me didti't mention it eithrr. s« I nfltur^lly supposed ha didn't v*«nt it known." Folks EVER'YWHERE are singing the praises of the smart new Oldsmobile car. Style alone would make it the smart buy of the year! Long, flowing lines, tasteful trim, beautifully tailored interiors ... all combine to give this car a smooth-as-a-melody. "new-as-tomorrow" look. And when you consider that the new Oldsmobile is the lowest-priced car to offer GM Hydra-Matic Drive*, the General Motors drive â€" that makes Oldsmobile a smart choice automatically. For Hydra-Matic Drive* is the otxly fully proved, fully automatic drive. The only drive that shifts gears through four forward speeds without any effort whatsoever on your part. The only drive that elimi- nates the clutch pedal entirely! . . . 'Just forget the clutch and gear ... all you do is sit and steer.' No wonder so many smart people say "It's SMART to own an Olds." •Hydra-Mallc 0ti«* oplkxial or xtra cod. KEEP YOUR CAR 'MN TUNE Tf To you who are waiting for your new OldsmoSllesâ€" our ihankt for your patieace . . . our tribute to your wisdom. Tfc;e demand for 01d>niubile with the new GM Hydra- Matic Drive* is so widespread that it still greatly excced.s the supply. Make sure your present car carries you con'eniently and safely through the waiting period bv having it scrsiccd regularly by your Oldsmobile dealer. 0-447A D. MacTavish & Sons, Flesherton