Wednesday, May 14, 1947 THE FLi'SHERTON ADVANCE Small Ads FOR SALE â€" Cow and calf. â€" Grant HehnkBy, R.R. 1 Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" 6 pigs, several weeks old. â€" Geo. Boyce, R. R. 1 Flesh- enton, east of Rock Mills. 48cl FOR SALE â€" 4-biurner coal oil stove and oven, in good condition. â€" Bill Hy»lop, phone 4M. 4iip2 JITANTED â€" Anun»l8 auitabk (oi mink tnd fox feed. â€" ^Bert Mclntofti Euc«Di«, i^MM Fe««rah»-i 6r2fi FOR SALE â€" Chunks of pigs, 76 to 125 lbs. â€" G. W. Littlejohns, phone 33r5 Markdale. 4ftp2 FOR SALE â€" 115 Rock and Hamp. yearling hens. â€" J. P. Stewart, phone Flesiherton 32w4. 47pl FOR SALE â€" Man's bicycle 28 in.^ practically new. â€" Geo. Boyce, R. R. 1, Flesherton. 48p2 FOR S.'VLE â€" Baby's prajn, bone colored, in good condition. â€" M*rs. Earl Foster, phone 41wl. 48c2 FOR SALE â€" Windmill and pump, 65 feet of piping $50.00 â€" Phone Flesherton 139w3. 47c.. Softball League Organized Douglas MocArthur of Flesherton was re-elected president of the South Grey SoftibaU Lea«ru«, at tin; guTo.:;;.-' -iation meeiting in Flesiherton Thurs- day eveninig last. F. R. Oliver of the South Line waa elected Vice-Piresd- dent, Ray Geiioe of Eugenia 2nd Vice-Presadent and Geo. Armstrong of Flesherton waa elected secretary, whfile Jas. Davidson of Fevershaim is treasurer. Cot your lawn mow«r odled up yet, brother ? FOR SAJL,E â€" 2 tricycles and scooter. Apply Mi-s. K. G. Goheen, phone 81, FlesheiPton. 49p2 FOR SALE â€" Toronto wuldmill, 40 foot tower. â€" Arthur Chard, Fle- sherton. 47p2 FOR SALEâ€" Ajax, Gartier and Van- guard Oats, good for seed. â€" Geo. Cairns, phone Flesherton 44w3. CUSTOM PLOWLNG and Discing. - Grant Sayers, R. R. 1, Priceville, â- phone Durham 608 r 3. 48p2 WANTED â€" Buzz saw in good con- dition; also 14-plate inthrow discs. Please notify Alex. Duncan, R. R. 1 Ceylon, phone 40J4, 48pl ROOM WANTED â€" By business man about Mlay 10th, in Flesherton or in farm home. Give information to The Advance office. 47p2 FOR SALE â€" Seed peas, Chanceler (early) and Canadian Beauty. â€" Ohas. Haw, Lot 18, Con. 18, Proton phone Dundalk 56J3. 47c2 FOR SALE â€" Walnut diningroom suite, includimg china cabinet, al- most new. â€" Geo. Boyd, phone 5J Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Set of National scales 2,OO0-lbs.; good work horse, 10 yrs. old. â€" Hugh Fenwick, Maxwell, phone 4r21 Feversiham. 48c2 FOR SALE â€" Table carrotis and parsnips, good quality, 75c bu. Come and get them â€" F. Field, Ceylon. 48p2 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estate of G«o rge Lawler, late of the Village cl Flesherton, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of George Lawler, late ol the Villaige of Flesherton, in the County of Grey, retired farmer, who died on or about the 11th day ol March, 1947, are required and here- by notified to send prepaid to the undersigned Solicitors for the Execu- tors on or before the 19th day ol May,A.D., 1947, full particulars vere- fied by statutory declaration. Iimmediately after the said 19th day of May, 1947, the estate will be dis- tributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims which the Executors shall then have had notice. Dated at Markdale this 2&th day of April, A.D., 1947. -HARRIS & DUNLOP, Markdale, Ont. Solicitons for the Executors TENDERS FOR BRIDGE Township of Artemesia Sealed tenders plainly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigtned up to 3 D.S.T., Monday, May 19th, 1947, for the construction of a 40-foot span re- inforced concrete rigid frame bridge On the road allowance between two and three N.E., opposite Lot 1j83, Townhip of Artemesia. Plans and specifications may be seen and ten.ler forms obtained at the office o' the undersiigned. The lowest on- any tender not nec- essarily accepted. I. B. Whittaker, J. H. Beatty. Road Supt. Twp. Engineer, Ceylon, Ontario Court House Owen Sound Notice of Closing and Selling Road Allowance in the VILLAGE OF PRICEVILLE FOR SALE â€" Outboard motors, brand new, I h.p. 179.50, immed- iate deliveay. Transportation pre- .paid. â€" Christian's Electric and Hardware, Oshawa, Out. 48c3 FOR SALE â€" Ajax oats for seed; a few sows due to farrow soon; Hoi- | stein cow; work horses and saddle horses. â€" EMck Carson, Ceylon, phone Flesherton 22M3. 48c2 I FOR SALE â€" Seed Spring wheat, | Durham, also seed peas, 4»oth ex- cellent quality and good yielders â€" Neilburt McKenzie, R.R. 1 Cey- lon, phone Flesherton 104J1. FOR SALE â€" Matched team heavy hores; set heavy harness; set light harness; mower; hay rake; buggy; hay rack;l-fui'row sulky plow. â€" A. Conkey, R. R. 1 Ceylon. 48c2 FOR SALE â€" .Auto truck in good condition, with motor overhauled; also new auto-trac rear end mount- ed on steel. â€" Percy Semplc, Eugenia. 48c2 FOR SALE â€" 100 aci-es, brick house, near town and school, some busih, plowing is done, hydro in house and barn; priced to sell; immediate pos- session. â€" Watson & Watson, Dun- idalk, phone 70w 49pl FARM FOR SALE 100 acres , Lots 16 and 17, Con. 2> NJD-R., Artemesia, good land and bush; well watered; good house. â€"Mrs. R Stewart, Ceylon TAKE NOTICE that under the powers granted by the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1937, Chapter 266, the Corporation of the Township of Art- emesia will pass a By-law at its meeting to be held on the 6th day of June, 1947, authorizing the clos- ing up and selling of a certain street or I'oad allowance laid out on the plan of the Village of Priceville, hei'einafter more particularly de- scribed, unless prior to the aforesaid date, notice is received fixi-m anyone verified by affidavit, stating that his land will be prejudically affected by the said P.y-law. And take notice that the land affected by the said By-lww is described as follows: In '.he VillflKe of Priceville, in the Township of Artemesia, County of Crey, and being all that part ol John Street lying between Town Line Street and Queen Street, as laid out on the aforesaid plan of the Village. DATED at Markdale this 23rd day of April, 1947. â€"HARRIS & DUNLOP, Solicitors for the Township of Artemesia FOR SALE â€" iSeveral good youn^ Scotch Shorthorn bulls, ready for service, sii-ed by Merry Sensation by the grand chamipion Rigfoot Sensation. â€" Howard I. Graham, GvBham, RjR. 4, Mariodale, tele- phone 60r2. 47p8 DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Otaduate of Toronto UniT«r«lty Office: Kennedv Block Phone 77 Flesherton C. J. BELLAMY Vir.LACE CLERK A CommlBsioner for taking Affidavits Issuer of Marriage Licenses conveyancing" DEEDS MORTGAGES, WIL'.S, Etc. Offtre: Toronto Street. Flesherton WM. KMTTING LICENSED AUCTIONEI-J for the County oif Grey Farm and Stock sales our sp ah} Terms; reasonable. Satisfaction i. guaranteed. Dates arranged at Th Advance office or phon« 4w. H. S. News (THE ASTONISHER BIMTORIAL One of the most popular subjects discussed nowadays, aside from the weather in the future. One of the most unfortunate tendencies in this connection is the human weakness ol spending most of today planning for tomon-ow, or, if we happen to be very mature, wishing it was yester- day again. It all boils down to the fact that the more we woa'ry about thfe future or dream about the past, the less enjoymint we get out of today. Now, I think that is a truism, isn't it? I know that the lad sta)'ting out on an afternoon's hookey and the girl who is getting the high- eat marks in her class for the first time, will tell you that it is, anyway. How about taking a tip from us kids here in old FjHjS. and make the most out of today for a dhoinige, eh? GRADE 10 Are ycu planning on any more of those Saturday nights in the Pontiac, Eirma? Did you have fun. Carman? We wonder what G«.yle does on the week ends when a certain hydro em- ployee is home. We don't see much of you, Gayle. What's wrong, Turvey? Were the teachers too hard on you? We should take up a collection to buy Drew some hair oil. How about it? When Allen has the bike he enjoys waiting for Mable. Watch out, Bruce, or do you really care? Marybelle has quite a crush on a certain boy called Ken. 'R;ichardson seems to enjoy History class. Tell us why, so that we can enjoys it too! Johnston is still continuing his holidays in Math, period. When Keith went to visit Mabel he was greeted wth the rolling pin. Kaye seems to be catching the eye of Holmes. Ham's really going to extremes How about it Irene? GR-iVDE 11 Irene was all smiles this week be- she spent last week end at Lea- side. I wonder why? The telephone lines from Dundalk to Fleshei-ton have been busy this week because a cei'tain third form student has a great intrest there. Our fishermen are back after a holiday oni Thursday we don't know the first, but we do the stories. Joan is quite happy now because Pop has a car. You'd better watch Wilma, Joan. You should see the look in Magee's eyes when Miiss. MacDouigal is at hand. We wish Eleanor good luck when she goes to Kitchener. Take care Eleanor not to snap up a guy with red hail' black goes better -with red hair. Lynn is mad at Uncle Bill because he leaves Flesherton too early; she can't finish her conversation with her fish- erman. Miss. Pi'octor was absent on Frdday, but we guess she was fishing for a certain sucker. MJiss. Johnston can't learn her memory work at night because she is too busy with boys on the bus. Wanted by Bvyce some lipstick to fix Lynn's stocking. Better watch hii Jack. GRADE 12 Bryce specializes in the gal with "Hubiba, Hubba" jacket, rolling eyes. short black curty hair, and a turned- uip nose. "Sounds good". Shirley comes to school really fag- ged out mornings. After all a nurse's life is hard and strenuous. Emma prefers riding in a car from school now, I guess it's ibecause of the ' 'cookie-dustei-" and red hair. After all a car is more comfortable. Since Betty started to ride around in a biig Packard, the homework is be- ing negl6cte<i. Better change your ways, Betty. If evei-yone would do her homework like Gwen does, we might be a smart class, eh? Hollywood designers shiould come to Oi-ade 12 to 'g«t ideas of new hair- do's, such as brush cuts and up- sweeps. Blanche needs a new "Bulova." liat« hours don't register on the old Laurie. If anyone wishes their babies to be sat up apply to Egnma Meads. There Local and Personal Mrs. Wm. Swanton of Markdale was the guest last week of her daughter, Mrs. Geo. Boyd. Illinois man leaves his radio in street oar. Probably he got off at the night station. Ma-, and Mrs. Reg. Hut/ton and Rosearme of Guelph spent the week end at their home on the east backldne Mr. Earle Thurston has joined the staff at the Hydro power station at Severn Falls to train as an operatoi'. Mr. and Mrs. H. Alexandeo" of Fevershaan spent the week end with Mr. an'' Mrs. Albert Steware. The Thistleth|w»ite farm on the south side of town, fk)rimerly the Flesiherton dairy, has been punxahased by Mr. Thos. Genoe of Ceylon. Miss Annde Aikins of Rouge Hill, Alice Heard of Wirngihaim and Dell Thurston of Toronto were home for Mother's Day. Mr. and Mns. Geo. Allen, Gwen, Marilyn and Gordon, of Oro Sation spent Mother's Day wiih the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard AlleJi. Mr. and M'rs. J. W. Yearly and Children, accompanied by Isabelle Yeai-ley and Guy P»allister of Toron- to, and J. N. G-uy of Midland spent Sunday with Mo:^. Sarah Guy and Jean. Mi-s. Ed. Thompson of Kenora and daughter, Mrs. Albert Gillespie of Toronto, spent Tuesday at the home of 0. W. Phillips and visited Mrs. Phillips in the Markdale hospital. Mrs. Will Sargent of Owen Sound r.i..! t-'ster. Mi's. Townsend, of Mani- toba visited their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Smith. This is the first time that Mrs. Towinsend has been back since shte m'Oived from the Eighth Line 32 years ago. Mr. Fred Sullivan sent us a clipp- ing from the Winnipeg Free Press which advertised the Flesherton Old Home Week, August 3-6. We hope that Fred can make the trip east at that time, as hfs many friends here would like to see him again. Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart have moved into an apartment in Mi"s. R. J. Wilson's residence and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Boyd are moving this week to the apartment which they vacated in the former Murray residence on Toronto Street, recently purchased by Mr. Boyd. We are sorry to learn of the recent death of Mrs. Sheldon Myei-s of New Westminster, B.C., which occurred re- cently when she took a heart attack shortly after she had taken a bus for Vancouver. Mr. Myera formerly re- sided in Fleshei-ton and moved to the West about 18 years ago. The late Mrs. Myers was born at Mlanotick, Ont., and married Mr. Myers at Cabi, Sask., going to New Westminster in 1930. Sympathy is extended to Mr. Myers by his friends here. is an age limit of 21 years aftei- th^t they are able to sit tihemselves up. Shirley has taken to dancing on the lab tables now. I wonder has it any- thing to do with physiques (physics). Evelyn neai-ly lost her mate on rhursday ndght. Guns are qiuite dan- gei-ous, n, est-a pas? Marion ought to take up "shoa-t- hand." It would be a great help tak- ing History notes, wouldn't it, Marion ? "Absence makes the heart grow fonder", but when you have his pic- ture, it isn't quite as bad is it Barbara ? Dinky reveals hea- feeliinigs foi Bruce by writang in his Physics book: "Roses are Red Violets are blue. Honey is Sweet And so are you" Its' getting bad, eh! Some of the best private libraries are the result of selective borrowing On the part of their owners. SPIRELLA FOUNDATION GARMENTS A l^irella Foundation Garment o? whatever type required, resigned in dividually and made from measure- mente taken by experienced corset iere. Demonstration no obligation. -MnS- A. F BELLAMY ************************ * ************ * ************** HARRIS & DUNLOP BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Etc- Phone 38 MARKDALE Mr- Dunlop will be in C. J. Bellamy's office every Sat- urday from 6 to 8:S0 p.m. Auction Sale PUREBRED HEREFORDS, 16 Bulls and 12 Females, being held at the Markdale Skating Rink TUESDAY, MAY 27, 1947, at 1:30 p.m. '• Good quality selected stock. Catalogue on request. • :; '> Boyd I'citeou.s, Pre.s. T. Stewart Coojjer, v^ecty. Owen SdiiiKl Markdale, Ont. ;; ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»4i»4i»»»»»»»»4.»»; RECITAL will be held in bhie TOWN HALL, FLHBHEKTON TJiursdoy, May 22nd at 8:15 p.m. PIANO SoIoB„ duets, duos and trios by pupUs of Mrs. J. E. Milne VOCAL School choruses, part-singing, duets and solos by the Public School students under supervision of Mrs. Lenore Waddell Violin Ensemble Admassion: Adults 35c, Children 20c WOOL CROM^EIIS ORGAMZ/mON SHIP COLLECT TO Our Registered Warehouse No. 1 WESTON, ONTARIO CARIEIFUL WEIGHING RELIABLE GRADING Obtain sacks and twine from J, W- ROBINSON, Fevcrsham WES YOUNG. Maxwell or direct from CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 217 Bay Street, Toronto, Canada United Church Notes Rev. A. G. Macfpl.orson, B.A. Minister R'i-T4! Life 3w;,«iu.y will be cbtwrve^ on Sunday, May isifah, at Fle&heirton, Proton and Eagenia. This is one of the outstanding srevices of HIM CWurch year. CJcwne, and brin^ your visitors and other friends witJh you. St. John's W.M.S. meet* this Fid- day evening at 8 o'clock in' the base* ment of the church. The W.A. are speoiai gUeets. Choir pa-actice will be held at 9:30, Friday evening, immediately follow- ing the meetdnig of the WiMjS. The proceeds of the music recital being held next week by Mrs. J. B. Milne, will be used to purchase jgowaa for St. John's junior chodr. Watch The Adnrance for details of the play being presented at Eugenia next Tuesday evening, under the auspices of Eugenia W. A. If it takes all kinds of peoiple to make a world, this "worid is well made. Toronto wants tax on all amuse- ments in the city. What amusement T As the gardener said when he look- edi at his gardlen â€" Hloe- Hoe- Hoe! GET YOUR FLATS FIXED CAR GREASED BATTERY CHARGED, OIL CHANGED, Etc. at the B.-A. STATION Phone 63 Flesherton To Cream Producers Let me demonstrate a new Renfrew Cream Sapetaor in your own dairy, and prove to you that it pays to have a good separator now, when cream prices are at a premium. Hand & Electric Separators in .$tock W. E. BETTS Phone 46J FLESHERTON •i > h*4-*J^-***A ii F. T. HILL & CO., L imited i JUST ARRIVED SAMPLE BLOUSES Regular $3.95 Sale Price $2.88 Dainty Sheers and Jerseys White and pastel, Sizes 12, 14, 16 MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS Long Sleeve - Semi Dress Style White and Colors - Alpacca Weave $3.50 and $4.50 A LARGE GROUP OF Hosiery and Rayon Knit Underwear Sheer Nylon and Rayon Hose Dainty Rayon Knit Briefs and Panties REMEMBER, WE CLOSE MONDAYS F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. Phone 7 Markdale ♦»♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ #»# # ^ .♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»,ii»»»» I 4, t 4 4 1 « 4, 4 r