Wednesday, May 14, 1947 THE Fi.iiSHERTON ADVANCfiJ THE Hesherton Advance I'ublisbed on Collinswood St., Flesherton, Wednesday of each *eek. Ciiculation 1,100. Price 1:^.00 a year in Canada, paid in uuvance; |2.50 per year in the United States. F. J. THURSTON, Editor VICTORIA CORNERS Mrs. W. A. White President Or Rock Mills Mission Cirde Bock Mills Mission Circle met re- eently at the home of Mrs. Harry Patton, with a fair attendance ol members and visitors. The president. Mrs. Jas. Allen, occupied the chair, and after the oipening exetoises, Rerv W. A. White took the devotionail per- iod and gave an interesting talk on how the ancient Hebrews used the Psalms, taking as his subject Psalm 121. The topic "Grand Ligne" was taken by Mrs. W. A. White, follow- ed by a season of prayer. Mr. W. A. White presided for the election of officers, resultiivg as follows: ^Presidenit â€" Mrs. W. A. White. Vice-President â€" Mrs. W. Young. Miss. Treasurer â€" iMIrs. R. Allen. Current Ex. â€" Mrs. Ned Ciwft. 'Secretary â€" Mrs. Harry Patton. Afest. Secretary â€" ^Miss E. Allen. L. & V. Agent â€" Mrs. Jas. Allen. The meetinig dosed by siongin^ "Take Time to be Holy," followed by lunch served by the hostess and hel- pers. A meeting of the executive was held at the home of Mrs. R. AUen to arrange programs for fu- ture meetings. ® ., // ""< f -ff^e b^^^m'^/ Give your oar NeWUFEwiHi Tlre$tone ^^^eAUTO SUPPUES The punishing winter driving months lake a heavy toll of spark plugs, radiator hose, fan bells, oil filters and other automotive parts. So be sure and let us check your car over today for winter casualties. Now is the time to tune it up for the long spring and summer driving months ahead. D£ LVXe CHAMPION TIRES Flreslonci hiv* averything (o assure lonj, low-coil, troubl«-frc« miltij*. Il't Ctnada's No. 1 Tire for Safely, Mileage, Ptrformane* and Valu*. Gel more miles for your lire dollar by lellinj ui equip your car now with Fireslones. $4.35 (600-16) $21.55 TUBES (600-16) Avoid motor Jieating Mode with gum.dlpp«d cob!o cord, ond a htot r«*. sl&tont prolpctive coating of rubber. Long life, wifh minimum stretch. From $1aOD There's rainy weather a/iead WINDSHIELD WIPER EQUIPMENT Blades each 4Sc Armseaoh $1.00 Make night-driving a pleasure! fH r e $to tt ^ SEALED BEAM ADAPTER KIT Efficient, economical method of ccnverling old type head- lights to provide maximum intense light. Easy to install. From $8e45 • â€" â€" â€" _-. â€" â€" â€" -.-.-,â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" -. your car is as safe as your brakes \ Ditty piugS Can Waste BRAKE LININGS b ^ Firrtron* ^ 6R«IIHIIII»C \,..»^;' â€" • • P^, Perfectly bal- onced for long weor, smooth, posilivs action. Dm $5a35 Matched Set 10%of your gas! Install POLONIUM SPARK PLUGS Assure foster, easier __ starting and smoother, f OC I more economical motor _ . performance. t a C n Avoid costly repair bills I Protect the cooling system OIL FILTERS Dirty oil wrecks j molorti Install a | Firestone Oil | Filter. I Complete Installation $3.20 ' (ladiaioJi, RUST RESISTOR Prevents ruti, corroiion and sludge. Should be uied spring and foil, before add- ing onti-freeze and after its 16 01. tin 70C ^l';. ^-Vktiiiiii... fA^ TuM j^our air up for Spriiif aii^ Summer driving wMTir^ston^ Mra Mae AUTO SUPPLIES BOYD BROTHERS Ford, h ercury Flesherton, Ont. Mrs. Geo. Hutchinson, son Milton, and giranddaugiiter of Flesherton vis- ited Monday in the W. GaJlaugjher and W. Aoheson homes. Mr. Hawea of Hatherton, with his sawing outfit, bupzed wood Thursday for Geo. Ludlow, Elvin Moore and Sandy Walker. The ladies of Inistioge W.A. met in the of Mrs. Wilfred Gallauglier for their Miay meeting on Thursday afternoon, with a good attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Talbot and Shir- ley have returned to their former em- ployimenit near Hamilton, and the forrmer's fathea- has again taken up the reins at the faxm. Friday evening, Miay 2, about forty neighbors gathered in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Duncan to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Brown and family to their neiwly-ipurohased home, the Mer- ritt Nddholl farm. Many useful gifts were given to the family. The Indstioge Y.P.U. was held in the home of Gordon Batchelor Friday night with a good attendance. Mother's Day service was held in Inistioge United Ch>ui;'ch Sunday after- noon. The order of service, especial- ly prepared for the day, was followed witih Mr. Russell Patterson, Supt. of the Sunday School, as leader. Mrs. Gordon Baitchelor read the senioar story and Nancy Patterson the junior Mre. Russell Acheson favored the congregation with a solo in keeping with the day. An interesting high liglht of the service was the baptism by the minis.ter, Rev. A. G. Macpher- son, of Lila "Heatheir" Fonbes and 'San'ra ' Mae Forbes, younger daug^ •.â- - ,« iwr. p-d Mr?. Jas. Forbes. A â- '^â- fi'' bt'sket of flowers was plac- J in the church by Mr. Wm. Talbot - â- â- â- -.i m.imory of the late it-. Mrs. WIm. Acheson and' Miss Ina Aoheson of Dundalk visited with Mr, and Mrs. Walter Acfheson on Soinday and attended cTvurch service. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Galaugher visited at Wareham on Sunday with their son, Emerson, a'ld attended ser- vice in the church there. In the even- ing they enteiTtained Mr. Thos. Stev- ens of Dundalk, Mr. Haword Stevens son and daughter, of Fergus in their oWn home. The Late Allan C. McLean (By Priceville Reporter) Allan C. McLeJin, former well known and respected citizen of Price- ville, jvassed away in Toi-onto on Sun- day, Mlay 4th, at th-e home of his daughter, Mrs. Pea-cy Chambers. Mr. McLean had been in failing health for some time, but two weeks ago conitracted pneumonia, from which he never fully rooovered. Born in the Township of Glenelg, one mile north of Priceville, he lived on the farm hameste«ded by his father, Aljan McLean, until 1921. At that time, with his. wife ii,nd family, e moved to the village, where he re- sided until recent yeare, when he went to To)x>nto to be with his daugh- ters. His wife, the former Envma Richtardson, predeceased him by 25 years. He is survived by one son and four daughters, also four giiandchild- ren, Marjorie, Mrs. Roy Mason, Floa^a- belle, Mi's. Percy Chambers, Mangai-et Mrs. Biiuce McKay, Erma and Cam- eiTOn, all of Toronto. A service was held in Toronto on fÂ¥ h ****Kt********************tt*t*******tt%t4tt%t%** MEN'S READY TO WEAR SUITS We're offering a grand assortment of Men's Tweed and Worsted Suits in single and double breasted styles â€" new this season. These garments are well cut and smartly tailored in a variety of colors and patterns. Sizes 36 to 44. They are all exceptional values. , Priced From $27.50 To $40.00 i; New Spring Neckwear Shirts and Shorts Smart 3ocks a- 1 4 â- « 1 M Belts Suspenders Overalls !i Nylon Hose - First Qnality il 11 4 f "Orient"' and "Holeproof" New Spring Shades 45 Qauge $1.65 42 Gauge $1.40 Sizes : 8J^ to 10>^ F. H. W. HICKLING V General Merchant FLESHERTON, Ont. ♦ MM I M t»***«*«i» M »»»»» H I»»I HH IIII MM I»»»»»li> ? * 4 ' » Tuesday evemng, May 6, which was largely attended by former FHceville residents and friends. The remaiine were brought to Rpiceville and a ser- vice was held in St. Andrew's Presiby- teriian Ohiurdh on Wednesdayy, con- ducted by Rev. Gaudier. Interment was made in McNeill's Cemeteiy. The pallbearera were: Walter Twm- bull, Donald McLean, Robert Paisloiw, Wresford McLean, Nedl Aldcxxm and Donald McArthur. The casket was surrounded by many beautiful floral tributes, which bore silent messages o<f love. Those from a disitance who attend- ed the funeral were: Mrs. Harry Pedlar, Mr. and Mrs. Rlay McLean. Mr. and Mis. Haairy Ririhardfefon, Mrs. Mlamie McDonald and son, Lenoy, all of Toronto; Mrs. Ohas. Jones, Kit- chener. DRESSMAKING Having recently graduated from a "" course in dressing in Owdn Sound, •• Miss Joyce Hodder is now pirepared ., to accept cusitoan orders of sawing ^ and dressmmking of all kinds at her ' home in Flesherton. 49c4 '* NOTICE Beginning Tuesday, May 20th, our store and locker storage plant will be dosed at 6 p.m. on evenings. Your co-operation in arranging your shopp- ing in accordance with this will be greatly appreciated. FUR STORAGE Fur Coats and Winter Apparel stored in our cold storage plant at reasonable cost. FRED G. KARSTEDT Phone 139J4 PRICEVILLE, Ontario SPRING HARDWARE Paint, Poultry Supplies Superflame Oil Brooders $29.50 Sherwin •Williams Paints, Enamels Electric Brooders 26.50 C-V Quality Paints and Enamels Coal Brooders, from 16.75 „ ,. . ^, Floor Wax, Polishes, Cleaners Brooder Thermometers » • n i n •â- »- Founts Feeders *^""* Brushes, Roller Koters Royal Purple Stock and Poultry ^""^^ Brushes, Mops . Remedies . Pails LADIES â€" We have BEATTY and EASY ELECTRIC WASHERS Farm Fence, Barbed Wire, Rolled Roofing, Asphalt Singles in stock. DUNCAN'S HARDWARE Coal - Cement - Electrical Appliances Phone 54 FLESHERTON, Ont. - â- ' â€" * â- 4