'>Ua'-""|iliiP>iil|piiipn mmmmmmmm mm Wednesday, April 30, 1947 TliE Ft^i'SHERTON ADVANCE Small Ads "WAMITEDâ€" a or 4 rooms wanted.â€" lin. Bd. IHsher, pbone 66w Fl«d)- erUm, 46c2 FOR SAIjE â€" Thomas 6-octave or- gwa, will sell very cheep. â€" Mrs. Francis Genoe. phone 94w. PICKS WANTED â€" 60 youngr pigs, ready to wean. â€" Donald Gillies, Prioeville, phone 49wl. 40p2 «VANT££> â€" AjmrnTia raitable foi mink and fox <eed. â€" Bert llclntosi Euc«aia, phone F«««nfa»-i 6iS6 FOn .SALE â€" Windmill and pump, 66 feet <xf rope, $50X)0. â€" Phone J^esllverton 13ew8. 47c.. Are All The ChUdren In? FOR SALE - foot tower, sherton. Toronto wUdmill, 40 - Arthur Chard, Fle- 47p2 ROOiM WANTED â€" By buainesB man atoout Mky 10th, in F1erf»erton or in farm (home. Give infonnation to The Advance office. 47p2 FOR SALE â€" Chunks of pigs, 75 to 125 lbs. â€" G. W. Lifctlejohna, phone 33i« Maikdale. 4^2 FOR SALEâ€" 100 bushels quick lime. Earl Fenwick, phone Feversham a3r43, or Percy Smith 23r43. FOR SALE â€" 116 Rock and Hamp. yearling' hens. â€" J. P. Stewart, jyhone Flesiherton 32w4. 47pl FOR SALE â€" Seed peas, Chanceler (early) and Canadian Beauty. â€" Chas. Haw, Lot 18, Con. 18, Proton, phone Dundalk 56J3. 47c2 FOR SALE â€" Certified Cobbler po- tatoes, also Wanbfis, Katahdin and Sabag«oe«; quantity of O.A.C. 21 barley. â€" A. S. Muir, CeyJon, phone Flesherton 104J8. 47p2 LOST â€" Black Spainiel, short hair, answers to name of "Pal." Last seen 3 miles south of Flesherton. Finder please notify Mr. King, 86 iSeth St., Long Branch Ont. FOR SALEâ€" iSow and 8 young pigs.^ general purpose mare 5 years old. â€"Bert Magee, phone Feversham 5rll. 46p2 FOR SALE â€" Lumber and timber from old s'kating rink, will sell four bents. â€" Wallace Hamilton, phone 79J. 46p2 FOR SALE â€" 3 summer dresses size 14, one black crepe sequin-trim size 16, half price. Can be seen at The Advance office. 47p2 FOR SALE â€" Coal brooder in good condition; also 8 young pigs â€" ^Mrs. F. Jamieson, Eugenia, phone 6r24 Feversham. 47p2 FOR SALE â€" Set of tires 6 00x16, all in first class condition; also 2 grirls' skirts and rose crepe dress. â€" Mr. E. J. Hass, Flesherton. FOR SALEâ€" Pencheron horse, 7 yrs. old; Durham bull calf, 8 months old, eligible for registration; 2 stacks oif mixed hay; gang plow and cultivator. â€" Fred Russell, phone 30r4 Markdale. 47pl FOR SALE â€" iSeveral good young Scotch Shorthorn bulls, ready for service, sired by Merry Sensation by the grand champion Rigfoot Sensation. â€" Howard I. Graham, GtBham, R.R. 4, Maritdale, tele- phone 60r2. 47p3 FARM FOR SALB I think ofttimes ae the nigibt draws niglh fH an old house on the hill, Where th« children played at will. And ^«n tSve nigiht at last came down Hushing the merry din,, Mother would ^k around and ask, "Are all t)h« chUdren in?" Tis many and many a yeor since then, And tSie old house on the hill No longer echoee to dhildish feet And the yai-d is still, so still. But I see it -\11, as the shadows or«ep> And though many tjhe years have been Since then, I can hear my mother ask •'Are all the dhildren in?" I wonder if, when the shadows fall On the last *ort, earthly day, Wlhen we say good-by to the world outside, All tired with our childfisQi play, Wihen we step out into that Other Land Will we hear her asik, just as of old, "Are all the cftiUdren in?" â€"Florence Hadley, in Pathfinder. POR SALE â€" Kitchen range, good heater and baker, cheap if sold at once; also quantity of lumber. â€" Claud C Akins, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Seed Spring wheat, Durham, also seed peas, both ex- cellent quality and good yielders. â€" Neilburt McKenzie, RR. 1 Cey- lon, phone Flesherton 104Jfli FOR SALE â€" 6 pigs 8 weeks old; Golden Vine peas, good for seed; a few gallons of maple syrup. â€" Mrs. J. Crawford, Eugenia, phont Feversham 9r41. 46c2 LOOT â€" Wallet on Sat., April 19, between D. W. Adams and the Co- operative store. Finder please leave at The Advance or notify Frances Adams, phone 102w4. FOR SALE â€" Rich Velour Chester- field Suites at reasonable prices; wide variety of styles and cover- ings, at Sohuett & Sons (opposite theatre) Mt. Forest. Free deliv- ery, also pianos, waahers, rugs, bedroom furniture. FOR SALE â€" Rubber tire tractor, lights and electric starter, 3-fiir- row plow capacity; 3- ton 1946 Mercury 168-inch truck with stock rack, like new. â€" A. E. Sparks, Flesherton, phone 33wl. 46p2 FOR SALE â€" Ajax Oats fom regist- ered seed, gov. grade No. 1, germ- ination 100%; also Cockshutt out- throw discs with fore-carriage; purebred Yorkshire pigs, eithei sex, 3 months old. â€" Ross Stevens, phone Fleherton 32J2. 44c3 NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS Hunting, trapping or trespassing on the following lots strictly prohib- ited; Part Lot 30, Part Lot 31. Part Lot 82, Con. 9, Artemesia, and Part Lots 30 and 31, Con. 10, Artemesia. â€"J. D. MacDONALD, E>ugenia, Ont. C. J. BELLAMY Vir.LACB CLERK A Caaaiaafmicr for taUu AffUarita laaaar of Matiiaga licansaa CONVBTANdNO IMUSMS MOKTGAOISS, WIL^S, Etc. Oriea: Toronto Strooti Flaahartoa WM. KNITTING LICENSED Al^CTlONEEH for the County of Grey Farm and Stock sales our ay alty T»nns: reasonable. Satisfaction i« guarantetd. Dates arranged at Th< Advance office or phona 4w. 100 acres , Lots 16 and 17, Con. 2> N.D.R., Artemesia, good land and bush; well watered; good house. â€" Mrs. R Stewart, Ceylon AUCTION SALE HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, ET& of the Estate of the LATE MRS. J. P. OTTEWBLL FLESHERTON SATURDAY, MAY 3. 194 '< the following, at 2 p.m.: HORSE â€" General Purpose horse 12 years old- 2 Arm Chairs, 3 Rocking Chairs, 4 Diningroom Chairs, Radio Table and Cover, Radio Couch, Secretary, 4 Parlor Chaire, Studio C3ouch, Floor Lamp, 2 Settees, Carpet Sweeper Wasl Clock, 2 Sideboards, 2 Boilers, Sewing Machine, 6 Kitchen Chairs, Washing Machine, Ironing Board, Box Stove, 2 Flower Stands, Camp Bed, Cai>pet, Mirrors; 2 Tables, Small Chair, 3 Mattresses, 3 Beds, Ward robe, 6 Dressers, Book Stand,2 Small Tables, Buffalo Rolbe, Electric Heater Roasting Pan, Various Size Kettles, besides numerous articles used in the home,, including pots, pans, etc. Ice Hook, Medicine Grinder, Hay Knife, Dehorning Sheers, Sickle, Fishing Basket, Hammers, 2 Lant- erns, Lawn Mtower, Canthook, Rake, Axe, Saws and numerous other articles. TERMS: Cash. â€" W. KAITTING, Auctioneer "iSo, God has sent you two more little brothers, Sally," said the mijnister. "Yes," said Sally "and He knows the money is coming from, too. I heard Daddy say so" Client: "I want you to dinaw up my will, but I don't know just how to word it." Lawyer: "You needn't worry â€" just leave it to me." Client: "Yes, I suppose that's how it will turn out anyhow." Notice of Closing and Selling Road Allowance in the VILLAGE OF PRICEVILLE TAKE NOTICE that undeir the powers granted by the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1937, Chapter 266, the Corporation of the Township of Art- emesia will pass a By-law at its meeting to be held on the 6th day of June, 1947, authorizing the clos- ing up and selling of a certain street or road allowance laid out on the plan of the Village of Priceville, hereinafter more particularly de- scribed, unless prior to the aforesaid date, notice is received from anyone verified by affidavit, stating that his land will be prejudiically affected by the said By-law. And take notice that the land affected by the said By-law is described as follows: In tfhe Village of Priceville, in the Township of Artemesia, County of iQi-ey, and being all that part ol John Street lyinig between Town /Ldne Street and Queen Street, as laid out om the aforesaid plan of the Village. DATED at Markdale this 23rd day of April, 1947. â€"HARRIS & DUNLOP, 'Solicitors for the Township of Artemesia If you have ever faced an emergency, you know how important it is to get right-of- way for urgent calls. Remember the master rule "Do unto others as you would like them to do for you â€" and do it first." The $3,500,000 being spent this year alone will provide more rural lines and mean fewer parties on each line. FOR KST HSUITS nOM YOUR nUPHONE 1. Keap colls brief. 2. Space your calls. 3. Avoid "listening-in." 4. Give right-of-way to urgent calls. THE BEIL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA ^1 Loca l aod Personal (MDiea Anne Akins of Rouge Hill speirt tihe week end wWh her pairents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Akins. iMrs. Howard Milldgan spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Prank Keys at Hunltsville. Mr. Ken Henry of Hamilton was a week end viisitor with his mother, Mrs. G. E. enry. Mrs. J. 0. Dargavel and Robert visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Wat- son at Owen Sound on Sunday. Mrs. J. S. Walks of Vancouver, B.C., is visiting her sister Mrs. J. E. Milne. Mrs. R. G. Holland returned to her home, after spending the winter in Toronto. IMis« Helen Durrant, Reg.N., ot Toronto is visiting this' week with her grandmother, Mrs. W. Thurston. Mrs. Len. Hill of Toronto spent tihe week end with her mother, Mrs. R- Berttham. |Mrs. John Uuhn spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart MacTavdsh. IM)rs. J. G. Coleridge of Kingsville was a guest last week witdi het brothers, G. A. and C. S. MacTavisH. Mr. aaid Mrs. H. W. Kemahan re- turned to town' on Friday, after spending the winter in Toronto. Mrs. Robt.. Bellamy of Toronto was a visitor for a couple of days la^ week with Mr. and Mrs. B. Bellamy. Mir. Ivan Henderson has received Ma disdharge from the Army and is visating his miother, Mrs. R. H. Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Kennedy, Douglas and Norma, of Brantford spent .the week end with Mr. and iM/i-s. W I. Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Patton and fam- ily of Toronto spent the past week with Mrs. Patton's pai-ents, Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald. Ma', and Mrs. Alex. Henderso vis- ited the formei's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas'. Henderson, at Mt. Forest On Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mbrgan of Moorefield, married on Saturday last, spent the week end witfe tihe former's uncle aun aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Lever. Mr. Wm. Thompson of Newmarket the Markdale hospital, seriously ill. sfpenit several days the past week with Mr. 0. W. Phillips and visited his sister, Mrs. Phillips, who is in The W. I. will meet at the home of Mrs. John McDonald on Wednes- day, May 7th at 8 pjn. Roll call, payment of fees and hand in a ques- tion and I'eply to one drawn. Every- one welcome. HARRIS & DUNLOP BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, EU- Phone 38 MARKDALE Mr. Dunlop will be in C. J. Bellamy's office every Sat- urday from 6 to 8:30 p.m. CREDIT AUCTION SAIt FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, Etc. DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICIAN ft SURGEON CtiBdnate of Toronto Univertity Office: Kennedv Block Phone 77 Fleahert«ii TENDERS WANTED TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to Wed., May 14th, 1947, for the purchase of Ibam 86x16, double boarded, 2x4 frame and 2x8 overlays; wood shed 15x18 witii 2x4 frame; both buildings on Leigion Hall iproperty,, Plealherton; Purdhaser Ito clean up property. The .highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. â€"ARTHUR CHARD, Chairman, Legion Hall Board. CHAS. E. TURNER will sell by public auction on LOT 26, CON. J3, ARTE'MESiIA MONDAY, MAY, 5TH„ 1941 at 1:30 p.m., the following : LIVE STOCK^Bay Mare, 8 years old, goood woiker. Black Cow, 8 yeaiis old, fresh, milking well; Red I Cow, 4 years old, milking; 3 Steers, 2 years old; 5 Yearling Steers; 2 'Spring Calves. 20 good Ewes; Ram IMPLBMIENTS, Etc. â€" Tudhope Riding Plow, 2 furrow; Iron Smootih- ing Harrow, l3-lbuU; M.-H. Seed Drill, 11 boe; Melotte Seipai-ator, stainless steel, 740 lb. capacity; Mc- Clary Kitchen Range; Bamel Ohurn; Cutter; MUH. Binder, 6 foot cut, complete; Cockshutt Mower, 5 foot out, has cut 3 crops; Hay Bake 10 foot; Top Bug^y; Frost & Wood G^nig Plow; Farm Truck Wagon; Stock Rack; Root Scuttier; Grind- stone; 1 Drill Turnip Sower; FaTininR Mill; Massey-^Harris Cutting Box; Hog Crate; Land Solleir 3 sections; Gravel Box; Sledge Hammer 10 lbs.; Wteigh Baaan; Ohaitham Weigb Scale 2,000 lbs.; Band Clippers; Double Bairrel 12 Gauge Shot Gun; Scoop Shovel; Set Heavy Harness; S Horse Collars; Set of Single HamesB.; Forks; Shovels; Chains, and numer- ous other articles). No resewe as Mr. Tuimer has sold his farm and is moving tO' Flesherton TERMS â€" All sums of $10.00 and under, Oash; over that amount 7 months' credit will be given on joint notes acceptable to the Canadian Rank of Commerce, Flesherton, with ,')"< straigtht on credit amminta. â€" WM. KAITTING. Auctioned Arthur Ohard, Clerk. WOOL <»OM(EII$ ORGAMIATION â- liTi: SHIP COLLECT TO Oar Registered Warehonse No. 1 WESTON, ONTARIO CARIEJFUL WEIGHING RELIABLE GRADING Obtain sacks and twine from 1. %. ROBB^SON, Feverahan WES YOUNG. Maxwell or direct from CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 217 Bay Street, Toronto, Canada Tenders will fca received by tiM undersigned for the purchase of P«Tt ^ Lot 161, L N-B., flesherton, contain- ing 12 acree more or less, last daite for tenders being Sat., May 10, IWZ. -<;. J. BBLLAMy. Clezk, Villaige of FleiOierton NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the Mtste of Q*ft rge Lawler, late of the Village ot Fleeherton, deceased- All persons haiving claims against the estate of Geoi^ Lawler, late oi the Village of Flesherton, in the Oounty of Grey, retired farmer, who died on or about the Hth day ot March, 1947, are required and here- by notified to send prepaid to the undersigned Solicitors for the Execu- tors on or before the 19th day oi May,A.D., 1947, full paitioulars vere- fied by statutoay declaration. Immediately after the said 19itih day of May, 1947, the estate will be dis- tributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims whiich the Executors shall then have had notice. Dated at Markdale this 28th' day of April, AJD., 1947. â€"HARRIS & DUNLOP, Markdale, Ont. Solicitors for" iJfe Executor* ; '**** ' 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 n i 1 1 1 >»♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦»♦♦ 1 1 1 » t # • 1 1 > « 1 1 1 • ; "„ F. T. HILL & CO.. Limited 11 OUR i Summer Store Hours START MONDAY, MAY 5th jl I \ We will be closed Mondays throughout the sum- i I mer, starting on the above date, ranaining open all ' ' week, including Wednesday and Saturday nights, as usual "^ WORTHWHILE SAVINGS in our ;« ; GROCERY DEPARTMENT W SPECIAL BROOMS B2, 5 String, each 99c PURE PEARL TAPIOCA 2 lbs. 35c SHREDDED WHEAT 2 for 23c QUICK QUAKER OATS 2 for 37c QUAKER WHEAT SPARKIES '... 5c each CHOICE CUT WAX BEANS 2 for 17c AYLMER DICED CARROTS 2 for 17c AYLMER DICED BEETS 2 for 15c FINE QUALITY CELON TEA 59c_lb. FRESH GDOUND COFFEE 27c lb. PEANUT BUTTER, 16 oz. jar 39c e^^h ASSORTED SOUPS 3 for 23c Vegetable, Celery, Asparagus, Mushroom, Onion, etc. SPIRIT VINEGAR, 12 oz. bottle 6c BULK SODA BISCUITS 2 lbs. 27c CROTHERS SODA BUISCUITS 2 pkg. 19c WHITE OR BLACK FIGS 19c Mb. RAISINS ., 2 lbs. 45c PRUNES 19c lb. PITTED APDICOTS 25c lb..... GRAVES APPLES, 105 oz. tin 75c each JUST ARRIVED a new shipment of CANDY Turicish Delight Chocolates Gum Drops F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. i Phone 7 Markdale V ♦ HM i »MM iii M i<*»*» mn ii nn i H i » <i»ii» nnm i » f m m m ' "4 fJt 'â- » A- 'A t H 'A 5 4' -^ ^ ^ J8 'A. (, J.