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Flesherton Advance, 30 Apr 1947, p. 7

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f if M if <4 4» 'Jit A-- ^' -â- 4- 'M â-  'm 04 t Ik. V A. *^ 'A k 8 19k. 1^ m 'A At fM Jk Ik â- ik,. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BABX CHICE8 ' BABY CHICKS AND STARTED CHICKS Our prices fi.r Baby Chlolii and atarted Chicks will surprlss you. All Chicks from blood t«ta<l stock. Carleton Hatchery, Britannia Belshts. Ont. BAHGAINS fo.- this week and next. Cock- erels: Barred Rocks. New Hampshlros. New H.tmpahlr« X Barred Rocks, Light Sussex X Barred Rocks. Llarht Sussex X New Hainp- ahlres. Burred Rock X New Hampshlres. New Hampshire X Llcht Sussex 14.95; two week old (10.95. three week old il2.95, four week old J14.95. I'he to six week old JI7.i»5. As- sorted breeds 60c per hundred less. Lars^ Eee Quality add tl.OO. Specially Selected add $2.00 per hundred to above prices. Started Pullet bamalns four week old New Hamp- shire X Barred Rock. New Hampshire X jLleht Sussex. White Rocks. Rhode Island Reds. Black Australorps, Barred Rocks. LIsht Sussex K Barred Rocks. Light Sussex X new Hampshlres $26.45. Assorted breeds $25 45. Five to six w*?ek old $27.95, Assorted Breeds $26.95. This advertisement plus 10 ^ deposit must accompany your order. Top Notch chlokoriea, Gneliih, Ontario. HEAVY BREED COCKERELS Special Low Prices on day old and started Thousands weekly. Assorted heavy breed cox 6c. Overhatch Assorted chtcks lOo. Also 2-3 week old cockerels. Send for Special Price List Lakeview Poultry Farm. Exeier. Ontario. BARV CRICKS ELECTRIC BROODERS 2SI) Chick Capacity. Delivered your station for onlr $12. 96. Though materials hava ad- vanced sharply, our prices remain at original figure. Have doubled factory apace. Prompt delivery. Satisfaction Buaranteed. Some customers re-ordered four times. Gordon's Elaulpment. Dundalk, Ontario. DVEINO ANU CLBANINO HAVE) YOU anything needs dyeing or clean Ing? Write to us for Information. We are fflad to answer your Questions. Department H, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Tonse Street, Torot^to, Ontario FOB SALE AMERICAN SEPARATORS and milkers. HiE^est quality at lowest prioea. Power aprayera for orchard, white-waahlng or paintinff. American Separator Sales. Gode- rich, Ontario. ASTROLOOTâ€" A tree Solar ReadinB. Helpful advirt- end guidance. Send birth date. Btamped-nddreHBPd envelope. THE PS7CH0- SUCCESa INSTITUTE <M. 8>. 922 Federal Building. Klchmond Street West. Toronto. STEArr COCKErtELS $5. Of per 100. Holly- wood leghorn pulteta $24 0(t per 100. Sussei and Red Sussex pullets $20 01. Barred Rnclt. N.H. Red nnd leg-roc and ledroc hybi*td pul- lets. S20 00. Bis Husky ffuaranteed to live chlr-ka from hloodtested puUorum free hens CViIcks slreu by 25C ^00 egg males with high egg records for past ^1 generations. Their J.iheri*>d egg laying ability added to their I 79 King Street W., extra iiealth and vleo^ make them the blggesi chlcl.' .â- ':ar:-iln for 1947 Write for prirelist or order tllrect from this ad. We can ship twico each week during May and June. Bis 'Rock Farm. Mills Roches. Ont. ATTENTION Farmers, Craftsmen, Hobbyists We stock a full line ot the best woodworking eiiUipment available â€" the Beaver Circular Sawa. Beaver Jiff Saws and Beaver Lathes and accesflories. Atlas 8" Circular Saws, Atlas Drill Presses. Buffalo 13" Drill Frrsst's, as well as various other makes of Snws, Lathes, Band Saws, Jif .Saws, Simp- ers and Jointers. Our stock of Motors Is complete â€" 60 and 25-cycle. Shallow Welt Pumping Systems, Pump Jacks, P.iint Spr.iylng Equipment and Air Compres- sor j Factory IMstributora for the Lotr.-m Precision Mela I C'lrtiiiK Laihes. MILGROM KLECTRIC LIMITED ORDER CHICKS now. whether for Ininiedi:>tP. or later shlpmenT. Aak for Bprimr prlcfi- list. We've some started heavy breed cock- erels, they'll get you good money with n imrnmwn^of labor ajid cr,«t. Bray Hatchtry. 130 John N . Hamilton. Ont. ROCK PULLETS $20.00 per 100. Order May chicks now. haiTed rock. N.H. Red. and hybrid pullets $20.00 per 100. Hollywood leghorn pullets. $24.00. heary cockerels $5.00 per 100, Big Husky livable chicks halched from big eggs, aired by 250-3OO egg males. Older from this ad or write for circular. Big Rock Farm, Mille Rochea, Ont, START KOW and s^t premium ees prices thia fall For poultry or eggs and prefits you can't make a wiser start than with Tweddle Chicka. Our experience of more lUan 23 years in the hatchery business a.^aures you ot fine chicks. Tweddle chicks are big biff producers of top nuallty meat nnd eggs . . . start laying In about 5 to 5Vj months. An order now will bring you any of the bi»8t breeds or some fine cross breeds, on the date you want them. Get started now for a really profitable senaon. We have the following Cross-breeda to choose from; Black Minorca X ^VhIte Leghorns, White Legliorn X Barred Rock. Barred Rock X White Leghorn. White Rock X White L"'eghorn. New HampHhire X Whittj Leghorn, Light Sussex X White Leg- horn. JVustra Whites. New Hampshire X Barred Rocks, Barred Rocks X New Hamp- ehlrea. New Hampshire X Light Suaaex, Light Sussex X New Hampshlres. Light Sua- Bex X Barred Rock and also 12 pure breeds to choose trom. 100 ^/o live delivery ffuaran- teed. All breeders are Government approved, blood-tested wilh proved records of livablllty and high r-rcduction. Prices are riffht too. Send for our free catalogue and price list Also started chicks and older pullets prompt deliveiy. Tweddle Chick Halcherits Limited. Ferffu.-f. Ontario Hamilton, Ont. ARC WELDING MACHINES" Electric or Claeoline driven Alli.ince Eieotrle. 1081 Beaver Hull. Montreal, or 4T9 Welllneton St. VV.. Toronto, Ont. FOB 8AI.K STRAWBERRY plant off»r. Kxtraordlaary, 26 Valentine (aailiest) 25 CatsklU (ailil- soason) 1*5 Elurln (latest) 25 MuckerlEle (earlr), 10 Gem everbearers for $3.60 prepaid, shipped damp. Catalo^tje price $9.00. All vrand varieties. Order lmine<ilately while supply lasts. Cash please, Pries list free upon request. L,. W. Phillips, Box II. Welland, Ont. TARPAULINS fltuidy brown or 'KhukI Duck Waterproofed Covers with tie ropes, all weights. Write for quotations and samples John T..eck!e. 77' Wol- "6 VOLT WINDCHARGERS* Complete with tower â€" $45.1*0 Allianre Electric, 471» Wellinglon St. W., Toronto. WAR ASSET IIATTCRIES Kxide 2 volt storage batteries, hard rubber case, uncharged $1.00 each. N'ewson & Campbell Co . Hamilton. Ont. WISCONSIN" AIR COOLED ENGINES I'A to 31 H.P. Alliance Electric, 473 Wellington St. Toronto. W.. YOUR COAT OF ARMS painted In water colors on 10 x 14 board. Send $10 to 32-39 SOlh. St.. Jackaon lieight.i. L.I.. New York. N,T. FARMS FOB SAI.E 82 Acrfe Farm near UcKellar Village, some land cleared, remainder with wood «nd tim- ber beside road. 6 rooms, frame house has basement woodshed and other biiiMlnga, price $3000.00 Box 442 Parry Sound, Ont. 290 \CRES near Trenton, good soil. 34 acres woods. 7000 fruit trees, buildings all modem, hydro, bath, bank barn, tie 30 cattle, water In alables. part cash balance on easy terzna. Possession at once. These are all good farms and low taxes. Why not buy a modem home and estate for price of city home. W. Q. Fretta, Napanee, R.R. No. 2 or phone 901-3. Repreaentative for Willoushby & Sons, Tor- onto. ATTENTION FARMERS FOR SALE!â€" Tractor Tlrea. made of rubber, suitable for bolting on steel wheels. $15 00 oath, rear wheels; $7 50 each, front wheete. When ordt-ring state diameter and width of wheels. Nati(mal Rubber Co. Ltd., 6 Wilt- shire A ve. . Toront a. Ont . "broadbreasted bronze"" POULTS WITH ceiling prices removed. Turkeya will undoubtedly be a good Dried next Fall. Sexed poults all toma or aa-hatched available on most dates. We can supply you if you order NOW. All poults hatched from Broad Breast- ed Bronze Bloodteated Bi-eeders In automatic special turkey Incubalora. SPECL-VL DISCOUNT PRICE FOR MAY 6TH HATCH â€" ORDER TODvV^ Send for Free Turkey Guide. •LAKEVIEW TURKEY RANCH Wein Bros Phone 294 Exeter. Ont. CANVAS COVERING Hen^T White Duck waterproof with light rubber coating one aide. 60 inchea wide. $1.25 yard. Suitable for Canoe Duck. Ground Sbeeta. Roof or Deck Covering. Full mils 100 yards apeclal price. Supplied in Tar- paulina. sturdy, longr wearing, complete with tie ropes T-c square foot. Write for aample John Lpckio Limited. 77 Welllnffton^ St. W.. Torontc "~ ELECTRIC^bTORS ATC. OR D.C. Largo slock â€" Alliance F.eotric, 479 Wel- lington St. W.. Toronto. PRICED to aell, immediate possession. 2 good soin« farms, 234 acres mixed farmlnc"; 2.10 acres newly equipped tobacco farm, for particulars write owner. Philip Verheyden, GIfn Cairn. Ont. 200 ACRES good land situated on highway, two miles from town of Napanee. 30 acres heavy timber, oak. pine. basR and elm, valued at $7000. large acreage Fall Wheat, land In good cultivation. buUdinga modern inside and out. Stock and implements can be bought with farm. 200 ACRES eood lonm land. 130 acres work- able, bal.mee wood and pasture, plenty water, two and half milea to Maryaville, half mile to canning factory. Thia farm could be rented for one year at a fixed aelling price. Small down payment required. Several other farms for sale, good location, good ronda. low taxes. For further information contact W. G. Fretts. Napanee. R.R. No. 2. or phone 901-3. Repreaentative for Willoughby and Sons. Toronto. 200-ACRE dairy farm, situated on ICIng''B Highway, nine miles west of Cornwall. Farm in excellent condition, carrying 70 head ot cat t la at present. Building's consist of two bouses, l.irere hnm, large henhouse and pig pen, all in excellent repair: alao auvar bush. Modern enuipment In houses and bam. Apply 10 R. C. Hortle, P.O. Box 1075, Corn- wall, Onl. HAIRDRESSING LEARN Hairdreaaing the Robertson method. Information on request regarding elaaaea. Rctertaon'a Hairdreaaing Academy, 137 Ave- nue Road. Toronto. HAVE FOR SALE INTERNATIONAL sot) pulverizer. 244 Letz Roughage Mill and Little Wonder draining machine, all as good as new Walter ItfcPherson. Route 2, Dun- dalk. Ont lOc HURONDALE CHICKS 12c Pure .'^usaev. Suaaex x Hamps, Rock x Hampa, Barred Rocks and New Hampa, mixed chicki" 12c, pullets 24c. Leerhorna. Rock x Leghorns. Suaaex x Legliorns, and Leghorn x Hamps. irixed chicks 12c. pullets 24c. All breeders doot^ bloodteated and banded. Backed by pedi^eed foundation atock. Many customers report â€" "Beat Chicks I Ever Hod.'* STARTED CHICKS AND PULLETS 1 -^i^p old add 4c. 3 weeka old add 10c, 4 weeks old add 15c, 5 weeka old add 20c, 9 weeka old 50c each* for thia week and njM only. 4c HEAVY COCKERELS 5c Meat Type New Hamps, 4c, other heavy breeds Do. Aaaorted Heavy Cockerels 4c 2 weeka old add 4c. Thesi> bargain cockerel prices for this week and next only. OVERHATCH CHICKS 9c Our choice ot breed or breeds In heavy or Heht breeds. Here's your chance to set good chicks cheap 100% live delivery cuaranteed. $1.00 per 100 deposit. Order from and en- cloae thW ad or send for Price Llsl. HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY London, Ont. CANOE CANVAS All weights and widths alao copper nails. tacks and canvas filler Write for prices John Leckie Limited. 77 WelHngton Street W.. Toronto. FOR SALE â€" Victory cook hooks. fiOO lecincH, postpaid, 50c. Mrs. Andrew M^'^-^'n F'or- encevllle, N.R. FOR SALE, Black Labrador imna. « weka old. from two jrood retrifvr.?. Will hunt next fall. $23 nnd $3,"i. Al Sh'tin's Cauip. MitchPll'a Bny. Ont. FtSri SALE â€" 3 milea from .Son. IS acre farm. 5 roomed hoUM". furni-shed nnd 3 oHi(»r buildings, lota of g'ood water in dryest of Seaauns. also 20 acre timbrr lot. $1,000 cish only. Apply Mr. J. G. Walton. 44 4 Bay St.. Sault Ste. Marie. Ont. H£1.P WANTED EXPERIENCED HOUSEMAID for new country home near Oshawa. Private room, washroom, radio, liberal time off. Good bu« connections. Apply Box 140. 73 Adelaide W.. Toionto. MEDICAL, PEOPLE ARE TALKING about the good re- sults from taking Dixon 'a Remedy for Rheumatic P.Tins .ind Neuritis. Munro'a Drug Store. 235 Elgin. Ottaw.T. Postpaid $1 00, TRKAT rOCRSELF nl home* with electro- nmgnet'sm for Arthritis, Rheumntiam. In- Homnio. Varicose Veins and other circulatory aUmenta. Free explanatory Damplilets from CoopeUemetlics. Vonge Street. Toronto. lTS~K.\'CET.LE.Nn-.''R.-ar results^aff-r taklnB Dlxnn'a R'»m»'d.v for Pihenmat'c Vninn and Neurit's. Miinro's Driit; Store. 1X7.T, Elgin. Oitawn Poalpaid $1.00. STARTED CHICKS 2. 3. 4. 5 and 6 weel- old in non-snsed. pullets or cookorela at rock bottom prices. We have the- following to choose from; Brnred Rocks, Light Sussex. New Hampahlr'>3, White Rocks, Now Hamp- shire X Barred Rocks, New Hampshire .\ Light Su39fx. Light Sussex X New Hamp- shirea. Light Sussex X Barred Uocka. Also elpht week old pullets to laying. Inimodiale deliver v. Twcldte Chick Hatcheries LlmitiMl F'TTi's. Ontario. SUSSEX X HAMPS FOR SUCCESS MAY delivery, book your order today at the following prices. Vnaexed Chicka $12.00 per 100. Pullets $22.00: Cox 9c: Leghorn X Hnmp.<t un3?XPil. $12 00 per 100: Pulleta 2Sc: Cox 8c Ptillorum-Tosted Gov't Approved Stnck $1 00 Down, balance on dfHvery. IIONMK'8 CHICK HATCHERY Box 256. Elmlra. Ont. FREE to mpn sMffer'n-? from loss of vigoi-. nervous debility and iniuaired vittillty. En- close this ndverils^ment with S^m: In covr po.Ttnge nnd pac'iin?. wo will forwnrd you one full al7.« package of Dr. Pr^airlp- tion. the gland m-^dicin** 'hat "'-•'m reiiilt?'. Tmnerial Tjiboratorie.**. Ounton. TVfnn. GASOLINF* .Tc P^r g.ll. A chemical thni will multiply any gi-adi? of gas. Writ* for pnr- tlculoTs Get anmT>Ie on appr-iv.'.l just fnr the postage nunrl'^r. E. A. J-tri ne. 108 R. 7lh. SI.. The DaHes. Orpt:on. I^S.A. H A UTT^ A RR ~ 1 .1- .TO . Tractor for so 1^ Good running order. J. H. Sk'Ivl.*. St. Geor':e. f)nlnrln LIMITED (lunntlty available pedigreed Par Angora rahhiia Phillips Angora Rabhiiry nS >ronkland Boulevard. Saint Laur«nt. Quebec MINERAL RODS for local inu buried Tv^^n- aures. How to build them yonrs?lf. Rfs'- stercd $5.00 in T*.S. money. Send to Jerry >frGinnis. Box 41.1. Gilbert. Arizona. MCSrCTANS STP.TNGS â€" VoHn. STr>ol (w.-nnd* S^et (U) .BOc, (W) $1 2:.. fX'i JI.S"*. Pio- ffisslond Set (X) S^.-TO. Kriwninn fTuifiir - Silver P wound strings .I'tf. H*iwn!inn Gui- tarâ€" Binnzo wound 8 strings $1..'»0. .'Spanish- Silver P wound fi stringf* SO -â-  Tti (»»r^>» 8 Htringrt $I.GO. Miindolin S^t $l.r.O: Batijo Set $1.15: Ukelela Set .r.Oc PoBt.tgp vaU}. Fully guaranteed. S'»nd Mon'»y Order Jo; AEOLIAN. Box 111. Station 'D*. West Tor- onto. Ontario. TUB MONEY awalta- early Fall production. Ordei chicka now. Make sure of Top profits fronj every dollar and every hour you Invest in chicken raising this year. "Well begun Is half donf", and you begin right when you start with Top Notch chicka â€" and start early. Top Notch breeders are Gov- ernment Apiiroved, pullorum tested, and of proven production quality. LM/o delivery of husky, healthy, birds la ffuaranteed. All the best breeds are ready for prompt ahlpment on the date you specify. â€" day old or older, sexed or nnn-sexed. Heavy producers of meat and eggs, these ehieks cut nil risks to a minimum. They grow fast nnd produce early. write for Top Xolrh catalogue and price list now. Also aiartod hcicka nnd older pulleta for prompt delivery. Top Notch Chtckerlcs, Ouelph. Onlariri. 3000 8 TO 10 WEEK OLD PULLETS for delivery April Ist, also 4 and 8 week olds for prompt delivery. All raised In brand new brooding plant under Ideal conditions, all floor raised, Here'a your opportunity to set In on ths early high priced egg markets. Lakeview Poultry Farm. Exeter. Ontario, a^^W^ 100 CHICKS FREE with every urder o( 100 Pullet chlcki w« give 100 free chicka (our choice) Barred Rock Pul- let, IM.05. White Rock Pullet, I26.»S. White Le»horn Pullel, J24.85, Brown Lechom Pul- let, »25 95: Red-Rock Hybrid,, I81.K5; I.eit- h»rii-Rock Hybrid,, 125.95. .All chick, sold U* from blood-tested stock backed by high ptdlgreed Block. 11.00 book, your order, Balance C.O.D. auiranteed Delivery. Kent Hatc hsry. Chatham, Ontario. 4 ft « WEEK OLD PULLETS AUo mixed chicka and cockerel,. All rataed U brand new air conditioned brooder plant ukder Ide&l condition,. Send for Weekly Weclal Wat of ,t.irtea chick,. I.nV'-vlew PeulUX Farm, Bxei»r. Ontario. NO. 1 HOME onnWN orchard Brnsd 8"«(l S5c II) .\o. ?. 25o lb. T. W. Govenlocli. Forcnt. Ontario OILS. Greases. Tlrea. IneecUcldcB. Klfclric Fence Controller,, Houne and Bnrn r.itnt. Roof Coatlnsn, etc. Dealer, wnnled. Wt(l,> Warco Grease A Oil Limited. Toronto. Mt'SICAI.JNSTRi;.Ml;NTS PR ED A. ^BODDINGTON'' aells. ex- chanse, musical Inntruuienls. lU Church. TnionU' 2 OFFKK TO I.WKNTORS AN OKKER to pver.v Invrnlni' â€" List of Inven- tions and full informntinn sent free. The Rnnisny to. Reeisloi'oil Patent Atlorneya, ;;T3 B;inti Street. Ottawa. OPPORTIMTIES FOR »V«>.MKN BE A HAIDRESSER .10l\ CV.VADAS M0.\D1.\G SCHOOL Great Onnortiinity Learn H.-iirdressinB rirnsanl dignified pi»,reS8ion, good w.TSes. tlnmaoiifls sucrepsflil. Marvel Bfjldilnl,'» Anieric;i'3 Br,»a(pat s.vatem. IlIusti".itr>(I cala- loctie free. Wril,^ or C.'ill MARVIJI. H.MnOl'.ESSl.VC! SCHOOLS .t.JS Bloor St. \V.. Toronto Bf.-inihcs 44 KintT St., Hamilton & 74 RIdeail Street, Ottawa PATENTS Flil'HF.IJSfON'.M OH « Company Patent Sollcilors, Est.iblislied 1S90. H King West. Toronto Hooklet of inrorinatlon on renuest. PERSONAL PERMANENT Pasture Mir. J12.00 per Acre; )11.50 Five acres or more delivered, four types to suit your soil and climate. When orderlna sIhIp soil type, dralnnffe nnd fertility. Stittsville Feml Store. Stittsville. Ont "PEERLESS" WATER SYSTEM Write for detailn â€" AUinoce iJectric, <79 Wellfnffton St. W.. Toronto. REGISTERED cocker spanleis, BoTldr TTacli male and females. Sira Ch. Buckahurn Bomber, dam Caw of Ch. Kappa, son of Sur- priae, >vhelped Jan. 18. 1947. Write for par- ticulars to MIbs M. McBrlde. Fenwick. Ont M V WIKI*; if* ^. rancor iJfiliniu. I wilt give $10 for Hie helpful I'-tt^r of yrxir ex- perlenoe. whnt to flo or rot to d â- Â». Tiot M2, T.T Adelaide W.. Tnronlo. STOP SMOKING without tnkins nnythlnfi inlernally or iiniMB nny will power I Send ir addregsfd envelou** fi>r (nrorination. Pierre, 44 2 Birlta Uiiildinfr. Kdmonton 5. AHiertn UEGTSTERED SPRINGERS, alBO cockers, by champlnnn. Talhot croft, Rec'd., Rock wood, Onlarlo "SAVE your" LEAKY^RObFT Old lenky roofii made like new nsnin with liquid asbestos Elastik Roof Kote. Knsy to apply. Saves you money. Full Information free. Domlnlbn Cement Paint Company. Dept. S, 4S4 KInf West, Toronto, 'our 6Sth. year. ) TIRES We ara overatocked at the preaent of »ood used trado-In tire, (fftiaranteed to ba In ex- cellent ahape). 600 X 16 â€" $5.00 All ordera ahlpsed C.O.D. Special equipment for vulcanlalns Truck and Farm Tractor Tlrea. BEACON TIRBI comer Queen and York Sta.' Hamilton, Ont. ONTARIO'S MOST MODERN EQUIPPED TIRB SHOP Dealera Wanted TWO CLYDBSDALIQ atalllon,, roan T year,, dark bay 11. Premium A, eicellent quality. Chwp (or quirk ,ale. Thoi. Cnlaon. Blyth, Ontario. LO.N'BSOJIR. Join a Koriety whinli niiej-nles Ironi Clli'islinn principle,. Somowliei-e « fllttii.> awcetlieart Beel.s .vour aofiuailitaiir-e. Splendid poBitionw. niciinB, Inrormntlnti fre,». Canadian Fricnilsliip Society. Box 113, Diir- ham, Ont.. PHtn'OOBAI-ilY FILMS DEVELOPED and Printed, 2,5c Roll; Repriijts. ;)c Each SPECIAL COMET toldlnff camera, full 1 27 siJte. guar- anteed. $8,95; with lenthir ahouldei carry- ing cane. til. 45: shipped postpaid. \V" I'-.vf. • M.s,-. I'lliMi Ml *,-.„•': COMET PHOTO SERVICE Box 0, Postal Station D. Toronto Reign Over Greece The new King of Greece, 45-year-oid Paul I, bioliici- o£ the iale King George II, and his Queen, Freiierika, are sliown in an informal pose during a recent visit to London. SPOTS OF SPORTS By FRANK MANN KAKHiS - ("A Sixbit Critic") â-  The gentlemen who watch the morning works down at iovely Woodbine report to u.s tliat it has been quite cliilly there in the eaily yawning; and one of them claims that a certain bay gelding, when roused from his well-blanketed slumbers around 6.30 in the A.I»f., was heard to remark to a chestnut in the next stall, "What fools these mortal she." However, we. have our doubts about the veracity of this report. Any sensible gelding WQuld liave used inuch stronger language than that. * * • As one who has paid â€" and in full â€" ' for his present utter lack of knowledge regarding the Thor- oughbreds, w are frequently asked about the best system of beating them. Our advice is as old as the hills â€" you've heard it so often that you're tired of it â€" but it's still good. "You May â€" that "may" should be in capitals â€" beat a race; but you CAN'T beat the races." In other words, tlie folks who go to a track and bet seven races on a seven- race card are simply committing quick suicide. * ' * • A paragraph or so back we spoke of those who watch the early morning workouts, stop- watch in hand, on various tracks. They prefer to be called "work- watchers" rather than "dockers" and to us they are a whole lot more interesting than the horses they pay such great atcntion to. How they can recognize any Thoroughbred they ever saw â€" someti'nies a long distance away â€" is really asloiiisliiiig. * » • We recall one afternoon, some years ago, wlien a real veteran of the work-watching brigade came into a Sports Department we hap- PlIOTOCn.VI'HY pencd to be connected with. He made the casual remark that he could identify any horse he had ever seen. One of his listeners rather doubted this slatemnt and a test was made. From a drawer of Thoroughbred horse pictures some twenty were selected, more or less at random. The names of the horses were on the back of the pictures â€" and there were no jock- eys aboard to help In the identifi- cation. -Minost as rapidly as a man deal- ing a bridge hand the work- watcher flipped the pictures onto a table. Without a mistake he nam- ed eighteen of the twenty. One he said he wasn't sure about â€" but it looks like a â€" â€" " naming the colt's sire. The twentieth stopped him. "I don't beli.;ve I've ever seen that one," he confessed. "If I have, lie's slipped my memory â€" I guess I'm getting old." ♦ ♦ » Turning over the picture, we saw that it was of a horse that had never raced in these parts. The photograph, through carelessness 01. the part of a filing clerk, had got into the wrong drawer. Our friend, tke work-watcher, was jus- tified one hundred per cent. He knew horsrsâ€"hiicuvs horses â€" has ;.een around them all his life. His knowlcd.gc is so great that, right now, he's counting the months till he's eligible for his old-age pen- sion. Black Gold Sought Fronti Sea Bottom Black goldâ€"oil pumped from be- neath the Atlantic floor â€" may yield more wealth than the million-dol- lar harvests once taken from sea beds by vanishing Baliamian sponge fleets; In the shallow waters of the great Bahama Bank â€" known to na- tives as "the mud",â€" si-x thousand fishermen in 600 schooners' and sloops used to hunt valuable sponges that for a century made this British Colony a world centre for the sponge trade. New, seven major oil companies, including a local subsidiary of Standard Oil of New .lersey, are exploring the sea bottom In search of oil-bearing formations. All are operatng under concessions from the Bahamian Government. By use of radar and gravity meters aboard small vessels the companies are studying underlying rock formations, and wells will be drilled if reports are favorable. The islands lie on the edge of the continental slielf, largely surround- ed by water no more than twenty feet deep, which plunges abruptly in places to depths of tliree mile.» or more. It is estimated that iS.OllO.UOd Americans get their living from the cotton industry. WHY BE ENVIOUS of othei" peoples' coffee when you can serve Maxwell House? It's the world's leading brand and it con- tains choice Latin-Ameri- can coffees for extra flavor. ^t BURNS eSCALD Sold by ail DtuEgisIs â€" 25c, 33c (tube), 30c and jl.OO WPTt ^OINTMENT Soothe them with MINARD'S LINIMENT 35< LARGE CCONOHICAl »'it 65c °^<^ â-º Rub on fretly, and note quick relief. Greaselcaa. Fast-drying. No stroni I 8-46 ISSUE 18â€" 1J47 SATISFIED CUSTOMERS nil oftT Cntiadu RECOMMEND STAR SERVICE foti s:<*; fmpi "anaps" and prompt servite fi'iim tTiin l>iR. reliable studio. ANY H17.K ROI-I. •; or 8 e.vpnir.i rfs l)i:VKI-OI»KI> and l'UI>TJKD 30c fteui'iiiia from your nesatlves 4c. 2 mountP'l eniarsomenia 4 x 6" '2Zc. En- larBcnujiu.'* Ti ainftl T ,x 9" in Gohi. fiilver. Walmii or TJiacU I-'ranies 74c, If pioiur* colorcil 9-iv.. Prints and enlargomonia niml? f rnin pi Mils oT lo.'jt noffaii^'os. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE BOX rJU. I'OST Ol'I'lCK A. TOKO.N'I'O SIAMI'S STAMPS jr.. 00 Ml for J-l.OO. 52.00 cat. for .50o, Kiiie foieJiiTi airmails, war issaeflt commein- orativen, with appi-ovalH. H, & M. MILLAR 202 Crpnadior Itund Toranln 3, Out. GH.\H.\M fJKI.l- on pauer liliowWu p'xiUnarlt wanttil. 1 'olleciofn to juin New ZeaUintJ RxrliaiiRtt Club. VVorhl Widt^ f^frreaiinmtnrls. $1.00 year memborsliip. A. S. Whiifielil, 24 Gtftn KnaJ. Toronto W.\NTI-:il WANTEDâ€" All kinds of dressed poultry. Top prlcii for lop I>!rd8. Jnsei»h Cooper Hmli*><I. Poultry Dppl . L'Oil DanfortU Ave., Toronto • . (We do cuHlom gradins^ ATTKNTION KAR.MEIIS and Properly Own- era. I am prepared to purthaae in th.a dlatrict fOi cash tf prired rislit, parcels of land, large or small with fair !>uU<llnfi». Write fSivins fiiJl nariiciilajji of loL mimijer. con- censinn niimhfr. township to H. IVagnfel! Realty, 1553 DanfoiLh Avenue* Toronto. '»»•••»»â-  Speedhand â€" ABC Shorthand This simplified system will pave the way to independence. Since StcTography is the open door to a successful business career, just as surely will. SPEEDHAND hasten your success, and make it even easier to attain by Cutting down the time necessary to train for a good Stenographic position. Use the Coupon. This ABC System is easier to learn, write, read and remember. CASSAN Systems. 1499 Queen W., Toronto Please send free lesson without any obligation. Name Town Prov. ROLL YOUR OWN BETTER CIGARETTES W/rff CIGARETTE TOBACCO TOILETS Fop Bummer Coltaffcw. rt**, Qan be useJ with Of without nnini"': • .'t.M , PiuaKr Hnn'- n l ttM. Ltd.. Dundu. Oat. MUTT AND JEFF

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