> I V THB: Fi.^SHERTON ADVAT'CE Wednesday, April 9, 1947 » ^ I i % ^* •4 i >♦♦♦»♦»»»»»<»»»»»♦♦♦♦»»»»♦»»»<'♦»»»>«»»»»»»»»»} »»»»»»»4 1»' CREAM At all times â€" the f oremos't thought in our minds is to give our customers the best possible deal. Whether the cream is delivered by yourself or sent in by truck, you can be assured you will re- ceive square treatment. We are most anxious that you receive the best possible grade for your eggs, so that you will re- ceive more money for them. In order to obtain a higher grade, your co-operation is necessary. E99S 1. Eggs must be spotlessly clean. 2. Eggs must be kept cool â€" around 40 de- F. (possibly keep in basement). 3. Particular care must be given to the feed of lajring hens. Too many roots causes dark yolks, hence B Grade. 4. Market eggs regularly â€" twice a week if possible. Most of the eggs are now being exported. In order to hold this market we MUST supply good eggs. Try the above suggestions for "more egg money." Creamery closed Saturday nights until further notice. Flesherton Creamery Angus Avis, Manager Phone 66 ?: I I FLESHERTON, Ontario KIMBERLEY S. S. NO. 7, OSPREY Easter holiday week end brought many visitors to our community. These include: Dalton Fersruson of Islington wit'- his mother, Mrs. Fer- guson; Dunita Lawrence of Oshawa with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Lawrence; Miss Eleanor Ellis of Col- linffwood, with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ellis: Mr. Art Haines of Kingston, with Mr. and Mrs. George Haines. Miss Helen Hew -ill of Redwinj?- is vi^ting with Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Chard and family. Miss Doris Bailev of Port Dalhou- sie, with Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Chard and family; Miss Doris Bailev of Kitcheneh, with her sister, Mrs. C. Kittfhen; Herb McMullen, with his mother. Mrs. McMullen Sr. and Les. The United Church services were postponed Easter Sunday. Owing to the "ondition of the i-oads, the min- ister. Rev. West, could not make the trip from Heathcote. Mr. Gordon "atterson has complet- ed his term of teachiner in a Toronto University and is snendinie a holiday with his wife and daughter,' Donna, who have spent the winter with Mrs. Patterson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Weber. We are sorry to report Mrs. Leslie Mullen under the doctor's care again. She will be taken to CollinK- wood hospital this week for x-rays. Mrs. Goodfellow is snendin"- a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Rus.sell Eliis, before returning to her how in Doibbinton. FEVERSHAM iMr. and Mrs. Jim Robertson were visitors the latter part of the week with Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Long. The March meeting of the Ladies' Aid was held at the home oif Mrs. Hannah. The April meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. W. Heit- man. The roll call is to be answei-ed by an Easter verse. Week end visitors «t the Alexander and McKee homes were: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Perigee of Malton, Mrs. Albert Stewart, of Flesherton and Jim and Mr. McKee from Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Fi-ank Hannah and Warren left Thursday to spent the Easter week end in Toronto. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Geo. Burke is on the sick list, and hope for a ST)eedv rec-"^ Miss NorniH Heitman of the BeU Telephone staff. Markdale, visited at her home here. Mrs. Ern Hawton am' son, Car), of Toronto are spending Easter holi- days with relatives here. ROCK MILLS The weather keeps very cold and backward, which makes It bad for syrup making. No heav>' flow oif sap has yet occurred and not many have even had a boiling. Unless the weather warms very shortly not lAich syrup will be made. School closed on Thursday for the Baster vacation. The roads are in very bad condition at present, as they have become so full of holes they are scarcely fit for traffic. Miss Helen Betts, who has been employed in Owen Soiund for the past three months, has returned to her home for ''-" summer. Miss Ruby Dohson of Owen Sound was a visitor at her home over the holiday. . Mr. Mannie Pobson was in Owen Sound last week on 'business. Some logs are .''till being trucked into th-e mill yard. The Company now has a large stock on hand. Grade 8 â€" Yvonne Davidson 85- Grade 7 â€" Warren Hannah 90, Marion Fenwick 87, Joan Davidson 56, Redge Tyler 41. Grade 6 â€" Norris Moore 60, Paul Hudson 46, Merle McMullen 39. Grade 5 â€" Dorothy Fenwick 69, Stanley Wright 62, Melville Wright 46. Sadie Stewart 40. Gerald Teeter 27. Kenneth Teeter 26. Grade 4 â€" Stephen Eby 80 John P.-:!!ar 64, Shirlc;." Wrig-ht 60. Grade 3 â€" Shirley Sammons 92, Evelyn Pedlar 80, Cheryl Light 72, Velda Teeter 51, Edward Smith abs. Grade 2 â€" Joan Parker 100, Irwin Stewart 87. Gene McMullen 74, Allan HuKhson 72, John 'Sled 53 Robert Jackson 41- Grade 1 â€" Eleanor Sed 94, Carman Wright 85. Harvie S^immons 84. John Teeter 69. Percentage is average mark ob- tained in Easter e.^caminations. â€" N. Conn, Teacher. 12th LINE, OSPREY Mr. Allen Tupiin af Toronto v.isited over the holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Torne Tupiin. Miss JepM Cox. student of Flesher- ton High School, is holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Cox. Miss Minnie Douglas Iwas home with her parents Mr. and Mrs, Mel. Douglas, and was accompanied b\ Mr. Fred Ball of Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Mtel Douglas and Bruce entertained friends and neigh- bors to a euchre party last Friday evening. Visitors over the holiday with Mr and Mrs. Bill Izard were; Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Gould of Beeton Mr. am Mrs. Hiiiber Sayers of Dondalk ud Miss Audrey Sayers, of 10th line. Messrs. Cyrus and Allan Short have been busy taking timber from Mr. Francis Genoe's fanm on the Mea- ford road, and by reiports they made a good buy. They are prepaying to come iback to their farms ' for the summer. Cyrus, keeps a mmtiber of good Hereford eows, about ^, and takes the easy way of doins: the milking, the calves doino- the job. He sells the baiby beeves in the fall foi a handsome price. Mr. Percy__Sanderson jnoved his family to Collfngwobod township to Mr. Hewgill's. Mrs. Victor McKenzie is visiting her motHer, Mrs. Chas. Turner, and sister, Mrs. GeB: Clark, on the Mea- ford road. Mr. Burton Roberts js visiting with his brother, iM'erle Roberts, and other relatives and neighJDors. Burton has had great exiperience preaching the gospel to the Indians of northern Albert. We wish you every success. Burton, ir, your labor. Mir. and Mrs. Allan Short and Mrs. Weber of Kiraiberley were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Short over the holiday. Miss Phyllis Roberts is home for the holiday with Mr. and Mts. Milton Roberts and family. Mrs. John Dobson of the 12th line visited with her son, Josh. Dobson. Mrs. Dobson is over 80 years of age and intenJ-. to iK)il sap for her son, which she has done for a numiber of years. She is a wonder. Mr. Ken Dobson was a caller on our line over the holiday. Miss Grace Wrig'ht, teacher, visited [ with her mother and sister and bro- ther, Lome. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Dobson ot CoUingwood are visiting Mr. and .Mrs. Wm. Poole and John, and Shir- ley Holt. Well, Mr. Editor, I hope you en- joyed the Easter holiday. What does Easter mean to us all? It is one oi the greatest eveats of the year, and without what occurred on Easter Sunday, where would we go? Wish- ing you every success. Miss Beatrice Maxwell, pupil of S. S. \o. 6, student of Feversham Con- tinuation School and graduated as a nurse from Colling-wood hospital, was married recently to Mr. Cha.';. Ardie! of Clarksburg, and were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Maxwell. Other visitors at the Maxwell home were; Misses Edna and Xorma Maxwell of I Toronto. Shirley Maxwell of S. §. No. 16, Collingwood township. CEYLON The Easter season is with us acaio and after our winter, what an inspir- ation as we think of the Resurrec- tion mom. , Mr. and 'Mrs. Melville Hunt of Preston were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Hunt. Mr and Mrs. Doug. Bullock To- ronto s^jent the week end with Mrs. Jos. Oliver and R. C. Mr. and Mrs Don Meads of To- ronto were hliday visitors with Mr. and. Mrs. John Meads. We would lik« to mention the kindness of the Canada Bread man from Owen Sound who was so kind as to deliver the staif of life some distance in the village these past several weeks, when it was imposs- ible to get through the snow drifts with his truck. Easter holidays for the school children, and they still enjoy the snow at this season. Miss E- Aitken, teacher of Ceylon Public School is spending the Eas- ter holidays at her parental home at Holstein. The many friends of Mr. George Williamson are sorry to learn of his illness. Mrs. A. E. Goessell was a recent visitor -with friends in Toronto. Miss Janet Campbell, Toronto, is a holiday visitor with her mother, Mts. R. Caim3>bell. The young people were entertain- ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Rutiedge last Thursday evening, when a ,pleiasanfe -social hour was spent. The young people are holding a bazaar and tea in the school this Thursday afternoon. See notice in Future Events. Kindly keep this in mind. Mr. Chas. McWilliam, Toronto, was a holiday visitor at his parental home. ROCK MILLS BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. W. A. White, E.D. Pastor Service next Lord's Day at 3 p.m. April 13th. Subject: "A Tender Re- buke." Text: Isaiah 40:27-28. Church Scliool meets at 2 p.m. You are invited to come and study and worship with us. You will be made welcome. A boost from anyibody always sounds much better than a boast. Driver's License Examiner: "Do you know what it means if a driver puts out a hand? Apijilicant: "Well, if ifs a woman, it means she is going to turn rigrht or left, shake the ashes off her cigar- ette, or I'everse or stop, or she^ pointing to a hat store, or admiring her ring, or " Examiner: "Yeah, and if it's a man?" Applicant: "Why, he's usually w»T- inging at a woman," ^OH^S^ Rock Mills School Grade 8 â€" Marie White 90, Robert Betts 64, Shirley Parti'idge 58, Gol- die Atkinson 56. Grade 7 â€" Clayton Porteous 81, Redge Dobson 73, Leslie Porteous 59. Grade 6 â€" Jeanette Dobson 69, Mhirray Betts 56, Florence Wilkinson 53, Ken Smith 50, Lois Helmkay 50, Ethel Betts 46. Grade 4 â€" Bruce Benson 82, Ivan Betts 70. Grade 3 â€" Patricia Dobson 66, Dorothy Wilkinson 56, Bernice Wea- therall & Harvey Weatherall (abs-). Grade 1 â€" .Alice Weatherall (abs) Norman Weatherall (abs.), Elmer Weatherall (abs.). No. on roll 22; av. att. 17.19. The numbers ai'e percentages. â€"Mrs F. J. Seeley, Teacher He: "Uo yuu kuuw that I am somewhat of a mindreader?" She: "So? Well, why are you sitt- ing at the end of the davenport?" LEAVE FLESHERTON To Toronto 9.05 a.m. b 7.40 p.m. b Sun. and Hoi. (STANDARD TIME) To Owen Sound b 12.05 c 4.05 p.m. er 8.40 p.m. c Sat. only g daily except Sat. BUS CONNECTIONS AT TORONTO FOR OTTAWA - MONTREAL - DETROIT CHICAGO - ST. LOUIS And all U.S.A. points Hilly: "I wonder why a moth eats a hole in a I'ug."' Flossie: "Maybe he wants to see the floor show." Proud of havinsr a new arrival in his home, little Johnnie announced to his school teacher that he had a new sister and she had cost more than a hundred dollars. "Goodness," teacher replied, "Isn't that a lot of money for a tiny baby?" "Yes, but think how long they last!" was Johnny's reply. Toronto Ottawa Monteral FARES ARE LOW Round Trip â€" Tax Included $ 5.35 X Detroit $17.55 X Chicago $20.80 xSt. Louis - X â€" Via iToranto $15.85 I24.A $3141 Tickets and Information at the B.-A. SERVICE STATION â€" Reg. Boden FLESHERTON - Phone 63 Oldsniobile Seties "98" 4-Door Sedan THE ^1«<W?"lOOKING, ^«^J5^HA]VDLING 1947 OLDSMOBILE Three full lines lo choose from all otteriug Optional Qt extra QMt Oldsmobile Series "66" (or "68") 4-Door Sedan The i9'IT Oliisniobilc is smart in more ways than one. Suiart styling . . . certainly. But it's a smart inifsfnwnt. loo. An investment in ihe dependability anilqiialitv for wliiclitlieOIdsinobile name is (anions. An iiivestmcHt in the riding comfort of Quadri-Coil Springing and 4-Way Stal)ili7,utiou. An investment â- in tlie matchless driving ease of GM Hydra-Malic Drive* â€" the oiilv drive thai shifts gears automati-. cally and climina test he olntch pedal enlirely.Choose the low-priced OMsniobile "60*' (either a six or an eight) â€" or the popular-priced "70"' (also with a choice of engines) â€" or the luxurious "98" Custom Cruiser. Whichever it is . . . you'll be making a snuirl choicol The demand for neu- cars is slill so great that it may be some lime before you take the wheel of your new Oldsmobile. Make sure your present car keeps rolling. The better its condition, the safer you are . . . and the higher its potential trade-in valne. "^ 0-247A D. MacTavIsh and Sons, Flesherton, Ont.