^ « T » I r 9 * « ft. â- *â- L4..i Ik * k * 4 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday. January 29, 1947 RADIO Repairs and Service by E. Williams RADIO TECHNICIAN SINCE 1929 With 18 years' experience, I believe I can offer the the finest radio repairs at the lowest cost. All makes repaired, with modern improvements if practical. Have you an older type battery set, using three "B" batteries? It could be changed to use only two, with equal results. Many older type sets us- ing 6 or more tubes, can be modernized to use less tubes with better performance. IT CAN BE DONE. All work may left, and called for, at RICHARDS ELEaRIC FLESHERTON VICTORIA CORNERS PRICEVILLE PORTLAW Mr. and Mrs. Holroyd of Macrorie, Sask., iwho are viaitin^ with friends here for the winter montlis, were en- tertained in the home of Mr. and Mrs- Wes Plant* on Saturday. Others present on thi^ occaalion (were Mr. and Mrs- J. J. Boyce, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fisher and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Shier and baby, Marion. Mrs. Holroyd's name wafe Alice Hol- man, prior to her marriage, and re- sided on the farm now owned by Mr. Thos. Phillips. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Patton visited in Ehindalik (with Stanley's mother, who has been very ill. Mr. and Mrs. Prank McArthur and son, Douglas, «£ Nottawa spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Jai. Hotpps here. (Inetnded for Last Week) Mt. Cecil Meldrum enjoyed a ten- day visit with frieodis in Toronto, and attended two of the hockey games at Maple Leaf Gardens. Mr. Talbot and daughters, Muriel and Laurene, of IXundalk, Mr. and Mrs. Rabt. Hill of Warehaan were visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs- Ban Talbot. Mr. and Mrs. Noiiman Jackson and Cfecar McKee of Haanilton were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John McKee. Mr. and Mrs. John Grtun- raett also accompanied them from Hamilton and spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ahrin Gruaiwnett at Hatherton. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Boyce are spending awhile with their daughter, Mrs. Lewiis Fisher. Ckingratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Herb Blakey on the arrival of their baby son. Earl Talbot's neighbors, number- ing eight men, turned O'Ut Thursday and skidded up his wood for him. "The Surge of The Tide" Booklet of Poems by Rev. Chas. D. Cox Limited numiber of copies avail- able at B. J. Fisher's Otore Flesherton 8TH LINE OSPREY Farm Forum met last Mondey evening with a very good attendance at the home of Mrs. M. Murphy. Quite a lively discussion too'k palce, after which everyone enjoyed a good program, especially a reading ' by Mrs. Murphy. The meeting this Monday evening is at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Williams. The Mui-phy family entertained their neighbors Friday evening to a euchre party, when seven tables were in play. Miss Kay Somers and Bert Hale were the wfnners. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Merritt of Duntroon were Sunday callers with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ottewell- Mr. Lloyd Stephens of Fevei'shaim was also a visitor at the Ottewell home. Mr. Peter Somers has returned to his home here, after visiting with his son, P. J., at Banks. Reeve Herb Hale attended County Council in Owen Sound last week. A foolish and annoying action by the driver of a motor car makes some drivers wish to pay him back in kind. But juist because one per- son is a jackass ite no reason for anyone else to follow his example. 'â- : t *:* - t I Butter Production I versus Butter Importation In order to avoid « further )cut ia the ration- ing of butter, the govemmeint is importing around 11,000,000 pounds of butter from New Zealand. Since New ZeaJand can produce butter much cheaper than the producer in Canada, it appears to us that the producer would be well advised to step up production to a greater exteht, in order that importaiton of butter would be unnecessary â€" as this is liable to distort our price structure. (Intended for Last Week) Mi'fs. E. A. Stinson received word on Sunday that her sister, Mrs. Leon- ard Keast, Keldoii, had been removed to Orangeville hospital- Monday morning the operation, a severe case of appendicitis, was succetesfuUy performed. Latest word is to the effect that the patient is making Satisifactoiy progress. Friends here were sorry to learn that Mr. Earl Talbot, Portia w, had met with a painful accident when working in the bush. A log became lodged and then suddenly freed, hitt- ing Earl across the knees. One knee cap was broken jind the injured leg was placed in a cast. We hope for Barl a hasty and complete recovery. Mi* Marjory Steivens is boarding with Mr. and Mrs. Ernie i^Wnson dur- ing the winter months. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Acheson have returned to their own home, after two weeks s.pent in Toronto with Mrs. Aeheson's relatives, and two weeks with their daughter, Mrs. Geo. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Copeland were guests 01 honor at a ^-mily dimi^- party in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stinclair, Ceyion, tiie occaWon being the former's wedding anniver- sary. During the course of the eve- ning the family presented their par- ents with a purse of money, the contents to be used in a trip to Sud- bury to visit their daughter, Flor- ence, Mr^. C. Brunelle, and familyi Mrs. E. A. Stinson s?)ent the week end with her sister, Mts. Tracy Melenson, and dauglhter, Anne, in Toronto. The January meeting of Inistioge W.A. was held in the home of Mrs. Geo. Moore on Jan. &, with a record attenance. That particular week, being "World Day of Prayer," the program was based mainly on th< Thursday outline. Books were dis- tributed outlining the place of meet- ing for each month of 1947, the pro- gram committee and the lunch hosi- ers. Birthday gift and Valentine exichansre (^''^-ws were made. The next meeting of the W.A. will be held at the home of Mrs- Merritt NiclioUs on Feb- 21st, rather than the usual day on Feb. 13th, owing tu the 21st being the World Day of Prayer- Mouday, Jan. l?.tli, was, scheduled for the annual meeting of Inistioge United Church. Due to the stur.ny day, only 'seven pei-sons ;irrived. It was decided to cancel it until Sun- day, Jan. 19th. The meeting held then was fairly well attended. A short devotional period o leiicd the meeting, followed by the minutes cf last year's meeting, read by the sec- retary, John Duncan. Reports of the various organ izationfe were read, showing a good year. Re-election of officers proceeded with; Elders, John Duncan, R. G. Acheson, Elvin Moore. Russell Patterson; Stewards, Allan Montgomery, Oscar Patterson re- elected. Gordon Acheson, George Moore. R. G. Acheson, G- Batchelor; Trustees, Allan Montigomery, Walter Nicholls, Elmo Stevens, Oscar Pat- terson; Auditors, Elvin Moore and Mrs. Walter Nicholfe; M. & M. Fund, Marjory Stevens, Joice Patterson. Christena Duncan, Jean Love; Ush- ers, Leslie Qoincan, R. J. Patterson, George Moore, Elvin Moore; Roll Clerk, Mrs. Gordon Acheson; Secre- tary -Treasurer, John Duncan; Organ- ist, Mrs. Elmo Stevens; Asst. Org- anist, Yrs. Russell Patterson. Russell Patterson was re-elected Superintendent of the Sunday School- It was agreed that under the guid- ance of the Superintendent, the elec- tion of officers of the Sunday School would be held two weeks fromi Sun- day in the Sunday School period. NOTICE Take notice that I w^ill not be re- sponsible for any debts eontracted by my wife, Charlotte Eleanor Eliz- abeth Hutchison, on and vifter l!iis date. â€"FRANK HUTGHISON- Dated at Eugenia this 28th day of January. A.D. 1947. The Y.P. entertained the Y.P. from St. Coluniba Church on Friday night when 35 were present. A mofel en- joyable ume was spent together. Mrs. Percy Sims sPent the pa.il week with her daughter at Fergus. Mr. Emerson Burnett met his_\\;ie and five 'months old baby in Toronto last week and they are visiting with his mother at present. Mr. Jack MacArthur of Toronto spent the week end at his home and attended the wedding of his sister on Saiurdey. Best wihes are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Patterson, who cele- brated their 26th wedding anniver- sary on Sunday, Jan. 26th. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hincks were gruests with them for the day. Mr. Donald McLean, Mrs. John Whyte and Mrs. A. L. Hincks were guests Saturday at the Bumet-Mac- Arthur weddin^r. Beat wishes for a hapipy wedded life are extended to the haip(py couple. MEN'S OVERCOATS We offer a good selection of Men's Winter Overcoats at Special prices this month. All new garments this season. Colors include: Blues, Browns, Greys and Black. All sizes 36 to 44. Prices from $20.00 to $37.50 (Intended for Last Week) The funeral of the late Mris. Mary Buckhaai was held Saturday after- noon in St. -Andrew's Preslbyterian church and was largely attended by friends and neighbors who came to pay their last resipects to one who was ^0 well known and. highly re- garded by all who knew her. She left Priceville some years ago and resided in Toronto until her death last Thursday. Deceased was the widow of John Buckham- She is sur- vived by one daughter, Mi^. Jean Kirkrwood Mjclntyre of Toronto. The reimains were brought to Priceville Saturday morning. Mr. Matthews preached a comforting sermon and spoke highly of the deceased. The hymns used were "Nearer My God to Thee" and "The Lc-rd's My Shepherd." The pallbearers were were: Neil, Walter and Chaa. .Aldcorn, Gordon McLeod, R- J. McMillan and Harold Kai^te^t. The casket was surround- ed by many beautiful flowers. The friends from a distance who attend- ed the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McLeod, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. McMillan, Miss Isabell "McMillan of Toronto, Mrs. Cummings of Oshawa, Walter and Chas. Aldcorn, Toronto, and other friends from Camp Borden and Holland Centre. Interment was made in McNeill's Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. F*ank McArthur and son of Xottawa spent the week end at the home of his brother, D. L. McArthur. Mi'ss Margaret McArthur spent last week in Toronto. Mrs. .-^ngus McVicar has gone to Toronto to spend the winter with her family. A euchre party was held last week at the home of Mrs. Koertz, when 10 tables were in play- Mrs. Joe Stauble held highest ^core for the ladies and John Whyte for the men. Mrs- John Whyte and John Smail received sec- ond prizes. Mrs. Gandier has returned home, after visiting her daughters at Ham- ilton and Guelph. Mr. George Lloyd and sister, MA. Wilfred Campbell, attended the fun- eral of tlieir brother, Anson Lloyd, in Toronto recently- Mr. Bob Oliver was a lucky winner on ia radio program recently, and received a "steam" iron. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. John McFarlane, who celebrated theit loth wedding anniversary Thursday at their home. The funeral of the late Mi-s. Harri- son was held Wednesday from the home of her son, Clai-ence, with ser- vice in St. ColuTniba United Church, and was largely attended. Rev. Mr. Gandier had charge of the service at th church and cemetery. Mr. Neil Campbell of Swinton Park j'endered a solo. The pallbearers were her six sons: Tom, Clarence, Philip, Carl, Percy and Stanley. The casket wafe Rurrorunded by many beautiful floral tributes and were can-ied by the erHndsons- Interment was made in Mcls'eill's C'-wetery. Heavy Trousers Heavy Breeks Rubber Footwear Winter Caps Snow Suits Ski Slacks Mitts and Gloves Wool Underwear Women's Sweaters Men's Sweaters PLEASE NOTE During January, February and March, the store will close at 6 p. m. on Saturdays F. H. W. HICKLING General Merchant FLESHERTON, Ont. '♦ > If ♦ H t*-»********>****' H ' » f I > » >>» • > I't H >>♦♦ >♦> ♦ ?»» FEVERSHAM Miss Yvonne Davidson spent the week with Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Short and Lavonne at Eugenia. Mr. and Mr^. Wm. Colquette of Owen Sound were visitors Sunday at the .Alexander and McKee homes. Mr. and Mrs. Torrence Williams and Wilma of Flesherton spent Sun- afternoon at relatives' homes here- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Light and j family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Matthews, Collingwood. Mr. and Mrs. Lem Gould spent Sunday with Mrs. Mort. Sayers and family. 3lr. and Mrs. Morris Merritt spent Mr. and Mi%. Morris Merritt of Duntroon spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs- Chass. Lee. | Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Pawcett and family of Collingwood spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Robinson. (Intended for Last Week) Mrs. Howard McKee visited for a fsw days with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. C-olquette in Owen Sound. Mr. John Black has returned home from Toronto, where he spent a few days. A successful euchre party was held by L-O.L. 1085 last Wednesday night with more than usual in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Alexander and family of Creemore spent Sunday with the Alexander and McKee families. The Ladies Aid met this week at the home of Mr^. J. J. Edgar. We are pleased to have Sheldon Mills back with us again, after his stay in Collingwood hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Roz-zell Conn and family, also Mrs. Chester Long and Ken, vifeited Mr- and Mrs. Cyrus Short and family at Eugenia. Mr. Laughlin McKenzie is at pre- sent in Markdale hospital after a re- cent operation. Envy is a mote to the heart, a canker to the thought, and a rust to the soul. .\ common book will often give you much amusement, but it is only a noble book which will give you dear friends. I VANDELEUR (Intended for Last Week) The W.A. held their January meet- ing at the home of ^Il's. Lundy Johns- ton, with the president, Mrs. Will Johnston presding. Mrs. Andrew Fawcett is a patient in Markdale hospital, having had aa operation on Saturday. Jan. 11. MiSs Florence Pocock spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. Lome Ormsby. Mrs. Ratcliffe is in Toronto thiii week with her mother, Mrs. J. J. McGee, who took suddenly ill. Last report is that she is improving. Mr. and Mrs. Kirktown were re- cent visitor^ with Mr- and Mrs. Rich- aixl Sewell. It is with r^ret we learn of th« death of Rev. Wilfred L- Cullis oi. Sudbury. Wilfred spent his boyhood on the farm now owned by Will Ratcliffe and attended Vanueleur public school and church. He was an active worker in the Young People's Society and in the SonS of Temper- ance. He was ^i minister of the United Church ;.nd of late years was pastor of All People's Mission at Sudbury. The Farm Forum met in the Com- munity Hall Monday evening, Jan. 20th, the guestfe of Mr. and Mrs. .A.ngus Bowles, and discussed thg difference between commodity asr ments and cartels. There was also a srood discussion on Credit Unions aniT the Forum intends to make a further Study of this subject at fu- ture meetings. 4 W^ A^^ ^M. j9^ j9^ J^^ J^fc. J^fc. ^Wk. ^X^ .*ft fc. .^ftk. -J^^ Ladies' get ready for your Spring permanent by recondition- ing your hair with a few Breek scalp treatments. Breck, which 18 becoming so popular, will also get rid of dandruff and prevent the falling of hair. Come in and enquire about this wonderftil treatment at Kay.s Beauty Salon Phone 46 w FLESHERTON .1. »' In ord^r to |;ejt the top grade £or your, 'eggs, keep nests dean ahdttAiirket eggs regularly. ** > Creamery doscsd Saturday nil^tii until further, notice. ' ' ' ' 'v 'â- "*â- -.- "â- '.â- ' :| Flesherton Creamery Anfus Avis^ Manafsr PboneM FLESHERTON, Ontario In polities the line always starts from the Left and ends, up at -the Right. • i-0Â¥/^---^s - 'U EXCEiLLE>fT USE FOR SMALLSOFTWOQD TIMBER W« are )n the market for PEELED PITPROPS 3 in. to •'/« in. tops, 4 Vi, sVi, 9 feet long Spruce, Balsam, Pine and Tamarack to W shipped 4ariBC fiffriac and Sui«ec IMt'.: â- ' AttractiTe Prices - Promiit Payment Writ* for yarticvlars to: H. J. SEMLER, 69 Froat St., W., TORONTO >♦»»» » »»»< ^»»»^^♦<'<>♦<»♦»♦♦^fr•^^><^^<'•<^^'»»»» «»♦♦'>♦»♦♦♦»»♦»»»♦ We Don't Sell an Oil Burner 'We Sell THE Oil Burner A product of Canada with a 5-year guarantee. Immediate delivery auid installationi See operating model on display Better HEAT - Bettter Price â- Better See Us Ertkinc Electric Shop Main St, MARKDALE or caN S. L. Stauffer, Phone S7, Fletberton *