Wednesday, January 8, 1947 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE 4 * \ A Small Ads FOR SALEâ€" Good cutter. Apply gt The Advance office. 32c2 FOR SAI^E â€" YouiiK Yorkshire pigs. â€" Geo. Armstronf;, phone 6w. FOR SALE-^\unxber of WTjite Leg- horn pullleU, 8 months old, laying:. â€" Bill Hyslop. phone 4M Flefeherton FOR SALE â€" Pair boy'.'i tube skates side 7 shoe. Can bee seen at The Advance office. 30c2 FOR SALEâ€" Quantity of mixed hay, timothy and clover, in the mow. â€" J J. Meads, phone 99w3 Fleeherton. WANTBO â€" ADMwia notable foi mink Mid fox toed.â€" £ert Mclntoati Eu««Bi», phoas Wmr^nhr-i Bifi6 FOR SALE â€" Yorkshire pigs, ready to wean. â€" Douglas Oliver, R.R. 3, Priceville. 82pl m* • -â- -'-â- â€" '- FX3R SALE â€" Collie pups, good heel- ers. â€" Ken McKechnie, Priceville, phone Flesher'on 92w2. 29c2 FOR SALE â€" Quebec coal heater, Appreciation We pause in our work at this time and give voice to our appreciation of your patronage extended to us during the past year, and we wish you all the blessings and prosperity that can be yours in this year of 1947. As Jewellery supplies become more plentiful we confidently expect to give you better serv- than and larger range of choice than has been possible in the past. E. I. HOLLEY JewaUery DUNDALK MAXWELL Mrs. Telford Ferris and children spent a few days in Toronto last week. Mrs. Louis Kerton is spending a few days in Owen Soiund with Mrs. medium size.â€" J. S. McDermid, Cey- 1 Chester Cameron, who is on the teick Ion. phone I02wl. SOpli^'^* '«'»* Jaundice. iMr. Wes Younig underwent an op- FOR SALE â€" Res;. Shorthorn cow, 51 eration in Toronto General Hospital years, past due; 5 grade Shorthorn f '^^t Thursday for an appendix ve- oows to freshen soon. Gordon > moval and is doing as well as could Stuart, phone 26M Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Boy's tube .skates and boots, size 1; boy's hockey boot size 3 wanted. Apiply at Advance office. 32p2 FOR S.A.LE â€" 5 or 6 tons sheaf oats at $12 per ton cash, if taken at once. nO wild seeds of any kind in them. â€" Claude .\kins. Flesherton. ROOMS WANTED â€" Single woman wilshes to rent two unfurnished rooms in Flesherton. Apply at The Advance office. 32ipl FOR SALE â€" 1927 Model T Ford coach, all new tires and in good condition. â€" W. L. Robertson, R. R. 2, Priceville. 30pl FOR SALE â€" 5 good used tires and tubes 6.00x16, $35; 2 girl's wool dresses, 1 navy tunic, size 9 or 10. â€" Angus Avis, Flesherton. 32c2 FOR SALE â€" Used frame square timber for barn .'i3x55, ready to erect. â€" Jas. Sturrock, Priceville. phone 22wl Flesherton. 30p2 OOWIS WANTED â€" At once, 2 Ayr- shire cows, or 2 young Jerseys, to freshen at once. Apply at The Advance office. 32pl HELP AVAILABLE â€" Any farmci wishing to secure competent help, .steady and reliable, non-smoker, Who can take complete charge, for the winter or by the year, apply to C. Witten, Fireside Lunch, phone 63 Flesherton. .30pl WANTED â€" Hou.sekeeper and com- panion, between 45 and 55 years of age for two adults. Household duties light. Small apartmc-nt sit- uated in. best residential street m Guelph, close to stores and theatre. Bute at door. Permanent position. Aipiply, giving references and waifes exipected to J. A. Willoujrhby, 402 Kent Building. Toionto. Telephone WA4333 at our expense. 32cl The UNO is a sounding board foi public opinion, says senator. Well, it wasn't all melody. be expected Mrs. E. Hawiton of Toronto tepent the past two weeks with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Joe Wright. The New Years dance which was held last week by the Women's In- stitute, was a decided succefes. A good time was enjoyed by all, to dance the old year out and the new- year in. No wonder a hen gets discouraged. She can never find things where she lays them. TENDERS FOR WOOD Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to and including Sat., January 25tli, 1947, for supplying 1> cords of 16-ineh maple and beech wood for S. S. No. 17, Art»mesia. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. â€"Wes Smith, Secty. C. J. BELLAMY Vi:,LACE CLERK A Commissioner for taking Affidavlta Issuer of Marriage Licenses CONVEYANCING DEEDS MORTGAGES, WIL^.S, Etc. Office: Toronto Street. Fleslierton HARRIS & DUNLOP BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, Etc- I'honc 38 MARKDALE Mr. Dunlop will be in C. J. Bellamy's office every Sat- urday from 6 to 8:30 p.m. WM. .K\ITT1NG I. I C K N S K D A r C T L O N E E H for the County of Grey Farm and Stock *ales our sp 'alty forms; reasonable. Satisfaction i> -iiuriiMlP;d. Uates arranged at Th- Xdvnticp '<T\cc or phone 4w. DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Oiaduate of Toronto University Office: Kennedv Block Phone 77 Flesherton ^^^^â- ^t^,^4y^i^,^^^U<f<>^'><>'><">^C''><'<'<t<r<r^<r<f<'<'<f<<'<f^^^ I J Y •f X Who Wilf Pay? In case your car is involved in an accident, who'll pay :- LAWYER'S FEES f [ ] J^^ ^ ' I [ J Insurance Co. COURT COSTS I [ ] 7^^ r> [ [ J Insurance Co. WITNESS iFEES { [] J^^ ^ [ [ J Insurance Co. JUDGMENT I f ] If^^ ^ ^ [ [ J Insurance Co. G. D. MacARTHUR { General Insurance Phone 82J y FLESHERTON | ADDITIONAL LOCALS Miss Leone Johnson apent New Year's with friends at Mt. Forest. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Heard enjoycid their Christmas dinner with relative^ at Orangeville. Mr. Earl McKechnie of Brampton apent the Christmafe- vacation wit*i his parents, Mr. and Mis. C. J. McKechnie. Messrs. Will and Joe Hemphill ol Toronto attended- the funeral .jj' their coufein, Mrs. Agnes Lyness, on Thurs- day last- Mr. and Mrs. John Nuhn were able to celebrate Christmas in their new home which they have just completed building north of the Boyne bridge. Mrs. Harold Fawcett unileiiwent a serious operation in the Markdale hospital on Saturday, and we under- stand is making sati.-yfactory pro.^!.ess toward recovery. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Claude Akins on Christmas and New Year's were: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Akins of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Akins of Lansing and Miss .Annie Akins of Rouge Hill. Visitors at the home of John Pat- tison, Springhill, were: Mr. and Mrs. F. Morgan of Rome, N.Y., Miss Eileen Pabtison of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan al'sii visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Oldifield and Patricia at Corbetton. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnson. Springhill, for Christmas were: Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Service and Donnie of Singhampton, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hamilton, Eleanor and Wayne, of Fergus, (Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Johnson, Maxine and Bobbie, of Collingwood and Mr. Earl Johnson of the O.A.C., Guelph. Rock Mills School Grade 8 â€" Marie White, 94, Shir- ley Partridge 7'.), Robert Betts 78. Goldie Atkinson 77. Grade 7 â€" Redge Dobson 67, Clay- ton Porteous 65, Leslie Porteous 50. Grade 6 â€" Jeanette Dobson 79, Murray Betts 76, Lois Helmkay 69, Eldon Turner 68, Ken Smith 7, Ethel Betts and Florence Wilkinson 66. Grade 4 â€" Bruce Ben.son 80, Ivan Betts 60, Israel Good absent. Grade 3 â€" Patricia Dobson 97. Dorothy Wilkinson 83, Bernice Wea- therall 80, Harvey Weatherall 66. Grade 1 â€" Louise Betts, Norman WeatJherall, Alice Weatherall, Elmer I Weatherall. I Numbers are average percentages; j names in order of merit; No. on roll 1 26, average attendace 21.20. I â€"Mrs. P. J. Seeley, Teacher "What the average woman wants is a strong, inflexible man who can be iwrapped around her finger." The harde&t job a kid faces is that of learning good manners without seeing any. Local and Personal Rev. W. A. and Mrs. White spent the first of the week in Toronto. Miss Beatrice Thislethiwaite spent the New Year holiday with lier sister in Toronto. Mr. C. B. Pergioe of Malton spent New Year's with Mr. and Mfe. Alberi Sttiwart. Mr. and Mrs. Hendertson of Mt. Forest spent Christmas with theit son, Mr. Alex. Henderosn, and faimily. Mr. and Mirs. Harvey Croft of To- ronto holidayed during Christmas week with his father, Mr. S. Croft. Mrs. Chab. Doii(pe, Eva and Jack, afpent Ohristanas with her daug'hter at Orangeville. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnson apent Mevr Year's with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hamilton at Fergus. Mr. and Mrs. I<'iranci8 Genoe spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Will Walker near £>ugenia. Mr. Harold and Leslie Johnson of Springhill spent New Year'fe with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Service, Singhampton- Mr. and Mas. Delbert Smith of To- ronto holidayed with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Smith. Mrs. Geo. Field of Brampton visit- ed Saturday with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Gorley. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Boden and child- ren spent several days last week at Mrii. Boden's parental home at Ham- ilton. Mite Alice Heard returned to her teaching duties at Winghani high school, after her Christmas vacation spent with her mother. Messrs. Jim Thurston of Pickering and Earl Thurston of Peterboro spent Christmas and New Year's at their parental home. Mr. Howard Milligan and John had Christmas dinner at the former's home near Alliston, returning home Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Scarrow and family and Mr. Arthur McDonald had New Year's dinner with the latter's son, Willardi near Hanover. Mr. Dave Genoe o' E>ugenia and Geo. Paul of Picton spent an evening recently with Mr. and Mrs. Francis R. Genoe. Miss Evelyn McTavish is having a week of teaching experience at Pro- ton Station before returning to Nor- mal School in Toronto. Mites Marguerite Brown of Toronto was a holiday guest at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. M. Thistle- thwaite. We are pleased to see Mr. Dan McTavish able to be around again, having 'suffered a broken bone in his ankle from a fall- Mr. and Mrs. Oscar McKee of Ham- ilton and Laveme Wood of Toronto visited with Mrs. R. Bentham over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Welton and Florence spent Christmas with the formers' daughter. Mrs. Ball, and other members of the family. Mrs. Sam Irwin left after Christ- mala to spend the winter with her daugnter, Mrs. Wilfred Graham, near Markdale. Mrs. Irwin has since been taken ill and is in Markdale hospital We trust that she may have a return to her usual good health. A "Watchnight Service" was held at the home of Mrs. Geo. Hutchinson New Year's eve, when games and singing were enjoyed, prior to the service, which was conducted by Rev. W. A. White. A nu/mber of neighbors and others attended. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wilson of Wind- sor spent Christmas with Mr- and Mrs. C. J. Bellamy. Bill returned a few weeks ago from a trip to Ehig- land, and he and Mrs. Wilson and son expect to leave the end of January to return to New Zealand, where he has L-ipent the past ten years. **4 TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES in the Mnnkipsllty of The Township of Osprey TO WFT: By Virtue of a wamant under the hand of the Reeve and Seal of the Oorporation of Ithe TownilhJip of Oaprey, beaitosr daite of Ootober 17tfi> 1946. ooannuuuling me ito l«rvy upon the lends mentiooed m the foUofW- ing lisrt of Arreara of Taxaa llwreaQ sod eoeti ae haNin sat fortlh, I herdby give notice that, unleaa auch aimaM and ooats are sDoner gwJd, I ahaU, ia oompUanca wiith ttie Aaaeianwnt Adk, proceed to sell by puSdle aiuctioo tb* said landa or eo iimwb tliereof aa nwgr be naoeeaaity tor the taxea, costs »nd chaivea at ithe Council Chanben. Fefronham, Onterkt. on Ifonday the 8rd day of Fabniary, 1047, at the hour of £ oldDok in tlie aflemoon. â€" C. N. LONG, aerb4^cMarer. Con. Lot Aorea Ttixm Ooeta To«al 9 7 100 $m 77 mai 1866 88 10 Pt«l Mi 8 M 8 06 686 10 PtSS It SM 8 oe 6 36 FcveirehAm 16 Peal St. 6 SB 3 16 9 38 Singhampton ll Melancthon % 62 94 4 67 67 61 Kelvin 1 IJnion St. Va 1 61 3 04 4 66 Kelvin 2 Union St. Vi 1 61 3 04 4 65 Kelvin 8 Union St. V4 1 61 S 04 4 66 GRAND SAVINGS^ in our Ladies' Ready-to-Wear DEPARTMENT January Dress Sale All our Regular $10.95 to $17.95 Dresses Reduced 25% I January Coat Sale All our Ladies' Fur Trimmed Cloth G>ats REDUCED DRASTICALLY for this event JUST RECEIVED 100' Men s Worsted Suits English Cloths in Browns and Blues Pin Stripes and Plains i Sizes to 44 $36.50 SHOP EARLY FOR THE BEST SELECTION : ii F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. I Phone 7 Markdale * * *********** * ***************************** ** * ** t* *Â¥ il « Little Woman â€" "'Dear, why can't | A seasick sailor was leaning over we live peacefully like the dog and | the rail. The captain, standing near- calt lying there by the hearth ? They j by, said sternly, "You can't get sicH never fight." I here." "No, they don't, but tie them to- 1 The sailor regarded the captain «» getiher, and then see what they do" minute, then said sadly, "Watch." . .Advertised in thelOnario Gaaatte, November 2nd, 1946. ^OU^^H^ To Toronto 9.05 a.m. , b 7.40 p.m. ' LEAVE FLESHERTON (STANDARD TIME) To Owen Sound b Sun. and Hoi. b 12.05 c 4.05 p.m. a: 8.40 p.m. c Sat. only g daily except Sat. BUS CONNECTIONS AT TORONTO FOR OTTAWA ^ MONTREAL - DETRaiT CHICAGO • ST. LOUIS And all U.S.A. points FARES ARE LOW Round Trip â€" Tax Included Toronto - $ 5.35 x Detroit Ottawa - $17.55 xChicigo Monteral - $20.80 x St. Louis X â€" Via {Toronto $15.85 Tickets and Information at the B.-A. SERVICE STATION â€" Reg. Boden FLESHERTON . Phone SS ^1