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Flesherton Advance, 8 Jan 1947, p. 5

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A â- 1 â- i * » t * » > ::"s^r i k » A- » f ♦ » « « ft ♦ * * 4 * *â-  Ti^?;' * > THE FLESMERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, January 8, 1947 PORTUAW ROCK MILLS Ir. and Mrs. Clifford Taylor and aon, Elmer, spent Christmias with Mrs. Taylor'^ parents, Mt. and Mrs. Jas. Thomson, near Feversham. Mr. Fred Taylor and Stanley were with Mr. and Mrs. F. Taylor, Flesherton. The Wilkinson familieis had their Christmas dinner with Mr. and Mts. Albert Wilkinson, Rock Mills. Mr. and Mris. Stanley Patton had as their guests GhristniaB Day: Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Blakey, Ernie Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Youngi Mr. and Mrs. Fred Plantrt; and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Orval Bus!s«ll, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Pedlar, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Talbot, Mr. nd Mrs. Han-y Fisher and D. A. 'Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Pedlar were with members of the Winters family at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sterwart, Flesherton. Christmas visvtoite with Mr. and Mrs- E)verette Blackburn were: Mrs. Grace lilackbum and Riutih, Mr. and Mrs. Lesu^ .Jamieson and Ralph, Mr. Harold Qark, all of Toronto, and Miss Tena Henderson, Flesherton. Holiday g'uests at tihe home od John McKee were: Mr. and Miib. Kenneth MIcKee and dauglhters of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Norma Jackson of Haon- ilton, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sparks and family of Flesherton. Congratulations to Miss Doris Shiei and -'li^. Glover of Owen Sound, who were married recently. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Plantt and Janet Louffheed enjoyed Christimab' dinner with Mr. and Mts. Lawrence Shier. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lyons attended the funeral of the late Mr. Wm. Lyons of Mt. Dennis, burial taking place at Flesherton fro«m the Richards Funeral Hoime to Flesherton Cemetery. Mr Lyons was a brother of the late John Lyons. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Boyce and mem- befrs of rtieir family enjoyed Christ- mas dinner together. Lewis Boyce sent his annual CJhrifetmas gift of two turkeys. Mr. and Irs- Fred Betts and daugh- ter and Arthur Betts were home from Toronto for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dillon spent the Christmas week with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Betts. Miss Kathleen Morrison of Toro.iiu visited with friendfe here. New Year's guests in the different homes were: Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Pedlar with Mir. and Mrs. Albert Stewart. Flesherton; Mr. and Mrs. Witbert Fisiher, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fisher. Doreen and Theltma, with Mr and Mi%. Roy Lyons; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fisher and D. A. with the Mel- druan's; Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Fisher and Evelyn, with Mr. and Mrs. Del- beitt Fisher; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Boyce and Marie and Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Boyce witfti Mr. and Mrs. Ead Croft and daughters; Mr. and Mrs. Luther Love and family with Art Wilson; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Patton with Mr- and Mi<s. Earl Talbot and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Pedlar. Mrs. G«o. Phillips of Port Dove" spent a eouiple of days with her unclb and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John McKee. Mr. Bob .\llison of Toronto visited with his sister, Mrs. Wilbeiit Fifeher, and aiunt, Mrs. Laurie Pedlar. We are sorry to report that Little Louisa Betts has not been well and her physician has advised her par- ents to keep her home from school for a few months. Very cold gtormy weather the past couple of weeks, with heavy snow- falls, has made many of the roads heavy for U^affic. .Mr. aivd Mrs. Gordon Wiley of Ber- keley and Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Turner of Guelph spent GhrisbmaS' with Mr and Mrs. Russell Phillips. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Betts and family and Mrs. McMaiUen spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fawcett and Vernon at Vandeleur. Little Joan and Wayne McMafeter spent. a few days with their mother in Gait. Master Grant Betts and sister, Gail, of Proton Station spent part of the holiday with their cousins, Bobby and Murray Betts. Mr. and Mrs. W. Stephens and two daughteite, Feversham, spent Christ- mas with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wilkinson. Mr. John Wilkinson and son, Jim, of Portlaw enjoyed Christmas dinner at the home of his son, Albert Wil- kinson. It was the former's 80th Cliri^mas and we trust that he will see many more such anniversaries. Hils wur sons and one daughter, out of a family of nine, were present for the occcasion. . / ' Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Partridge and Shirley spent Ohristmate week with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Walker, Gait. Mrs. S. McMuUen and Mr. and Mi-s. Ed. Ferris and son spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Betts. Mrs. Ned Croft and Glen Spent the week end with relatives and friends in Bartonville ad Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Phillips spent Christmas with their dauSphter, Mrs. Walter Ru^«ell, and Mr. Russell in Flesherton. Mr. Fred Plirtridge, Mis* Mable Fawcett and Mrs. Clifford McMaster of Gait spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Partridge. Congratiilations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Dick Clark who cele- brated their 30th wedding anniversary on Friday night, Dec 27ith. Friends were present from Toronto. Owen Sound, Meaford, Collingwood, Kim- berley and Flebherton- The evening was spent in music ad dancing. The school meeting was held on Friday, Dec. 27th, with a very small number of ratepayers in attendance, only nine being present. Fred Har- grave was chairman and Wes Smith seci-etary for the meeting. Albert Wilkinson was again appointed as trustee and he also received the posi- tion of caretaker at an increase in salary. The conti-act for 16 cords oi hardwood will be let by tender. Wes Smith was re-appointed as sewetary- treasurer of the ^hool. VICTORIA CORNERS Wife (to husband) â€" "I want to do some shopping to-morrow if the wea- ther is favorable â€" what does the paper forecast : " Hoasiband â€" "Rain, hail, sleet, snow, thunder, ligihtning and high winds with dust." CBDAKSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. W. A. White, E.D. Pastor Worship at I'l a.m.. Sunday, Jan. 12th. Subject: "The Condescension of God." Text Isaiah 57:15. All wel- come. Worship at Rock Mills at 3:00 p.m. D.V. ♦♦♦<~H«<K'»><K"M~><'<><"tKK«*»X«4~><»<"K~>*<~><^»<«<KKK~^^ CREAM % A resolution to sell your Cream, Poultry and Eggs to the Flesherton Cresunery is easy to keep, because it pays you. ''The proof of the pudding lis in the eating" During the year 1946, we had the pleasure of serving a large number of producers. As a result of the vokime of business enjoyed, we feel sure that we have renderd satisfactory daHngs to our patrons. As normal business and working: conditions are improving â€" our aim is to do even better. The Creamery is closed Saturday nights during the winter months. Flesherton Creamery I ;; Anjirus Avis, Manager Phone 66 X FLESHERTON. Ontario I I We hope and trust that everybody had a very Merry Cihr'is>timas and to all, we extend a Happy and Prosper- ous New Year. Our items being of Ohri^tmub and New Year's interests, inclusive, thoughts of the Christmas concert came first on the list. Mtuoh credit is due the teacher, Miss Marjorie Stev- ente, pupils and Mrs. Lenore Waddell. music supervisor, for the splendid display of talent in the presentation of their Ghxistmas concert at S. S. No. 4. Artemesia, Thursday, Dec. 19. A good attendance was present. At the close of tte entertainment, much to the delight of the children, "Jolly Old St. Nick" arrived and ilssued a goodly measure of his "pack." Miss Anne Stinson, Toronto, stu- dent at the Wellar Bmsiness College, enjoyed a week and a half vacation at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. EJ. A. Stinson, and in comipany with them had Qhristmafa in the home of Bert Henderson, Conbetton. Those spending Christmas else- where included: Mr. and Mrs. Wes Dever eating Christmas noon dinner with Mr. and Mrs. T^hos. White. Sau- geen Jot., and the evening meal with Mife. T. D. Crawford, Markdale; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Moore and Garry, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Acheson, boarding the train Monday morning to spend Ohrisbmais with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Moore, and the latter's brother, Chas. E. Cooke, the Moores retui-ning Friday noon while the .'\.chesor^ remained until after New Year's; Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Moore and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ludlow joined members of the Sherson family at the home of Sam Sherson, Proton Station. Sorry to report Mr. Sam Sttierson confined t« bed Christmas Eve for a period of six weeks .with a heart condition; Mr. and Mrs. Rutesell Linton, Peggy and Douglas, with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fenwick and family ai Owen Sound; Mrs. Jas. Linton with Mr. and Mi-s. Fred Linton and family Maiple Grove; Mr. Allan Montgomery with his daughtei-, Mrs. Ross Mitchell, Dundalk; Mr. and Mrs. Dave Talbot and Shirley with all other members of the Talbot family in the home of Mr. Wm. Talbot, Dundalk. Tholse entertaining at Christmas were: with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Batchel- or, all members of their family, Mr. and -Mrs. Geo. MacGregor, Wayne and Maureen and Mr. Les. Batchelor, of Preston, were guests from Tuesday until Saturday; with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Gallaugher, all members of their family, Mr. and Mrs. Kingsley Gallaugiher ami little daughter, Anne, remaining until Sunday; Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Copeland were noon-day guests of Ml-, and Mrs. Ernie Stewan and evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Copeland, who were entertaining other members of the family; Mr. and Mrs. Alt Jackson enjoyed the com- pany of all members of their family, and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Betts wel- comed Mr. and Mi's. Bert Sims, Jac- queline and Harold, and members of the Betts family; the Milton Bannons entertained their son, Jim. wife and little son. Tommy, and Miss Doris Bannon of Toronto over Christmas week end. Foi>aed to remain at hoime on the festive day, due to ill health, were Mrs. Wm. Ludlow and Mr. Ed. Stin- son, the foimier toufFering from ear trouble, the latter shingles. We are sorry to repoit that both of them are still enduring much discomfort. The party to have b«en held the Friday night following Christmas in the home of John Duncan, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Chflford Talbot, was i^e- ceived by inclement weather, only three families braving the storm. The annual school meeting, due to the rule's and regulations falling on Christmas Day this year, was post- poned until the Monday following. \ fair nunuber were present. Mr. Jack Gowanlock was the retiring trustet and Mr. Clayton Bettg was elected in his place. The trustees for liJ48 aro George Moore, Mrs. Walter Nicholls and Clayton Betts, with Allan Mont- gomery as secretary-treasurer and Russell Linton the caretaker. Some repair work is to be made at the school. The contract for next winter'^ wood has been let to Mr. Elwood Stevens of Kimbei-ley. Miss Mary Lougheed, Normal stu- dent, will teach in No. 4 school the first week of the New Year, undei the supervision of the present teach- er. Mi^B Marjory Stevens. Mr. and Mr.s. Geo. Ludlow enter- tained the Sherson families at New Year's dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Botts, Grant and Gail, were New Year's guests in the home of Mr. and Mus. Bent Sims, Proton Station, where a grand reunion wa.s held of all the family, except K^n who is in the Canadian Weist. Mr. Jack Bann.ui is vacationing in Tn-onto. Thu uunual church- meeting will be STH LINE OSPREY Mr. D. Steiphens, Tom and John, spent Christmas with the former's sister, Mrs. Bell, at CoUing^vood. Mr. and Miis. Bill Stephens and two daughters bpenit Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wilkin- so. Rock Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ottewell and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stephens and Mary spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Anmfetrong, Thornbury. The following spent Christmas at their ho(mes here: Miss Mary Haley of Waterdown and Anthony Haley of Kitchener; Misses Helen and Naomi Somers of Mildmay, Mr. Mervin ISbaners of Brantford and P. J. Som- ei^ of Banks, Mx\ and Mrs. Willie Somers and daughter of Muskoka. at the Scuners home; Miss Adeline Mur- pTiy of Toronto, with her mother, Mrs. Mark Murphy. The trustees held tKeir annual meeting at S. S. No. 5 school last Thursday, when t^e same truistees were elected for the coming year. Mr. Milton Roberts received the position of caretaker and Jas. Ottewell ^v"as given the contract of supplying two cords of cedar and 25 cords of wood. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Williams and family spent Netw Year'fe with Mr. and Mrs. Pi-ed Pedlar, Eugenia. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hanley and fam- ily, Centre Line, Bill Harris of To- ronto and Miss Vivian Shaw, Thorn- bury, spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Chafe. Hanley. Mr. and Mrs. Harold" Fenwick and family spent Christmas with Mr. and' Mrs. Herb Poole, Collingwood. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Poole and Bruce of Collingwood spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fenwick. We wish The Advance and staff a very pro^erous and haiPPy Nerw Year. FEVERSHAM Mrs. Geo. Burk has raturned home after spending a week in Owen Sound with her son and wife. I Mr. K. McKee has returned to I fork in Hamilton, after spending two ' weeks at his home here. I Jas. McKee has returned home, after spending a week with his uncle, Ivan Alexander, at Creemore. Fevershaim Orange Lodge. \o. 1085, held their imonthly meeting on January 6th, with five new candi- i dates, making a roll of 36 memibers and more candidates to initiate. An Arch meeting will he held -Tanuary 10th, and a Blue Etegree inrtiatoi-y meeting on March 27th. A card party will be held at the FeveAham Orange Hall, Wednesday, Jan. 15th, Visitors welcome. LADY BANK January Gth, bright sunshiny day, after our ten days or more of stormy weather- Providence Ladiefe' Aid held a meeting of late at the home of Mrs. Alex. Ma.xwell and tk'e election of officers resulted as follows: Pres., Mrs. Lome Tuipling; Vice-Pres.. Mrs. Frank Short; Treas., Mrs. Vic. Mc- Kenzie: Secretai-y. Mrs. Cyrus Short; Buying Com., Mrs. Milton Roberts and Mrs. Izard; Lunch convener, Mrs. W. Wilson. Tickets were drawn to present each member with a small gift at the next meeting. Mr. Clark McConnell of Fergus spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Semple. Mrs. Percy Semple spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Jack Wil- son, at Kimberley. Mrs. Wm. Galbraith »i Rennie. Man., and daughter, Mrs. J. C. Mc- Mahan of Guelph, Ont-, spent Now Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Semple, and attended the McBride- MacMillan wedding at Eugenia. Mi-s. McMahan returned home Saturday, while Mrs. Galbraith remained to visit her sister, Mrt. Wm. Semple, and brother. Mr. Roy MacMillan, at Eugenia. She was formerly Elsia MacMillan. This is her first visit since she left for the West and Saskatoon 28 years ago. TEA. COFFEE PRICES INCREASED 10 CENTS LB. Retail prices of tea and coflfee in- creased by 10 cents a pound, respect- ively, on January 2nd, as a result of action anounced by the Wartime Pricos .Tiul Tiade Board. Retail prices for both tea and coffee have been restored to the level existing in De- comber. 1'.'42, when the government establishoil an effective sub.>;i(ly and ordered prices all along the line cut by four and ten cents. held . in Ini.stioge United Ohurch on lTuesd«y, .Ian. I4th. with lunch being served at ^he close. Ever-.-tinie a -Hpeed driver goes int" the diwh 5onie peilostrian has had his liW saved. >»»» » »»»i»»4 »< .. H i. | .. | .i l .i H i»»» » »»»»»»»»»*»*»»»««»«4»* MEN'S OVERCOATS \\'e offer a good selection of Men's Winter Overcoats at Special prices this month. All nev.' garments this season. Colors include: Blues. Browns, Greys and Black. All sizes 2)6 to 44. ; ^ Prices from $20.00 to $37.50 Heavy Trousers Heavy Breeks Rubber Footwear Winter Caps Snow Suits Ski Slacks Mitts and Gloves Wool Underwear Women's Sweaters Men's Sweaters PLEASE NOTE During January, February and March, the store will close at 6 p.m. on Saturdays F. H. W. HICKLING General Merchant FLESHERTON, Ont. ANNOUNCEMENT The following agents for TONE CLEANERS & DYERS, MT. FOREST have been appointed in this district: C. J. KENNEDY, Flesherton P. HEMPHILL, Ceylon R. H. McCONKEY, PriceviUe HATT BLOCKING. REPAIRS & ALTERATIONS a specialty We pick up and deliver MONDAY and THURSDAY EACH WEEK "Did he take his troubles like a man?" "Exactly. He blamed his wife for everything." Sam â€" "Man, you mean you done took our last dime and bet it at a thousand to one the world won't end like the Reverend Long says?" <.l .jpp,.Mr,P BURNER^ T^ YOUR STOVE i *Wo have been making H||§ wV/l^ oil burners in Canada for 16 years. More Heat Easier Cleaning Faster Lightinf Gieater Ecoogoy The n.w-d.»i9" '"'"•'J^Xn.'^hwT .h.H.' with «•""p''"»^7;;Tmp^;«^ sii«.« <»>«»« uniqu* Matures â€" â€" - FOR SALE AT ERSKINE ELECTRIC SHOP Markdale, Ontario or call S. L. StaufFer, Phone 57, Flesherton /

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