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Flesherton Advance, 28 Aug 1946, p. 8

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) ^Wednesday, August 28, 1946 THE FLESKERTON ADVANCE Small Ads _P0K sale â€" Sow, due to farrow "" Sept. 1. â€" Jim Stewart, phone 33rll FOR SALE â€" 6 2-year-old cattle.â€" Fred Duckett, R.R. 4 Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Young pig^, 6 weeks old. â€" John Wickens. Kimberley. FOR SALE â€" 20 pigs 6 weeks old.â€" John Dow. phone 21r5 Flesherton. FOR SALE-Two good cows, six years old, freshened in spring. Apply to C. Martin, Eugenia- ''-, FOR SALE â€" Plums ready by next w«ek. Bring your own baskets â€" Claude C Akina, Proton Station. FOR SALE â€" 4 litters, come and get them, I need the money. â€" Joseph Radley, Flesherton. COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF ARTEMBSIA WAKTBD â€" AniBft'ia rateable to: pink 8n«i fox f«ed,â€" Bert Mclntot^ Nugent*, phoiM Fe««nli»'-i 6r2S FOR SALE â€" Quantity of fertilizer On hand at old prices. â€" Frank Taylor, Phone 10, Flesherton, I/>ST â€" White face Angus yearling, tag on left ear, from S- McNevin's farm. â€" ^\Verd Harrison, phone 41r4. FOR SALE â€" Number of year-old White Leghorn hens. â€" Harold Richard.son. phone 33rl3. 12cl FOR SALE â€" 6 weeks old pullets, Leghorn-White Rock cross- â€" Chas. Pooock, phone Feversham 20r34. FOR S.\LE â€" 13 chunks of pigs, 2 large kitchen tables, ice refriger- ator, pop cooler, set light double harness. â€" A. McVicar, Priceville- LOST â€" Female hound, tan and black. Information on above dog will be gladly received by phoning Dundalk 7 lr2, collect, 13p3 FOR SALE â€" Sow with 8 pigs 3 weeks old; sow due about Sept. 5; purebred Yoz-kshire sow due in Oct â€" Dick Carson, Priceville phone 2ii-<) The first sittings of the Cv>urt of Revi.'ion on the l!'4fi Assessment Roll will be held in the Town Hall at Flesherton on Fh-iday. August 30th, li)46. at the hour of 10 o'clock a.m. until 1 o'clock noon. All parties hav- ing business before the Court ere notified to attend. â€"A. B. OHARD, Clerk CREDIT AUCTION SAU STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, ETC. Norman Monaghan LOT 2(9, CON. 6, OSPREY Collingwood Gravel Road (2% Miles West of Singhampton) Monday, September 2, 1946 the following, namely: HORSES â€" Bay Horse, 7 yrs. old, 1300 Ibte.; Brown M&re, 7 yrs. old, 1400 lbs. CATTLE â€" Blue Cow, 4 years old; Ayrshire Cow, 4 years old; Red Cow, 4 years old; Spotted Cow, 4 years old; Red-White Cow, 4 years old; Black Cow. 4 years old; Brindle Cow, 7 years old; Black Cow, 4 yeai^ old; Red Cow, 6 years old; Hereford Cow, 6 years old. All Cows have salves ai foot and are bred and supposed to be in calf. 17 Head of Yearling^. SOWS â€" 2 Berkshire Sows, due to f arrow - POULTRY â€" 175 Barred Rock yearling Hens; 75 Rock-^Leghorn cross Hens; 100 Barred Rock Roost- ers, 5 months old; 100 Barred Rock Pullets, 5 months old. IMPLSMENTS â€" Brooder House. 10x12; Brooder Stove, lOOO-oapacity; M-H- Separator, nearly new, 900- 1000 IWs. capacity; Farm Wagon; M- 'A. Mower, 5 foot cut; Set Drap Har- rows. 4 sections; Set of .sleighs; Set Double AVork Harness; Cocksbutt Binder, 8 foot cut, with tractor hitch, cut 1 crop; Windmill Wheel SALE AT 1 O'CLOCK P-M. Terms: Poultry and all sums o< $10 and under ca'sh; over that am- ount months' credit will be given 1 joint notes acceptable to the Bank of Toronto. Feversham. bearing inter- est at 6 percent â€"GEO. E. DUNCAN, Auctoneej \ N. Long, Clerk. Local and Persoud Miss Annie Howard of Toronto is olidaying at her" cottage in town. Rev. and Mrs. Ja^- Dudgeon and Marjorie of Woodbridge called on Mrs. R- Bentham on Monday. Messrs. George and Kendall Stew- art of St. Paul, Ont-, are visiting with relatives here. Mi'js Enid Hopper of Toronto was a week end guest of Mr- and Mrs, J. A- Hutchinson. Mrs. C- J. Bellamy apent a few days last week in Uwen Sound with Mrs W- E, Morgan, Mr. John Teeter of Doirhara spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Frank Teeter. Mr. and MA. C, N. Richardson vis- ited last Thursday Vdth Mrs. Hodg^ son, Islington. Mr- and Mrs. Geo. Fisher of the 4th line were recent visitorte with Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Wickens. Mr. and M«- Fred Gorrftll and *" BOWL # I ^" '*! MONOMICT Hello Homemakers! Soon the child- ren will go back to school with clothes that stand wear a.iu take easy care. Coloui^s shoald be resis- tant to fading; shrinkage should be low; and designs simple- Good wool jersey and spun-rayon are washable- The new resin fini'sh is one of sever- al developed to control shrinkage. Look for colours in outer garments which will tone in with one basic col- our because the more they can be "switched" around, the more teens like them. Take a brown skirt, then buy a good sweater, yellow or orange, depending on whether khe is brunette or blonde, then a green or honey col- „ , , ^, . . v,.,i;j.,T. oured blouse topped with a beige or Patsy sipent the past week holiday-, " , u _^- ^ •' *^ ' copper coloured shortie coat- The sui-plus of men on the campus ing at Wasaga Beach. Mrs. W!m. Stoddart and twin sons <A Allision are spending this week with iMrfl. NoTOipii Stoddart. Miss Gladys Wlard of Ui^ana, 111.. viisited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. N, Richardson and other friends- OFFICIAL OPENING OF 65th ANNUAL DONDM FAIR WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 4-5 this year will make fresh blouses and &ood shoe's a must. There must be .=imple. well-cut shirtwaists if the girl is doing laundry away from home. And while shoes may be smart thev must be sensible for campus Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wilson of Dur-: vse. Include in the packing a few ac- FOR SALE â€" Truck nack. 12x6, stake racks 6ft. high, never used- Apply to Eldrirge Boyce, Eugenia. Phone 74r21 FARM FOR S.\LE FOR SALE â€" Brick house, 6 rooms and woodshed, good barn, with 3 lots. Apply to Mrs. J. C- Miller, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Lot in Village of Eufenia- Good location for build- ing â€" Mrs. C. Boyce, Eugenia- Phone 74-21 LOST â€" Topaz pendant in Flesher- ton on or about Aug- 2 or 3. Find- er please leave at The Advance office. 12c2 LOSTâ€" In Flesherton, Sat.. Aug, 17, large black 'short haired dog, white feet, answers bo name of "Nigger" Finder please notify Melburne Phillips, Flesherton R.R. 4. 12p2 50 acres, Lot 156, Con. 3, N-E.. Artemesia, with buildings, well wat- ered, land nearly all cleared; 1% miles' from Flesherton. Apply to Chate. McDermid, R-R. 3. Flesherton, or Lome Sharp, Guelph. BUSINESS CARDS LOST â€" In Maxwell Tuesday, Aug 20, bill fold containinfe Sii money. Plndft Templenmn'.s store, Reg. Allison, Maxw^^^remi.ies number of CAME ASTR^^PT property and laalt weelj^^Wni. Cairns, Cey- DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Graduate of Toronto University Office: Kennedv Block Phone 77 Flesherton ham were pleasant visitors in town on Wednesday of last week. Mr. Elwood Genoe of Toronto was a visitor the past few days with his brother, Harry, Mr- Dan MeTavish spent the past week with his 'son, Charles MeTavish, in Toronto, Mrs G. k. MeTavish and daughter. .Tc'Ui, 'spent the pact week with rela- tives at Hamilton. Thorold and Lock- n-t, N,Y, Mr. Bruce Thurston returned Sat- ui-day after spending the summer sailing on the lakes with the Diamond Steamship Co. of Owen Sound. iMr. E. D. Bentlvam and son. Dick, of Toronto arc visiting this week with the former's mother, Mrs- R- Bentham. Mr. and 'Mrs- Al.ex. Aberdein and family holidayed last week with friends at Guelph, .Stratford and Lucknow. Mr. Mark Wilson spenf the past week with his daughter, Evada, at Erie Beach. He accompanied his son, Jim. and Mark from Owen Sound- Miss Margaret Pocock. accompnn- •â- â- \ by her sister. Florence, of Fev ersbam. .-^pent the past week ii Toronto- Miss Doris Gorley has i her home at Epping afttf^""''^^ a couple of weeks up*^' <^<>rley. and aunt, Mr. an^.^'^'f*"''" '^ft by last week, ac- ck McMullen. Ward Lome Foy. HON. F. R. OLIVER, M.PP., SOUTH GREY will speak at 1:30, September 5th FREE ADMISSION to School Children in Parade led by Dundalk-Markdale Band HORSE RA.C.E.S on new Half Mile Track. Clashes: 2.20 and 224 Running Race Pony Race Potato Race ^ii V MIDWAY LaSalle Park on wheels â€" 4 Rides in Arena. CONCERT Play "Wild Ginger" by Dromore Dramatic Club DANCE in Arena following Concert. Popular Orchestra Herb Corbett, President Dr. V. Lougheed, Secretary. ' mill m i nnm i im i ii imn f C. J. BELV^ _. V, , f A r „^>flr Affidavits A CommlflsloMf^fNCING iMOe^reAGES, WIL\S, Etc. . .^^ironto Street, Fleaherton theepj, ^LE â€" Bro\vn Percheon 6 year^ old- Weighs between 1600 and 1700 hundred â€" Jas. Ot- tewell, Eugenia. Ph. 9r4*J. Fever- sham. CAME ASTRAY â€" To my premises on or about July 20th, 2-yenr-okl heifer. Owner prove property and pay expenses. â€" W. A- Beaton. R B- 1, Ceylon. Upl CAME ASTRAY â€" To my premises Lot 171, 1 N.E., ArtemoHin, on or about August 15, 1 heifer, Owner prove properly and i»y expenses- --=-Wm. Dionne, R.R. 3 Proton Sta- HARRIS & DUNLOP BARRISTERS, SOLICirOKS, Etc Phone 38 MARKDALE Mr- Dunlop will be in C. J. Bellamy's office every Sat- urday from 6 to 8:30 p.m. WM. KNITTING LICENSED ATCTIONKKI for the County of Grey Farm and Stock sales our sv 'altj Terms: reasonable. Satis/action i. guaranteed. Uate» arranged at Th- Advance office or phon« 4w. â-  â-  LI0HTN4NG AND FIRE ARE DISASTROUS Consult GARNET MAGEE, Agent EUGENIA AUTOMOBILE, FIRE, BURGLARY PLATE GLASS AND GENBRAL 'N8URANCE Confederation Life InnraiiM Messrs. motor foi: fonipa Hi!^^ Wni. N. Hemphill and Jos. of Toronto spent a couple .=> week with Miss Eilith Hemphill. The W. I- will meet at the home of Mrs. John McDonald on We.hies- d:iy, Sept. -Ith. nt 2:30 p.m. Roll call: A recipe my jrrandmother used- .-Vll visitors are welcome. Mr. Royden McDonald of Gold Pines. Ont., joined his wife here for a three-week's visit with his father, Mr. Art McDonald, and sister, Mrs- Norman Scarrow. Mr, an^d Mrs, Robt. Gorley visited over the week end with the former'^ sister and hukband, Mr. and Mrs. W, Collins, also with their niece and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ros^ Armi- tage, at Newnnarket. _ Miss Maxlne and Douglas Teeter returned to their home in Markdale after S'pen<ling two weekfe with their grandparents, Mr- and Mrs. Frank Teeter, Mr, and Mrs. J. N. Guy, Mr. nnd Mrs Ross Guy. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Guy and baby, Janice, all of Midland. ftl)ent the week end with Mrs. Sarah Guy and Jean. Mr. .John Richardson and Miss Florciico Richardson of I-kis .\ng€le^. Calif., and Mrs. J. I.atimer, Toronto, returned to Toronto on Monday, after visiting a few days with Mr. and Mrs. C- N. Richardson- cessories which can be domed on â€" a satin bow at the neck, a frilley jabot, an embroidered animal for the pock- et, an appliqued flower or a patch with a monogram. T.AKE A TIP A new garment deserves a good start. Put in back and arm shieldte. Protect boys' new trousers by sewing retreads inside in seat and knees. For a ;;e>v coat, make 'shields ot matchinK lining cloth. Sew them und- er the arms and they will take the tains and the rub- On wet days, protect your wool clothes with an umbrella or raincoat. If wool clothes get wet or muddy, dry them slowly at room warmth â€" never close to a stove or radiator When dry brush them. Use sock nnd sweater forms to,,kee!j laundtred pieces in shape. Keep clothes mended â€" a time saves nine- >^speed Sewinfj i's acconvp!ish^<i!e a lamp ily and e;isily if yjHrolb nearby so with a Istrong ej^tly on your work- that it shine^rtDlNG (requested) lilk. 2 <;ups cooked p.«. melted fat, 1 tibsp. ar. 1 tsp. !salt, "4 tsp. pepper, eggs, well beaten- .\dd milk, corn, fat, sugar and sea- sonings to eggs- Turn into greased casserole and bake in preheated elec- tric oven of 350 degrees for 45 m'n- WWey: "Just think, dear, one half of the word doesn't know how the other half lives-" Hubby: "Don't worry about it. dar- ling- it's not your fault- An elevator oper&tor, off for the day, was replaced by a girl who 01. her first trip brought the elevator to an abrupt stop. "Did I stop too quick?" she asked the passengers- "Oh, no indeed." coyly rep^ ^^^ little old lady in one corne^^^^^'^ car. "I always wear around my ankles." NOTICE. temiber, 1)946, full particulars of HcAif claims- Immediately after the said date the Executrix of this estate will distribute the assets of the said de- ceased having regard only to the claims of which shf shall then have notice, to the e.vclusion of all others, and she will no-t be liable to any per- son whp<^ claim she shall not th«n j,^vo..«*otice of for the assets so dis- +jji*uted OT any part theeof. ' Dated at Markdale this 19th day of August, 1946. HARRIS & DUNLOP, Markdale, Ont. Solicitors for Executrix IN i. fioR THERN MOTOR SERVICE Domeatie and Commercial. Split â€" Two and Thrwi Phaa*. Hifk Speed and Low Speed Electric Drills. Workmanahlp Guaranteed. Prompt rewinding serTice on "lectrlc motAra of all kindi_ 7lt J. MIDDLETON SM Aw. K. OWBN SOUND Mother: "You were a tidy boy not to throw your orange peel on the floi r of the hu«<. Where did .vou put it'" Johnny: "In the pocket of the man next to me-" PAINTING & DECORATING Phone 7M Ex^^ert painting and decoratinsr; estini'it?!^ given- CLulREMCE DEVERAUX Phone 4rl Feversham, Ont- choice of '^ c. grated cheesse. '.'1 c. mushrooms, 'u c- chopped ham. PICKl^ED BEETS (requested) 1 cup cider vinegar, 6 whole cloves. '•; cup water, ^ij tsp. salt, 2 tspfe- cinnamon, cooked beets. Boil ingredients together- Mean- while pack hot pint jars with skinned, sliced, cooked Wets- Pour boiling vinegar mixture over the beets to top of jar. Seal tightly and store. This makes 1 quart. CANNED SUCCOTASH Use corn, cut from cob. tuul greer. lima beans or green soy beans, and can according to instructions for corn. CANNING TOMATO SOUP 1 peck ripe tomatoes, 4 onionfe. sliced, 12 sprigs parsley, 2 bay leaves- 1 tsp. celery seed, 1 tsp, ekivp'-. hi:'ii'^ removed. 2 tbsps. salt, 1 tbsp. sugar, 1 tsp. pep- per com. Wipe tomatoes •;)nd quarter. Tie "iece.'; in a basr. Boil all together genf ly at first, until the juices flow. Then let dimmer for 'a hr. Strain, reheat, bring to boiling point, fill sterilized jars to overflowing and seal at once. Use for meat, fish or vegetables, gravies or for soups. THE SUGGESTION BOX Presei-ve rubber article's: Sprinkle I'-iinproof things with talcum pow- <lei' before folding to pack away. (Do not fold unless neces'sary.) Store in a cool dark place. You cvin wash rub- ber goods with soapy water but rince thorougly with clear water, then pat dry with absorbent cloths. A girdle should be roled in a heavy towel to dry. U^e of shoe bag: Girls jroing away to school find a shoe bag very handy â€" not only for shoes but for clean- ing cloths. At home, dusters, brushed!, wax cans and furniture polish are handy to reach in a shoe bag hung on a <loor. Caro of shoe^: Put trees in shoes boforc' putting them awviy. Periodi- cally air them outlside- To clean, brush , cleaning the brufeh frequently as you work. Apiply polish in thin coats hut often. MATTER of the Estate ce Davis of thte Towrtship "s-fftemesia, deceased, AH persons having claims against the estate of Florence Davis, late of the Township of Artemesia, in the County of Grey, who died on or about the 12th day of December, 1045, are hereby notified to ^end in to Harris & Dunlop, Solicitors for the Execu- trix, on or before the 9th day of Sep- W^ ^ ^o^^en/o^ IS "^ To Toronto 9.05 a.m. b 7-10 p.m. LEAVE FLESHERTON (Daylight Time) To Owen Sound b 12.05 c 4,05 p,m. b Sun. and Hoi, R 8.40 p.m. gr daily except Sat c Sat. only BUS CONNECTIONS A,T TORONTO FOR OTTAWA - MONTREAL - DETROIT CHICAGO . ST. LOUIS And all U.S,A, points Toronto Ottawa Monteral FARES ARE LOW Round Trip â€" Tax Included $ 5,35 X Detroit $17.55 X Chicago - $2080 xSt. Louis X â€" Via Toronto $15.85 $31.40 Tickets and lofnnnation at W. TURNEY FLESHERTON . Phone 63 ? k Don't Gamble on Health 1 ^. PROTECT YOUR SAVINGS -Iâ€" - WITH HEALTH INSURANCE I Full hospitalization plan G. D. MacARTHUR Mutual Life, Fire, Casualty Wind, Hospitalization Phone 82J FLESHERTON â- I f f % I 1 11 \

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