"NOTHING CAN KEEP US FROM OUR HOMELAND" ':-'>^:A. I â- â- â- •: â- ,1. -.. . - ,V - ' In the dark of a mid-iummar idght recently, a former Cana- dian corvette, the Josiah Wedge- wood, alipped from an unnamed European port and headed for Palestine. Aboard the veetel, crammed into every inch of deck apace, above, were 1300 Jewiah refugees, aeeMng es- cape from authorities and refuge in Palestine. Their journey and their destination were illegal, but a makeshift banner, left, proudly portrayed their spirit and defied intervention. Sev- enty-three miles out at sea Brit- ish warships spotted the outlaw craft, lay in wait until it entered territorial waters, then closed in. The corvette halted only after a British destroyer fired three shots in warning. The ref- ugees, below, their flight a fail- ure, qtiietly accepted detention. They were held at Athlit Clear- ance Camp at Haifa, Palestine, on an official charge of being a "menace to navigation." MONTY MUST HAVE KNOWN SOMETHING Battles or bets, "Monty" just couldn't lose. He wan £S from Maj.-Oen. Churchill C. Mann, C.B.E., D.S.O, Vice-chief of Staff, Canadian Army, when t:ie latter was Chief of Staff of the First Canadian Army in Western Europe, according to the current issue of Mayfair Magazine. Proof la the filing card reproduced above. Ma j. -Gen. Mann's handwriting is as follows: "Brig, C. C. Mann bets iC 6 to ..1 that the war with Germany will not (intih before l-S-48." The wager is acknowledged in the lower comers by the signatures of Brig. Mann and Field Marshal Montgomery, and the date 22-10-44. At the left, centre, is the inscription "Kccelved, thank you. B. I* Montgomery, Field Marshal, t-t-li.** Highlights of the News Polymer Output High Polymer Corporation of Sarnia produced a total of 212,641,000 pounds of buna-S and butyl rubber from Septtmbcr, 194.1, until March of this year, according to figures just recently released. The demand for Sarnia-madc rubber, it is reported, is now at the highest level in the history of the company. No prediction is made as to how long this extra- ordinary demand will continue, but opiion is that a substantial demand 1^11 be maintained indefinitely. A year ago Polymer was turning oat only one kind of buna-S. To- day it is producing four types, plus three types of buna-S latex. In the same period the plant added a new commercial type of butyl to its pro- ductive capacity. General Strike In Calcutta British troops were alerted to stand by for possible riots as a one-day hartal (general protest strike) called in sympathy with the postal telegraph walkout complete- ly paralyzed Calcutta, a city of 4,- 500-,000. Tension mounted as armed civili- an police patrolled the city in ra- dio-equipped trucks. Workers pa- raded through the streets shouting "open the Treasury." There were no immediate reports of violence. AH transportationâ€" trolleys, taxi'; and rickshaws â€" was at a standstill. Newspapers suspended publication. Mercantile firms, banks, offices and factories shut down. Steel grills were locked in front of most shops, especially in the European section, which suffered the brunt of attacks in riots last February. Will Unify Reich Zones The United States state depart- ment announced Britain has ac- cepted "in principle" the United States government's proposal to unify occupation zones in Ger- many. The department's announccnienj reiterated the hope that Russia and France likewise will accept. Despite this hope, the expecta- tion among diplomats in Washing- , ton is that the United States and Britain at once will work out de- tails for unifying their own zones economically, that France prob- ably will join promptly and that Russia will refuse to co-operate. The announcement which may mark a step in the hardening of the great power split in Germany came as Secretary of State Byrnes met with Prime Minister Attlee and Foreifin Ministers Molotov and Bidault in the first day of the Paris peace conference. Yanks to Leave Italy State Secretary Byrnes said that United States troops would be withdrawn from Italy 90 days after the effective date of the Italian peace treaty. Presumably his press-conference statement also contemplated the simultaneous withdrawal of British troops from Italy. HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention â€" Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Staco Harness Supplies. We sell our goods only through your local Slaco Leathei Goods dealer. The good." arf right, and so arc- our prices We manufacture in our fac torie.« â€" Harness, florse Col lars. Sweat Pads, Horse Blan keUs, and Leather Travelling Goods. Insist on Staco Brand Trade Marked Goods, and yiu "•of satisfarfion. Mnde only bv SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD WRITE FOR CATALOGUF 12 WfllinRton St. E., Toronir World Food Forecast A United States Department of Agriculture report predicted an "uncomfortably low" world food supply for next year. Europe's food production may reach 90 per cent of the pre-war average, it was said, but famine was forecast for India and China. Cattle Prices at New Top Choice cattle broke the all time price record when one load sold «l Union Stockyards, Chicago, for $26.50. Ten other loads sold for $26.25 The record set just a week ago was $26.35. Best hogs at $22 equalled the modern price record set last week, the highest in 27 years. Kdlogg's Bran Flakes art delicious. In a n- cent survey Canadian housewives voted Kdlogg's 3to 1 favour- ite over any other brand. Make this 30-day testl 1. If you're really ill, see yoiu- doctor! But if you just feel dull and head- achey, you may only be suffering from incomplete elimination. Especially if you're over 35. Here's how one simple change of diet can help you keep fit! 2. Start now to eat Kellogg's Bran Fktkes every morning. If you want to keep feeling fit the natural way,, get more of the "bulk" your system needs by eating delicious, gently- laxative Kellogg's Bran Flakes With Other Parts Of Wheat. 3. Just thirty days should prove to you how grand it is to feel alert, to- have the energy for all the extra things you'd like to do. You'll want to go on keeping fit the Kellogg way! Bran Flakei, Pep, Corn Flakes, All- Braii, Rice Krispies, Krumbles and All-Wheat ore all mode by Kellogg's, the greatest name In cereals. SAVE TIME...SAVE FUEL.. .SAVE FOOD! BUILDERS OF CANADA'S NUMBER^/TIRE ill TO MEET YOUR TIRE NEEDS YOUR NEARBY FIRESTONE DEAUR WILL RECAP YOUR PRESENT SMOOTH TIRES TO il KEEP YOU GOING 5AF£ir NOW! )/(? WHEN NEW FIRESTONE D« laxi CHAMPIONS ARE AVAILABLE HE WILL PUT THEM ON YOUR CAR AND GIVE YOU A GENEROUS TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE ON YOUR RECAPPED TIRES... ^^- >.ife» --^ CANADA'S iNUiNffR^ • iNIUAGE •SAFETY •VALUE Thi8 sensational, new plan brings you driving safety NOW when you need it most â€" it eliminates the guesswork about the condition of your tires. Just drive in to your nearby Firestone Dealer: if your present tires are smooth and dangerous and he cannot supply new tires, he will arrange to have your present tires quality recapped by the famous Firestone Factory Method. You exchange smooth tire danger for the famous Gear Grip safety tread that provides extra protection against skidding. And what's more â€" when new Firestone DeLuxe Champion Tires are available your Firestone Dealer will take back your re- capped tires, give you a generous trade-in allowance, and put the new DeLuxe Cham- pions on your car. Why take chances â€" let the Firestone 2-Way Plan be your answer to driving safety. See your nearest Firestone Dealer today. V M 1} X