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Flesherton Advance, 17 Jul 1946, p. 8

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Wednesday, July 17, 1946 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE tC Small Ads FOR SALE â€" 6 2-y«or-old cattle.â€" Fred Duckctt, R.R- 4 Flei^herton. FOR SALE â€" (j-room solid brick house in Flc^herton. For infor- mation apply to The Advance- FOR SALE â€" Young Yorkshire sow due about Aug. 5. â€" Isaac Ottewell, Eugenia, phoe Fevershani 23r33. WAN^rED â€" AiUKwU suitable to mink and fox f*ed. â€" Ben MciniuA. Eug«aift, phon« Kevemiip-'i 6n!6 FOR SALE â€" Number of Collie pups. May be Seen at Gordon Irwin's, 1 mile south Flesherton- WANTED â€" Three good men for bush work, good wages. â€" Chas. Pocock. phone 20r34 Feversham. Fy>R SALE â€" Young Yorkshire pigs, just weaned â€" Dougald Stephens. Feversham. phone 9rl5. 6p2 FOR SALE â€" Quantity of hay, will sell by acre. â€" Jos. Wat«on, phone 33r3, R. R. 3 Pricevilk. ©pi FOR SALEâ€" Black Percheron horse 8 yr?. old; Adams ^4-wagon in Al condition â€" J. W. R. Lever, phone 33t14 Flesherton. 6p2 CAR WANTED â€" Cask paid for a 1938 or 1939 model car in good repair. What have you? Enquire at The Advanc* office. &p2 Local aod t^ersoudl FOR SALE â€" Medium size Speight wiajron; quantity of dry lath; and Daisy barrel churn. â€" J. T. Parker, phone 32r2 Flesherton. 6p2 FOR SALE â€" Bed divanette in ex- cellent condition; also hand carpet sweeper. â€" J. Tomlinson, Trout Lodge, Eugenia. 4p2 WANTED â€" Good clean home for invalid girl 7 years old; good re- muneration. Write to Box 265 The Flesherton Advance. 6p2 LOST â€" Steel fishing rod between my home and Laurie Pedlar's, 4th line. Finder please notify Percy Magee Eugenia, phone 6r2 Fever, NOTICE â€" Trespassing on Lots 33 and 34, Con. 12, Artemesia, strictly prohibited; offenders will be pros- ecuted. â€" Bert Magee, Euenia- J' aip§ I : : â€" ^â€"L â€" :__: â€" . â€" : â€" «#' FOR SALE â€" McCormick mower, 6 ft- cut (big six) in good refpair; also grade Durham bull, 2 years old. â€" Bert Magee, Eugenia, phone Feversham 5rll. NOTICEâ€" Will the person who took the desk lamp from the Eastern Star rooms please return, as it was a gift to the Chapter- â€" Mrs. Irva Clark, W.M. 6e2 -Mr. and Mrs. John Cook are sipend- ing a couple of weeke in Toronto. iMr. Frank Bunt of Toronto Is vis- iting Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McTaviSh- Jt'un McCracken of Torontv spent the week end at her home. Ma.stor Roy Park is visiting in To- ronto this week. -Mr. and Mr*s. John Roberts of Lis- towel visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ab- Stewart last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Armstrong of Toronto sPent the week end with his parents. Mi', and Mrs- J. Armstrong. Miss Gladys Gerred of Toronto is visiting her friends. Miss Laura Boyd. Misfe Reta Crane of Owen Sound is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. C, N. Richardson at present. Mre. Margaret Cotter of Wiseton, SaSk.. is visiting for a week with Mr. and Mrs. A. E- Bell. Mr- and Mrs. Jahn Styles and son, Garry, of Toronto were the guests of -Mr- and Mrs. Aberdein laSt week. Mr- and Mrs. Wallace Brett of Or- angeville were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Boyd on Sunday. Miss Hilda Crowe, Toronto, is vis- iting her grandpai-ents, Mr- and Mrs. Jos. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Orowe and Mr. Joie Williams of Toronto spent th« week end with their parents, Mr, and Mrs- Jos. Williams- Mr. Kenntth Perigoe of London and Mr. Ross Perigoe of Bermuda are guests of Mr- and Mrs- Albert Stewart this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Craig and Glen and Mr- and Mrs- Carl Reid of Or- angeville were recent visitors with Mr- and Mrti. Dave Williams. Rev. Dr. S. D- Gaudin of Trans- cona, Man-, spent the past several days with hite sister, Mrs, W. H- Thurston. Miss Maxine and Master DouglaS Teeter of Markdale are spending their holidays with their grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrte. Frank Teeter. Mrs. R. Bentham returned home Saturday, after visiting in Hamilton for a week and called on her grand- son. Laveme Wood, who underwent an operation in Christie Street mili- tary hospital last week. QENERAI^ INSURANCE Fire â€" Casualty Hospitalv&'tion â€" Weather in any of the best companies MUTUAL LIFE INiSURANCE G. D. MacARTHUR Phone 82J Flesherton ADDITIONAL LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. Torrence Williams and family spent the past week end with Mr. and Mrs- H«nry Heron and family at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lehman and Mr. and Mrs. Hayden of Toronto were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kellar and M'r. Jake WilliamS oi Eugenia- Mr. and Mrs. Claude Akins, MrS- Geo. Hutchinson, Christina and Mil- ton, attended the golden weddiiiK celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Robt- G- Acheson at Proton Station Sunday. Mr. and Mi-fe. Alex. McEachnie of Lome Park and Miss Marie McEach- nie of Toronto are spending a week visiting friends and relatives heie and at Markdale. Mr. and Mrs. W- D. Colquette vis- ited over the week end with their daughter, Mrs. E. J. Fisher, on theii way home to Owen Sound from a motor trip to New Lislteard. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Graham of Fairholme, Sask., are spending some time at the old home in the Valley with Miss Minnie Gi*aham and have also visited with Mrs- Graham's sis- ter Mrs. C J. Bellamy, Flesherton. *********** 1f t* l* *** ^ ********it************* * ***4l 1 1 in -**********'! I « • ♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦; Massey-Harris Farm Equipment For Dependability and Service " BOWI. CAME Ai5TRAYâ€" Came to my prem- mise's, 2 head of yt-arling cattle. Owner prove proiperty and Tiay expenses- â€" Wm. J. Hincks, Ceylon phone Flesherton 22r3. 7c:i MAN WANTED â€" Excellent oppor- tunity for single man at Bond Ha- ven Farm with some of Canada's finest Holsteins, ROP. and show herd; milking machines, and all modern convenience^; regular hours: and best wages ; no outside work. I Write C. J. Carswell, Bond Head; j or if this week contact Harold j Turner, Eugenia, phone Feversham 5 r 23. 7cl ! FARM FOR SALE Comprising Lots 1-11 aii^l 1-12, 2 N-E., Artemesia, good building*. Apply to Hi'nry Brown S., R. R. No. 2. Flesherton. GENERAL TRUCKING My truck is available for General 'itiKking- Will gw anywhere for â-  y kind of load at reasonable ices. Your patronage solicited and sat- isfaction guaranteed. ELDRIDUE BOYCE Phone 74r21 Eugenia, Ont. 47p8 HORSE FOR SERVICE Woodslea Elegant, Brown Clyde, about 2.000 lbs., white face and legs. Fee 17-00 at the barn- â€" Philip A- Harrison. 2% miles north .of Price- Tille. 3p4 BUSINESS CARDS DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Graduate of Toronto University Office: Kennedv Block Phone 77 Flesherton C. J. BELLAMY Vir.LACE CLERK A Commissioner for talcing Affidavits Issuer of Marriage Licenses CONVEYANCING DEEDS MORTGAGES, WIL^S, Etc. Office: Toronto Street. Flesherton HARRIS & DUNLOP BARIUSTKRS, SOLICITORS, Etc Phone 38 MARKDALE Mr- Dunlop will be in C. J. Bellamy's office every Sat- urday from 6 to 8:80 p.m- WM. KAITTING I. ICKNSKi) Al'CTIONKEIi for the County otf Grey Farm and Stock a«les our sp =alty forms: reasonable. Satisfaction ii guaranteed. Dates arranged at Tii< Advance office or phon-e iw. LIGHTN4NG AND FIRE ARE DISASTROUS Consult GARNET MAGEE, Agent EUGENIA AUTOMOBILE, FIRE, BUKGLARY, PLATE GLASS AND GENERAL 'NSURANCE Confederation Life InawaM* NORTHERN MOTOR SERVICE Domestic and Commercial, Spli' â€" Two and Three Phase, Hi|h Speed and Low Speed Electric Drills. Workmanship Guaranteed, Prompt rewinding service on electric motors of all Idnds â€" J. MIDDLETON m - tad Ars. B. OWBN SOUND Phone 7*1 Helllo Homemakers! Food fresh- ness has an appeal all itfe own. The quality and the quantity of your own garden produce can be used to ad- vantage if you keep food fresh. With summer weather creating fickle appe- tites, plan to serve the season's fruits and vegetables in winning ways- What cold comfort there is in crisp salads, in clear, sparkling jellies, chilled fruit cups, luscious iced des- serts and frosty beverages! To pride yourself in a job well done, review the method of operat- ing the electric refrigerator, which does feuch a big job of maintaining food freshness- F'KBSH TOSSED SALAD Prepare crisp salad greente, toma- to wedges, paper-thin cucumber slices and onion rings. Toss thor- oughly in tart French dressing and feerve in individual salad dishes rub- bed once with garlic. NOODLE SALAD Boil 4 ounces flat noodles in a large pot of malted water until ten- der. Drain, rinse with hot water, drain and cool. Add 1 cup (each) fine-cut celery and grated raw carrot with sliced radishes, chopped pickle and scraped onion to taste. Thick salad dressing â€" salt â€" pepper ana serve with headcheese. FRUIT SALADS Drained grapefruit and orange section^, folded with halved straw- berries and whipped-cream mayon- naise- Sei-ve in lettuce on individual salad plates or in a big salad bowl, with sprinkle of chopped nuts. White cream cheese or cottage cheese mixed with diced rhubarb steeped in syrup and finely-chopped parsley, and mounded in lettuce; cover with strawlberry haWes and garni'sh with orange- Hot brown rolls or biscuits make the perfect sup- plement. Lime-jelly ring nested in crcs< filk'<l with sliced strawberries and Kurnishcd with nut-coated balls I i)f cream cheese. CARE OF AUTOMATIC REFRIGERATOR 1- Cheek the door gasket (rubber) by inserting a slip of paper in the opened door- Clo^e the door â€" if you can pull out easily, the gasket needs replacing. Keep the gasket clean- Oil and grease â€" even fingei perspiration â€" damages it. Wash- ing It frequently with mild soap and water will prolong its life. 2. Keep the door shut as much as po78sible â€" never let it fetand open. Plan "take-outs" and "put-aways' so that you won't have to open the door any more- than necessary. 3. Allow foods to cool before plac- ing them in the refrigerator- Nevei put in hot foods â€" your refrigerator h«s to work harder vo absorb that heat. 4- Always cover all cooked food? before you put them in the refriger- ator- Never put them in the refrig- erator- This helps help's keep the refriiterator from needling dofrost- injr frequently and save the mechan- ism from overworking. (It saves vitamins, too-) 5. Defrost when the ice on th* We have the following machined on hand: New 61ft. Binder Reconditioned 6-ft. Binder Reconditioned 7-ft. Binder New Dump iRoke Frost & Wood Mower Used Dnmp Rake New 13-disc Grain Drill New 2-furrow Plow 2 Sets 3-section Spring Tooth Harrow Cream Separators: hand or electric Nearly new l-furrow Riding Plow . . Walking Plows, various styTes Used 2-fUrrow Plow Tricycle^ Sunshine Baby Carriage BEATTY BROS. BARN EQUIPMENT Steel Bam Track Sling Chains Slings Carriers for both Steel and Wood Tracks %-in. Bam Rope .Assortment Harvesting Tools Pump Jacks: open gear or enclosed oil bath Water Pumps: sliallow and deep well systems 3-in-l Shingles ROOFING -AND SIDING We still ..have some Insulbrick Siding. Roll ' Roofing and and 3-in-l Sliingles FOR THE FLIES Screen Doors Window Screens House Spray Galvanized' Screening D.DT. Bam Spray J. M. STAFFORD MASSEY-HARRIS FARM MACHINERY HARDWARE FEEE FEED ROOFING CEMENT Phone 4 r 22 FEVERSHAM, Ont. ' freezing unit gets '^ inches thick, Heavy frost reduces the circulation of cold air, 6. Keep temperature control set at normal, except when freezing (e.g., making ice cream), As soon afe pos- sible after quick freezing, set back the control to normal. 7. Don't overload the refrigerator. Leave room around foods to let the cold air circulate- Overloading, es- pecially in hot weather, is a frequent cause of breakdowns. 8. Air-circulation around the re- frigerator is important. Keep the refrigerator two inches from the wall and allow a clear space above it. Don't pile on top thinsgs that cut off the free circulation of air. 9. Never use an ice pick or knife point to remove ice trayte or chip frost froTH' the freezing coils. You m-.iy seriously damage the unit- To prevent ice trays from sticking don't fill them full; wipe off edges and bottoms of trays- 10. Twice a year disconnect your refrigerator and clean the condenser with a long-handled brush or your vacuum cleaner brush attachment, gee your manufacturer's directions to Ibcaie the condenfeer. An open type electric mechanism should be oiled according to manu- facturer's directions- See that belt is in good condition and not loose. If loose or worn have it replaced. 12. When you go away from home for only a few days set cold control at low and keep the refrigerator running. If you will be away some time, turn off refrigerator; take out perishable foods and empty the trays; prop the door open. The sergeant wate fed up with the time it took for a new recruit to master a simple drill. "What did you do before you join- ed up?" he demanded. â- , „â-  <! "I worked in a bank," the soldier replied. "Oh," scoffed the sergeant, "I sup- pose you mean you wiped off the desks, filled the ink-wells, and emp- tied the wastpaper baskets.' "No," replied the recruit with bridling dignity. 'T wafe the assistant accountant- But we did keep an old sergeant around to do tjie work you mention." STAR WEEKLIES Star Weeklies n<xw awalable. Get yours from your Star carrier, Bruce Thui-feton. NOTICE I The Council of the Municipality of the Village of Flesherton hereby re- quest the rateipayeite cut the weeds On the different properties belong- ing to them. â€" C J. BELLAMY. Clerk ^^44^^^4,^ ^ ^i, * ** JH f l - lH -* h* ************************ 1f*ht I ******** **** ** ** ** *** 1 1 1 >* â-  F. T. HILL & CO., Limited Th!s Store will be closed the first week in August, to enable our staff to enjoy a holiday. REMEMBER the week of closing August 5th to 12th F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. Phone 7 Markdale ♦»♦♦♦» »»*^^** n ♦♦♦♦♦»♦**•»♦< • nMM *«*»» t *»» f**m ii t t m ill tif^^t I n »»» nn ml r

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