THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, July 17, 1946 •5 4 EUGENIA \\\\*\^M \\, 1 1. Ill///// /////////A^ Answering every call . . . keeping pace with steadily increasing telephone demands . . . her devotion and skill have kept delays to a minimum. And always, unfailingly, her voice is "the voice with the smile" s . . competent, friendly, reassuring. You know she will get your call through the minute she can! Mr. and Mrs- Percy Smith and little son have moved from Bramp- ton to the Sth Line and are now re- siding in the Cameron cottage. Mr. Mannie Ha^s of WalkertMi spent the week end with his wife and daughter at the Pinkerton home Mr. and Mrs- Will Campbell ol Toronto are holidaying at theii summer home here. Mrs. Allen McGregor spent the week end at Gait and attended the wedding of her sister-in-law on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hazard, Mr. Geo. Rush of Gait were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Paw- cett. Mr. and Mrs- C. Boyce and Jean visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs- John Badgerow and Inez, 4th Line. Sorry to report Mrs. Wm. His- lop on the "sick list- We wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs- Herb Johnson and son were callers on the Boyce fam- ily while on a holiday frcm Xortheni Ontario. Mrs. C. Armstrong, Robert and Ivan of Samia are visiting with | Mr. and Mr^. Robt. Haney. Mrs. Virgie Graham and daughter Ruth of Toronto are visiting with friends in the village- Mr. and Mrs. Lome Heeney and Judy have returned to Toronto after holidaying at the Burton home. VICTORIA CORNERS PRICEVILLE STEPHEN'S CORNERS Mr. ud ICn. D. A. WtaUx* Ol Thombury and Mr. and Mrs. John Simpson of Saskatchewan visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clafrence Winters. Mr. Wildon Lougheed of Bramp- ton spent the week end here. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stephen^ of Shelbume were visitors on Sunday ! with Mr- and Mrs. Emerson Wright, i Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hammill and ; Brian of Toronto visited during the â- week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ray j B ATES FOR OOTS DUNDALK Pedlar._ Mrs- Hammill and Brian remained for a visit. Miss Minnie Lougheed of Bramp- ton is holidaying et the homo of her brother, Mr. J. A. Lougheed. Mr. Charlie Fenwick of Toronto visited recently with Mr. and Mi^. Joe Porteous. Recent \-isitors with Mr. and Mrs- Tels- Allison were: Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wright of Berkeley, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ste-.vart of Plesherton and Jlr. and Mrs. Bill LaSaUe of Ottawa. We are sorry to report that MisS Edith Lougheed, who w;i.- visiting at the home of her brother here, had the misfortune to fall and break her arm- Mr-: (reading aloud a newspaper report of a fire) "One woman escap- ed down a water pipe at the back of the house." Mrs.: "How lovely to be as Slim as â- hat." ♦â- CREAM On account of the shortage of food generally, a higher production of dairy products is very es- sential. Therefore, during the summer months when grass becomes short from lack of rain, or the cowa slack down in production because of being disturbed by tiies. it is advisable to feed the milk cows a bit extra grain. â- < * POULTRY ♦ Ik ♦ 4 * ♦ The poultry market is now exceptionally keen, particularly for young diickens. We advise you to market your chickens now. You there- by save feed and relieve the extremely heavy flow of poultry in the fall. For your convenience we are op^n Wednesday and Saturday evenings until 10 o'clock. Flesherton Creamery Angus Atis, M«Mg«r Ptioae 66 FLESHERTON, The W.M.S. and Willing Helpert met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Philip Harrison. w;en tr..^ Swinton Park Society members were quests, with about 20 members from there being present. Mrs- J. A. Nichol presided- Mr. Halilwell spoke a few words, after which Mrs. Neilj Campbell took charge of the pro-! grram- Mrs. Walter Knox gave a, very interes-ting and humorous ja'-j ing; Mrs. Jean Love and daughter, ' Marie, sang a duet; Miss Marie Hay sang a solo; Mrs. G. A. Black con-' ducted a couple ci c'niests. n; C\ Mrs. J. A- Xichol. The meeting waS; closed by singing the National An- them after which a delightful salad plate lunch was served by the host- ess dnd her assistants. - The Y-P.S. met Tuesday night •it the home of Miss Margaret Me- .\rthur, when 14 were present. Mr. Grant Sayers presided and Mr. Hall- iwell read the Scripture and led in • prayer. A very interesting talk was given on the atomic bomb. Mrs. .A.. L. Hincks conducted a snow contest. Friday night a large crowd gat" •• ered at the hall in honor of a newly married coaple, Mr- and Mrs. John McArthur of Owen Sound. Owing to illnefes the bride was unable to be present. The evening was spent in dancing, music being supplied by Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McDougall and Bill McKechnie, Leonard and Bob McKeown. At the midnight hour the honoredguest was called to the front and Mr. Thos. McDougall spoke a few words and Mr. Elmer Neun made the presentation of a purtee of money. Johnie, in a few well chosen words, thanked all for the lovely gift. Miss Kathleen McArthur of To- ronto is holidaying at her parental home. Mrs. Percy Sims and Mrs. Runci- man spent the week end in Toronto- Mr. and Mrs. Gilvray McLean of Toronto sipent the week end at his parental home. Mrfe. Aldoom visited with Misses Ella and Laura McKinnon at Leith. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hill and Sandy of Fergus visited over the week end at the home of H. R. McLean. Mr. and Mrs. McLean accompanied them home for a visit. Mks Ruth McLean, Toronto, is visited at the home of her uncle, Mr. H. B. McLean. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Knox and fam- ily o-f Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. .\rt Richardson visited Satur«iay evening with Mr. and Mi^. H. Ricliardson. | Mr. Bill Ferguson and helpers of Orangeville are busy "decorating the: basement of St- .\ndrew's church. ; and also intend doing the interior of the manse. Mr- Art Jackson had the misfor- tune of puncturing his arm while fixing a tooth on the hay loader. The tooth freed itself quickly, pinning .Art's arm and forcing its way in. Medical aid was hastily summoned and- although suffering much pain, ike injured member Ls making good recovery- Mr Ernie Stinson under- went an operation on his leg and is making satisfactory progress since- Speedy recovery. Art and Ern. How well it might be said this year "the Glorious Twelfth-'' First post-war lAh, an ideal day and a tremendous crowd swelled the town of Dundalk, Most everybody in our community was in attendance, a number of men walking in the parade as members of L.O-L. Proton Station. Several of the ladies of Inistioge W.A- met in the home of the Misses Laurene and Muriel Talbot Wednes- day afternoon for their regular meeV ing. Plans were made for a bazaa't" to be held in the near future. Our deepest sympathy is with Mr- and Mrs- Ernie Nichoils in the trag'ic death of their only son, who met his death when struck by a car in Dun- dalk Saturday night- Ernie spent his childhood in our neighborhood and received his schocling at Victoria Corners school. Sunday quests with Mr- and Mrs. Walter Acheson were: Mr, and Mrs. Christie Johnston, Shelbume, Mr- and Mrs. Marvin Hand. Dorothy and Douglas of Alliston. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Duncan and Helen of Dundalk Mrs. Walter Allen of Toronto, the latter having spent the week end in the Acheson home w^ith her sister, and brother-in-law- Heartiest congratulations and best wishes to Mr. and Mrs, Robert G- .â- Acheson, Proton Station, who cele. b'.'-ated their fiftieth wedding anni- versary ait their home on Sunday, July 14th. ^^<^ LEAVE FLESHERTON â- ^•^ (Daylight Time) To Toronto * "^7* To Owen Sound 9.0S a.m. b 7.40 p.m. KIMBERLEY b Sun. and Hoi. b 12.05 "* •' c 4.05 p.m. g S.40 p.m. c Sat. onlv g daily except Sat. BUS COXXECTIOXS AT TORONTO FOR OTTAWA - MONTREAL - DETROIT CHICAGO - ST. LOUIS -\nd all U.S. Appoints Mr- and Mrs. M. Cook visited part of the week with Mrs. Ferguson. Miss Arlie Kirkpatrick is visiting with her brother and famiyl at New ^ gland. We are sorry to know that Mrs. D. Wallace is not feeling in good health. Mrs. R. McDonald (nee Odessa Wickens) and little daughter from the north are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Wickens. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Burritt. Mark- dale, visited friends in Kimberley on Friday afternoon. Mrs. S. S. Burritt was pleased to have a short visit on MondTV from Rev. Or, S. D. Gaudin of Trans- cm a. M-an. His friends in the Val- ley will be slad to know that he is enjoying good health. Miss Edna Burritt rf Toronto is spending a couple of weeks with her mother and other friends. We are fflad to know that Mrs Wallace is much improved in health. Mrs. B. .A- Carruthers held a very succe«^ul sak- ort, al^o Mr. Will. Haines on Wednesday. We are sorry to learn that Mrs. .Abe Knott passed away at midnight on Sunday, the remains being taker to Meaford undertaking parlors, from where the funeral will be held. Toronto Ottawa Monteral FARES ARE LOW Round Trip â€" Tax Included S 5.35 x Detroit S 17.55 X Chicago S20.80 X St. Louis X â€" Via iToronto $15,85 $24.2.i 331.40 Tickets and lofnrmation at W. TURNEY FLESHERTON - Phone 63 PORTLAW Priceville Presbyterian Notes Service of worship at 11 am,, with the minister as preacher. Sunday School following the morning service. The cho^r will meet for practice Thursday at 8:30 p.m. Miss Leona Patton of Dundalk is holidaying with her uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Patton. Mr. and Mrs. Art Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Luther Love spent a day in Fergus. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Betts spent the week end in Toronto with theii daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Dillon- and with their son, .Arthur, They also visited at Birch- clitfe with Mrs- Betts' aunt. Mr, and Mrs- Jack Brothingrton and son of Toronto were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C- D. Meldrum- Miss Ella Stoddart of Malton was a visitor last week with the Betis family. Mr. and Mrs, Albert Blackburn of Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs- Archie Xapier of Windsor were guests of the McKee, Plantt and Fisher famil- ies at the week end- Mr. and Mrs- Jas. Hopps spent Sunday with Mr- and Mrs. W. Yates near Berkeley, Little Joan and Patsy Londry of the Valley are enjoying a holiday with their cousines, Doreen and Thelma Fisher, Mr, a.nd Mrs. Bert Thompson ol Winnipeg were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Fisher and Mr. end Mrs. John McKee. Miss Isabel Croft is spending a Couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McKee. Toronto- Mr. and Mrs. Wes Plantt and'Janet Lougheed and Mr and Mrs- John Badgerow and Inez visited with Mr. and Mrs. W"ilfred Plantt in Meaford and too in the 12th of July celebra- tion there- RABBIT SMASHES A\1NDSHIELD Elmir Golden of Sullivan had an unusual and costly experience the other day. when the windshield oi his car was badly shattered by a rab- bit. They were coming' to Chesley and near the 10th of Sullivan saw a rabbi: a:«ng^ide the road. It hopped back and forth between road and ditch and finally jumped straight into the air in front of the car, end the windshield was ruined when it struck the rabbit â€" Enterprise. 1 â€" i .An airman had to take to his par- achute owing to engine trouble On his way through space he met an old lady floating, up. i "Hey!" he shouted- "Have you noticed a Spitfire g^ing down?" "No." rerplied the old lady. "Have' you seen a sas stove goinj up?" FOUNDATION GARMKTTS Spirella Foundation Garmentis mad« from measurements, taken over fi«t«nted modelinsr g«nMnt»! deab onstration no oUiscation. MRS A E. BKLLAMr. Flesherton- Ont. Frozen Food Is Delicioys FRUIT STRAWBERRIES RHUBARB RASPBERRIES PEACHES CHERRIES etc. VEGETABLES GREEN PEAS GREEX BEAXS CORX CAULIFLOWER SPIX.\CH etc. Save sugar and enjoy the choicest of food. Waxed cartons in pints and qiiarts available, also Mraxed paper for wrapping meat and fish. See the back of your contract for instructions on how to prepare frozen foods. Locker service open to patrons to 10 p.m., inducfing Sunday service. Lockers availabe at J. W. ROBINSON'S MODERN LOCKER STORAGE Phon« 14 FEVERSHAM, On*.