T w^ •5i» ^^w" • 4 .# ^ ^ -» â-º ^ \ + ^ .* » > « * -» * ' r T * * < > f > . • ' ». •« 4 > <t -♦ 9 • T i. • k 4 » * * THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, July 3, 1946 THE good#Fear ALL-WEATHER i i i Is tf-7 popular ehoka of moit truck «p*ratan. It's coot-ninning ... Ion g- nmiing . . . depsnalabi*. By far and away your b«st buy for economy and •otitfocHon. PORTLAW BRIVE III FOR COMPLETE GOODJfYEAR TIRE^ERVICE In an English school, girls take fencing lesons between morning and afternoon classes. Their lunge hour. Prison inmates should be given the latest news of the day, says a •warden, so they'll h«> satisfied to stay where they are. Mr. Edgar Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Taylor and Mrs. Eld. iBaney were visitors with the Taylor fam- ilies at the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Baker of Kentwood are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Luther Love. The Wilkinsons attended the Tur- ner reunion at CoUingwood on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Shier and Miss Janet Lougheed were in Owen Sound Friday eivening. iMT. Sam Ffeher and son, Clifford. of Toronto spent the week end here with the former's wife. Friends here express their deep- est sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Croft. Isabel and Marjorie on the death of their little daughter «nd sister, Elizaibeth Ann. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McKee and daughter, Ruth and June, of Toron- to spent the week end with the Mc- Kee and Boyce families. A nuniiber from here attended the Blackburn reunion at Midhurst on Monday, July l^t Miss Mary Sheardov\«n, Donald Sheardo-wn and boy friend of To- ronto visited with friends here at the week end. Mrs. John Gamey of Sask. is vis- iting her niece, Mrs. Florence Lyons. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lascelle and son. Bill, of Ottawa are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Pedlar thi^ week. Mrs. Laurie Pedlar and Mrs. I>avid Jamieson of Toronto have re- turned home, after enjoying a three w»eek holiday through the prairie provinces and in Vancouver. ORANGE VALLEY "What's the tim« by your watch?" "Quarter to." "Quarter to what?" "Don't know â€" things g«t so bad 1 had to lay off one of the handb." EUGENIA CEYLON Bachelor: "Sometimes I yearn for the peace and comfort of niiarried life." Married Friend (wistfully): So do I " B ATES FOR OOTS DUNDALK Mt. and Mrs. J. A. Hogg, Douglas and Mrs. M. Mitchell and daughter of Toronto were holiday visitors with Mr- and Mrs. G. Littlejohns- Messrs. Ernie. Burton and Miss Lois Russell spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Oliffoid Littflejohns at Sharon. School closed for the term Friday with a picnic at FleSherton park. The pupils presented their teacher, Mrs. Barber, who has resigned after two successful years of teaching, with a table reflector and ornament. Miss M. McDonaW. who has taught at Ceylon for three years, is the teacher for next term. Congratulations to Miss Betty Hill and Ray Srai-fti. who pasfeed the Entrance exams on their year's work. Miss Lois Russell was forc- ed to write, making two grades in one year- We -wish Lois every success. Mr- Bill Sprung spent a few days in Toronto last week. Mr. Elmer Russell ife assisting his brother. Don, with the haying for a few days. PRODUCE More Cream IN ORDER TO ENCOURAGE A GREA" PRODUCTION OF CREAM. THE GOVERN- MENT HAS ALLOWED A 4c RAISE IN THE PRICE OF BUTTER, WHICH RESULTS IN A 5c RAISE IN THE PRICE OF BUTTERFAT TO THE PRODUCER. THIS WE ARE NOW PAYING. No doubt many producers Mrill furthr increase their herd or, through extra feeding, benefit considerably by this boost in prioe. OPEN SATURDAY NIGHTS For your convenience the Creamery wiH be open Saturday evenings until 10 o'clock. Live and Dressed Poultry Flesherton Creamery â€" i Mrs. John Cairns visited over the | week end in Niagara Falls atid Weston. Misses Winneta and Carmel Mar- tin Of Toronto spent the week end and holiday at their parental home. Mr. and Mrs- Ekiwin Purvis, Joyce and Bobbie of Toronto, also Mr. Robt. Purvis, spent the week end at their cottage hear the lake. Joyce remained to spend a few ly)lidays with her friend, Irene Phillips. Mr. Eldridge Boyce visited for a few days with Toronto friendk Misses Joyce Genoe and Lois Wil- liams have each accepted a position art; a Huij(ijsville tourist home for summer months. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Sh»w and two children, Joyce and Hughie, of CoU- ingwood vifeited with the Boyce family on Sunday. Mrj. QJiasy Park and daughter, Gwlen. have moved to apartments above the Bank of Commerce in Flesherton. We wish them luck in their new home- Mrs. Lome Heeney and little daughter Judy, of Toronto are spending a fortnight at the Burton home. iMr. K. Martin and friend of To- ronto are visiting at the former's parental home here. iMdsses Mary and Isobel McKee and Mr. McCarthy of Toronto spent the week end at the former's home. Mr- and Mrs. Doug Cairns, Flesh- erton, spent the week end with the former's sister. Shirley, during his mother's absence. Mr. Allan MacGregor of Gait vis- ited over the week end with his wife and family at the home of Mr. Jas. Fawcett. Miss Jean Tudor of Kimberley is spending a week at her home. Her sister, Anna, is vfeiting this week with the Elford family, Kimberley. Mrs. Abbie Hammond and daugh- ter E^stelle. and little son are stay- ing at the McMullen home. School closed last week with a picnic Friday afteronon. The pupils presented their teacher. Miss Craig, with two "dog" ornaments and a fancy dish. Miss Craig left for her home at .^lenford Friday evening. She intends to teach at Windsor next term. The CGJ.T. met at the home of Mrs. E. Proctor and sipent an en- joyable evening in music, singing and social chat. During the course of the evening they presented their leader. Miss Craig, with a crystal I bourdoir lamp as a token of remem- ' brance- She replied, thanking them for their kindness- Mr. Dave Genoe has had a new verandah erected at the front of his residence, which is an added im- provement. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Little of Dun- dalk visited at the home of Bert Magee on Sunday. Donna Marie, who has spent the past week with her grandparents, returned home with them. Mr. and Ifes. LawBon White of Springhill were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs- Bert Magee. Ideal holiday weather for those who took advantage og the lone week end. A large numlber of residents of this village attended the presenta- tion and welcome-home Last Friday night at the home of Jas. McMullen, in honor of their son, L.A.C. Jack McMullen and also for Gnr. Jack .\damB, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Adams. These young men saw ser- vice with the Air Force and .-Vrniy respectively. The presentation of a sum of money was made to the returned men. We are all very glad to have the boys returning to their home land. Mr. Melville Hunt and Miss Peggy Pannabaker of Preston were holiday visitor^ with Mr. and Mrs. P. Hunt. Mr. Don Porter of Toronto spent the holiday with Mrs. Porter, Brian and Karen, at the home of J. S. McOermid. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Bullock and Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Oliver and daughter, Dianne. of Toronto spent the week end with Mrs. Jos. Oliver and R. C. Oliver. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Edwards and Murray returned hoime on Friday from Toronto. Rev. L. W. Mould preached his farewell sermon Sunday evening. We are sorry to lose Mr. Mould from this circuit, but wish him and his wife every success in their neiw work. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beach and Shirley of Buffalo and Mr. Wm. Kirk of Chatsworth are visiting with Mrs. Clarence Bartley and son, Kenneth. Holiday visitors with Mrt. C. Ar- chibald were: Mr. Willard McWhin- ney of Gravenhurst, Mr. Charles WalQcer. Mr- Laws Cotterell, Mrs. L. Strain Miss Theo Strain of Lan- sing, Messrs Lloyd Archibald of Gravenhurst and Harvey Archibald of Agincourt. Mr. Murray Marshall of Toronto was a holiday visitor at his home. ^OH^St/o^ LEAVE FLESHERTON MAXWELL (Daylig-ht Time) To Toronto To Owen Sound 9.05 a.m. b 7.40 p.m. b 12.05 c 4.05 p.m. S^ 8.40 p.m. b Sun. and Hoi. c Sat. only g daily except Sat. ' BUS COXXECTIOXS -A,T TORONTO FOR OTTAWA - MONTREAL - DETROIT CHICAGO - ST. LOUIS -\nd all U.S.A. points Toronto Ottawa Monteral FARES ARE LOW Round Trip â€" Tax Included $ 5.35 X Detroit S17.55 X Chicago S20.80 xSt. Louis X â€" \'ia iToronto $15.85 $24.aJ $31.40 Angus Avis, Manager Phone 66 FLESHERTON, ^ntano KIMBERLEY Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Baker and children have left for Cookstowii to camp for a couple of month.s- G-u'- net is working for D. L." Weber on the new road being constructed in ttiat district. The W. I- met at the home of Mrs. T. Soul on Tliursday afternoon, with 15 present. $12.50 was voted to the ball team and $15 to the library hoard for new books. We congratulate Mr. Jolley and his Entrance class in all parsing them e.xams successfully- Mr. Dalton Ferguson of Burling- ton spent the week end and holiday with his mother here. Miss Dunita Lawrence of .\ja.\ is spending a holiday with her parentfe. Mrs. Banks (nee Frances Hurd) is visiting Kimberley friends. Mrs. D. Daris and and children of Toronto are visiting friends here. We are sorry to know that Mrs. B. .\. Carruthers ife leaving our communuity this month. She is living a sale and will make her home with her son, Carl. Mr. F. Jolley has purchased her home. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Jolley among us. They will continue to teach in our school- Rev Cornish and Rev- Kerr of Mt. .â- Vlibert are engaged in evangelistic meetings in the baptist Church. Mr. Kerr gites real gosipel messages from which great benefit should be derived. Friday evening the friends anad neighbors of Mr. and J^rs. Law- rence Fenwick, newly weds, gath- ered in the Orange Hall and > pre- sented them with a purtee of money. The address was read by Miss Marie Blakey. Mr. Fenwick thanked his friends with a few well chosen words, expressing the pleasure of | himself and wife for the gift. The | evening was ^pent in dancing. Mr. and Mrs. E. Buckingham and ; Miss Shirley left on Thursday for a motor trip to the west coast. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Campbell of Toronto spent the week end with the kitter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ross. Mr. and Mrs. D. .â- \.. Wintert of Clarksburg spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Pallister. Mr. Orval Parker of Toronto is spending a few days here. Mr. Elmer Nicholl? of Torotno is holidaying with hi% grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ross Tickets and lofnrmation at W. TURNEY FLESHERTON - Phone 63 ROCK MILLS .A. mocking bird can change its tune 87 times in seven minutes. There's ^a mark for 'some of our pol- iticians to shoot at. FOUND.\TION GARMENTS 1 Spirella Fountain Garments m<ade from measurements, taken over â- patented modeling g«i-ments! dem- ; onstration no obligation. MRS. A- E. BELL.\MY. Flesherton. Ont. The rain on Monday was m-uch in ; need in this district and will do a great deal of good. i Some of the farmers have started haying. The hay is short and very ! light in places. Visitors over Sunday with Mr. and i Mrs. Cecil Betts were Mr. and Mrs. ] Wm. Lyons. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lyons and family of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Betts and two children of Pit>ton. We extend our sincere sympathy to Mr- and Mrs. Earl Croft in their berevement. by the sudden passing of their baby daughter. A number from kere attended the funerjil, which took place Sunday afternoon. .Mr. F.S. Routley of Toronto and Mr. W.O. Misener of Brampton were guests last week with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newell. Quite a number of local sportfe- nien attended the hoi'se races m Owen Sound last week. Mr- afld Mrs- Thos- Whitmore of Durham were visitors over the hol- iday with the Xewell families. Mr. Harold Williams and friend of Toronto were holiday visitors with Mr- and Mrs. Elwood Partridge. Miss Ettie Radley and nephew, Mr. Ken Partridge, visited with Mrs. Wm.Hawkins and son. Bob. 8th line. TORONTO LINE NORTH MisS Helen Brown of Toronto spent the week end and holiday with her parents, Mr- and Mrs. F- Brown. Mr- and Mrs. .A.- K. Dillane of Palmerston were recent visitors with Mrs. T. Lever. Mr. and Mrs. W- E. Thompson and two children of Kincardine were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs- H. McGee. Mifes Margaret remained for a holiday with her cousin. Jean. Mr- and Mrs. C Duke of Hamil- ton spent the week end with Mrs. T- Lever, Harold and Gertrude. Master Richard returned with them to at- tend camp, while Sharon remained for a longer holiday. "I had a letter from my husband today. He says he hopes to get de- moralized next week-" .\ nuin entered the waiting room of a "hos.pRal. His head was envelop- ed in bandiiges. "Are you married?" abked the dos1x>r. "T^o-" replied the man. "I've been run over." Frozen Food Is Delicious FRUIT STR.A\VBERRIES RHUBARB RASPBERRIES PEACHES CHERRIES etc. VEGETABLES GREEN PEAS GREEX BEANS CORN CAULIFLOWER SPINACH etc. Save sugar aund enjoy the choicest of f oo j. Waxed cartons in pints and quarts available, also waxed paper for wrapping meat and fish. See the back of your contract for instructions on how to prepare frozen foods. Locker service open to patrons 7a.ni. to 10 p.m., including Sunday service. Lockers availabe at J. W. ROBINSON'S MODERN LOCKER STORAGE Phone 14 FEVERSHAM, Ont.